HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-19, Page 8titEDI A$, S% rr It io not now necessary to go to 'Washington Territory to reoeivo benefit Irons the waters of the MEDICAL LAKE. This Writer ie. VOW trap0 o ld in tiukpugea to different parte of the P and 1 hove the agency for it hero. His ro- satdPsndS olyei, Carr1.DesPOla ak n Dimm- ers. If you will mill at my Drug .Store you can have Opener giving lull diroctiens and testi- =entail be refitted by this le near home who have G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, and Fancy Goods Dealer, Brussels.' NO REMEDY gives sech •universal satisfaction at the OOtGH REMEDY manufactured fn Senfortll, called - '--LpUMSDwEN & WlLSONN'S- /'1 4 P %%%N N% o%%%9oja o ff o a1 G1 aerated Balsam of Fir,: py/ py/o/Npp o/o/Op//o %%%P/P/P.r P'otou ,V% WN/e /OIPN/ON/e/PNiaiPNW/P/P iu f Its wonderful virtues have created a demand far the Preparation from all parts of the Province. Druggists sell it. Price GO cts. 17-Sms. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, w. e. & D. R. Trainsleave Brussels Station, uort and sane.. as tollowe:- Going South. Doing North. Steil 7.02 a.m. Mixed 9:80 a.m Mixede 1855p.m.1 Express ..........9:4.m 5p.m ,axil Stirs gi.tns, A °hiet's among ye Lakin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. Two weddings more on hand in town to tape place within a month, Tan from now to the end of 1889 for $1.50, in advance. Nearly 16 months reading. Amiss 0000 1148 received 1000 lbs, of grapes, which he will sell oheap by the basket, 18. ON the inside pages of this issue may be found the prize lists of the Blyth and Newry Fall Shows. Tax ilex crop is all gathered from the fields and the mill bands are now hard at work in nlauufaoturing it. Tan .regent rains have been a great. blessing to this locality in the way of supplying walls, that have been dry for weeks, with water. LAer week Dr. T. G. Holmes disposed of his 2 year old colt, "Kentucky Star," to a party in Clinton. He still owns a yearling of the same breed. Near Sabbath Icor, Samuel Jones will preach in the Methodist church morning and evening. Rev. Mr. Swann will be at Teeswater preaching missionary sermons. THE dogpoisonor is at his contemptible work again and canines belougino to Dave Wilson and John MaBain have gone to dogdom. The owners are anxious to know who the mean steak is, LAST Saturday evening the members of the Methodist chnrch choir wore treat- ed to wedding cake from Mrs. Slater, nee Miss Fannie 112. Hill, who was a member of the choir. BieYLou AND Isomo."-This will be the subject of Rev. J. Manly's lecture at the annual mooting of the Brussels branch of the Upper Canada Bible So- ciety, to be held in Melville church on. Monday evening, Nov. 5th. Mr, Manly is well worth hearing. Dian. -Last Saturday a telegram was received by Capt. Stratton, from Ux- bridge, announcing the decease of hie father at the advanced age of 86 years. Mr. Stratton and sister (Mrs. John Mooney) wont east on the noon train. The funeral took place on Tuesday. Old Mrs. Stratton died about a year ago. RHCENmv the dwelling of Mr. Hum- phries, father of T. S, Humphries, of Brussel,, was destroyed by fire and al- most everything burned. The fire etart- ed about midnight and looks very much like the work of an incendiary. The plane was partially insured. Mr. Hum- phries lives in Kinloss township, not far from Lnoknow. Cons1crxoss.-The following corrections are made to the prize list of the East Huron Fall Show :-155 prize for squash, Samuel Burgess ; joiner's work, furniture, R. Leatherdale ; tomato catsup, Mra. T. Ballantyne ; general purpose plow, (Tol- ton) Wm. Martin ; Robt. McKay lot in- stead of 2nd prize for 2 year old roadster filly ; lst prize for 2 year old heifer, there'. bred, Jno. McLaughlin. BAND of Hope met on Monday with 54 members present. The following was the program : Singing, "We are a band of soldiers" ; recitation, 'Willie Sturdy ; dialogue, Fanny Rogers and E. MoLanch- lin ; singing, "We are a little temper- ance band" ; recitation, Nellie Ward;. reoitation, Willie Love ; singing, "Temp- erance boys end girls are we" ; recita- tion, Gordon Cooper ; recitation, Mamie Shaw ; singing, "The Gipsy Boy." THE roads are muddy. Bala oysters on Saturday. A. Good. A. R. Stirs was away at Goderich as a juror. F ocama Division Court on Thursday of next week. USUAL services in St. John's church -next Sabbath. I. 0. RxcaAuns for cheap horse blankets, 3rnnke, valises, &o. Tan Peer for the balance of 1885 for 115 cents, in advance. BEAtr1FUL linen window blinds at low yrices at Leatberdale's. MEPAxRS in harness done oheap and • well at I. C. Richards. 25 cons, in advance, secures Tan Pose for the balance of 1888. TEs Pose from now till let of January, 1889, for 25 cents in advance. Prcrumz framing attended to with neat- ness and despatch at Leatherdale's. Tan oirculation of Tag Pose is boom- ing. Now is thetime to subscribe. GREAT 'big bargains in bedroom suites and sideboards at R. Leatberdale's. A GOOD program is being arranged for the Charity Concert by the ladies of the W. C. T.17. Tars week W. Stewart, of Stewart & Merrick, is doing duty in the jury box at Rnron's Capitol Oman to circumstances over whioh we had no control our new story "Mona'o Choice" does not appear this week, Wan do the farming community think of this 4 51.17 is being paid on our atarket this week for both Spring and Fall wheat. Orn school teachers are at the Teaoh- --ere' Convention being held at Wingham on Thursday and Friday of this week, excepting Miss Abraham. PERSONS cannot fail to be suited in the Large and well selected stook of furniture at R. Leatherdale'e show rooms. Goods delivered free in the country. AN exchange says :-Southampton pro- poses to grant a bonus of $5,000 to Van. atone Bros., Brussels, to establish a sash, door and furniture factory in that village. Bim. -W. T. Sinter and Sam. Beattie ware admittedto bail on Monday of this week. Their trial will take place before :fudge Toms, at Goderich, on Tuesday, 30th inst. Limos' satohel lost on Friday, 5511 inst., between the centre of Brussels and the station. The finder will please leave it at THE Posm Publishing House for the .owner_ NOTICE OF REnovaL.-Dr. Graham has removed his office and place of residence from his brink block, Turnberry street, 10 bis new residence, opposite Melville church, William street. 14. BOOT AND 0010E cr5RING.-Adam Good will have a grand boot and shoe opening on Saturday 20th inst., to which he in- vites every one to 00030 and examine hie stook. He will at the some lime give each family who chooses to call a memo book woith 25o, free of charge. LAST Saturday a Wroxeter hotel -keep- er, named Colgan, who has juet been re. learod from a three months' visit at Gob. rich jail for contempt of Court, attempted to play the role of "Postoflice Detective" while serving+ surnmone' for the deiend- ant in the libel suit. His clothes gave him sway. WELL DleanrG AND Thatzuse.-G50rge '33irt has all tho necessary machinery for .digging and drilling wells and is prepared 6o attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insuresatisfaotion. Terme reasonable. Residence eeconddoor north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry attest, Brussels. 16.5E Ar Exobue.-Tho Co, Sown has a very magnetic influence this week, largely. due fie the libel suit of Grant roe. Jenkins, Among persons subpconed by the defend. ant are A. Hunter, ,Jno. Mooney, James Stratton jr., J.I1. Yining, Jae, Kelly, W. Nightingale, N, Iltilloy, J. A. Creighton, T. Hall, Robt, Beattie, M. M. Cardiff, '-obn Gr8war, Darold M8Eaaughton, loo. Hent Dr, Ito m , 1'tlashfll, J11o, Manning, 7. Clegg, 3. J. br df ot. 'Walsh and Jas, oa o Denman, S. Wa Viet is 28 but thein may, possibly, be it kW others overlooked. THE S.FUSSLES .POST Awn Goo» received a big lot of rub. bons and loather b,.ote that lie will Boll cheap, 12. ANY quantity of fresh lime at the l%iln, Brussels, for 11 °onto a bushel, W. F, 11700x, Prop. Baarron monthly mooting of the W,0.7'.U, will be hold at Mrs, Cormaok's on Saturday afternoon of this week. $25 l8Ewns».-This amount will be paid for suoh information as will lead to the discovery of the party who poisoned my bound. 1). Waxers. AT the Blyth Fair, on Thursday of last wool°, Metiers, Romig & Gabel took 1st on thelr2 year old filly and 2nd for brood mare, roadster class. T. O'Neil secured a prize for his buggy hone. There was big competition, too. TRE Buse. -The following additional officers were elected at a mooting held in the Council Chamber : In the ease of James Jones deolining to mot as Secretary, A. Couoley was elected Financial Seero. tary and 0. E. Turnbull Corresponding Secretary. All engagements hereafter with the Band must be made with the Committee of Engagements, consisting of Wm. Grower, Wm. Smith and James Stratton. AN 16X511105108 OF GnATITUDR.-With your kind permission, l4Ir. Editor, we would express our heartfelt gratitude to the many friends who have aided and sympathized with ns in our sickness and bereavement. We would likewise in- clude the many who have made con- tinual enquiry of our welfare and rejoiced on hearing of any improvement in our- selves and also in that of our obild. We are thankful to say that those of as who remain are fast recovering health and strength and the fever from which via suffered has sometime since departed. Yours in hope, MR. AND Mao. DEAD3G8. KNox Caunca.-Under the auspices of Knox Churoh Home Missionary Sooiety the Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, is announced to deliver his lecture on the Southern States on Tuesday, the 28rd inst., in Knox church. In his looters Mr. Hartley discusses the physical geog- raphy, supposed fertility, climate in re- ferenoe to health, &o. Don't miss it. The chair is to be taken by W. H. Kerr, of Tau Pose, at 8 p. m. -Rev. G.B. Howie is announced to Mature iu Wroxeter on the 25th and in Jamestown on the 26th insts., and is expected in Toronto on the 29th. OnaT.-Last Monday morning Andrew Currie, sr., passed away. Iia had been bothered for months with his atomalih, but, being a man of iron constitution, he did not take to his bed until a few weeks previous to his decease. He was a gen- erous, honest -going man, who had the good will of all who knew nim. The de- ceased was born in Marlfield, Roxboro'. shire, Scotland, in the year 1824 and came to this country in 1854. In 1849 he was united in marriage to Mary Rutherford, third daughter of the late John Rutherford, of ()railing Nook, Box- boro'sbise. Their family consisted of 9 children, (G sons and 3 daughters) 5 of vbom are dead. The surviving sons are John, who lives at Seaforth, Andrew, of Brussels, who succeeds his father in business, George and William, in Mani- toba. lir. and Mrs. Currie lived at Galt for a year on coming to Canada and aft- erward made their home at St. Marys, Seaforth and Brussels, coming here about 10 years ago. The funeral took place on Wednesday forenoon, the inter- ment being made at Egmondville, where some of the children are buried. Mrs. Currie will continue to reside here. People We Snow. Mies Issie Swann is visiting her sister at Teeswater. Mrs. Green, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. D. 0. Ross. anon. The fire is supposed to have or - Mrs. Hunsicker is visiting Dire. Robb. iginated from some one smoking in the mow. The confirmation class at St. Joseph's Church, Stratford, on Friday numbered 120 candidates, about half of them were boys and the other half girls. There were alio two grown up candidates. The service was conducted by His Lordship Bishop Walsh, of London, assisted by Rev. Father Flannery, of St. Thomas, and Revs. Dr. Kilroy and Father Quigley, of that city. At the conclusion of the ceremony Bishop Walsh addressed the candidates ou their duties through life. The Mayor of Stratford issues the fol- lowing "plain, square ohallsnge" to Isis traducers in that city :-"From February until the first week in September last the Mayor of Stratford did not drink as a beverage, either in his own house, the house of a friend or in any hotel, any ale, porter, lager, gin, ram, brandy, rye or other kind of whiskey. If any respect- able citizen will come forward with proof to the contrary Mr. Butler will resign his seat as Mayor and donate 550 of his salary to any charitable or other society that may bo deemed deserving." atatInha On Thursday of last week Dr. W. N. Robertson' and Jobni .11, Harding, jr., rode from Stratford to St. Marys on their bicycles in 41 minutes. ;halos MeD Coven, of the Inland Rev- enue Department, Stratford, hoe boon promoted' to a position in tho Guelph dis. trio;. He will bo stationed at Waterloo. Geo. Davidson, the proprietor of the hicks House, Mitchell, has disposed of the furniture and stock of his hotel, and leased the house to Messrs. Goo. Finlay and Nesbit Potter, D. Il. Dorman, of 111e woollen mills, Mitchell, has again been forced to assign. This time his creditors offered to swept 50 conte on the dollar, providing the pay- ments wore seourod. Lot No, 18, lu the 8th oon. of the town- ship of Ellice, 100 acres swamp land, has been sold for $1,375 to Jacob Bald, of tho township of Downie ; and lot No. 40 in Sermon's survey, on Caledonia street, Stratford, containing half -acre of land has bean disposed of for $800 to James Brady, Stratford. Miss Agnes Knox, the St. Mary's dram- atic reciter, has arrived Boma from a professional trip through England, Ire- land and Scotland. She will return next season and make a thorough tour of the United Kingdom in her oapaoity as an elocutionist. Several of the leading lit- erary associations have already bespoken her eervicoa. The Stratford Curling club ideated the following officers for the season of 1888- 80 : Alex. MoLaren, President ; 0. E. Nasmyth, vice -Pres.; Wm. Maynard, jr., Sou: Trona. ; Thos. Ballantyne, M.PP., Patron, Messrs. Payne, Filey, Wilmot, Watson and Tracy compose the manag- aging committee. The skips are Messrs. MoLaren, Filey, Watson, Trew, Welsh. On Thursday forenoon of last week, as John Haley was threshing on the farm of Samuel Thomas, of West Niseouri, fire started in one of the mows of the barn, and instantly spread through the whole building, consuming the machine and theseason's crops. Mr. Thomas' loss is heavy, as he only carried a email insur- Armstrong thus week. Albert Haggitt has been seriously ill but is improving now. Miss Lille. O'Connor, of Guelph, is home for a holiday visit. Dirs. Hannah, of London, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Veal. James Hunter, of Detroit, is here on a visit to his relatives and friends. Miss Nellie Jupp, of Hamilton, is visit- ing old friends in town for a week. Miss Nellie Webster, of Stratford, is visiting with Miss Arlie Oormauk. Mrs. Grebel, of Mitchell, is making a visit with her son and daughter of this place. It is rumored that the only Claude Waterer is rusticating at Thessalon, Al- goma. J. R. and Mrs. Grant, R. S. and Miss Rays, and W. M. Sinclair are in Gode- rich this week. Jno. Halliday, of London, an old time resident of Brussels, was in town for a few days last week. ,t Joe. Ballentyno was Boma for a couple Of days last week from Palmerstou. He eturned on Saturday. Mrs. Dodds and eon were visiting at David Ross', sr., last week. Mrs. Dodds and Mrs. Ross are sisters. Mrs. Coutts is making a visit with her 'daughter, Mrs. Geo. Thomson, She has not been long from Scotland. Mrs. T. McCullough left Brussels on Thursday for Philadelphia, where she will join her husband and spend the Winter. Jno. Stewart and wife expeot to spend the Winter in Oalifornia and will start as soon as Mr. Stewart gots a little stronger. L. Ingall and bride, of Galt, are spend- ing part of their honeymoon in visiting the families of R. Leatherdale and Wm. Vanstone. Adrian Thonret, who was on TUE Poem staff for over a year, is now in the oyster business in Toronto. He knows how to sample them. Jno. F. McCrae was here on a brief visit with "the old folks at home" thio week. He still makes the Queen's city his headquarters. Samuel Fear and wife are away this week on a visit to Rev. E. A. Fear, of Hensall, and W. J. Foar, L.D.S., and I. V. Fear, of Seaforth. Thos. Ainley and wife removed to Lis- towel on . Tuesday of this week. Mr. Ainley has'a good position in Hese' fac- tory. Tan Poor wishes him suocees. Robert Rutherford, of Harrieton, and Jno. Rutherford and wife, of Woodstook, were here this week attending the funeral of their relative, the late Andrew Currie. Mrs. Dunphey left Brussels this week for Toronto and Woodbridge, whore ebe will spend a few weeks before returning to Winnipeg with her mother and brother. N. G. Bowbeer, of Simcoe, has boon )'engaged no assistant in the Brussels post )office. He oomos highly recommended rand has had an experience of over four years in postoifiee business. Dr. Graham moved into bis new resi- denoe (Duneden) on Saturday of last week. It will take diem some time to get "settled" however. We wish them many happy years in their new home. "Happy Jack," one of the first Salva- tionists who came to Brossele some years ago, has gone to India along with a score of other members of the Army. He was an earnest soul if evar there was one. Last Monday George Currie left Brus- eels for Attwood where ho takes charge of a tailoring business. Mr, Currie is well up to the business and will give good satisfaction to his customers, without a doubt. SUNDAY 'S0000r AssooxATION. -- Last Monday evening a meeting of persons in. throated in Sabbath school work was held in Melville church for the purpose of considering the formation of a local Sabbath School Assooiation. After a brief discussion the following officers were elected :-President, Rev. Jno. Roer, B.A.; Vice -Presidents, the resident ministers; Sem'etary-Treasurer, W. H. Kerr. It was decided to hold meetings on the first Wednesday of each month for the next six months, to be held in the various churches, commencing on Wednesday, Nov. 7111, in Melville obueoh, at 8 o'clock p. in. The subject chosen for disonssion, the persons to introduce them and the date and plane of meeting is as follows : Melville church, Wednesday, Nov. 7th, 1888, "Tho duties of a S. S. Superin- tendent," by W. R. Wilson ; Knox thumb, Wednesday, Deo. 5th, "The relation of the S. 8. to the Mission Field," by rev. 0. B. Howie; St. John's ohureh, Wed. nesday, Jan. 2nd, "Music in the S. S.," by J. Hargreaves ; Methodist church, Wednesday, Feb. Gtlh, "The relation of the S. S. to the Tem/mecum Question," by Rov. M. Swann ; Melville ehuroh, Wednesday, March 6th, "The beat mode of reviewing the lessons in the S.8., by Rev, 3, Ross, B. A. ; St. John's 0116013, Wednesday, April Ord, "How to retain adults in the S. S.," by Rev. W. T. Cliff. The person introdncingthevariouetopios is supposed to occupy 15 minutes, after whioh the subject is open for diseuesion in 5 minute speeches, The prayer meet. ing services Visually held on the e700111 i0 mentioned will be withdrawn. It rs hoped the above organization will bo the moans of stimulating the work and ofiiaf- eney of the Sabbath soboole of this looality, Clip this list of topics oat 90 that you will have it for reference, Porth Comity Voters. Doter Stalk, a farmer of 11inkera, near Stratford, on Friday shot a boar which weighed 300 Ibe. Aroh. A. Campbell, lately with the Stratford Herald., will take a position on the Farmers' Advocate shortly. W. R. Davie, of Mitoholl, averaged one hundred auction sake in the fail and winters of each of the last throe years, D. Maxwell has already begun moving hie machinery from Patio into his ,1550 buildings at St, Marys, which are 00w nearly completed.' 3. M. Moran, M.A science 'motor in the Stratford Callogiabo Institute, has been Bloated iP esidont of the Perth Teachers' Assooifction: Walter T19onndoh, of Miteholl, has purchased the DO -inion )1.611 in London,. and the intention. )1.611 to run it as a flsttr. lig Mad o'treetlJrfill, E32872A.Z'OIWP= SrGa Zx"]7303. COMMUTED CA13I1FUld r EVERY 1711017. Fall Whmat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley Potatoes .. Rutter, per Ib Eggs, per dozen,....,,.., ' 16 Apples, per bushel 06 Hogs, dressed 6 60 Beef 4 50 Hay 8 00 Wood, per oord 2 50 Sheepskins, each 40 1 14 1 17 1 14 1 16 82 88 00 02 55 '72 80 35 17 18 00 00 7 00 5 50 9 00 8 60 131 77703}70.,02 3 2 S.cZ a'S'S, e0EREOTED CAREFULLY EVERY MIEN, Fall Wheat 1 14 117 Spring Wheat 1 14 1 1.7 Barley 56 72 Oats 32 83 Peas .., 00 Butter, tribe and rolls.... 17 Eggs per dozen 10 Flour per barrel.. 6 00 Potatoes 30 Hay per ton 12 00 Hides per lb 4 Salt per bbl., wholesaleGO Sheep skins, saoh 60 Wool, per lb 18 Pork 6 25 In the counterfeit coin ease in whioh Johnston, Smith and McCabe were sent up for trial from Clinton, the charges against the first two have been dismissed and the last named allowed to go, to ap- pear when called up. The leniency of the Crown and Court in these oases should not be accepted as an excuse for further operations in that line by nnsop. histicatod and misguided persons. Judge Doyle presided. MEDxctx.-The last regular meeting of the Huron Medical Association took place on Tuesday, 9th inst., at the Commercial hotel, Clinton. There wore present, Dr. Young, President ; Drs. Smith and Mc - Kidd, Seaforth ; Gordon, Irving, Kirk - ton ; Holmes, Brussels ; Taylor, Gode- rich ; McDonald, M.P., Wingham ; Tuok, Balmer° ; Elliott, Brucefield ; Sloan, Blyth ; Gunn and Worthington, Clinton. An interesting case of a little boy of about three years was shown, who had one of the bones of the fora arm diseased and separated at the wrist from the other, and was exposed for about three or four inches. A ease of pleurisy with effusion into the cavity of the pleurre was present- ed, which had been oontraoted by ex- posure. Also a case of chronic rheuma- tism.of long standing, which appeared to bo improving. A very 00010U5 case of paralysis of the logs in a child was shown, with curvature of the spine of a rather extreme character -a very unusual ease. A very largo ovarian tumor was exhibit- ed, of the usual oharaoter. .8. long dis- cussion took place on the subject of diph• theria, as to whether it is a local or a constitutional disease, some holding that it is local, the poison lodging in the mouth and throat, and then absorbed in- to the system, others that the poison is first taken from the air into the system, and appears as dipthoria in the throat, and by a high temperature and loss of strength, eto. r3ORMO-.,. BASH, -In Grey, on the 14th insb., the wife of Mr. John Bain of a son. BenEnn.-In Brussels, on the 14th inst,, the wife of Mr. George Barker, of a 6073. GnovEs.-At Norval, Simone County, on the 8th inst., the wife of Mr. W. E. Groves, Prinoipal of the Wingham Public School, of a son. 62 00 00 00 85 14 On G 80 1 0020 6 50 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. OR SALE OR TO GIVE ON amuse, my ehorongh-bred ArmyBull. Apply at once to 18- G. A. DDADAI.N Brussels, WANTED. -A GOOD GENER. A0 Servant. Good wages to ono experienced. Apply at onoe to 18- MRS. E. E. WADE, Brussels. ART CS.,A£3S. MIS8 LILY VEAL WILL GIVE LEIS - sone In Drawing, Landscape Painting and Painting on V elvet. Charges moderato, Satisfaction guaranteed. 6-tf N OTIOE.-ALL PARTIES IN• defiled 10 mo, in account or note, overdaelast January, aro requested to pay them immediately. 12-4 WM. GRAHAM, NL D. Caveats .11e, issues sad Trade Marko secured and all otber patent emotes in the Patent Moo and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to. 'upon receipt of infid- el or sketch of invention. I make oarotnl examination,and advise as to patentability Free of Charge. Fees moderate, and i make no oliarge unions patent is secures. reform- ation, advice and spools' references emit on applioation. J.R. L1DTELL, Washington D.O., U.B. Patent Office. 19- CS1rc11-Cmtn'Fonn.-At the residence of the'brido's father, on the 10th inst., by the Rov. W. Torrance, Mr, Ab- ram Well to Miss Ellen Crawford, all of McKillop. Gn0Foom-14I1r,Ls.-At Stratford, on Oct. Ot11, by Rev. W. S. Griffin, D.D., as- sisted by Rev. G. R, Turk, Rev. G. A. Gifford, M.A., Ph.D„ pastor of Methodist ehuroh, Acton, to Dema, daughter of Mr. John W. Mills, of Stratford. ennuis.• -In Brussels, on the 1:0ti1 Met., ,Andrew Currie sr., aged 04 • yeare, 1 month anll 17 clays, TtEoorty, OCT. 80, --Farm stools and implements, S} -1st 80, cdn. 4, Morrie. Salo at 1 o'clock sharp. Dougald Taylor, prop. Cleo. Kirkby, Duct. 7.nultsnts, O.. r. 25. -farm stock and implements, lot 5, con. 4, Groy. Salo at I o'clock sharp., Robt, Crooks, prop. Capt. Strotten, anat. -. VADAT, OoT, 26,-.-Farn1 stoclf, unt ie. moots, mo,, lot 24,con. 7,Grey, Salo at 12 o'ouocif noon. Robt. McPolvoy, prop. Geo. Kirkby, Auct. REAL ESTATE. THREE HOUSES TO RENT.- Apply to DR. GRAHAM. 124 1HOIOE FARMS POR SALE. - A few splendid,improved farms for Wain the township of Grey, Morrie and Mslilllop. Apply to A. DELGATTY, Co. Auottoneer,Bruesols P. 0. OCT. 19, 16a8. gin 6ANMNG. MoINTOSH iC AiuTAGGART, BAN1f18108 BRi1SSIILS Transact cc General lbastl.ing Business, ANOTE8 DIS00UN'.C1;D, Canadian and Vatted :i Woe Drafts bought and Field, Interest allowed on donee' be. Collections made on favorable tering. Oanadlao Agents-Atonal:WM'8 BANE 'or CANADA. Now 'York Agents -Increments AND Tenn- ant NATxoNA0 0AN0, LIARMFOR SALE. -THE SUB - 1L Bonin offers his valuable 100 more farm, boiuglot 8, oou. 19, Grey Township, Huron Co., for sale, There are about 60 aures cleared and In good heart. 'There is a log honse, good hank barn, boozing orchard, and all the neoeesary oo'Oyenlenses on the promises. For further.partiOalars, as to prion, terms, ata„ apply to the Proprietor, WHO S. HIBLOP, Clare P. 0., N.W. T.. or to 2.55 DODGALD BT1A0HAN, llrussela 1'ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -Tire undersigned offers hie 90 -sore farm, lot 90, con. 7, Morrie, for sale or to rentLhero are 00 notes cleared and under crop. The buildings oovsist of o frame house, Immo barn, &o. There is also an orchard of one more. Guod well. There ora l0 soros of fall wheat in this fall. Fo r furtherpartioalare, as to price, terms, &c., apply to the Proprietor, 0.11 JOHN 271:LEIN8ON. Brussels P. 0. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. dYM. SINCLAIR, SOLICIT - or, Oouvoyaneer. Nobery Publlo &o, Ofiloe : Gralinm's Bloolc,1 door north of Hargreaves' Drug Store, Private Fonda 10 00511. HARM IN GREY 'TOWNSHIP ion DALE.—Being lot 14, eon. 1e, con- taining lo0acres. It is partly cleared, the balano° well timbered. A never failing °reekoromoos the place and itiawell adapt- ed for•eitber farming or grazing. I wi1111ke- wisese1140acres, being oast part of lot 14, oon.16, nearly all sneeredand in a good state of cultivation. A good frame barn with a good stent stable underneath and a never tailing well 15 also on the place. For further partionlars apply so the proprietor on the plans. This lot is ocpostte the oth- er 01501770E AVERY, Proprietor, 1.5f .'.(ARM F011 SALE, -THE UN- nEnei0800 offers for sale the north oast quarter of lot 28, concession 0, Morris, County of Huron. containing 50 norms. The Landis of first quality and in a high state of cultivation, well locoed and under -drained, 45 sores cleared. Now frame house, 8 rooms, milk hones with oonoreto walls, 2 wails, gooabarna and abed, orchard, etc, Eight aero a of fall wheat,' Th' s desirable property adiolne the corporation of Brussels, Suit able totms will be given, Title perfect. JAMES GRIIOVI4, Owner, se• Box 258 Brussels P. 0. v.E. W A DE, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Notary Public, Con - Wade +ill,attend Collections tol everyeWollner. day at two o'clock. TVOKSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrow &Proudloot, Gode- rich) Barristers, 8all0ltors, Conveyancers, &e. Offiae, Grunt's Block, Brussols. Money to loan. 10. S, HAYS. W. B. DIOSSON, A M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., BAR - .4 -3. msmsn, Solicitor, dm., of the firm of Dlokeon, Taylor & McCullough,' Barriatore, SolMttore, the., Mannieg Arcade, Sing Street West, Toronto. Money to loan. it HUNTER, CLERK OF Oonveysnoer, Notary Division and,HLoan and Insurance Funds ficesinruto lone. OlootionemOfG ham'sBlook,Rrassets. "VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE being the south half of *05 number 80 in the 4th concession of the township of. Morris known 8e tho homestead of Arohi. bald Taylor, oontntaing ninebyoine acres, Ninety acres aro cleared, 1118 balance 37006 - ed with v&lual,ia timber. Excellent build. tugs, large orobard of choice trees, soil in good condition and is situated ono and a quarter miles north of the Village of Brun. eels, on the main gravel road. This is one Of tho finest homeetoad farms in tbo County of Moron and Will bo sold at a bargain and On tortes to suit purobasor. For further particulars apply to the Proprietor. A. M. TAYLOH, Nialming Arcade, Toronto, or 50 31710H113ALD TA'(LO1, SR., 011 1118 prom- ises. tf' FARM FOR SALE. TnolIxeouLors of tho estate of the late WILLIAMMoo.NEY, ESgUImt, demand, now offer the following valusblo lauds for Halo, Viz. :-.The nOrbh half of lob 27 and tho west half of the north. half of lot 28, both in the. Oth ooneeeeion of the Township of Morris, County of Huron, eontalniug 150 nares. About 110 acres aro °bared sad in good condition, the greater partbeing in grass; Tho balanic is well timbered, obiolly' with booeh and maple, This farm i0 favorably situated -within one mile Of tiro village of Bruesois. wbleb affords an e4eelloat, esarkot. There le Upon. the Promisee a goodframe barn and house an orchard of ohe1001rttit trees, a novor muses spr.ug, also 0 good woll and plane, and good fences,' Thio property will be 50..'31 in one or two parcels, to shit intending purehasoOg, Purchaser Will be allowed to enter and 110.03 neo of house on pronviees at any timo after harveet and to 1101011 plowing. -Fun pongee 60111011 bo given at 10: November next. For tonne and further par5ioular1 apply to the undereig]tod Executors, or to JOHN 150017118.11.0, Brussels, Ont. Cardiff.Seeterge 1 Dated at brutsele, Juno iath,1880. At BOO RT CUNNiNGN INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS. WM. F. 0ALE, M. D., 0, M. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontaisie b y examination. Otloe andlisatdeuo-Main St, East, Stile Ontario. T A. McNAUGHTON, M.D., P . 0. M., L.B. O. P. Edinburgh, M. 0, P. S. Ont. At Hargreaves' Drug Store from 9 to 11:90 a.m. and from 1:90 to 4 p, m. At other hours may be found at the residence formerly occupied- by Dr. Hutchinson, Milt street. DENTAL. MOF.NTIC WI' EZ -11. G. L. Boll I.. D. S., Honor Graduate and M. R. O. D. S. Toronto. Vitallzed Air given B.B. Morias, D. 1p. B., Assistant Operator Orman-MeyersDlook, Sealorth. IDF.IINCI MST. W7. Fear,L.D S. Graduate of To- ronto Sohool of Dentistry. A11 oper- ations guaranteed, Oflioo-Cady's Blooh,Beaforth. Arblficlaltoeth, first quality, and guarantoedflt,tor 312.00por set.'„ a Za NTIitiT. f1 a, S6AR'1Z11T, 5.,, Honor Graduate of the Boyar College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Names oxxnl Gm administered for Ianpainless extrac- tion of teeth. OFFECE.=Ono Door North of the Dank. AUCTIONEERS. (1EORGE KIRKBY, LIOEN- amn Auctioneer, Sales conducted on removable terms, forme and farm stook a specialty, Orders left at Tam Poem Publfah- iag House, Brussels, or sent' to 'Walton poet office will reoolvo prompt attention. ALEX. DELGATTY, AUOTION- EEn, is prepared to nttand to solos on the shortest notice. A specialty made of sales of thorough -bred stook. Terms made known by applioation tc Tan Posm Publish. ing Rene, whore orders may be left, or addrers to Brussels P 0. ARAYMANN, AUCTIONEER, . is always ready to attendsales of farina, farm stock, &a. Terms cheerfully given. Oranbrook 57.0, Sales may be ar- ranged ab TEM POUT Publish log Houma Bruesols. BUSINESS CARDS. N](% H. Mo0RACNEN, ISSUER v v . of Marriage Licenses. Of lee at bio Gr000ry,TurnberryStreet. ]J/rISS O'CONNOR, TEACHER LVA, of Piano and Organ. Terms on appla- nation, N. B, -Walton class moots ovary Thursday and Friday atMrs. D. Campbell's, Walton 1/TISS IIARGBEAVBS DESIRES XVI. to receive pupils for Instruc- tion on the 11'Lt,N4) and ORGAN. 8 ;years Experience. Residence with Airs, .Alar. greavee, over 115AltillU 1AIES SIRED 8700107 vo5.iyr N. 73ARR1 TT, TONSORIAL • Artlsb. ohopp next door 50,1511 of As At. Molloy n' coo, cutting a 55058. Ladtso' and °hole° stook of cutting a epoolalty. A chemo s5o0k-of olgnrs.kopI.: MONAIR,.ISSUER OP MAR. ..C31..e rugs Lioansos, by appointment of Ltont,-Goyornor, Oommisslonen, &e„ Q. B. Ocnyeya000rand Agent Fire intim-twee Ce. Onto° at the Oranbroolr Poet,011lee, M. RODPIOX, HOUSE, SIGN one 0,1umentalPainter. Graining, Gilding, bign and Decorative fainting in 111. its branoboo. Shop BIindo done up in style,' Popor Ilangisg a specialty, .Shop into door south of J. Buy018' Carriage ,Works. AiW. O']3RIEN, V. SqHONOR e eraduatoof 512.0 Ontario votorinary Collegqe has resnmed tbo praetioo of 3o1,» NotbeV,S.,anrliaprepared tei treat all dig easo ni domeoticotod animate on Oolentlfie Mid pproved ,prinoiplo3, Troatmopt of dot - teat ' al0 a s. eatalt Ofeed t o &cora Ib V w e Breathitt, Nb i o 'liritd' a Turnborr s5reot. N ! d v g, ) Ii