HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-12, Page 3OCT. 12, 1888. A FARM1aIt'S VIT\V OF PBBAOI3ING, Well, with, town sermons sown to ,no M o Ilko tho rhlin' plow-- Thol''roeasy, party' kind o'thlugo, But don't go deep somehow. They take yo ovor lots 0' Around, An' =moo styles is nosh. Both in the oormon an' the plow, That ono don't fool it moot., Today our grout= skinned along. An' 'poured to do n hoop, A-outtta', hivorin' of the woods no outfit for plowed it doop ; An' whoa ho halted at the and, An' got hie toatn u0g0arod, Tho devil laughed to Roo the to as A-growin' 1,01 aloorod. Tido aolontlao plawia', now, Au' scientific proaohiu' too, Both run too shatter for the work The pint has gob to do, You'vo got to lot tho troths out,' An' change the.oloyle pin, Thou blot the handlo0, bold 'am tight, An' lot tho pin go in, JAOS'S LESSON. Young Master Took, one summer day,. Thought ho would the truant play, And pay a visit to the mi11e Away to oastwsrd oyer the hills. SW road ran by green postures 000l, Whore frogs croaked to the swampy pool, And oowe lay dozing 'heath the !zoos Whoao loaves moved with bha passing breeze, The grasshoppers rose with o whirr and click, As he etrublt the wayside grass with a otlek' But a naming oart, in clouds of duet, Made hien leap the fame in groat disgust. islathauxosonartBarttaserunrit. Shortroed ; two year old filly, P Roborteon, T McGregor, W Wat eon ; two year old gelding, J Grievo, A Morrison, I) MoLauolllin ; yettr- hng filly, W Pollard ; yearling gold- Scott & Will1am5, Wm Martin. ing, D Mcle uehliu ; heavy draught Among -Hugh MoQuarrio, Blyth; team, Dickson Bros, 1) efoLeuolihn, A. 0 Fotheren, Fordwieh ; R Morri' 1' MoLauchlia. Gonorol Purpose Scu, Nowry. -Broad marc, having raised foal in (nem '88, T Anderson, . G Bresvar, A White fall wheat, R MalKoo, J Gardner ; boron colt, 1' }foIewen, Stafford, W Watoon ; rod fall wheat, J Mowbray, J Harrison ; mare colt, G 11'ioffat, Jas Ferguson, P Robert• P Mol wan, J Mowbray, J Harris• son ; spring wheat, Lost Nation, J on ; 2 year old filly, W Grieve, '2 Wilkinson ; spring wheat, any oth• Davidson, J Grieve ; 2 year old er variety, J Iiarrieon, G Moffat, 8 gelding, 0 Ilowlett, G Forest, T Burgess ; barley, 2 rowed, T Wilk. MoLauohlin ; 1 year old filly, Jas insou ; barley, 4 or 6 rowed, R Mo- 1)unoan, A Gardner, T Strachan, Kee, A Rose, G Moffatt ; white )Olaf- 0'How Howlett, Pold McEwa ';P spangen-fate black oats, J Harrison, 3 oral purpoeo horsos, 3 Harvie, Hugh Wilkinson, G Moffatt ; small peae, Roos, Wm. timet!!. Roadetere- P McEwen, R McKee, W Pome. Brood mare, having raised foal in roy ; large peae, G Moffatt, W '88, J Sibhon, T Straohan, jr, A Pomeroy ; timothy eeed, R Inglis, Koenig ; spring foal, colt or filly, A. J Harrison. Koenig, JSibben, '1' Strachan, jr ; num 2 year old filly, J Boirnoe, R Mo- Baldwins, J Stafford ; Yellow Kay, A. Currin ; 1 year old filly, 3 Bellflower, R Inglis ; Winter Bello - Stafford, J Broadfoot ; 1 year old flower, W H McCracken; leameuse, gelding, R McKay ; buggy horse, T Mrs T Ballantyne ; Grimes Gold• O'Neil, A. H Wynu, J Grieve ; Road- en, R Inglis ; King of Tompkins 00 eter team, '2 O'Neil, U McFadden, R Inglis ; Mammoth Pippins, T Ed. MoNamara. Carriage --Brood Wilkinson ; Northern Spies, Jno mare, 16 hands high, le Leatberdalo, McCallum ; Newton Pippins, '2 Jas Speir ; spring foal, colt or filly, Wilkinson ; Peck's Pleasant, T P Wilkinson, R Leatherdale, Jas Wilkinson ; Pomme Grim, R Inglis; Speir ; yearling colt, 3 Campbell, Rambo, Jno Bray ; R I Greenings, Rich McKee ; yearling filly, Jae T Wilkinson; Russets Golden, G Hogg, G Brewer, R Diokeon ; 2 Kelly ; Spitzonburg, J Fergusou ; year old gelding, Jab Hogg ; 2 year Seek no Further, J Mowbray ; Tol- old filly, A Koenig. 31313080 - Heavy horses, E G Harris, Listowel ; II Mason, Took- eremith ; R J Evans, Wroxeter. Light horoeo, Jno Dorsey, Robert Wilson and Juo Archibald, Sea - forth. THE BRUSSELS POST (loo Love & Co. ; furrow plow, ('zoo Q eftBlain, Jon McDougall, Goo Lovo & 0o., Massey hoof Co, ; gen• i bioil,ttt, Jne Willlillson ; table but- eral porpoise plosv, Wm Martin, tor, It McKee, Juo Bray, Q Mo- Mnseey Metnf Co, ; wheelbarrow, Valli' It fugue, 0 Iiioffatt; factory choose, '1' D Edgar, A Leech ; Immo-made cheese, J McDougall, D Stewart, 1100108110 MANUFACTURES. Z'lannol, G -r W Nott; blankets, Geo Nott, Saml Burgass ; Counterpane, Goo Nott, Mrs, '1' Ainlay ; sltoin of home epua yarn, W I1 McCracken, Juo Mowbray ; maple sugar, Wm. Pollard, S Burgess ; maple molass- es, Jos Wilkinson, Deal Stewart ; hooey, Jas. Ilarrieon, P Robertson ; grape wine, a Burgess, Mrs T Bat- lantyne ; rhubarb wino, 0 Veal, S Burgess ; tomato wine, Win Pomo- roy ; strawberry wine, W H ilio. Oraokon, Mrs T Bellantyno ; elder- berry wine, 0 Veal, Mrs T Ballon- tyue ; tomato ketchup, loos 5 Ed- gar, Jas l3roalfoot ; baker's broad, Geo '1'homoou ; home•made bread, Juo McDougall, Q Malain, A Con• non ; collection canned fruits, W H McCracken, Q ,lioBlain, Tho fol- lowing were recommended carpet, Geo Nott ; fluff cloth. W H MoOracken ; raspborrp wine. James Broadfoot. MANUFACTURES, Set double farm llarness,10 Riclo. arils ; siugle buggy harness, H Den• nio, I C Richards ; picture frames, R Lsatherdale ; Spectmou turner's work, A. Stewart. LADIES WORD. Ariacone, Mrs T Ballantyne, firs man Sweet, J Wilkinson ; 20 oz. , H Whitely ; braiding, Chas tolo01e1- Pippins, Wm Pollard ; Wagner, J lead, Wm Pollard ; Berlin wool, flat, Mowbray ; Blbeton Pippins, A Stew- Mrs Geo Thomson, Sirs T Ballan art ; Oolvert, Jas Speir ; Alexander, tyne ; Berlin wool, raised, R Roe, Q McBlain ; Batches of Oldenburg, Goo Nott ; Berlin wool and bead, Jno Bray ; Fall Pippin, J Forbes ; Mrs Whitley, Geo Moffatt ; Berlin Hawthornden, Jno Mowbray ; Maid. wool fiowerd, Ohms McClelland, Mrs on's blush, las Broadfoot ; Porter, Whitley ; bead, Chas McClelland, J Hostilt ; Swear, R Inglis ; St, Mrs Whitley; Berlin wool and oilk, Lawrence, 3 Wilkinson ; Oheuango Mrs T Ballantyne; cord, O McClel- Strawberry, G Kelly ; nix varieties land, Mrs Whitley ; crewel, Miss L of winter apples, J Forbes, D Bob • Oliver, Geo Nott ; motto, ileo Nott, ertson ; six varieties winter apples, Mrs Whitley ; crochet, Geo Nott, A Stewart, 8th con ; collecbiou of Mrs Whitley; darned net, 0 Veal, apples, A Stewart, 811i con, R Ing• ,Mrs Whitley ; embroidery, cotton or glia ; winter pears, Q MoBlaiu, J muslin, 0 McClelland, D Stewart ; Hewitt ; fall penre, W H Eumph• embroidery on worsted, 1 and 2, rey, J Sibben ; grapes, Mrs H J biro Wm Ballantyne ; embroidery Whitley, S Burgoso ; crabs, T on silk, Mrs W Ballantyne, Mrs T Davidson, P McEwen ; Mclutosh Ballantyne ; fine shirt, 0 MoOlel• Red, A le Robertson. land, 0 Veal ; knitting in cotton, 0 ROOTS AND nom) CROPS. Veld, Geo lloffatt ; knitting in wool, Early Rose potatoes, Juo. 11'10• Mrd Jno Wynn, Geo Nott; flannel Dougall, Robt. Inglis ; White Ella- shirt, Geo Nott; feather flowers, phant, A Boss, Juo Stafford ; Mam- Geo, Nott, Afro. Whitley ; feather moth Pearl, W H MoOraokon, Hiram atitohing, Mrs Whitley, Geo Moffatt ; White ; Beauty of Hebron, John hair flowers, 1 and 2, Dire Whitley ; Stafford, Wm Pollard ; Late Rose, lambrequin, hire T Ballantyne ; A Ross ; Eureka, W H McCraokeu; letup mat, Geo Nott, Geo Moffatt ; Ed Garvin ; Pearl of Savoy, `V Fl leather work, Mrs Whitley, W H McCracken ; Bronze King, A. Gard- McCracken ; woolen mitts, Geo her ; White Star, T WilkinsonW Moffatt, W H McCracken ; woolen II MoOrackon ; any othor variety, gloves, Rich Roe, Geo Nott ; netting, Jno Stafford let & 2nd ; Swede tar Mrs Goo Love, Goo Moffatt ; patch. nips, Jno Wilkinson, Duncan Mo• work quilt. Geo Nott, Neil Mc. Laucblin ; any other variety, James Lauohlin ; log cabin quilt, Geo Nott, Wilkinson, A Oonnon ; field carrots, 0 McClelland; crotchet quilt, Wro Belgian, Neil McLaughlin, W H Pomeroy, 0 Veal , tufted quilt, 0 McOrackon ; Alltringham, Lucrotia Veal, W Pomeroy , fanoy quilt, 0 Oliver, J Hewitt; scarlet nantos, A McClelland, Mrs T Ballantyne ; Rosa, J Hewitt ; omrly horn, Wm knitted quilt, Loire G Smith, Geo Watson, J Hewitt ; long blood beets Nott ; rag mat, 1 and 2, Mrs T Bal. W H McCracken, J Hewitt ; blood lantyne ; shell work, Geo Nott ; sofa turnip beets, W 31 la :raoken, J pillow, Berlin wool flat, Mrs T Bal- liowitt ; white sugar beets, pare- lantyne, Geo Nott ; sofa pillow, nips, A Ross, W H McCracken ; braided, Mise L Oliver; sofa pillow, mangel wurzels, long red, Donald patchwork, loirs T Ballautyue, Mioe 111cLaucbliu, Jno. Stafford ; yellow L Oliver ; woolen stocking, 1 and 2, globe, Jno Stafford. T Davidson ; W 31 MoCracken ; cotton stockings, • on au e 'Ammo lots," ander th el chostnuts' abode, Sam Aimee knee-doop in. a ferny glade, He Dame at last to the very oroat Of a wooded hill and paused to rest. Below him, In tho valley deep, A blank forgo utood, while high and stoop, Dark with homlook, dr and pine, Beyond rose hills, of bold routine Monde of smoke from the chimney aamo, Pulling and rolling, ok • mingled with flame, AiJadrove near and looked within, He saw the ares and heard the die. 0! rigging anvils, mud big trip-hammer, All making such a fearful clamor, KO said to himself, "What a•. n this be r" "Pit just stop in a while and noel" A monster anchor, all oomplote, Lay noar the door, ho took a that. Tho hug° place with black rafters grim, A 0070 of glanta seemed to him. With wondering oyoo he watohod the way They made tho prince of hollows play, And fan tho coals to flamer glow, From which the iron, white as snow, Woe drawn by sooty sin ibhtos strong, And boat by hammers, loud and long, Until rho white sparks ohangod to red, And tho trot booamo an anchor head. Woe it an hour, or was it mora, That he eatspell-bound by ltho door, Watching tho goon moving hero 7 Ito thought he'd rise, but something Queer Seemed to hold him to his place. A emilo nppoa; e,1 .0 ovary fade, Was this in truth enohantod ground, And was ho here a prisoner bound P "Burn now," said one, "that is tho bad!" "Why dld'na soma one toll the lad7" "I'm sorry sir, you're suit le marred, You're on an anchor /rashly tarred 1" Unitod aid of 01,111 and strength Roleasod young Master Jack, at length, But ah l his. summer garments light I They were ihdood a norry eight I For part of thorn wort blank, not drab, So sideways walked ho, Ilko a crab, Horne ranched, with mingled dread and joy. A oadder and a wieor boy. 'Ammo M0BAL. Should you, my dears, who are at school, Think you ill break allude, And seek your ploaouriug alar, Remember, wrong atioke tight as tar. East Huron Fall Show. Flue Weather and a Good Show -Exhib- its fullyup to Former Years, The Eget Huron Fall Show was held on Thursday and Friday of last week on the show grounds in Brussels. On the first day the weather looked very threatening and the light showers in the morn- ing no doubt prevented a number of people from making entries. The ladies' department was well attend- ed to, the most of the work being of a very neat and tasteful character. In grain, roots, vegetables and fruit the exhibits, if anything, exceeded former exhibitions. The usual entertainment was hold in the even- ing and about three 'or four hun- dred people visited the Palace, ad- mired the display, threw peas and had a large time generally. On Friday there was a tip-top show of implements by Geo. Love & Oce, the Massey Motif. 0o., W. R, Wil- son, Wm. Martin. A. A. Hingston and othere. In cattle T, Ross loud the von,the =pliantant Nord of David Milne, of Ethel, being conapiouoes by their absence, A number of the Classes in 6heep and pigs were not filled. Thole woo a first -close show of poultry in which J. Harris* on took the lead. Two sots of judges looked afber the horse ring and gave very good satisfaction tak- lug it all around. 'Tho following is. the prize list : 10011800, Hoavy Draught ---Brood mom having raised foal in '88, 3 Short. reed ; horeo dolt, '1' Roo, T McGreg- or ; maro colt, Conrad 1liiobaol, J CATTLE. Durham - Miloh cow Laving calved since last show, T Ross, Jno Hewitt, D McLauchlin ; 2 year Old heifer, J Grieve ; 1 year old heifer, 1 and 2, J Howitt ; bull calf, Jno Hewitt, Wm Bishop ; heifer calf, Rich McKee, Wm Bishop. Hot- etslne-Yearling heifer, J Wlleon. Nativo or Grade -Cow having calved since last show, T Ross, 2 and 3 T Wilkinson ; 2 year old heifer, D McLauchlin, J Sample ; 1 year old heifer, T Ross, D M©Lauohlin ; 2 year old steer, '1' Ross, '1' Wilkin - eon ; 1 year old steer, T Rose, T Wilkinson ; eteer calf, P Robertson 1 and 2 ; heifer calf, P Robertson, Wm Bishop ; fat cow or heifer, Stratton Bros ; flit ox or steer, T Ross, 1 and 2. JUDGES -Geo Watt, Hullett ; R Stonehouse and J 5 Brown, Mc- Killop. SHEEP. Loioeetor-Aged ram, Thos Turn- bull, Jas Duncan ; ehearltug ram, Geo Brewer; ram lamb, Rich Mc- Kee, Tboe Turnbull ; pair ewes, R McDonald, Jno Forbes ; pair shear - ling ewoe, T McLauchlin, Walter lnnee; pair ewe lambs, Jno Forbes, Duncan IiloLauohlin. Southdowne -Aged rum, 1 and 2, Jno Hewitt ; ehearliug ram, Jno Howitt; ram lamb, Juo Hewitt ; pair ewes, 1 and 2, Jno Hewitt; pair sbearling ewes, 1 and 2, Jno Hewitt; pair ewe lambs, Juo Hewitt. Shropahires- Aged ram, Thos Anderson, Hugh Rose •, ram lamb, Thos Anderson, Don MoLeuehlin ; pair ewes, Thos Anderson, Hugh Ross; pair shear - ling owes, '1' Anderson, Hugh Roes ; fat eheop, 1 and 2, Thos Mo- Lauohlin. PIGS. Berkshire -Boar, over one year, A Shaw; boar, under one year, Ed McNamara, Thos Hall ; sow, having littered in '88, Ed McNamara, Jno Bray ; soy, under one year, Duncan McLauohlin. Sudolke-Boar, over one year, Jno Bray, F Ferguson ; sow, having litterod in '88, 0 How. lett ; sow, under one year, 0 How- lett. Chester Whites -Boar, under one year, Conrad Michael. JUDGES -Sheep and Piga - Juo Anderson, Belgravo ; Jno Robertson and A Simpson, Newry. POULTRY. Guinea fowl, Jas Speir, Jas Har- rison ; light brahmas, Wm. Pollard, Ed Garvin ; black epanieh, Jae Harrison, Wm Watson ; Plymouth rook, Mrs Geo Love, Jae Harrison; whito loghor'n, Jas Harlem), W 1 McCracken; brown legborn, 1 and 2, Jas Harrison ; silver homburgs., Jets Harrison, Mre Geo Love; blank homburgs, Ml's Goo Lovo ; bantams, A Currie, Dune Melemohliu ; Fork• ings, Wm Griovo, Jas Harrison; wahine, litre Geo Love;Wyandottes, Jno Wilson, Bird Geo Love; Wolters,Jas Harrison, Satnl Burgess ; g00s0, Wm Griovo, Jas Haman; Rouen ducks, 5 Burgos ; Pekin clucks, Jas Shurrio, Geo Brewar ; canarios, Juo Bray ; fancy mane, 1 and 2, W II McCracken. ,JunaE-W m. Pomeroy, Wroxeter. IIIPLRIIIENTB. Wagon, Geo Love & Go., Scott b Williams ; buggy, Jno W5'nu ; road cart, Gao Love & Go, ; field roller W R Wilson ; turnip souther, 1 rind. '2, Geo LoLow)& Go, ; fanning mill, Barr, Blyth. A Klima; cultivator, Geo Love ,Q :DAISY 1'Ronn01' Co. ; turnip cutter, Wit Wilson, Tub hatter, home-made, J B machine, oliorod by Goo. Love & Co,, for 60 pound tub butter, Mrs. Juo, McDougall ; W 13 McOraolcen'e special prize, Peter Robertson, 00008 FROM Vie ram. Cardiff Broe, had Bird's steam engine running the Massey binder on oxbibitiou.-W. If. MoOraoken and Jae, Broadfoot attendee to the wants of the publio with a splendid assortment of rofreehmente--Cober & Sons' clothes horse was admired by the ledies,-The roosipte at the Hall on Thursday evening amounted to about X90. On Friday about 5180 wag taken at the ticket wick- ets. --Mrs, Jno. McDougall was fortunate enough to win the Ray- mond sewing machine for tho boat 60 pound tub of butter. -The Boy - mond Company had a very find die play of work done by their machine which was higbly praised by the ladles. ---As the judges in some in- stances made such "terrible" work at figure making there may be some corrections to make in the prize list next week. red globe, W H McCracken ; l g 1 d 2, 0 V t, woolen socks, yellow. 1 and 2, W H McCracken ; cotton VEGETABLES. Books, 1 and 2, 0 Veal; seed wreath, Onions, red, J Stafford, W H Mo- Mrs, Whitley; straw fiat, 1 and 2, Oraoken ; onions, Yellow Danvers, W Pomeroy ; tatting, Geo Nott, W Watson, R Dickson ; onioue, Mrs Whitley ; wax flowers, W H Giant Rocca, W H IbIoOracken ; McCracken, Mrs '2 Ballantyne ; oaione from top Bete, W H Mo- wax fruit, Geo Nott. ()reckon ; onions from Dutch Bette, JUDGES -Mrs Bray, Wroxoter Mre T Ballontyne•, W H MoOrack- Mrs W Potter, Blyth. en ; top onions, J Bray, W H Mo• PINE ARTS. Oraokon ; Dutch sets, Mrs J Wynn, Collection photographs, W Fair T Wilkinson ; potato onions, W FI field ; Collection enlarged photos., McCracken, Wm Pomeroy ; oorn, W Fairfield ; Pencil drawing, Mrs. Yellow Canada, J Stafford, II H J Whitley, Jno. Mowbray ; water White ; oorn, 1Vhito.Fliut. Luoretia color, landscape, Lucretia Oliver ; Oliver, Ed Garvin ; winter cabbage, oil painting. landscapo, Mrs Gra- D Robertson, J Stafford ; collection hale, le S Pelton ; oil portrait, Mrs of corn, W II McCracken, E Gar. Graham ; blaok crayon drawing, vin ; curled Savoy, Luorotia Oliver, Mre 1.1 J Whitloy ; spatter work, W 11 etoOracken ; red cabbage, W !'ire H J Whitley ; painting 0u H McCracken, L Oliver ; oaulifiow- plaogttee, firs Graham ; ornamental er, J Stafford, W H McCracken ; penmanship, le 5 Pelton ; business pumpkin, W H McCracken, Wm pontuanehip, D Stewart, Bishops; 'squash, W H Mc0rackmn, AMATEUR LIST. A Roes ; collection garden produce, Collection flowering W 31 MoOrnckeu, E Garvin ; tom,!. Stewart• toes, large, D Stowart, W Ii Mc, 0EN1011AL LIST. Craekon ; cherry or plum tomatood, Table bouquet, Maggio Stowart, A Ross, 1) Stowart; butter beans, 0 Veal ;hand bouquet, Jas Barri- Jno D Stowart, J Stafford ; white son ; collection cub flowore, Maggie beans, J D Stewart, R MOKeo Stowart, Jae Morrison ; collection 'leans, any other, W 31 McCracken, Dahlias, Maggie Stewart ; Pansies, Mr's 3 Wynu ; citrons, round striped Jame Harrison, Maggie Stewart ; W II lGloOracken. Jno Forbos ; cit- Ehler Drummondi, 0 Veal, James rove, long Californian, W 11 • Mo• Ferguson ; il.sters, Maggie Stowart, Cracker., Juo Bray ; water molon, A. K Robertson ; Stooks, 0 Veal W H 3loOracicen, Ed Garvin ; musk French Marigolds, Jas Harrison ,• Ed Garvin, W II MoCraok• Dieuthus, Maggio Stowart, A K on ; cuoumbors, W H MoUrnakon, Roborteon; Balsams, Maggio Stow- Ed Garvin ; celery, white, Mrs T ttrt ; Zinnias, 0 Veal ; Gladiolus Ballantyne, Ed Garvin : celery, spikes, Maggie Stewart ; Verbenas, pink, Mrs r2t I3allantyno, IV H Me. Maggio Stewart, Jas Harrison; col. Oraoiten, lection ornamental grasses, home need not worry about tho caramels JUDGES- Roots and vegetables, grown, A Stowart (!till cone) 3 i) and ice cream, Miss Smith," he re. moos, Ow• equal hauteur, ! bulbs, D Vuc•iotactr-. THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND Returned to Brussels! ROBERT ARMSTRO&G desires to state that he has again bocomo a resident of Brussels and is prepared to take Contracts for all kinde of Carpenter Work, such as House Building, Barn Framing, Mill Wrightiug, &c. Ho will also make a Specialty of Mov- ing Buiidingo. Estimates Cheerfully Given. Satisfaction Guaranteed. in every instance. ROB'1'. Atl16TONG. aaradtlaRt y r You can tell when It dog id waren TAILOR SHOP the same 0.8 you can tel) adudo when `�'°�� you moat him on the street -By Ilia loud pante. Whon a Cincinnati husband was asked iu court if he dragged his wife out of bed by the hair he said he couldn't really remember, se that was a very busy morning lvitlr him. Grocer -Well, sonny, what can I do for you 7 Sonny -Me mudder soot me back wid the butter and wine. She sed she ordered new butter au' old wine, an' she thinks you've got the wintngos mixed up. "How much older did you make this year 2" inquired ono farmer up in Dexter of another who had offer- ed a specimen for trial. "Fifteen barrels," was the answer. Another sip• "Well, if you had another ap- ple, you might have another barrel." "William," said a minister's wife, "If you don't lay down that paper and make haste, you will certainly be late at the church." "Yee," he said, laying the paper away, reluot- autly, "I suppose I have no time to lose, but it does boat all how the Giants are playing ball." "What's the matter with your sister, Mrs. Tortuous ?" ?" "There hain't no tellin' : only she's been travellin' an' ketohed 00111." "I heard someone say it was a puld1ou- are difficulty." "Shouldn't be sur- prised. I know she was ridin' in one a' the Pullmans, and they be powerful airy." Mistress to servant : "Aren't you going to mass to -day, Bridget 2" Bridget. "Surd mum, an' didn't the milliner, bad cess to her, dissap- pint me in mo !ort lasht night 1" Mistress : "Why, I can lot you have a hat to wear." Bridget : "Yee are very koind, mum, but, oi'm afraid it wud be ton ould looltin." Poor Little Iuj ured Bobby-" lila" said Bobby, in a slightly injured tone of voice, "there were lots of things yon let me do before the baby come, that you don't let me do now." "Do you think so Bobby ?" "Yes," asserted Bobby. "Still,"ho went on, with more philosophy, "I can't expect you to be so good a mother, with two children as you were when you ,only had one." Preacher (at Waifs' mission) - "Yes, my dear children, you little know of the blessed influence which now surround you. My son is here with me to -day, and I will ask him for a leaf from his own experience. Stand up my son and speak so all the children can hear - you. How were you led to the Sabbath Bohool 2 Preacher's eon (fiercely) -"By the ear." Everything Fixod.-•-Hnebnnd- "Hem-er-. My dear, I field my correspondence is becoming so heavy that I will have to employ s typo - writer. You referred yesterday to the accomplished type -venter, Miss De Sweet. Do you lrnow her in• timately ?" Wife --"Ob, yes. She has been toachiug our daughter Clara for 6 months, and Clara ie now ready to go into your offioe at any time?' What Humbug Ivioans.---A late judge, whose personal appearance was as unprepossessing as his legal ltnowledgo was profound and his intelieot keen, interrupted a fomale witness : "Humbugged you, my good woman. What do you meats by that ?" said he sternly. Well, my Lord, roplied tho woman, "I don't know how bo explain it exaet• ly, but if it girl nailed your Lordship a handsome man, she would be hutnbugging you." The account Balanced, --"All tho presents you have over given me, Mr. Sampson,' said the Haughty girl'; "will be roturned to you to• morrow, save, of eonrso, the tiara - mole and ice oroatn. Would that I could rottlrn them, too 1" "You Rich Stonehottse, Bolgrave ; Jas Stowart ; collection of o ,1) St turned with q l 1 t , " my +40104,'104006,'d1,q„4o.10.1 1010,'"", First -Class Suits, either Bound or Unbound,. made for $4.00. l 'A zit Guaranteed. Produce taken in exchange for Work. M. G. RICHARDSON, 8.4 Merchant Tailor. DR.HODDER'S BURDOCK lei AND L_,+�,t SAP- CDMpouHO DERE $ Liver Compl nt Dyspepsia, Billousnees, Siok Headache, Kidney troubl's Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, and all impuri• ties of the blood from whatever cause arising. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. PMSG 750- (with 1.1.110 *i) meograr LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small and easy to take.) NO GRIPING• NO NAUSEA Sold everywhere ; price 25 cents. 11010N MEDICINE Co., Propi•leters, TORONTO, CANADA. ALLAN LINE. 1888• SUMMERARRANGEMENY• 1888. LIVERPOOL & QUEBEC SERVICE 800M MONTREAL 0TDAM6n. 1 moor Q01nsc Sept.10 Circassian Sept. 14 Sept,10 Polynesian Sopt. 20 Sept. 27 .............. Sarmatian-Sopt.ne Oat. 8 Sardinian Cot ,4 Oat,10 Parisian Got. 11 001.18 (Brownian Oct,17 Oat, 04 Polynesian.,.., Cot. 25 Nov. 1 .................. Sarmatian Nov.'') Nov. 7 Sardinian Nov. ft Nov,14 ............... Parisian; Nov, 15 Rates of Pa90a8e by Matt Steamers. QUEII00 TO LtVEBYofA, Cabin 000, $70 and 081 according to aoeom- modabion. Servants in Cabin, 350 Inter- medlate $80, Steorago 000. Return tiokots, Cabin. $110, 0100 and 3150. Intermediate, $00. Steerage 040. 1 nyrolynesian, Circassian or other ex- trasteamert, Cabin tarty, sixty and seven., by dollar, according to a000mmodation. Re- turn tickets, ninety, one hundred and ten cud one hundred and thirty dollars. Inter- mediate sixty dollars, Steerage forty doll- ars. Passengers oan rmbarlt at Montreal the day beforo without inoroaeod charge, Go yourself or Wind for your. friends. Prepaid oerthontos at roduood rates. For full in- formation apply to J. It. GRANT, ltrussels, T. .C' L.L' 1, HER PRAOTICAL WATCH:U.1 ER AND JEWELLER, Thanking the pitblio for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We aro opening out fu11linee in HOLO & Midi, WATCHES. SILVER PLATED WARE front established and reliable makers., fully warranted by us, Cloaks of the Latest .Desi re's. Orr:4V TOLiVS'.-: Wedding Bingo, Lantos Gent liitlge, Broaohoe, ISorringa, &o. Also have in stook a tontine of Violins lend Violin Strings, &o, lart. ' share of the responsibility for the + N.B. --issuer of Marriage Lieeneoe. p 3, 1 ' Special rocs of Iteymoud sowing cost of them. T. Fletcher, 11/SC1AL FAUN. broken arm•cltair will balanco the 4