HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-26, Page 6Q
11ipct c111t t ., 2 t.tP of and
there is perpetual' deapt rasa
When the hearts is full of long
'aanlarrlov 1)AwNI%1,--The at}oFt ing for the acme ones it is ha
of tb° brewers and liquor dealers to another made of oonttnuing to love
find shelter for their begetters babied them; and we abed Ware as well
the Federal constitution have pray
when we think of their departure as
sdineffeetunl. The l noted States when w° picture to oureelves our
Supreme Court has rendered a de- joyful reunion ; and the tears, me -
claim swoops away at once, tiuuke, differ not,
and for all time, the sophistries nun [saws.
whioh have been put forward to show
that the rum traffic is entitled to Luck laughs at fate.
the same rigbte, privileges and int- The saddest days are the longest.
sunuities under our laws that are The corp grows on the prettiest
,granted to the usefnl and honorable foot.
branches of trade and manufacture. Tho 'rugal father has the spend -
The point on which the Supreme thrift 1400.
D,onrtwas called to pass came up in We long most for the thing° we
the settlement of the famous Kansae have abased.
oases which appealed from the de-
eision of the United States Cironit
Ounrt in Kansas, where Judge
Brewer held that the liansaa Pro-
hibition liquor law was unconslitu-
tlonal, basiug that opinion on the
Fourteenth Amendment to the con.
stitation of the United Status. Ile
held that the law wits uucoustitu-
tlonal because it deprived the brow -
* es of their property without atm Never kick notess you find you
are getting the worst of it.
A. man wants a great many things
he doesn't need in this world.
It is hard to catch a fish if you
haven't the right kind of bait.
It 1s one thing to notice a wink
and another to know what it means.
After missing one opportunity we
are shy about embracing another.
The most grateful man is the one
for whom you have done the least.
If talking alone made the barber
there would be more women in the
s I have to go to work and unlearn it
and learn grown folios' !enflame.
- Why don't they tench me that in
t the first piece `t
t object to saving folks hors ono
with their silly stories which 1 have
heard se mauy times that they aro
veritable chestnuts,
I object to leaving people humbug
me all the time, They toll me
what I should not do. Inotioo they
are not given to taking their own
medicine, What dunces they aro
not to lcilow that I learn more from
what see thau from what they
toll me.
Tilers's lots ,f other things that I
object to, but this will do for
Good management beats luck in
the long nth.
A. wink is not as good ae a nod
to a auctioneer.
We are apt to blame luck for one
own mistakes,
We all think we can do better
than the other fellow.
The hangman has no grudge
against the murderer.
peneation. The most important
pointe of the decision of the Supreme
elourt are as follows :-1 "The right
to sell liquor is not one of the rights
;growing out of citizenship of the
United States. 2 The right to
manufacture drink for one's own
nae is subject to the restriction that
it shall not endanger or effect the
rights of others. If each menders -
tare does prejudicially effect the
rights and interests of the commun-
ity it follows that society has the
power to protect itself by legislation
Against the injurious oonaegnences
of that business. 8 There is here
no justification for holding that the
State, under the guise merely of
pollee regulations, ie aiming to de-
yeive the citizens of their constitu-
tional rights; for we cannot shut
out of view the fact, within the
knowledge of all, that the public
health, the public morals and the
public safety may be endangered by
the general nee of intoxicating
skinks ; nor can we ignore the fact,
established by statistios accessible
to everyone, that the disorder,
pauperism and primo prevalent 1n
the country are, to a large measure,
directly traoeabie to this evil.
4 Suet a right (the right to manu-
facture intoxicating drinks) does not
inhere in citizenship. Nor can it
be said that Government interferes
with or impairs anyone's constltu.
tionalrighte of liberty or of property
when it determines that the maou
facture and sale of intoxicating
.gainks for general or individual use
eta a beverage are or may become
/hurtful to society and to every mem
'firer of it, and is therefore a business
an which no one may lawfully en-
gage. 5 All property in the coun-
try is held under the implied obliga-
tion that the owner's use of it shall
not be injurious to the equal enjoy.
anent of their property nor injurious
to the rights of the community."
There is no mistaking the reasoning
and significance of these sentences.
Gems of Thought
Eappneas may be defined to be
' the excess of pleasure over pain.
What we act has its consequences
em earth ; what we think has its
consequences in heaven.
A girl who loves one man purely
has about her an amulet which de -
hes the advances of the profligate.
We mora readily forgive people
`Lor what they do. which they can
help, than for what they are, which
they cannot help.
Make an impartial estimate of
your revenue; and whatever it is,
live upon less. Do thie, and you
will never be poor.
Suffering, rightly borne, weakens
that part of us which should be
weak, and strengthens that part
whish should be strong.
Political eloquence is rather in
the people who listen than in the
roan who epeatus. The voiee is
nothing without the reverberation
Mat multiplies its echo.
blond so little enjoy life, and are
each burdens to themeelvos, as Won
who have nothing to do. The ao-
tivo only have the true relish of
suis. Ile who knows not what it is
Ya labor, knows not what it is to
A veteran observer says ; "I
never place much reliance on a man
who Is always telling what be would
leave done had he been there. I
have noticed that somehow this
hind of people never got 'there."
There are some persona who
poesees an inexpressible charmin
their manners, a something which
aetestets our love lnstantanoousty
without wealth, position, 08 talents,
still a dignity hovers. round them
and ennobles every action.
There is a perennial nobleness,
e 11 even saerodness, in work, government.
Vera he never so benighted, or for. I object to being taught baby
getftil of his high calling, there is talk, What good does it do tie "1',
8eftfayer hope in the roan that artultl. Aller 7 have beanie prodelemt in it
A One -Year -Old Boy slakes rots Troubles
Known To The world.
Tommy Cute, aged one, having
suffered us long as he can stand it,
writes to us, iu order that his griev-
ances, being known to the p ublic,
may imme,iiately be cured.
I object, he says, in the first
place, to being forced to adopt
Farmer Jones' brindle cow for it
foster mother.
I object, aleo, to the existence of
a like relationship between myself
and the condensed milk factory or
the corn starch mill.
I object to having my stomach
stuffed as a remedy for a mosquito
bite on my little toe or nasty pin
in my back.
I object to personating a cburn.
I prefer to take my butter after
the churning process is completed.
I object to being kissed by all the
women, old or young, who come
near me. I prefer to wait s few
years, or at least until I aha11 be
old enough to make my own cele°
I object to having people ask
about my age. It is an imperti-
nence. Besides grown people some-
times remember, and of ages they
are especially apt in keeping a re-
I object to having to go hungry
until company is served. For my
part I don't sec what people want
company for. ' Company is a nuts
anus. Mamma and papa have said
so hundreds of times in my hearing.
I object to beteg obliged to go
about with my neck and arms baro.
When it ishot the flies and mos-
quitoes bother me awfully, and
when the air is chilly 1 feel as if I
was freezing to death.
I object when I go out to ride in
my peramulator, to having myself
left alone in the sun while my maid
sports with Thal long-legged chap
with the yellow mustache and ready-
made clothing.
I objeob to Mug sent to bed
when I am not sleepy, and to having
a nasty rubber tube stuck into my
mouth evdry time I turn over in
the night.
I object to having strangers make
faces ab me, They give me an
awful start sometimes when they
think they are amusing me.
I object to being $spoken to by
people with whom I ate not no
quainted. Why don't they wait for
an introduobion.
I object to being the only child
in the family. lvs awfully lone-
some nob to -have any brothers or
staters. I wieb T had boon born
when it was fashionable to have
largo families.
I object to being galled Tom,
just because my papa was called
Toro when he was a boy. Because
his papa gave him a name he, did
not like was no reason for giving
mo a name I detest. I should
think a boy ought to bo allowed to
chows his own name.
I. object to wearing drosses and
having my hair curled. Half the
fours think I'm a girl.
I object to being bossed by worn -
en. A man ought to be his own
master. I arra just sink of petticoat
Household Plizxts.
Kitchen floors painted with boiled
lineeed oil are easily cleaned.
When broiling steals throw a little
salt ou the coals and tIlehlaze trona
dripping fat will not annoy.
No kitchen should bo without
scales to test the integrity of things
purchased by weight, and to meas
ire the quantities of various re-
A cloth saturatedkerosene tied
dipped into whiting, for cleaning
tinware, is much better than any-
thing one used.
If calicoes are allowed to lie in
strong salt water an hour before tho
fleet washing the colors are less
likely to fade.
Old boot tops, cut into pieces the
right size and lined, make good iron
holders. The leather keeps all beat
away from the hand.
Carbolic acid may bo nsecl with
satisfactory results during the Sum-
mer months to destroy ants, and as
a disinfectant.
Oilcloths can be kept Like new if
washed once a month in skim milk
and water, equal quantities of each ;
rub them once in three menthe with
linseed oil ; put on very little, rub
it in well, polish with an old silk
cloth, and they will koop for yefire.
Keep large squares of tbfolc paste-
board hung conveniently to slip un-
der pole, kettles, stew dishes and
spiders, whenever yon set them
A patent nutmeg grater auci all
ounce of nutmegs will keep a rest-
less child hue}, and happy half a day
turning the tiny crank, while the
grated spine, carefully preserved
from the air in a tin box, is a real
help when one is hurried with °cak-
The best method for oleauiug old
braes is to pour very manse aur
motile over the brass, and then
thorntigh'y sernb it with it regular
scrubbing brush. Ark five min-
utes of huhu the brass will booms
as clear, height and ahmniug as new
metal. Theo rine° It lo clear water
and wipe dry.
Earache it, my form is s;rid to be
quickly relieved by filling 'he air
with elite'oforin vapor from an uu-
cork'•rl bottle ; vapor oo1y, riot rho
liquid. 'Cao drop upon a lump of
sugar le abut coneidored au excellent
remedy for hiccough and ordinary
Keep your stove blacking brueb
and plate handy, and after diuuer
each dray brush off your stove, and
you will find it ranch nicer thou
washing it off ; besides, wi'.il an oe
casioual brushing your stove will
always loo'.: Melly, and it your stove
is not kept looking clean, the whole
kitchen looks nuttily.
For it cold on the chest there is
no better sposifio for moot persons
than wall boiled or roasted onions.
They may not name will everyone,
but to pel'sune with good digestion
they will net only be naiad to be tt
most excellent remedy for a cough,
and the clogging of the brokebial
tubes which ie usually the °muse of
the cough, but it eaten freely at the
outset of a cold they will break up
what promiFod, from the severity of
the attack, to have been a serious
The Cornwall Canal is not ex-
pected to be re -opened for navigation
before Nov, 1st.
A. girl named Hannah Boyd was
arrested at 'Moral on Saturday by
Detective Murray on the charge of
being implicated in the exalt poison-
ing case.
The Manitoba Government has
forwarded to Ottawa a protest
against the action of the Canadian
Pacific in trying to block the Pertago
Is Prairie extension.
Tho Provincial Government au-
thorities have expressed their inten-
tion of offering a reward of 8500
for the apprehension of the murder-
er of the old man Jonathan Robin-
son, of Adelaide township, a month
ur two ago.
Trouble threatens over the block-
ing of the Portage extension of the
Red River road by the C. P. R., the
Manitoba Government being deter-
mined to force a eroseing if neces
eery. Preparations have been made
to call out the militia.
Scotch (Dollar
A Splendid Stock of Horse Blau-
kets, Halters, Whips,
trio., on Hand.
Our Collars always
Give Satisfaotion.
I lead the van in giving good
value iu
Trunks, Valises,
Satchels, Etc.
If you want a set of LxGTIT or
HEAVY H8.RNEss, or if you want
Beg airing clone all in and See Us.
Alain Street, - Brussels
FreshAria Salt Meats
tany quality
of thop village and de-
Terme very favorable.
For which the 'highest market price will
bs paid.
I also make a specialty of buying Iildoe
and Skins..
Don't forget the pingo next door to
Fletcher's Jewelry Store. A. CURRIE.
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that he does all kinds of Blackemithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, sleighs and Cutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Specialty of Horse -shoeing.
A Gall Sohofted, K' 'Romembor tbo
Stand—Nein Tan Dame.
S. Plum.
„ WE have one of the nicest assort -
and ' meats of COOK, BOX, PARLOR
and COAL Stoves ever exhibited, and they will be sold
at Reasonable .Prices. Our
t/OiIGINAL" Cook Stove leads the Van.
TO hand a large Stock of new
°''w' LAMPS and lamp goods. We
wish to call special attention to a new range of handsome
HANGING LAPS. They are dandles.
Isinds of . Granitivcdre, Cutlery, and S72elf
Good, always in Stock. Our Stock of Tw2ware
is always first-class, and Goods we have not
got in ,stook will be made up on
Short Notice.
A Nies Stook of Silverware always on, Handl
People .can save money by trading with tis. Call: in
nd see our Gook
• sopttal no.8l-tt
f 111toN AND DIIII01:1
Loan & investment 0o.
This Company is Loaning lmroney
on Farm Security at Lowest
Rates of Intef'cst.
8, 4, and 5 per cent. interest
allowed ou Deposits, according to
amount and blue let.
OFFICE. --Corner of Market
Square and North Street, Godo -
Horace Horton,
Having received my Pall Stock
I am now prepared to offer
In Cashmeres, Jersey Cloths, 01-
tomon Cords, Meltons, Jacket
Cloths, Truffle Cloths, Flan-
nels, Shirtings, Cretons,
Lace Curtains, Curtain
Nets, Velvets and
Always a Goocl Stock of Fmosxi
I have the Best and Cheapest
TEAS in Town.
MLA r2rNeE0 Dia' GOODS
before purchasing elsewhere. I
Cannot be Undersold.
"i;;gent for O'Att12E1t'S BYE WORIta,
J- Lt'1oT�,
OCT. 26, 1888.
is prepared to attend to
Carriage Painting'
in all its branche, as well as
Sign and Ornamental
Ho has had years of experience
and guarantees his work to give
satisfaction. A rig well painted
is half sold.
Estimates and terms cheerfully
Shop in the old Pon Pub-
lishing House, King street, Brus-
In order to pay increased attention to
my roady.made boot and shoo trade and
Grocery business I bavo disposed of my
CUSTOM BOOT and .50505 UR8iN0358 to
AIIi. Pi^Tkn RITCnra, who will continua it
in the same place. I desire to return
thanks for the Large share of patronage
whioh I reoeived during rho past seven
years and ask for an increase to my suo.
cessor, Air. Ritchie.
Having purohasod the Custom Shoe
business of ?Sr. Good, I am prepart:d to
attend to the wants of the Public.
My five and a half years work in llrus.
eels is a guarantee of the satisfaction I
ata prepared to give, not only to old
customers but to as many now ones as
give me their patronage.
001119 P. RITCHIE.
The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to
the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill its
First -Class Running Order
and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many Dery
ones as possible.
'lour and reed AJways Ravi.
Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
b.vX.eT.f2C1'S Sl'MCIr'IC a TC. s,
ME 00.ffa', e2 9ILo,,OLd IL., A^EWER,
Marvel of Healing, and Kohinoor el Medicines,
01,1210i4Seg the terrible 0onserygenees ofdndfncretion,
.®w mw.,swrcsw m Exposure nerd Overwork.
tea.=a-.i m -A C1-eZtb .44a.117=3. 1,43:11\T
Who aro brokenclown from the elroeto at abuse will end in N0.8 a radical pure for nervous
debility, organic weakness, involuntary vital losses, oto,
Orurvo to Fon t{'1Ircl No, a Einem) nN Vs3n.--Want 0f energy, vertigo, want of purpose,
ahnno a 01 0301,,xvet'olon to sooloty, want of confidence., avoidance Of conversation,
desire for solitude, 11: tleseneos tinct inability to Ax tho attention on a particular subject,
oowardia0, doprossib0 of spirits, giddiness, loos of memoryY, bxeltability of temper, s1)or-
matornIxna, or loss of tbo seminal fluid—the result of self.abuse or marital ex00se—impo.
tonoy, innntritiou, e,naotation, barlonnoes,y�alpitation of the beart, hysteria feelings in
fomaloe trombllu etc„ aro all sytn0toms of this terribio
habit, of teatimes inn000001y acquired, In Short, the Spring of Vital force baring lost itv
tension, Ivory fmlotion wanes in consequenee, SOiOntiao writers and the supertl£ondenti
of insane asylums unite in ascribing to 111313 Offsets of soli-abuao the Mat majority of
wasted lives which come under their notice. If you are inobmpotent for the arduous
duties of business, inoapaoftatod for rho enjoyments Of life No, 8 oirors an osoaeoerom
oho oa'oeto of early vice. if you aro edvanosc in years, No, 1 will givo you full vigor and
etroilqtis, if you aro broken down, physically and moreliY from early indfbtrotion, the
remit of ignurane and folly, sone your address 00910 cents fn etamee for M, V. rmunou's
'rrsatiea 1a nook Form on Mambo of Man. Sealed and secure front obsorvatien.
Address alI oeanmu01oat)one to K. V. A,$1060N, 47`W'Olf nb tor, i51t. le„ 1t'Oroiilto.
A Itlnnrrithalifwisdom lives in a fsoi's paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. NEAL IHE Sick,
A Per anent Cure d A Pleasant Curer