HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-9-21, Page 5SEPT. 21, 1888.
�'t�]•o"ca. Ver-.
A large number of our roeidente are
doing the Exhibition at Toronto thin
014 Sabbath, the 30th ]net., the re.
opening; services of the MotherHet obureh
will be held, Rev. Robs. Walker, of
Clifford, will preach at 10;30 and 0;30,
and at 2:30 a Sabbath School eervieo will
be addressed by several ministare, On
Monday ',roiling a musical and literary
entertainment will bo hold in the church,
commencing at 8 o'clock, Addresses are
expected from Reticle. Jno, Scott, M.A.,
of Wingham ; R. Walker; 3. T. Legear,
of Ethel ; Ayres, of Gerrie ; Brown, of
Wroxeter ; Danby, of Seaforth, and Mc-
Ribbin, of Bluevalo. Medea' selootiono
will bo provided by the Methodist church
choir, of Brussels, and others.
'itI vtla.
Pact Sellars has boon orating at the
Army meetings. The S, A, has a Bard
fight here.
The Wroxeter baso hall club in ex.
rooted to play a hatch with the Huron
Stars on Friday,
1)r. J. 11. Class moved to Lilian on
Monday, where ho intends to reaction
hie pref1erinn,
Ilov, Mr. McGillivray, of Goderiah,
preaeheri in St. Anrlrow'n Prritbyterinn
ohurctt Met Sabbath.
Rev, 11. fool, of Brussels, occupied the
pulpit in the Methodist church en Salt
ball. Rev, Mr. Tongewne at Brussels.
Voting on tete Fire Protection By -lacy
takes place on Friday. One big fire
world woke up our residents better than
all the talk an to tiro necessity of fir
Ilene Moe.' new fnatory is about wom-
pletecl, the floors being now laid and the
wlndowe are now In, The besting pipes,
about 5,000 feet 1•,' "eating the entire
building with step, ,,,n now being put
in. Tho old foe, ' will bo shut down
shortly in order t,',•move the maobiiory
101110 now 0110, It is probable that tete
now factory will be lighted with electric
light, the high eailluge in the four stories
having been epeeially designed with that
object in view. Tho erection of the new
dry kiln, on the west tide of the new fee.
tory, is commenced, It will bon very
soled stone structure, 35x58 feet die.
sioue, and one story high, haviug a cap.
noity for drying about 50,000 foot of lurn•
bar at a time. It will bo canneeted with now factory by a tramway, therapy
saving a great deal of time and labor in
handling the lumber.
Apple paring bees are looming up.
A grout many are visiting ono or other
of the big fairs this week.
Bush fine have done coneldorablo
damage in sone parts of the township.
All the available fields in the vicinity
of Cranbroolc are now spread over with
Fires aro now burning in every. corner,
A great deal of waste land fe being.
cleaned up.
Wm. Pino and Jno. Avery have gone
to the ,MLichiganlumber woods. We wish
them pro0perity.
Apple bireere have been through this
section and most of the crop has been
bought for shipment.
The fine showers the beginning of the
week have given the Pall wheat a good'
start. The early sown fields are quite
Jno. McLauchlan left last Monday for
e Philadelphia, where he will study at the
Dental College. Jno. is an exemplary
young man and we wish him success:
Thee. McLauchlan threshed Fall wheat
a short time ago that yielded 35 boxes to
1 the acre. Ile had over 160 bushels of
. primo wheat and got 01.00 per bushel
for it.
T. G. McKenzie, a phrenologist, bad
largo crowds in shine's and Turnbull's
school houses for several evenings the
past week. His lectures are instructive
and entertaining. A great many were
having their heads looked into.
FATAL ACCIDENT, --.011 Wednesday ev-
ouing of this wools a 18-year.old son of
James Pearson, who lives back of Ethel,
was killed in a very unusual way. Along
with his brother they were riding aborse
(or horses) with barrens on in from the
field. The horse took fright, or started
to run, and the older boy got naught in
the harness and was so badly bruised
and injured that he soon expired. The
funeral took place on Friday.
Win rob start .
The voting on the bonus by-laws wii
take place on Saturday of next week
Tho amount desired to be raised is 35,-
Tho Times says :—Sohn Wanless, of
tho C. P. R., Toronto, was in Wingham
last week and made arrangements where-
by a warehouse will be eructed at once
between the station and the salt bleak.
Quito a little flutter of excitement was
created one day this week over a out in
railway ttokets to the Toronto Exhibi-
tion. It is said a few return tickets wore
sold as low as 31.00. The old fare of
33.115 was soon restored, however.
Mrs. J. Stevenson met with a painful
accident the other day. She was carry-
ing a boiler containing hot water down it
step at the back of -their house when the
stop gave way, causing the water to ran
on tier arm, scalding it badly from the
wrist up to near the elbow.
e al eestellor-tlr .
Seaforth is well represented at Toronto
Exhibition this week.
Miss Kay and Miss Ballantyne, of
Brussels, are visiting friends in Senfortb.
Aliek is here too.
Tho Y. M. C. A. of this town are ar-
ranging for a series of night meetings, to
be oondncted by Mr. Cole, of Toronto.
The assignee's sale of the goods and
chattels of the estate of Lawrence Mur-
phy was largely attended last Saturday.
\Ve aro pleased to notice, every Friday,
that so large a number of the Seaforth
P. 0. drawers and boxes contain a copy
of Tnn PORT,
There was a large attendance at the
Seaforth Fall Fair. Tho show of live
stook was good, while that of tho various
inside departments was fully up to the
It is quite generally admitted around
bore iltat those letters which appear from
time to time fo your much appreciated
paper bonring disparagingly upon Mani-
toba and the Northwest aromero"Balder-
dasb." So many men of good, reliable
judgment from every township in the
Province Lave long ago seen the country
in gnestiou for themselves and are satis-
fied, as is every Canadian, save an oc-
casional crank, that tho land is a goodly
laud, record to none on this continent.
Mrs. Lang returned from her visit to
Prescott lana wool,,
Mies Imlay, of Hamilton, was visiting
friends helm Taut week.
Revd. 1), 13, ttloRao resumed his min-
isterial duties last Sunday.
John Heffernan wa0 at Buffalo last
1 week with a carload of lambs.
T. P. Simpson and wife aro visiting
friends in Clinton and Varna this week.
Thos. Maunders and wife and David
Milne are at the Toronto Exhibition
thin week.
Mrs, Eokmier, sr., has been suffering
very much with sore eyes lately. She is
somewhat bettor at present.
Jobe Cobor t4 Son oro attending the
Seaforth and Clinton faire this week.
They aro exhibiting the Common Sense
clothes dryer.
Christian Balmier, wife and daughter
are attending the Toronto Exhibition.
They purpose taking a trip to Muskoka
before their return,
A, W. Robertson, who has been clerk-
ing with H, F. MoAllietor for tho past
year and a half, has obtained a situation
with A..11, Smith, of Brussels.
Ib is rumored that our school trustees
intend further to reduce the already too
low salary of the Principal. They evi-
dently desire to starve out a first-olass
teacher or to pall the school down from
its present excellent standing. We think
that such a coarse is very poor recogni-
tion of the excellent worts done during
the past year. We are very mnoli mis-
taken if the trustees aro carrying out rho
wish of rho ratepayers in this matter. A
Station Agent Little hoe put in 15
years of sorvioo at out depot.
D. N, Hogg, of Stratford, 10 opening a
branoh'dry goods store in thio town.
Henry McConnell and Manduo John.
Ston sncooaded in bagging thirteen part.
ridge one day last week.
Albert Nichol has gone to the 'Toronto
Univeraity and Llsworth Bolton is away
to MaGill College, Montreal.
Jao. Manna, of the Mannoll house,
has leaked the Bay Horse hotel in Tor-
onto for a form of years, and intends
tatting pon0o00ion on Ootober 2nd.
Tho High School Foot Bail Olub senor
od the fallewing Maus for the ensuing
season :—P105ident, 0'. A. Tanner; Cap.
titin, tar. Irwin, Committed, R. Nichol,
J. Moore, W. Leo ; Sae,.T'reas,, J. J.
1311.uevctl e.
Mrs. Sohn Robertson was at Toronto
John McCracken has been on the sink
list this week. Wo are glad to state he
is on the mend.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley is in Toronto this
week. On this account no service was
held in the Presbyterian church lifst Sun-
R. N. Duff has put a chopper in Itis
mill. S. Scott has been bothered lately
to get feed for his pigs, surely he will
not need to grumble any more.
Miss Lizzie Whitfield, of Grey, is the
guest of Jas. Thompson and wife tide
week. Her presence is the result of a
fall. Miss Laura T„ a young lady of three
or four years, one afternoon lay down to
salts a nap, rolling out of bed, sho broke
her collar bone and so must have visitors
to see her.
On Tuesday evening last as Jno. Mess-
er, son of Jas. Messer, of the boundary
lino, was driving home from Wiugbam
the burse shied and the buggy struck a
post in front of the manse. Miss Aggio
Messer, who was also in the buggy, and
Jno. wore thrown oat by tho shook and
the harness went to pieces. How both
occupants escaped without a scratch is a
wonder. Tho buggy was pretty well
§oaken, the axle and orossbar beingbrok-
Tho Harvest Homo on Thursday even-
ing in the Mothodiet church was a oom-
plebe success, intellectually, physically
and finaoo,ally, The tables literally
groaned under the good things provided
by the ladies. When all were supplied
with the choice viands, they repaired to
the church where an intellectual fent
was served. Rev. A. McKibbin 000upied
the chair and satisfactorily porformecl all
devolving duties. W. II. Kerr, of TUE
POST, teas the first speaker and was
followed by Boy. J. T. Leper, of Ethel,
Rev. J. M. Dyke, of Henfryn and Rev.
Ino. Scott, M. A., of Wingham, who
made short, spiny addresses. The Wing.
ham choir were 1,1 attendance and sup-
plied choice selections of music. This 15
the first time in six years tbab a foreign
ohoir has boon called upon to assist m
our gatherings, but wo are credibly in-
formed that this is not the fault of our
young ladies. The recitations of Jack-
son Wilson, Zetland, and Miss Hattie
Reid wore well rendered. Proceeds 331.00.
A social was hold au the following even.
ing which increased the amount 30.00,
17V ail toir.
Mrs. Lungate has rented hor house to
Rohn MoLeod, of McKillop, and has gond
kite live at Mitchell for the future.
Biernes, of the Royal hotel, is
arranging a sample room for the use of
commercial travellers and the merchants
of the village, This is a long felt want
and his house is now fitted up complete
for the convenience of all.
Tho Church of Errand Sunday School
held their annual pia-nio in the grove of
Lewis McDonald, near the village. 'Phe
day was bright, and in spite of tho cold,
wo can safely say that all, particularly
the children, seemed to enjoy themselves
well, Tho usual goatee were indulged
The Noepawa Ro inter, of the 7th inet.,
says :---Henry )3amilton,of Walton, Ont.
and uncle to Mayor Hamilton, arrived
per the excursion. When bo last visited
Neopawa a low years ago there wore just
seventeen buildings in the place). He owns
t•�..x:e•aereti .i.. err etre rr
eel( a true undo, Shepherd, untiring in A ;Waterloo creamery man took the
hie °aorta for the welfare of the rumen. ' 9100 Bret prize at the Buffalo Fele on his •
gation, The following motion of regret j butter exhibit.
was passed at a meeting of the congre. Thu Manitoba Government will bonus
flatten held on the 10th root;—We, the the Hawn Bay railway to the amount
members, and adherents of Duffle ehurob, of 32,500,000.
Watton, einocrely regret the resignation Tho Nova Scotia auger refinery has
of our esteems 1 poat'1'. Although his raised the prior of yellow sugar three -
ministry kites 1/11l1 short among un 00 eighths of et cont,
have learned to respect him very much Several Hamilton fruit dealers hove
not only for bra high Christian oharaetar been charged in the Police Court with
erpasing unsound fruit for sale.
Miers liondrfo, daughter of Win. lisp•
drip, Hamilton, left on ttte 10;52 ex reel
but [leo for hie earnest, faithful preach.
ing of the Gospel and his unwearied
diligence in pointing out to us the way
of life, both y precept and example. The on ay morning on a tour roux tho
Master hoe been pleased to own and blow world. She will visit Calgary, N.W,T.,
his ministry to many souls, and we be. and 'Vancouver, B.C., in whio1 places
lieve that mush of the fruit of his labour she has relatives, sailing front the latter We, the Undersigned, call the Attention of the Public to
will yet appear to the glory of God. We port for Yokohama, Japan, returning by the fact that sympathize with him on a000uut way of the Suez Canal to England, Sha We have put in Some
of the state of his health not permitting undertakes the journey atone and will bo
him to continue his ministry among us away about [ year.
but we bow to Ilio will of Provideoee. Berlin Now soya •--Moses Ifraft the
Our best wishes will accompany him model farmer of Waterloo county, the
wherever in the Providence of God his other morning brought to our oflioe what
lot may bo oast, hoping that his health we believe to be the biggest pea stem or
may soon bo reatored and he may bo long stalk on reword. It bee 224 pods by
sparecl w legion, in the vineyard of the actual count. If, therefore, each of those
Lord. pods has an average of live peas, it would
give 1120 peas an the result of ono peas
product. We have often beard of a hun-
dredfold, but hero is over a thousandfold.
Tbore is a big drainage scheme on foot
to improve lands in Bosanquet, McGilil.
vray, Stephan and West Williams. Sur.
voyor Coad, of Glencoe, line made [ sur.
a- voy. A canal from the Aux Bauble river
an to Lake Huron will be built, and is liable
et, to meet over 30,000, and the river will bo
deepened for name distance, and, besides
s. other work, it hi estimated that 020,G00
t'gorr. ire.
Miss Sharp is away at St. Thomas
n visit to friends,
James M, Martin has leased the Ale
+I'oraythe farm for a term of years.
Wm. Sheddhas routed his hem
stead to II. I3nrkholdor and will have
ituotiou sale of farm stook, &o., 00 0
Mies Fl. Robitrsou, a pupil of Geo. Pilo
grove's, Turnberry, and who is at pros
out completing her course at tho Mod
has been engaged for 1880 iu No. 8. Miss
Robinson Conley woll recommended,
In driving through Morrie ono cannot
help but notice and admire the tidy,
and are now able to tlo letter Work than has been done in
the past and as good, if not better, than most
We will endeavor, to the best of our ability,
to Please all Customers and fill all Orders at
will be expanded. About 1,707 aures of Shortest of i ce.
land in Boeanquot will be benefitted.
itRo� AND BRUCE Those Parties having WOOL would do well
to give us a call before going elsewhere,
tastefully decorated grounds of Ed. Boa•
man, His buildings are all handy and I Loan & l nvestment Co.
his farm wall fenced and drained Mr
Bosnian may well pride himself on his
broad acres.
A four day's meeting was commenced r
in Sunshine Methodist church on Taos. l ,his Company is Loaning Money
day evening. Rev. Mr. Tongs, pastor, on .Harm Security at Lowest
preached at the opening ssrvioe, Rev. M. Rates o Interest.
Swann, of Brussels, on Wednesday at f
2:80 and 7:90 p. m., Rev. R. Paul, of
Brnssele, on Thursday at the same hours,
and Rev. Robert Godfrey, of Belgrave,
on Friday.
This week R. Sheridan and father, of
Brookville, were visiting friends in this
township. Mr. Sheridan, sr., is a brother
to Mr. Sheridan, near Sunshine, and they
had not met for upwards of 40 years,
wheu they separated in Irolend. Young
allowed on Deposits, according to
amount and time let.
Mr. Shorideu is in the tinware and hard3, 4, Ea 6 per cent. interest
ware business in Brockville and he talks
like in man who thoroughly understands
what ho is doing.
A very successful harvest home enter-
tainment was held in Johnston's church
on Wednesday evening. After tea ad-
dresses were given by J. S. Wilson and
Rev. A. E. Smith. A number of read-
ings and recitations were also well ren-
dered. The church choir contributed
suitable music. Rev. A. MCKibbin pre-
sided as chairman. Prooeed's amounted
to over 380. A social wits hold on
Thursday evening.
Peesoxoas.—Mre. Baines, who has been
sick for some time, is no better and very
little hopes are entertained of her re-
oovery,—Mrs. Hayes, of Titusville, Penn.,
is on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Baines, as
is also Stephen Baines, of Sarnia.—L.
,Raven, who has been engaged at the Sun-
shine mill for nearly a year, left, with
hie family, for Dakota last Saturday.—
Miss Grace Irvine, who has been attend-
ing a missionary sohool in Massechusette
is home on a visit but will leave for
China about the last of this month.
Cannsn&liaox E" ctwt t•
A steam buggy is in novelty at Toronto
This summer 140 self binders were de-
livered ar Nepawn, Alan.
An exhibitor has entered a kitten with
three heads for the Ottawa fair.
Mr. Taillon, leader of the Quebec Local
Opposition, has been eppoiuted a judge
of the Supreme Court.
Seven carloads of binding twine, valued
at about 300,000, went up on one of the
C.P.R. steamers recently.
Mr. Redfern, of Port Dalhousie, caught
a monster fish of the oliannol.oat species,
It weighed over 60 the., and gave its cap-
tor a good struggle before it wall quieted
by it blow from an free bar.
A lege Grano attaalced a boy near
Snroetaville a tow evenings ago. Tho
boy's mother heard the soroams of her
son and soon appeared on the scene.
Luckily, however, for the crane it made
good its escape except being mints a few
S. Sparks, of Southampton, shot six
skunks in his garden one evening last
week. They had been making a good
living on green peas and spring chickens.
He shot three times, killing two each
shot. He ran a terrible risk, but came
out all right.
Six boars swam ao1oes the Ottawa and
invaded the town of Pembroke. One
very large bear wisely turned and, in
company with a smaller one, swam back.
A largo oho bear and three half grown
oubs landed, however, and marched up
the Canadian Pacific Railway where they
aero killed with prow -bars and fire arms.
The people of Canada will regret to
hear that Lord Dufferin is now depend-
ent upon an amanuensis. The tendons
of both of hie hands have contracted and
110 is unable to use a pen. The tendons
have been out but it will be impossible
for him to regain free ueo of his hands.
This misfortune will be sincerely deploy.
In Shooting at a mark at Aberfoylo a
very peculiar occurrence took place, The
distance was thirty-five yards and the
target a piece of paper six maims etluer0.
The oontostants, Thos. !Thorn, Lot Sing,.
Mar and Wm. Smith, fired ono shot each
et the mark and all of them put exactly
17 shots into it. A ten boyo broach load-
ing gun was used.
On Saturday evening Abraham john.
aton, a prominent farmer of the neighbor.
a number of town lots but the surround. ' It
Mgt; have so changed by the erection of 0
buildings on all aides that rte had no idea
whore to look for thorn,
Rev.F'. Ballantyne, M. A., niiuietor el
Duff's ohnroh here, will proaoh his faro.
Well sermon on the first Sabbath of Oo.
tobor, lits resignation, en account of. the
state of his health, being aoceptocl at the
mooting of 1Sreabytery on the 11th inst.
'.Che dissolution of the pastoral tho Svfil
leave au opening not coolly Riled as he
has done good, gelid work chlrieg itis
Mort miniotryin Walton; showing him. 1
ood of Walkerton, was driving home nc-
ompanied by hie mother, a venerable
lady over 80 years of ago. Their borso
got frightened et the tooting of a steam
thresher which was blowing off steam
near the roadside, the buggy was upset
and the old lady received shall injuries
that she died in a few hours. A mail
named Coulter, who' Dame to their as-
sistance, had hie log broken by the horse.
Clone by enothor upset occurred owing
to the noise of the some machine, and a
lady named Mies Reid, of Wardevillo, had
ier arm broken,
Orrucss. --Corner of Market
Square and North Street, Gode-
Horace Horton,
WM. S[ 47 t H T] E
is prepared to attend to
Careiage Painting
in all its branchei , as well as
Sign and Ornamental
He has had years of experience
and guarantees his work to give
satisfaction. .A. rig well painted
is half sold.
Estimates and terms cheerfully
lea' Shop in the old Pon Pub-
lishing House, King street, Brus-
Having received my Fall Stock
I am now prepared to offer
In Cashmeres, Jersey Cloths, Ot-
tomon Cords, Meltons, Jacket
Cloths, Toulie Cloths, Flan-
nels, Shirtings, Cretons,
Lace Curtains, Curtain -
Nets, Velvets and
Always a Good Stock of Fr3xian
GI -mums.
I have the Best and Cheapest
Tots in Town.
bofore pnl'cllasing elsewhere. I
Cannot bo Undersold.
11111, Pori P,littlEit'S 91YCt \1'7tbtR8.
t 0-,. SICAMT4,
11111) ST0131 .
We have a fine Assortment of
EL Tx,�++ rpV'G9
TWEEDS, 8cc5
Hoping you will favor us with a Call, We
are, Yours Truly,
tl opt. 11, 14010-t4
In, order to make room for
a large Shipment
we expect daily
from the
gat O.