HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-19, Page 1Volume 16.
Tho semi-annual meeting of the On-
tario branch of the Royal Canadian
Curling Club watt bold Tuesday nt the
Walker House, 'Toronto, and there was
much business on band, The retiring
president, W. le. Davison, of Toronto,
occupied tho chair, and in opening the
proceedings paid a deserved compliment
to the energetic secretary, J. S. Russell,
to whose indefatigable work so muoli of
the aucoeee of curling in this Provinoe is
The Millbrook, Howiok Thiatlo, Pros:
pact (Toronto), Royal City (Guelph);
Platteville and Orangeville plebe were
elootod to the membership, bringing the
list up to 99 clubs, with about 3,000
The election of officers resulted. as fol
lows : Patron, Lord Stanley of Preston ;
President, R. Ferguson, M.PP., Thames -
villa ; First Vice•President, Jno, Harvey,
Hamilton Thistles ; Second Vico-Presi-
dent, Dr. Boucher, Poterboro' ; Chaplain,
Rev, D. J. Macdonnoll, Toronto; Sec-
retary -Treasurer, J. S. Russell ; Com. of
Management, T. McGaw, Toronto, Dr.
Beaton, Orillia, W. Bennie, Toroneo
Caledonians, Dr. Beith, Bowmanville,
and M. W. Leggatt, Hamilton Thisblee ;
Com. on Complaints and Appeals, Judge
Dartnell, John Wright, Hugh Miller, and
Dr. Roes, Chairman ; Com. on Annual,
W. D. McIntosh! J. S. Russell and W.
F, Davison, Chairman ; Auditors, W. S.
Badenach and James Pringle.
The Jubilee Medals to bo presented by
the Royal Caledonian Curling Club to
one of every two olube in the branch, in-
stead of the usual district medals, were
aliooated to be competed for.
Bruesele will play Forest at Stratford
in the Bret draw for the Jubilee modal,
Kincardine, Walkerton, Morriston,
Wroxeter and Brussels are grouped.
Huron Assizes.
The Assizes for the county of Huron
opened at Goderioh on Tuesday, Hon.
Justine Falconbridge presiding. After
the grand jury had been sworn, M. C.
Cameron, Q. C., on behalf of the bar of
Huron, congratulated hie Lordship upon
hie elevation to the bench, tide being the
first time he has been there since his
appointment. Mr. Cameron stated that
this was the third time recently that he
had had the privilege of this kind, which
reminded him that the hand of Time had
been making inroads upon the bench.
Coofidenoe in the purity and uprightness
of the bench had always been a dis-
tinguishing characteristic of our colonial
life, and he felt sure that his Lordship's
career would bo such as to cast no strain
r eon the judicial ermine. Ho concluded
by hoping that his Lordship would long
be spared to honor the high position to
whioh he had been called. His Lordship
in reply thanked Mr. Cameron and the
bar for their congratulations and good
wishes, aed said that the assistance and
support which had been promised him by
the members of the bar on his appoint-
ment had, during his short but very
active career, been loyally and zealously
given him.
The grand jurors aro :—James Stewdrt,
(foreman) Hullett ; George Brewer, James
Brandon, Thomas Bono and James
Cloonan, Morris ; Thomas Cameron, Bay-
field; Thomas Cummings, Wawanosh;
Anson Dulmege, Lakelet; William Ech.
lin, Ashfield; George Fortune, Turn -
berry ; James Hustle and James Hays,
McKillop ; George E. Henderson, Sea.
forth ; James Ireland, Wroxeter ; George
Kemp, Exeter; John Morgan, Blyth
James McBride, Colborne; Aaron Mo.
Fadden, Grey ; Angus McDermott, Hal-
lett; DonaldMoInnie, Wingham; Henry
Plumsteel, Clinton ; Hugh Porter, Grey;
Thomas Shipley, Hallett, and R. J.
Turnor, Tuokersmith.
John Sing, Q. 0., Berlin, conducts the
Crown business.
There 10 a long list of civil cases -20
in all. There are 12 jury oases, 10 de.
fended cases without jury and 3 unde-
fended oases. There are no prisoners in
jail for trial, but there are three or four
caaee- in which the prisoners aro out on
bail. Two of these are for perjury and
wore left over from last court. There is
also a case of obtaining geode under false
pretences. There are two cases against
the Great North-Western Telegraph Co.,
one of whioh will likely be lengthy. His
Lordship has expressed doterminatiau to
clear the docket, and will hold evening
Uncontested oases liaye been disposed
of as follows :
Herr vs. Stivon—ectionto recover pos.
session of land. Judgment, by consent,
for plaintiff, deoloring him to bo the
Griffin vs. Doak has been transferred
to the Chancery Court.
Mustard vs. Perfound—Settled out of
Morton vs.Vonnott (andel ended)—Ver.
dint for plaintiff for $828, with coats.
Ferran vs. Craig (undofended)—Judg.
wont for plaintiff for $87.22, with mate.
Hodgins vs. Broderick (undefended)-
Action to sot aside a will. Verdict for
Dandy vs. Grand Trunk Itailway--An
action to recoved demagog for allogod
wrongfully putting plaintiff off a pea-
songor train on the London, Huron &
Bruce Railway,. Tho ease was upon the
lint last Assizes. G. T. R. Mamie and
bath were thorn for nearly a week at
Butt time. The case was made aremanot,
and now, after thecompany's oflloors and
witneesos aro again in attendance, the
plaintiff conemite that the naso shall be
diamis0ed with :meta. Mr. Holt for
plaintiff ; Mr. Osler, Q.C., for railway.
McDonald vs. O'Neil has boon made a
remind by consent. ed With
Tho whole afternoon wee cooti pn w
the elandor suit of McPhee vs. Glenn.
Mr. Osler, Q.C., and Mr. Proudfoot for
plaintiff; Mr. Cameron and Mr. Holt for
defendant. Verdict for plaintiff, dam-
ages $1, Each party pay Stole own
The rase of Webster vie Groat North.
'Wooten Talogreph Co. has been nettled,
and a vorillot by 000sent for $1,006 cuter.
ed for the plaintiff.'
Robertson vs. Groat North-western
Telegraph Co. has also been settled, and
a verdict entered for plaintiff for $252
Both aotions arose out of an aoo}dont
happeniug to a farmer by roma of wires
hanging aoroee the public highway in u
dangerous condition. Darrow & Proud -
foot for plaintiff ; Mr. Odor, (4: C., for
Stephenson vs. MaDosgall--Action of
ejectment. Case argued and judgment
reserved. Mr. Osler, Q.C., for plaintiff;
Mr. Collins for defendant,
Lawrie ve. Smith has boon adjourned
to the Ohaeoery Sittings, and Lawrie vs.
Mundell has been dismissed, with coats.
Kolloran vs, Murphy has bed settled
out of Court.
Ryan vs. Lennox—After a question as
to certain amendments had been disposed
of—was allowed to stand until next
Queen vs. Wileon (perjury)—Nr. Osler,
on behalf of the defendant, raised an in-
genious objection thee no ease had been
made out, inasmuch as the statement al-
leged to bo untrue was made in an. ex-
amination for discovery taken bye -short-
hand writer nob authorized to take it,
the spoeial examiner being absent at the
time. His Lordobip followed on English
authority and hold the objection valid.
Five young men named Watson, Van
Norman, Hopper, Nioholeon and Hannah
were tried upon the charge of aggravated
assault upon one Drennam, but were hon.
orably acquitted ; in fact, the evidenoo
adduced showed that certain of them
really acted as peacemakers in a bar.roorn
fracas. His Lordship, in discharging
them, remarked that if they had nob been
frequenting a barroom they would have
avoided the trouble they had got them.
selves into. Mr. Proudfoot for de.
Remainder of report next week.
Methodist Missions.
work or 1.108. Womeu'a Missionary ea-
cicty daring the Pant Year.
The seventh annual meeting of the
Board of Management of the Women's
Missionary Sooioty of the Methodist
Ohuroh was commenced on Tuseday
morning in the parlors of the Metropoli-
tan Church Toronto. The Board con.
sista of delegates from the various
branches of the Society throughout the
Dominion. There was a large attendance
of delegates. Short reports giving sta-
tistics from the branches were presented
as follows:—Western branch -23 new
auxiliaries formed, making a total of 68
auxiliaries and 21 mission bands. with
an adult membership of 1,716 and mis-
sion band membership of 581; rooeipto,
$5,932 35. Central branch -16 new aux-
iliaries and 11 new mission bands, mak-
ing a total of 53 and 30 respectively.
Total mombersbip, 2,605; reoeipts, 46,-
499.33—an increase of $1,879.69 over lash
year. Eastern branoh—Auxiliary mem-
bers, 740 ; mission baud members, 197;
receipts, 82,875.58—an increase of 4378.-
47. Nova Scotia branoh—Auxiliaries, 26
—an increase of 5 ; mission bands, 14—
an inareaso of 7; iota} membership, 1,-
049 ; income, $2,297.72—an inorease of
$246.10. New Brunswick and Prins.
Edward Islaud branoh—Auxiliaries, 28
—an increase of 21; membership, 668—
an increase of 450; mission bands, 108 —
au increase of 136; membership, 876—
an increase of 008 ; income, $1,605.84—
an increase of $970.21. The Seeretery's
report spoke of the satisfactory work
being done in Japan, in the North-west
Territories, British Columbia and
amongst French Canadians. Home re-
ports from branches record increases in
every department. Auxiliaries number
206—an increase of 68; total member-
ship, 5,447 ; mission bands, 88; member-
ship, 2,711—au increase of 96. The
Treasurer's report showed a balance
from last year of $10,950. Receipts by
the General Treasurer for this year, $19,•
070, being an increase over the income of
last year of $4,872. Total expenditure,
$12,849—balance on band, $17,170. The
larger sumo expended during the year
are;—Work in Japan, $6,652.18; French
mission (Canadian), $1,200; Crosby
Home, British Columbia, $1,550; Mc-
Dougall Orphanage, Northwest, $1,000 ;
Chinese mission, British Columbia, 81,-
116 ; Chiliwhaok Indians, $400. Mrs.
Jas. Gooderham, President, delivered a
most interesting annual address,
Western Fair receipts are reported
83,000 ahead of last year but the expen-
ditures were also heavier.
A lady in Barrie has received through
the mail a box oontaining four cho:o-
lates, whioh has been given in charge of
the police.
After many failures to induce Teemer
to row him, and on account of the ap.
proach of winter, William O'Co eor and
hie backer, Joseph Rogers, had almost
come to the conelesion that it might be
bettor, from a fluancial point of view, if
Teemer and O'Connor did not meet on
the water this year. In that vaso O'Con-
nor, wbo intends to go to Australia, would
be able to get on probably throe or four
matches before %ackling Kemp, If ho
goes to the other side of the globe as
(Catnpi= of America he will lose the op-
portunity for any motel). other than with
the champion of rho world. But on Wed-
nesday a faoorable opportunity for a
matoh with Teenier presented itself, and,
putting to ono aide the proopeots fn Ans.
tralia, O'Connor seized it. A telets+rem
from Goo. W. Los, O'Connor's trainer,
now with hint in Now York, was reeeivod
Wednesday evening by Mr, Rogers. It
makes the announcement that a match
has been made for a rare on the Potomac
River at Washington on Saturday,
November 24.111. The Now York Clipper
10 stakeholder and 0draft for $500,8 ou
O'Connor'abehalf, was forwarded to The
Clippor on Thursday. The time, 'five
wooke, will be no more than enough to
enable tbo scullers 86et into oonditioia
after their road -scolding taco of last
week. It is believed at Toronto that
Peter Duryea 10 backing iteemor. If
O'Connor Wilts, which Hoar who know
doubt, he Will go to Australia to:
bring batik to Toronto the championship
of the work,.
tee cease reel PV esWM.
Tho Parnell defence fund now amnia
to $05,000.
Yorkshire is threatened with a groat
strike of oolliers.
Tou thousand more Chinese have boon
drowned by floods.
James Flood, the California millionaire
le dying in Germany.
d :morel treaty io said to have boon
signed by Russia and Corea.
A. conspiracy against tho Detah re-
sidents has been discovered in Java,
Twenty-five persons ware killed by an
explosion of gunpowder at a Spanish vill.
age festival.
Thirty prisoners have osoaped from
the Reform School at Pontiac, Ill., by
cutting a hobo through the floor.
Tho outgoing treasurer of \Vaubansoe
county, Kansas, le a defaulter for $20,000,
whioh his bondsmen will have to pay.
Tho German police are seizing all the
copies of Dr. Mackenzie's book they can
nd, 40,000 having boon seized in Loipsio
The liabilities of the Traders' Bank,
Chicago, are about $1,000,000. The cap.
ital stook ie $200,000. The liabilities ex-
ceed the aseote.
The ladies of the nobility of Malta are
about to give the Queen a dress of black
silk pillow lace, made by a leading manu-
facturer of the island.
A Cincinnati despatch says : Reports
from all over the country ehow that from
one-third to one-half of the tobacco crop
bas boon damaged by frosts.
The annual parade of the Veiled
Prophet of. St. Louie, Mo., Tuesday
night was an immense affair, and was
witnessed by more than 250,000 people.
Miss Dorothea L. Dix has given $500 to
the Massaobusebte Society for the Preven-
tion of Cruelty to Animate, to erect in
Boston a drinking fountain for animals.
In New York the smaller bakers have
already reduced the weight of the five -
cent loaf from twenty to seventeen ounces
to meet the advance in the price of flour.
A United States steamer has been
stationed near the mouth of the, Provi-
nenoe River, Rhode Island, to wage war
against star fish, the groat destroyer of
Indiana is now agitated by 2,500 cam-
paign orators. One *indeed of these are
Prohibitionists and the rest are about
equally divided between Democrats and
A special feature of the International
Temperance Convention, so beheld at
Melbourne, will be ate exhibit of temper -
:moo journalistio literature from all parts
of the world.
Judge Bowyer, of San Francisco, de-
cided that all the Chinamen in San Fran-
cisco harbor and all those on route for
the States must be kept oub under the
Exclusion Bill.
According to the tables published by
the Statistical Bureau of Berlin, the 10-
comotives of the German railways num-
ber 10,000, France has 7,000, Austria-
Hungary 2,800' It is estimated that
there are now 20,500 in the United States.
The young Duke of Newcastle is said
to bo surprisinglymioral and religious for
a duke. He is a dueled churchman,
and his+hereditary possessions include
the°gift of nine church "livings." Ile is
24 yore old, not at all handsome, and
has an income of 8800,000 a year.
In tho clothiug trade of the city of
Now York there aro 241 manufacturers,
of whom 284 are Hebrew firms. Over
600,000,000 cigars per annum are manu-
factured in Now York by Hebrew firms,
employing over 8,000 hands and whose
yearly transaotions reach $15,000,000.
The greatest national debt among the
nabions of the globe is borno by Franos.
It is about $6,250,000,000. Russia comes
next, with $8,600,000,000 ; then England,
with $8,560,000,000; Austro.Huugary,
with $2,485,000,000; Italy, with $2,226,-
000,000;; Spain, with $1,207,600,000; and
Prussia, with $1,000,000,000.
A railway train has just been con-
structed in France for the Emperor of
China. It consists of six carriages,
three of which are for the Emperor's
own use. They are magnificently decor-
ated, and ooh of thein contains a throne.
A small table Inc opium smoking is a
barbarous piece of furniture that stands
in front of each throne.
About two thousand acres of land are
now devoted to strawberry culture in the
neighborhood of Centralia, Illinois, and
from this point as many as 190 oarloade,
or 2,097,600 quarts of berries have been
shipped in a sooeon of twenty days. Tho
largest field contains thirty aures, bat the
emaller ones pay bettor in proportion,
and nearly every back yard in Centralia
brings in pooket money,
?Ninere who hoive just arrived at Vic -
eerie, B.C., from the Youkon, state that
the stillness which reigns during the
wbolo year 'sound is almost painful.
There is no wind, no whistles or fall of
the leaves. Excepting for two or three
months of the year there is no rumble of
the mountain brooks and streams, even
the largest rivers being frozen solid to
the bottom. The cry of wild animals,
or tiro sound of their walking upon the
snow, is seldom or never hoard,
A luau won a wager in Washington a
fete Jaye ago by lighting his cigar by the
aid of a lump of ice. He took a piece of
clear ice, about an inch thick, from the
water cooler, whittled it into the she}r
of a dick, end with the palma of Ins
hands melted its two aides convex, thus
giving it the forte of a double convex Ions
or burning glass. With it he focused tho
eun'e rays on the end of hie cigar, thus
lighting the cigar, Ilow many lime o0.
or in blue way that ere said to be "In.
vtived in mystery."
The reputation of Duncan 0. Bose, the
champing, has been badly shaken ou the
ave of hie deparbuee for Australia, He
clime to Halifax with loud•sotmding
challenges, which were promptly adopt-
ed, and Serge -Major Bailey defeated him
in the mounted touruamont mutest, and
Saturday John A, Moto:mall defeated
]rim at Now Glasgow for tbo hamar-
throwing ohampionship of tho world end
8200, McDougall threw the 12 lb, bans -
mar 182 feet 1 inch and broke the record.
He also threw tleo,0l Ib. hanmer 87 feet
10 ilnebee,
We came acres+ the following strap
the other .day. It f0 oredited to Bob
Ingersoll, but if it ie Ills, it came from a
eouroe whence hu is not often supposed
to draw his inspiration :—"Do not keep
the alabaster box of your love and tender.
nese sealed up until your friends are
dead. fill their lives witb sweetness.
Speak approving, cheering words while
their care can hear them and while their
heart. can be thrilled etnd made happier
by them, Tbo kind things you moan to
say when they are gone, say before they
go. The flowers you mean to send for
their coiling, send to brighten and sweet -
mi their homes before they leave them.
If my friends, have alabaster boxes laid
away full of fragrant perfumes of sym-
pathy and affection, which they intend
to break over my dead body, I would
rather they would bring thorn oat in my
weary and troubled hours, and open them
that I might be refuelled and cheered
by them while I need them. I would
rather have a plain coffin without a
flower, a funeral without an onlogy, than
a life without the sweetness of love and
sympathy. Let us learn to anoint our
friends beforehand for their burial. Post-
mortem kindness does not cheer the
burdened spirit. Flowers on the coffin
oast no fragrance backward over the
weary way."
•C:raestaelinxa No♦V ra.
Parkhill will build a $0,000 High
Paris has organized a circle of the 0.
The Provincial Sunday School Conven.
tion opened in Kingston on Tuesday.
The price of bread in Winnipeg has
risen in consequence of the increase fu
A thimble rig artist robbed the Salt -
fleet farmers of between 800 and 8100 at
the Stoney Creek Fair.
Letters patent have been isenod incor-
porating the TorootoPassenger Transport
Company with a capital stock of $3,000.
The official count in Cardwell gives
Mr. White a majority of 189. A previ-
ous report placed the majority at 112 and
another at 166.
Now that Leamington is lighted by
electricity, the people of Essex Centre
are bound to bye the sameillumination
for their village.
The Council of Belle River, Ont., has
passed -a by.law offering a bonus of 81,-
000 to any one wbo will erect a good
flouring mill in that village.
R. L. MoGeo, a Cottam cider -maker,
threatens to prosecute the defamers who
he alleges, falsely state that he mixes
water with his apple juice.
Anton Burrows, editor of the Winni.
peg Call, has been committed for trial
on the charge of criminal libel preferred
againsb him by Attorney -General Martin.
John Small, M. P., East Toronto, ex-
Lt.-Govr., John Beverly Robinson and F.
D. Barwick, solioitora, are mentioned in
conneotion with the vaoant collectorship
of oustoms in Toronto.
James McDonald, of London township,
on Saturday stepped backwards over the
edge of a mow and fell violently to the
floor striking a fanning mill. One of
bio legs was broken and ho sustained
other internal injuries.
Tho Exoautivo Committee of the Inde-
pendent Order of Foresters has decided to
send Dr. Oronhyatokha, the Supreme
Ranger, to Manitoba and British Colum-
bia to strengthen and plant the order
more firmly in these Provinoes.
Alexander Taylor, proprietor of a book
and stationery store, Winnipeg, has been
shot through the body. The shooting
occurred ab Taylor's own residence on
McDermott atreet. How it 000urred is
not known, as Taylor refuses to give any
When Hon. G. W. Roos visited the
Aylmer public school reoently be intimat-
ed that the institution had reached a de-
gree of importance necessitating the in.
troduotion of the Kindergarten system,
and strongly adrised the trustees to take
notion in the matter without delay.
A few days ago David Bonsburg and
his wife, Wilhelimine, celebrated their
diamond wedding at the residence of
their son, William Beneburg, 'Humber-
stone township, Welland county. Tho
aged couple were the recipients of many
presents. About fifty persons were pees.
crib on the occasion, mostly obildren,
grand.ohildron and great-grand-obildren.
On Saturday Wm. Williams, of Mose,
was in Melbourne, having analyzed a
substance found thrown all over his pas-
ture field. The mixture consisted of
arsenic end corrosive sublimate. Some
neighbor's cattle had been driven into the
pasture field, and a number of them, as
well as Mr. William's cattle, wore pole.
oned by eating the grass covered with
the poison. Arrests will likely follow,
Otto. Williams having a pretty good idea
who the culprit is.
On Friday evening, shortly after seven
o'olook, a stranger in those parte, oleau
shaven, wearing dark clothes and felb
hat, entered G. O. Sutton's jownNory
store at Norwich, anti asked to see a fine
gold watch, }muting case, value 685,
which bras in tho window, Mr, Sutton
In/Aided him the, watch to inspect, and
the fellow, 000lsaying that he wished
to show the watch to la mother at the
door he stepped oeteide and fled at full
speed into the darkness. He appears to
havo boon one of throe confidence men
who worn notioodronnd town during tho
day. Mr. Sutton being lawn, was unable
to follow rho man.
Oarsman William O'Connor issued
challenge on Tuesday to John Teemer to
rowthree miles with a turn, on or about
Maroh 1st next, in San Franoleoo, for
$1,000 or $2,000. This is O'Connor's
fourth ohallenge tb Toemer, alt those
Butt preceded having fallen *tough in
seine way or other, Before snaking rho
ohatleng° O'Oontiof' eat:dyed word from
the'olFioo of the Turf, Field and Farm.
that Sb. John, Teemor'e banker, had de-
posited $500 in that paper's officio for a
match with O'Connor, Tho latbor
promptly ,folioed the paper Soothe would
tow Teemer, and if that paper would
Urinate': the deposit to, a San 11 tanoieco
paperlte would oovor the deposit hi tee,
Dance's majority in blast Elgin is 184.
Bnrghtre have made considerable baule
at linierson and Carberry, 3Iari.
Two prisoners moaned from the Cou-
trol Prison on Saturday, but wore re-
Now buildings to the value of upwards
of $260,000 have been orectoel ill Mani-
toba this season.
The Ayr Reo•,rder has been purchased
by George Sutton a Son, wbo will pub-
lish it hereafter.
F. T. Congdon, Liberal, and Gen.
Laurie, Conservative, were nominated
in Shelburne N.B.
',Rev, 11r. Pullman," who did some
swindling in Kingston a while ago, lies
been discovered in "C. M. Cole,' the
man arrested in Winnipeg.
Tho official returns show that the roe.
ont election in East Northumberland re-
sulted in a tie. Mr. Smith's majority in
Frontenac is out down to Ori.
Dr. Ellie has verbally reported to the
AtternoyGensral's Department the re-
sults of Inc examination in the Galt case,
finding strychnine in tho oandiee and the
dear) child's vieera.
The County of Lambton is making an
effort to ostab'ish a House of Industry,
and a oommittee has been named to visit
the different Houses of Industry in West-
ern Ontario and Michigan and gather
points regarding snob places.
John Blue, of Duert, who is now 100
years of age, dug one day last week 16
bushels of potatoes with a spade. He
lives a half -mile from church, and walks
there ovary Sabbath in the year.
Toronto Board of Aldermen have re•
solved to granb $10,000 to the House of
Industry, to enable the directors to erect
a Wayfarer's Home. This is exclusive
of tho $2,000 already granted that in.
Ex•Ald. E. A. Macdonald, of Toronto,
has entered about 2,000 appeals against
assessments on property ou Yonge and
Bing streets, He claims that the rich
are not assessed in equal proportion to
the pour.
It has been definitely deoided to area
a Wayfarers' Home at Toronto in con-
nection with the House of Industry for
the accommodation of tramps and to
apply labor tests. The building will
Dost $10,000, and will be provided with
bath rooms, &o.
Mrs. Douglas, of West Flambee°, dis-
posed of some butter in the Hamilton
market on Saturday morning and reoeiv-
ed in payment n $5 bill, which the short-
ly afterwards discovered was bogus. It
was se worthleee dummy published by a
local firm as an advertisement.
Janes F. Farley was tried at Peter-
borough for the murder of Simon Elijah,
a half-breed Indian, and the jury brought
in a verdict of wilful murder, with a re-
commendation to mercy. Judge Street
oentenood him to be hanged on Nov. 811.1.
The tragedy occurred at Peterborough on
June 24th last, both men being employes
of Howe's circus.
A match at barrel malting took place
at Paris last week between Gen. Stinson,
of London South, and C. Gibbins, of
Paris. Stinson made 010, or 108 more
than his opponent, and won rho $100.
He thinks this is the fasbosb work ever
done in barrel -making in Ontario, and
is willing to wager that no man in Lon-
don can make within 30 barrels a day of
his record.
A sad aocident occurred at Duudas on
Monday afternoon by which Thomas H.
Kirk was seriously, if not fabally, injured.
While attempting to tie one of the bolts
in the oarpet factory his sleeve is sup-
posed to have oaught in the set sorew of
the shafting, and before the machinery
could be stopped he was carried around
fully thirty times, striking the ceiling at
each revolution. His olothmg was torn
completely off and one limb broken in
two places, besides his collar bone and
neck severely °rushed, and it is feared he
is hurt internally. How he escaped
from instant death is a mystery. He
was carefully removed to his boarding
house and Drs. Bose, Bertram and Mo.
Million are now in attendance doing all
that possibly can be done to save his life.
The unfortunate is still alive although
uuconsoious, but hie recovery is very
doubtful. He had been in the offioe only
a minute before the accident happened
and the first intimation the others had
was the noise ocusod by the poor man
striking the floor as he was whirled
around. Mr. Xirk recently came to Dun -
des with two gentlemen to engage in the
manufnetnro of carpet lining, end only
commenced operations a few days ago.
His wife is living in Troy, N. Y.
Ab the Aseizes in Sarnia on Saturday
Ohms. Johnson, W. 0. Parsons and Benj.
McKenzie were tried together on &charge
of passing counterfeit money, and their
trial took up the whole day. The eve.
dente for the proeooutiou was verystrong.
Brownlee, the Ailsa Oreig jeweler, who
had boon arrested at London for passing
counterfeits, gave evidence against the
three. Tho important testimony was
given by a man named Baines, of In-
diana, who testified as to his purrhar m of
severalthousaud dollars' worth of counter-
feit silver certificates. Ho eworo that
Brownlee had supplied him fleet with
$200 of the oortifloatee, and that after-
wards he met McKenzie at Chicago and
got $2,200 in counterfeits front him, pay-
ing hien by a Now York draft, Other
purohasee were made and New York
drafts given in pg roma. The drafts
were in court and ttvo of them had Me.
Kenzie's endorsement, while olio of tholl.
was endorsed by Parsons. knight and
Vance also gave ovidenoe similier to that
given on Frictay, when Johnson wan 0011-
victod of uttering counterfeit fives on the
Bank of British North America. Evi-
deueo was given ae to tho previous good
character 0f the defendants Parsons and
MaKenzio. The Judge's charge to the
jury was considered a very able ono. He
tools from the jury the case against John-
son, and after being out but a short time
the jury returned a verdict of guilty
%goblet Parsons and McKenzie. it was
within an hour of midnight when the
pritmore were sentenced. Johnson was
given 12 years on his oonviobion of Pri.
clay, while .parsons and M.oltenzio were
sentenced Inc four years --all to go to
Kingston Penitentiary',,
Number 14.
The Galt School Board has adopted a
resolution that on and after the 16th
jest., no child will be nllow.rd to attend
the public sobools who re not vaccinated.
The M•intreal Ministerial Association
has reeolved to appoint committees to
canvass the city with the object of bring-
ing non-uhurch goons into the Christian
The Montreal Giotto is of the opinion
that hanging is going out of fashion in
Canada. There have boon fourteen mur-
ders since the year opened, and only one
The Brockville Recorder says that
,,},cess has taken a short, sharp upward
turn, and that there is oonsidarable es-
sitem0nt among the buyers, a number of
whom have gone ou a trip through the
country to matte contract for the balance
of the oea'ion.
The citizens of Berlin will vote—Oe-
tabor 22—on n by-law to bonus J. E. Mo.
Carets de Co., of Acton, Ont., who pro -
p0013 10 remove their trunk factory to
Berlin, and occupy the now vacant
Crompton corset factory building if the
bones le granted.
The four Chinamen who have boon
ander detention the last week by ous-
toms authorities have been liberated, the
poll tax remanded having been paid
It has out them in all $166—$115 for a
through ticket from Hong Kong to New
York, and $60 for the tax.
The Newmarket Era thinks it should
be an established rule on all trema that
those getting off a car should do so by
the front platform and those boarding a
ear should enter the oar from the rear
platform. This would put a stop to all
the crowding and confusion which is
now so common.
The following officers were elected in
connection with the Provincial W. 0. T.
U.:—Mrs. D. L. Brethour, Thorold. Pre-
sident ; Mrs. Bev. Fancett, Vice -Presi-
dent, Toronto ; Mrs . P Rutherford, Re-
cording Seoretary, Brantford; Mrs.
Wiley, Oorresponding Seoretary, Rich-
mond Hill ; Mrs. J. °avers, Treasurer,
G alt.
Eight large mogul engines, weighing 00
tons each, for the Northern Pacific, pass-
ed through St. Thomas the other day.
The locomotives are to be used inhauliuf;
trains over the mountainous section of
the Northern Pacific. The engines were
at Buffalo for a week owing to the diffi-
culty of inducing, any railroad to allow
them to go over their bridges.
The Collector of Customs at Vancouver
has seized a consignment of Zola's works
ender the elauas of the Customs Aot deal-
ing with immoral literature. The dilu-
tor at Windsor has made 20 or 30 differ-
ent seizures at that port of small parcels
brought across the river from Detroit
and taken to the express office for ship-
ment to different parts of Canada.
The Canadian Marine Department has
issued a notice that te new steam foghorn
has been established at Great Duck
Island light station, Lake Huron. Its
operation began on Thursday. The
horn will sound blasts of eight seoonds
duration, with intervals of thirty-five
seconds between the blasts. The fog
alarm building is situated about 150 feet
south-easterly from the lighthouse, on
the south-west point of the Island.
Galt Reformer : At the last meeting of
the Council Mayor Lumsden staled that
it woe not his iotenbion to a000pe the
annual graub of $200 made to themayor
and as there was an a plioabion before
the ccunoil for an additional grant to
complete the improvements to Diokson
park, he was willing thee $50 of the
amount appropriated for his benefit`
should be expended upon the park and
another 450 in building steps at the east-
ern entrance to the town hall.
Canada exported only $424 worth of
cheese to the United Status last year. It
is found in the official publication of the
Treasury Department of the United
States relating to the commerce in the
United States and the Dominion, by
which it appears tont the total quantityy
of cheese imported into that country
from Canada from the year ending Jane
90, 1887, was 2,385 pounds, valued at
$424, and upon which duty to rho amount
of $98.40 was paid. To Great Britain
Canada last year exported choose to the
value of $7,064,000.
The last issue of the Kincardine Review
oontains the following: Kincardine
Township has its poisoning sensation.
George 11. Free is it farmer who resides
with bis family on the Durham road,
near Bervie. The Comely Tuesday morn-
ing last consisted of husband and wife, a
child about a year old and the hired man.
Soup was served at breakfast. The child,
having along with the others partalrenof
some of it, first took sick. While mother
was attending the little dodger, she com•
menoad vomiting also. Next the hired
man was affected in the same way, for-
tunately all three vomiting freely, In
this predicament her. Free rushed to
Kincardine for Dr. Hopkins, and while at
the pbysioiau's house he, too, had retoh-
ing of the etomaoh. The two, however,
returned to the Free homestead, but be.
fore entering it the doctor discovered two
oalves suffering from poison and remark-
ed they oonld not live long. llaoh mem.
ber of the family had happily taken an
overdose of elle poison, became aiok at
the stomach, but all were the worse for
the shaking up they received. Satisfied
his patients were in no danger, the
doctor visited the calves, to find one dead.
and the other dying. He had not long
to wait to find rho second calf dead also.
Inquiry and examination rovealcd the
feet that #reek meat had boon purchased
the day before, of whioh the soup had
boon made, and that the oalvoe had boon
given milk that morning. The doctor
hold that strychnine had not boon treed,
because the convulsions wore of'a Very
mild typo. The assumption is that, if
poison was admistered, it must have
boon placed in the vessel used to prepare
the breakfast, and from ovhioh the calves
wore given the milk. No ogle was dia.
covered. A11 is speorllation...' All wore
affected similarly, oonsognently no one
belonging to the houeebold could be sus-
peoted. Tho remains of the meal and
meat woro'd'estroyed by the debtor,
whose patients are recovering mealy, and
the origin of the troublele iov, vod in.