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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-19, Page 3it Our, 19, 1888. Blyth. Fall Show. Tho Morris branch Agricultural Show was hold hi Blyth on Wed• natality and Thursday of last week. 01d Sol shone out and tho weather was all that oonlcl bo dosired, The display in oho Hall was of s high order and supereoeded former years in many respeats. Ou tho second day there was n trotnondous crowd present and the show was pronouno oc1 one of the best over held iu this place, Ono of tho attractions was Highland piping and dancing. It "caught" the Scolclimen particul• arty. Space forbide us giving an extended report, but oho subjoined prize list will give a fair idea of oho show : Moan nausea. — The jndgo'c book for the heavy horses, owing to a mistake of the director in charge, 'woe not returned to tho secretary when completed, acid consequently wo can not give tho list here, but may bo able to get it later on. RonnsTEus,—Span carriage hors es, T Agnew, H Hill, E McNamara. Brood mare, J N Perdue, Kosnig & Goebel. Two year old gelding, H Edwards. Two year old filly, Koenig & Grebe', J N Perdue, W Shane. One year old gelding, W Bairns, J Perdue. Foal, E Chamb- erlain, T Wilkinson. One year old filly,J Stafford. Driving buggy horse in harness, W Smith, Terry O'Neil. Saddle horse, J Perdue, J Barr. Gelding, any age or class, D Ryan. Mare or gelding in bar. noes, H Hill. Best two year old roadster, filly or gelding, J Perdue. Best spring foal got by King of the Campbells and Baron Scott, F Reilly, Glen Bros., J Cummings. Best 2 year old colt, in harries, got by Kentucky Star, J Perdue and W Shand, ties. Best year old colt, horse or mare, got by Kentucicy Star, E Chamberlain. Best foal got by Kentucky Star, E Chamber- lin. CATTLE—TnoaonaED: Aged bull, J Cumming. 2 year old bull, Snell & Sons, J Boldrew. Milch cow, T Rose, Snell & Sons. 2 year old heifer, J Potter, N McDonald. One year old heifer, Snell & Sons, N McDonald. Heifer calf, Snell & Sous, Jas Webster. Bull calf, Snell Sous, `1' Boss. GRADE CATTLE.—Yoko of work- ing oxen, 1i Laidlaw, 11 McGowan. Mitch cow, T Rose, N McDonald. 2 year old bailor, J Webster, J Pot- ter. 1 your old heifer, T Ross, 3 Webster. Heifer calf, spring, R Ferris. Best steer calf, R McGow- an, 11 Ferris. 2 year old steer, T Boss, J Cummings. 1 year old steer, 1 and 2 T Ross. Pat cow or heifer, T Roes. Hord, T Rose, N McDonald. STEEP—CorswoLc. Aged ram, J Onmminge. Shearling ram, John Cumming, J Potter. Ram Iamb, 1 and 2 J Potter. Aged ewes, 1 and 2 J Potter. Shearling ewes, John Cummings, J Sherbrook. Ewe laibs, J Potter, J Cummings. LEIDEsTEc.—Aged ram, 1 and 2, J McGregor, Shearling ram, 1 and 2, Snell & Sons. Ram lamb, Snell it Sons, J Richmond. Aged ewes, 1 and 2, Snell & Sons. Shearling ewes, Snell & Sons. Ewe lamb, 1 and 2, Snell & Sons. Fat sheep, R Laidlaw, Spell & Sons. SournnowN: — Aged ram, Glen Bros,, R Erratt. Shearling ram, 1 and 2, Glen Bros. Ram lamb, 1 and 2, Glen Bros. Pair aged owes, 1 and 2, Glen Bros. Pair ebearling ewes, 1 and 2, Glen Bros. Pair ewe lambs, 1 and 2, Glen Bros. SnRoPsnlnEDowNs, — Aged ram, 13 Rose, J Douglas. Sbearling ram, Snell & Sons. Ram lamb, Snell. & Sons, H Ross. Pair aged ewes, Snell & Sons, H Roes. Pair shear• ling ewes, Snell & Sons, H Roes. Pair ewe 'lambs, Snell & Sons, H Rose, • Pxos—Suraowrc.—Aged boar, J Grey, H Fraser. Boar littered in 1888, R Laidlaw. Sow littered in 1888, R Laidlaw, E MoNamare, Bmnsszrmc.—Aged boar, J Clarke, J Gray. Brood sow, E McNamara, J Clarke. Boar littered in 1888, E Bell, 1T Edwards. Sow littered in 1888, J Gray, T Hamilton. GRAIN,—Red fall wheat, R Laid. law, R McGowan. White fall wheat, 3 McDowell, J Cumming. Spring wheat, W Weymouth, J Harrison. Fall wheat, any kind, not known. Six roved barley, J Potter, 3 Barr, Two rowed barley, S Barr. Large white oats, T Ham. illon, 8 Barr. Black oats, T Ham• ilton, J Moffatt. Small white oats, W Bennett, ,l' Jackson. Small peas, T' Hamilton, Largo peas, G Moffatt, R Laidlaw. Timothy seed, R McGowan, J Harrison. Flax eeed, R Laidlaw, R 13 Laidlaw. Roovs.—.flares rose potatoos, J Gray, I3, Laidlaw. Late rose pota- toes, J Pollock, S Barr, Any other potatoes, R Laidlaw, S Barr, 001 - lection of potatoos, S Barr, 3' .Garr, hold carrots, P Willie, S Barr, Gar' don carrots, A Carr, 3 Barr, Swede turnips, J Marr, J Richmond. Col. lection garden produce, R Laidlaw, R Sellars. Beets, S Barr, J Gray. Mangold wurtzels, G Collison, T Iitracban. Putup tins, ,1 Barr, R MoGowan. Squashes, It Sellars. Red onions, J Stafford, R Sellars.. Silver skin oulone, R Laidlaw, Alf Corr, Potelo oniono, 3 Stafford, Field boons, 0 King, 0 Young, Corn, J Richmond, It McGowan. Citrons, It Sellars, II Fraser, Wat' ermelans, T Hamilton, P Willie, Drumhead cabbage, T Taylor, J Stafford. Any other loud cabbage, R Sollars, A Sloan. Oauliflowor, J Stafford, R Laidl'tw. Yellow onions, R Laidlaw, Alf Carr. DAIRX 1'aonuovs.—Tub orenmery butter, G Watt. Tub, not less than 40 pounds, T Hamilton, J Barr. Crock, not loss Ilion 20 pounds, A. Carr, 3 Barr. Ten pounds in rolls or prints, John Stewart, Jas Barr. Dairy oheeeo, J McElroy, W Scott. Factory cheese, 1 and 2, G Young. Extracted honey, W J Martin, R Mulch. Honey in comb, W J Mart- in, R dutch, ffnurr.—Hoine•nlacle broad, Mies McQuarrie, J Harrison. Home- made sponge cake, Miss McQuerrio, J Harrison. I-Iomo•neade bread, G Young, N Cummngs. Bakers' bread, 1 and 2, P Chamberlain. Ton biscuits, N Cumming, A Proo tor, Maple Syrup, J Rath, A Proo tor. Maple sugar, N Cumming, J Rath. Winter apples, 3' Proctor, J Barr. Fall apples, A Garr, 3 Pot- ter. Russets, T Taylor, U' Jacloon. Northern Spies, G Jackson, J AIc Gregor. Snow apples, J Potter, J Match. Baldwins, J Jackson, J Potter. Rhode Island Greenings, G Jackson, G Oollison. Fall pip pins, G Jackson, J Potter. Twenty• ounce pippins, R LaidlawT Rus- sel. Any other variety pippins, G Jackson, J McElroy. Collection of apples, Mrs 3' Brigham, G Jackson. Winter pears, 3 Jackson. Fall pears, J Jackson, T Strachan. Plums, 1 and 2, J Jackson. Crabs, G Moffatt, R McGowan. Collection canned fruit, A. Carr, J Harrison. Grape wine, G McQuarrie, D Moore. Po—maim—Turkeys, J Potter, 3 Barr. Geese, W Grieve, 3 Harris. on. Rouen docks, F S Beattie, J Potter. Any other kind of ducks, 1 and 2, J Idarrison. Brown Leg. horns, 1 and 2, F S .Beattie. Light Leguorns, F S Beattie, J Harrison. Black Spanish, 1+ 5 Beattie, J Har- rison. Light Brahmas, 1 and 2, F S Beattie. Dario Brahmae, 1 and 2, F 5 Beattie. Hamburgs, J Har- rison, F 5 Beattie. Dorkins, Wm Grieve, 3' Harrison. Blaolr•broasted red game, F S Beattie, J Harrison. Partridge Oochins, G Love. Bant- ams, 1 and 2, F S Beattie. Pol'tnds 1 and 2, F S Beattie. Plymouth Rocks, F S Beattie, J Harrison, Pigeons, F 5 Beattie. Collection of fowls, J Harrison, W Grieve. IMPLEMENTS. — Lumber wagon, Slater & Sims, J Brnnsden. Bob sleighs, Slater & Sims, 3' Bruneden. Market wagon, 1 Leslie. Iron beam plow, G Love, 3 Bruneden. Gener- al purpose plow, 3 Bruneden, G Love. Iron harrows, H McQuarrie. Open buggy, let and 2ut] 3' Bruns - den. Covered buggy, Slater & Siins. Covered double buggy, J Brnnsden, J Leslie. Open double buggy, J Brnnsden. Gutter, Slater & Sims. Horse shoes, H Stinson, Stator & Sims. Iron pump, tat nod 2odP Willis. Wooden pump, let and 2nd P Willis. Stove and furniture, 0 Hamilton, J G Mosier. Fanning mill, A. McMurohie & Go, Turnip drill, R Sellars. Churn, W Herbi- son, 3 Richmond. Reaper knife grinder, Boss & King. MANUFACTURES.—Horne• made full cloth, G Nott, Miss Pollock. Home' made all wool, G Nolt, Miss Pollock. Union flannel, T Hamilton, G Nott. Hotne•made all wool blankets, Ida Hamilton, Gordon Young. Union blankets, G Oollison, A. Proctor. Home spun horse blankets, J Barr, Coverlet, R B Laicllaw, G Nott. Rag mat, G Nott, A Proctor. Flannel, G Nolt, Miss Pollock. Yarn mat, J Jaolcson, W Soott. Bag carpet), G Nott, A Proctor. Stocking yarn, Gordon Young, P Hamilton. Coarse boots, ist mid 2nd J Shorritt, Hand made gents' served boots, ist and 2nd J Sherritt. Darning etooking, T Hamilton. Double harness, Geo A Sharman. Single harness, J G Garter, Geo A. Sharman, Collection loather, A. Wetiaufer. LADIES' WORE.—Ariaoono work, J Livingstone, G Moffatt. Ricic reek, Mrs Dr Carder, J Symington, Pillow and shoot shams, J Carter. Patch quilt, Miss Pollock, Mrs C Campbell, White quilt, quilted, Mise Pollock, Counterpane, knitted, T Strachan, J Boldrew, Counterpane, crochet work, J Symiugtou, J Potter. Gant's white sblrt, hand made,.'' Ilarnilton, G Nott, Flennol shit's, handmade, G Nott. Woolen qtockings, T llam Ilton,. Gordon 'You1bg. Books, Got:- don Young, T H aillton. Gauntlott mite, bliss Politic. Mite, JG Mot, fatt, G Holt. Fancy knitting, G t of Berlin wool work Moffat G N , , I� flat, hire 0 Caixrpboll, G Nutt. Ent- broidery, 0 Nott. Braiding on cot- ton, J Symington, G Nott. Braiding on wool, 3 Symington, G Not, Sofa cushion, J Symington, 3 Mutoh. THE ERUSSELS POST Collection ladies work, J Match, Afro C Campbell, Miae Hatt. Gont's slippers, Mrs 0 Campbell, 8 Topltnn. Darned not, Mre 0 Campbell, 3 Symington. Crochet work, G Nott, J Potter. Macrame work, Gordon.. 'Young, Miss MoQuarrio, Point taco, F `fanner, J Symington. Ribbon. work, J Symington, Alta 0 Camp: hall. Ohiurllo work, Mrs 0 Camp- bell, Mrs Anderson, Outline otn bryid'ry, leers 0 Oitmpboll, 3 Syming- ton. Itomarl embroidery in linen, J Symington, Crochet skirt in wool, J Match, Mrs 0 Campbell. Penoil drawing, 1st and 2nd Mrs 0 (lamp - boll, Pencil drawing by boy or girl under Iii years, C Hamilton, Mrs Anderson, Crazy work, 3 Syming• on, Mrs Taylor. Collection of oil paiutinge, Mrs 0 Campbell, Mrs Dr Carder, Mrs 0 Hamilton. Gravels' work, G Nott. Embroidery in silk, G Noit, 3 Symington. Java °envoi' cork, Mrs 0 Campbell, G Moffatt, Homs.mado straw hat, L Twitter, Alf Carr. Plain sowing done by girt ander 14, T Hamilton, T Strachan. Pntehing by girl not more than 14, T Hamilton, Alf Carr. Darning by girl not more than 14, T Hamilton, 3 Harrison Pancy leather work, Mu; 0 Campbell, J Symiugtou. Sampler work, Mrs Anderson, J Symington. Hand painting, J Alia oh, Mre 0 Hamilton, Hand sewing, T Hamilton, 3' Symington. Crochet, Miss McQuarrie. Double geraniums, 3' kiarrieon. Geraniums, 3' Harrison. Double fuchsias, 3 Harrison. Petunias, J Harrison.. Collection flowers, J Symington, J Harrison. Ladies driving, Mrs H Hill, Mies Fisher. Bagpipe playing, ll McKay, Kintail ; 0 0 D McKay, Kintail. Dancing, boys under 16, Highland fling and sword dans, In costume, F Fraser, London ; Ohms A Stewart, Seaforah ; Chas Camp- bell, Seaforth ; W '1' Hays, Mc- Killop. Organ competition, Miss Depew, Clinton; Miss Kaake, Ida Stewart, Blyth. Specimen writing, by pupil under 16, from any public school, 16 entries, Alfred Stewart, No. 3, East Waw,tnosh Zelia Carder, Blyth ; Mary Bell, Blyth, JUDGES. — Ladies' Work — Mrs Harrington, Blyth ; airs Fisher, Auburn, and Miss Kelly, Brussels. Roots and Vegetables—P Kelly, A Taylor and M McGregor, Blyth. Fruit, Etc.—J Stewart, .3enmiller, and E Biughatn, Godorioli. Light Horses—F W O'Brien, V S, Brue- eels ; — Blackball, V S, Clinton, and W Hawkellaw, Seaforth. Oat- tle—Wm Sproat, Tuokerernith ; Juo Gooier, Hullett, and E Grant, West Wawauosh. Shoop and Piga —Geo Penbalo, Stephen, and Jae McFar- lane, Stanley. Poultry—T M Carl- ing, Clinton, and T Bawdeu, Blyth. A DIVEL7 FIGHT. Cultivator Men at War. The Walkerton Herald says :— "One event of considerable impor- tance to the farming public had its origin et the Northern Exhibition last weak, and ended in a contest over the merits of two rival spring tooth cultivators, viz : The "Favor- ite," made by J. 0. Wisner Son & 0o., Brantford, and the "Gale," made by the Gale Go., Detroit and Windsor. It began by T. H. and Robert Wilson, of Brant T'p, coming to Messrs. Muir and Little, represent- atives of the Wisner So., on the fair grouuds, and asking a trial of their Cultivator against tho Gale, as they intended purohasing the best. This proposal was immed- iately agreed to, and after soma talk the matter was arranged, and Hugh Wilson (a„ ont for the Gale Go.,) W. Little (for Wisner Go„) and Jas. Tolton, Roove of Brant, wore appointed as Judges. The contest took place Saturday morning ou the farm of T. H. Wil- son, lot 42, N.D.R., Brant, in the prosenoo of fully ono hundred and fifty farmers, and wag oondncted throughout with impartiality. The first best was ou recently ploughed laud where almost any implement would work well. Tho only points here doeided being the draught and adaptability to inequalities of the surface, and as the Judges' decision showed the Wisner was lightest in draught, although it out a foot wider than the other, and also it adapted itself to uneven ground better than its opponent. The contestants wore thou oaken to on unplonghod clay stubble field wbiob was full of grass, In this tho euporiority of the Wisner was very apparent as it did its work thoroughly, taking tho hard ground with case and malting an excellent rood bed with ones going over, and, moreover, was moro easily handled in turning. Tho nut step wise to go across tho place alroady oalti• voted, but here the Galo choked with tho grasp very badly,.while the Wisner dinned itsolf without any clogging wilatover. Next several rooks were repeatedly driven over without any breaks to either. In response to the Judges quer' tion the respootive agents goad tho price of the Cale at $42.60 and tho Wisner at Bell. As can bo understood few were really surprisncl when the Wisner Cultivator was prououuoed to be the victor. Mr. Talton, who roally had oho decision to nuke, conducted the contost with the utmost, and in announcing the decision gave a neat little epaecb which showed his capability of arriving of a just conclusion. Tho judgment was based on oho following pointe : 1—Tho Wisner out one foot wilier than the Gale and the draught was less. 2—It works in sactione, and adapted itself hotter to uneven ground. 3—It did not choke with grass or sods, After the trial Mr, Wilson bought the 'Wisner "Favorite," :and gave his settlemont for it, and several agents for other firms were heard to offer to purchase quantities of the now cultivator from John Muir, the Genoral Agent. if he would sell them," Geo. Love & Co. aro the agonte at Brussels. Newry Fall Show. Fair weather attended the efforts of the management of the Newry Exhibition held on Thursday, the 4th Inst„ and although the display was not full in every department, in some classes notably that of horses, the exhibit was excellent. In the Heavy Draught, Messrs. Jackson Bros. an:l Wm. Shearer showed an- imals that would have been a credit to any fair in Ontario. The two- year old general purpose olaeH oells for special mention, every animal in the ring being more than ordinarily fine animate. Jamas Dunoau took the first with R. Rutherford close on hie heels for second, and James Boyd third. Cattle were not large- ly reprosentod. In sheep and swine there were some fine animals on the ground. Inside the root exhibit was fullest and best. The grain exhibit was not large, but of excellent qual- ity. Tho attendance was good, al- though not quite up to former years. The prize list was as follows :•— I3ousEs.--Heavy Draught—Span of horses, T & 4V J'acksoo ; three years old, Wm Shearer, Jas Porter, Ei Brown ; two years old, William Shearer, Wm Lochhead, Ed Henry; brood mare, Jun Dickson, William Shearer, 5 Stewart ; brood mare, with foal, Win Shearer, S Stewart, Jno Dixon. Genoral Purpose—Span 1loreee,'2 & W Jackson ; three yours old, Jno Gray, Jae Portor ; t +o years old, Jae Duncan, R Ruther- ford, J W Boyd ; one your old, W Hamilton, Geo McNickle, William Hurn brood mare, Wm Loohhead, Thos Sweeton, Jas Boyd ; brood mare, three years old, with foal, W Hamilton, Henry Smith, Jas Han- nah ; foal of 1888, W Hamilton, 0 Thomas, F Switzer ; span of car- riage horses, Moses Grimm, H Zinn; buggy Horse, A H Wynn, J A Roe ; saddle horse, `Phos Jickling ; three your old carriage horse, Win For rest ; two your old do, H Ronnou• berg, S McNeil ; one year old do, S Beet, Thos Vodden ; brood mare, with foal, Win Hemphill, H Zinn ; foal of 1888, H Zinn, Ii Hoar ; puny, J Switzor. Judges—Alex Gardner, Brussels ; Alex Zomg, Wiugham ; David Pugh, ]Milverton. CATTLE.—Durham--Milch cow, Wm Forrest. Grade—Two year old heifer, Jno Gray ; ono year old heif- er, Jno Gray, Thad Steetou ; heifer coif, Jas Porter. (tattle, ouy breed —Yoke oxen, Wm. Hemphill, Ed Broughton ; pair throe year old Moors, J A Gray, Ohas Thomas; pair yearling steers, JDuncan, Ohas Thomas ; fat cattle, Ed Broughton. Smsuop.—Leicosters--Aged ram, Chas Thomas, Win It Harniltou ; ram lamb, Thos Dickson ; pair of breeding ewes, Thes Sweeton, Thos Dodson ; pair shoarlinge, Thomas Dickson, Tinos Sweeton ; pair owe lambs, Tilos. Dickson, Shropebires —Aged ram, J W Boyd ; pair shear. ling owes, J W Boyd ; pair ewe lambs, J W Boyd ; fat shoop, Thos Dickson, J W Boyd. Pass.—Berkslrirc—Aged boar, D De0oursoy ; boar pig of 1888, J Porter ; brood sow, 0 Skiuu ; sow pig of 1888, Jas. Porter. Suffolk— Aged boar, Fred F orgueou ; boar pig of 1888, Jae Porter, Ed Hill ; sow pig of 1888, Jas Porter, Edward Hill. Chester Whitos—Agoc1 boar, D DeGoursoy ; boar pig of 1888, D De0oursey ; brood saw, D De0our say ; sow pig of 1888, D DeGouresy; pair suohling pige, any brood, 0 Skunu. Pour'rar,—P1ytnouth rooks, Wm Hamilton, 0 Skint'; whiteLeghorne, Jae Porter, Thos Diolcson ; Haln- burgs, A El Wyuu, A Eloibein ; light Brahmae, B. Brown ; Bantams, A H Wynn, Fullerton ; Goose, Janne Porter ; Ducks, Jas Portor ; Canary bird, Jno Graham, Young Coulter. Chicles.—Plymouth rocks --..—Wm Hamilton, J D Brio ; white 1.leg• horns, 'Phos Dicbsan ; Ham urge, A H Wynn ; light Brahmae, Fred Switzer,. AGRICULTURAL Pnouucrs,---Fill wheat, red, Ed Cleaver ; wheat, I whito, It Hamilton, Ed Cleaver;; barley, Jite porter, A Baker ; white oafs, Jae Porter, A Baker ; timothy coed, Jas Porter, A Bakor; patatoee, Beauty of Hebron, 0 filch) ; late pro I tatoos, henry Itomonbnrg, 3.1 Cl+'ar 1 or ; early potatoes, J Boyd ; swede { turnips, Thos tickling ; turnips, nus other kind, John Ilowitt, Thoiuita ' Jiclrliug ; maugohl', long red, 'rime; Jiolcluig `rhos Lineham ; tnangol.le, yellow globe, Thos Jiekllng, henry Hoar ; beide, C. Shia, .I Bond ; rad 'lobes, Jae Boyd A Baker ; cabbages,' 0 Mellor, A Balser ; ouicue, large ! red, John Graham, H Boar ; au ions, yellow, II Hoar, Joliu Gra, ham ; field carrots, J Howitt, II Hoar ; garden carrots, II Brown, John Switzer ; parsnips, II Hoar, John Graham ; celery, John Gra. barn ; couliflowor, Jas Nixon ; In- dian Dorn, Fred Switzer ; beaus, II Rouuonberg, Jas Mixon ; pumpkin, A Laker ; squash, R 1,1: Ballantyno ; citron, A Balser ; tomatoes, William Iioru ; mnak melon, A Baker ; 001• lection vegotabloe, Jas Nixon, A Baker ; Fall apples, Fred Switzer, Jno Wilson ; Winter apples, Fred Switzer, F Turtzer ; crab apples. Wm horn 11 Hamilton ; collection apples, Jas Beyd ; pears, Young Ooultor, A W Featherstone ; plums, Wm Horn, A W Featherstone ; gropes, Wm Horn ; fresh butter, Jus Nixon, A Baker ; tub butter, Jas Nixon ; home-made bread, John Switzer, John Graham; home-made soap, John Graham, John Switzer ; strained honey, Wm Hoar, William Loohhead ; honey is comb, William Horn, Geo Mayberry. Judgee— Jno Forbes, Brasserie ; J H Best, Palmerston. AlsNUFAoruuis,—Ten yards flan• nel, union, Jas Boyd, Jas Nixon ; suit of clothes, R M Ballantyne ; pair blanheta, Jag Boyd ; woolen yarn, Fred Switzer, Jas Boyd. Judg- es, John Forbes, Brussels; J H Best, Palmerston. LADIES DEPARTMENT. --Patched quilt, F Switzer, Jno Alexander ; fancy quilt, Misses Watson and Gibbs ; counterpane, Jas Nixon, J B Hamilton ; ornamental needle- work, F Switzer, J Alexander ; wool- en socks, Jae Boyd ; woolen mite, Jas Nixon ; fancy knitting, Young Coulter, A W Featherstone ; floor mat, F Switzer, A W Featherstone ; crazy work, Geo Alayberry, John Morrison ; crotchet work, A W Faatheretooe ; feather flowers, Y Coulter ; rag carpet, W Hemphill ; tatting, Juts Morrison ; wreath nat oral flowers, J Morrison, 3' Nixon ; Pamlyon plush, J Morrison ; Berlin wool work (raised) A W Foather- otone, Y Coulter ; Berlin wool work (flat) G Mayberry ; motto, Y Coal ter ; braiding, A W Featherstone, J Alexander ; tidy, 3 Nixon, Y Coul- ter ; collection ladies' work, Misses Waisou & Gibbs, A H Wynn. vtaisietSCa'. Uneasily lige the tongue that hasn't the evidence to. back it. Highlander (he had structs his foot agninet a 'stone') : Phew•ts 1 E eh 1 what a ding ma pair buit wad a gotten if al had it ou 1' Oholly—'I say, Bine, did you ever witness a burial at sea ?' Binx —'No, never sow a burial, but we had a wake behind us all oho way over last trip.' 'Onions out in halves will absorb the smell of now paint.' Yes, and a coruet will drown out a jews harp. Life is full of queer things. Wornau (to tramp)—You are not let very robust looking man. Tramp. -No, ma'am ; I attribute the feeble- ness of my condition t0 irregularity of diet. I eat between meals— other poople'e meals. Mrs. Nowyork (travelling)—My husband is n Wall street boar, Mrs l3ostan—Ah, ialdoed ? Mine is a bear, too, but he is a plain domes• tto bear, You ought to hear him at breakfast some morning. .8. Genblo Reminder—Bobby woe spending the day with his aunt. 'So you aro learning to spall, aro you, Bobbie ?"Lot me hoar you spell broad,' '1 don't boliove I can spell broad, utuntio, but I can spell a small piece of Dake,' Another Day Begun.—'Hush,' he whispered, with n warning gesture. 'Isn't that oho night watchman's rattlo ?"No, Mr. Sampson,' se• plied the girl, suppressing a yawn, 'that is the book grinding the oaffeo for breakfast.' Vortical grooer—What's that the lady wants ? Olork—Sho wants mo to woigh her baby for hor. 'All right ; but say, telt her the young- ster weighs about four pounds moro than it does, or elle'll swear our scales are doctored.' A violent earthquake has oeeurn ed in tho Gulf of Porsia. The dam. ago is as yet unknown. We often excuse our want of philanthropy by giving the name of fanaticism to the more ardent zeal of others,— (Gongfellow. ' I n• � • r � � LI" THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Returned to Brussels. ROBERT ARMSTRONG degree to state that he has main boaome a resident of Bruaaele and is prepared to take Contracts Sar all kinds of Carpenter Work, such as House Building, Ilam Framing, Mill Wrighting, dre. He will also make a Specialty of Mov- ing Building.. Estimates Cheerfully Given. Satisfaction Guaranteed. in every instance, 10013T, 1Sa518TONG, TAILOR SHOP ryPp"W4"t �b'IL'Ili'I,PI,.y,nl,.,p.,p•pr,,.a First -Class Suits, either Bound or Unbound, made for $4.00. i A Fir Guaranteed. Produce taken in exchange for Work. M. G. RICHARDSON, 3-4 Merchant Tailor. • (.)DRHODDER'S ' h .BURDOCK..,„ 401!A#1/1" t. VCOMP0UN0 Liver Compl nt Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache,. Kidneytroubl'e Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, and all impuri- ties of the blood from whatever cause arising. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. 700. (yritl1 F'0 1e „"'..i) —TRY— DR. iloonsars LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small and easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA Sold everywhere ; price 05 cents. ONSON MEDICINE Co., Proprietors, TORONTO, CANADA. ALLAN LINE. 1888. SUMMER ARRANGEMEN i'• 1888. LIVERPOOL & QUEBEC SERVICE Fnoer MOrrItxAT. 1 sTEAlrart. 1 sneer Q,IIEDEa Sept. 10 Ciroaseian Sept, 1.1 Sspt.12 ............... Polynesian Sept. 20 Sept. 27 Sarmatian Soot. 28 Oct.2 Sardrniau 000.4 Oat. 10 ,...Parisian Oct, 11 000.18 Circassian 001,05 Oot, 01 Polynesian Dot. 20 Nov.1 Sarmatian Nov, 2 Nov. 7 ................. Sardinian ........., Nov. 8 Nov.11 Parisian' Nov 15 Rates Of Panne b1• bili Steamers, Qpee o To T.1vnnPOor,. cabin 4e0, 470 and 480 according to acoom- modatlon. Servants in Cabin, 850 Inter. mediate 000, Ste orego 420. Rotarn tickets, Cabin, 8110, 0110 and 4100. Intermediate, 400. Steerage 840. • other ex- traetonin0re.tsCobin fifty, sixttal y and seven- ty dollar, accordion to accommodation. Re- turn tickets, ninety. ono hundred and ten and one hundred and thirty dollars. Inter- mediate Risby dollars. Steerage forty doll - 010, Passengers ono embark at 00000roal the day before without inoroneod charge. Go yourself c,'tiV for your fiiouds, Prepaid formation apply to J. M. GRANT, Brits8ele. T. l LETCHER, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We are opening out fulllines in €OLS, i SIVA WATC'LS. SILVl3R PLATED WARE ronl established and reliable makers, u ily warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Desig7is. vv- WV' t Wedding Icings, Ladies Gom Rings, 13roadios, Earrings, &a, Also have in stook a full line of Violhtie and Violin Strings. &e, N, B. —Isnot of Marriage Licenses. T, Fletcher,