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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-26, Page 5OoT, 26, 1.688. >pissaxarrr 31i5txitt ° ties, ¢"''•it at, b vette le, Quite It unmbsi from thio loaallty will spend the naming winter in the lumbar shanties. \. hob .:bout re•osteblisbing tho lending library in this looal)by7 It should be heartily supported. A great many apples aro nt still in the orobnrds, Tho buyers np, , r to have missed milling on a groat many farmers. The re.oaoning of Knox oherah has been posbponnil until Sunday, Nov, dtb, wbon Principal Caves, D. D., of Knox College, Toronto, will olfooline morning and evening. lasveva] es. Mrs. Ross in it vieitoret J. Mollinney'e neer 13luevalo. Quito a bub -bob in milk circles lata. ly. More anon. Revival serving have been disoontinn- od at Johnston's church. Bev. A, Y. 'Hartley refused a earth offer of $200 for hie colt the other day. The township fathers met in Salt's Hall on Monday for a short time, Wm. Stewart, of Ibis plane, bus been engaged for next year in Blyth sohool, Bobt. Stowaet goes to the stone sohool. Rov. W. W. Leech is the guest of Jos. Leech this week. Mr. L. returned ono day lent weak from Detroit, J. Timmins seat his son to the sale tho other day to sell his cow. Fulton got rid of the cow bot he forgot the other preli minari ea, R: Mci'l,•ernon has purnhasecl and ten- anted the premises owned by Mr, Con- over, Wingham. W. Pearin, ehoemaker, has taken possession of R. MoPllerson's old viand ani! the bootee vacaied by Mr. P. has been purchased by J. Johnston, • L ;t21, el. Don't hear anything about a celebra- tion hero on Nov, 5th, as yet, by our Orangemen. The coming of the C. P. R. through this village would make things boom in this locality. W, Smalldon leaves this week for Michigan where be will make hie home for some time to come. Last Monday Mrs. Cushman, wife of Goo. Condi/van, who recently leased the Gill hotel, died, aged 48 years. The in- terment was made at Georgetown. It is stated here that the East Huron .1,i00080 Commissioners refused to grant Mr. Cashman license for the station betel. There is really no necessity for more than the one publio stopping place here. It is reported that n couple of young ladies not many miles from here engag- ed in a pugilistic encounter a few days ago. We world any that your little hands wore never made to tear each others eyes and that pude were not made to fight with. One by one the boys are doubling up. On Thursday of last week it Dame Sas. Elliott's torn, when he entered the royal army of benedicts in company with alias Maggie Murray, of Belmore. Rev. A. E. Smith, of Wroxeter, officiated. May the sunshine of prolp.niiy ilinmine their path through life. !el :trot -tet. • Wood brings from 02,50 to $4.50 per cord. Tllnusende of barrels of winter apples are being shipped from the' station every weak. Dr. Shivmra, the evengeliet, is engaged to conduct a series of meetings in the Methedieb ehnrch next February. 'Hiss None Hart, who nes been visiting at 3). D. Wilson's for some time returned to her hone in Montreal 'hie week. The Sunday morning Bible class in the Y.M.C.A. rooms is growing decldod. !y larger and rrOeots eon: idorable credit io the town. R. 111. Counter is offering goods at reduced p•ioes for 20 clays. Mr. and Mrs. Counter intend removing to Winnipeg the list of next montb. 3. L. Smith, who had intended remov. ing to Decatur, Alabama, this fall, bas opened out n wall selected stock of gent's furnishings in town. Jas, Kyle, who has been in ill health for some inonthe, passed away on Tues- day eftsrenen ati the age of fortythree years a"d noun months. • A great many people visited the Mo- Gibmty family palnee oar ou Monday afternone and by the kind oourtsey and with true Amerioan freedom of the family were shown the various depart. mento. There aro five "oullud folks" in attendaaoe. The famous MoGlbeny family gave one of thoiv interesting entertainments Li ettt'<)ve to . The brink work nt the now Baptist ointroit 10 oomplcle' . •'1 the roof is now on. Several of tiee tie,eepeoplo are at l evonw Short, x iu Stratford this wee.. . hmnnaeN cannot- g• p y slmeshes were ed with the nitrite, I made by President Lioh'adilan, D. Iiob- O:Imio dd flay lie, i. ••ifd out their fur- ortsorr and 1111,18,311 Bishop, !allowed by nitwit and nadorbabing busmen bo Henry Buck, furniture dealer. Hese Bros, are moving their machinery into tbsir new shop, It is a Ileo oom- modions, end well arranged briding. The choeso fair on Tliursilny of last wools abbraoted quite a number of sales. mon bub no 'ales were made, The oheeso factory business le about wound up for this Newton, Rov, Mr, Livingston, of Clinton, de. livered a lecture in town on Tuesday of this woofs oo "The Haman voice," It was under the auspices of the Royal Template of Tomporanoe. 'Blare hes been quite n refill of enter- tainments in town of late but the most taking is supposed to bo on Thnreday evening of this week when the .MoGibnsy family give an onterteiament. Owing to the contemplated removal of Bev. Marl' Turnbull to Bi ecardine the oongrogaaion of Christ's oburoh is asking for the appointment of Rev. Mr. Haghes, of Lion's head, to fill his place. THE BRUSSELS POST 8 ...,. ,,.,, ..H,.amr ar,a-,4P a„ar rr iam uw'.+rarrrmt nwm %aarseaay r sr n+emaa The minutes of the township Council! clay he read in another column. An interesting mooting In connection with the Vermont' Iuetituts wee held In Shine's sohool bruise last Wednesday ;nl[o r'riso. The roads are very sloppy from the continued rain. The Soothing Methodist Sabbath school will (told their annual socia] be. fore long. Wm Newcombe, jr, and sister nava gone on n trip to Newark, N. J., to visit relatives. Won. J. Tough, of Stanley, has been engaged to te.oh the school in section Nn. 1 for next year at e. salary of 0400. There aro a great many oattlo strayed in this townehip and it would be wise for people to advertise stook strayed on or off their premises. A. 10. Robertson has shipped six car loads of apples already to the 01d Ooun. try this season and -will send four er five more yet before winter. Robt. Agnew has resigned his position AS teacher of S. R. No. 3 and will attend eobool after Ohristmas with a view of scouring a higher grade of oertifioate. By a fetter received from Dakota the particulars of a oontemptible robbery in which the property of Wm. Rends, for- merly of this township, suffered. It seems Mr. Banda was away on a tbrea:,- ing tour and while absent Mrs. Rands •aid family went over to the home of P, relative for the sake o: company. While absent the house was entered by thieves and a large quantity of clothing, bedding, presents medo to Mrs. Banda at the time of her marriage, dee, were stole,, Mrs. Rands is n daughter of Samuel Walker, an old and well-known resident of this township. Grey• Apple paring bees are booming. A wedding this week and moro to follow, If we only could get apple barrels wo could do a rushing trade with Manitoba and the Northwest. Ha'rd'en. matters are quite "mum" as yet. Some folks say there will be some cue-epeuers before eloution day, however. Be a letter from Miss Kate Calder we learn that bar bealtb is not improving as mach as would be desired. She ooloys we her work very mach however. Tax collector McLanohlin is getting reedy for making his annual tour. The money has to be in the Treasnror's hands before 3)en, 15th this year so there will be no holding back. T. Gelder threshed on the farm of Adam Douglas, of the 161h con., ono day recently 13.50 bushels of grain consisting of wheat, peas, barley and oats. John Grant and Adam Stsies did the fieedieg. They threshed 450 bushels of the oats in two hours a,.3 a half. They're hustlers and don't you forget it. A very pleasant time was spent at Thee. Taylors paring boo on Friday even- ing last. After the work had been neatly done the young folks engaged in social games and amusemguts, after which all dispersed highly pleased with the evening's fun and hoping Mr. Taylor might have many such occasions. Quintin McBlain and Jas. Bishop have the job of gravelling the aonoessiou from Ament's mill, 80 rods each. The former gets 06 cents and the latter 07 cants per yard for the work. 1t is to be onmplotel by February 1st. This is a bad piece of road and owing to the very springy and Ltbard L miry bottom will be o keep in ord- er. As many as seven head of cattle a day have been known to miro in the ditch ruining through the swamp, and had to bo pulled cut with horses. "Jim Dandies."— An emigrant boy in Oardno's Hall on Monday evening. who was gob from one of the homes a A The family woreenthuiastioally received number el soars ago by one of our farm. by the largo audience and their superior ors and wino is, now a young man, loft the minion]. performances were higbly Op. other day in company with a neighbor prooiatod. bop who has loving protein and a good Wangle home. from what wo can learn this young man has been making it up with A now storehouse and freight shed will the boy for menthe to the knowledge of be built ab the 0, P, R. depot. his foster parents who instead of giving ' Tho Presbyterians aro arranging a neighborly navies invited the boy to thou musical and ]lterary program for their house the nlghb before from where a enterbaintnont on blip evening of 'Meeks. conveyance took them to the railway giving Day. station nest morning. How humiliating There was n largo influx of visiting to kind parents on Cho ono aide and pedagogues in town on Thursday and hypocritical on tho other. Wo have more Friday of lain week. There wan some information whioh we must reserve for liable dissatisfaction over the arrange- another time as ive must go and see if ment of the program and a good deal of our Plymouth Rook Wakens are all gone the interest usually manifested was to roost. -wanting. Mtrnr corner„ --0n Wednesday of this The Advance says:—W. Oleg, of this week the home of Alex. Delgatty was a town, thought he had been robbed of 070 scene of.bustle and stir, and no wonder on Saturday evening. He was paying a as it was the wedding day of his dough. farmer for a load of grain when he acct- ter, Miss Lizzie, to Thos. Found, a former dentally gave the farmer $70 too much. resident of Brussels, now of liinlose. The agricu)taniet was honest enough to Bev. S. Jones, of Brussels, was asked to come into town again on Monday and re- lend s hand.. Although this reverend turn tho missing sum to Mr. Clegg, gentleman is up in the eighties he eau On Monday of this week Samos Hoop- bio the matrimonial knot an well as ever. er of Turnberry, was brought before In this ease Tom "Pound” what he had Magistrates Mcliay, Inglis, and Scott on been 'marching for—a good-looking and two charges, One was for watering milk levelheaded bride. A very enjoyable sent to Bluavale faobory and the other evening was spent by the guest' in social Tor removing °ream from milk sant, The shat] song and an occasional whirl to the information was laid by the Preeident of music of the violin. The young oonple the factory (J. R. Millar). The witness- who have commended the voyage on the i ns nailed were Inspector Hopkins, of the matrimonial sea havo the hearty wisboe Dairyman's Association, cheese maker of a host of Mende, It will probably Dillon and Secretary Burgess, Tho mag. be rough sailing now and again and oo. )etratos levied a fine of $16 and costs for easionally "squalls" may spring lip, but each charge, amonnting to 087.20 in all, that they may find a good deal more sun - Mr. Hooper is n well•to-do farmer and opine than aloud is thb desire of your owns 260 acres of land. Lawyer Van. correspondent. ThieiteM would not bo stone oondttotod the 0aso for the defend- oompiote without saying that a more ant who stoutly denied the charges, The genial and hospitable host and hostess Diluters purpose making an example of novel Undertook to entertain a company all poisons infringing the rules of the factory. general conversation on topics of interest to the farming community, A similiar mooting is announced to be held in Whit- Aold'e soltool house nova Wednesday ev- ening, to which all are invited. The next mooting will be held in Shine's school house in three weeks. Dtien Enlrnn: -•Prom your Ethel cor- respondence in the last issue of TUE Posr he Council and others are reminded that the desire for n township ball ie being again revised. iavoral years ago the ne- cessity for a township hall was consider. ably agitated, but it was postponed at that time, as the Council was unwilling to enter into any new expenditure until the railway debt of tho township was paid off. Now, however, chubtho Coun- cillras sufficient funds in the Bank of Hamilton to meet that debt, when clue in 1902, there is now co reasonable ex. ouso why the hall should not be erected. Except such expenditure as they them- selves ornate there is now no special obli- gation to meet and o, township hall is exceedingly desirable, The Council chamber should not bo au appendage of the hotel. I hope bion ratepayers of Grey will net be again compelled to at- tend a nomination for coaecillors in a hotel. I believe it to be against law in any ease, but uono more than that a majority of the people of this township are opposed to the liquor arabic, and, as proof of this, there ons a majority of 27 agaiuet Cho ropes.' of tho Scott Act. To bo oonsistent with ourselves as refloating our deliberate opinion we should be suf- ficiently animated that no nomination por oouneil meeting should be held in a hotel, nor should wo elect a mutual mis- representing the majority on that goes. tion mt least. By inserting the above you will oblige, Yours truly, Bonoi'ernn. Rev. Mr. Newton, of Bsrvie, is to office. fate in the Episecpel church nest Sab- bath morning. Wm. Stewart, of Bluovale, received the appointment as principal of our Public Schools for 1810 at a salary of 04e0. Dr. Sloan and William left hero to join throe or four ocher gentlemen on 0 fiuutingespeditioo in the wilds of Mus- koka. They expect to be away a month. On Thursday and Friday of last week the seater and intermediate department of our Public Schools were closed, Prin- cipal A. M. Uucohill and Mies Ratcliffe were attending Teething' Convection. Catstetdlau. Netts. The water in Lake Ontario is lower now than at any time iu tan years. The village of Allendale is agitating with n view of annexaaio,t to Barna. The new Wesley College in Winnipeg was opened on Monday of last week, George Holman, the well-known thea- trical manager, died at Loudon, on Sat- urday. The first piece of cobblestone work in Manitoba ie being completed at the Win- nipeg street oar stables. By their failure to fulfil their contract wick the town, the Galt .Eleottic Light 00. have forfeited 0473.51. Iu the Laflamme•Mail libel suit for $10,000 the uoortg ranted a fortnight's rtni ht's extension, with Dost to Mr. Laflamme. The Galt Reporter says that it con- templated to establish a refreshment room et the C.P.R. station in that town. Zacbariall Miller, a Chatham colored man, died soddenly the oLhgr night while chopping a tree in the course of a 000a hues. The degree of LL.D. has been oonterr. IPJ„ONEY TO LOAN, ed by St, Andrew's University upon the Zion. G. W. Koss, Minister of llclueetion. Letters patent have luau lashed. Moor -r/. ' ' porgies theltailreed Now Advertieing j Pi J. i . 'F fi U,/ N '. Company, of London, with It capital 1 'Rook of $10,000, The L. I;, it I,), 1s. !imitated le now completed within two utiles of Kings, villa, and they expect to r -etch the above village in two weeks, The London Township Council at its last session Yokel 0108.32 to theca person on aaooune of cheep asd lambs either killed or worried by doge, A syndicate of Southern Planters from Memphis, Tenu., has purchased a por- tion of the feem of Charles Steele, on the shelve of Lake Erie, near Port Colborne, for the purpose of establishing a summer resort' Private Funds to Loan. Wm. Couso, of Forast• received through tba post office un Thursdays .r O'Op O box containing half n dozen chocolates. V V Although there was probably no poison in them, nobody could be found to give them a trial, The executors of the Crawford estate in Windsor have accepted the Canadian Pacific railroad's offer for $110,000 for the 000 feet river troutago belonging to the senate. This, with the Molsun end Pot. ter frontage, will give the railroad all they desire. H. Sorby, of Guelph, well.knowu as a stook breeder, recently bought 1,200 agree of prairie land on Portage la Pro - bete plains, for which he Haid $23,1500, Sinn then he has bought 100 acres more for 05,000 each. Ho is to take hie Gal- loway cattle and Clydesdale horses and place then there. The organization of a Law Faculty in. connection with the Toronto University has boon completed. The following gentlemen, among others, will compose the Faculty :—Doan of the Faculty, Hon. Chancellor Boyd ; Lecturers, Hon. Ed- ward Blake, Hon. David Mills, Dalton McCarthy, Q. 0., Hon. Justice Proudfoot and Prof. Ashley. Tho village of Troy, in Beverly town. ship, has among its inhabitants a re- markable old couple, Mr. and Mrs, A. Moaner. He is 01 yearn of age and she is 80. They are wonderfully strong and healthy and one day recently the old gentleman, finding tiny hanging some- what wearily on his hands, made a pork barrel that would have done credit to any cooper. A singnlar incident occurred at Petrolia a day or two ago. A plate glass window in the new town hall was found with a piece broken oat of it as big as a spacer. Inside the room was a partridge lyint,, dead with its nook broken. The bird must have flown against the glass at night, and the force of its flight may be estimated when it is explained that the glass is a quarter of an inch thick. About 7 o'clock Thursday morning fire broke out in Kincardine in the carriage works owned and occupied by J. 3. Fisher t2 Co., foundry. The fire was got under control. Myra Fisher, eldest son of Jno. Fisher, while making his way to the office, was suffooated by the smoke, and was found dead shortly after be en- tered the building. Mr. Fisher was a very popular young man, and much sym- pathy is felt for the bereaved ones. He leaves a wife and three children. The annual elections of the Osgoode Legal and Literary Society were held Friday night, and created great excite- ment among the Isgal fraternity, a large number having come to vote from out- side plates. There were two parties—rho Do u lac' ltos and the g Armouritee, the formor being elected as follows :—W.M. Douglas, President ; E. A. Duvernet, 1st Vioe (by acclamation) ; J. W. Boswell, Sod Vioe ; IF. 1, Webb, Secretary ; Chas. Swabey, Treasurer ; Committee of Man- agement, C.W. Kerr, J. Knowles. A301 of Private Funds have, just boon placed iu I11y lutuds for In- vestment AT 7 PER OlgNT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in throe Clays if title is satisfactory. Apply to E.E. WADE. P!t Capt. Creighton, fficer in command of ESTATE NOTICE. the Salvation Army at Kingston, was 00 Wednesday fined 020 for obstructing the public streets. Tbo Kincardine Bridge Company, Kin• carding, have been awarded a contract fo: the erection of a steel highway bridge over the Grand River at Fergus. The whitefish catch on Lake Erie is repotted to have been very large last Bea- son, whish is regarded as a result of the extensive artificial propagation carried on by the United States. Hou. S. H. Blake rode to Kingston to the Sunday School Convention on the train with Buckley, Hg says that et Belleville a little boy looked in at the window of the oar and asked : "Is that tlto man that killed the woman in Tor- onto 1" and Buckley answered : "Yes ; and if you come in hero X'Il kill you," An extraordinary fatality is reported froth Bsrthier, Q. Mr. Smith, a leading iesidoet, had been out shooting and on coming in laid lois gun (loaded and fully cocked) upon the table. A favorite dog jumped ou the table, and -while stepping over the weapon ton: died the trigger with its foot. Tho goon wont off, sending its deadly charge through the breast of Mrs, Smith, who fell forward on her face, She struggled bo hoe feet and then fell dead on the floor. A Winnipeg telegram of the 17th says Tho O.P.R. sent out a gang of men with P-IOT LIEALS T se old l000motivo yesterday to the point where the dump of the Provincial Bail- (Ab all reasonable Hours) way crosses the southwestern branch of , FOR TWENTY CENTS. the 0 13.11. They left tho engine placed MOB CILTt11yp1Ls OF ROOT. 0615.05, late of *bo Township of Morris, in the County of Buren, Yeoman, who died on or about the eighteenth clay of August, lege, and others leaving enema in respeet to his estate, aro hereby noosed to send ou or be- fore the seventeenth day of November, lees; to Hugh 1t. Elliott or Riobard Bewley, Ex- ecutors, at Brussels P.O.,. or to A, Hunter, Brussels, Agent for the entrl Executors, their names and addresses with fall particulars of their claims and the securities Of any) held by them, and else that immediate) after the said date the a1seta of Cho said (lowland will be distributed among the par - Cos entitledthoreto , ,having regard only to c'a'ms of which the l;:mentors or their Atsnt have thou notice, and theexecutors will nob be liable for any assets so distribut- ed lo any person of whose claim they shall not have had notice. A, HUNTER, Aut. for Bunters. Dadod at Blessrls this 1511 day of October 5815 n14-4itts Economy Restaurant. Having just opened in the Brick Corn- er Store, formerly occupied by R. Mal- ce'ni, Brussels, the opposite corner to the Postofiiea, right morose the chimp and then built a now trach around it. The Ministers A call is oepeaialh' solicited and ovens laugh at this childish attempt to hinder attention will be paid to Patrons. A lion. them. When the black -laying reaches #ted number of Lady and Gsableman this point a diamond will be laid, and Boarders wanted. any attempt by the 0,P.R. to tear it np will be reenter' it necessary by force. Ono of the most remarkable wills ever recorded in Elgin sono' ', Ont., is bipt of e tsprtut v ' y s7t 5k v Wm. A. Allison, Into of the bownehi of PLOWS !!Qf d'e'lay Southwols. The testator died possessed of an estate valued at 016,970, of which "Well 7 neighbor, 191101.0 did you sot that $12,000 is farts lauds, $800 farm produce, cue working two furrow -(+ahg Piety 1' Web henna $500, cattle 0850, farming imply. Sir 1 gotitfrom avAlt. eltit [\l, ]Cr'e'els, meats 850, and life insurnuoe 2 000. you know lie keeps Cho 'arose stook of $ $' , 1tLO yB worth tete money to the trade. Owing to the )nexperionoe of the friend Are you in hood of a general purpose of dooeased who drew np the will it pro. 'Clow call and tee vides that hie Widow, Jane Allison, shall THOS. HENDBY'S, of Soaforth ; receive hor dower and 0100 life insuranos; Tor/paws, of Guelph, No. 7 plow ; that Andrew Allison shall receive $1,000 PATTF;BSON'S, of Woodstock. (over and above any other division) set p1l aside lot his solo benefit, and that the PLOW - OF .,ALL s KINDS balance eltall bo divided as follows; To his sons George and 'William Jamas a Straw Cutters, Grain Grnslters and dividend at the tato of 100 oeuts on the Grain Grinders, - dollar; to his daughter Isabella adividond —TURNIP AND ROOT PULPERS-- at the rate of 70" cents on the dollar' his sons John and Archin Allison acid his 2, 4, 0, 8 and 10 Horse Power, clangdhtore Annie and Janet, each a div). den at the roto of 56 noels out the dollar, and to hie broths' Andrew 0400. 'Under in all Sale of Implomonts, the will, therefore, foie estate would have to pay d76 por aunt. Tho arra' woe 'Wm. Martin. pointed out to Cho heirs, who came to au ttratselR, nowt: Tvnneogon SyrotoT, ,`5AS. J3ROADFOO2', Prop SATISFACTION GUABANI'1IED of friends that Bandy Delgatty and lois 1 oxoollgat wife, 'minable arrangement. Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. Apply to W. lI, SINC ,AIR, Solicitor, 73russeis. BEE -HI VE Y Great Bargains al the "Bee -hive" in Teats and Crockery For the next 2 weeks. MEI I IMIAGE d%V&brill&iii W. H. McCracken. FARMER FARMER Look to Your Own Interest and get your ixristing done at Where you will get Flour second to none in the Dominion, and yield per bushel equal to the highest. Chopping Done While You Wain Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour Without Extra Charge, if required. SPECIAL PRICE GIVEN FOR 500 -ib. LOTS OF FLOUR. All Kinds of Grain Bought for Cash. CHOP, BRAN, SHORTS, CBACT D WHEAT AND GRAHAM FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS, BRUSSELS, Gat 1, 3.m STE-WART 8C LOWIOK. riissels FllIullhlure EMpOF1HM, c'a<7 EZTITU I have a splendid Stock of Furniture at my Show rooms, Tzb7'nbe3"r'zJ &red, P,'zasseZs, consisting ctf Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Chairs, Lounges, &e., that cannot be excelled for .Wear, or value. Always a big Stock to ohoose from. og P >)y' C $ A. L 113 Gr A. X IN :m, As 1 have a very largo and well made stock of' Bedroom Suites and Sideboards 1 will sell thele at gi'ecLtly r'eduG- ed .Prices. We have made a specialty of these lines and now is the time to snake purchases. Hand -made Furniture a, special feature of our bus- iness, A large stock of tip-top ✓110u1din for Picture Frames. Work done with neatness and despatch. A nice lot of Pictures, Foot Stools and fancy articles for sale. REPAIRING NEATLY AT2'ENDED TO. A full line of Caskets, Coilins and. Robes always on hand. Two Hearses and a free Delivery Wagon in connection with our Establishment. 1 pay special attention to Cavity and ,,1rteria1 Era2bccZ772in6. Having taken three series of lessons on, Embalming from Prof. Renouarcl, of Kansas, and having a Diploma for the same, 1 feel confident ili being able . to do this work properly. A. beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay & Co's patent Linen, W371doW I3Zinds to'fond. Every housekeeper should sec them, TheT/ areDa72rizes. AGENT for the KARL ORGAN. Save money by Patronizing the Old Established Film'. tore EmporiumR. . L` 'wryy -p -per • f .0 l A 9» . C l Jd'la D. •'pp-- f`et. 17 MA IJ L10 C}1F-1- 4.ti),