HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-12, Page 5OCT. 12, 1888, THE BRUSSELS POST
x :r,,,,,, s rev.:., a, r==uvea]ar s ,rwral ,,,xeme...,., wswire rurr nx reemereeeinerr-arm ee liver gnemze raminapremthiairetemmemi'
lr frit' ',1"au5,
Q e-xinler•oeale.
The flax mill company has disposed of
their mill, &c. to A. Reichard, who is
now pushing the brashness,
Tames Slenttnon hen leased his farm
for a terns of yearn to Mallard Mille,
T r. S. will likely take a trip westward
next Spring. He has an auction sale of
farm stook, &o., next Wedneaday,
Mee t lie
Wo had splendid weather for our Fall
show. Prizm list next weak.
At tho annual meeting of the Hopeful
Gleaners of 8t. Andrew's ohuroh, the fol-
lowing officers were appointed :—Ex-
ooutivo Committee, Misses Riddell end
Ross, and Win. Sloan; Treasurer, Miss
Molitrnon ; Secretary, Miss Witte ; 2nd
Vice.president, A. Walsh; let Vice-pre-
sident, Mites Watson ; President, A. M.
Burchill. Miss •Watson rend the trea-
surer'e report, showing the amount of
money received over $17; expenditure
about $7, sash on band 09.95. The
money received from members for the
Soar was $1.25 more than that of the
corresponding time last year.
Pater Robertson, who has been on the
sick list for several months past, is im-
proving slowly.
Otra.YaE Bi,ossous.--Lent Wednesday
morning Jno. hill's residence was the
scene of a matrimonial alliance, when,
by the aid of Rev. M. Swann, Harry A.
Slater, of Bark's Palls and Miss Fannie
M. Hill were made ono. The ceremony
wee performed about 0 a.m. and the
happy twain wont east on the noon train.
Meal Lottie Hill, sister to the bride, was
bridesmaid, and W. C. Slater, of Chicago,
brother to the groom, groomeman. Fig-
uratively Tan Pose throws an oditoral
slipper after Mr. and Mre. Slater and
unites with their many friends in wish-
ing them prosperity.
Kee aflerth.
The enterprising Scott Bros. disposed
of no less than seven Dunham pianos in
woven days recently.
Thos. Hendry is likely to get a loan of
$5,000 from the town to rebuild hie
foundry lately destroyed by firm. Fie is a
deserving citizen.
D. M. Radcliffe, banker, had an opera-
tion performed upon his right leg by two
physicians a few days ago. They out
down along the ahia bone about five
inches in length and chiselled the dead
bone off. Mr. R. will be laid up for two
or three months at least.
A painful aooident happened to Geo.
Trott at the Goderich Fair. He was ex-
hibiting a large hog,'and when in the
pen the brute attacked him, tearing a
largo hole in the fleshy part of his right
leg with its teeth. Mr. Trott suffered
considerable pain from the lacerated
James Stubbs is on the sick Het this
Miss Boles, of Clinton, is visiting at
W. Simpson's.
Mre. T. P. Simpson is away visiting
her parents at Allenford.
W. Doig and wife, of Kincardine, made
a flying visit here this week.
E. Cober and wife were visiting friends
in Blyth and Exeter last week.
Mise Lizzie Lake has been visiting
friends in Woodstock and Platteville for
a few weeks.
Alia; Hebrews. Spence returned from
visiting friends in Lookport last week,
She spent about a month in Uncle Sam's
David Milne has been engaged by Mc-
Donald & Hays, of Listowel, to buy
wheat hero this season. He is the right
man in the right place, and will give
good satisfaction.
A. Taylor, of Belgravia is now in tho
employ of A. W. Webster, Wingham.
A. Rae, of the Queen's has purchased
the 34 acro property of the late J. Hut.
A large number of our townspeople at-
tended the Fall Show at Belgrave on
Wm. MaQuarrie left for Toronto lase
week to further his studies at Toronto
The McGibeny family of singers is to
appear 111 the town -hall on the 24th Oct.
under tho nuspioes of Court Maitland, C.
0. F.
It is said that the Waterford Electric
Light Co. will make an experiment in
this town for one month. The cost will
be 25 cents per light each night,
The following afters were appointed in
connection with the W, C. T. De of this
town:—Mrs, J. Ritchie president; Mrs.
Agnew and Mrs. Lloyd, vicepresidents ;
Airs. J. J. Homuth treasurer, and Mrs.
A. Roes t'ooretary.
The installation of Be,'. W. K, Shortt,
AI. A., as pastor of the Congregational
church hero is to take place on the 12th
inst. Rev. John Morton, of Hamilton,
ohairmen of the Congregational Union,
Rev. Thos. Han, Superintendent of MIs.
sions, Rev. C. L. Ross, of Kincardine,
and, Rev. Mr. McLeod, of Listowel, ars
expected to bo present and take parb in
the proceedings.
Frank Patterson took a couple of prizes
in poultry at the Wnghani show.
Miss Whitefield, of Ethel, is on a visit
to her sister Mrs. Jae. Thompson.
Bev. S. Donee, of Brussels, will preach
in the Presbyterian church here ntxt
Quito a drove of pigs loft the factory
yard this week. The milk is getting
shorter and so feed is getting source.
Wm. Ross, of Bellmore, a former real.
dent of Blnevalo, was a visitor in town
one day lately.
The foot.ball is going. Tbo boys are
amttaing themselves in that health•giving,
sbin.kieking, rousing, rollicking, rackety
Jae. Thompson, our able, energetic
teacher, was re-ongaged lath week for
1889. Mr. T'a friends will be glad 10
]earn that he is appreciated.
It is with pleasure that eve again notioe
Chao. Pleading without hie "sing." He
was playing with a dog, when it snapped
at him, IIo'was laid 0p for a foW days.
Rev. A. Y. Bartley attoudod the
Lonelosboro' li'oreeter'a Annivoreary last
Wednesday evening. A hell hogee, a good
tiep,0, a, pleasecl tenitnittee, are from. Mr.
1 :`notes.
Mos Collie, is on a visit to Listowel.
Service lige boon di000ntirtued in Bloc.
vale Methodist of eelt in the evening, for
a time at least R1t "', t:ibbin believes in
giving the Johm Bele a share of
evening 'melon,
A. number from this Ieoalily took in
the Blyth Fall Show on Thursday of
thin week.
Next Sabbath Rev, Mr, McNabb, of
Luoknow, will declare the pulpit of Duff's
the roh vacant.
The football club should bo gutting on
their war paint for the purpose of hold-
ing their laurels.
Afro. and Miss Sas wore attending a
concert in Brussels last Friday evening.
They always do well.
The farewell sermon of Rev. F. Bal.
lantyne was preached last Sunday, He
intends taking a trip to the South with
the hope of becoming thoroughly invig.
orated. His many friends here wish
him sueoess wherever his lot may be
Nov QUITE CORRECT.—Th your issue Of
Sept. 21st there is a report of a resolution
passed by Duff's thumb that is not ex-
aotly carrot. I believe in saying nice
things but I want the truth told and n
few members should not take it upon
thmneelvoe to bo the mouthpiece for the
congregation, Certainly the pastor has
not filled the bill to the extent ntated, 0.o
I understand nearly thirty families were
very uneottled and those who have not
left the church would have done ro bad
the rolatiooebip not bean savored. Ours
may be a peculiar congregation to suit
but I dent believe there will be any dif-
ficulty in securing an "under shepherd"
who will do the work bettor. 1 believe
the move will be for the good of Duff's
rhurel,. Ax Ex•10txmimEii.
Pito r r•Z,. .
Bev. Mr. Howie is to address a meeting
at Mr. Barr's on Thursday the 18th at
7p. m.
Apple packing is the order of the day.
There is a large Drop but buyers are
Special services are being carried oa
in the Sunshine ohurob with consider.
able success.
Rev. A. MoRibbin oommenced revival
services in Johnston'a church Last Sun.
day evening.
Last Sabbath A. L. Cole received two
young visitor's at bis house who intend
to stay. See birth notioe.
The Literary Society will open the
campaign at Barrie's schoolhouse on
Wednesday evening of next week, 17th
David Errington ands J. Jewitt left
Wingham, on the C.P.R., for Owen
Sound from which place they were to
take the boat to Algoma.
Mre. Brownlee, of Carleton Place, who
',has been visiting her father Thos.Farrow
and other friends, has returned to her
:home. Her husband came to accompany
Riobard Johnston, sou of William J.
Johnston, who was married recently,
intends starting boueekeeping this week.
We wish him and hie bride a happy
Professor Mills, of the Ontario Agri-
cultural College, will preach the Edu-
cational sermon at Sunshine next Sab•
bath afternoon. He is an able speaker
and well worth hearing.
Last Saturday Allan Spoir arrived
theme from the Old Country. Ho brought
with him two entire conte and a filly, all
Clydoa. They are nice animals and will
make fino horses. They came over on
the Donaldson line steamer "Cynthia."
This makes Mr. Speir's fifth trip to Eng-
land and Scotland.
Last Tuesday evening the annual Sab-
bath School entertainment was held in
Barrie's school house. After a splendid
repast had been partaken of the following
interesting program was presented :—
chorus ; prayer by Rev. S. Jones ; red -
triton by Jessie Denson ; music by the
Misses Kerr, 0, B. Harris and W. H.
Kerr ; address, Rev. M. Swann ; recite,
tion, Kate Barrio ; recitation, Mise
Boyd; solo, Miss Herr ; address, Rev. S.
Jones ; reading. Miss MaQuarrie ; reoi-
tetion, Geo. Vance ; address, Rev. G. B.
Howie ; song, Miss Kerr ; dialogue, Jes-
sie Denson and Hannah Forsyth ; ad-
dress, Rev. J. Roes, B.A. ; recitntion,
Walter Barrie ; recitation, Miss Boyd ;
chorus by school. Tbo program was a
most enjoyable one and was got through
in good time. Tho proaoede amounted
to About $7.50. W. Ii. Kerr, of Tun
Poen occupied the chair. If you want
to enjoy a good time you should never
miss the ontortaiuments hold in thio
X..apttoesv eI.
J. A. ?inland, late of the .Albion hotel,
Stratford, hag leased the Mannon House.
T. Ballantyne shipped from Listowel
station 1551 boxes of cheese, about $0,-
000 worth.
Miss Addie Clayton left on Wednesday
to resume her studios at the Toronto
Forty of the morchants and business
men are asking the Council to repeal the
Early closing Bylaw.
About 4 o'alook Sunday mornin r tiro
broke out in W. Stephen's stable, Listo•
wol, totally destroying the stable and
dwelling house, also a portion of the con-
tents of both. A11 was' insured in the
Waterloo Mutual for $750, which will
about cover the loss. The fire is sup-
posed to bo inoendi
A FALSE BOTTOM.—A young immigrant
named Geo. Deuehter, en route to friends
in Listowel, from Germany, was appre-
hended by Onstoms Landing Waiter P.
Cnlhane at Niagara Falls on Monday for
smuggling sono geode, amounting to
about $250, by means of a false bottom
in his chest, in which he had the geode
concealed. The young fellow could not
speak a word of English, anis an inter-
preter had to be procured, The immi-
grant pleaded inn000nt, and said he
knew nothing of the oonoaaled goods, eon.
slating of two large pieces of valuably
Oleth and a silk handkerchief. He said
the °sleet must bare been fixed nil by his
grandmother or uncle before leaving tho
fatherland unknown to him. Ile passed
through the metopes at New York with,
out thorn notioing it. The authorities,
considering the immigleset's position,
wero willing to allow lam to go on pay
wont of the duty, amounting to eS3,85,
but as he had only $10 about him he was
detained teeth his Listowel friends oonld
ho hoard from.
During the ATortlt=woetorn Behibitiori
a natty and woll.di'oseed inclivirlual, who
(Damietta( cordo of 11, C. 'We ,f Co.,
deelo05 hl lloroos anti mules, Nashville,
Tonneasee, Now York and other Ameri-
can cities, called on Mr. Scott and pro.
sonted a bank draft for $1,000 on a Phil-
adelphia bank and requested filen to sash
it. With conoiderablosuavity of ruaneer
and ineinuating grimes he pradueed his
bigh.sounding card and explained his
business in the town. Orr. Scott gashed
tIo draft after Mr, Halo ]]ad intimated
that he wished to place $300 to the credit
of Afr. Lowey', a tonal horse dealer, from
whom Ilale had bought a couple of horses.
pie was done and a credit slip given to
Hale in favor of Lowry. Bale walked
away) attar thanking Mr. Scott for his
accommodation, and has riot since boon
seen. Mr. Scott sent the draft on in duo
course, and it was returned "N. G;" haw
ing boon pronounced a forgery. Mr,
Scott Mae the sympathy of the commun.
ity in his loss. When will people who
ought to know better reaoe dealing with
sharpers on more favorable terms than
would be accorded to reliable business
men of good standing 7 Mr. Hale may
turn up somewhere else in Canada and
work the same germ, and the private
bankers are warned to keep a sharp loon.
out for burn.
Warenneo Mnn,g.--Tile following is the
evidence in the milk adulteration case
]geld before Justices Campbell and Ole.
land on Monday, Oet, 1st, Tho infor-
mation was laid by J.E. Hopkins, Dairy
Inspector appointed by the Western Dairy.
inane Association, against Jno, Hatherly.
Mr. Hopkins on oath stated that be test-
ed milk at the Newry factory on the 28th
of August last when the defendants milk
showed 18;o water and 7e, cream. On
99t1 of August went with Robb. Morrison
and saw the defendant's cows milked at
his piece and tested it with same laato
tactor when ib stood at 90, the standard
of good milk, on 29th Aug., defendant's
milk showed 18% water at factor•• and
on the Oth September it showed' 00%,
good milk, Robt. Morrison corroborated
the fact of the inspectors statement ;
Mary Morrison, who is oboeee•maker at
the Newry factory, proved that the milk
tested belonged to defendant and stated
that the milk sent to the factory for the
six days previous to August 30th averag-
ed 183 lbs. and for the six days follow-
ing Aug. 30th, 118 lbs. per day, on the
morning of the 29th showed 149 lbs. but
on the Slat, 110 lbs. The defendant on
oath said : There was some diffionlby
between myself and Mr. Dewar, and
some parties broke down oar stand- The
mornings mentioned when the milk ma
tested were foggy. I think some one
must have pub water into the milk, the
milk was kept in a email enclosure near
the house over night and brought to the
stand in the morning. Geo.. John De-
laney, defendant's hired boy said he
nsaally put the milk into the can but
never pet any water in. There might
have been water put in without his know-
ledge. The judgement of the court was,
the defendant be fined $20 and cost 07:10
which was paid at once.—Banner
Caraa.cilan' N revs u.
Port Elgin's tax rata this year io 2274
The Toronto Presbytery needs nearly
$250,000 for the various church schemes.
The proposed Toronto School of Cav-
alry will not be organized until next
Complaint is made in .Essex Centre be-
cause the village ladies chew gun while at
The Hon. Edward Blake has just sent
$100 to R. B. Teefy, treasurer of the Par-
nell defence fund.
Dr. Brien, M. P. for South Essex, has
offered a $50 nip to the 21st Essex Fusi•
lies for competition.
His Fxcelleney the Governor-General
has subscribed $1,000 towards the erec-
tion of a monument of Jacques Cartier et
Heath point.
The Shell River Colonization Company
have excepted $15,000 iu settlement of
their claim against the Department of
the Interior.
There is a likelihood of Major Faulds,
of Aylmer, securing a pension for service
done with the U. S. army in the ifexioan
war of 1847-8.
Some Prince Edward people are digging
for a cargo of gold thrown overboard at
Bast Lake from French batteanx in the
early colonial days.
Lord Fitzgerald, private secretary to
the Governor of Newfoundland, believes
there is a feeling in the oolouy in favor
of entering in the Dominion federation.
A young man by the name of Alex.
Ring, while passing along a back street of
Greaten the other day, was seized by a
largo Newfoundland dog and severely
bitten, his hand being badly lacerated
and his clothes eollsiderably Lorin.
In the Haldimand' oleetion appeal case'
Mr. McCarthy finished his reply to Mr.
Aylssworth's argument and the work of
looking over tho disputed ballots was
taken up. Two ballots allowed for Dr.
Montages by Judge Strout were thrown
Action is brought in the Exchequer
Comb by the Minstar of Customs against
the Montreal Cotton Company for ilio
recovery ofsosrothingover $9,000, penalty
inflicted on the company for goods alleged
to be entered from of duty under misrepre-
Business failures reported to Brad -
street's number 148 in the United States
this work, against 166 hast week and 134
the same weok last year. Canada bad
43 this week, against 28 last week. The
total of failures in the U. S. from Jan. 1
to date is 7,475, against 7,190 in 1887.
The bats annual meeting of the Bnto-
mologicel Society of Ontario, held in
Ottawa, was one of more than usual in.
threat. The study of insects is ono of
lamellar value to agriculture, seeing the
great ravages that aro sometimes com-
mitted by them upon the crops. The
knowledge of their li'e history and habits
enables man to combat them and mitigate
the ruin whish they are so often the
cause of. The labors of the Society,
therefore, aro among the most commend.
able of all the soientilo work carried an
under Government auspices ; and few
branches of agrioulbural inquiry deserves
more support from the looal Government
than that relating to the ineoob world.
It is gratifying to obeeevo that the Hon,
Mr, Drury, ulster of Agrioulbnro for
Ontario, was present at the mooting in
question, and took a deep interest in the
proceedings. In his address to the team.
berg Mr, Drury said that "his principal
object in attending was to show the doop
interest the Government whieh lie repre-
sented took in the work of the entomolo.
gists. Ho aahcl it was a science worthy
of the oonsicloration of the people, and 0.g
the results wore given freely to the people
lie could not help ntanifostinghie intorost
in the Asaooiation." 'These retret kewore
well reoeivod.
David Robertson. barrister, is a condi.
date for the mityor's chair in Walkerton.
Hon. James A. Smart, Alinietor of
Pnblie Works, Moine/ n, is ill o1 typhoid
favor at Brockville,
The affairs of the Ontario Investoren
Aosooiation are being further ventilated
inn chancery suit at London.
A ear load of eilvor ore, veined at 075,
000, was ferried norms the river from
itirigston to Ogdensburg a fete days age.
During the season of 1838 the Sand.
wish fish hatoluery distributed 81,000,000
white fish fry and 54,000,000 pickerel
The Waterworks by-law at Port Artit.
ur was carried the other day by 118 ma-
ority--only 8 votes wore polled against
The remaining charge against E. S.
Cox of having misappropriated Central
Bank funds was dismissed by the polios
The frosts of haat week ere reported as
having done oonsiderable damage to the
grape crop, and late garden growth in
South Essex.
A verdict of manslanghtcr tree return,
ed against Thos. Buckley for killing
Bertha Robinson, and he was sentenced
to five years' imprisonment.
A consignment of cattle from New
Oxley, N.W.T., has arrived in Liverpool
in fair condition, but the prime obtain-
able will leave a small profit, if any.
A mushroom has been presented to the
editor of the Potrolee Advertiser by Chas.
Beresford, of Dawn township, which
moaaured 04 inobos in airoumferenco.
Hos. E. Blake has been retained by the
0.P R. Company to present their Dago
before the Dominion arbitrators. He
will soon proceed to British Columbia to
look over the ground.
The street letter boxes in Montreal ere
to be supplied with indicators, which de-
note the hours of collection. Ottawa is
the only oily in the Dominion supplied
with this praotiaal device.
Some fiend, apparently in Toronto,
sent three boxes of poisoned dandies to
Galt. The ohildren of Mrs. John Cherry
who received one of the boxes, were pois-
oned, and one of them died.
A blank hear weighing 400 pounds was
killed near Wilbur, Frontonaa county,
Thursday, and Geo. Bab000k camp near
losing his life in the encounter, The
bear buried its teeth in hie thigh, lacer-
ating the flesh badly. A dog, when it
saw Babcock down, fiercely attacked the
beer and saved Babcock's life.
A man named Vanduson was driving
his cart at Kingston Thursday, when
one of the shafts dropped down and his
horse ran away. He was thrown out,
and one of the wheals struck him on the
bead, completely scalping him. The
skin wag born clean off the top of his
head, and at the bark hung by a thread.
The Galt correspondent to the Globe
of Oct. 11th says : There is nothing new
to report in oonnaction with the poison -
fog mystery today. There are rumors
in the sir whioh are, to say the least,
startling, and with the agencies now at
work the denouncement may take place
at any moment. The exsitoment has
been greatly intensified by the result of
Prof. Ellie' analysis of the candies sent
to Mrs. Ridley, which demolished the
theory entertained by so many that the
sending of the package to the rectory
was intended as a blind. There can no
longer be any doubt that the amide ars
residents of the town, and there are those
who do not hesitate to assert thea when
the veil ie lifted the revelations will be
the most astounding that have over been
brought to light in Canada. While your
correspondent is not inclined to plane
much reliance upon all the idle rumors
that have obtaited oredence, there is a
feeling in the air that the solution of the
mystery may implicate some who cow
hold their heads erect. The tongue of
scandal, which never rests, is busy with
the case, and were the mystery confined
to two families eneteed of three it would
be loss diffianit of solution. The criminals
—and there must have been more than
one—have shown great skill in covering
their tracks, but with the machinery now
at work it is believed that it ie only a
question of a few days when the chain
of evidence will be so compete° that they
cannot escape.
'I1ABM FOR SAr r,_Tlzr trN-
east (mortar otf lot 08,, 0mu for
sxiori 0, Morris
CouuyofTfurmn,00nt,tinhig50aoraa. Tho
land is ardent a conte and 111 a blgh atmbe at
1 enittvatian, well tenoid caul nuor•dratned,
t mo sorsa aborad. '\awframebona,$reams,
milk hrneo with eouoroto walls, d wells,
5004 borne sill shed. orcl,ord, ab,, 1)tght
5500501 roll wllaat. This deslro,lo property
• adiotaa the ,e; 1,eratlwl or 9arussaln. suit•
aiJle toxins will bo given. Tttloliortect.
em. Ilex °ea ilrussels 1'. 0,
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in niy hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission,
Borrower's can have loans com-
pleted in Throe Days if title
satisfactory. Apply to
Solicits', Brussels.
Great Bargains at the
"Bee -hive" in
Teri 0.,d,
For the next 2 weeks.
W P:`[, McCracken,
JAMES (ililF,Vf 1, Owner,
e 1(neighbor,
r 00fs rover c;ana YOU w 0" t that
sir,I got it from {VAI, iflAICTIN, ➢trilweela,
you know be keeps the largest stook of
BLOWS worth the money in the trade.
Aro you in need of a general purpoeo
plow 0011 and the
THOS. HENDRY'S, of Senforth ;
TOLTON'S, of Guelph, No. 7 Plow ;
PATTERSON'S, of Woodstock.
Straw Cutters, Crain Crushers and
Grain Grinders.
2, 4, 0, 10 and 10 Horse Power.
in all Salo of Implements.
Wm. Martin,
EH Deena y Restaurant.
Having just opened in the BrieICorn•
or Store, formerly 000upled by R. itlal-
09101, Bruaeols, the opposite corner to
the PostofGes.
(At all reasonable Hours)
A call is espeoially aolieited and every
attention will be paid to Patrons. A lim-
ited number of Lady and Gentleman
Boarders wanted.
7,4S. 13RDADFODT, Prop
of Private Funds have just been
placed in my hand:; for In-
13orroll'erscum stave their loans
complete in three days if title is
Applybo E. E. WADE.
Look to Your Own Interest and get your Gristing done at
Where yon will got Flour second to none in the Dominion, and
yield per bushel equal to the highest.
Chopping Done While Yon Waite
Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour
Without Extra Charge, if required.
AH Kinds of Grain Bought for Cash.
Oct 1, 8-m
. i -BRUSSELS --
We, the undersigned, call the Attention of the Public to
the fact that we have put in some
_R.- `U t • n iEr 71 MACHINE
and are now able to do better 'Work than has been done
the past and as good, if not better, than most
We will endeavor, to the best of our ability,
to Please all Customers and fill all Orders at
Shortest Notice.
Those Parties having WOOL would do welt
to give us a call before going elsewhere.
We have aj fine Assortment of
1SIMETgel7ar. 7 rRII. rg1 ar WH 7: yq
s7dYa.,a' i e4CNa ¢+`r97 TARNS,
iia Ae5 btli S,
Hoping you will favor us with a Call, We
are, Yours Truly,
Sept, 111, noledt