HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-10-5, Page 1Volume 13. Washington Letter,. (From our Regular Corraspondent.) WA°IIINOTON, Sat1t. 20, 3820. The Dem ocraLs in the House profess to be very well satisfied at the determine.. tion on the pert o£ tho Senate leopubie-. cans to bring in a tariff bill. Mr. Me. Millin geld he did not think they had bettered tbeir situation any, and Mr. Wilson, another member of he Ways and Means Committee, said that the action of the Senate Finance Committee has been discounted, and that the char actor of the bill, as endioaied in the press showed their inability to deal with the question. Tho general idea is that the notion delays or does away with adjourn• mutt altogether. Tho members of the House will aot upon the assumption that !here is to be no edjoul'nment. Many who have heretofore remained aloso in their places have left for their homes or for tho political field, and it in thought that by the end of this week the work of the House will be ilnisbed, and but few members of either party will be in Washington. As to the Senate tariff bill, it is not thought by members of the House that the Senate will vote on it thus session, and the Democrats say that instead of attacking the Mille bill they will have to defend their own. This they think rather increases the Democratic advent. ego. Meanwhile they must confeee that they do not know just what the provisions of the bill are, and a few Democrats say privately that, as they understand it, the bill may have some merits. Mr. Oates thinks a mistake was made when the Democratic oancue did not favor an ad- journment. He thinks it would have been better for the Democrats if no Set. ate bill had been reported. The presence of the State Department in the great granite office building west of tbo White House seems to have spread a diplomatic influence throughout the structure, principally affecting the mes- sengers who guard the doors of the triumvirate Secretaries. In the State Department itself this innusnee is parti. cularly noticeable, At the door of the Secretary there is en air of myetery and doubt, and, although Mr. Bayard is al- most always at his desk, it is sometimes difficult to discover that foot. On the other hand, Assistant Secretary Rives, whose office is next door, can easily be seen, and is almost always willing and ready to receive callers. The oddest effoot of this influence, however, has de- veloped recently ab Secretary Whitney's door. The Secretary bas established a code of rules for the transaction of public business, and at certain hours bis door is always open, whenever he is there, for anybody to enter. Bub at other times an uniuitiatod stranger is apt to bo con. fused by the replies that he receives to his questions. Should he ask if the Sec- retary is in he will bo told by the outside gnardian that tbe "door is looked." This was a favorite expression of the late Lindsay Muse, the octogenarian who served over sixty years under the Gov- ernment. Should the caller, not eerier - standing the meaning of this phrase, ask if he could see the Seorotary, the reply is still the same, The door is looked." In fact, it seems to be the policy of the door- keeper to avoid answering a cliroot question. The 111eesengere in front of Secretary Endicott's door have adopted an in- genious, if not novel, plan of lightening their vocal labors. Mr. Endicott is somewhat.uneertain in his movements to the ',aside would, at least, and 02 is fro. (meetly a problem, as in the Navy De. parimont, to dieeover whether or not ho is at hie desk, Ho still °coupes the rooms on the north front, while all of the burean officers are in the west wing. Ono of the first duties of the morning, nowa. days, is for tho bureau chiefsto send mosseugers to the Secretary's office to learn if he is present, and when the mes- sengers bear their approaoh they hold out to heir view a large card labelled "Yes" on one side and "No" on the other, turning it as the oaso requires. There is a letter in the o9loe of the chief clerk Of the State Department awaiting the arrival of the tardy Persian minister, whose name as translated into English is Radii Hossein leoe1i Khau Motamed el Versed. The address on the letter is in Persian ' hereators and ex- tends three times across he face of the envelope, wbiob is about six inobee long. The Department is patiently waiting for the minister, who started from Persia several wooke ago and intended to atop at Constantinople and Paris and various other places on the way. At first there was some anxiety felt for his safety, it being thought, owing to ate error in the cablegram annouuoing his doparbure from Persia, that he had been on the way about a month longer than he aobually has boon., It 10 now thought that he is loitering amid the gayeties of Paris, and will undoubtedly roach here with the first snow. Brussels Council Tileeting. no regular monthly meeting of the Council was hold lasb Monday evening. .4.11 tho members present. Minutes of last meeting wcro road and passed. The following accounts were rend: J, Meadows, atrcot improvements $ 4 118 T.B..McComb, " 20 00 Arnett Bros. et. imps„ Fire Dept, and wood 24 10 Mrs. Blasbill, charity 0 00 Mrs, Hart, charity ..... ..... 3 00 Moved by R. Graham,' seconded by J. 1413. McIntosh that tho foregoing no- connte bo paused and orisra tissued on Treasurer for same.—Cat'ried. Moved by J". Amonb, seconded by J. Ie1, MsIntoeh that the Clerk notify Svire, Hall to havo her fence 1:41noved off 111,0 streot at once so that the Council can finish sidowttllc,—Carried. Moved by gee. Antoni, seconded by M. McIntosh that 100 copiesof the Fire Limit By-law be printed and that the Clerk send a copy to each pereon on Voters' List in fire lelnit.wCartlod, Council then ad,jolrned, BR.USSBLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, Mete (tell t'trempionehlp tit earths. INTNUNATIONAL. Won. Lust. Per rent Syracuse 01 31 .728 Toronto 711 36 •685 Ilamilton 338 45 .502 Rochester 04 43 .098 London 53 53 .500 Buffalo 47 00 .4,",9 Troy 28 80 259 Albany 10 87 .179 RATIONAL. Won, Last. Now York 80 44 Chicago . 74 54 Boston 00 00 Detroit 06 50 Philadelphia 04 00 Pittsburg 03 63 Indianapolis 40 82 Washington 46 01 ASIT58208( Aesa000TION, Won. Lost. St. Louis 87 38 Athletics 79 61 Brooklyn 75 49 Cincinnati 73 63 Baltimore 56 78 Cleveland Louisville 44 82 Kansas City 41 83 Potatoes Raised on a Bet., E. S. Carman, editor of the Rural New Yorker, conducts an experimental farm in the interest of his paper et River Edge, N. J. Here he has grown sod tested ail manner of farm grope and garden plants, and conducted many ex- periments in the way of different methods of °titivation. Of recent years he bas obtained unusually large yields of pota- toes by a method of culture now know as the French system, and all of these large props have been grown on a special plot of land which has been oropped with potatoes every year for he past twelve years. Last winter Mr. Carman wagered $100 that he would raise potatoes thie season, on a part of this special plot of ground, at the rate of more than 700 bushels to the acre, let he season be fay. arable or unfavorable. This was done to ,'bow the possibilities of profitable potato culture by the French system, and its superiority over the ordinary method now practioed by fermata. Wilmer Atkinson, editor of the Farm Journal, of Philadelphia, accepted the wager for $60, the loser to pay the money to some charity to be named by the judges. Tho contest plot of lanais Level end the soil loamy, inclined to clayey, very good, apparently, and well drained. During the past twelve years it has re. calved occasional dressings of barnyard manure, averaging about four tons an acre a year ; also liberal supplies of "potato fertilizer," say at the rate of 1,200 pounds per acre a year. Now and again lime, kainit, raw.bone flour and wood ashes in limited quantity have also been applied. In the French system the drills are opened in the form of trenches 16 inches !vide, and not in the way of simple fur- rows, as we usually prepare ground for potato planting. In this Dasa the trench. es are opened 15 inches wide and 6 inches deep, and are 3 feet apart, measuring from middle to middle. Potato fertilizer, at the rate of 880 lbs. to the acre, was then strewn in the bottom of he tronob. es, about two inches deep of loose soil drawn in over this, and all mixed to- gether by drawing a Hexamer hoe along In the french, The potato sets wore then planted a foot apart. Two inches deep of soil was drawn in over the sets, and potato fertilizer, at the rata of 880 lbs. to the caro, strewn over this and mixed es before. Also powdered sulphur, at the rate of 440 lbs. to the sere, was sown in the trenohee, which were then filled up level. The sulphur was used as a pre- vention against wire worm, which, Mr. German asserts, is the cause of scab on the potatoes in his soil. The sets were mostly medium-sized potatoes out in halves, each half having two or thee° good eyes. Summer oars consisbed in keeping the ground clean. The drills were nob billed up, but kept level. Shal- low cultivation was practised. Paris green and plaster were used against the potato beetle. Mil. Carman's theory about these trenohes is that they conserve moisture and supply a ylelding medium in which the tubers form, and grow with little ;osistonee, while the route may penetrate at will the more sompaot soil between the trenches. Again, the rain penetrates the trenches readily, and is not shed to either side as in the old sys- tem of hulling up, The water goes at once to where it is most needed. The contest plot was planted on April 20th. Three kinds of seedling raised by Mr. Carman himself, and numbered re- epeobively 2, 8 and 4, were grown. These were set out in rows 33 feet long, Of No. 2 only one row was planted, and of .Nos. 8 and 4 two rows of each were planted, the five rows in 11 making one eighty-eighth part of an aoro, or ono row the four-hundrod.and.fortieth port of an acre, and eo the orop was computed. Tho potatoes were dug the other day in the peesenee of a committee of responsible gentlemen and export judges, Who mea - sexed tljr land and weighed the tubers 00 they were dug, allowing sixty pounds to the bushel. The row of No. 2 yielded at the enormous rate of 1,070 bushels per mare, ono row of No. 8 at the rate of 208, and the other row ab the rote of 268 bushels per acre, and 0010 row of No. 4 produced at the rate of 688, and the other at the veto of 005 bushels pet' more, or all levo tows combined at the rate of 0183 bushels of potatoes per naro. So Me. Cannan lost his wager, • Mrs. Hill has ltnudly offered $500 to. Wards the purchase of en English Church parsonage et St. Marys, providing the wardens will push the matter Immo. diatoly. Tho next Civil Service examinations will cone/MOO on Tuoeday, Nov, 13411, at dins o'clock a. 01., and will be held at Ottawe, liingslon, Toronto, Ilareiltoil, London, W1nnjpog, Begins anti other places, p� Morris Council Meeting, The Council met pursuant to adjourn - meet in the Council room on Sept. 21t1s. Members ell present, the Reeve in the chair, Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Moved by S. Calbiak, amended by Geo. (Kirkby, that Jae. Prootor bo struoted to have oulvorb opposite lob 2, 4th line, put In a proper state of repair. Carried. Moved by C. A. Howe, second- ed by S. Calbisk, that tura Reeve be in. etruobod to bays the read opposite lob 18, eon, 6, put fu it proper. stats of repair, Carried, Moved by Geo. Kirkby, see - ended by S. Calbiok that Jas. Prootor be instructed to have Farrow',' bridge coy. Dred anew with cedar or elm plank. Car- ried. Jas. Nesbitt appeared In relerenao to a proposed drain through several lots in the 8th concession, and eteted that 588 there aro more than five owners interest- ed in the scheme and having failed to agree he required a resolution of the Connell authorizing him to .have the en- gineer brought on. Moved by Jas. Pros tor, seconded by Geo, Kirkby, that this Council approve of the scheme and that the request of Mr, Nesbitt be granted. Carried. Moved by J. Proctor, seoouded by 5. Caldbioic, that Jno. Mooney be re- appointed Collector at a salary et $86 and to extras. Carried. Moved by S. Cold. bink, seconded by C. A. Howe, that the Peeve be instructed to have side road between lots 25 and 26, eon. 7, chopped out. Carried, Accounts were paid as follows : I. Rogerson, lumber, $10 70 ; Win. Geddes, digging each. 92 ; J. Gol• ley, digging ditch, 916 ; Wm. Garnese, repairing bridge, 91.50 ; A. Vanalstine, repairing bridge, $2 ; Jno. Sample, snow fence on east gravel road, $15.75 ; S. Walker, gravel, 93.25 ; 0. Ritchie, gray. el, 98.80 ; Wrn. Taylor, gravel, 918.79 ; R Mflis, culvert, 91,60 ; A. McAllister, culvert, $2.50 ; Wm. Brown, ihspeoting work on west gravel road, 94.88 ; James Jackson, work on south boundary, 928.- 86 ; T. Straaban, gravel, 93.60 ; W. Scott, damage to crop through hauling gravel, $2 ; A. Cole, repairing culvert, 95 ; M. Cunningham, lumber, 911.81. The Council then adjourned to meet again on Nov. 122b. W. Creme Clerk. Perth County Notes. Miss Munro, of Stratford, is one of the fourteen mi5sionteriee who left for China recently. W, R. Marshall & Son, of Stratford, shipped 7,000 bushels of apples in bulk Saturday. The now Salvation Army barracks at Stratford was opened on Sunday with greet noise. F. L. Mewing ce Son, formerly of Seb. ringville, have started a fruit evaporating eetablishnaent in St. Marys. The now Methodist church at Iiirkton i5 about completed and will be opened on the last Sunday in October. Miss Agnes Knox, of Se Marys, the eminent young elocutionist, in winning laurels for herself in Scotland. Selvin Brown, of Mitoltell, is the proud possessor of several handsome blank leg - born pullets, that are only tour months old, which have already commeueed to lay. "One of our young ladies—that is one of the young ladies of the town—sports a jersey glittering with 72,600 beads sewed on by her own dainty fingers."— St. Marys Argus. The following mail matter passed through the St. Marys postoff a during the week ending dept. 16th;—Lettere, 4,108 ; poet oards,1,044 ; books, circulars, samples, patterns, &o., 992 ; parcels, 10. Mrs. Towers, of Hibbert, who was wound round a maohinery shaft iu the Weetern Fair buildinge at London and who had all her clothes but her shoos torn off, is all right with the exception of some bruises and has returned home. S. E. Smith threshed 1,700 bushel of grain for Wm. Martin, 18th con., Morn- ington, in ten hours. with his horss•pow- sr machine. Geo, Keith threshed 700 bushels oats, 100 bushels wheat, end 100 bushels peas for Adam Burnett, of Elma, in five hours with his steam thresher. George Green, of Fairview, township of Downie, besidoe carryingg all before him at Kingston for Berkshire pigs, where ho won 21 prizes, including silver medals and diplomas, has also met with the same brilliant success at the Toronto Industrial and the Western Fair at London. A 82. Marys furniture dealer offers a sideboard free to any ample who may decide to be married i n the Agricultural Hall on the afternoon of the second day of the Fair in that town. In addition to tho above another citizen will issue tbo marriage Homos for nothing, and the Rey. Mr. Charlton will tie the knot free of °barge. The fall meeting of the Perth Assooi• abion will be held in the City hall, Strat- ford,on Thursday and Friday, October 11 and 12. The program is thoroughly praatioal, oonsieting of a number of in- teroeting subjoots, to be dealt with alter- nately by Wm, 101152on, M.A., Provin- cial Librarian, and Henry A. Ford, di - motor of Teachers' I/Istitutoo for. the State of Michigan. Two oompanios of what is known eo the Collegiate Digitate Rifles have been faience in Stratford. The sompaniae will be known as "A" aunt "B" compan- ies. The following oalcors have boo., Tuazetted" : A company—let ser ent, T. rnbull ; 2nd. sergeaut, S. Jonson • corporal, G. Scott. 13 company --.-1st so-geant, E, Croly; 2nd sergeant, H. Shaver ; 00rporal, le. Tiffin, On Saturday ovening when Wm, Mar- tin, aged 54, a woll•to•do farmer residing near Carthago in the township of Morn. ington, was returning home from Lista. wel he met some other -rigs for which 11e turned out, and itis waggon wheel .went clown in a ditch about two toot deep and Mr. Martin Was thrown out. IIis team was observed standing in the 3112°h and on further investigation the demented wee found lying where ho had fallen. A. lehysioian WAS called slid niter examine M g, the body pronounced the cahte of Sleigh to be dislooatiote of the nook, { OCT, 8, $3a'xx84Mellre Nen oral flatted. A epecial meeting of the School Board wee bald on Friday evening of last week. Members all presort, Moved by J. Hargreaves, seaanded by F. S, Scott that the following accounts be paid : F. Kelly, repairs $16 03 J. L. Kerr, account 1 65 Education Department , , 2 (1g Moved by A. hunter, seconded by T. Fletcher that the Secretary be instructed to discount nota for 9725 at Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, and retire note due on let of October for $350, proceeds of balance for salaries.—Carried. Moved by J. Hargreaves, seconded by T: Fletcher that Monet, Ross, Hunter and Scott be re committee to visit, or otherwieo notify the parents of children who are not attending school according to regulation that unless they cause the attendance of their children at school this Board will proceed the strictest measures the law allows against them, and also to deal with cases of traanOy in the strongest manner,—Carried. Board hen adjourned to meet the !fret Friday in November. 3E:lertes. Fall Show hero on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Oar old townsman, Wm, Clegg, is arranging to buy grain here this Fall and Winter. Nearly 975 were realized from the union concert of the United Workmen and Foresters. Harry Jossop has tumbled into a for- tune, it is said. He wilt know what to do with it too. E. Haggit, who was arrested for theft was allowed his freedom by Judge Doyle with a cautioe as to his future good be- haviour. It is said we are to be favored with another M. D. in the person of Dr. Fow- ler. It oscura to your correspondent that we have a suf0oiency now. • i.ranaa(iaan Nowie. Snow fell at Mattawa Saturday to th e depth of hall an lamb. Silver ore i5 reported to have been found on a farm near St. Thomas. The total gate receipts at the St. Thomas Fair amounted to 91,258.50. Work on Victoria College, in Blear street, Toronto, will be commenced next spring. The Teeswater Works' by-law for rais- ing 99,000 wan carried on Saturday by s majority of 55. Bread has been raised to 14 cents a large loaf. Coal remelts at the same figure yet at Guelph. For the month of September 1,091 im. migrants passed through Port Arthur for the Northwest on Monday. There is an apple tree near Kentville, N. S.; which last year produced 25 bar- rels of lusoioue gravensteins. It is said that Mr. Evans, the ex -Tory cendedato in Cardwell, is to ba appointed quarantine inspector at Fort McLeod, J. H. Cole, of Alborongb, threshed last weak six hundred and atventy-fivs bushels f oats from nine acres, leaving sown but eventeen bushels. The French Salvation Army say atone- throwina, window•smashing and rotten gg pelting have become a nightly ewer. ranee at Montreal. A dynamite cartridge was found on a trent oar track at Montreal o° Monday ight, but was fortunately removed be, ore any damage was done. The Grand Trunk people say they arried between 40,000 and 46,000 /m- angers to and from the Western Fair ithout the slightest sosideut. It is represeutsd that the Indians of ho Vermillion River district, Athabasca, re starving, and that prompt measures ught to be taken for their relief. The Dominion Government has thus ea appointed ne successor to the late Sir ohn Rose in England, who acted as true - se for the Dominion sinking fund. Israel Lynn, a baker, while on his way o his home in Portemouth Saturday vening, fell off a street oar and was flied, the wheels nassmg over his head. The Hudson Bay Railway Company ow want to take the Northern Paoific argain off Manitoba's handy in return oondras, guarantee on 94,5(10,000 of their b Daring August 19,804 immigrants ar- ved in Canada; total arrivals from San. st, 110,027, an 100rease of nearly 14,000 e compared with the same period last ear, Essex Confer people are grumbling at heir high taxes and at the large Oise of e village debt ; also at the way in whloh e municipal books ala kept and the editing is Sono. Rev. W. T. Hill, B. A. of Kinoardine, as been appointed by the Bishop's Cotn- ission to be Rooter of St. John the vangelest Chnroh (Chapter House,) at o request of the Vestry. The Owen Sound Methodist co0grega• on, finding their present olturoh too 1511 for the oongeogation, propose the wilding of a bendsome adifine west of e river iu Bay ward. It is understood that the Imperial avernment have again conlmunjoatocl h the Dominion Gcvetnmant, wishing know what grant Canada will make wards fortifications and armaments' on e Pacific coast. A Perth (N. B.) despatch says the big *nein which wore 12,000,009 feet of s, whfclt has been blookod up for about nonth, broke away Saturday morning, o timbers being captured at Frederick. n. Ono operator alone is inbereetod to o extent of 9100,000. !Cho Menem' Council has Onbersd an tion against the sureties of the late name of the town to recover. 92,500, e amount the corporation is out by the soonding of the gentleman, The suit omisos be be an interesting one, Tho Parolee Couueil has gone actively" work to soetwe a water sup1ily for eking and fire put -pews. Four (Meths erred there eeeontly within a couple days and the oomotoly caretaker nave y have a fulloral a day. Lever ie the vailiug boouble, 0 rs 0 5 n 0 w a 0 f lc n b ri 1 y t th bb a h h to 511 b lith G wi to to th log log 01 th ttl th RC Tr th ab PP to dri OCC 00 the pre 1888. Number 12. A terribio orin aged ori the upper lakes on 33200et31583'. rA good many vessels were wreckol, i0ulueing the Kingeten barge Brandon, loaded with efa»ltoba railway iron. Four men and a woman from the barge St. Glair were drowned off Port Snnilao, Micil, A oherivari party at Orcltardviile, in Grey county, on getting neither money nor a datum un reply to their domande, set fire to the young man's father's home, and it was burned to the ground, with all he euntorita. The family had to sleep on the edge of the woods that night. The oomutaudfng officer of the i:iih Battalion has sett to England for 1101n0 Morris tubes, withal wilt be inserted in Snider and Martini rifle barrel,' of the battalion, 00 that recruits and junior members can practice target shooting in the new drill hall, llnmilton, during the winter months. IIamilton's recent seseesment shows an inorcase in the population of 1,227, The population of 44. The total value ofr t ealpropertyis vamounts to 910,843,720 ; personal property, $3,- 884,3330 ; income, 5785,630, The total value of roal and personal property and inoomo is 921,863,708, The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge donationof Freemasons of Canada f am theGrand (Lodge of ordered he sum of $200, to be forwarded to the Grand Lode of Florida, for the Masonic Relief Fund gotten up to assist those of the brethren suffering from the yellow fever scourge iu that State. The Horning's Mills correspondent of the Shelburne Free Pres says a young sportsman of that place had a smoking pipe in hie pooket where he had careless- ly left some loose powder. The result and 19 feet 4 nahes, was a byes tualnd pmeasurement, was the jump he hunter is said to bays made. The new hospital at Vancouver, B. C., which was opened the other day, as The Nees Advertiser remarks, "witbout fuss or feathers of any kind," has a total of 85 beds. The building is lighted with electric' lamps, width cell be reduced in power when desired, and in the operat- ing -room these lamps are portable. At Port Arthur Wednesday evening three youths, Fred Adams and Peter and Vincent Rowell, attempted to convert blastiogpowder into gunpowder by pound- ing it. Peter BoweIl was doing the work and the other two gazing on. The powder exploded, injuring all three. Bowell's clothing took fire. They aro now pro- greesingfavorably. Tho Toronto Pslioo It1agistrato, alter argument in the Cox 0080 last Friday, dismissed the ()barge of fraud in con- nection with the 98,000 transaction on the ground of want of evidence. As the Crown Counsel seed they had further evldenee to offer on the 910,000 charge Cox was remanded for a week. It is be- lieved that the failure of ex -Cashier Allan to make hie appearance has upset the Crown's case and that Cox will get °leer of the 910,030 charge also. His bail was reduced to 94,00u, Highwaymen are reporte,l as infesting the lonesome roads lying north of Kings- ville. 'Cho other night two young mon, returning to the village from Walkerville, in a buggy, having considerable money with them, were /tweeted at a lonesome part of the road, about five miles north of the village, by three rough.looking men, one of whom attempted to stop the horse, while the remaining two attacked the omit/pants of the vehicle. A crack of the wbip made the horse jump from the grasp of the robber, and the frightened young men were soon convoyed beyond danger. H. Hull, Wierbon's village constable, WAS brought before Jno. Wood, J.P., of Calpoy's Bay, on Tuesday, oharged with assaulting Wm. Coldwull, a fete days ago, Ib[r. Caldwell was in Wiarton of the above date, the clay the waterworks were opened, and with a number of oMta- zens got doussd with water from the hose. Mr. Ooldwell, however, did not appreciate the joke and picked up a stone to bays satisfaction from the .holder of the hose, who happened to be the constable, who, sexing himself in danger, turned the hose on Mr. Coldwsll, hence the charge. The case was adtourned. The ,Engineering News remarks that the very choicest belt of the Manitoba lands extends for about 200 utiles along the lino of the Oanadian Pacific, being muesli wider than the aorrespondeug belt in Dakota, but for at Ieast 850 or 400 utiles from Winnipeg the region is one of the greatest promise, and is already pretty well settled up at many points. The disadvantage of the more westerly ration is (1) that the soil is thinner, and ) a much more important difference, the surface is about 1,000 feet higher than Winnipeg, wbiob is at the very low albite& of 700 feet. This makes a ma. tenial difference in tho climate ; but, on the other hand, the climate grows mfidor AA the Bookie Mountains are approached, As whole, all this great belt of 400 miles is a region of great promise. A Montreal dospetah to the New York Times says "—"An amusing incident took plane in the court of the Queen's Bench this afternoon in the trial of McCloskey, who had been fleeced by a gambler ami arrested for snatching his tnsuoy off the table. Another galreblor tvho Was called to give evidence and to show the court how the thing was done brought in hie Sable and invited the jury to play faro With him. Chief Justice Sir A. A.Dorion looked clown from the bonoh fn a wistful kind of way, es if he would like to take a hand in himself, but the dignity of hie position prevented. Ono of the jurors; however, waeinduoedio petap his money, and lawyers and court officers crowded around to watch the game, In lose than two minutoa the innocent jiver had lost 910, all he possessed, and the gambler was loopingg around for morn jurors to oonquer, when the Chief Jnstic° pee a etoptothe game and Ordered the gambler to return the money, which he did. NO sooner had he left the court then the High Cotlsbable awolre to the feat that , it wee a direct violation of the petwinoial taw to be fix peseossien`ofgamblang fntple• meets and that ft was hie duty to 851sc them. He euellod rent, but the genitalia' Was gone," . Tlrentfore's a='essment returns show an inoreese of 820 in popsh,4ion and 912. 6,1.80 in wealth, Mr. Caldwell live agreed to withdraw hat resignation and remain the Reform candidate in North Lanark. The Quebec Province A10dieel Board has decided that Indies 117585 be licensed to practice medicine to that Province. The Eluperer of Auetrie us very fond of chamois shooting, and in that sport meet au .lil•fawhioued rrinzele.loading gen. The annual convention of like W. C, T. fo Ontario, will be held in Sarnia, cnnmonning (1.^.t. -N, Ahoat 350 or 300 delogetes 80111 b • present. At Montrone Wedoeaciay thh.1 jury re- turned a verdiet of we altilty iso the owes to Oazo, aaeusod of murder at Coteau Landing. Jae0b,1, the tetegh:Iawaga wife -killer, was ne ltenee 1 to iutprieon- ment for life. The question of the anner.;vti es of the town of Parkdale to Termite has been agitating the rosikeets of the form 'r for some time poet, It Iles now been deuidod to take a vote of the property ow tseu °u file question on Saturday, 2711x. The next subject of internntioual cor- respondenee between Canada and the United States will be the Alaska bound. ary question. Mr, Ogilvie, of the Goo• logical Survey, has been gathering infor- mation on the subject all summer. teeeeneeese.1 Newel. Cholerahas broken out in I1hartoam. Affairs on the Zanzibar coast are grow- ing worse, President Cleveland has signed the Chinese Bill. A British protectorate over the Cook Islands is to be proclaimed. Peaches have been selling fur ten cents a bushel in Barry Go., Kansas. During the year 1887 22,134 persons died from snake bites in India, M. Chevreel, the French savant, who has reached his 103rd year says : "What would 1 not give to be 80 again 7" Chicago Anarchists propose to observe the llth day of November, the anniver. sary of the execution of Spies sod his four companions. A carrier pigeon loft has bsen estab- lished at the United States training station, Newport. The birds are to be used in the naval service. "Yon Bet," the Kansas City pacer, made a quarter of a mile in 20 monde on Tuesday afternoon at the fair gronnds there. This breaks the record hell by Johnston of 29, seconds. Richard K. Fox says he will put up 95,000 on the soldiers' championship contest between Teomer and Kemp. He will allow the latter 91,000 for expenses of his trip from Australia. The Pope on Thursday received several thousand pilgrims, including two thous. and priests. In addressing them he dwelt upon the necessity of the tester- atiou of his temporal rights. Twcyoung Germans in Bertin fough3 a duel with tricycles. Starting at three hundred yards apart, they charged full tilt against each other, with slight injuries to themselves and serious harts to their machines. Their honor was satisfied. Violin, worth 95,000, owned b Charles Dicirerman, of New York, and Misty Way, $4,000, owned by Cyrus IvIetter, of Marion, Ind., were burned to death in the burning of Shockner's stahla at the fair grounds, Louisville, Ky., on Mon. day last. Between Jamestown and Lamours, Dak., a strip of country fifty miles wide has been burned over by prairie fires. Hundreds of small farmer,' enstained losses. Nearly all the hay and wheat in the southern part of Barnes Countr was destroyed. The Russian Government has granted a subsidy of 965,000 annually to a private firm to run a line of steamers between Russian Pacific ports and Corea, Japan Chita, In the event of war the steamers ore to be placed at the disposal of .the Government. The latest German invention is a pro- hibition to exhibit in the windows or shops or to sell any engravings with a legend or title in French. Whenever a German title cannot be engraved with- out injuring the plate ibnelf a piece of pasted paper hides the obnoxious French words and substitutes a German trans. lotion. Sam Wall, a Chinaman, and his Wife, at white woman, aro looked up at the Armory Polies Station, Chicago, charged with bringing white women from Mil. Waukee and furnishing them for wives to Chinamen at 925 eaob. Through their matrimonial agsnoy,it is charged, four or five local Clticamon have been furnish- ed with wives. Lord Duiierin is aboub to make a fere. well tour thruugh the west of India, Eprior to his leaving that portion of the mpire for Rome, where he has beau appointed British Minister. Els Excell- ency ie likely to make over the ohalge of bis office to Lord Lansdowne an Mon- day, the 11th of December, and leave Calcutta the same clay for Bombay, wheuoo he will sail for Europe. At Imuris in Arizona on ,'250002 Sun- day was witnessed a procession of more than 200 people invokiug their Maker to send rain. The procession formed in the old village of Imuris, headed by a priest and several mol carrying a large canopy, marehod to the grevoyard, half a mile web of the town, then bask to the church, whore services were held for S01110 One, That night the rain came down in tereonts, almost ftoodiug the cousitryate. hmrdam claims to have become the chief European tobacco media, 00 00. count of the fine duality of the Sumatra tobacco whittle is brought there. Amore - can cigar menufecbnrsrs aro said to be spe01ally eager to gob thin tabaaoo. Sumatra sent to Holland in 1887 188,000 bales, worth about 918,000,000, of which 95,800,000 worth was purchased byrt;tner. ° lean home. The ,Dutch tobacco coni. pieties Make eeormou5 profits, the div(. ende of the Deli ay Com n havingbeen 100 per cent„ and those ofthe Armlet. burg Company 169 per cent. in a mane veal.,