HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-5, Page 41. � t Ni �lit<'CfYdY't]194B1j.ti Local --Adam Good, Notice—Wu. (=rah ant. I:oeals . L O. Richards. horse Collar—H. Donde. The big chow --F. 0. Rogers. Farmers --Stewart & Lowick. 1lon.c. 10 rent --Pr. Graham. Local—H, L. Jackson (Ethel). Locale --Wm. Simpson S Son. To apple growers— A, K. Robertson. iT lie Wirtl,55el5 DI5t. J'PI7I.•1 F, OCT. 5, 1888. Timms are commencing to warm up in connection with the forthcoming elver tions in the United States, While our American cousins pride themselves on their freedom. &o., we have no desire to have ructions in Canada such as neually go along with ninny of their election con- tests. Politics may bo bad enough here but they are infinitely worse on the other be of the line. Time tax co'lector will soon commence his rounds and it would be well for the ratepayers to nndefetand at the outset that all taxes must be paid on or before December 16th instead of February and March, as was the case with some last year. A new law comes into force this year whereby a full and complete state- ment has to be presented to the electors on nomination day. Bear the above in rnind and get your money ready for Collector !less. Barnum received by Bradstreet'e com- mercial agency show that the number of failures in the Dominion during the first three-quarters of 1888 was 1,274, oom. pared with 946 in the same period of 1887. This increase of about thirty per cent. in failures is rather startling. The liabilit- ies of those who failed in 1888 amounted to $12,441,889, as against $11,083,466 last year. How comes it that under the beneficent trade restriction and high tax- ation policy the number of bankruptcies is so rapidly increasing? Oxen more the government of Ontario have to go into the aourte to defend the property of the province from spoliation at the hands of the Dominion ministry and their followers. For the purpose of rewarding Quebec's own patriot M.P., Honore Robillard, the Dominion gov- ernment some time ago set up a claim to the ownership over a large tract of land in the Georgian Bay district ender the pretense that it was an Indian reserve. The Ontario government of oeurse denied the right of the federal authorities to seize the timber limits of the province by calling them Indian reserves, but meantime the Dominion government had issued to mfr. Robillard a license to cut timber on the laud, a portion of which is in the township of Graham, and it is understood that he has di -posed of his interest in the license for $15,000. Now the provincial government have to fight for their rights in the courts, and it may take years before the question is settled and the intruders repelled. Heavy legal expenses will have to be incurred in carrying on the suit, and the people of Ontario will have not only to pay the costs incurred in uphoiding the rights of the province but also the lion's share of the fees paid to those Tory lawyers who have been engaged by the federal govern- ment to argue in the defence of the at- tempted spoliation. The ultra -loyal fed. eral ministers prove themselves true pol- itical heirs of the Tories who stoned the Governor-General in 1849, by refusing to acdept the decision of Her Majesty in the boundary case, and by endeavoring to parcel up the valuable timber lands of this province among their boodle follow- ers.—Ottawa Free Press. Canadian INesva:. Hon. E, Blake has resented active praotiee. The village of Leamington is to be I lighted by electricity. Parliament has been summoned for the third Thursday in January. The people at the Moisie River, in Eastern 'Saguenay, are on the verge of starvation. R. S. White was elected in Cardwell on Wednesday by a majority of 112. Hon, Thos. 'White's majority last year was 403. Tenders will shortly be asked for the construction of a graving dealt at Bing. Ilton, to be erected at a cost of about 8500,000. The contract between the Manitoba Government and the Northern Pacific was proclaimed, the new company organ- ized and the Red River Valley road taken over. A spell of warm weather is much need. ed to ripen the Catawba grapes in the Lake Erie Islands. The present prospect is not only for a light but a poorly ripen- ed crop. - On Saturday afternoon Alex. Lawson, a farmer /rem Icing township, while standing at Newmarket, Ont., hotel talking to some friends, suddenly drop. ped dead. It is supposed from heart disease. A large number of human bones and decayed coffins are being unearthed by workmen in a drain at the lower end of St. Peter street, Montreal, the place once used by the old Grey Nun's Institution as a graveyard a oouplo of oeaturioe ago. Two hundred dollars reward has been offered by the Grand Trunk Railway Co. for the apprehension of the parties who placed obstructions en the track about three weeks ago, near L Oeltnow. T1yie Will be a 1.5 er 20 year's visit to Kingston for Oahe one, anureeemrawneesnem, mrennue.kerea COMMUNICATION. 'retie, 111EL41.It.UNll N•OT4T.2 VCltLf('. Pe the Editor of Tlm Pow', klui.-•-with your permission I will re. ply to that letter written by 0. E. Den. sterwelle, Notary I'ttlio, N. W. T., and lumbermtrchaml of lheeraine, pub'ishcd in your issue of the 21st of September. First let me describe this individual. When he speaks his voles sounds like a btlek,saw coming ageinet an iron pin. His nelghbors told me that when he conte there a few years ego, he was a good-for-nothing going around with the seat out of his breeches, and all he had was an old yoke of oxen that he sold to Mr. Noble, an ex -policeman, for $75, /then he got word his mother had died in England, and he started home to get the few paunch; she had left. When he returned he tried to apo the English dude and made himself a laughing stock for all whoever seen him in the Northwest Terri. tory. They say in a few years more Itis few dollars will be spent and the base- ment of his pants out again. Observe his vanity in signing Notary Public after his name to a newspaper communication. No one but some silly creature would sign his name officially to anything but an official document, and to make an empty sound he tells us that he is a lum- ber merchant in Deloraioe. When I was in Deloraine I only saw two fellows that called themselves lumber merchants, and they took me to see their lumber yards. Each ked about as much lumber as a span of horses would draw upon a wagon, of little bits of pieces dressed on ono side, and a few bits of studding. 'Mr. Dun- sterwelle's Inmber yard I neither saw nor heard tell of by any ono there. As for sidewalks made of plank, there are only a few yards in one place, and in another place a few yards made of prairie soda across the end of a pond hole, and a few houses have a platform in front of them that do not belong to the public. This fellow says that he can very well see why Mr. A. is backing up Mr. Farrow, ex-M.P. Bryron sass that "& pig could see the wind." This lumber merchant also says: "Mr. A. no doubt remembers the affair in Huron when ho was pelted with mud and rotten eggs, when his friend Farrow took his part and assisted him out of the storming." Mr. Farrow and I both know that such an affair never took place with he and I in Huron, or elsewhere. I once heard that Mr. Farrow and another man had a law suit in Wingham. The trial took place at night and Mr. Farrow's friends, under Dover of the night, threw some rotten eggs at this man that he had the lawsuit with, but this Notary Public and lumber merchant is only the dupe of an aspiring knave who lives near to him who came there from Wingham. and could just as well as not have told the truth to this simple fellow, about this Farrow affair. Perhaps John Young, of the N.W .T., is justified in saying "when a known greeny comes along nothing delights a native more than to Book it to him." I think that Mr. Dunsterwelle, Notary Public, N.W.T., Crozdon farms, Sutter P.O., Ana., got it "socked" to him when he was made believe that I left Mr. bloCutoheon's broncho 36 miles away on the prairie, and that I paid $2 per day for the use of it. This will be amusing to Mr. McCutohoon when he hears how the "lumber merchant" got "stuffed." This Notary Public has got his story about Mr. Folds a little mixed up, but I will now 3orreot him. Mr. Folds had broken ten acres of land for a man that had cleared out and did not pay him (Folds) for the breaking, and he asked me if I applied for this land and got it would I pay flim for the breaking. I said I would, but when I went to the land office I was told by the agent that the Govern- ment had to be paid for all the improve- ments done upon oanoelledland. This is the information I got in the land office without asking for whish no doubt Mr. Young referred to in his letter published the 21st of September. This Croydon farm man says, "that he had the pleasure of meeting me one day at Oarnduff and that I seemed satisfied with the country, considered it second to none, never dream- ed of seeing so many settlers so far from a railroad, &o. One has to use a little irony sometimes in answer to simpletons whether they understand it or not. He says, "I most have gone out of my sena- es." If so, that is where the Croydon fanner will never go, because he has none to go out of. Had he any sense he would not have talked about North Bay and Port Arthur as be has clone. What I did say in my first letter was, when I left Port Arthur I supposed I was in the dis- puted territory. He says, "that I must have got a siakener of the country when I had to pay more to go home by railroad than when I came out," and adds, "this, in his opinion, takes the cake." Now sir it a evident from this statement that this fellow travels more at the expense of the Canadian taxpayer than his own on his way to and from England. Bower Auusruo.re. Morris, Oct. 2, 1888. Huron County Notes. There is a kick in Godorich over the town Connell granting $50 toward the purse for the O'Oonnor-Lee boat rase. W. Doberty's driving mare, of Clinton, secured third prize in her class, at the Toronto Industrial. She had to compete agaainet 30 in all, and some of the very finest horses in Canada were her compet- itors, She was sold to a gentleman from Montreal, for the sum of 8560. Tho Clinton Collegiate Institute Club has elected the following offioore for the season :—Hon. President, Jae. Tnrnbull, B.A. ; President, Wm. Prendergast, B, A. Secretary -Treasurer, John Bees; Councillors—Meyers. Sloan, Agnate, Doherty, Elford and Whitmore. On Tuesday of last week the Warden's Committee wont to Exeter to examine and test the new county iron bridge just completed by Hunter Brea., of Rimer - dine. It is 100 feat long, 17 foot road. way and with a six foot sidewalk on one side. The test was a severe one, but the structure proved itself a first-class job and gave to all present the highest sat- isfaction. - At the last mooting of the Maitland Presbytery, Rev, R. Leask, who has been an active worker in an unobstrnsive way in his hinieterial work, for nearly a quarter of a oentury, said that lea had in his poseooeion 106 lettere from young men testifying to benefits received in the way of counsel. Ho had also reaoived five, or six offers to change his location each being at a higher salary than he was receiving, THE I3RUSSLES HOST Economy Restaurant Having just opened in the Brick Corn- er Store, formerly 000upled by R. Mal. eolm, Brussels, the opposite 00rner to the PoetoGice. EIOT MEALS ! (At all reasonable flours) r FOR TWENTY CENTS. A pall is especially solicited and every attention will he paid to Patrons. A Ilin. ited number of Lady and Gentleman Boarders wasted. .AS, BROADFOOT, Prop ONE! TO LOAD, PRIVATE T UNDS. of Private Panda have j not been placed in lay hands for In- vestment AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. ANplyte E. E. WADE, iusa1n:*ia:ua 'WARM P011 SALE.—TILE UN - A. 03t110100141) °VTern. for alga the north east quarter of lot 2s, concession 11, 0500310, eellnty of Huron. wutain Ara 110 acres The land is of -first quality and In a high state of eeltiyetion, won fenced and nucler-,Iratuocl, Al 00005 oloarod. Now frame house, A reams, milk house with e"u:5010 walls, 2 wells, good barna and shod, orchard, ole. Bight mores of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporattnit of Brussels, Suit- able teens 15111 be given. Title perfoot. d AXES GItIFVl'I, Owner, 30. ,lox 250 0 reseals P. 0, mows AGAIN T "Well I neighbor, whore did you got that Ano working two furrow Gong Plow Y" Well Sir,I pot it from \VU. MARTIN,Itraseels, you know he keeps the largesstook of BLOWS worth tint money in the trade. Are you in need of a general purpose plow call and see THOS. HENDRY'S, of Seaforth ; TOLTON'S, of Guelph, No. 7 Plow ; PATTERSON'S, of Woodstock. PLOWS - OF - ALL - KINDS Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers ancl Grain Grinders. —TURNIP AND ROOT PULPERS- 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 Norco Power. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED in all Sala of Implements. Wm. Martin. aruasels. House : Tuaunennr SUMO'. FARMS: ! FARMER Q Look to Your Own Interest and get your twisting clone at Where you will get Flour second to none in the Dominion, and yield per bushel equal to the highest. Chopping Done while You Wait. Farmers Can Have Manitoba Wheat Flour Without Extra Charge, if required. SPECIAL PRICE GIVEN FOR 500 -Ib. LOTS OF FLOUR. All Kinds of Grain Bought for Cash. CHOP, BRAN, SHORTS, CRACKED WHEAT AND GRAHAM FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE NATIONAL ROLLER MILLS, BRUSSELS, Oct 1, 9.m STEWART & LIOWICK. E 1 N Will be at F. 0o ®GERS' on FRIDAY AN SATII�,o ' i, r l iX, Y Next, the th and 6th meta its, When We will show our very large and beautiful Stock of We invite avery lady to come and see our very Choice Stock of all the Newest and Most Fashionable styles in Flats., Bom7'lets, .Flowers, Feathers, 6-e„ 4^e. No City Establishment can show more stylish Goods. Recollect you have to pay to go into the Show Grounds, our Show is FREE TO ALL and we feel surd every laxly who sees our Millinery will pronounce it to be tho boot and most pleasing Show of all. F. O. ROGER'S, Brussels, Out. 4 5012 DOMINION HOUSE LU'l l� ACIIE PARA /Ant 8ALi . ,./ —A tlrat.ahtss farm for sale in the Towmisltip of Morris in the County of II emu, being south hull of 3100113 half lots 2e & 20 and south half of 20 In nth eon., eentalning so soros move or leas, 1311 neve; mostly ether of stumps and 111 a good atete of oultt- 0atlon. whore ia a y0104 bearing nl'e1n1,1%1,a good bongo and blink barn 00 x e0 feet with stone stable a11der1,00ti1. 51,o farm is sitlt• ated within a Milo of the Village of lirusanle moa l0 a good farm for grate, or stone 0110. as it watered with the river Maitiand and 100081' faflilg spring creak, Posseasl,n will be given at any time. Poi. farther umr- ttoulars apply on the prnrntsos or to 1,31, 1t,)1,T71tTSON, Breesole, P• O. 0.01 OG'1'. 3, 1888, (1,-.1.001.) FARM FOR SALT. IN 1, A Morris, on reasonable terms, In order to close the at/sirs of the estate of the late W. (1.11 Sweden, the 0xooutors offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for sale North half of list 110, 0011005511111 4,'1'ilweahlp or Morris, containing 0O acres. On this Int is „anted a good 100100 ball with inane foun- dation, good orchard, well and,pamnp. 05,3,30. ly all olee1'e,l, and is on the grave road 011101ly ailJbuten the village of Brussels. Tills taro( is a valuable one, iv 10511 fanned and in a goml Auto of cultivation, Nor pprl300 and terms apply to TA0S. ISI•II,LY. Ilruarola P. 0., 113:4110 J110041060, Victoria Square P, 0„ of JAA(lle Sateen, Maple Lodge I'. 0., Middlesex county, Storlieg Machine 0'1 is daily becomini, more widely and favorably know! Those who try it continue t0 use it. No other 011 is more suitable for .general. use. It is well adapted for all dill Machinery, ieapers, ZVIowers and' Threshers Ask Your (sTRN T- 44iorits0- for it ! 1Uafil¢faetrarerl bit McMillan,. Kittredge d'' Co., Petrolc0 ; Stratford, Ontario. Brandt at FOR BALE BY A.M, CKAY & Co., j3r�USSLI S; II. F. McArLi rltn, Ethel ; J. Tnlanxs, Bluovale. ew—.•.ma.re:r...'“0.1:sevum--.+ssrur,.zrar. 1.1. eaen- E 7m __--_ulrr11,}MMtt rpHE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at the old Egg Emporium, NEATTVEOR Brussels Post Officer Farmers and others can depend upon getting from us the very highest Market Price Ix CASE this season as we are going to ship extensively and require large quantities. Don't forget the olcl stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels. � o Wna. Ballantyne $oar. Notice I have much pleasure in informing all my U --old friends that my daughter and grandson will continue the egg business at the olcl stand carried on by me last year and I hope they will recieve liberal patronage. J✓y'O. RUDDICK. BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR :At ire Now Arr!v!ug, and they will be pleased to, see all their old customers and as many new ones as possible to look through and inspect. Dress Goods and Cashmeres( --Goods and Cashmeres in Black and Colored. Agents tylfeos krehpot i3e,asztaol aPadtteMrnhAslBazaar Patterns. Given Away Free. Call and Get One. (1 (I Pr Canadian Tweeds.... Grand Salsetion of Call- Scotch UU Cana tan adian 4 Scoteb Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, Pantings, and Overcoatiugs, and Kum To O20na in the Latest Style. ,FinianGraelysUra& 86 White otton�anSdhiWihnigtes' and all Staple Dry Goods. 1dleltons, in .111 Coorslb-hanoeverin all colors, Cheaper Boots 85 pp5� SDes/-- Boots c& Shoos manufactured by Cooper & Smith, and each boot stamped with their own name. - A large consignment Just Received. G[R OE I1�`(\1 Our Groceries aro All New, Fresh Goods and IUOIJ•!IJ.0 ,.:IIJ1- best quality. GLASSWARE & CROCKERY. A Call Solicited at oTRAOHAN BROS.