HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-12, Page 44 v+ it Ailvertigements. ! whiob adds a great deal to the pleasure; , of the slghtseers. 2nd, The cattle are i Local--Pos2 Publishing House. 1 secured in stalls, whore that' may be' Servant wanted—Mrs, E. E. Wade, , seen and properly judged. 3rd, Tho ' Cara "f Thanks-- ne Acta. Y. C. Tiogers. ring foe showing horses is in the best 1 Jersey Bull for sale G. A. Deadman. ossible condition for a mon to show off j Bee Hive Groovy --W. H. McCracken. H Private Flinch; to Loan—W. M. Sin- clair. Large Assortment of Tweeds--l1oss Bros. z,saaramsmmm a%beI'►x11s�c a,t,I11:11', OCT. 12, 1888. Tun very pertinent question is asked, but as yet no answer has been given, Why was the question of Prohibition not made one of the testa at the recent elec- tion in Cardwell ? We are just afraid that with too many professing strict ad- herente to the temperance cense it is only a secondary consideration when politics comes to the front. In that event it is policy and polities ahead of principle. To the uninitiated the'spranks" played in Chicago grain deals is enough to wheatcause was astonishment. The other day quoted at 85 cents but it was boomed un- til it reached $1.00, amidst the greatest excitement. Some man world no doubt make thousands of dollars and just as many more will drop their little pile to a similiar amount. The probabilities appear to hs that the grain market will hold up fairly well and that floor will take a move upward. The failure of the wheat crop In so many countries will likely rause a good run on this very es- sential commodity and the farmer or the country in whose granaries or ele- vators the supplies aro will reap the benefit. THE School Board is fully aroused to the necessity of children from the ages of 7 to 15 years patting in the number of days required by law in attendance at school, viz. 100, and are making str it inquiry and giving all possible oppor- tunity for parents and guardians to at. tend to this important matter without recourse to law. In almost every town and village, and Brussels is no exception, there are dozens of children either about half the time absent or attending so 10. regularly that they cannot be expected to make any advancement in their stud- ies. Boys and girls soon grow up and if their education is neglected in their childhood days it is often a matter of regret all the rest of their life. We hope this reminder will stir up the negligent so that the trustees will be saved any trouble on this point. Br reference to au item in another column it will be seen that the Guelph people have taken a step forward in the question of the extension of the C.P.R. from that city to Goderich and have thereby done what they declined doing a few months ago. It will be well for our Railway Committee to bo on the alert and keep themselves posted on the steps taken. While there wore three proposed routes before the meeting it is generally understood, although some of the people of other towns don't like to admit it, that the northern route is the best by all odds, and when the line is ex- tended there is very little doubt but the C.P.R. will see that it is to their advant- age to come this way. The shippers of this and other towns on the G.T.R. are finding it almost impossible to secure cars. This and the reducing of freight and plssonger rates wou'd be some of the advantages to be gained from a com- peting line of railway. his buggy or carriage horse or horses- , 411,, The uutriea are mad( in good time', and not rushed in at the lust minute and often at great inoonveuionoe to the Sec- retary, 6th, There are scores of exhibi- tors who fail to secure prizes on every- thing they show, but they don't get their back up, but go again next year and push all the harder to take the place they think they deserve. 010, The towns- people in many places back up the show and make it attractive by tasty arrange - meat of goods in the various lines repre- sented,and are on hand on show day, with a pleasant countenance, to adver- tise their business. These aro a few of the elements of how to have a successful show, and we fancy that the most of the points touched on is where the great lack is in the East Huron Exhibition. It is too late to remedy affairs for this year but let us rouse up and look after it an- other year in time and give our cordial support to the Board of Directors and put our show where it used to be—one of the best in Huron. $500 to $360 was no unusual sum to take at the gate for ad- mission 111 the past and this proves that the people aro within reach if a taking bill of fare is presented. There has been a good deal of talk about a naw park and infusing new life, do., but talk will never accomplish the work. It may be good in its place but a united spirit of work is a hundred fold bettor. WE quite agree with a contemporary in the following :—If the Senate of the United States were to succeed in getting a duty put upon eggs the Canadian hen - owners would very soon be convinced that continental free trade would be a good thing for them. The fact that there is no duty upon Canadian eggs going into the United States, while there is a duty upon nearly every other natural product of Canada, has made the Canadian ex- port trade in eggs to the 'United States eecond only to that of barley and lumber, If the threat of the United States Sena- tors to put a duty on eggs could bo oar- ried out, but, fortunately, it cannot, this trade would be ruined. There is no rea- son why Canada should be a great egg- produoing country, excepting for the de- mand from the large American cities to the loath of it. Free trade would do for the grain and fruit growers, and the cattle and horse raisers, exactly what it has done for the poultry raisers, it would give them a, large and it profitable market for all they Could produce. Qt'' erlera1 ,raves -n, Cardinal Moran now talks about Aus- tralia fighting for legislative freedom. The Oswego Thermometer Company, of Oswego, are anions to establish a branch in Canada. The harvest of the onion -growing belt of the Hudson River is by far the largest ever gathered and will probably aggre- gate 1,500,000 bushels. The old black walnut cradle, in which Benjamin Franklin spent many hours in the year 1706. is on exhibition at the fair in Westchester County, N.Y. Louis, King of Portugal, ie seldom to be seen without a cigar, and he convers- es fluently in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German and Swed- ish. The Moorish Government has refused to comply with Portugal's demand that the Portugeuse flag be saluted in repar- ation for an inenit to the flag at Port Laraicbe. Portugal threatens to send a man of war to obtain satisfaction. The Bombay police recently discover- ed that a secret traffic in arms and am- munition was being carried on with the Afghanistan frontier tribes. Four .M- ghane engaged in the traffic were senteuc- ed to two years' imprisonment eaoh. Amnia does not need to be told, if they have attended some of the township or riding shows, that unleee the Direct- ors make somo move in the way of attraction their annual gatherings will go to the wall, as far as attendance is eon - corned at least. The railroads run such cheap excursions to the big exhibitions land there is so much to bo soon outside of the ordinary exhibits that thousands upon thousands go every year. While Ivo don't believe in copying these ex- hibitions in everything there are lm - portant points that would bo well to note. 1st, There 1$ always plenty of teueio A Canadian Club has been organized at Rochester, and the following officers chosen :—Preeident, E. W. Montgomery; Secretary, Dr. L. E. MoC. Pomeroy ; Committee on By-laws, Rev. 7. W. A. Stewart, Josiah Sullivan, T. W. Woodall, E. W. Montgomery and Dr. Pomeroy. The resolution offered last Tuesday by Mr. 'Blair, calling on the President for information in the matter of the trial, conviction and execution of Riel for high treason in Canada in 1885, was taken up in the Senate and a long statement in re- ference to it was made by Blair, who based the resolution on the ground that Biel was a naturalized American citizen. The resolution was referred to the Com. mittee on Foreign Relations. The prisoners of the Michigan State Penitentiary have hit upon a new scheme to show to their visitors the degree of esteem etch one is held in by the prison authorities. They have petitioned for the privilege of wearing a gray suit as a badge of good behavior. The conditions were prepared by the prisoners them- selves, and have been accepted by the officers. To entitle a prisoner to don the gray, he must sign a special agreement to implicitly obey all the rules and regu- lations of the prison, in spirit as we11 as in letter, and must for six months have received the highest possible rating for behavior. The young Emperor William, is mak- ing it exceedingly hot for his people. He gets out of bed at a time when the early bird is supposed to get in its work on the worm, marches hie Berlin regiments for several miles, and with watch in band times their movements. Even his little sons are pet through military mau- mnvres under the supervision of two soldiers. For what good it may be ask- ed ? That ruler 0 the wisest who turns bis attention to the industrial develop- ments of his empire and not to the mil- itary phase of it only. The people of Germany appear to- have good ground for alarm over the odd conduct of their sovereign. It would be a better sign if he should get up at 5 or 4 o'clock in the morning and try his hand at the plow, instead of galloping his regiments hither and thither. The Pittsburg Dispatch, of Cot, 2nd, says : John Teemer, the oarsman, com- pleted arrangements yesterday prepar- atory to Bailing for Australia in not less than one month, and probably about Oetobar 15. He has deoided to go, being anxious for a race with Kemp; and any other oarsman over there who may have the courage to measure blades with him. He will back himself, and will taloa Flamm and two boats along with him. He means bueineee now in reference to the Anetraliaet trip, and will only delay it for a week or two in the event of O'Connor showing courage enough to row him. If not ho will drop the idea until he returns, hoping that the Can. adfan oarsman may rntster courage for a go in tho meantime, He has but ono engagement ahead of the Australian trip, and that is the 72 hours' machine scull- ing race at New York, which will Iceep him in good training, and will allow him to leave on the 15th. Ho was in Pitts- burgh on Saturday in consultation with a gentleman who is interested in him, and went home to arrange 10 start for New 'York yesterday morning, g000e0 than he ex�gieateii, ail of which goes to show that ho. means to mitko sure of a , rape with the champion of the wort r . THE BRUSSELS POST Ca�'d oI TVauks. Mits. F. C. Roonns begs to thank; the Ladies for the large amount of patronage accorded her last week during the days of our Millinery Opening. Every Lady who paid us a visit pronounced it to be without exception the finest display ever seen in Brussels. Owing to the large crowds during our opening days some Ladies may seemingly not have received proper attention, if so we owe them 1111 ample apology and hope with our beauti- ful display, which will be continued the Whole month, to receive the orders from those Ladies who have not yet made their purchases. Nina GREEN, our obliging and tasteful Milliner, feels justly proud of the high enconiums passed on her and for which she begs to return every Lady her sincere thanks. - Mrs. Fe 0. Rogers„ Brussels, Oct. 0, 1888- LARGE 888. LARDE ASSO'`,TME OF 20 ACRE li'ARIII I+OR F3AI . �jU� —.4 0001.obls5 fitter fon sale In the Township of Morris Is the County of Zl siren, being With half of north hell Into 25020 sed south half Of 50 1715011 eon., eau tabling 000 soros more or lose, 125 8.01110 meetlyp clear e1 stumps and In a good state 02 nu111• vetfon, Thera is n young bearing nrehard,0, good house and hank barn es x s0 reetwith 00000 stable tzuderneatb. Tho 100110 to MOP gall Within a nine of the village 00 nruseels or ing nn Itis watered with th0 form torlelriverstnelt Maitland and never failing spring creek. 1'neeoeeton ar- ticulall rsgapplypa 0any the promisee me. tror or to A 11•. 11Ul3I+mrsoN, Brussels. P. 0, 5.tt OCT 12, 1888. (.1,00D FAIi�M FOR BALE IN `Morris, ml reasonable Corms. In order to elm the (Batts of the oetato o1 the late W. ti, Ii , the oxooutors olfor the Sol. lowing valuable lands for Onlo North half of Let 00, floneessl00 0, Township of Morrie, euntaioh(g00 nems. 0a this lot 0 erected a good founts barn with atone foun- (etlon, good arobard, well and pnuzp. Noar- 13,0le0orod, and is on the grove road eloeuly wii'•zu1e2 the village of lirussote. Thin corm w a valuable neo, is well fenced sod in a send state of cultivation, Icor pylons and tortes apply to T1000. WELL2, Itrushols 1'. 0., Itimoor lnt+z+tx?s, Vlotaria 0500090.0. 00,70 roeynnxn, Maple L5000 Starling Machil o 0 is daily beoominl, more widely (101(1 favorably known. Those who try it continuo to 000 it. No well other Oil i for realsuitable for general use. It is adt Mill Machinery, Rapers, Towers ane Threshers .ask Tour 4EBClla P - !or it Za7lfactufel 1v McMillan, Kittredge cCo.,CZc f 7 atea , Branchv elat Stratford, Cl ntario. FOR SALE BY A . cKA:11 & Co., j3ajlssELsi H. F.ItleAiTioTnn, Ethel ; J. Truarxs, Blucvale. 7m ..2,.-:... .131. .S,. ,7>r=.« :. 7.M.C.> ® f. CD es THE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at the old Egg Emporium, N TOTHE Brussels Post Moe, Farmers and others can depend upon getting from us the very highest Market Price 1N CAs1I this season as we are going to ship extensively and require large quantities, Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels. Mrs. Wim.. Ballantyne & Son. Notice._ I have much pleasure in informing all my 1�-"old friends that my daughter and grandson will continue the egg business at the old stand carried on by me last year and I hope they will recieve liberal patronage. JXO. RODDICK. If you Want a Nobby Suit SS B iN THE LEADING MERCHANT T AILORONC AND GENT'S Vila 9 FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. We have the Finest Assortment of Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds, Overcoatings and Pantings that can be shown in Brussels, also a splendid and well selected stock of Gent's Furnishings. Our Hats and Caps are of the Latest Shapes. All will be sold at Moderate Prises. ' Suits Got Hp in Latest Styles and Fits Guaranteed. Give Us a Call and be convinced of wha t we say. All Tweeds bought from us will bo cut Free of Charge. Hear What the Poet Says: Arrah Pat phawt is that you see walkin down sthrate ? Sure its Mike with a new suit from head to the fate, And where did the spalpeen get fitted so nate ? Why up at Broadway—at 88. Thim Boss by's get as such illigant Tweeds, And everything else that a gintleman needs ; They can fit you up like an Ould Country gint, And begor they'll not chats you tor never a cent. They'll suspend you with Braces the loike couldn't be, Put a shirt on your back that will- fit to a tee ; Their gloves and their stockings sure niver will wear Anc1 their tweeds are warranted never to tear. If you want hat or cap, or even a collar, dist call on the boys it will save you a dollar For bedad its the truth I'in sphakin to you, There is everything there that is stylish and now. ROSS BROS., �+r ,irnrr'r,^r'r BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR DI Doh a Now Arriiit and they will be pleased to see all their old customers and as many new ones as possible to look through and inspect. Dress Goods and Cashmeree of Dress sr --Goods and lCashmeres in Black and Colored. Bazaar Patterns+- NwntSstyfoers ktehpiBnaztaoaiPnac1rinosn.thtAielsl Given Away IPree. Call and Get One. • (gip (, pp,, �j 1 j�v �y Grand Selection of Can- I]l9otC1. & . Canadian 1 VY eeidOi adian & Scotch Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, Partings, and Ovcrcoatings, and Minn TO OnnnR in the Latest Style. full lines in Gray and FV'hite Gray 86 White Cottons)"Cottons, Flil.nnels, Shirtings and all Staple Dry Goods. Xeltons, in All Coorse'"'thanoevor in all colors, Cheaper Boots & Shoos manufactured by Cooper & Boots 86 Shoes,'pSmith, and each boot stamped with their own name. A large consignment Justieceived. - GROC1RII1G - Our Groceries aro All New, Fresh. Goods and EIIb JiHJo boot quality. GLASSWARE ARE & CROCKERY. .A. Call Solicited at r h. LmS RAO E'RQS'._ .0.,d 1 4.