HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-9-21, Page 44severseneezamenseezeresetaps
Stray .(•ew.,.3 Harvey.
Scrn ors' Pia7nips—W10, Bishop.
Schot./ F1,1 p , ee-- Pontiroketere.
W ted Nee nlrelntoly—( 1.1'0"amen.
Btu e.:<:a Woolen still-- Iieu•e r, Iiermiston.
mmareasms . azz.-,........uarre xarcmcv+xem,u+cus
ci beAin-mods Z t,
I'T'T1 V SEPT. 21, ISM.
Tam writ for a new election in Card-
well to fill the vacancy caused by the
death of the late Hon. T. White early
this year hap been iesuod. Nomination
day is fixed for September 26th and
tho rollini: takes place on October 3rd.
THE Chinese Exclusion Bill, which the
United States Senate has refused to con -
shier, and which now goes to the Presi-
deet for approval, practically outs off
Chinese emigration to the United States,
not only preventing more landing but
caneelhiegall certificates, so that those
who went back to China on business or
otherwise cannot return. The bill
doesn't say the Chinese must go, but
that they mustn't come, which is better,
according to eomo authorities.
Tem hill which has been introduced in-
to the United States Senate. empowering
the Secretary of War to provide penalties
for the violation of the rules and regu-
lationspresoribed far the St. Clair Flats
canal, will probably become the law, and
will provide an easy means of deciding
whether that canal is in Michigan oe On.
tarso. The first vessel owner fined for
violating the rules will carry the matter
before the courts on the plea that the
canal is not under the jurisdiction of the
Secretary of War for the United States,
and be will not have mush diflouliy in
proving his naso.
Ir is about time that men filling im-
portant positions, such as that of Mayor,
Reeve, do., learned to conduct them.
selves in a seemly manner while trans-
acting public business, or else let them
step down and out. A few weeks ago it
was a free fight at the Stratford city
council between two aldermen. Next
London took its innings and only last
week the capital of Huron Co. was dis-
graced by the Mayor and Reeve acting
the blackguard by sailing liars, &o. If
the council room is the training school
for the coming legislators, dear pity the
country in time to conte if rowdyism is
allowed to be the prevailing element in
conducting civic affairs. It should
not be.
.Tura week Brussels has been favored
by one, if not two, professional beggars
who make a capital living as the result
of their teasels. No fault can be found
with people aiding the needy or the de-
serving poor but this tramp nuisance is
something that should be put down.
Hardly a week passes but some stout able
bodied fellow comes along soliciting char-
ity when ho could earn a respectible liv.
ing just as easily as the people do from
whom he asks help. It would iie a kind-
ness to these "tourists" to help them to
the front gate or else has e the constable
lock them up for a few days. In some
towns they t e y l
I sate a pilo of wood or a heap
of stones and every tramp has to put in
some good solid work before he gets
away. It is said that the man who was
bogging in town this week and passing
himself off as a badly used up paralytic
is the owner of a good farm, but as he is a
pitiable object he makes big wages tramp.
tag the country. It's about time this
tramp nuisance was wound up and
compel those ohoeky, impertinent individ-
uals keep to the municipality they belong.
Every town and village has enough to do
to keep up their own charity account
without fattening up a lot of lazy, good
for nothing loafers. It is no 'charity to
give them help bat rather encouraging
them to continue their shiftless style of
making a living.
"THAT" TOtAI' TO 31A 11T'0IIA.
To this Editor of Ton Pow,
Been Sm.—I have had my attention
drawn to the lettere written by one Robt,
Armstrong, of Morris, giving a sketch (2)
of his recent trip to Manitoba and S. E.
Aesiniboia. The first passage in his note
worthy of mention is the 826 miles from
North Bay to Port Arthur whish Mr. A.
says he believes is the "Disputed terri-
tory" and not worth dieputing about.
Has Mr. A, bean to school or does be not
know his geography ? It appears he is
talking like re crank as the above two
places are in the Province of Ontario and
what do we want to know about Ontario,
Is not Mr. A. giving a biography of his
trip to Manitoba ? On arriving at the
terminus of the C.P.R. South . Western,
Deloraiue, be falsely describes the town
and situation. The town committee
called a meeting to find good water and
two Wells were bored and only Iwo.
Plenty of salt water was found bat not
good. Another meeting was called late.
ly and good water was found by digging
at fifteen feet. Tho town is well drained
end has sidewalks made :of )clank. Mr.
A. says it is in a slough, This is untrue
and unjust to the town. T speak from
experience as I am a lumber merchant
there and should know the exact condi.
tion of . the town. no further (Mr. A.)
says the track end town are on Syndi-
cate land. I wish Mr. A. to know ho is
wrong. The track and town aro on Mr.
Frannie Lovett's homestead, but a few
villas and a store aro on land belonging
to the C. P. R. I can very well see why
Mr. A. is backing; rap Mr. Farrow, 1'x•133,
P., owner of the land in old Determine,
Dlr. A„ no doubt, remembers the affair
in Iluron when lie was pelted with mid
and rotten eggs, when his friend Farrow
took ids part and assisted ]rim oat of the
(terming. Dir. A. 0030 on leaving Delos.
eine to explore the Northwest Territory,
n bronchia (the property of Wrn. lie.
Cntcheon) 1708 lent 10 him to do the
country, i
r i y, gratis, Now this is untrue art
the pony VMS hired by Mr. A. for 82 per
day and what was the result ? The bron-
cho not happoniug to bo a very bright
specimen of its race, he must leave it
Homo thirty.fivo miles away on the prairie
for his relative to get best ho could. Mr,
A. proceeded for the remainder of his
journey on "shank's" pony and arrived
at an old friend's house, now residing
near Carnduff, a worn and Bore -footed in-
dividuate Mr, A. staved with his friend
in the sod shanty till hie return east.
Mr. A. inspected vacant lands in tp. 2
3, 4 and range 32, 33, 34, Mr. A. was
driven around, free, again, by Mr.
Founds. Mr. A. does not say he selected
2 sections and that when he asked Mr.
Feick{( what he, was in his debt Mr.
Fonlde said, "Don't you want any break.
ing done?" "Well, yes, 1 do." Foelds
grave nn estimate for 40 acres and Mr. A.
promised ho should do it for the figure
named. Hence Mr. Feuds refusing any
remuneration whatever, and now what
has Mr. A. done but returned home,
never entered for the land he made so
mush fuss about. i had the pleasure of
meeting Mr. A. one day at darnriuff and
be seemed thoroughly satisfied with the
=intr.; considered it second to hone ;
never dreamed of seeing so many settlers
so far from the railroad, and what ie the
result ? On his return home he runs the
Country down, stating that it is almost
unsettled, and only one family in a town.
ship and in others none. I say he must
bsvo gone out of his souses, and is only
fit to exercise his limbs within the pre -
cents of Colony Hatch. I can produce
numerous affidavits of Bottlers stating
that the country is thickly settled and
that Mr. A.'s statement as to one in a
township and others none is false and
misleading to now comers. iAlr. A. must
have got a siokener of the country when
he had to pay more to get home by rail-
way than when be same out. This, in
my opinion, takes the cake. Apologising
for taking up so much of your valuable
space, I am, Yours very trnly,
G. E. DoNeTEwrLLE,
NotaryPablic, N.W.T.
Croydon Farm, Antler P.O., Assa.
To the Editor of Trot Poem.
Srn,—In a recent issue of Tae Pose
there was a letter published descriptive
of the N.W.T. written by Jamas Young
I give him great credit for his ability for
being able to put so much taffy and soft
nonsense in so small a space. EIe was
delegated by the Orangemen to represent
them at the Grand Lodge held in Win-
nipeg and ho should not have let his
Orange zeal run away with bis wit. He
says it 15 a great country flowing with
wild roses and honey, and had he been a
month earlier he would have seen the
prairie in fall bloom with orange lilies.
Ho further says that the Government
and C.P.R. ofiiolale are all very obliging
to the good loyal people coining to the
conntry, no doubt meaning the Orange-
men. It would be refreshing to know
what Mr. Young means by the word
loyal. It is said that where ignorance is
bliss it is folly to be wise, Had ibir.
Young read the history of the past ho
could not ascribe much Icing loyalty to
Orangemen. He 0115111 to know that
Orangoism sprung from rebellion and
was instituted by the offspring of rebels.
He does 1100 appear to know that all the
liberty the world bas aver got was by
the men called rebels. Mr. Young says
"But any person with rebellious inclin-
ations are soon spotted by the settlers
and it would be just es well for them if
they never saw the country, as the settlers.
tell them in plain English that they have
no use for them." How did the 'settlers'
allow the Orangemen to remain there ?
for there is no class f
men inr'
o Britain
its appenclagee which have such an in-
consistent record for their rebellious ea-
ture as Orangemen. In 1798 they raised
n rebellion in the North oflrcland, which
is now attributed to the Roman Catholics
of that Country by such men as Mr.
Young. When the people of Canada
rose in rebellion in behalf of responsible
government the Orangemen opposed
there, and after responsible Government
Was gained the Orangemen supported the
party that burned the Parliament build.
Inge in Montreal. They also supported
the party that rotten -egged the Queen's
representative, the Governor-General of
Canada. They also showed their kind
of loyalty by supporting the party who
imposed hostile tariffs against the com-
merce of Great Britain. Mr. Young
says, "This is a great country for Orange-
men. I can safely estimate that nine
out of every ten are members of the
glorious Order and the Lord is iroeper-
ing them in the bountiful land. the pra-
iries." Had he said one out of every
ton worn Orangemen he would bo nearer
the trntli. Does Mr. Young meati in
his letter Manitoba se well as the N.W.
T. Then why dict Mr. Greenway suc-
ceed in the last election ? It is a well
known foot that every Orangeman in
Manitoba voted against him and hie sup-
porters. How is it that so many Orange-
men leave the Dominion of Canada and
go and settle in the United States of
America ? Why do they not remain in
this "bountiful land" described by Mr.
Young ? When it is taken into consid-
eration the obligation these Orangemen
of Canada have taken as they have sworn
"I will ever maintain the connection be-
tween these colonies and the mother
country," and after all they have gone
and are going to the United States of
America, and when they settle there they
have to swear "I will maintain the Gor-
ernmont of the United States of America
against all Crownheade, Ringsandpoten-
tates, more especially the Queen of
Great Britain," The next time yon are
sent a delegate by the Orangemen, Mr,
Young, try and use a little more common
sense. Yorre truly,
P.S.-The obligation taken by an
Orangeman in the Old Country is, "I
will be loyal and true to the Icing while
in his realm," A.O;C:O.
Cstntedit,n. N431mes.
J. G. I3oseo, ee.M.P, for Qualm Centre
is Judge Monk's eticeessor in the Quebaa
Queens Bench.
A. E. Poirier, Liberal, and A. T. Lo.
pine, Labor candidate, woro uamineted
for Montreal least Wednesday.
THE BRUSSELS POST Sur. 21, 1888.
"...� ••. 'n" i#t fir7379!4�H•dA•L6550AC:9PT.T�^A'04.iLA^? .'<Tf1.d«'.xh.YYTf&
The return of John \Waklic se 9'I.P. for
Flatten, was gazetted on Saturday.
A. E. Poirier has been eeleated ns the
Liberal candidate in Montreal Pact.
Trains on the Welland railway are now
lighted Iey electricity from a storage
The military earner, of the season have
been pron0uuoed n seccess by the militia
A hungry thief stole 200 lbs. of cheese
from S. L ivergood, fourth line of Steph-
en, the other night.
George Law, of New York, was the
malt who gave 512,009 to the Mayor for
the yellow fever suffers.
Forty-eight new eases of yellow fever
and 11 deaths were reported at Jackson-
ville, Florida, on Tuesday.
A complaint has been made to the Pro•
vitiate), floerd of Health regarding the do.
feetive drainage of Parkhill.
The vote en the by-law to grant Mr.
Wyllie, of Brampton, a bonus 115,000
was carried at Paris, Thursday, 265 for
and 35 against,
A dispatch from Augusta, Georgia,
says :—Tho river is falling. The crops
on the low lands along the Savannah
have been utterly, destroyed.
A. milk -white gopher snake, seventeen
feet six inches long, and having it part of
his tail oat off, at that, has jest been
slain down in Glynn County, Ga.
Tho Manitoba Government has defin.
itoly stated that its aid to the Hudson
Bay 11 110oarl will sot exceed a guarantee
of 5 per cent. for 25 years on 02,000,050.
J. Hamilton Racy, who was the
Workingmen's candidate at the .10001
elections in Hamilton last December, has
decided to go to Inland China as a
Tho Minister of Education is author-
ity for the statement that Toronto Uni-
versity Senate will open their new law
school at the opening of the term,
October let.
At the Cardwell Conservative conven
tion held at Mono Mills Major Evans
announced his retirement from the field,
and after n good deal of wrangling R. S.
White, of Montreal, son of the late mem-
ber, was nominated.
Boyd, Caldwell et Son have sold all
their square timber lying at Quebec, tot-
aling 560,000 feet. This year's product
brought 82 cents per foot, but as 80ma
had been lying in port for five years it
realized only 25 cents. The sale will
apgres a'e 017,000.
Albert Colborne, of Ifnapp'e Island,
Malden, had been troubled all his life
with a toe growing under his foot, and
the other day he deoided to have the
member removed. Two doctors per-
formed the operation with success, and
now Mr. Colborne feels relieved.
The public school teaohere in Toronto
have all been notified that their smiths
will not be required after the 81st ofDe-
cember next. Inspector Hughes says
this step has been taken to enable the
Trusted; to weed out the inefecient teach-
ers. Those who are satisfactory will be
Friday afternoon the magazine on Two
BrothersIsland, Esquimalt, R. 0. ex-
ploded, Bending up a dense volume of
smoke, and demolishing the wooden
building. Stored in the magazine were
300 pounds of powder in cartridges, 22
shells charged, and light not charged, to-
gether with a quantity of fuse and gun
tackle. The fire was caused through the
keeper burning brush on the island. No
ono was injured.
Mount Forest Representative: While
°weeping out one of the bed -rooms in her
house, on Monday, Mrs, 0. W. Smith was
greatly startled to find a ooiiper snake,
which she at first took fora piece of rag,
lying on the carpet. Some gentlemen
who were near at hand were called in
and the snake was quickly killed. How
the reptile got in the room is a mystery
as it is rarely that one of them is ever
seen in these parts.
Colonel Adam Kookle, of Beameville,
aged 96, died Monday morning. He is
about the last of the Canadian heroes who
fought in the war of 1612-14. The gallant
colonel was on the Niagara frontier and
took part in tho battles of Lundy's Lane
and Queenston. For three or four years
pastthe aged man has driven himself lees
and less frequently up to Beameville from
his fine farm on the bank of Ontario, but
continued to the last his control and per -
gond supervision of his place.
In Nova Scotia during August 3,257
tons of gold quartz was crushed, produc-
ing 1,077 onines of gold, valued at about
520 per ounce. Mush of the quartz
yielded over an onnee to the ton, The
Island Gold Mining Company's mill of
the Stormont district gave 29574 mamas
from 252 tons ; the mill of the Oxford
God Mining Company of the Lake Oat.
oho, district, 200e ounces from 175 tons ;
the Lake Lode Company's mill of the
Cariboo district 102 ounces from 90 thus.
The yield in some other instances wag as
low as one ounce to six tons.
The results of the play for the questing
championships of the Dominion are :—
Alexander Young, Toronto, 1st prize and
heavyweight championship ; Alexander
Muir, Toronto, 2nd prize, and E, Derusha,
Claremont, Ord, William Iiitoleen, To-
ronto, won 1st prize and light.weigbt
championsbip ; John Russell, Toronto,
2nd prize, and Alexander Laweon, Luck -
now, 3rd. Special plass for those who
never won a prize at any tournament,
open to Dominion :—Stanilaus Malone,
1st prize ; Joseph Richardson, Toronto,
2nd prize, and H. Trepanier, Montreal,
3rd prize.
A singular aooident happened to Robb.
Alexander, a well-known Adelaide farmer,
as he was returning home from Watford
last Friday evening. When about five
miles from town it was diecovered that
the buggy in which he and his wife were
added was on fire, and before they could
make their esoape Mr. Alexander's clothes
ware badly burned and his wife's dross
damaged by the flames, whish spread
with wonderful rapidity. The carriage
was almost totally destroyed and the
horse scorolied. No °auto can be assign.
ed for the origin of the Aro, as Mr. Alex-
ander was not smoking at the time.
At the annual meeting of the Agricul-
tural and Arts Association the winners
in tho prize form oompotition were en-
meeneed as follows :--Gold medal, James
Fisher, Hyde Per ,Ie Middlesex county;
Arst silver medal, MoDanald Bros,, East
l3orra, Oxford county;; ssoond silver medal,
R. Gibson, Delaware, Middlesex county ;
fleet bronze modal, Robert Auld, War.
wick, Lambton' seoond bronze medal, R,
W. Nicholson, \West Williams, Middle.
sox, The judges retommonded that .as
the competition between R. Gibson and
Green Brae, was very doge, and they
doomed the Green Brae. worthy of Don-
sideration at the hratl(le of the Jloard, they
be awarded tt silver medal,
00At17,hoEl.oIlaAaaRrafn FfoOrlisolSoAiLu To
Township of Norris In the County of II Ewen,
being south half of north half lots 2G &20
And south half of to in Mt eon., outwitting
301 nom more or loss, 120 o0000 mostly
clear of stumps and in a good state of eelti-
yation. There Is a young bearing orc1180,1
good bonne and hank barn 50 x 50 feet. with
Steno stable underneath, The feria is situ-
ated 001130 a n mile of the Village of flruoeels
Laid is a good term for grain or Stock rale-
ing ae It l s watered with the rl ear Maitland
and. uovnr 0,{11504 spring oreok. Possession
0111 ho given at any time. 100* furtherpar-
ticulars apply on the promises ur to A.A.
I0OBEICT0ON, Brussels, P. 0. 0.13
Morrie, el ruinous: de totem. 311 ore or
to close the affairs of the estate of Iles late
W, 0. lilagstnn, the executors offer the fol.
lowing valuable lands for sale North
half of Lot 50, Oaneueslcu 0, Tolerably abip of
Morris,ooutaining 90 nera0. On this lot la
erectea good frame barn with alone fnuu.
dgtion, good orehsrll, well an d plunp . Near-
ly all uicarod, and is on the grave read
°lonely radiriulne6 the village o1 Brussels.
Tills farm is a valuable eat, 1s wall fonecd
and in a gond state of cultivation, For
prieos and terms apply to 'hell BELLY.
111000/10 1i, 0., 1Ie nr inica538Victoria
1, eeAnrn, Maple LodgeuoMiddlesex Jennie
Sterling Maohino Cil is daily becoming more widely end f wordily known Those
who try it continue to use it. No other Oil is more suitable for general nee. It is
well adapted for 0.11
Mill Machinery,
Reapers, lowers
and Threshers !
As -.1 Your
- EIRGl..,.4TT-
for it
Manufactured by tltctlftdlrraz, Kittredge. rf:Co., Pcta'ulea ; Branch at
Stratford, Ontario.
F011 SALE BY A M.i!'J cKA1.1 & (Jo., F`USSELSi
H. F. McALLrsrnr,, Ethel ; J. TrxnlNo, Bluovale. 7m
.e�c�.vs0:s�mz+>~.mmsz .+rte sc>� zr+::vszamxa •n--•i-4cr- a
THE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at
the old
Egg Emporium, N TOTTHE R Brussels Post Office,
Farmers and others can depend upon getting from
J. �L.L.L �8. h7 us the very highest Market Price IN Caen
this season as we are going to ship extensively and require large
' Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels.
lbs. s e Ballantyne a Sone
NoticeI have much pleasure in informing all my
•'Told friends that my slaughter and grandson
will continue the egg business at the old stanch carried on by me
last year and I hope they will 1'eciovo liberal patronage.
cbir • RODDICK.
got r
and they will be pleased to see all their old customers and as many
new ones as possible to look through and inspect.
Dress Goods and n A fine range of t3
rashmerBt^mfX00d8 andOaShmeTes Dl'ei$
Black and Colored. D
Bazaar Patternst`{gents for the Bazaar Patterns. All
Now Styles kept in stock and Monthlies
Given Away Free. 0811 and Get One.
Scotch OU Canadian Tweeds Selection of Can-
l"`adianGrpaid& Scotch Tweeds,
Worsted Coatings, Panting(, and Overcoatings, and MADE To OIIDEla
in the Latest Style.
�pp�� { (y } Full lines in Gray and White
LTray (l0 shite (�iott011 . Cottons, Flannels, Shiltiu s
and all Staple Dry Goods. g
Mentons, in All Golorsr"thall Ovorill all colors, Cheaper
& y, Boots R Shoos manufactured by Cooper tC
Boots shoeSi Smith, fend each Moot stamped with their
own name. A large consignment Just Received.
GRarERIE8e b-.Oeet quur Groalitceryies are All Now, Fresh Goods and
A. Call Solicited at
S':.A.0 1. AN : R0
nitn0inN8u 01100,, for sale the north
cast (matte ref lots°, onneesslon 0, morels,
County of Huron, eoatainhng G9 awes. Tito
land is 01 lira quality and Ina high eta to of
cul !Aviation, well finned Sed underetrained,
9a cares cleared. New frame house, s rooms,
milli 110000 with 05000010 welts, 2 wile,
good barna end e11ed. orchard, eta. Eight
acres of fall wb oat. This desirable property
adiolns.the corporation of mussels. 8ult-
ablle torula will be given. Tido perfect.
3,111118 (7413;3'11 ()senor,130x 2G9
0°• Brussels P. 0,
_..�_ ..,. ..._...__
Economy Restaurant.
Iloving just opened in the Brick Corn.
er Store, formerly acenpied by It, Mal -
who, Brussels, the opposite corner be
the Postollice.
(At all reasonable Hours)
A earl is especially solicited and ovary
attention will be paid to Patrons. A lien.
ited number of Lady and Gentleman
Boarders wanted.
ft AS. BROADFOOI', Prop,
"Well l neighbor, where did you got that
Ono wonting IWO furrow Gang Plow 0" Well
Bir, I got it from 10,Y1. 10ARTII , Brussels.
you know ho keeps the largest stock of
MOWS worth the money la the trad0.
Aro you In need o1 a general purpose
plow call and two
THOS. HENDRY'S, of Seaforth ;
TOLTON'S, of Guelph, No. 7 Plow ;
PATTERSON'S, of Woodstock.
Straw Carters, Grain Crushers and
Grain Grinders.
2, 4, 0, 8 and 10 Horse Power.
in all Sale of Implements.
Wm, Martin.
noun : TenNNEnitr 8090E11.
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that ho does all kinds of Blackamithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cotters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Specialty of Horse•shoeing.
A Gall Solicited. r3'Remember the
Stand—NEen TIM Bnrnon.
34 S. Plum.
P. RIV/17'1 .FUNDS.
of Private Funds havojust been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in three days if title is
Applyto E E. WADE.
Alain street, flrussois
Fresh AN, Salt Meats
Of the best quality always on band sari rte -
livered to say part of the; aillago flea rat
Worms very favorable
Vex whiehthe highest market prise will
be paid,
I also make a specialty of buying Hides
and situs.
Don't forgot the plaso next door to
Piloteher'ejewelry Store. A. CURRIE.
Lii i4o # ai']t y E!,
The Cranbrook'Lime
Are in full blast and a first -tilts
X.g Ma
--00L17 10OIt--
121 Cents Per Bushel.
43.8uis V, t11HAM Pr0(b+