The Brussels Post, 1888-9-28, Page 8Et-ED(�I�?y��r� 'Tx u:Mee seed et McCracken's. ice' dPAt' hit CnlaArxnT M015008 in tOWO at Skews's, i AMENT Bmos. have orders in for 4,000 �1 , . �, , ajaple barrels. Sfi�1K' i ci L .Lu1,x rely. l will incat u Monuay UJ avenni of net ttcek, 11 u. Ronnxcx is having; a woodshedput up at the roar of his dwelling. It is not now neoesearY to go to Muammar OrEsme,—Our i linory Washington Territory to receive benefit Opening will be on Cot. 4th and 51,11. A. R. Smith. 11 Tno roller mill of Moore. %o vert & leowiolc is running at night es well as day to keep ap with orders, ADAM Goon received this week two bar- rels St. Leon mineral water, This water is extensively used throughout Canada and gives great; satisfaction. QOnnnung silver plated ware, silver table and tea spoons, silver knives and Melts, cruets, berry dishes Sc„ cheap and warranted good at T. Fleteber'e, Brueeels. 11 Tingos TnA'1 ARE rasmONAnLE.—Bad colds.—Fall millinery openings,—Wedd- ngs.—Lots of people to be clots run for Dash. --Fresh eider. --Visiting the big Fairs,—Fall moving. Retail, Para was preaching at Londes- boro' last Sunday for Rev: David Rogers, at one time junior pastor of the Brussels Methodiet church. We think Mr. Paul will have to bo restored to the aotive work next Conference. JEwELLEnx always On band and new stook just opened. Latest styles in broaches, bar pine, earrings, ladies' and gent's sleeve buttons bracelets, gem thaws, gold and silver leck0ts, &c.,at T. Pietobr's jewelry store. Brussels, 11 "Cexthea PALACE."—On Tborsday even- ing of next week there will be a public entertainment at the "Palade" 013 the show ground consisting of vocal and in- strumental music. The crowd generally has a good time at this annual entertain. ment.LAST Monday Rich. Williams disposed of his trotting horse "Dilly" to Terry O'Neil for the handsome sum of 8200, It is said the bores will go to Boston along with "Maud Jones" and other drivera. Dick says he has another fifer in view in Michigan. Tea foot -bridge baa been greatly im- proved by being elevated two or three feet and a longer and better approach put to the west end, D. McNaughton and J. Crawford bad the job in hand. The bridge should escape the high water of the Spring and Fall now. A Joplin= Ames LE1ANON.—Tbia is the name of an interesting series of sketches, commencing in this issue, from the pen of Rev. G. B. Howie, M. A,, pas- tor of Knox church, Brussels. Every- body should read these instructive articles descriptive of life in the East as seen and known by Mr. Howie. The opening ebapter may be read on page 3 of this isane. SEEING 15 BEx,IEvnte.—Last week we reported strawberries blossoming in B. Henderson's garden. On Tuesday of this week A, Stewart, Queen street, who, by the way has a splendid garden, brought to our office a largo fully ripened straw- berry of the second growth. He also brought us some black raspberries just pinked off the bushes. It is not often you see second growth strawberries on the 25th of September. Tu ox Cnuncn.—In consequence of com- munion in Melville church evening ser- vice in Knox ahurob will bo withdrawn next Sunday. Making the announce. m0nts last Sabbath Mr. Howie hoped that alt his congregation will secure and prayerfully rend Rev. J. Ross' sermon on the Home, published in last week's Pon. Oommnnion in Knox church will be dis- pensed on Oot. 14011. Mr. Howie was in Toronto last week officiating at the wed- ding of Miss Isabella Moore and Henry Madden, of Kincardine. Toe Mitchell Advocate rays : Jour- nalism Degraded.—What on earth can be going wrong with brother Jenkins, of the Brussels Budget? Pew, if any, in that village has escaped his lance and al - ,.though an order was issued some time ago to restrain him from aommentfng upon a pending libel suit he kept ham- mering away at the plaintiff until be was committed last week to Goderieh jail for thirty days for contempt of court. As he is -a, geniel fellow, with some ability, we are rather sorry for the position in which he has planed himself, but atilt we cannot palliate his conduct in attacking his local contemporary in his issue of Friday last in the following brutal and inhuman manner. A mon who would drag the dead, as well as a delicate lady, into the arena.of newspaper warfare, merely to wound the feelings of a father and hum. band, who happens to be an antagonist, is deserving of the lash. Hear the wretch :—"Last Monday W. H, Kerr, ex -teacher, ex -preacher, and now the nominal editor of the Poet, lost his child —the only girl. His wife is reported to be in delicate health. The Monday of this week, he was one of a gigling crowd of supposed religious aingere, who piled into a rig in the front of his office. Their destination was to a harvest home or pic- nic at Ethel. We aro afraid our condol- ences were utterly superfluous" MELvmoe Cnunci.—Rev. 13. McQuay. ria, of Wingbam, will preach on Satur- day at 2:80 p. m. Rev, John Wfikfe, M. A., of Indere, India, will assist at lee communion services on Sebbath morning and will also preach in tho evening. A missionary meeting will be held on Mon- day evening at 7:80, to be addressed by Mr. Wilkie. The Canada Presbyterian gives the following account of a reeenb meeting in Guelph :—"The Rev. John Wilkie, one of the Presbyterian mfesi0n- arias to India, now visiting Canada on furlough, gave a moat interesting lecture in Chalmere Church, Guelph, on Wed- nesday night week under the auspices of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. There was a large attendance, Rev. Dr. Wardrope presiding. Mr. Wilkie's leo- 'titre was 111usteetivo of the gociel habits and dress of the Hindus. These were rendered specially interesting by several young people appearing in the actual dresses worn by the Hindus, both male and female, from the Parseee and Bra. hmins down, through all the Castes, to the lowest. There was also displayed Tette a full collection of sampler of needle work, embroidery and inlaid work, eta, all of most exquieite workmanship. The religions onstoms of the Hindue and the Mohammedans and the Buddhists wore oleo described, and ono of the prayer wheels mod by ting Buddhists in their devotion0ir05 exhibited and caused much amusement. The loot= was of a deeply intereet(ngclmraeter throughout, and the dress, eta. erbibited gate one abettor idea Of the habits and customs of the natives of India tban could bo gathered from a long-weit0on description. At, the cloth of the loathed many remained and more ,,minutely examined the articles," from the staters of the MEDICAL, LAKE. This 'Water is now evaporated end shipped to diilerret arta. of the world in packages and I bave the agency for it here. Ittic re- commended (specially for ltheumation Par- alysis, Catarrh, Despepsia and 031g16 Dieoea 00. t you will call at my Drug store you can have a pap eroivinglull directions and testi- mouiateirem peoite year home who hove been boueatted by this remedy. G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, and Fancy Goods Dealer, Brussels. NO REMEDY o gives molt universal vatisfeetion as the COUGH REMEDY manufactured in '"'Ssaforth, called ''-�LUMSDEN & WILSON'S—sea-4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%!% roRoyal Glyoeraied Balsam of Fir4t %%%%%%%% nip°24;%% u1L% a°o,e°U, Its wonderful virtues have crested a demand for the Preparation from all parts of the Province. Drugpiets sell it. Price 50 etc. 17 -Gras. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. s00Ta11RN Ear3 isioN, w. G. & R.E. Trainsleave Brussels Station, port and eolith ae follows:— Going South. Going North. BUD,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7:02 a.m. Mixed ,,..0:30 earn Expresa....,.11:45 a.m. l Hail...0.,:..8:06 p.m Mixed 8:55p.m. I Eapress , 0.40p.18 rniJ env s 4frm s, A chiel's among ye takin' notes An' faith he'Il prent it. "Morn's Choice." Jon line of Melton est Skene's. Eeentoxu1 storms are on the program in the near future. Annum 150 passengers went from Brus- sels to Toronto Exhibition. A row of our townspeople attended the Listowel Fall Fair on Wednesday. SoxOLto meeting of the Brueeels School Board on Friday evening of this week. SAxunnsx excurson tickets to Goderieli and Kincardine have ceased for the sea- son. Gomm C.tltumr has disposed of his driving bores to T. O'Neil. It is a fine animal ANY quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln. Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel. ' W. F. KELLY, Prop. Amnon Bales are coming to the.', front, Sale bills printed on short notice at Tau Posy Publishing House. Houses to rent are scarce in Brussels, so people say. Any body having vacant houses should advertise them. Two more cars of Stewart & Lowick's celebrated flour were shipped this week, their d,0stination being Neve Scotia. ALTnouon great crowds teem to attend the London Exhibition this year only about 20 have gone from Brussels. The tickets were very reasonable, Comes, alarm, strike and time. Wal- nut, bronze and marble imitation, 4. large assortment, warranted good time pieces at exceedingly low prices. T. Fletcher, Brussels. DURING the past week two oars of apples have been shipped to points in Manitoba. It takes about 01.70er bar- rel freight. This will make apples ratb• er expensive in Manitoba. Dirnrnnsu appears very prevalent in Palmerston at present, ten or twelve cases being reported. The families of Conductors Broad, Ross and McCormick are Iaid up with it ar i the Health officer wont allow the conductors to leave the town ore account of it. Some person has milked one of old Mrs. Hall's cows a number of times lately. This is a mean, contemptible triok as the old lady has leer regular customers to supply and depends on bei cows for a portion of her support. If the person has a conscience it should trouble them. A. K. RonsirsoN Shipped a oar of apples to Glasgow, Scotland, on Wed- nesday, and propene to ship two more next Tuesday, one for Liverpool and one for London. The freight is $1.10 a bar- rel from Brussels to Glasgow. G. S. Black, of 13ollet, ebipped a car load of apples on Tuesday to the same place. NVEnL DIOOING AND Deireess.—George Birt bag all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling walla and is prepared to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Terms reasonable, Residence second door north -of the bridge, west side of Turnberry street, Brussels. 10.00 Won was WOULn LIRE To 811B.—Fine weather for our Fair and a big crowd in attendance,—Somelittleattention paid to the splendid springs south of the flax mill and in front of W. Nightingalo's res. idence, AIM!? dollars would construct a small basin.—A caletthenio olaee organ- ized in town whereby the young people could be taught how to stand, walk, &o. properly.—Afew room street lamps put em to enhgbtee the gloom on dark nights. IZYM lloEeL,—Last Tuesday evening a large number of relatives and friends as. sembled at the comfortable briok resi- dence of Robt•, Dickson, Queen street, to witness the tying of the mystical bow 'be - wean W, i'. Kelly and Mise Jennie, youngest daughter of the host. Rev. S. Jonas performed tho Oeremany. Miee Kato Addie, of Stratford, was the brides- maid end Robb. Dickson jr. the grooms. man, Tho bride was tastefully attired Sri a mahogany colored travelling suit. Tho wedding gifts wore numerous, costly and nsoiul. After a Oumptuoue 0(ppout had been partaken of 1'ttr. and illus, Kelly took the night train for London and oth- er plaote on a wedding tour. Test POST mangles its congratulations with the many friends of tbo bride and groom in. Wishing them health, wealth and pros - pod ty. ros•portly. 'I^ THE BRUSSELS POST "MONA'e .Choice." Near DTollday will umber in tl o natant of October. APPLE barrels aro booming this Fall owing to tiie proll& apple crop, EAST Helie' Fall Fair in Brussels on Thursday and Friday, Oet. 4th & 6013, A tame number of fowl wore offered for sale on Saturday and found ready purohasere. TWENTY-FIVE dents, In advance, ethane you Tim Posy for the balance of 1588, Take Advantage of this trial trip. Frn,L line wedding rings (and till now designs made to order) in 18, 14 or 10 kt, lower of mar0ing0 licensee, T. Metall - or, Brussels. 11 LAST Friday the Fire Bylaw at Blyth was carried by a majority of 68. The Ronald steamer din superb work and sat- isfied the moat credulous. Dar Monday afternoon Iuopootor Miller had Wm, Biomes, of Walton, up before A. Hunter, le le„ for violation of the Crooks Act. The case was dismissed, REPAnuNO of watches, Mocks and jew- elry in all its branches warranted to give satisfaction or no charge. 14,B.—Per- owl attention given to all work left at T. llletcher's, Brussels. 11, 11. GAEAT deal of diseatiefaotjon exists among town subscribers to the Daily Globe over the irregular delivery, Once or twice a week they fail to chow up by the noon train, Who's to blame ? On Monday afternoon Charlie Mead- ows was kicked in the fano by one of Beattie Bros. horseshi w oh he was lea.- Bis left aye is in deep mourning. Tho wonder was that he was not lulled. A Ronson steamer will be shipped to Chesley next Monday. The people of that town vote on a By-law on Tuesday. They can't possibly secure a better fire fighter than a Ronald engine. His mon. sy well invested. ED. DONFOnD, merchant t16i1or, bas leased the vacant store in Mrs. Shiel'e block for a term of years and will remove his business there, He purposes going into gent's furnishings, &o. on quite an extensive seals. Theetend is a good one. GRAND Mn,LINEar OraNuNG,--A, R. Smith's Grand Millinery Opening, under the management of Miss Hayward, will be on Tbureday and Friday, Oct. dell and 6th. A superb Exhibition. Every Lady in the land is invited to inopeot our mil- linery. A. R. Smith. 11 Walleye received oommunicatious from W. G. Montgomery, of Neepawa, Man., formerly of Brussels, and Peter Patter. eon, of Antler, N.W.T.. bearing on the lettere recently written by Robt. Arm- strong, of Morris, Ont., but as the (natter bas been discussed at too great length al- ready we bave deoided to shut off the controversy. We will be well pleased to have both of the gentlemen in the west writes us lettere on the advantages of that country, the crops, &c. DIes.—Wo regret that we are called an this weak to record the deatb of Georgie, only son of our townsman G. A. Deadman, a bright, intelligent little fel- low of over 8 years of age. He had been ill with typhoid fever and, taking a bad turn, had not strength to rally, so on Monday forenoon death coaled his lips. In this heavy stroke Mr. and Mrs. Dead- man have the assurance of the sympathy of their many friends, but their greatest comfort will come from a higher power. The funeral took plane on Tuesday after- noon, Theohildren of the Band of Itope brought flowers, out of whish n wreath and boqueb were ,,lade and placed on the coffin of their little comrade, BASE BALL,—Last Saturday afternoon a base ball match was played on Victoria Square between teams representing the townships of Grey and Morris, respect- ively. The play was for a prize of $10 offered by the ease Ball Tournament last July. The Grey team went to the bat first and opened the game with a score of 4 run for their first innings but their good luck did not follow thein and their opponents gradually drew away from them winniug the match by 4 runs and an innings to spare. The Morris boys played better together than the Greyites. This was no doubt owing to the moot of them having played together before. The Grey boys did better work toward the last of the match. There were four school teachers fn the team from the west and two in the Grey nine. George Robertson and P. McNaught composed the battery for Grey township, and R. Agnew and C. Taylor for Morris. W. Grewar, the profereional twirler of the "Echoes," umpired the game most theta factorily. The following is the score :— emir. R, 0, memo. R. 0, Reymann, 2nd b..,2 8 Patter, s.s. 4 1 L,Oemo-on,e,e....1 4 Aanow,p 4 0 Robertson, p. 4 1 Rirkoonnell 5.5,1 8 McNaugkt,o 8 1 Taylor,o 0 3 Work,10t 1, ,,,,,,,.,1 8 Budge, and b. ,,,1 8 Demme. 5. 0 5 Robb,1st b. 1 4 Garter, Brd•b 1 8 Stalker, r.f 2 2 A.Oamerou 1, 5... 1 4 Mettle 1. f 3 3 Burgess, r. f, ,........1 8 Walker, Ord b- ,2 3 Total 14 27 Total 18 24 Innigs, 1 2 8 4 6 0 7 8 0 Morrie, 1 5 2 1 4 2 9 0 x-18 Groy, 4 D 1 0 2 1 1 8 2-14 Goon Rnconn.—Tho "Echo" base ball club hag played 0 matches this season end won 8 of them without any trouble. The opening game was with Palmerston, in which the soon was 20 to 2. On July 2nd they played the "Maitlands" of Brus- sels, winning by 16 to 8. Their next victims were the "Unions" of Wroxeter and Gerrie, who bit the duet with the record 14 to 0. Not satisfied with the defeat a return match was played the following week, but our boys repeated the dose, only a little stronger, viz., 16 to 5, and an fnninge to Spare fn eaoh game. Then at Walkerton the Fergus club ares defeated, having 6 "white- washes" adminietered. The noon book orodited tbs "Echoes" with 17 runs and their opponents 5. At the Bruesole tournament the combined team of Pal- merston, Stratford and Fergus were slattgintered by 0 to 4 and a epeFe innings. Their old friends, the "Unions," also took their "gruel" with a score of 0 to 1 and an innings to the good. Sanderson Saved the "Unione" a complete ehut.out. At lielowel the "Echoes" suffered their first defeat, where they met the "Maple Leafs," of Guelph, strengthened by two of the Galt players. The Leafs con- trived to soared 7runs and theeEohoes" 4. Our lads bad their revenge, however, when they tools the 2nd prizo from the centime,' of Guelph, by a eooee of 4 to 1 and an innings to spare. The excellent battery has been in the hands of Wrn. Grewar and Alox, Brook The work Sono by the bee0mon and fielders was of a firth -ekes order and. to their foam play much of the moose ofthe club is duo, Our boys are heavy batters, safe base runners, find throwers and sure 000031ers. In fact about the only thing they don't de that theme to belong to ball 'pinying is "kicking," Tremens' Aaeoentesee,—A mooting of the East ilorun Te whore' A00alation will b0 hold iu the Public Sohool, Wing. haul, OD Than/day and Fri,lav, ()etcher1 lath and 111th, when the following pro. gram will be presented: Thursday --Fore. inoon session, at 10 o'elook-1 President's Addrese ; 2 Appointment of Oemmit. tees ; 8 )olegate s Report, A, II, Plum- mer ; Writing, W. D. Ltunb, Afternoon Session, at 2 o'clock -1 "The Practiced treatment of English," W. Houston, M, A, 1 2 "'1' le 1'.ot let treatment of English," I'I', loQueton ; 8 Solutions of the Third elan Algebra paper, July, 1888, J. Dlokeou, B, A. ; 4 ,: The Seieltilio treat. anent of English," Wm. Hendon. The oveoing entertainment will oonsist of a public) lecture, subject, "Industrial Edo. oaten, " b' Mr, Houston, 1'ridey— Forenoon lad, at 0o'cleek—Philology, "The Saimaa() treatment of English,' Wm, Houston; Canadian history, "Out- line of the work required by pupils pro. paring for the .L'narence Exam.," Miss Poke; Rhetoric, "The Sciontiflo treat- ment of English," W. 1Iouston. After- noon Session—Outline of "The Lay of the Last Minstrel," J. Ttlrnhull, B. A.; Discussion of the Second class Gremnutr paper, July, 1888, A. Carruthers, B. A. ; Prosody, "The Scientific treatment of English," W. Houston. 2'ho Northern Exhibition. To JaoobSeegmiller Mans toba Govern. Sec. Nor. L•'xhibi• mous Office, 30 York St., Toronto, be t. tion, Walkerton. P n ..1st 1888. DEAD SIn,—In reply to your telegram of yeeterday addressed to Mr, Greenway. 1 wired you today that our Exhibit would be sunt to Walkerton. Please re- serve us a good space. The Exhibit will go to Walkerton from Loudon, and will be in charge of Mr. Alex. Smith. 'Top. ins you will have a euaoo0sful fair. 1 am yours truly, A. J. MOMILLAN. The above letter affords the very grati- fying intelligence, that farmers of Bruce and Grey, are going to be favored with the presence of the Manitoba exhibit at the Walkerton show, to be hold on Tues. day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, of next week, October 2 to 5. The Man- itoba exhibit has been shown at the Provincial at Kingston, the Industrial of Toronto, and the Western of London, at the close of the Western it will be ship- ped to Walkerton. Vast crowds have visited the Manitoba department at all of those big shows, and have expreeeed their delight and surprise at the surpass- ing richness of the products exhibited, and we are sure farmers of this section of Ontario, will in large numbers avail themselves of the privilege of seeing for themselvelethe agrioujtural and mineral exhibit of Manitoba, by visiting Walker- ton and tsking in the Northern Exhibi- tion on October and to 5th. The Mani- toba department alone will be worth the trip to Walkerton. That marvel, "Tile Little World," will also be on the ground. =C=-sr- Ronnm08oN—I0 Grey, on the 16th inst., the wife of David Robertson of a son. CLENNAN.—In Morris, On the 23rd inst., the wife of John Mennen, of a son. MaQaenlnoe.—In Groy, on the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. Hector MoQuarrie, of a daughter. M0CEAo1c0N.—In Brueeels, on the 22nd inst., the wife of Reeve McCracken, o£ a daughter. MCLexeme—In Brussels, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr.. Alex. MOLon- nen of a son. +/LAR'RSBa, Kelay—DIpireme--In Brunie, on the 25th inet., by Rev. S. Jones, &Ir. W. F. Kelly to Mies Jennie, youngest daughter of Dir. Robb. Dioksoe. Dea nocsn—ln Brussels, on the 24th inst., Georgie, onlyson of G. A. Deadman, aged 8 years and 2 months. OAELEY.—In Grey, on the 24th inst,, Georgiaa, relict of the late Thos. Oakley, aged 64 years. Passetas—At Elkton, Mioh., on the Gt13 inst„ Robert Passohl, stepson of Wm, Knechtel, Brussels, aged 27 years and 8 months. A JCTSO 5 SA2,r7503- WmDNAeDAY, OcT. 8.—Farm stock and implements, on lot 1.4, con. 4, Morris. Sale ab 10 o'clock a. re. Without reserve. Wm. Shedden, proprietor, Geo. Kirkby, auctioneer. Bsm3Cw0). Fall Shows will be held this 000201n 00 follows .• Milvertou, Oob. 2 and 8. East Huron, Brussels, Oat. 4 and 5, Morris Branch, Blyth, Oct. 10 & 11. East Wawanosh, Bolgeave, Oat. 8 and 9013. Diana, at Newry, on Thursday, Oct. 4th. Exeter on Monday and Tuesday, Oc- tober 1 and 2. Godoriob on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 2, 8, 4 and 5. connnorxn OAIIEF00 00 2156a0 103300x. Ball Wheat 95 1 00 Spring Wheat 95 1 00 Oats 80 81 Peas 57 58 Barley 45, 55 Potatoes 85 00 Butter, per lb 15 16 Eggs, per dozen 14 00 Apples, per blithe' 65 00 Bogs, dressed ... 6 50 7 00 Beef 4 50 5 50 Hey ....... 8 00 9 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 3 60 Sheopekins, each 40 75 1 r3`z'eramemsa5i feet -1 zeMermen, 1011115100140 0351111307,33 115171, W11g1t. Fall Wbest .. , ........ 95 1 OS Spring Wheat..... , . , .,.. 05 1 00 Barley .,-, 45 00 Oats 30 101 Poeta .., 60 01 Butter, tubs and rolls, .. . 15 16 EgElours per der bergn II 00 oi,, 5 00 00 Potatoes 835 00 ;:ray per ton .. 1) 00 10 00 Irides per Ib., ....... , , . 4 6} Salt per bbl., who]onnle,,. 60 80 Sheep skins, each 00 1 00 Wool, per Ib. 18 22 Perls a 25 G 50 SEPT, 28, 1888. 0rarussapw THE PErIPIEE'oa COLUMN. I BANKING. r ' T4,NT1+,T) MIME])]. ATi"LY..—j '0 W Ii.11 purn,u to act 4e nu,,,e or at•, re cooking or .A.Dn work Apply at filo rosWunuo el G A. D14A3)MAI•r. 0000.05 (-IAMB ON THE PREMISES S J of the uodorrigned,lot 6, con, 7, flay, 613 01.336010 ,luno 1st, a two your old heifer, I Theowner is requested to prove pro party, pay charges and take Lox away. 10.4 JOHN lOARN1:Y. �STRAk..) Y10 1) FRO:\ 711E PRE M- 171170 of tl,e 0 e0orsignnd, lot 09, enc. 0, Morrie, in the month ul May laid, 0 heifers and onesteee,(tilo eto0r raMieslno a hull In oro Load, red ••rith redo W0100 spate(1 3,0010• or 10 rad 7n color, 1 red, with 10)131,, 013 sack and face, and 1 yellow with whitsbelly and white 005000 tha bhld snorters. Aur ht• lolmatlnn regarding the above will be thankfully received. There are also 3 stray cattle 04 my 0005511000 at present, all Ll ear olds, Thal' aro 2 holfer0 and 1 steer. JAN, 8134.100, Bro sans P.O. 6.01 Caveat's ,Ole issues aad'Prado Barks scoured and ail other patent onuses in Ole Patent Odlee awl before: the Courts promptly and meetly Attended to. Upon reosipt Dr mod. el or sketch of invention, I magic careful 0xnminatlou,and advise as ho patentability Free of Charge, Foes moderato, and felake 100 charge un lass patent to 0ucarea, Inform- ation, advice and spoolal references sent on apilloation, J, R. LI-pT1r,AL, Washington D.0., U S. Patent 0Moo, 10- ESTATE. nTl�"I �: 'u' z,�. �IIIOICE FARMS FOR SALE.— A few splendid, improved farms for soloist Morris and MoKlll j,, 4.pply ownehto A Df•100 LGATTY, Oa. Auetteacel Bruns1l0P 0. PARA' FOR SAL11.-TITE SUB• • 506171011 offers hla valuable 100 aero tarm,beinglot 3, con. 18, Grey Township, Heron Oo., Mr sato. There are about 50 soros eleared aid in good heart. Thera is c log house, good bank barn, boating orchard, and all the neooseary9 conveniences on the premises. For further particulars, as to pr�ice, terms, 000„apply to the Proprietor, T808. If/SLOP, Mare P. 0., N, 1V, T.. or to 2.18 DOTIGALD 8T10ACHAN, Brussels FARM POR SALE OR TO 00-aoro farm, lox 25, eone . 7 B1Morrioffers sale or to rent. There are 60 acres oloarod and under crop, The buildinge 00usis1 of n Immo house, franca barn, 50. Thera is also an orchard of nue nom Geed wolf. There axe 10 spree of fall wheat in this fall. For further partioulare as to 'trio°, tome, ,20., applyto the Proprietor.0,tJOHN WTR.INSON, Brueoels P. 0. lk.UC'l'ION SALE OF A FIRST Class Macro Farm, being lot 0, con. 10, Grey,on the premises, on Fn10Ar, Our. 12th, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. m. Well improved and in a good (tote of cultivation, Is within ono mile of the thriving village of Brussels, on a leading gravel road. Ton acres of fall wheat in We fall, Terms made known on day of sale or on application to either 110 proprietor or auctioneer. Aram, DELe4.TTz, Auctioneer. 1BORT, MONAUGHTON, 0 San Proprietor. WARM IN GREY 'TOWNSHIP • FOB U W1. Bo01301ot14, 00 n. 10 con- taining 100 Rens. It is partly cleared. the balance well timbered. A never failing creek °regeee the place and itis well adapt o4. for Either farmingn, or grazing. I will like- wise ee114osoros, being soot part oflot 14, 00x,10, clearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation. A good frame barn. with a good stone stable andernea0h and a 71e6700 failing wolf is also ou the place. For further particulars apply to the proprietor "i the place, This lot is 061300100 Duo oth- er GEORGE AVp111Y, Proprietor• 1.00 NTALUAI3LE FARM FOR SALE • being the south half of lot number 801n the 4053 conceal= of the township of Morrie, known as the homestead of Archi- bald Taylor, containing uinety-nine acres. Ninety segos aro cleared, the balance wood- ed with valuable timber. Excellent build. logs, large orchard of choice trees, satI In good oonditlon andis situated ono and a Quarter miles north of the Village of Brae - sale, on the plain gravel road. This is one of the finest homestead farms in the County of Huron and will be sold at a bargain and ou terms to suit purchaser. Fox further partioulare apply to the Proprietor. A. M. TASL0N, ManningArcade, Toronto, or 10 AROBIBALD TAYLOR, 813., 013 the. prom- loeo. tf- FARM FOR SAE. The Executers of the estate of the late WILLrmloM000ir, 005qumu,deceased, now offer 111e following valuable lands for sale, viz. 7—The north half of lot 27, and the west half of the north half of lot 2B, both in the Otto ooeaseolorl of the Township of Morrie, County of Huron, eon.ainiva 180 aaros. About 110 agree ere cleared and in good condition, the grantor part being in gross. The balance is well timbered, °Melly with be0ch and maple. This farm io favoxabry situated within one Milo of the vilingr of Bru000ls, whish affords an excellent market, There 10 upon the premises r. good frame bare and house on orchard of choice !raft tress, a Haver [tiling spring, also 1t good well and tune. and good fences, This property will bo oold in oneor two newels, to suit intending purohusere. Purahasor pill bo allowed to outer and haus nice of house on promisee at any time after harvest and to do fall plowing. Full posses - 0102 will be given at let Novambor next, For terms and further particulars apply to Oho undereigued Executors, or to Tann MaoNn'r, Deo., Brussels, Out. George Cardiff, Dickson .0 lfays, lExooumono. Dated at Bru000ls, June 18th, 1803, 00 MORTGAGE SALE OF Two Valuable Farms In the Townships of (wrap and Morris, is the County of liurmt. Under and byylrtue of the powers of solo contained In a certain Mortgage, which mortgage will be produced at the time of Salo, there Will bo offered for talo by Pubho Atmtion, at the American hotel, In the Village of Brumfield, ole Wednesday, October 37'd, '88 AT 2 o'ciocx r, Ar„ tho following Properties •Township of Gray—Lot number Four, In the Fifth Conooseiou of tbo TolvnOhip of Grey, containing Ono Hundred, Aeroe mere or 1005, of wlitoh about 16 eons are cleared 504000o from etumpe, the remainder volt timbered, snitablo for building, femme and gemmed. Tboro to said to be a lOg 010000 on the lot. Township of ilon'rls—The Nor0h.half of lot uumbor'TTwauty.nina, in the CM Conoco - Sion of the Township of Mortis, containing no OilundrodAoroe mora Or loam, of wllioll about B5 aeries are 010ar0:0 and 75 310i'os sbimpoI tun remainder well tlmbOred - with boaeh and maple, On the lot there are said to be a large frame house, in: good. repair, log barn, frame stables and granary, also an orchard of ,,tout an mora. Both of blase farms aro eltuatod in prow porous 0ot*tetnenta,and ,vithiu a short dim. lance -of Brussels, a good market, TnntlO as °ill1.--Onoaon0h of tho puroha00 money on the day of Selo and the balance Within thirty days. Phrea.fourttte Of Oho ptirOhato money may remain On Mortgage. Each 10000111110 offered fabled 00 a x000080 bid. Por tnrtllorpartioulare apply to Kerr, Mtiefl Haid, l0 Wldson .0 Colonel**uon'n SO0.lorrons, k O , 101lfatalhY II'"ilC T u a 'gs, cro toBt.,Torontc Onto Alax, fiutit*rA,u0b105. B•4 131:000%116 50e, j1 [oINTOSII & TAGGA BANKERS .;. BRUSSELS Transact a G'ener'al , Eanktng Business, NOTHS DI800UNT78D, 1"•.0011i3011 and 'United '30nte:, Draftsh"ugbt 0,0.1 sold. lutenist allowed on derogate. Collections made on favorable terra. Canadian Agents—MEn0nn1T's BANK. QV CANADA. Now York Agents--It(FOoTEnt4 AND tea/m- il 718 NATIONAL GAME, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. iv D?. SINCLAIR SOLICIT - m'. OOnvcynnc0o,, Notary Public, Iergro ,v a' Dru Store. relento I enols to Loan. E. lir A D 1;, BARRISTER, • Solioltor sad Notary Public. Con- vevaooing. Collections and Loaning„ Mr. Wade .0111:Mend In Gerrie ovary 1Vodnee• day attar° o'clock, T\TOKSON S; MAYS, rich) (tato with Solicitw o Solicitors, ynnoors, 50, ORloc, .110000 Block, Bru5s0lo- kloney to loan. 1t. S. 'SAYS, W,13. DIORSON. AM. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., BAR- D1oke0n zaxEA&soifa Taylor,' of tBaa irtmo oaf Senators, &o., Manning Arenas, Rang Street 'Vest, Toro oto. 0000031 00 loan. ALEX, HUNTER, OLERE OF the Fourth Dlvielon Court,0o, Huron. Oonveyaneer, Notary Public, Land, Loon and lnsuranoo Agent. Funds invested 1101 to loan. Oo,leotrons made. Office in Gra- ham's B look,B r uesel0. 1'3° `731/14, GUNN/Ng,, I0017114110E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. CALE, M.D., 0. M. Member ofthe College ofPhysioians and Surgeons of 0ntaato by examination, Office and Roeidouo—Main St. host, Jttbo Ontario. A. A1oNAUGHTON, • 0.1d., 7,.10. O. P. Edinburgh, M. 0, P. S. Ont. At Hargreaves' Drug Store 150111 0 to 11:90 a.m. and from 1:00 to 4 n. m. At e residenee formerly o0011 hours 1110dbyDr. found at t o 1Iutcuinoon, 11011 strait. DENTAL. G. L. Ball, L. D.1„ Honor Gra.lnato and 0, D. S. Toronto. Vit,tlizod Air given B. R, Mortes, D. D. S., Assistant Operator Orman—.tloyore Block, Seatortb, DJIeNCIIOW E'. ,"W,J. Pear, L. D S.Graduate ofTo- ronto School of Dentistry, All oper- ations guaranteed, OOloo—Oady's Bloch, Soatorth, Artiaolultootb, aretluality, ands guaranteed ilt,for $12.O0per sot,3 plc DeTOt'Iim1 e. ]7 .A, S2.A.13TS2[', Z On. g„ Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. NLTose 0x64 Gus adminlobered for the painless extra°. tion of teeth. OEF1C8,—Ono Dor North of the stunk. AUCTIONEERS. (`l EORGE IKIRKBY, LICEN- k.A 5Rn Auctioneer. Sales conducted on ronoonabio terms, forms and farm stook a specialty. Orders lett at Tae Poem Publish- ing House, Brus0ols, or sant to Walton post ofaco will receive prompt attention. ALEX, DEppLGATTY, AUCTION - the shortest is lnatio. A ared to noel lty mto ade on sales of th0rongh-brad stook. Terms made known be application to Tut Poem Publish- ing House, whore orders may be /eft, or address to Brussels P O. 1SA RAYMANN AUCTIONEER, a ie always ready to attend sales of farms, !arm stool, 4.:o, Terms cheerfully rang d at nUrook Tun 9P,oar Publishl g .liouso Bresnoln. BUSINESS CARDS. H. Mo0RA01i]7N, ISSUER V' 7 e of Marriage Licenses. Of$oo at his is ISS O'CONNOR, TEAOEIER LT E. of 11a710 and Organ. Terme on ap7/11- natlon. an N. Fridnoat Afro, D. Campeverye, Walton,, 7/Q•ISS HARGRF,AVES DESIRES 1WA, to rooeive pupils for instruc- tion on the PIANO and ORGAN. 6 years Experience, Residence with hire. Jint. 0roaves, over MARE REAVES 1011,OG S'''cold;, no5,1yr I.. .N.1BA1RRETT, TONSORIAL Artist. Shop, boot door south of A, M. McVay 4.k dao. bar aware there, Ladies' and ohlldren's hair putting a specialty. A chole° otoch of cigars kept. tioNAI0, ISSUER OJo' MAR - a ring() Licensee, by appointment of Lioub.-Governor, Oonnroeloner, 50„ f,l, R. Ooayeyanoor an'm d Agent Fire lntnra100 Cc. Odloo at the OranbrookP out 07$00, EODDIOE, HOUSE, S1GN. and Ornamental Pointer, Graining Gilding, Sign and Decorative Painting 171 7411 iia branches. Shop )hinds done up in style. Papo5Han iuga specialty. Shop ono door eolith of t, B0105r0' Cazriago Works. �i W. O']31t N, V. 8,, I10N.011 e Graduate Of the Ontario Veterinary Oellogo has resumed the practice Of Joh Nett, V.8,, and le prepared to treat ail Cs WOOS of donlOebicatod animals on eoientidp atemelaooia/011sotorlicaepltswoFs Notch df Bf ldg0,2urnborrystrest.