HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-26, Page 44
New Athrf''l'1if1einouts
Local --A. Currie.
Strayed—Jno, Hunter.
Local - A. E. Robertson,
Catar7b---G. A. Deadman.
Voters' lift court --11', S, Scott,
Sheep strayed—D, MoQuarrie.
Boise for sale—Mrs. Ttuuboll.
f 77c .1'115scl5 ,
ID<JI', OCT. 96, 1888.
Ws nr part will the Temperaoco quos-
OM play in the forthcoming ntuniaipel
and trustee elections ? We don't hold the
opinton that because a than is temperate
that this should ho itis cnly qualifloation
but surely a mem who known stow to gov-
ern hie appetite is mcro likely to transact
public business carefully and intelligently
than one whose brain is badly befuddled.
Now is a goad time to cast about and see
bow the land lies and be in a position to
move on nomination after due delibera-
Tin very large gathering at the recent
Provincial'=unday School Convention at
Kingston and the interest taken in it
shows that this very useful and influen-
tial institution is not losing ground bat
is on the aggressive and doingnoble work.
Wbile on this topic is it not e very pe-
culiar feature in Sabbath School work
that in connection with the thousands of
Sunday Schools in this land and the tens
of thousands of children attending them
that it is almost a rare thing to ever see
parents in attendance, unless they are
teachers or officers? This should not be
the ease and if it is so that they cannot
get regularly, for the interests of their
own children they should at least put in
an appearance three or four times a year.
A armor deal has been said of late about
the liberty of the press, the danger of
muzzling the press, &c., but the larger
share of this kind of talk amounts to
notbing but twaddle. The mission of
the press is tozuphold the right and sup-
press the wrong and in this particular we
are all interested but where the "free-
dom" asked for consists in besmirching
end belittling respectable people and like
the sleuth hound following an old trail
for half a century to "even up," it par-
takes more of the spirit that moves the
Socialists, Anarchists and such ilk than
anything else. There is such a thing as
kluklux clanisre in the journalistic arena,
where the pursuer stops short of nothing
to achieve his ends and in such cases
these individuals are no credit to the
Fourth Estate. The newspapers of to-
day, as a rule, have a wad moral tone
and when it is considered into whose
hands they come, the thousands of homes
they enter and the influence they exert
in wealding',the future we feel assured
we are right ip saying they should set
before the public a high standard of
what is right and true and noble and en-
deavor to foster a kindly feeling in a com-
munity and work for the general interests
of the town and locality in wbich they
are published instead of sowing diesen-
tion and strife.
Saran the cotton combination went to
pieces, a couple oilmonths ago, the price
of Canadian cotton has . fallen from
twenty-three to sixteen and three quarters
cents per pound, a decline of about
twenty-seven per cent., which is some-
what less than the rate of the protective
duty upon these goods. Tbe dieerence
in prices represents the ditference be-
tween prices determined by competition
and those fiend by combination. The
manufacturers say, of course, that the
competition is excessive. Of course it is,
but that, again, is the fault of protection,
which aimed at artificially and unwar-
rantably increasing the return from
money invested in cotton spinning, and
weaving. While the number of cotton
manufaoturies was small the object was
secured and cottonl mills earnings ad-
vanced suddenly from about twelve to
seventeen per Dent. to between fifty and a
hundred per Dent. Of@ course, cotton
mills went up all over the country very
rapidly and:those in existeneo were im-
mediately enlarged. Over -production en-
sued, the population did not grow as
rapidly as was promised under the stim-
ulating influence of the National Policy
and competition became "undue." Then
came a collopee of the cotton industry,
which threatened to bring tumbling down
about our ears the great imp^rting inter.
sets which had healthily and strongly
grown up under tree trade, Even the
strongest banks batmen somewhat alarm-
ed end lent their countenance to the
combination of cotton manufacturers,
Which was to regulate production and
maintain prices at a profitable figure.
The combination has failed and fallen to
pieces twine over. The condition of the
clotted Industry since shortly after the
inauguration of the National Policy has
been (Upiorable end has been a source of
weakness to this country. Under a rov-
enne tariff there was no more healthy
and vigorous induetry. There was tome
slaughtering by American mennfaeturers
but it injured the Ametioens themselves
far more, Canadian slaughtering, 'both
at home and abroad, has become a mush
worn nuisance; as Canadian 'Menufaet-
urers will agree.—Be.
General f`tiaWal.
Heavy hoods prevail in Greens,
An iron syndicate is being formed in
Ifr, Go is the Japanese Minister of
A fatal landslide occurred at Lotenra,
in Italy.
Oregon claims the only five -masted
schooner afloat.
Mrs. A. B, Steoking is practisiug den-
tistry in 'Houston. Tex.
An Australian yacht is to bo built to
try for tbo American Cup.
The German Supreme Court hnsre-
fusedto release Prof, Geffeken,
Emperor William has so far conferred
no decorations at the Vatican.
Ninety-two thousand paupers was the
London census for September.
President Carnet's tour through France
will cost the nation about $54,000.
Tbe St. Petersbnrg newspapers are
urging an Anglo-Rnasien alliance,
It is expected that Cardinal Manning
will pass a portion of the winter in Rome.
A Michigan widow set a trap to catch
a bear and caught a flue -looking young
England and Germany are said to be
negotiating for joint nation in .East
Tho City of Paris, sister ship to the
City of New York, was launched on
City TreasurerAxworthy, of Cleveland,
0 , is n defaulter to the amount of about
Two steamers were sunk by collie
in Christiana Bay and eighteen
The U. S. Congress adjourned on S
urday, aft( holding the longest seas
en record.
In the Vermout Legislature the o
clay ten women suffrage petitions w
The cool miners' stripe has caused
price of coal in England to rise two e
lings a ton.
The Prince of Wates has been learn
Magyar, and recently made a speech
that tongue.
The coal mine owners of North Wal
have granted an advance of wages
their miners.
Bessie, and Austria are making "pr
cautionary" arrangements of troops n
the frontier.
The City of New York made the vo
age from Queenstown to New York in
days and 12 hours.
The past summer wnslthe wettest th
England has experienced since 1879 a
coolest since 1800.
The German consul at Havre has bee
insulted, for which the French anthoritie
have tendered apologies.
Oscar Wright, of Oswego, told 1Viilia
Pierce that he would yet use William
skull as a paper weight, and the tbre
coat him a law suit and $500 in cash.
It is rumored in London that the Can
adieu Pacific contemplates establishing
mail service to Australia, provided th
Imperial authorities give them the con
.A London woman, Bridget McMullan
aged 45 years, has been brought to th
police docks 202 times and been commit
ted 147 times, charged with being drum
and riotous.
A bill will be introduced in the Indian
Legislature neat session, greeting a
pies that may desire to do so, the priv
go of taxing themselves for kindergart
en purposes.
The elephants of Africa do not grow t
the size they did ten or fifteen years ago
and naturalists say it is because th
have been frightened so often by th
sound of firearms.
Miss Jessie Fair is one of the moa
acomplisbad horsewomen in San Fran
cisco. Her horse is a beautiful dappl
grey that cost $1,000, and she has recent
ly purchased a milk -white steed for 8500
The new 010.000 monument in memory
of I3nston'sfiremen will soon be pieced
in position en au elevated lot in Forest
Hills Cemetery, in that city. The shaft
is surmounted by a seven foot dgure of a
fireman represented in the act of com-
mand, and the figures of other firemen in
active duty are represented about the
four corners of the pedestal.
The total number of European troops
id English India in 1836 was 61,015, and
the average death rate per 1;000 was 15,-
18. In the province of Bengal there were
33,000 men and the death rate was 15.5.
In the province of Madras 14,000, and
the death rate was 16.2 Province of
Bombay, 11,000, death rate 12.7. The
number of native troops was 106;010,
and the death rate was 19.46 per 1,000.
And endless railway train, consisting
400 platform cern, is to be one of the
ructions at the Paris Exhibition. The
e will be sunk so that the platforms
1 be on a level with the surface, and
e train will run slowly enough to per-
t most people to step on and. off while'
5 in motion; but for the nocommode-
n of elderly people a atop of fifteen
onda every minute will be made. The
Live power will be electricity.
Ve would like to know the name and
res of a certain young girl in Mieleis-
pi. Some one gave her five cents.
OA lit she bought a and of calioo, and
de it into a sun bonnet, whish she
d for forty cents. She invested the
y cents in calioo; made more bonnets,
them, reinvested, made other gar-
nts and pretty soon had 010. She put
money into potatoes, planted them,
d for the cultivation, harvesting and
rketing of her crop, and made a oloar
fit of 040.
t ?
it 1
The first professional championship
Sprinting meeting ever hold in thie 5000-
try took plane at Se Louis, Mo, Monday
afternoon under the auspices of the Pro-
feeeional Athletic Association of America.
The meeting was to nettle all disputes re-
garding the real championship, and here-
after no sprinter in the U. S. or Canada
will be recognized as a champion unless
he wine the title under the rules of the
Professional Athletio Association of
America. The fastest men in the country
participated, including H. M. Johnson,
ee St, Louie, Leon Laeero, of Chicago, J.
Quirk, of Brantford, Ont., Barry Beth-
une, of Cornwall, Ont., J. Collins, Edger.
ton, Wis., T. Whitney, Nebraska, C. F.
Gibson, Boater, i11., 3.0. Ityan, San
Francisco, and W. Bryan, Sioux City.
The track was very muddy and t.me was
eonseghontly a trifle glow, but no race
was won by more than six inches. The
result was as follows t_ .Fifty yards --13.
M. Johnston, time, 5 2.5 secs, Seventy-
hie yards—Harry Bethune, time, 7 0.5
Sem nattered yards --harry Bethune,
time, 10 5501. One hundred and twenty
,yards --Hao. Quirk, time, 12 sots. Beth -
rine having scored the greatest dumber
of points Was dooirtrod the champion,
Card of Thau0
Mils. 1+. 0. R -O ERS begs to thank the
Ladies for the large amount of patronage
accorded her last week during the clays
of our Millinery Opening. Every Lady
who paid us a visit pronounced it to be
without exception the finest display ever
seen in Brussels. Owing to the large
crowds diving our opening clays some
Ladies may seemingly not have received
proper attention, ifsowe owe them an
ample apology and hope with our beauti-
ful display, which will be continued the
whole month, to receive the orders from
those Ladies who have not yet made their
Miss Gnlaz.:.r, our obliging and tasteful
Milliner, feels justly proud of the high
enconiums passed on her and for which
she begs to return every Lady her sincere
terse O 0m Rogers.
Brussels, Oct. 9, 1858.
If you Want a Nobby Suit
Com -I+; Tic)
We have the Finest Assortment of fancy Tweeds, Worsteds,
Overcoatings and Pantings that can be shown In Brussels, also a
splendid and well selected stock of Gent's Furnishings. Our Hats
and Caps are of the Latest Shapes. All will be sold at Moderate
Suits Out Up in Latest Styles
and Pits Guarautood. Give Us a Call and be convinced • of what
we say. All Tweeds bought from us will be out Free of Charge.
Hear What the Poet Says
Arrah Pat phawt is that you see welkin down sthrato ?
Sure its Mike with a new suit from head to the fate ;
And where did tha spalpeeu get fitted so nate ?
Why up at Broadway --at 88.
Tliim Ross by's get us such illigant Tweeds,
And everything else that a gintleman needs ;
They can fit you up like an Ould Country girt,
And begor they'll not (hate you for never a (int.
They'll suspend you with Braces the loilte couldn't be,
Put a shirt on your back that will fit to a tee ;
Their gloves and their stockings sure niver will wear
And their tweeds are warranted never to tear.
If yeti want hat or cap, or even a collar,
Jist call on the boys it will save you It dollar I
For bedad its the truth I'm sphakin to you,
There is everything there that is stylish and new.
CLOT TllEDS, &a.
OGT. 20, 1888.
r.ag*�s7v�'''e' n 5ee"ee cue aeaz^mo
1.1 --A drat -class farm for sale le the 'A 111Orris, an reasonable torinu 1n. order
Township of Morris 1n the County of II eros, to ales( the agates s! the(fiats of the Into
being south half of north half lots 26 a420 1V, G. fticNstow, the axoeutors offer the fol.
and south Half 0f 20 in 1311 son„ containing lowing valuable lands for sale North
sou aorea more OT Ieeo, 125 acres inostty half 0f Lot 00, Omwsseton 6 Township of
cion of stumps and in a good state el anal. Morris, containing CO wares, On Mlle lot la
vatl on, There Is ayoung bearing or0114ra a °rooted a good frame barn with stone lour.
good iiauso and hank harp 66 x 50 feet with dation, good °rahoud, well and pump, Near.
stonastahie underneath, '31e farm is site. 4.0115150W, sugad in 00 BOO grave road
and iwithin good angle
for grain l oro sstookirole11 closely
l%armlis iarvnluable one, Is Well rfenced
tng esltiewat see with the river Maitland and Jn n good 51810 0f cultivation, trot
and novor tailing spring crook, Possession mines end terms apply to 013.08. IC101,1„,X,
will bo given at any thee, Por further par. 13russais 0. 0., livainx ,InurtNtds, Victoria.
Haulers apply on the pramiesa or to A. h. Boners 0.0., or 7Aa1ne 83712n, hfaplo Lodge
11OBBitle6os nrussole, P, 0, 0.tf 1', 0., Middlesex (aunty.
STE Li C E 11H
Sterling Machine 0 1 is daily becoming more widely and favorably know' , Those
who try 11 continuo to use it. No other Oil is more euitable for general use. It is
well adapted for all
fill 1fachillary,
Real]ers, I owgps
anal :'lireshers
lllaflufaetnretl by McMillan, Kittredge cf' Co., 1etroleca ; Branch at
Stratford, Ontario.
FOR SALE BY A.J\[.iMcKA.T & Co.,
11, F. McAreaseen, Ethel ; J. TIMMMtNS, Bios-mie. Inc
® V�
® f;+
THE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at
,, the old
Egg Emporium, NEXTTHI+; R Brussels Post Officer
Farmers rmers and others can depend upon getting from
us the very highest Market Price IN CAsoe
this season as we are going to ship extensively and require large
Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels.
Mrs. Wmo Ballanty & Son.
]otic(. ---I have much pleasure in informing all my
oId friends that my daughter and grandson
will continue the egg business at the old stand carried on by me
last year and I hope they will redeye liberal patronage.
We, the undersigned, call the Attention of the Public to
the fact that we have put in some
and are now able to do better 'Work than has been done in
the past and as good, if not better, than most
We will endeavor, to the best of our ability,
to Please all Customers and fill all Orders at
Shortest Notice.
Those Parties having WOOL would do well
to give us a call before going elsewhere.
We have a fine Assortment of
SEE°, TITS ��+aa
BLrar,�Fl Eat ds fes,
IT - GOODS - MADE - ° 0 - ORDER,
Hoping you will favor us with a Gail, We
are, Yours Truly,
GEO. HOWE & Cao,
n la.ti
Supt. 10,