HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-5, Page 8w:z!Pvq3=12.(Fol
.ks13,2k, Loon out fcr the professional tranvia
Yll.M.6146) Gee your stoves up and prevent b
Cle and sea the Show on Frid
Tali Itonahl steamer was sent to Ch
ley last Tuesday,
THE POST only 25 mauls, in advance, fot
the balance of 1888,
Setae, winter will probably give US
weelcor n10113 al Indian summer.
"1110XA'fil 011010E" will be well wor
reading. It commences next week.
Tun Y. P. Ca A. of Melville spur
will resume its meetiogs on Mond
evening of next week.
Timm McOmemenx will °mpg t
chair at the Hollis concert thio (Fridit
evening in the Town Hall.
A bridal party "did" the town We
today afternoon. The principals wo
T. R. Tic d and Miss Mary Oliver, of Grey
BrIGIESS CHANGE.— From the let
October the Canadian Express Co. ta
over all the Express business on t
Grand Trunk line.
Trcus. Geer, bas purchased a house an
lot from Mrs. Commack on elle:clod
street, Mr. Gill sold he dwelling o
Mill street to H. Finn,
A. Lem/ quantity of grain is
its way to the well known Brussels me.
ket. Messrs, Graham and Lowick pa
the top prices right along.
Mee. BALLANTYNE & Sox shipped a o
load of eggs on Wednesday. They do
very satisfactory business, as far as th
public is concerned, in this line.
POTATOES are 4 good orup in thie localit
As proof of this Rev. R. Paul had ov
60 bushels on a quarter acre lot th
;mason. He sold over 80 bushels. He
quite a farmer, on a small scale.
LADIES' and gent's gold and silve
watches. All the leading America
makea Waltham, Elgin, Oolumbu
and Aurora movements. Filled, ooi
silver and silver ore eases at lowest price
at Fletoher's jewelry store, l3rusoels.
JEWELLERY always on band and ne
stock just opened. Latest styles i
broaches, bar pine, earrings, ladies' an
gent's sleeve buttons, bracelets, ge
rings, gold and silver lockets, &o., at T
Fletoher'e jewelry store, Brussels. 11
Lase Monday evening thirteen member
of (the choir of the Methodist church
Brussels, went to Wroxeter where the
furnished the musical part of the program
in connection with the re -opening ser
vices of the Methodist church in tba
Feu. FAIR.—Tiaursday of thie week
was the opening day of the East Hum
Fall Show. Notwithstanding the ap
pearanoe of ram in the morning ther
wore scores of exhibitors at tbe "Palace'
entering their exhibits, and, with goo
weather on Friday, it will be one of th
best shows , held in this locality fo
Tun Seakorth Expositor says :—Mr
Bauelaugh has just completed an admir
able photograph of the Sealer* Fir
Brigade, in which his superior skill as a
artist bas been well displayed. Tho boy
croupy the mane positions on the rop
that they held in the rase won at the
Sarnia Tournament, and every figure i
the group is plainly and accurately por
Tnn Toronto papers give the followin
in their Oegoode Hall notes :—Grant v
Jenkins.—Echlin, for the defenclent
moved to strike out the eighth paragrap
of the statement of claim in alibel actio
as erabarresaing. D. Armour, for tb
plaintiff, oontra. Order made for partic
Mors of the paragraph in question. Cost
in the cause." The clause referred to i
in reference to a perpetual injunction. I
has nothing whatever to do with the orde
for committal.
Aftemonetix.—Rev. john Wilkie, M.A.
of Indore, India, gave a most law:Betio
address in Melville churob on the evenin
of Sabbath and Blonds.), last. His de
ecriptione of the native religions, includ
ing Hindooiem, Bleacklism, &o., were re
smokable for their clearness and intelligi-
bility, whilst his account of mission work
in the city of Indere, with its difficulties
and encouragements was forcible and
stirring. Mr. Wilkie has spent nine
years in India, and ie likely to return af-
ter a year's rest to resume his work there.
Tome Hem, %mums, FRIDAY, 00T. 6.
—Mr. E. B. Hollis, Canada's great Co.
median and Vocalist, will appear as above
with the following talent: Mrs. and Miss
Annie Sage on the Musical Glasses, the
most gifted artistes in their line in the
world; Mr. Will McLeod, Highland and
Hornpipe Dancer; Mr. john Murray,
Motto Vocalist; Mr. Harry Willis, Pian-
iet, Admiesion, 25 ots. •, reserved seats,
86 Ms. Doors open 7:16, oonoere at 8.
Tickets at usual place. This will be the
grandest musical treat offered he thio
vioinity this season. Come one, come all.
UKp feee
It is not now necessary to go to
Washington Territory to receive benefit
limn the waters of the
'This IV+ ter is now oraperated and thieved
dliTereit parts of the world in pa cloges
and1lis to the agency for it here. 101.
commended [specially for itheutuatirm, Par-
alyais, Werth. Deepepsia and Skin Dimas -
If yen -will cell at my Ding Store you eau
have a, paper giving 1011 directions and meta
zettuielefieel peeve peer home who have
been bet t OLIO bythis affinity.
Theygiet, Bookseller, and Fancy Goods
Dealer, Brunie.
gives such universal satisfaction as the
COT/G11 REMEDY manufactured. in
Seafoilh, called
We/180EN & WILSON'S—
Glycoratoi Nom of fir,g'
Its wonderful virtues have created a
demand for the - Preparation from all
parts of the Province.
Drugglets sell it. Pr1ce-6cts.
Trains leave Bruseels Station, uort and
' south as follows: -
1609x5 South. Eying North.
Mail 7:02 a.m. I Mixed. e:90 a.m
Zlnrese......11:45 a.m. I Mail... 3:06 p.m
mixed 805p.m. I Express 0:45p,ni
Fatal grins Pins.
A chiel's annexe ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent it.
Coot weather,
"Mona's Choioe."
'Towner seed at McCracken's.
CIIMPIIST Melton in town at none's.
BEAD our new story called "Mona's
choice," by a well known author.
Annw GOOD received a big lot of rub.
bars and lather boots that he will sell
cheap. 12.
S. lieueneame has fitted up a fountain
in his show window that works like a
AUCTION sales are coming to the front.
Sale bills printed on short notice et THE
POST Publishing House.
PAM,. Wrooms prediots a big storm on
Saturday of this week. Look out for
one of the finest days this season.
AT the Listowel Fall Show T. O'Neil
secured 1st prize for best single carriage
horse and 1st for beet single roadster.
Four cars of apples were shipped this
week from Brussels station. They were
destined to the Old Country and Man-
Ttus number of men seen on our streets
this week the worse of liquor have not
been a few. Men do get drunk under the
• Orook's Act it would appear.
Queeneren silver plated ware, silver
tittle and tea spoons,
silver knives and
forks, cruets, berry dishes, itc., cheap
-and warranted good at T. Fletcher's,
Brussels, 11
BEMEDRER the Hollis concert in the
Town Hall on Friday evening of this
week. Mr, Hollis is a host in himself
and ix well supported by an excellent
Owens, Alcorn, etrike end time. Wal-
nut, bronze and marble iraitation. A.
large assortment, warranted good time
pieces at exceedingly low priees, T,
:Fletcher, Brussels.
Tun Listowel Standard says :—Rev.
Mr. Chiff, of Brussels, conducted the
services in Christ Church on Sunday
last, and preached excellent eermons both
morning and evening.
THANES.— Our thanks are due to 4
goodly number of those indebted to us
for prompt settlement of subscriptions
and accounts, We would take it as a
• Savor if a large number of other would
olo likewise.
CIIIILIMS.—A meeting of the Brussels
curling club and those interceded in the
",roam" game is called for Tuesday
.overring of next week, 9th Met, at 7:80
o'clock to arrange the program for the
• coming seeson.
!Tr is said that considerable gambling
• istarried on in town and a good deal of
it's the Sabbath day. Those who are
supposed to know say 10 18 not 1l done
at the hotels. The law is eery plain on
thio matter and respectable people should
remember this,
THE prize list of the Wingliam
Show may be read on one of the inside
peva of this issue. Also a continuation
• of those interesting ,papers on "A Jour-
ney geirossgharion, ' a newsy letter on
japan, from a Canadian boy and 4 lot
of other interesting seleations.
Wnet. Thearse nem DliMMNG.—George
Birt has all tho neoeseary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepared
to attend to all work entrusted to him in
away that will insure aatisfaction. Terms
reasonable, Residence second door north
of the bridgo, weet side of Turnberry
. street, Brussels. 5.14
Tflix base ball match spoken of last
eweek es likely to bo played between the
"Eames" and tho London oommeroictl
eertevollerre is declared off ao the latter
have a match with their Toronto brethren
at Berlin on Saturday. It's getting too
late for ball playing anyhow now es the
weathet ie too cool for epode:tors.
Tenses '000 0135 on.—The weather dr
will be sure to clear up as men as our gi
Shrew is over—Overaosta, wraps IC
And Meter!) Will bo held at a protainm.—
The small boy Will begin to rub the 11
xuet Off hie eluttee.—Chtietmas entertain- St
; nets till bo given drat plami.—A largo T
amount of powder will bo *Wasted on Be
Tbanicagiving I/aye—Collector Bogs will th
'push the tax delimiting business with a TI
Itina.*Thit POST will add hundreds of wh
Irtatties to its
"lefenee'e Choice."
4011 line of Wattage; at Slone's.
Wnur 01.06 per bushel on Bruose
market this week.
Renege in harness done cheap an
ea- well at 1. C. Rieharde.
Snow fell on Tuesday evening and o
Wednesday of this week
I. U. liecnaltea for olioap home blaukets,
truoks, valises, dm.
COMPUNTON service 111 Knox ohurell one
week from next Sebballa
Teo Poe will be sent to any address
for the balance of 11388 for 25 oents iu
Hume IPall Assizeo will oolnmenoe,be.
fore Suds!? Faloonbridge, in Godericlon
the 16t11 Inst.
Axe quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln.
11 cents a, bushel. W. .
Tun street watering °art has ran its
race for the season of 1888. The work
was very satisfactorily done.
Mmuneux openings at the stores all'.
0. Rogers and A. B. Smith this week.
The ladies should not fail to see them.
Tek Ifingetou, farms were not sold on
Wednesday afternoon. 85,000 was the
higlaesh bid for the homosteed by
keen lino wedding rings (and all new
designs made to order) in 18, 14 or 10 let.
Issuer of marriage licenses:. T. Fletoh-
er, Bressels. 11
Two able bodied young English Women
are desirous of securing work by the day
or week. Apply at the dwelling south of
1Vm. Vanstone's, Maple street, Brussels,
TER POST will be sent frora lnow 11311
the lat of January, 1889, for 26 oents.
Subscribe now and get the opening chap -
tars of our new story, "Mona's Choiee."
Rereanaro of watohee, clocks and jaw
elry in all its branohes warranted to give
satisfaction or no charge. N.B.—Per-
sonal attention given to all work left at
T. Fletcher's, Brussels. 11
THE town clerk of Lindsay ,spent tlast
Sabbath in Brussels with the °bigot of
hearing Rev. J. Ross, B. A., with a view
of extending a call to him. Their pastor
has recently removed to Toronto,
"Mone's Cumin" is the name of a new
illustrated story to appear in one col-
umn in the course of a week or so. It
will be well worth reading. Subscribe
now and seclueoihe opening ohaptem. 25
lasen8sts. gets DM POST for the balance of
Ar the review service in the Methodist
Sabbath School last Sunday in addition
to the lessons recitations were given by
Ellie Ainlay, Garfield Vanstone and Dell
13awtinhimer, Nellie Ward and Ella Love
sang a cluett. Role R. Paul spoke for a
few minutes to the children.
TOR Town BA.ND.—At 0 meeting of the
Baud, held in the Council Chamber Tues.
day evening, the following officers were
eleotedifor the next twelvemonths Pres-
ident, Wm. Grower; Vice -President,
Wm. Smith; Secretary, AS. Jones, (re.
elected) ; Treasurer, Jae, Stretton ; Prop.
arty Committee, 3. Thompson, P. Malloy
and 0. Turnbull • Auditors, It. J. Whit-
ley and 0. Turnbull.
lx the course of his discourse last Sab.
bath Rev. G. 13. Howie referred to the
"undoubted" sense of privation and
lonlinese experienced by himself and
others in consequence of the rernoral of
his young friend and compenion Georgie
Deadman. Nevertheless, he added,
Georgie, like Neil Lamont, is far batter
off now than when we enjoyed bis press.
enoe. "My Shepherd has taken ray
lamb away, but I know it is not forever."
RnsOMMION.— The 50551011 of Knox
church met on Sept. 80th, and was con-
stituted by Rev, G. B. Howie, Moderator.
Danl. Glassier read, the Clerk seconded
and the session, with rnuoh Ieeling,
adopted the following resolution :—Re.
solved that "We, the session of Knox
church, do place on record our sinners
sympathy with our beloved Brother
Deadman and his wife in their present
severe trials and that we, insincere peni-
tence and profound humility, approach
the theme of graoe in prayer and suppli-
cation. First—That our Heavenly Father
be graciously pleased M sanctify this
chastening of His children and make it
bring forth the peaceable fruits of right-
eousness to them that are exercised
thereby according to Ilia word, and
Second—That 113 10 be His gracious will
to hasten the deliverance of His people
from their present trouble and restore
them speedily to their wonted use:MMus
among us, and Third—That all our
families may observe, duly and reverent-
ly, the chastening rod of our benign
Father and fear and seek more conformity
to God's law and more oonsecration to
His service to the end that Gad may be
glorified and our own good proraoted."
DONNYDROON.—Wlaile on the way home
from a dance in the country, the other
morning early, two youthe, about the
middle of their teens, named Dan. Kelly
and Wm, Phelan, became quite excited
abont a fair one, whicoii resulted in a
fight and oue got whipped. As 0 001100.
pence, a trial was to take place at the
offiee of Miles Young, 3.P., Blyth, Wed-
nesday afternoon of last week, to settle
tbe dispute of the lovers' affray. The
youthful contestants arrived at the ap-
pointed hour, each a000mpanied by their
fathers and elder brethers, but good Irish
whielcey being bought at live mints a glass
the parties thought they could settle the
dispute in question themselves mid corn.
menood operations at once'by throwing
stones and usinga broom handle. In a
few monde a fair oample of Donnybrook
fair was quite visible, and a regular field
fight was imminent, no many friends of
both parties had, arrived to witness pro -
endings, Coats wore pulled off, sleeves
rolled up, and a lively time was being
had, when Constable Davie appeared en
the scone, and, after considerable difficul-
ty, onocooded 111 quelling the strife. Dut
ing the fight several contestants received
mealy ugly outs and bruisea, and th
southwest window of tho ,Commercial
hotel was smashed to atoms. On /Ron -
day of this week the Phelans heel the
Kenya up before .A.. Hunter and Reeve
McCracken for assault and after a pro-
tracted trial Dan. Kelly was amused
05.00 and oasts and AC Holly 82.00 and
coats. There were a, largo number 01
witnosees. 311. E, Wade conducted the
oases for the defendants.
0. L, Ball, L. D. 8., vile and eon, of
Soaforth, more in town int Sunday and
Is lSondai..This week Rev. R. Paul and wifo aro
13 off on a holiday vielt to friends near
' Orangeville.
.Dr. Sloaei, of Blyth, was in town on
Thursday. Fie was it judge on fruit at
our hall show.
Thos, Enechtel was home from God.
erieh for a few holidays. 130 ia attend-
ing the Model school.
W. F. Kelly and bride returned from
their wedding tour on Monday and are
now busy nrangiag their new Immo,
3a717013 jenies arrived home last Satur-
day from an extended vielt of soma
weeks to Toronto, Milton and "around."
Mrs, W. B. Dickson ancl Mee Kate
Comm& started from Brussels on Thins -
day of this week for Helena, Montana.
We wish thorn a safe journal,.
On Friday of last weak the home of
W. A. klawen, of Thessalon, Algoma
was gladdened by the arrival of a baby
visitor. Wo extend congratulations.
It is stated that the genial Giff. Elliot,
well known in Brussels, is to receive
position on the legal staff oE the 0. P. 11,
We congratulate Mr. Elliot and believe
he will 1311 0115 bill.
We were pleased to hove a cell from our
townsman, G. A. Deadman, who has
been on the sick list for the past two
weeks, on Wedneadey. The family will
Noon be convalescent.
Mrs. Deniphroy, of Winnipeg, neo
Mise Teenia McIntosh, a former resident
of Brussels, was visiting old friends in
town this week. Mrs. A. AlcOutcheon,
Of the Benxi city, is also in town,
Wm. Shaw, teacher at Motherwell,
Perth Co., was presented with a hand-
some gold watch by the people of the
section on his 13101n0 np the school to
study medicine. He had been in the
same 470/3001 for 11 years.
DIED.—Last week Robt. Sample jr.
caught a cold and on Tuesday was quite
poorly having to go to bed at Wm. Rod-
dick's where he was living at the time.
Inflammation of the lungs set in and
after an illness extending over a week he
died on Wednesday morning of this week.
A few years ago, while in the States, he
contracted a severe cold from the effects
of which he had only nicely recovered
this summer. The deceased was in his
24th year and was well known in Brus-
sels as he worked at the blaolcernithing
with tho late W. T. Hunter. The funeral
took plaoe on Thursday afternoon of this
HARVEST letonn.—Rey. C. E. &afore,
of Mitchell, preached two excellent die.
courses in the Methodist church here lam.
Sunday. In the morning his text was
taken from Exedem, 82nd chapter and
26th verso and at the evening service his
sermon wee based on the 64111 chapter of
lertiala Tho rev. gentleman has lost none
of his old time pulpit ability. Owing to
the very disagreeable weather the congre-
gations wore not as large aa they other -
Ise would have boon, On Tuesday ing the Harvest Homo supper was held.
The ladies did their part in good etyle
and instead of sticking to the emitomary
pound oako, ere., chicken, cold beef, pith.
les, celery and the like were substituted.
The basement and audience room were
decorated with grain, vegetables, fruit
and flowers, At 8 &cloak the pastor,
Rev, At Swami, took the elude and after
a male/Mien from the choir ROY. S. hoes
was called 013071 00 offer pre er Al
Wises, interesting and radical, were
Yen by Rev. G. B. Hotme, M. A., of
nog cherch ; ROV. 0. E, Stafford ; Rev.
F. Nugent, of Listowal, and /toy, J.
oes, 33.A., paotor of Melville eller&
liable 1330010 Wits supplied by the ehoir,
he customary vote of thanke and the
neclictien by Rev. R. raul brought
is pleasant entertainment to it close.
be proceeds amoentexi to nearly 41e0,
Mb will be applied on the Trod Feed
the church.
PeOple We Knew.
Wm. Laird, of Port Elgin, was 111
town this week.
Juo. MeThein 10 taking in the County
town this week,
James Young, of London, wethe guest
of his tmcie, J. II. Feng, this week.
Afro. George Rogers and Penny 0503
018111016 1301011(10 in Toronto, last Weele.
Rebut Knechtel returned te Toronto
last Monday to continue Ma Poeta in
teniere 1
In e-rtio Alaska the natives keep all
young wolves that they o itch and train
them as dogs for Mame. Dogs and wol-
ves are reared together. The doge are
more than half wolf and have the char-
acteristics of those animals. They are
without affection, but obey their master
through fear. One dog in each team
makes himself master and overseer. If
any dog shirks he will punish him. If
he cannot get at him when in harness he
will nor forget to give him chastisement
when released at night. They are oap-
able of enormous endurance, like wild
wolves, and can fast and work a great
A wedding among the fishing popula-
tion of New Haven, Eng., is a novel
affair. The men dress themselves in
white duck trousers and blue coats, with
brass buttons. They form a line and,
headed by two Addlers, march .to the
home of the groom and escort him to the
bride's reeidenee. Re usually wears a
silk hat with long streamers attached.
After the ceremony, which is according
to the Presbyterian custom, the line of
mon and women, the fiddlers playing,
march to a hall, where a banquet le given.
At this banquet each one pays his share,
for the newly -married couple would not
be able to entertain so many. Often 150
to 200 attend. The ceremony is usually
performed beleveen 7 and 9 in the even-
ing, and dancing continues until nearly
morning. The mon initially take the
names of their wives.
DIDIIMAN.—In Brussels, on September
30011, the wife of Mr. J. 3. Denman,
of a daughter.
Bum,—Orman.—All the residence , of the
bride's parents, Grey, on the Brd
mat,, ley Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels,
Mr. Jno, 11, Bell, to Mimi Mary, eld-
est daughter of Miss Mary, eldest
daughter of Mr. Frank Oliver, both
of Grey township.
SAttmg.—In Brussels, on IVednescley,
Oot. 8r13, Robert Sample, aged 23
years 4 months and 10 days.
Alumanone.—In Morris, on Thursday,
Sept. 27th, 1888, Sarah, reliot of the
late 331. Armstrong, aged 86 years, 4
months and 19 days.
16.—Farm stock and
s, in Oranbrook, north of the
river. Sale to commence at 1 o'clook
p.m 'Without reserve. John Sheik,
prop., A. Reymann, soot.
TUIIBDAY, OCT. 1G.—On lot 25, con. 7,
Morrie. Farm stook, implements, &c.
Sale will be without reserve commenc-
ing a 1 o'clock p.m., sharp. Jno. Wilk-
inson, Prop., Geo. Xirkby,
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17.-3J'arra stook and
implements. Lot 14, con, 12, Grey. Sale
without reserve oornmencing at 12 o'olook
noon. Jas. Slemmon, prop, Goo. Kirk.
by, amt.
Pall Shows will be hold this season as
Morrie Branch, Blyth, Oot. 10 dr 11.
East Wavvanoeh, Belgrave, Oct. 8 and
00115710TRD011713573LLY EVERY WEER.
Fall Wheat 95 1 02
Spring Wheat 05 1 00
Onto 30 31
Peas 57 58
Barley 46 56
Potatoes 86 00
Butter, 3)00 111 16 16
Eggs, per dozen 14 00
Apples, per bushel 66 00
llogs, dressed 6 50 7 00
Beef 4 50 5330
Hay 8 00 0 00
Welted, per cord... .... 2 50 0 50
Sheepskins, 40 75
eziwermmeDx.ets aec.talexarneeerce,
0011n1(011l1) CAREVULLY WYE= wean,
Fall Wilma ' 1 04 1 06
Spring Wheat ... 3, 00 1 02
Batley 50 02
Oats 80 31
Peas. . .. „ 60 62
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 10 00
ilggs per dozen.. ......, . 00
Ilene por 5 00 00
Potatoot ..... . 4 4.4 I 44 4 85 40
Hay per ton 12 00 18 00
Videe pet ib 4 di
Salt por bbl., wholesale60 At
Shoo skins, eaeli.. , 60 1 00
WOO, per lb, , .. .. 18 e'2
. fl {I 00 /CI 0 V V :10 V • II 25 • 6 50
OCT. 5,H1888,
ivrIss T. MU, .
Lietsaano Painting
Batieleotion suaraiVeini. h"g" h1°Ptrfata.
totted to nlo, lo twootint or mite,
overdue last 'Tannery, are requested to pay
them immediately.
12.4 WM. GRAHAM, Al. D.
of the undersigned. lot 0, eon . 7, 0 rer,
on or ',bout .1une 181, a two year old halter.
The owner 10 requested to prove proportr,
pay obarges anti take her away.
Caveats .B0,18011°8 sad Trade ATarks secured
and all other patent enema in the Patent
Oilleo and before the Genote promptly and
carefully attended to. 13170n receipt 01 m
01 011 sketch of invention, I make careful
exatuthation,ancl advise as to patentability
Free of Charge, Foos moderate, and f make
no (Margo unless putontie secured, inform-
ation,17001013 and speoin1 roforenees sent cm
applion.tinn, 0, lt.LITTELD, Washington
D.C., U.S. Patent Odloo, 10 -
)11 Apply to DR, GRAHAM 12.4
A. few splendid, improved farms for
sale in the township of Grey, Morris awl
AfeEillop. Apply to A. DELGATTY, Co.
Auctioneor,llruesele P. 0,
.11.: gowns= offers his valuable 100 acme
lar, being 108 3, son. all, Grey Township,
Huron 0o., for sale, There arca about 50
acres cleared and in good heart. Thera is o
log house, good bank barn, bowing oraharfl,
and blithe nommen, convenionees on the
promisee. Por further particulars, as to
price, terms, etc„ apply to the Proprietor,
THOS. HISLOP, Clare p. o., N. W. T.. or to
2-tf . DOIIGALD !WRAC/IAN, Bruesols
1. BENT.— The undersigned offers Ills
00 -acre farm, lot 25, am 7, Morris, for sale
or M rent There are 00 oozes cleared
and under orop. The buildings oonsist of a
frame house, frame barn, dra. There is also
an orobard of one aare. Geod. well. There
505 30 eons of fall wheat in this fall. For
further partionlars, as to price, terms, tte.,
apply to the Proprietor,
0.01 JOHN W17,1(11180E, Brussels P. 0.
elan 100.aere Nam, Doing lot 0, con.
10, Grey.on the promises, on FINDAT, 0(1T,
Nth, 1888, at 2 o'olock p. m. Well improved
and In a good state of caltivation. Is within
ono mile of the thriving village of Brussels,
on a leading gravel road. Ten eons of fall
wheat in this fall. Tornio made known on
clity00.40,5sale or on application to either the
proprietor or al:Maims. .413513. DELOATTN,
Auctioneer. 300132,MoNA.1-1011TON,
du DOR SALD.—Iioing lot 14, oen. 10, eon-
tnialeg 100 aores. It is partly cleared. the
balance well timbered. A. never failing
creek crosses the place and it is well adapt-
ed for either 16001(05 00 grazing, I
Wine se1140 acres, Delon oast Part allot 14,
000.15, nearly al I cleared and in a good
state of eultivatMu. A. good frame barn
with_ a good stone stable underneath and a
never failing well is also 05 0110 place. Per
further particulars apply to the proprietor
on the place. This lot ie opposite too oth-
er GEOBGE AYES Y, Proprietor. 1.-tf
V being the eolith half of lot number
80 in the 4111 concession of the township of
Morris, known as the homestead of Archi-
bald Taylor, containing ninety-nine scree,
Ninety mires are °leered, the balanes wood-
ed with valuable timber, tixcellout build
Inge, large orchard of choice trees, soil in
good condition and ie situated ono and a
quarter Ethos north of the Village of Bras.
eels, on the main gravel road. This is ono
of the finest homestead farms In the County
of Hurou and will be sold at 0 bargain and
on terms to mit purchaser. For further
partioulare apply to the Proprietor, A. 14.
TAILOlt, Manning Arcade, Toronto, or to
415013100411)TAYL011, Sit., on tho prem-
The Executors of the estate of the late
WiradAstMoownX, Itsql7IRE, clooemaed, now
offer the following valuable lands for sale,
Vis..'—The north half of lot 57, and the west
half of the north half of lot 28, both in tho
010 concession of the Township of Morris,
County of Huron, containing; 150 'toms.
About 110 sores are cleared and in good
condition, the greater part being in gram.
The balance is well timbered, chiefly with
hooch and maple,
This farm is favorably situate a within ono
01110 01 the village of Brussels, whioh affords
an excellent market. There is upon the
premises a good frame Darn and house an
°Milord Of Oholoe fruit' trees, a 'never failing
aping, olio a Rood well and pump and good
fences, This property will be gold in ono Or
two poreele, to snit intending purchasers.
Purchaser will be allowed to oeter and have
use ot house on mantises all any time after
harvest and to 80 1011 plowing. Full posses.
siou will be given at 10 November next.
Por terms and further partioulore apply
to the undersigned Executors, or to ,Torrif
AloOnn r. 01s. Brume's, Ont.
Ecorge Cardiff, }
114001017 Alt WW1,
Bawd at Brasserie, Juno lath, 18.38. 50
prwo Valuable Farms
Zoo 1111 Townships of Grey and Morris,
in, the COUnty of Miran,
l.173clar and by Virtue of the pourers of sale
contained In a certain Mortgage, 'which
mortgage will be produced at Olio tiino of
nolo, there will be offered for Halo by Public
A notion, es the Atnerican OlotoJ, ist the
of limn/Aisle, ow
Wednesday, October 3r11, '88
AT 2 °Norman T. te„ the go/toy/eta Properties:
ToWnehip of Groy—tot number Veto, in
the 211111 000006E110n ot the Township of
Grey, containing Ono Hundred haroif more
or lege, of which about 15 soros pro cleared
and free from etumps, the remainder well
timbered, suitable tor building, fending and
droWoOd. There 10 said to bo 0 Mg house
on the lot.
Township of Ileitis —The liorth•luilf of lot
number Twonty.nine, in the Fifth Comae -
Men of the Township of Merris, containing
One Hundred Acres more or loss, of which
about 81 aoree aro cleared anti 75 notes
stumped ,tlie rernaltulor well timbered wit±lo
booth and maple, On the lot thorn aro said
be it large frame bouse, in good repair,
train° stableS and granary, oleo ex
orchard ofabont an acre,
1201:01 t1e tarooseroaituttc ip r o a.
])5000e eottlomente,and within it short Mo
2011110031SALv.,—Otto.tonbh of the mire eft 00
Money ou the day of gale arid tee mil.
Within thirty days. 1l2ree4011rti.
5111r�l3aeo1o71ty1s5y inmate oi,
Each 103 ,13311110 altered 513111 505 to VO
bid, Per further partioulats apply to
"Kerr, Eutvidson Paterson,
& 10 MaseciltqWeLr,To%=%t,,Torotio
Or te Alex, Eftditer, Auctioneer,
04 bl01treotita, ONTAA14,
a General flanking
Canadian and naffed 'Status Drafts bought
and eold,
Interest allowed on do»oslts,
Colleett01111 Mall!' on favorable terms,
Canadian Agente—MunnueNVe DAwn; Cr
Now York Agouts—licrowritits Ave THAI).
1115513,005013.01. [JANE,
• or, Couveyanoer, Notary Public,
de. Oilleo Oraliam'a Block, 1 door north of
Ilargreayes Drug Store, Private Puede to
.11eJ • Solicitor and Notary Piddle, Con-
veyancing. 001100400 and Loaning. Air.
Wade '111 attend in 0400010 every Wefnee'
clay at two o'clock,
(Leto with Garrow dtProudfoot, Go(1o.
-101.1) HarriSters, 8o/101t, Conveyancers,
dm. 0111co, Grant's Bleak, Brussels, Money
to loan.
11. 8. HATS, W. B. DICESON.
A, M. TAYLOR, B. C. L., DAR.
(3- ruswnit, Solicitor, ,ke., of the tIrm of
Dickson, Taylor TifuOuliongh,/ Barriatars,
Solicitors, dio., Manning Anode King Street
WOO, Toronto. Money to loan.
La.. the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron
Convoyanoor, Notary Public), Laud, LOSS!
and Insuranao Agent, rondo invested and
to loan. Co.lootIons made. °moo i n Ora-
QllRT C0103I150,
itvm. p. CALE. M.D., C. M.
ittoomor ottho Oolletre of Physiolan 0 and
Surgeons of Ontaale by °nomination.
Ogles and Besideen—Maln St. East , .Etho
. 0.10., D.11, G. P. Ildinboren, 112. C. P.
03. Oot. At Hargreaves' Drug Store from
0 to 11;80 a.m. and. [rota 1:30 to 4 p. m. At
other hours may be,found at the reeldenee
formerly °coupled by Dr. Hutchinson,
Mill street
G. L. Bali L. D. 8., Honor Graduate and
AT. B.O. D. S. Toronto. Vitalized Air given
B.B. liorles, D, 11. al. Assietant Operator
Orrxcit—Moyors B look, Soaforth.
sINV...T. Fear ,1..D S. Gradeate of To-
ronto Schee/ of Dentistry. All oper-
atios gliarauteed. Oin0e—OnGy'a
Bleak, Seaforth.
Artificial teeth, 33etqeal1ty, and a
gnaranteetillt,for $12.00por sat,:
A. 3::).
Honor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. "0....ITBOB (WW1
0.1.0 administered for the Paln,oss extrac-
tion of tooth.
017F1018.—One Door North of the. Bank.
sun Auotioneer. Sales conduoted on
reasonable terms, farms and farm stook a
specialty. Orders left at Tun Poor Publish-
ing House, Brussels, or sent to Imo Post
(moo wilt reoulye prompt attention.
1(130, 15 35003161130 to attend to sales on
tho shortest notioa. A specially made ot
sales of thorough -bred dock. Tomes 1114(10
ktIOV(11 by application tc Tun Pon Fabli eh -
fog Howse, whore orders may be loft, or
address to 13russolsP 0.
1501WILYS toady SO attend sales ot
farms, farm stock, ,ha. Terme cheerfully
Invent. Oranbrook 82.0. Sales may be AS'
ranged at Tim 10005 Publish ing House
v • °Marriage Licensee. Office at hie
Giooery,Turnborry Street,
nvg...lx I n130 ancl Oi gap. Perms 07i appli-
N. 13 .—Walton ciao moots every Thursday
and Friday at Mrs, D. Campbell Walton,
lltd- to receive :mints for instrue•
tion on the PIANO and 0116AN, S years
Experience, Residence with Mrs, Mar-
greitves. 111001. 1111A1MBREAVES 051111144
STORE. no5-1yr
JLbi. Artist, Shopotext door south of A.
M. Matey at Goa hardware store, Ladies'
and children% halo outting a epooiaIty,
A. thecae stook of cigars kept.
o riage Lfeenece, by appointment of
Liout.Goyernor, Commies:tome, t), 13,
Oenvoymcorand Agent Piro Insurance Oc.
0moo ab tho Oranbroolc Post 011100,
and Ornancental Painter. Graining
ending, sign and D000rativo Painting all
101 branches, Shop Blinds dorso up in iftYle,
Paper hanging 0 specialty, Shop one door
south ot Jaluyers',Oarrlase 'Works,
W. OTBIEN, V. S. ildN011
L • Graduate 013 0110 Ontario Votorihary
otAtogo has resumed the praetico of Jelin
Edit, and is prepared to treat 011810
ef doineatiOated ataiteale 011 acientele
aOdsbpt±5o4urine pee. Treatment of dol-
loptefoals a eteclieltv 011108 two deerii
51 130 14.14413,Trnbortarbiretit.