HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-12, Page 8vmsgEoz.x.F.a!
Ite is net now necessary to go to
Washington Territory to receive benefit
from the waters of the
This Wuter is now 'War oratod and shipped
to different ports of the world in packages
and I have the agency for it here. 10 10 i•e-
commended especially for noun:Whim, Per.
alysis, Oa tarrh,Despensia and Skin Dienes09,
If you will cnn at my Drug Moro you eon
have a paper giving lull directiona and testi-
reonialsfrom neenie near home who have
been be nee tted by this remedy.
Druggist, Bookseller, and Fancy Goods
Dealer, Brussels.
gives such universal satisfaction as the
COUGH REMEDY manufactured in
Seaforth, celled
Glyaeratei Balm of
Its Wonderful virtues hare oreated
demana for the Preparation from all
parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 50 ots.
130IITHEANBETENBION, W. 0 • & 0.11.
Trains leave 13r083els Station, tort and
south as follows: -
Going loath, Going North.
...... am. I Mixed %BO a.m
Ilrprese 11:45 a.m. I Mail ... -8:00 p.m
fixed 8:65 p.m. 1
Total Rews rms.
Aechiel's amang ere takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
INDIAN slimmer.
"Mose's Choice."
'PREPARE for winter.
Virivr heavy frost on Tuesday night.
L 0. Maxims for cheap horse blankets,
trunks, valises, &o.
Trienzservexe day has been appointed
for Thursday, November 15th.
SEvEn.w. Brosselites attended Blyth
Fall Show on Thursday of this week,
ADASt Goon received a big lot of rub-
bers and leather boots that he will sell
cheep. 12-
A= quantity of fresh lime at the )iitn.
Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel. W. F.
"(Unix, Prop.
Arenas sales are coming to the front.
Sale bills printed on short notice at THE
POST Publishing House.
prizes at theEast Enron Fall Fair. He
took 108 prizes in all this year.
FULL line wedding rings (and all new
designs made to order) in 18, 14 or 10 kb.
Issuer of marriage licenees. T. Fletch-
er, Brunets. 11
Tag POST will be sent from now till
the 1st of January, 1889, for 25 cents.
Subscribe now and get the opening chap.
tors of our new stery, .4311onses Choice."
REPAIRING of watches, clocks and jeer
elry in all its brandies warranted to give
satisfaction or no tharge. N.B.-Per-
sonal attention given to all work left at
T. Fletcher's, Brussels. 11
THERE is some little trouble reported
in the Brussels Band over tbe manipula.
tion of monies belonging to this institu-
tion. As the particulars of the case are
not yet fully developed we forbear a more
lengthy reference at present.
WELL Dracithe AND Dinemso.-George
Birt bas all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepared
to attend to all work entrusted to him in
a way that will insure satisfaction. Terms
reasonable- Residence seconadoor north
of the bridge, west side of Turnberry
street, Brussels. 541
THE anneal meeting of the Brussels
Brenda of the Bible Soddy will be held
on Monday evening, Nov. 6011. The
general ngent, Rev. J. G. Manly, will
deliver a lecture on Bralcylon and Israel.
The rev. gentleman is pleasantly re.
me,mbererl on account of hie former visits
and addresses in this place in oonnection
with the Bible Society meetings.
A. museum of the resident ministers,
the superintendents and teachers of the
Sabbath Schools in the village e.nd in the
vieinity, will be held in Melville church
on Monday evening neat et 8 o'olook, for
the purpose of organising a local S. S.
Association. It is proposed to arrange
for monthly meetings similar to those of
bust year, which proved so interesting
and profitable. It ie hoped that all in.
terested in S. S, work will co-operate in
this movement,
Tnn Iloems Ocarcianz.-Last Friday
the concert came off in the Town Hall
here according to announcement. There
was a good sized audience, Thoprogram
was hardly "gelid" enough to stiff the
lovers of vocal music. Mrs. Sege and
daughter filled their part on the program
With their usual accepter:am The seleet-
ions "Sweet epirit hear nay prayer," and
"Sweet violets" wore well worth the
admission fee. Mr, Willis presided at
the organ in good etyle. Ikeeve 191c.
Craelren occupied the chair.
W. 0. T. U. -The annual meeting of
this branch of the Temperance array WWI
Uri at the residence of Mrs. Cormack
On Wednesday afternoon. The financial
statement showed that the radiate had
amounted to 11144 and the disbursements
to $140,50, $86 of the amount was solely
devoted to charity. The following office
heather) were elected for the current
year :-President, Mrs. Swann, Vico
Presidenta, Mrs. Grant, Mare Deadmae,
Mrs. Wm. Vantbone and Mee. Paul
Secretary, Miss L. A. Humbly ; Treas-
urer, Miss Nellie Ross ; Corresponding
$00retary, Miele Kate Rielirdson. Ar.
ertngetriede were thee niede for the
sattreity beneath to be held on the ethning
(al Theerkeigiving Day, end eonareftteee
appointed to take charge of the thrioite
departments Of Work in connection there -
vita Partiedars will be 07611 later.
TIM tinsmiths have been nailed lately
in putting up stoyee,
Ore new story "Montes Choice" oora.
menthe met week, Read it.
Now le a good time to market whet
while the prices aro high.
A 0818 verandah is being put up at the
residence of Alex. Hunter,Division Court
Amer Goon bas received 000 lbs. of
gra les, which he will sell cheap by the
has e . 111.
JAM% LAM, JO., has fitted up the
store Irately vacated by 11. Sperling for ra 1
billiard hall,
Tnnen was no service in St. John's
church last Sunday owing to the absence
of the incumbent.
Menu will be no service in St. john's
church next Sabbath owing to the absence
of Rev. W. T. OWL
S. S. Germs opened the campaign on
Wednesday of last week by getting the
first receipt from tax collector Ross.
TIIE Hulled Workmen did not make a
oall on their members for the month of
September and only one for ()debar,
Fru reports of the Beet Heron
Show and the Wroxeter Exhibition may
be read on the inside pages of Tint Posy.
11,1evivan services will commence in the
Methodist church before the close of
October. Mies Dimsdale, a well known
lady evangelist, will be here.
Tun Br:assets Branch of the W. C, T.
le are arranging for the charity concert
to be held. on the evening of Thanks-
giving day. Particulars later.
lAtir week we were showu a sample of
potatoes grown in A. Currie's garden
many of them weighing from 1:1 to 2
pounds. They were the Late Rorie veriety.
Qraraturee silver plated ware, silver
table and tea spoons, diver knives and
forks, cruets, berry dishes, &c., cheap
and warranted good at T. Fletcher's,
Brussels. 11
ON Thursday of this weet Joseph Roe.
zell and wife celebrated the 50th anniver-
sary of their marriage. Although Mr.
Rozzell is 78 years of age he is as active
ae many 20 yeare younger.
J. MCMIMEN, of Winthorp, was fined
$50 and costs before A. Hunter, P. P.,
last Friday for selling liquor without
license. E. E. Wade conducted the case.
It is stated that McMullen has gone to
the States.
Lunn' and gent's gold and silver
watches. All the leading American
makes -Waltham, Elgin, Columbus,
an Aurora movements. Filled, coin
silyer and silver ore cases e.t lowest prices
at Fletcher's jewelry store, Brussels.
Dime Sabbath Rev. Ino. Rose, B. A.,
will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian
°Mirth in Seaforth. Rev. Mr. McNabb,
of Lucknow, will preach in Melville
church Sunday morning. The evening
service will bo withdrawn as it will be
communion service ie Knox church.
Tnn people could be counted by
scores who found their way to the
millinery opening at A. R. Sinith's last
week. The arrangement of the show
room was fully up to other years and
indicates that Miss Heyward is abreast
of the times. The outlook is hopeful for
a good season's trade, not a few bonnets
and hats having been sold and large
orders coming in. The Band VMS in at-
tendance on Saturday evening.
Lam Friday and Saturday were the
opening days for the Fall and Winter
display of millinery at the store of F. 0.
Reigate Miss Green had everything ar-
ranged in the neatest and most attrac-
tive style. There was the used amount
of admiring and "trying on" done by the
ladies who wore unanimous in their
praise of the display. The largo number
d orders taken indicates the commence-
ment of a large trade this Fell. Every
lady should Call in and see the millinery.
Throe 018011c0. -Rev. J. Campbell, of
Listowel, 19 00 occupy Knovehareh pul-
pit at 2:80 on Friday. A congregetional
meeting is to be held at 9:90 p. m. Mr.
Howie preaches at 2:30 on Saturday.
Communion service at 11 a. m. on Sab-
bath. -At a meeting of the K. 0. H. S.,
bell et the President's residence (Mrs. J.
R.Grant) last week an extended resolution
was moved and seconded by Mrs. nice
and Mrs. Robt. Burns -adopted by the
Society and transmitted to Mr. and Mrs.
Deadman as an expression of sympathy
and condolence. Mr. Howie is announc-
ed to give an address on Sabbath School
work at the next meeting, to be held in
November at Mrs. Grant's.
WI/1T WE may Exrnor.-Snow flurries.
-A wedding on November 2nd in which
o Brussels gentleman will figure prom-
inently. -People who don't patronize
Fall Shows will grumble this week at
the large amount of space devoted to
them. -Fur oaps and mitts. -A rousing
charity concert on the evening of Thanks-
giving Day. -Now that money is begin.
ning to move people will make an effort
to square up,-Elurries of snow after a
few weeks Indian summer. -Beef to take
a tumble in price. -A run on cough mix -
t0188 and underclothing. - Christmas
goods to come to the front, -A flambee
of our citizena to visit the Co, town next
wade -Outing ancl skating rink talk.
Itneninse Sum= Goons, -For some
time past Adam Good, general merchant,
has missed from his store large quinti
ties of hats, booth, shoes, groceries and
other matters, and though constantly on
the alert was unable to ascertain where
the "leakage" came in. Hie suepicions,
however, being aroused in a certain di-
rection'on Wednesday morning he se-
creted himself in his store before the
hour for opening and there became an
"unobsetved observer" of what took plane.
W. T. Hunter was the first caller and
obtained from a boy, named Mothillough,
then in Mr, Good's atom (and as both
supposed alone there at the time) two
pair of overshoes and departed without
the usual formality of praying for them,
Sam. Beattie, livery stable keeper, next
appeared and obtained a felt hat upou
the scene advantageous terms. Mr.
Good subsequently revealed his preened
to the boy, end demanded an explanation,
who confessed that this business had
been going on for some time with no oth-
GT remuneration than trifling aume given
to the boy 'to put in his own pocket"
and .'for himself," of which he WOE On
no account to toll his employee. Legal
advice was procured which resulted in
informations being laid before A. Hun
Weal', spinet both men, eharging
them with receiving geode, knowing
there to be Aden, ;end by 3 o'olook in the
afternoon they were both in the olatehea
of the law. Tho trial proceeded at 5 p,
in, genre day and reeillted 1111 both atin.
ter and Bettie being fully committed to
take their trial, and as We write they are
on their way to Gederieh in charge of
Constables Scott and Ainley. 11. 15,
Wade acted ara Mt. Geed'e legal adviser
end XIS. Hayti for the prisonere.
j, 3. Dntitlan is building a stable on
hie lot on Turuberry street.
Consinnuiline Specie is taken up this
'Creek with Fall Show prize lists. After
next week We Will be through with theme
Someone, who bad very litibe to bo,
threw 0. pell or two of water on the Sal-
vation Army as they were engaged in
their street service near the Queedshotel,
last Friday evening.
iteinene.--The following item, clipped
from Wecinesdey's daily Globe, Toronto,
refers to a sister of Mrs, P. Scott's, of
Brussels :-.Miss Bryon, of Winnipeg, ar-
'Cited in the oity by the C. P. R. evening
train on Monday, end corning out of the
Union Station on the Sinmee street side,
she asked a man who was loitering about
the garner of Sinutoe and Fred deeds to
direct her to the A.merioan hotel, This
individual offered to take her there, bub
went west instead of mast, end on corning
to the corner of Brook street made a
snatch at Mies Bryan's valise, which con.
tabled her railway ticket to Seaforth (her
destination), her return ticket to Wind -
Poe, about 650 in money anl corns jewel.
ry. Min Bryan made a pluoky resist.
snee, bat the thief Deeded the valise.
CUELIANA.-The anneal meeting of the
Brussels Curling Club was held on Tues.
day evening, the 9thlust. In the absence
of the President, Adam Good (vioe-Prosi.
dent) occupied the chair. J. R. Grant,
Secretary. The minutes of lost annual
meeting were road and oonfirmed, after
which the election of offirsers was pro-
ceeded with. The following is the result:
President, a Dennis ; YiemPreeident,
D. C. Ross ; Sem-Treas., S. IL Grant;
Chaplain, Rev. W. T. Oluff ; Patron,
F. C. Rogers ; Patroness, Mrs, F. 0.
Rogers ; Representative members, John
Leckie, John Alexander ; Committee of
Management -W. Thomson, A. Currie,
P. Scott, B. W. Laird, R. Leatherdale,
F. S. Scott, A. Good. The names were
also seleoted for the Annual. The Sec-
retary was inetruoted to communicate
with the Wroxeter ourling club regarding
the arrangement entered into lad winter
about curling stones.
SHIPPERS BICEING.-Last Tuesday the
shippers of this 'many forwarded a pe-
tition to General Manager Hickson of the
Grand Trude asking for better athomme-
&Aloe in the way of fright oars. It is
really too bad the way Brussels is treated
in this particular when it is considered
the large amount of freight hauled in and
out of our station yard. There is a screw
loose somewhere and the sooner it is re-
medied the baler as the town and list
shippers must nob be allowed to suffer if
a good poking up will be of any avail.
Wingham has all the cars it wants be -
°nun° it is a oompeting point and if for
no other reason we want the C.P.R. line
through our town. It is very poor satis-
faction when 20 or 30 cars are wanted to
see a solitary empty left to accommodate
five or six regular shippers, beside all the
transient trade. We hope our Agent will
attend to this very important matter and
not allow Brussels to suffer through the
neglect of the G. T. R. This is on old
complaint here and now that the men
principally interested have taken the
qnestion up they should be backed up by
everybody having the best interests al
Brussels at heart. Now is the time we
want it righted.
Tun Rosax,n STEAHER.-The Ohesley
Enterprise, of Oot. 3rd, says :-On Tues-
dayafternoon, Mr. Ronald of Brussels,
arrived with one of his steam fire engines
for the purpose of giving the people of
Chesley an opportunity of observing its
value as a fire extinguisher. Consider-
able time was spent in getting it into
working Order, but finally the match was
applied and in about 8 minutes after a
strong stream of water issued from the
hose The engine was stationed near
Ramage's mill and the stream easily
reached the top of it, and when full
steam was on, perhaps 30 feet beyond.
The test was eminently satisfactory and
many, before doubtful as to its merits
went away satisfied that the steam fire
engine was just what was needed. The
next day a test was made by plaoing the
end of the hose at the town hall with
engine at the river. Tho result was all
tbat could be expected considering the
length of hose, which was 1,000 ft. and
elevation being very high. It was clearly
manifested that the capacity through two
hose pipes was quite as effective as when
a single line of hose was used. The
steamer has been thoroughly tested in
various tests and has given the highest
satisfaction. A false alarm was sounded
on Tuesday night about 12 o'clock, when
all wore in bed. This brought out the
Slimmer, the run Was about mile, and
had then a full head of raterun up and 2
streams going in exactly 7i minutes,
which ie certainly creditable and effective
Toe following letter was addressed to a
persoual friend of Rev. Mr. Howie's, but
rupee it is not inapplicable to more than
Mr. Howie's friend we insert it hero :-
Dear Brother. --Yon are aware that I
brave °ailed a number of times bat failed
to meet you. You will please therefore
pardon me writing to you. I am perfect.
ly sure there is no other subject more im-
portant than the salvation of our goals, it
requires the most immediate and careful
attention. Everything is dying and death
is living. What think ye of Christ. I
would like to see you oftener joining in
the public worship of God. It distresses
me to think that the children of !anybody
are being brought up in an atmosphere of
religiune indifference, Quite true you
boar the responsibility of your own god,
but it is also true that you are in a Wray
responsible for your wife, children and
sorvaots. 51 15 quite a mistake to sup.
pose that every miuistee is flying after
eents and dollen, it is not yours but you
that I am anxious about. Most of OM aro
aware that the slender is abroad that
money and nothing else is whet tha0med:1
is after but supposing that this naistake
were well founded would. this crime of
ours justify you before God, would our
folly donee you from all sin, don God
forgive donors beerause of other diallers sin,
do two blacks make one white 2 Certainly
not. God forgives only through tho right-
eousness and the flood of Jesus :Oiliest.
We are not peered, pleath come with us.
Help us, show 819 00 do batter, robetko ue
whoa we do Wrong and commend ue when
We do right, Let us go together bearing
one tanotheras infirmitioe. Meld done
is perfect and Him alone we exalt and
eommentl. Please then ted thobe linee
in the spirit of brotherly love, meekness
and kindly sympathy (for they are written
in sunk epitit) end 1 have no doubt the
truth aid the right will be cleae at orith
to you and to then Who aro With you.
I remelt eineetely,
Your friend and WelleWieher,
G. B. HoWnie
Alrvenrniu strayed stook in THE PORT.
REPAIRS in harnOSS done cheap and
well at 1, 0. Richards.
Rnan our new story mailed 'Moue%
choice," by a well known airtime.
$1.13 was paid for wheat at Brussels
on Thursday of this week, Farmers
will do well to keep this in mind in die.
posing of their grain.
Levies' satchel lost on Friday, 5th
nst., between the (lentil* of Brenda and
the station. The finder will please leave
it at Tnn POST Publishing House for the
Aslnernin Of the Brussels Fire COM -
par*, will bo held in the Oounoil obamber
on Wednesday evening of next week
commencing at 8 o'olock, A full dim -
dance desired,
JEWELLERY always on hand and now
stook just opened. Latest styles in
broarthes, bar pins, earrings, ladise' and
genies sleeve buttons, braoelete, gem
rings, gold 001 silver lockets, &e., at T
Fleteher's jewelry dove, Brussels. 11
Lase Wednesday morning Julia Fanny,
the youngest daughter of G. A. Dead-
rnan died after a short illness. The little
girl was supposed to be doing nicely when
she took a bad turn which resulted es
above. The funeral took place on There -
day afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Deadman
have the sympathy of the entire com-
Y. P. C. A. -Last Monday evening tho
Association held its reerganization meet.
ing in Melville church. The officers far
this year are :-A. Good, President; Mrs.
Was. Kerr and J. B, MoLauchlin, Vico.
Presidents; Secretary, Miss Jessie Ross ;
Assistant -Sec., Mies Nellie Carlisle ;
Treasurer. Chas. Dutton ; Executive
Committee, Miss Lizzie Wilson, Miss
Dolly Shaw, A. M. McKay and Alex.
Stewart. The Society's paper and oboir
were left over for future time. Tho next
meeting will be on the 23rd inat.
People We Know.
Rev. W. T. Olnff and wife are visiting
friends in lYfichigen.
Mrs. A. McOutcheon left Brussels for
Winnipeg last Tuesday,
pleA. Shiel has returned to Toronto to
pursue hie college course.
Miss Gibson, of Toronto, was visiting
Mrs. J. W. Shiel this week.
Miss Lily Turnbull, of Attwood, was
visiting in town for a few hays.
Mrs. Cormack and Edna were at Strat.
ford for a few days visiting old friends.
Miss E. E. Kerr has gone on a visit to
old friends at Kirkton and Dorchester.
Nichol Robertson, of Dickenson Co.,
Kansas, is visiting the Broadfout family.
Albert Fitzpatrick was home for a few
days from Arthur. He returned on Mon-
Station agent Boomer, a former Bens-
gelite, is 1105V the O. P. R. agent at Wing -
Jas. Wilson is home for a few days
from Gerrie attending to his fruit, vege-
tables, rec.
Mrs. A. G. Derdman, of Delaware, was
called. home last week owing to illness
in her family.
Thos. McOullongh has gone to the
Dental College, Philadelphia, to com-
plete his course.
Editor Bryan, of the Lucknovr Senti-
nel, and wife spent last Sunday in town
with J. Seli and wife.
Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., and wife, of
Wroxeter, were visitors at the. Beet
Huron Fair last Friday.
Isaac Fitzpatrick has gone to Saginaw
to look up a sithation. He is a steady
youth and will succeed 0. K.
James Laird, sr., of Port Elgin, was
in town this week. He has a warm place
in his heart for Brussels yet.
Harry Matheson has gone to Wood -
stook where he will probably take a
position in the ptosoface there.
James Drewe was in Brussels last
Friday, Ile is travelling for the well
known Gurney firm, of Hamilton.
30. Waterm, the pushing general agent
of the Massey Mad. Co., was in town
this week. Re's been hard at work at-
tending the fall exhibitions.
R. Leatherdale rand wife arid Harry
Dennis and wife spent loot Sunday at
jno. Landeaboro's, near Seaforth. Mrs.
Landesboro' was former)), Mrs. Long,
well known in Brusaela.
Last Tuesday Oho. Ferguson, who has
been with Strachan Bros., merchants,
for several years, event to Stratford where
he will trace a position in the store of
Messrs. Searff & Ferguson, of the classic
city. Mr. Ferguson will fill the bill to a
nicety. Somebody in town will be glad
"when Johnnie conies marching home
On Thursday of last week M. MoLen-
nen left Brussels for London where he
has taken the position of traveller with
the firm of Sas. A. Kennedy, Wholesale
Druggiet. They will find Mr. McLen-
nan the very mart they have been looking
for and it is on account of his many good
qualities that wo dislike so much to see
him leave town. We wish him success.
Mrs. McLennan ead children are in town
(301,14. -In Mortis, on the 7th inst., the
wife of Mr. A. T. Cole, of twins, son
and daughter.
MoDisvas.-At Thessalon, Algoma on Sep.
tember 28th, the wife of Mr, W. A.
MriEwan, of daughter.
Seeenn-Iltree-At the residence of the
bride's father, on the 10th inst„ by
Rev. M. Swann, Mr. Harry A. Share:,
of Burk's Falls, to Miss Fannin
second daughter of Mr. John Hill,
Grey township.
Recareinsos-Yrneres.-At Pine Cottage,
81 Hamilton road London, on Oct.
13cd, by Rev. E. B. Ryckman, 3333.,
Rev. Geo. Riehardeon, of Goderloh,
president of the Guelph Conference
Cif the Methodist ohuroh, to Maggie,
eldest daughbor of the late William
Yeatos, of London.
Dreeetes,-In Belinda, on Wednesday,
Oct. 10th, Julia Fanny, youngest
daughter of George and Fanny Dead-
man, aged 3 years, 10 months and
13 days. .3
. .
TUICStar, OCT, 16. -Farm stock and
implements, in Ceanbrook, north of the
river, Selo to commons 5,0 1 o'olook
p. re. Without reseram, johe Sheik,
peon., A. Reymann, roust.
T-treeth, OoO, 113. -On lot 25, 0010 7,
Morrie. Farm steak; implernentri, 10.
Salo will be without resolve eon -mune.
ing a 1 o'elocils pen., theep. ;No.
Prop., GOO, Kirkby, mut.
WEDNESDAY, 00T. 17. -Fara/ stook and
implementie Lot. 14, 0011. 19, Grey. Sale
without reserve uounnonaing at 120'0100k
noon. Jas. Slernmon, prop., Geo, Kirk.
by, aura.
mo zieweec larces.mmesetTree.
Transact a General 13anking
... 05 1 02
Spring Wheat 95 1 00
Oats 30 31
Pears 137 58
Barley 43; 56
Potatoes 35 00
Butter, per lb 16 16
Eggs, per dozen 14 00
Apples, per bushel 65' 00
Hoge, dressed a 50 7 00
Beef 4 60 6 50
Hay8 00 0 00
Wood, per nerd 2 50 8 60
Sheopellins, each ...... 75
Fall Wheat!Business,
m.-Gerases=Tem eyeemeeem-ezeres.
Fall Wheat 1 10 1. 13
Spring Wheat 1 05
1 10
Burley 3180 7302
60 (12
PBeuattaer, tithe and 16 10
Eggs per dozen 16 00
Flour per barrel 6 00 00
Potatoes . 80 85
Hay per ton . , 12 00 14 0,1
Hides per lb 4
Salt per bbl., wholesalme (10 80
Sheep skine, each 60 1 00
Wroog, per lis
6 2158 6 6202
BEARDs, my rhorough-bred Jersey
Bull. Apply at 0090 05
13- G. A. DEADUAN, Brussels,
AL Servant. Good wages to ono
experienced. Apply at once to
13- Mitla E. D. WADE, Bruesele,
..aasew CT. -ADS.
19>18I1313 LILY VEAL WILL GIVE 31105-
0 005 In Drawing, Landscape Painting
and Paintine onVolvet, Charges moderate.
tohyeemrdnime 111
8 milers° tree guaranteed.
denied to me, in account or note,
dt %Tr' are requested to pay
12-4 WM. GRAHAM, 18.3).
1 of tbe undersigned. lot 6, eon . 7, Grey,
on or shout Juno 191, a two year old heifer.
Tho owner is requested to prove property,
pay charges and take her away.
7L.F eas TIS
Caveats ,Re.issues sad Trade Marks secured
and all other patent eases On the Patent
Office and before the Courts promptly and
citrate Ily attended to. Upon receipt of mod-
el or sketch of invention, I make careful
examination,and advise es to patentability
Free 01 Marge, Pees moderate, and I make
no charge unless patent is seamen, Inform-
ation, advloe and speoial referonees sent on
application. 1.18 LITTELL , Washington
U,S.Patent Office. 10 -
Apply to DR. GRAHAM. 12.4
'kJ A. few splendid, improved farms for
sirloin the townehip of Grey, Morrie and
McMillen. Apply to A. DELGATTY , 00.
Auctioneer,BranselsP, 0.
some= offers his valuable 100 ono
form,being lot 8, con. 18, Grey Township,
Huron Co,, for sale, There aro about 60
sores cleared and In good heart. There le e
log house, good hank barn, bearing orchard
and all the neoeseary oonyeniencee on the
premises, For further particulars, as to
price, terms, Ste,, apply to the Proprietor,
THOS.1015L0P, Ilare 38,0,, N.W. T.. or to
1714.3030 FOR SALE OR TO
V RENT.- no undersigned offers his
OD-oore farm, lot 20, con. 7, Morris, for sale
or to rent. Thera are 00 acres ()leered
and under crop. The buildings consist of a
trams house, frame barn, dce. There is also
an orchard of nue more. Geed well. There
are 10 acres of fall wheat in this fall. Fo r
further particulars, as to price, terms, 10.,
apply to the Proprietor,
0-01 300011 WILEINSON. Brussels P. 0.
12 Yon Wm. -Being lot 14, eon. 10, con-
taining 100 sores. It is portly cleared, the
balenoe ns11 timbered. A never failing
ereek oressesthe place and it 1810511 adapt.
ad for either farming 01' grazing. I willIlke-
wise sante acres being oast part °flea; 14,
oon.1 5, nearly all cleared f4.1112 in o good
state of cultivation. A good frame barn
with a good stone stable underneath 0110a
never failing 10811 15 oleo on the place, For
further portioning apply to the proprietor
on the piaci°. This lot is onpoeito the oth
or aEoRan AVERY, Proprietor. 1-01
V being Oho eolith half of lot number
80 In the 4th ooncession of the township of
Morrie, known as the homestead of Archi-
bald Ta,,ior, thetabaing ninety-nine email.
Ninety ac res ore cleared, the balance wood.
ed with valuable timber, Exedllenb build.
Inge, largo orchard of choice trooa, soil to
good condition and is situated one and a
(Darter miles north of the Tillage of Brus-
sels, on tee main gravel road This is one
of the Most bomostead farms in the County
iosfolls.urou and will be sold at a bargain 01141T A90011, Alarming Arcade, Toronto, or to
On terms to mit purchaser, Per further
partioulars apply to tho Proprietor, A. M.
018011110>03101 TAYLOR, Sr.., on the prom-
The Exeouters of the estate 00 010 UM
WXLLTASIMOONITY, Hammen, decetand, now
offer the following veritable lads for sale,
vit. ;-The north half of 10027, and the wet
11011 00 teeter% 1>13 01 lot 213, both in the
000 ooneeselon of UM Township of Morrie,
Comity of flume containing 150 acres.
About 110 acres are cleared and in good
condition, the greater port beteg in greet',
The Imbrium is wen timbered, chiefly with
beech and intiplo,
This farm Is Inversely situated Within ono
80110 01 the village of Brunaols, whish affords
en excellent market. %More 1e unon the
38500015000 good frame barn and heath an
°retailed of eholoe fruit ereee, a neva foiling
eering, also a geed Well and 'pump , and good
lances, et/mei:by will be 0011 10 0:10 or
two panels, to gull, !deeding purehasees.
Purceineertilli bo allowed to enter and have
the et house on promisee ot any Mum tatter
Intr./Met and 00 10 fall plowing, Lull pestles.
0151 10111 be given at ist November next.
1800 karma end further partieularg apply
to the undersigeed ebreoutore, 08 to Joule
neo,, 0101100o10, Ont.
Eclotwien Dime,
Geterge Cardiff, xn, leaTOM,
Canadian Etna United 13,140 Duarte bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on depealbs.
Collections 'made en favorable terms.
Ormatlion Agents-linnonawr's!nerrelloe
New York Agents -Impouruns ANI1 Teen -
ince NATIONAL 13AtIlt.
AAT M. SINCLAIR, 1103>10130-
8' • or Oonveynnoor, Notary Publio,
10, 0(500: ,GrAboan's Blook, 1 door uorth of
Hargreaves' Drug Store, Private Vends to
JL.." • solicitor and Notary Publio. Con-
voyanoing. Collections and Loaning, Mr
Wade will attend In Gerrie every Wodnes•
day 00two o'clock,
4/ (Late with Garrow Proneltout, Gude.
rioh) Barrlstere, Solieltere, Coeveyancors,
&a Office, Grant's Blook, Brussels. Money
to loam
R. 811>098, W. 13, DIOXSON.
A M. TAYLOR, B. 0, L., BAR -
BISTRO, S011OitOT,10., of the firm of
Die -keen, Taylor Al McCullough,' Barristers,
Solicitors, tte,, Manning Arcade, King Street
West, Toronto. Money to loan,
. the Fourth Dirlsion 0 art, 00. Huron.
Conveyancer, Notary Publics, Laud, Loan
and /nsurance Agent. Ferule invested and
to loan. 0o,leotions made. Wilco In Ow
how's mook,Arussels.
wm. F. OALE, M.D., 0. M.
Member of the College of Physiolans and
Surgeons of Ontaaio by exaMination.
Office and Residerm-Maln St. Emit , Etbo
. 0.10,1),It, C. P. Edinburgh, 3f. O. P.
S. Ont. t Hargreaves' Drug Store from
0 to 11:30 am. and from 1:30 to 4 p. m. At
other hours may be found at the residence
formerly trampled by Dr. Butt:minion,
Mill street.
G. L. Ball, 31.13, S., Honor Gradunto and
36. R. 0. D. S. Toronto. Vitalized Air given
00,13. Merles, D. D, S., Assistant Operator
Ormon-aLeyers Bleak, Seaforth,
V/ ,J. Foor,1..D S. Graduate of To-
ronto Saw' o/ Dentletry, >018 opor-
silent' guaranteed. Office -Cadre
Blook, Besfortb.
Artlfielal teeth, 11 rstguttlity, and a
guaranteed flt,f or $12.00per sot.:
= _A., Ut.A..XT,T53118,
Honor Graduate of the Iloyol (lollop.) of
Dental Burgeons, Toronto, Emcee Munn
Gas administered for the p0181000 extra -
tion of tooth.
OFFICE. -Ono Door Norte of the Bank.
snn Auotioneer. Sales concluded on
reasonable terms, farms and four stock a.
specialty. Orders left at TILE Pear Publish-
ing House, Brussels, or sent to Walton post
einem will receive prompt attention.
min, is prepared to attend to sales on
the shortest noble.). A speeielty mile of
Wee of thorough -bred stook. Terms made
known by application tr Tun POST Publish-
ing House, where orders may be loft, or
addrors to Brussele P 0.
is always ready to attend sales of
forma, farm stoolc, lo. Terms cheerfully
given. Oranbrook 518.0. Salon may be w-
ronged at Tun Pow Publieb leg Eouse
• a:Minion Litmus, Mae at his
Grocery,Turnberry Street,
of Piano and Organ. Twine on upon -
e Mien,
N.B.-Walton C1199 meets every Thursday
and Friday et Mrs. D. CanapbelPe, Walton.
Afixss nesaloriu.kvES DESIRES
-L011-bo rODOITO Ipupile for instrue-
Mon on the PIANO and ORGAN. 8 yearn
Expellant,. Atealdenee with lSro, Alar-
greavea, over 'HARGREAVES DRUG
311,01008. n06•1yr
.8.0.. Artist. Shop, next door south of A.
It. litany re Coe. hardware abut. Ladies'
and children's hair cutting la snecialty.
A ehoice 800011 08 eigare kept,
retro Licenses, by appointment of
Lieuteeleverner, Clommiseioner, Ge,, Q. B.
Cletlytyaneer and Agent Fire Ineeranee Cl,
Olnee 04 1110 Oranbreek Post Oinee,
and Ornamented Phi ntor, Graining,
Gilding, Sign and Decimates. Peinting in an
its branelum. Shop Blinds 10110 0» 11 etyle,
Palm Mandates specialty, Shen One doer
south of 3,130,yerie Carthago Works,
, • I
• Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
0olione bag resumed the neeetlee of Sohn
Nott,V.S., and is prepared 00 treat all diti
SasOeOfllOmeotlOabsd anitnani on Relenting
findanprOYed prinelpleg. Trentnienter del.
ioato tools 0 opaciany Onlee two aoors
110034at Btt8s1,Ain° um, 1018,817 ; Nerth01 srielgO,Wernborry street.