HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-9-21, Page 8elliatet ti`;' TI% It is not now necessary to go to Washington Territory to receive benefit from the waters of the MEDICAL LAKE. Win 'Water is now evaporated and shlppod to different parts of the world in penmen and I hero the agency fur it hero. 11 is ro- oomuoended especially for Rheumatism, Par- alysis, Catarrh, l,o,pepsla and Skin Diseus- osTf you will can at my llrog Store you 0021 have 0 paper giving full directions and toati- moaiolafrmn people near house who have boon benoatIed by this remedy. G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, and Fancy Goods Dealer, Brussels, NO REMEDY aim COUGH R1EMEDYiversal s manufactured atisfaction as the n Seaforth, called ' - -- LUMSDEN & WILSON'S s Zs%%.`,'O%N% %%•%`,V,e°V9: tl,%%, a - ,1 Royal Ilyoorat l Balsam of fir %'Visa u%;','1v%,;''°^,9c`i'%,%%%v"v N?o v;ol% Its wonderful virtues have created a demand for the Preparation .from all parts of the Province. Druggists sell it. Price 50 ale. 17 -Goss GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, 5OCTI1E110 ExrENSION, W. 0, & B. n. Trainsleave Brnssals Station, uort and 00nth los f0110WHn— HOWE & HERMISTON', the firm. now rum- GoingSoulh. Going Worth. Hing the Brussels Woolen Mills, have Mali 7:02 a.m.Attract 0.80 a.m added some new machinery and are pre - Express 11:45 am,I Mail 8:00 p.m paring to boom things as theyhave Mixed 8:55p.m. I Empress 0:45P'm never been before. They have good stock of tweeds, blankets, yarna, knitted goods, &c, on hand and the proprietors ask a share of the trade of the public. Titrorur seed at AioOraoken's, New tubeoribert aro coming to front nearly vvor}• day. 3, A,.1''Rtt:NE has taken charge of flay. croft & Turnbuit's peddling wagon for thin Fall. TBE passenger trains from the e have been slightly behind hand sin the big Taira have been ou deok, A NEW kitchen has boon added to dwelling occupied by J. M. O'Connor Thos. Ballantyne, owner of the proper AN attractive stook to select from, v nes equal to any in the trade, oorr and liberal terms to good men, B. Smith, Tar; Board of Health should look at the drain ou Turnberry street at F. Rogers' store. The aroma from it very "loud." A nMN» of gypsies has been doing t town this week dispoeiug of tinware a hum and trading heroes where opportu ity offered. last harvest Excursion.— Brussels to Delornlue only $28.00 on .Sept 28W. Goal EDT two Mont 110 Get through tl niters and through checks trate G, T, It. Station Agent, brussels. 2-2 .Tears C•LEao shipped a carload cattle to 'Montreal and a carload of she to Black Rock this week. Jno. Boddi sent a carload of lambs to Black Rook Thursday. A. K. RonnnTscm, o£ MOTTis, arrly home from Scotland last Weduesd night. Mo Mildly remembered the edit of Tun Pon by bringing hint a rho Walking stick. WE would say to those who are not the habit of buying tram us, we will p aur goods before you witbout wasting yo time and whether you bey or not you will meet with Civility and courloous treatment, A. 11. Smith. THE Harvest Home Thanksgiving ser- vices in the Methodist church will be held on Sabbath, Beth inst., as previous. ly announced, Services at I0:80 and 0:30. The Harvest Home Tea will not take place on the following Monday ev- ening owing to another meeting lent will be held on Tuesday evening. THE BRUSSELS POST C»EArxe2Meltousin town at 8dseue'e. + Rev. A I Smith and son, of Wroxeter, the An.'eM Gown is receiving ills Fall boots and Bliss Watt" of Woudetook, were in and sheet, Arany of then) areltandmake, town on Thuroclay est 83 pp 1ear 1obdiehiug house. the A eoo.oAn of applee, containing 150an. by barrels, was Bent to Delaraino, M, ty. this week by Angus McMillan, al- Ili. i 00, all the newest shades and rest mattes, Jet, Fur and Braid trimmings, A. Buttons, Ituekiee and Clasps at A, 12. Smith's, ter Irrr> nESTrxe discourses were preaobed C. in Knox and Melville churches last Bab. is bath by Reeds. Messrs. Linton, of Tees - water, and Stewart, of Belmore, m- ho speetively. nd Qrrria a curiosity was an eslribition n• )foie, Hendoreon's garden this we viz., that of a strawberry plant bloom' This is the fourth time this aeeson theta to bloom. Tnnourlookfor the fire engine Wein was never much better and J. D. liontt of ie cotlsrantly receiving letters aekiug ep information concerning his world. Olt 11OWned tuaohinee, on S0)IETI11N0 over 150 persona have go to the industrial Exhibition this year, ed to date, from Brnesols station, T ay greatest number going any ono day w or 40, and thin was on Wednesday of rn week. Ox the inside pages of this wee in Poe in addition to the story "From J ut to Earnest," may be found a very int UT eating sermon on "Tho Enemies of t Home" by Rev. 3, Rose, B.A. the e pr' list of the East Byron Fall Show, an number of readable selections. - 1. 0. G. T.—About 25 members of Sone of Temperance of Ethel paid a f tercel. visit to the Lodge here last To day evening. An enjoyable evening w put in, Misses Annie Rivera, May $ Edith Hill and Lizzie Roddick and Mess Blasbill, Roddick, Miller, Buyers, Hoo Langdale, A. 11. Smith, Tompkins a Ball contributing readings, recitatio and music. The Ethel coatigent al added several numbers to the progra Refreshments, is the shape of oak lemonade, fruit, &c. were dispersed. Le P131.1: BLAST. --One day this week we made a visit to Wm. Ross' roller mill to ascertain the improvements lately made. We found the new roller process of flour making had superseded the old time stone process and everything was running like olookwork. To give a minutedesoription is not out objeot, even were we well enough acquainted with machinery to do eo, but will mention what is to be found in the various departments. On the grinding door are nine pair of rolls, four of which are used for the breaking or re- ducing of wheat and five for the redaction of middlings. Ail are coupled together and driven from one end with Greey's improved rope drives. On rho bolt Boor are seven circular reels for the separation of the different °insects of stock and dress. ing of flour, two middlings purifiers and one wheat cleaning machine with the necessary shafting, gears and pulleys for tra.,amitting power to the different ma• chines. In the attic are four reels for the separation of the stook from the break rolls, one wheat cleaner and the heads of fifteen .'levators with their boots resting on the basement floor where there is also one wheat cleaner, shafting, gears and pulleys in supplying the power to the. machinery, Wm, & J. G. Greey, of To- ronto, supplied the necessary plans and machinery, and C. 0. McEwen, of the same place, superintended the millwright. ing. Mr. Ross says he does not belong to the Millers' Association nor does he in- tend to. He counts on doing a large trade this Fall and Winter. A mot eidOWttlk has been guilt to Presbyterian manse. The old one era regular man.trap. Aproxort sales are coming to the fro Sale bills rioted on short notice at TW. I', Sun r the t whoWent t, eat tD CAlif01'nia s e, four or five rears ago, is ixpeeted home for a visit this Fal1. nt. 'Mr. L'pilett, and wife, of Blanchard iE township, were renewing old aoquaiut- anroe in town this weep. Mrs, A, G. Deadman, of Dolawnro, and Mrs. Dutton, of Stratford, aro at 0. A. Deadnlall's helping Dara for the sick. Mee. Ste rling Parr and fancily have gotta to MinldOttpolis, Wit„ whore she will join her beeband who is olnployod there. Jno. Barnhill and wife left this weekfor Los Angelos, California, 100 wish then a pleasant trip and an enjoyable Visit. Charlie Dutton is expooted back from Stratton) this week and Murdt Alcamo - in nen will then go to London to fill his new ek, position, ng. , Alex. Brook has tome back to town for and will be employed at the Enterprise Salt 1Vcrka. The base bn11 slab will be 050 , pleased about this a4 Alex. ie a general lel favorite and aft ,A ,l base ballist, for , Afro. W. B, Dickson and )Hiss Kate re. Cormack leave Blindly for Melena, Mon• Lana. W. 13. Dickson has entered into ne partnership with an old established up ; lawyer dello!, city. He will find W. B. ' he ! the "olearqui'1" every time, as The Algoma Advocate . sayer-- "Mr. thie and AMrs. Proctor and family, who hove lately been visiting at Air. IIarris', have k's departed for 81111.11.14. Miss Lizzie Harris est lits accompanied them and intends spend. or- ing the winter among her Trionde on the he frontier. me In addition to Mrs. Deadman aud Miss d a MoNaie, reported in Last issue as clown with the typhoid fever, Mr. Deadman the and the throe children have also taken re- the fever. Little Georgie is said to be es- dangerously ill. We hope they will all as be restored to health and strength. Ke John Livingeton, wife and family, Mar- rs. eolm MoCutcheon and ,Tamee and Wm. 4, Pollock left Brussels last Tuesday for nd Atoka, Indian Territory, where they will ne be employed in coal mining. Mr, Living- s° eton has a friend out there who smelted m. him employment at$8,5o per day. Messrs. e, MoOutoheon and the Pollock brothers were lately out from Scotland. tool civ pins. A chiel'e among ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. Jos line of Melton at Skene's, Tao 7 o'olock p. m, closing ie falling through in town. THEY have came those New Fall Dress Goods, Silks, &c, A. R. Smith. E. A. MeoTsN, L. D. 0„ has moved his office to ono door north of the Bank. THOSE who like BIack Tea should try Adam Good's. The flavor i0 very Erne. 0 Are quantity of fresh limo at the Kiln. Brussels, for 11 cents a bnehel. W. F. Know, Prop. A. R. Sumo bas a Erst-class mantle - maker and has on hand a grand stock of mantle clothe. Owrso to the large number of bush foes the smoke in town was almost on. bearable last week. Toscttoas,—T have a prime Iot of to. matoes for sale. Now is the time to secure them. ' Taos. KELLY. 0 A NOME= of Brusselitea will take in the Western Fair next week. The man- agers are making great preparations for a big time. COAL stove for sale, also a wardrobe, dining room ohairs, &c. May be seen at the residence of W. 13. Dickson, Eliza- beth street. ne-tf A RoxeLn steam Ere engine was taken to Blyth on Thursday of this week to show the people of that burgh what the valuable machine Dan do. Tan store and dwelling lately vacated by Mrs. Alexander is to rent. The loca- tion is the best in town. The toy may be had at Ton Pon Publishing Rouse. 0 TIM 'Warton waterworks were com- pleted on Wednesday of this week and were tested to the satisfaction of every- body. The employees of the Ronald Works have come home and are hard at work at the foundry. Den.—On the 10th inst. Wm, Hen- don died at Banff Springs, where be had gone for the benefit of his health from Vanoonver. His complaint was dropsy. His wife, a daughter of Alex, Bruce, of this plane, and a little daughter are left to mourn the lose of a good husband and kind father. Abell Goon has published an interest. ing book of 50 pages, containing a lot of Eret.olass recipes, advertisements of local business men and a price list of goods kept by himeeif. The books are given away, ono going into every household in this section. It will prove invaluable to many a housewife, WELL Dlaofuo AND DemLneo.—George Hirt has ell the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepared to attend to all work entrusted to him in away that will insure satiefaetion. Terms reasonable, Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry street, Brussels. 5-tf RE's neon nra8,—An exchange says ;— A professional beggar named McIntyre, Skid to be from Para, has been soliciting alms in Stratford for some time and may be expooted here in a few days, He claims to be grievously afflicted with the palsy, but as it is well known that he is already comfortably provided with this world's goods he should get a Wide berth. LAST Sabbath Rev. A, W. Tonge, of Blyth, occupied the Methodist ohureh pulpit in this town with a great deal of acceptance. Mg morning discourse wag based on the subject of Christian Per- fection, and in the evening his text was "Behold I stand at the door and knock, &e." Although suffering from a severe Bold the rov. geniteman disooursod very effootivoly with pleasure and profit to )lig auditors. PoeTAL CIfANdE,—I1 it understood that the Postmaster -General has decided not to enforce, in future, the regulation under which it has been required that the regia. Ration charge made in the case of regis. tared 'lettere should be prepaid by a special registration stamp. Hereafter, therefore, any letter posted for registra. tion, bearing upon it ordinary pottage ()tamps of sufficient amount to cover the °barge for registration, in addition to the postage charge, may be registered and sent forward to its destination. The ohango will doubtless bo appreciated by country people, Who have heretofore, in many caeet, suffered fitconyenienco by beim( oompelled to go a long distance to obtain regiBretiolt stamps. LAST Wednesday night a cow belong- ingto G. Beer had one of her hind legs disjointed. Two gashes were cut in her leg as if with a knife or an axe. Blood was found in and around a hole in the lot, which wonld make it appear tbe animal got into this hole. We don't like to believe anybody is malicious enough to commit such a deed, more especially as Mr. Beer is a highly respected citizen. The cow was killed and buried on Thursday. Femmes' Pic-N1cs. —Next Wednesday A pie -Die In connection with the East Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in Smale's grove, Wroxeter, commencing about 10:00 o'clock a.m. After dinner addresses will be delivered by Dr. Mac- donald, M.P , Thos. Gibson,M,PP.,Thos. Strachan, ex -Reeve of Grey township, and President McFadden, A pleasant time expected. On the following day a similar gathering will take plane in Mrs. Kerr's grove, near Fulton's hotel, Mc- Killop township. Jno. McMillan, M.P., Thos. Strachan, Il. McFadden and oth- ers are expected to deliver addresses. With good weather a large crowd is an- tioipated. Thos. Farrow, ex -BLE., and Co. Treasurer Relines are invited to speak at the pie -Hies. RAcn.—The half -mile running ra00 between Beattie Bros. roan pony, of this town, and Northgraves' mare, from Lis. towel, drew quite a crowd to the race course last Saturday afternoon, The first beat was taken by the more, win- ning by about two lengths. In the next trial the pony won by about half a neok. The mare cast a shoe while running this heat, which somewhat interfered with her speed. The third and last heat was taken by the Listowel beast. There was no fooling about the running as both racers were put through fox abont all they were worth. Robb. Denbow rode Beattie's pony and Northgraves' son held the reins on the mare. The judges were Ruse. Hay, of Listowel, and T. Hall and A. Romig, of Brussels. Quite a number of Listowel people witnessed the race and banked the mare from their town. It appears she is 15 years old, is an old timer on the turf and hoe won a good many sees, but not many warmer ones them Saturday's ram. The time made was Cot), e8 and 54 seconds, respectively. C011an5TEn.—Last Saturday's Toronto Empire said :—"Grant v. Jenkins,—Mo- tion on behalf of plaintiff to oommib de- fendant for contempt for disobedience of an injunction order restraining him from continuing to libel the plaintiff in his paper, the Brussels Budget, Aylesworth for the motion, Echlin, contra, asked for an enlargement until Tuesday next. Counsel in support of the motion object- ed thea several enlargements at defend. ant's request had already boon granted, and that meantime he continued, in boastful disregard of the injunction, his most viruleut aspersions of the character of the plaintiff, not merely in his official but in his private capacity. Order made that the defendant be committed to the common gaol of the County of Huron for 80 days." The eaee was heard by Judge MoMahan. Deputy -Sheriff Gundry was in town on Wednesday and tookMr. Jen. king to Goderich. The Toronto World of Saturday notes the ease as follows ;--- "Before Judge MoSotahon, sitting insingle court yesterday, A. H. Newton Jenkins, editor of the Brussels Budget;, for con- tempt of court. The application is made at the instance of Mr. Grant, the post- master at 1321%50)0, who has brought au aetioil for libel against the defendant, claiming 510,000, The defendant ill hie newepapor charged the plaintiff with 000. oral grave offences in hie official capacity and private character, and continued in each iesue of his paper to comment upon the matter alter it was sub jodite. An appeal Was made to Judge Rose for an interim injunction to restrain the defend- ant from publishing comments on the case before the trial, which wee vented, in defiauae of the Order of the court, Jen. kine continued to abuse the postmaster in the columns of hie paper, and the plaintiff accordingly applied to the carrot to punish the defendant for refusing to obey Jedge Rosea injnnotiob, The trlaI will be held at Gederioh at the emit as- sisee. In the nitontime Judge Afalabon dooided that the editor should (spend the next thirty days in the common jail of Huron County for hie contempt andli1 . wise pay all the ooefs of the present pr • esedifl e n, '4lrl5t41ilarr Noe v./H. Another telephone cable is to be laid amiss the river from Windsor to Detroit. Thos. R. Manners, an old Strathroy boy, has been elected president of the East Side Bank, a new institution which has just been launched in the City of New York, A tall man disguised with a large dark false mustache entered' the house of Mrs. Waters, a Bothwell widow, Sunday night in her absence and, tying up her son, a 18 -year-old boy, with a rope, rifled the premises. The thief was in search of $80, but only secured $1.50. The fifth animal convention of the Un- dertakers' Association of Ontario began in Shaftesbury Bail Iast week, President Robertson, of Seaforth, presiding. Mayor Clarke welcomed then to the pity, and President Turner, of the Toronto branch of the Association, also delivered an ad. dress of welcome. The Secretary's ro. port stated that the Dominion Burial Case Company continues its agreement with the Ae000iation to recognize as le. gitimate undertakers only those who be- long to the Association, but this did not prevent non-members from obtaining all the goods they need from manufacturers. The number of members. is 460, an in. crease of 40 during the past year. The report of the Treasurer showed that the balance in hand at the beginuilig of the year was 5648,48, and receipts from dues and admission fees 51,031. The expendi. taro was $1,002.69, leaving a balance on hand of $674,74. Papers of interest to the Association were afterwards read and discussed, '0 People We Know. Miss Hawkshaw, of Seaforth, le visit. ing Vire, Soli of this town. Mies Maggie mid Sarah McGuire were at the T'orbnto Exhibition thin week. Mas, Fletcher has been under the deo. tor's care this week but is improving now. Mrs. W. II. Leech, of Coder/oh, was the guest of Mrs. T. G. Holmes 0111, week. Mtg. Jno. Ilnycroft is at Teeswator visiting her (laughter, Mrs. D. 0, For - mon, Miss Lynn, of Bush/told, and Sire, Ed, Dake and child are the guests of Aire, T. O'Neil. Henry Crooke has come to town to learn the drug business in G. A, Dead. man's stere, Mr. Gibson, of Canpbollfard, has been visiting friends in IVingham and Brus- sels title work, TUB MOOS Sample have moved io town and will likely become residents for tome' time. Mrs. Wm, Mann and two children, of bfinnedoea, Mao., is here onfa visit with, relatives and friends. Arra. 1), N. :Barrett in away on a visit tp London and St. Thornes. Dick is a grata "widaer." Conon.—In Morris, 011 the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. Nelson Currie, of a son, Ponies—In East Wawanosh, on Sept. 15011, the wife of Mr. James Purvis of a son. Reerr—MoMIL2AN, At the residence •of the bride's mother, on the 18th inst., by the Rev. W. Torrance, Mr. A. R. Raupp, of Detroit, Miob., to Miss Christina McMillan, of Grey. Fessem.--At Banff, on the 10th inst., William Funston, sou-in.law to AIex. Bruce, of Brussels. BVCTTON' S.a.S,,FJS- TIMI enAt, SEPT. 27.—Farm stook and implements, on north half lot 26, con. 8, Grey. Sale at 2 o'elook p. m. Without reserve, Wm. Smaildon, prop., A. Ray mann, and. WHoi sena , OCT. 3.—Farm stook and implemente, on lot 14, con, 4, Morris. Sale at 10 o'clock a. re, Without reserve. Wm. Shedden, proprietor, Geo. Kirkby, auctioneer. I;'BbZ. S1'30•W$, folFalowsll Shows will be held this season as Milrertou, Oot. 2 and 8. Listowel, Sept, 25, 26, 27 and 28, East Huron, Brnesels, Oot- 4 and 5. Morrie Branch, Blyth, Oot. 10 & 11. Last Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. 8 and 9th. Erma, at Newry, on Thursday, Oct. 4111, Easter on Monday and Tuesday, Oc- tober 1 and 2. Western, at Loudon, from the 20th to the 29th of September. Goderich on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 2, 8, 4 and 6. S77AFD2ZTa rn stor.Amesmserris. 001RE0TED CAI:EPIILLY EVEEE WEER. Pall Wheat 95 1 00 Spring Wheat 95 1 00 Oats 30 81 Peas 57 Barley 45 Potatoes 85 Butter, per 1b 15 Eggs, per dozen 14 Apples, per bushel 05 Bog, dressed 0 00 4 50 IImy 8 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 Sheepskins, eaob 40 55 00 16 00 00 7 00 5 50 0 00 8 50 75 110 .:7•S,30S.,S 5,28222C3ITS, 00)34500En 02110FULLY n014E0 Wang. Fall Wheat 95 1 08 Spring Wheat 95 1 00 Barley 45 60 Oats 80 81 Peas 00 61 Butter, tubs and rolls, 15 10 Eggs per demon 14 00 Flour per barrel 5 00 00 Potatoes... ...., 85 00 Hay per ton. ., 0 00 10 00 Hides per lb„ .,..... 4 5 Salt per bbl., wholesale... 00 80 Sheep skins ,aaoh...... ., 00 1 00 Wool, per lb'. 18 22 Pork 6 25 6 50 TILE PEOPLE'S COLUNI . ANTED IMMI11D1ATELY,-- Bomo person to apt se nmrmo or to do cooking Or kitohen work. Apply at the residents° 015, A,DLADMA'!t*, 11o10-tf Crt AMR ON TEE P.REMT.SI S J of 0110 uudersignod,lot 6, con, 7,Gro en or •bout Juno 1st, a two year old heifer, The owner is requested to prove prener0y, paYoh am ea and take hot away,10BARNEY, testi Tlel Caveat R ,' el q, o spate And 0n the patent 2nd allntbeforeqtht Cannes in the Patent ofnooandboended o Ooartg promptly and oarotolly sheeted to, Upon receipt otMed- el or ekebeil of invention, 1 mono &ireful txaminetietn,atld advlta as ta-Patentahiilly Free of (Merge, )roes moderato, and I make kO 0harettetrnleeepateeti55eoerod, Interns. talon, advleS amt spaelal rdteron000 tout an appBoatiml. 3.10.LITTIOLL,.'Vaslting15r. P.tl„11,8.I'ateatOfileo, Ie. ,nzx 07...44.0 ISS LILA' VEAL W1.14 (11VE Mons relvelaaesPllntingAnd Proting n o,Vt,hrgPainting Batista° tine guaranteed, 011 QTRA.YED FROM THE BRIM. lase of the Undersigned, lot 23eon, 5, Morrie, in the mouth of htay last, 1 boilers and ono steer, (0)1e steer resembl,o a bull 114 1 the head, rod with some white spots) 1 Mt - or Is red in oiler, 1 rod with tv11110 0)2 clank and taco, and l yellow with whit° belly and white morose the hind qfluartsre, Any In- formation regarding elle above will bo thankfully received. There aro ales 8 stray cattle on my premises at present, all 1 -year. obis. They are 0 heifers and 1 steer, JAS, SHAM, , Brussels P.O. 5-tf To all whom it may Concern :p the Village Renee thatthe ctor,t in the Council Oyy of Huron, rutoul, by tbo Uorvor vested in Mena by the Consolidated Statutes of On. tart°, Chair, 151, Soo. G40, to pass a By-law wooing up Nelson street In Stanek's 8urve7, In said village told maks ig the same into x kint g objecti0., to the ,:amollv0111 altporkies br by thomeolvoe, 031 by counsel, at the Couuoll Board on the lath day et October, '1 eSl, at the hour of 7:00 o'clock p, 20. Wroxotor,An J' COWAN, 1'illageclerk. g,27, 'SS. 7 -din. REAL ESTATE, e� 1,lTOIOE FA.RMs FOR. $ALE,- V A few oplenditl, Improved farms for ealein the beau Alp of Grey, Morris and MOE Slop. 'Apply to A. D5LGATTY, 00, Auotlonasr,Brussels P, 0, 62)50OWBUY IRST 01500ILL t1D-aero FAIL Aarm, ebaing east half of lot 2, funi. 40 acres °leased and seeded 10 grass;0balance hardwood bush, Buildings and fences fair, orchard good. Will be sold on easy tonne and ttlosses,lon riven at any time. Apply to JOIeN Mo'ADDEN, or to ALEX. Human,Brussels. 5.410 E1ARDZFOR SALE, -THE SUB sfarm, being lot 9, Dina, ers 15 valuable Township Huron Co., for sale, There ST0 about 50 some cleared and In good heart. Thera is o log house, good bank barn, boating orchard, and all the necessary oonvenlonooe on the premises. For further particulars, as to ppriee,torms, ore„ apply to tiro Proprietor, THOS.HIeLOP,Clare P 0., N, W. T.. or to 2-tf DOUGALD STRAOHAN, Brussels -plum FOR, SALE OR TO Rem.—The undersigned offers his 00 -ante farm, lot 25, con, 7, Morrie, for sale or to rent. Phare are 60 acres cleared and under crop, The befldings 00nsis0 cf a frame house, frame bars, &m. There is also an orchard of ons non, Good well. There are 10 acres of fall wheat in this fall. Por further particulars, es to prion, terms, &o., apply to the Proprietor, 0-tf JOHN WILffINBUN, Brussels P. 0. U0PION SALE OF A FIRS'T- Olese 100.aore Pam, being let 0, cell. 10, Croy. on the promisee, on Pruner, Oot. 15011, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. nl, Well improved and in a gond state of cultivation. Is within one mile of the thriving village of Brussels, on a leading gravel roast. Too aoree of fail wheat in Otte fall. Terms Made known on day of sale or on application to ettllor the proprietor or auetioaeor. Ar.Em, DEL(ATTY, Auationeoz, 1101sT. bi0NAUGHTON, 0 4111 Proprietor, 'P1A110I IN GREY TOWNSHIP Pon eALH,—Be1O0 lot 14, COD. 16. 0021- taintng 100 acres. It is partly °leered, the balanee well timbered. A never failing °reek crosses the place and it is well adapt, ed for either forming or gracing. I willliks. wise se1140 earn, being east part of lot 14, oonstate of oultivatien al 1 10 2, atgoodl frame barn barn with n good steno stable underneath and a mover toiling wants also on rho place. Por further partioulars apply to *be proprietor on the place. MA.010010 opposite the oth- er (+12018635 AVERY, Proprietor, i:tf 'VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE being the south half of lot number 801n the 4th concession of the township of Morris, known ae the houle0tead of Archi- bald Taylor, containing nicety -nine corn. Ninety tiaras aro cleared, the balance wood- ed with valuable timber. Expellant bend. lase, large arobard of choice trees, Boll in good condition and is situated one and a quarter miles north of the VBIage of Brun. eels, on the main gravel road. This is one of the finest homestead farms in the Coup ty of Huron and will bo sold at a bargain and on terms to suit purchaser, Dor further particulars apply to the Proprietor. A, M. TAYLOR, Manning Arcade, Toronto, or 10 AROH2BALD TAYLOR, Sa., on the prom- ises, 01' ..— FARM FOR SALE. The Executors of the estate of the. late WILLtAtt 11100031Y, Osmium, lleoeaeod, now offer the followtog valuable lands for sale, Vla.:--Theootth half of lot 27, andthe west half of the north half of lot 28, both in the Oth 00he000100 0f 1110 Touuiealp of Morrie, Comity of Huron, containing 100 nares. About 110 acres ere cleared and in geed condition, the greeter part bele in gra. Tho balance is well timbered, chss iefly with beech and maple. This 10001 1e favorably situated within ono mile of the village of Brussels, which affords au excellent market. Those is upon the premises a good frame barn and bons° an orchard of okeloe fruit *roes, a never failing spring, also a good Well and pump , and good feam05, This property will be sold in one or two p11arool0, to suit intending Pureha0or0. Purohnsor will be allowed to outer and have use of here° on promises at any time aftor barvot and to do fail plowing. Pull posses- sion will be given Mist November next. Par terms and further particulars apply to the undersigned 10xoeutors, or to JIMO Moo1nr, Esq., Brussels, 0110. George Oard10l. 1E' YEonwone. Dickson et )says, J Dated at Brussels, Juno 18th, 1888, 50 MORTGAGE SALE Gk Two Valuable Farms I9 the 7'oro)relcfps of Gray and ilierrir, in the County of Huron. Under and byyirtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which mortgage will be produced at the, tlmo of sato, there will be offered for sole by Public Auction, at the American Shite,, 015 the :'f.linge of'Atrnssels, ON Wedizesdcty, October 3rd, '88 At 2 Worsens r, tr„ the following Properties: Township of Grey—Let number Four, in the Fifth Ooncosion of the Township of Grey, containing Ono Hundred Aaroe m0r0 or lose, of which about 15 name aro cleared and Ireo from stumps, the remainder well timbered, suitable for building, looping and frewood, There is said to b0 a log house on the lot. Totvnohlp of Malvin—Tho North.half of lot number Twenty -slue, in the Fifth 0011o0a. slo11 of the Townablp Of Morris, oontaioing Ono Hwldx&dA,205 more or leae. 01 which about 83 50re0 aro e10arod 5,511 7G a0ra5 stumpedtheremaindorwell timbered with beech and ea lo. On Motet there aro said to be a large barrr11io hcnso, in good repair, log barn, Immo,tables 5nd g050a0y, (4100 0.11 orchard etabnut an oars. 330th of these faring aro situated in pros• porous 1tettleinents,and within a short ilia. t0neo of Brussels, It god market, TEasigoP.11ALn,—Ono-tenth of rho purchase money on the day 02 gale and tiro balance Within thirty days, lbroe-fourths of the lmrabasomoney may remain on mortgage. Huth lot Will be offered 0ubieat t0a reserve bid. rot, fur thatpartiouiars appiyto Herr, Macdonald. Davidson eS, Pennell. VntritO0 l& 10 M00004 )311110t6,ldge, 'Lorantt1t, Toronto Or to Alex. Stutter, Au0ticne0r, 8-4 Itimengr,5, oi1h'Anre, Son, 21. 1868. BANKING, ]aINTOSII to ,ltcTA(1t1 114 1', BANIiEB8 -1- BRUSSPLS Transact a Gen erat Ban kin � Business, NOTES DIB0`OUNTI+,D, Canadian and 'Butte,) I totes Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed an deposits, Collections made on fuvorallr testi, Oanadlse Agents--M0Uonster'e 11AN1c or 022420A. Now Yon Ag00ts—Itreonzene A00 '1'11A0 - Ana NATIONAL DANE LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. vv. 11. SINCLAIR, '-o1,TnIT- ar, Cmkvayanoor, NOtnr)• Publ10, S;o. 09)oa : (1rnilnnl'13 Binnit, 1 dnsr „,x431 e2 Hargreaves' Drug Store, ' Private Fnmis to Lone, • z• WALE, BARRISTER, Soliottor and Notary 1',131130, Con- veyaneing, Collection(' and Loaning, Mn Wade 4111 attend is Onrrta every We,ln55- day at two o'clock. TOIOKSON ]c MAYS, (Leto wtbh (farrow C nrnu,lfoot, Oodo- rioh) Barris40re, -Solicitors, Conveynnors, &o. 011loe, Grant's Block, linnets, money to loan, R. B. HAYS, W. , B. DI('ICSON, M. TAYLOR, B. C. L,, BBAR• • 10x07100, Sol1eItor, &o., of tbe Arm of Dickson & Taylor, Barristers, Bollettorn, &o., Manning Arnode, ){ing Street West, Toronto. Money to loan. ALEX. HUNTER,. °LIEER OF the Fourth Divlefon 0curt, 0o. Enron Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and lose:ane Agent, Funds 0075500/1 DIA aailode. Offfoo in era•haloan. Blekarmes Et�gERT CONN/Vol, 1015nnAN0r,, M,• FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS, M. F. CALE, 1.1. D., 0. AI, Mambas oftbo Collage of Physlohws and Sargeeos of ()titanic. br oxamivation, Odloe andlteetdouc—slain St. East, L•'tha Ontario. T A MONAUGIITON, 0.1,t„ L.lt. O, P. Edinburgh, M. 0. P. fi, Ont. At argroyos' D to 1110 man. and from 1:30 Drug to 4 torp from other hours may be found at the resi.do co formerly occupied by Dr, ifuteLineon, Mill street, DENTAL. RJff+.`ra-oeLt,cre tib 5' . e. L, Ball L, D. S„ Honor Graduate and M, It, C. D. E. Toronto, Vitalized Air given B. B. Marion, D. U. H., Assistant Operator OPrzoE—doyen Block, Senior tit, lid+ ly'-f TOST. t07 J, Feor,L..D S. Graduate of TO- ont08atooI of Dentistry. All oper- atione guaranteed. 092 ce—Oady'e Bleak,Beaforth, Artificial teeth, 9r0tquality, and guaranteed lit,tor 812.00per sot.; DJ -cm r.173CPwr.'. 231 .A, 2,2,d1z..rxx4r, T+, a, 5,,,,. Dental Surged s,OToronto, NrrnosloOxxnii Gas administered tor the peroses ex*rae., Mon of teeth. OFIBICE,-0150 Door North of the trunk, AUCTIONEERS. EORGE IKIRKBY, LIOEN- sun Auetiouoor, Salve eonduoted on reasonable tones, farina and Paan stook a specialty. Ordere loft at Toa Poet Pubfioh- ioillee will i Delve prompt atten4i titan post t,tLEX. DELGAT`t'Y, AUCTION - nen, shorted notice d to onooinliy maids. of sales of thorough -bred stock. Terms made known b.' applloation 0e Tun Post Publish- ing Rouse, 1411050 orders may be loft, or address to Brussels P 0. A• RAYMANN, AUCTIONEER, forms, f rm always toady to Terms attend ahsoifullY given, Oranbrook 1P,0.. Salon nmy bo ar- ranged at Tun 1002 Publish fog ,House Brussels, BUSINESS CARDS. ' T H. MOORACNEN, ISSUER r'1 • of Marriage Lioneas, Dllee at his Gro0ery,'3urobarry Street. VIISS -O'CONNOR, TEACHER .17.8 of Plano and Organ. Tams o1r appli. nation, N.B.—Walton class moots every Thursday andFriday a E Mre, D Oampbeil'e, Walton, MISS HARGREAVES DESIRES to receive pupils for instroc• tion on bhp MONO men 01845 AN, 8 Years Eatterionee, Residence with Firs. Ilnr- greaves, over 33ADGit HAVES 1DIt81G 0200108i. no0-108 T) N. BARRETrT, TONSORIAL • Artist. Sbcn�y: next door south of A. an Meaiay & cos, mating o Deere, Ladies' and child a stock hair cutting a ppeoiaity. A ebaioo oOosk of cigars kept. A MaNAIR, ISS13L1i, OP MAR. ,.C3..e nage Ltoonoo, by appointmcut of Lieut,'Goyernor, Commissioner, &a., Q. 13, ConVmyanc0rantt,Agent Piro Insurance OC, oiuee at the .OranbraokPost 0Mao , M,ROD,BIOR,HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental 1'181 near, Graining eliding, 8ign and D000rative Painting in all its branches, Shop 1311nds done up in style. Paper Hanging a opeeiaity. Shop ono floor south of 7.gtloyors' Carriago Works, W. O'BRIEN V. a. 1 EL, o otoriTbry • C4l esuataot thn Ontario oe ofJo n N000,gc]las 43e500d the to treat of Solan eaboso donuedtcatod ord to ton Acids dig 0rl1ia0 rOlfed principles. es. Tie 021 golantto. testa foals npepeeial333 Oltoomtr90 d dol. North 80 13s ldgo,200sbo51yooroot,