HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-19, Page 5ra
OCT, 1. 0, 1888.
'CJrant) r<>olo.
Talo older mall is kept booming this
T. t hiek's sale was postponed until
Woduesday of next week,
It is ox Doted that the re.opening ger
Y1005 of Knox churah will be held on
Sabbath, 2851 inat, Preaohing at 13. a.
m, and (1;80 p, m, Particulars lntor,
e ticrtfortla .
Tho MoGibony family are oxpeotod to
drew a largo house nox0Monday evening.
The eoveral oaseo of diptheria aro pro-
gressing favorably and wo are pleased to
say io no instance have they proved
I. V. fear, druggist, has rented Afro.
Armitage'sframe residence) and move)) in
us noon as Mrs. A. gets into her now
brick residenoo.
The oyster social held in tho basemout
of the Methodist chnroit was well at-
tended considering the evening. From
$25 to 530 was realized,
Rev. John Ross, B. A., of Brnsnols,
preaohed two excellent sermons last Sun-
day in the Prosbytarian oburoh. They
were listened to with rapt attention.
Now that tho roads aro breaking up
wood is scarce end of a very high price.
Several hundred tons of coal have boon
distributed throughout tho town thin fall,
which will lesson tho demand for wood.
Fall wheat reached $1,10 per leushel
last friday and is still ascending in price,
while burl"y comes along at 73 conte and
hay brings readily 814 per ton. Tho
farmers aro blessed ;with good prices if
nob largo quantity,
V i11,n„I31r111.
Gilchriet, Green re Co. will soon have
their new factory completed,
At a late meeting of the School Board
all the teachers were re-o,gagod.
hire. J. Ritchie and Mrs. S. Smith at-
tanded the annual meeting of the W. C.
T. U. at Sarnia fast week,
At the quoiting tourney at London M.
Brown, President of the Wingham Quoit
Club, came out viotorions in the heavy
weight competition. He bent R. Robert-
son by a soore of 41 to 8 and downed S.
Robertson by 41 to 31 and W. Whitehall
by 131 to 28, thus winning first prize,
whioh was $20 in cash and a gold medal.
A. Lawson, of Luoknow, took first prize
in the light weight oonsolation play.
The Wingham Curling Club hold its
annual meeting recently and officers
were elected as follows :-President, Jno,
Inglis, re-elected ; Vice•Pres., Sextes
Kent, re.eleoted ; Secretary-TroasurOr,
John Neolands, re-eleoted ; Patron, Dr.
Mnedovald ; Committee of Management,
John Inglis, S. Kent and Jno. Neelands.
Representative members : Hugh Miller,
Toronto and Jno. Neolands. There are
ovor 30 =tubers now connected.
A third teacher has been engaged for
our High School.
The Early Closing Bylaw was re-
pealed by the Council.
W. J. Hay bagged 25 plump specimens
of plover one day t000ntly.
It is about time there was another fire
in town to keep up our reputation.
seTbe McGibeny Family are billed here
for the 25th inst. They come under the
auspices of the
o. 0. F.
Rev. Mark Turnbull has tendered his
resignation as incumbent of Christ
Church, Listowel, having accepted an
invitation to Kincardine.
It io hinted that a branch of The
Grand Army of Fraternity may be or-
ganized in Listowel. There is not much
room for many more Societies.
t1 peculiarity of the roaout petitions re
tho Early Closing By-law was that swim
business men signedboth for and against.
"Those petitions are a "great" index of
popular opinion.
The Listowel Fire Company will be
officered as follows for the next twelve
months : Chief, R. T. Kemp ; Captain,
John Terriff ; Lieutenant, J. Poole ; Seo -
rotary, R. Seaman ; Branohmen, W.
Jordan, W. Hines, J. Campbell, 3. Wil -
non, J. Seburger, J. Hallman, J. Jamie-
son, E. Hayden, W. Chipman, W. Box,
0. Miller. A. Austin, engineer.
13111oval a,
Mr. Wamsloy visited the village one
day this week.
No school the last two days of this
week. The teachers aro nt the Conveu-
tion 1n Wingham.
John Elliott rettu'nad from Manitoba
Saturday on tho afternoon train. It i8
Mr. E's intention to return there in the
Rev. Mr. Jones, of Bru8sols, preached
in Bluavale Presbyterian church on Sun-
day morning last, Rev. A. Y. Hartley be-
ing i11 Lucknow.
Mrs. Agar fell on the bottom stair of
` hor oollas one day last week and severely
j sprained hor Ankle. It is doing as well
ae tan be expected.
Miss Laing, who has successfully
taught the junior department of our
1 school for the last two years, has tender.
od her resignation.
eJos. Leech loft on Monday afternoon
to visit friends in Detroit. Mrs, E.
L000b, of that place, we are sorry to say
has been ill for some time but her many
friends will be glad to learn she is on the
The annual aommibt00 meeting of the
Bible Society was held on Monday even-
ing and business matters for the year
examined. Rev. Mr. Manly will deliver
his annual Mature on that eubjeat, in the
Methodist ohuroh on the 29th inst.
A8 yon draw noar the town you may
see some very tall boys and they have
their peculiarities too for it but the
005011anoo of 'every foe moments to son
them bow so low that they generally re-
pose gently on the ground. The cause --
A very interesting and instruotivo as
well as amusing leoturo was given on
Thursday evening of Met week by ReV,
Mr. Howie, on 'A trip from here to
Bethlehem." Tho rev. g0ntloman was
listened to with a groat dual of pl0a5ure
and those who were not there do nob
know what they missed.
Moe- ire,.
ie Alton Andoraon has boon re•sngagod
as t0ao110r in Button's 5oltool for anothor
year at an advanced ealary. Ifo 10 a
gond teaohor and is doing his work, well.
It. was reported that filo boiler of the
eleven threelier belonging to Brower
Pro, had oxpindod. . it was not any
tthore hoar the truth a0 tbo damago was
solely to the) engine,, and was not very
serious. Tiley are very careful throsh-
Dougald Taylor • Caldblak have
(arrived home ''r, , 'oaitoba, They
took up 100 acme ; ' s I enol] from the
C1.P.11„ not far ..• Pot rains, Mr,
Taylor says that go „ .,goat was Bolling
for 98 Dents to $1.00 p.•r bushel when bo
was thcro, hue the frost had damaged t110
asap cemstderably, The farmers in 50030
notions didnot think the wheat atop
worth cutting after the frost and set fire
to it. Mr, 'Taylor will go west next
The Blyth Standard says :-The Kelly
and Phelan !notions, of Morris, are still
at daggore points with 05011 other. Aftdr
the first trial hold here, in which Kelly
had Phelan fined, Phelan had Kelly a1'.
reigned at Brussels and fined. Then on
Saturday last Dan Kelly had P. Pholan
beforo the magistrate hero and fined ei
and coots, and in his moo against John
Phelan judgment was deferred until
Friday. Now it is said that Phelan is
going to have Kelly up on a charge of
The Ol10000 factory has closed up fur
this season.
Rev. Mfr. Stewart will occupy the pul.
pit of Duff's chureh next Sabbath.
Oho the 25th Met. Mrs. and Miss Sage
will take part in a concert at Stratford,
George Kirkby, auctioneer, is having a
good run of auction sales this Fall. He's'
a first-class man in wielding the ham-
Our school teaohors aro away at the
Bast Huron Teaohers' Convention at
Winghani, consequently rio school on
Thursday and Friday.
Srn,-In last week's issue I noticed a
communication from Walton, signed an
ex member• It i8 certainly a very ap-
propriato title for writer of said article.
Ole has displayed great ability and if 11e
continues as he has commenced he will
yet rise to fame. Thro is nothing like
lofty aspirations in this fast age. An ex -
member of what, of the ohnrmh ? Well,
the church is Christ, and to bo out of the
church simply means to be out of Christ.
Perhaps he may have found h rather
hard to serve God and mammon and
realized that the latter was more con-
genial to his nature. We admire the
man for being honest with himself and
honest with the world, but feel sorry
that he is seemingly going backward
rather than forward. Hs should remora,
bertbsinjunction "Judge not that yo
be not judged," also to pluok the beam
out of his own eye that he may see the
more clearly to plunk the mote out of his
brother's eye. Wo fear that ho is strain-
ing at a gnat and swallowing a oamel.
Eltir til .
Goo; Brewster, of Clifford, spent last
Sunday hero.
David Milne is paying top prices for
all kinds of grain at the Ethel station.
Heffernan do Bawtinheimer shipped a
car -load of cattle to Buffalo last Battu-
We guarantee all repairing of watches,
clocks and jewelry. H. L. JACKSON,
Watchmaker, Ethel 1241
Jonathan Iewitt has improved the ap.
pesr0nce of his fine residence by the ad-
idttion of two very neat verandahs. '
A petition 15 being circulated asking
the trustees to retain our present teacher
for another year at a suitable salary.
Rev. J. T. Legear preached at Milver-
ton lust Sunday. J. Griffin, a yonng man
from Milverton occupied the pulpit here.
Dame Rumor whispers that J. E. and
M. M. are to be married this weak
(Thuredny) but for your life don't tell
The township "daddies" meet hero on
Friday of this weals. What about the
Township Hall that has been talked about
so many years ?
Robe McKelvey intends going west in
the course of a few weeks. Ho btu an
auction sale of farm stook, rec. on Friday
of next week, 26th inst.
J. A. Young is attending the Teaohers'
Convention at Wingham this week and
thero is consequently no school in his de.
partmonton Thursday and Friday. Miss
McNeil is teaohing.
• John N. Robertson and family removed
to B,ownsville, Oxford Co., this week.
Mfr. Robertson has bought out a general
,etore there, and goes into the merohan-
tile busineso again. Wo wish them suc-
cess in their now home.
Tho Sons of Tampernnos have leased
.the room ovor H. F. 111nAllistOr's store
for a lodge -room. The committee are
endoavoriug to have it ready to moot in
next Friday evening. This is a Step in
the right direction as the old hall is very
cold during the winter mouths.
The following officers were elected in
Ethel Division, S. of T. for the (torrent
lquartor ;-W. P„ M.S.B. Mogan ; W.A.
l0harlotto Davies • R.S. Emily Holloway;
Alrita Milne ; F.S., ,LII Young ;
T., Morris Fogal ; Chap. P. Pannabakor ;
0., T. MoOonitld ; A.O., Annie Holloway ;
I.■., E. M'Iaginn ; 0.8., J, Imlay ; P.W.
P., John Cohen
•Po the IS ahoy of Torn PosT.
DOAN Sni.-I wish to call tho attention
of the Ethel correspondent (whoevor he
may be) of the Listowel Banner to tbo
necessity of his adhering a little more
strictly to the truth. Some of his corres-
pondonoo is of too porsonal a oharaoter
to 130 evon amusing. A word to the wise
will be sufficient I hope.
Yours, reo., 13Tonmes.
A. H. Plmmnter will su000ed Prinoipal
Burchill in our Public school,
W. Milne has gone baok to Toronto to
resume his comae in medicine.
The gate receipts at our Fall Show
wore over $400 at five and ton tient
Professor Mills, of the Ontario Agri.
cultural College, Guolph, gave an inter-
esting lector)) in the Motilodiet church
here, on the oduoational interests of the
dilutes, on Monday evening,
The distrlot quarterly mooting of
Template was hold hero in the Tettppor-
anao Hall on Wednesday. J. H. Mc.
Millan, G. C. T., and F. S. Spouoe, P, G.
C. T., of Toronto, and Thos. Lawless, of
Hamilton, woro the operators.
A number of our Ohtizans aro attending
the assizes at Godorich a5 witnesses in
Bic case of Joeoph Webstor vs. Montreal
Telegraph Co. Tho plaintiff is oiling the
Co. foe demagog for injuries rocoived last
Spring by his team dinning away through
cunning to contest with the tolograplt
wires, whioh woe down a short distance
Math of Blyth.
ggma a zr w.,= .,mmn €as sea ter «1st
Miss Hattie Drummond woe presented
with a number of Wilco ey the officers
and tea011510 of the Englinll church on
the eve of hor dsllartnw from Blyth.
Fete, Snow,- 111e following is tbo prim
list of heavy home at tbo Show, mutt.
ed in the pnhhnitod lint on pogo 3 of this
issue; -Heavy Draught Registered Stat.
lions --Two year old, John Mason, W.
MaGarvin ; ono year old, 'p, Meerrieeeel,
D. Moss ; stallion with 0 of his progeny
foaled in 1888, J P. Fisbar, 3, Mason,
General Purpose Stallions - Two your
old, 0, Dale, H. ROss ; ono year old, 13,
Mutoh, R. C.MoGowan. HeitvyDraught%
-Team, W. J. Dickson, J. Reynolds, T.
Hamilton ; brood mars, 0, Delo, A.
Carr; two year oldgokliug, A Morrison,
J, Young; two year old filly, A. Carr, 3,
Soalas; ono year old filly, R. Erritt;
marc foal, A. Carr, J. Shortreed; horse
foal, W. A. Cunningham, J. Mason.
General Purpose -Team, W. H. Lobb, R.
Muton; brood mars, J. Rose, A, W,
Sloan ; two year old gelding, 0. Boddie,
J. Sherbrooke ; two year aid filly, 0.
noddle, W. Grieve ; nos year old filly, D.
Ryan, J. Cormiok ; horse foal, Glen Bros.,
T. Yint; mare foal, J. Johnston, II.
John Babemau Arrived home from
Manitoba on Thursday of this week.
! Council mooting will be held at Burton's
hotel, Lthol, on Friday of this week.
There has not boon suoli a boom in
Apple): for the pasb 10 years as there is
PUS year.
` Mrs. Henry Ball is away at Uxbridge
on a visit to her mother who is all, Tho
olcl lady is upwards of 70 years of age.
The ease of Whitfield vs. White et al
is on at the present assizes. 4 number
from this locality aro attending as wit-
A few months ago some person borrow-
ed a road sorapor from inside Henry
Ball's gate and have not yet returned it.
They aro requested to do so at once and
save furthor trouble over the matter.
Last week Constable McComb tools
Chas. Knight to the Asylum at London.
His mind has been disturbed for 00030
months and it is hoped the treatment ho
will now reoaivo will have a bsnefioial
Jno. McTaggart, lot 24, con. 15, has
an old fashioned well on his farm. Io is
(32 foot deep and has over 52 feet of water
in it. Gsorgo Birt, of Brussels, dug the
well and did his work in a most satis-
factory manner. He is well up to the
The Grey and Morris cheese factory
closed up for this season this week After
a very successful run. Salesman Forbes
attended the cheese fair at Listowel on
Thursday of this week on the look -out to
dispose of the balance of the make -860
chooses. The cheese -maker, T. S. Ed-
gar, has given universal satisfaction and
understands his work well
Robt. Martin, n former resident of this
township, has sold his farm to E. Wolsb,
of Blyth, for the sum of $7,500. This
farm is situated about one mile from
Clinton on the London road, is one of the
best farms in this section, and among
the foremost farms in the county. Mr.
Martinwe bolieve, intends to take up
his residenoo in Michigan, where h0 can,
get more land than h0 can here.
Boos. NOT To nn LETT AGAIN. -A few
days ago a certain farmer in this town-
ship bought some peeking boxes from a
Brussels mordant for tbo purpose of
storing apples in for the winter. To his
surprise hours few onr5 a
and said
merchant appeared on bbe scene with an
account for goods bought, thinking, no
doubt, the boxes were for the purpose of
a midnight flitting. Nothing lute being
sure, Billy.
Tho gate receipts at the Exeter exhib-
ition this year wore Slightly over 5400.
The firm of Mctiinnon and MoMillan,
i grain doalars, of Myth, lata been diesoly.
} 1.
JohnlInw, w, lx tor, ]les sold
f bis trottine horse Tont Burk. to John
; Beacons, of Goderich, for 81,000,
A. M. Burebill Blyth, has boon award' j
rel n Shakespeare diploma for penning 0110 i
required examimttioll of the feh1hkeepoare
oleos of the Cheutanqua Scientific and
Literary circle,
A mooting o1 t110 West Huron Farm -
crs' Instituto is to be bald at Dungannon.
on Friday, 19th inst„ oomm5cloing at 2
p,m, The qu05tion of Conlmorcial Union
will be ono of tate chief topics diecussod.
Fred. C. Wilson, aged 40 years, of To.
ronto, died at the British Exohaoge
hotel, at Goderioh, on Friday night of
last week, from an overdoes of obloral.
Wilson bas been koro for a week, At
five a'alook he obtained a three -Dune
bottle of chloral at a drug store and went
to his room at the notal. About eight
o'olook a servant went to the room and
found the door lacked with bhe key in-
side. The door was forgod open, but he
was then dead or nearly so. Chief Yule
was called in and took charge of the body.
Wilson was a druggist, and once lived at
Bayfield. Ile wrote the prescription for
the dose himself and took the wbolo of
it. Dr. McLean, oornner, hold an in.
quest, and the jury brought in a verdict
that death occurred from the effects of
an overdose of chloral admiuistered by
Himself, but whether intentionally or not
they did not know. Constable Yule sant
u telegram to his wife, 292 Sherboarne
street, Toronto, Mrs. Wilson wired in-
structions about the 1unern', which took
place at Godorich, Mr, Wilson, After
giving up his drug bssiness in Bayfield,
located in Clinton, where ho was a drug-
gist. For some time pasb he has boon
employed by Amerioan and Canadian
wholesale druggists as a travollor. Ho
was troubled with an affection of the
heart, and it is supposed by his rolatives
that ho took the chloral to relieve his
sufferings but accidentally swallowed too
large a dose.
Hon, Jas. Patton, whose sudden death
ocourredon Friday, was born at Prescott,
Ont., on Jane 10, 1823. He attended
Upper Canada College, and passed
throughthe prescribed eonrse in that
institution. In 1840 bo ontered upon
the study of law, under the Hon. J. Hili -
yard Cameron, Q.0.. In June 1845, he
was admitted an attorney. In 1847 he
took the degree of LLB. and commenced
practice at Barrio. Ho beoame promin.
ent in politics, and in 1852 started the
Barrie Herald in the Conservative in-
terest. In 1885 in connection with other
legal gentlemen, he aommenoed the pub-
lioation of the Upper Canada Law
Journal. In 1850 he was eleoted to
Parliament for the Saugesn division
(Counties of Bruce, Grey and North
Simooe,) In 1862 he became a member
of the Cartier -Macdonald Ministry, with
seat in the Executive, now the Privy
Council, as Solicitor -General for Upper
Canada. He was defeated when seeking
re-election, and, with the fall of the Gov-
ernment, retired from Parliamentary
life. In 1858 Mr. Patton took the degree
of LLD, in the University of Toronto,
and in 1800 he was chosen viae -chancellor.
In 1884 tor. Patton moved to Kingston
to take charge of Sir John Maodonald's
business there, but in 1872 returned to
Toronto. In 1878 Mr. Patton retired,
from the active practice of the law, in
which he had been engaged for 93 years,
and assumed controlh
of the affairs of o
English re Scottish Investment Company
of Canada. He held this position until
1881, when ho was called to that of
collector of customs for Toronto. The
deceased was a brother of A. Patton, of
Jiuron County Notes.
The Godorich Star issued live dailies
during the days of the fair.
The Medical Association of Huron un-
animously passed a very complimentary
resolution regretting the removal of Drs.
Hodge and Mitohell to London.
A. M. Burohill, Principal of the Blyth
Public Sohool, and son of R. Burohill,
of Clinton, has tendered his resignation,
to take effect at the end of the year.
A G.T.R. brakeman named Porterfield
had his left hand badly mangled coupling
oars at Henfryn the other night. His
right hand was similarly injured a short
time ago.
17. T. Iloltnes, of Clinton. who is now
in California visiting relations, writes
that the groat west to not all that it is
oraakocl up to bo, for those who work for
a living ab Any rate.
Last friday fire broke out in an un-
000upied dwelling house in Exeter north.
The Jiro engine was 0005 ab tho scone of
clanger, too late to save the house, bat in
time to Savo buildings whioh at one time
wore in serious danger.
Edmund Brauud, sol of D. Braund,
oarriagobuilder, Exeter, while using tbo
sleds) the abhor day, ser001c tho oorner
of the anvil, and a pisco of steel from the
face of the nh'ige was broken off and
struok the young man is the loft arm
just below the oibow, inflicting a painful
The Clinton .Now Era says; -Lash
wook the statement was mado fu our
oolumus that a resident of Clinton had,
while attending the Salvation Army
jubilee in Godorich, contributed $125 to-
wards defraying tho expenses of a mis-
sionary to India. We have been n'opent-
edly asked who it was. Mr. Hill was
the gentleman, and we make this an-
nouncement without his oonssnt. A
further contribution, for the same pur-
pose, and of the same amount, has
singe been given by another resident of
Clinton -W, O. Searle.
I hereby thane age Charles Currio, of
Park Hill, for a match at putting the
shots for $200 a side, the weights to be 14,
16, 18, 20 and 22 lbe., five trials at each
weight and Caledonian rules to govern,
the matob to take place in Toronto two
weeks after Currie covers my money. If
this is satisfactory to Currie, I will for-
ward articles of agreement for him to
sign. Currin has been telling all around
the country that he ootrld do me, so now
is his ohanue to sae whether he ono or
not, To show that I moan busineso I
have dOpositod $60 with the sporting
editor of tho Empire. So now, Aar.
Ourrio, put up or quit °ailing, yourself a
champion. This challenge is open to
anyone in America, and if this money is
not covered in six days I will claim the
sham fiongllip of America, and then I
will lleave for liuropo and try for the
championship there, Hoping to hear
from Gerrie or 0on10 of hie friondo at
on0e. Yours, ate.,
Jens AltelhetasoN.
0111181911701E8 01` 330TET. 08ILL0,
Otto of the Township of Morris, in the
County of Fturou, Yeoman, who died 0 n or
about the eighteenth day of Aagngt, 1855,
iwld others leaving claims in reaped to bis
estate, are boroby n obined to send on or be-
fore the Seventeenth day of November, 1858,.
to Hugh It. Illliott or Biohard Bewley, lEx-
ocutore, at Brussels - P.O., or to A. Bunter,
Brussels, Agent for the said )'scooters, their
names and addresses with full partionlars
of their claims and the securities (if any)
hold by (11110, and also that iminedinboly
after the said ante the assets of the said
deooasorl will be distributed among the par-
ties outitiedthereto, :having regard only to
claims of which the Executors or their
Agent have then notico, and the mentors
will not bo liable for any emote so distribut-
ed to any poreon of whose claim they shall
not have boa notice. A. 118NT1710
Agt. for Executors.
Dated at Brussels thio filth day of October
1886, n19'9iue-__._..,
Economy Restaurant.
Having just opened in the Briok Conn-
or Store, formerly oocnpisd by R. Mal-
colm, Brussels, the opposibo corner to
the Posbofflce.
(At all ronsonable Ilours)
A call is ospeoially solicited and every
attention will be paid to Patrons. A rim.
ited number of Lady and Gentleman
Boarders wanted.
"Well I aoighbor, whero did you got that
ono working two furrow Gang Plow 2" Woll
Sir,I got it from W111. Il ARTKN, itrn:'+dols,
you know he koops tho largest stook of
10LOW5 worth tbo money in the trade,
are you in Hood of a gonoral purpose
plow call and atm
THOS. HENDRY'S, of Seaforth ;
TOLTON'S, of Guelph, No, 7 Plow ;
PATTERSON'S, of Woodstock.
Straw Outten), Grain Crushers and
Grain Grinders.
2, 4, 0, 8 and 10 horse rower.
in all Salu of Implements.
WM. Martin.
Hoven 1 Ttntxnrttnr (32500T.
of Private Funds have:just been
placed in fitly Ratners for in-
.l3orrowerscauhave their loansGreat Bargains al. the
Complete in throe flays if title is I
Private Funds to Loan. meas
$20,0 00
Have been placed in in) hands
for Investment on real estate.
"Bee -hive"
No Commission.
Borrowers can have 1011015 com-
pleted in Three Days if title
satisfactory. Apply to
Solirifor, Brussels.
For the next 2 weeks.
W. H. McCracken_.
Look to Your Own Interest and get your ixristing done at
Where your will get Flour second to 11011e in the Dominion, and
yield per bushel equal to the highest.
Chopping Done
Ile You Wait.
Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour -
Without Extra Charge, if required.
All Kinds of Gain Bought for Cassa.
Oot 1, 8.m
rue1 Ein
a8a r iia)Nrrr(h xi e^ ts'+' e -hi ,k
have 11. ; pltu i•ti 1-:ut'ic cni.Lilre ai Aly Show' rooms,
r /7 r
Ttti'!l•Ut f i%/ , ;'i i ,'i, iIr' 1 •, •, C 1 1 1 ()r Parlor and
Bedroom- 0 Si dolma 'Pahl ,.‘s, (,',7i';, Lounges,. &c.y
that calm 0 i 1 (':.eV I0(.1 ;di 1 .•.11', 0r V11,1at'. .11Waye, a big
Stock to )Moose £0-0111.
eel 13' /0 C:Y I A 3. $3 lie CZ :3 I :b 1$ !
AP 1: iave a. V 'ry la1'.,1 and well 111,1 do stook of BeClro1.3•nul-
Suites and bbitllllual'tis 1 bill f0'11 :horn :tt;_ ,•t'i1i.ij cidw. -
c'(1 Th h'e4. We havi:t ul1.tle a st1'eia'., (1 these lines and
now is ioo 'fore ;o tltahc purcu.ir;es.
Hand -made Furniture a specilla feature of our bus-
iness A. lc';;c surer of tip-top ,1 otticl;nt.i for Picture
Frames, Work tloiie with 110:I 11082 11 t,f lit''p)ti.ah. A nisoe
lot oL Pio Cures, Foot Sirlol9 .:111,1 r„sit.? .,':I. ,'or Pale.
A full line or Caskets, Coffins ainl Voices a,ihyayrs
hand. Two Hearses 111141 a J'ree Delivery Wagon in
connection With our Establishment.
T pay special attention to Oavtty and 47'ter'ia.
E7mbatabLiL4. Having' taken three series of lessons on.
Embalming from Prof. Renouard, of Kansas, and having a
Diploma for the salvo, I feel confident in being able to tttb
this work properly.
A beautiful range of McFarlane, McKinlay & Co's patent.
Limen. T'VViitcl°L111 r1 viiiel ,Gs to hon(l, Every housekeeper,,
should sec thein. T/leT/ 0l.!'r Danc7.7e,s.
Save looney by Patronising the Old Established Flir'ui,
ture Emporium.
000.17 ('01141 .7'i' V S1i ?,., .