HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-9-14, Page 8It is not now necessary to go to
- t,''stsleington Territory to receive benefit
freeze the waters pf the
Tide \Voter is now evaporated and shipped
•,00,dillerentparts of the world in packages
-andllluvo the agony for it hero. It is re-
..aoournend0d cspeotally for )thoumutiem Par-
. aotyais, Catarrh, Despopsia and Skin Deems-
you will oell at my Drug Store you can
• 'ttaxe a paper giving full directions and teati-
lnaonialafrom peopie near house who have
1lfaottbeneetted by this milady.
1Crnggist, Bookseller, and Fancy Goods
Dealer, Brussels.
gives such universal satisfaction es the
.COUGH REMEDY mauufaatured in
•Levarth, called
LUMSleEN & WIL8ON'S--•' '
`na o;'vrviu bweo(a (o°a95:gefeN°uwelret llaireo
y O aI Gl ooratei. Balsam of Fir
Yto wouderful virtues have created a
ethic,•and for the Preparation from all
pees of the Province.
Druggists sell it, Price 50 Sts.
-apnTnEnN 0 rENSIOx, w. G.& 0, R.
'Transience Brussels Station, sort- and
,:oaklz as follows:-
41,in.F.Soutll. coma North.
7:02 a.m. jj ldtxed .,.,.......0:80 a,m
Mr:prega.,....11:40 a,OL i!fail...............0:COp.m
!Slued.. 8:55 p.m. I Express 0:45p.m
c''ora Ntiu5 Jt 2115,
• .A clliel's among ye talon' notes
1:1u' faith he'll preut it.
Tammy seed at M'cCrecken's.
Peen Goods arriving at Strachan Bros.
'Veter:AM Presbytery met in Wingbam
./en'Toesday of this week.
Mare havo come those New Fall Dress
• rereoda, Silks, &c, A. R. Smith.
RAST Huron Fall Sbow in Brussels, ry
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 4th and 5th.
Miss HArw,nln has again taken charge
et A. R. Smith's Millinery Department.
A ere nnu of our townspeople attended
the base ball tournament in Listowel on
Thursday of this week.
Tisa field gang of the Brussels flax
[illi were photographed one day this
week. There were 25 of them.
Toat1.2oos.-I have a primo rat of to-
matoes for sale. Now is the time to
oecmw them. Tilos. KELLY. ti
J. G. SxanE is quite a gardener in his
-way and has, this year, grown tomatoes
&et weig''eed one pound and Eve maces
'EMI Pose etaff begs leave to acknow-
ledge, with thanks, the receipt of a basket
of fine eating apples from John Grant, of
(.3 -my township.
A. Y2. Surra has engaged the services
of another first class salesman, in the
person of Alex. Robertson. He will bo.
gin his duties on Oct. 1st.
So.rErHLxo over 000 pounds of clothing,
moods, &c., wore shipped, this week, by
::ho Brussels Women's Missionary So.
effete, to the Indiars on the Bird Tail Re-
serve, N.W.T.
.15.1..•nY Been is shipping six or eight
'ars of ashes to the Southern States.
Large quantitiet of lumber is else being
chipped by Ament Bros., Vanstone Bros.
and L. McDonald & Co.
Wean DIGGING Axn D1;ILLINO.-George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
.rigging and drilling wells and is prepared
.to attend to all work entrusted to him in
a way that will insure satisfaction. Terms
reasonable. Residence second door north
of the bridge, west side of Turnberry
street, Brussels. 0-tf
eileaneerme the Durham batebail tourna-
ment committee refused to allow Brussels
ro compete they had the "gall" to imporp
Ave or six Guelph players to strengthen
their :team so as to be able to "switch"
the local clubs. Their pitcher, catcher
411d their basemen were all from tbe
1 oyal city and prebel% a few more of
.the nioe.
Pan man 'Tiepins.- Geo. Love & Co.
wrier a Raymond sewing machine as a
prize for the best 50 pound tbb of butter
on exhibition at the Peat Huron Fall
'Show, held at Brussels on Oot. 4th and
tie. The better is to be the property of
the donors of the machine. This will no
doubt prove an interesting note to more
tilon ono household in this locality.
Kiln Mitchell Advertiser says :-"The
Royal IIotal has undergone a change of
,landlords. Mr. Prey, of Hamilton, an ex-
perienced hotel keeper, and a gentleman
deiglfl",y recommended is the new landlord.
'George Finley is clerk and manager. The
Revel Hotel is it first class house and
alaldor its new management will regain
its former good name." Mr. Frey is well
ncaown in Brussels and is an honest,
':straightforward roan as the Mitchell peo-
ple will prove.
Ilyereseme.--On Wednesday forenoon
-df this week Rev. S. Jones performed tho
-marriage ceremony between John J. Vin.
-lent and Miss Fannin Livingston, at the
. "co idem a of Mrs, Livingeton. The eon.
'emoting parties were attended by Miss
.:ggiie +Livingston, sister to the bride,
and iflishaWalker, of Wawanoeh. The
'Impost twain tools the noon train for a
wedding tour to the oast. They have
.khn het wiehos of a large circle of Tele-
'erves, and frfonde•
Tim Band gave its neural Saturday
evening.00ncert last week and in addition
a;o'o*tier eeloot:one gave, in Mad style,
"l3•o minae Rifles," quick march, "Big 0,"
• lUioltatep, "Wapsipinica" quickstep,
"Yon:Kno " Waltz, and "Areola" quick-
step. The big drum, daluagod on the
xotures trip troln the 'Walkerton tourna-
,en9nk, in now as good as new. The jury
00000 disagree in rendering a verdict
when. the Band begins to play ae it is
entei iersally admitted that the J3i•bie'+le
Intl ploy splolid'idly,
1 of aliens at Slime's,
Jot lino M
Cnsorsse illeltone in town at Skene's.
Nisi; iio:ooni Boss was in Guelph for a
few dam :this week.
61.03 woe paid per bushel for Fall
wheat on our market this week.
Anna[ Goop le receiving his Fall boots
and shoes, Many of them arehandmako.
Tni brick addition to the American
Hotel is euolosed and the roof about tin.
T. G. McCneczzs made his usual visit
to Brussels this week. He's a very sec -
easeful traveller.
Niewest samples of wedding stationery
just to hand at Tun Pose Publishing
House. See them.
Rae. J. Boas, 13..A.., of Melville eburob,
and Rev. A. C. Stewart, of Delmore, ex-
change pulpits next Sabbath.
SrewAXT & Lowica have diepoasd of two
more oar loads of their well-known brand
of flour to their customers in the east.
WE would say to those who are not in
the habit of buying from us, we will pub
our goods before you without wasting your
time and wbothor you buy or not you
will meat with civility and courteous
treatment. A. R. Smith.
has been baying holidays this week owing
to an ugly wound on his right wrist. It
was caused by bis arm being pushed
through tbo glass front of a show ease.
Three stitches had to be put into it to
drew the wound together.
Attu Goon hoe disposed of Lis custom
business in the shoemaking line to his
foreman, Peter Ritchie, who toolc posses-
sion on Thursday of this work. Mr.
Good will still push the ready-made
boots and shoes and will devote more
attention to thdgrocrry department, es-
pecially the tea trade. Mr. Ritebia is
well known in town having been in Mr.
Good's employ about six years. He will
do a good business.
HAErzST Roam PosenAL.-It was de.
Bided at a congregational meeting of the
Methodist church, held last Wednesday
evening, to hold a Harvest Home festi-
val. On Sunday, 30th inst., sermons
will be preached et 10:30 a.m. and 6:30
p.m. by (it is expected) Rev. Mr. Living-
ston, of Clinton. On Monday eveuing
following a festival will bo held of which
full particulars will be given later, It is
the intention of tbo committee to decor-
ate the basement with grain, fruit, &c.
Keep the date before you.
15'10 aro showing the latest novelties in
plain end fancy dress goods, eombinatiou
suits, dress trimmings, silks, satins, plush-
es, velveteens, ribbons, mantle cloths,
hosiery, gloves, flannels, staple. goods,
shawls, wraps, carpets, lace and Tapestry
curtains, lugs, children's and boy's suite,
overcoats and gent's furnishings. If you
want first -Class dry goods at lowest
prices and good value at all .times go to
Burt Bros. & Co., of Listowel. 0.lin
elissinxtur.--Tho first year of the
Brussels Auxiliary of the Woman's Mis-
euenar0 Society of the Methodiet church
ends the 15th September. The closing
exercises were held last Thursday after-
noon in the lecture room of the church.
The interest has been well sustaiued dur-
ing the year by interesting letters from
the various ladies engaged in the mission
field, supported by this society. Present
membership 17. All the officers were
re-elected for the ensuing, year, as follows:
-President, Mrs. F. L. Herr ; Vice Pres-
idents, Mrs. R. Paul and Mtn. Wm. Van.
stone ; Correapopding Secretary, kers. M.
Swann t Recording Secretary, Mrs. Gil-
pin ; Treasurer, Mrs. Creighton. The
Treasurer's report showed that the ro-
empte of the year ware membership fees,
special collection and mite boxes, 030.00,
which has been forwarded to the Branch
Treasurer. The year has closed with
great spiritual prod* and promises a
bright fnturo for this .Auxiliary.
GAME LAWS. -None of the animals or
birds hereinafter mentioned, shall be
hunted, taken or killed, within the peri•
ods hereinafter limited : Deer, elk, moose
reindeer or caribou, between the fifteenth
day of December and the fifteenth
day of October ; grouse, pheasants, pra-
irie fowl or partridge, between the Erst
day of January and the firer day of Sep-
tember ; quail or wild ttrrkeye, between
the fifteenth day of December and the
fifteenth day of October ; but no wild
turkey shall be hunted, taken or killed,
before the fifteenth day of October, 1889 ;
woodcock, between the first day of Jane.
ary and the fifteenth day of August ;
snipe, rail and golden plover, between the
first any of January and the drat day of
September ; swans or geese, between the
first day of May and tbe first day of Sep-
tember ; ducks of all kiuds, and all other
water fowl, between the first day of Jan-
uary and the first day of September;
hares, between the fieteenth day of March
and the first day of September. 49 V.C.
45, S. 2, No beaver, mink, muskrat,
sable, martin, otter or fisher, shall be
hunted, taken or killed, or had in posses-
sion of any person between the first day
of May and the first day of November.
49 V.C. 45, S. 7.
A Stimenzo,-I am not a writer for the
press nor do T wish to be, further (loan
the detaile of my own business, and I
sincerely regret the necessity now im-
posed upon me of hayingto ask space to
vindicate myself and oters against One.
of the 'foulest calumiaatione that ever
appeared on the pages of a paper. It
was in both mere a few weeks ago en-
titled "A Saoriligioua Act," in which
twooetimable young ladies and your am: -
respondent were aroused of driving to
the cemetery and descrier/sting the resting
place of a certain deceased lady, despoil-
ing the tomb of flowers, &e. The story
was, no doubt, widely circulated, but had
it been confined to the prose, coneoious
of thefnnocenoe of my companions and
myself of any complicity in the riffeir
(and more as the errand of the young
ladies in question was to pay their re•
emotes to the memory of a revered parent
after a long absence) I would have paid
no partioular attention to it, brit, not
eatiefrod with what ho bad done, the
malevolent author of that Satanic false.
hood reiterates it verbally until it comes,
from an authentic source, to your cor.-
reepondent'e ear. I -at once interviewed
him and he partially acknowledged 5t,
basing his action oe the statements of
one of two little girls who were .there,
while the other says distinctly we wore
not near the grave anti. that tho pansy, or
buttercup, was uprooted before wo same
at all. to this can bo added our three
affidavits that eve were not. If the
libeller repudiates this vindication louder
than a thought I will treat him to an
Argument that will better suit his grovel-
ling nature and give him a chance, if he
Wleltee to 'air himself in the Court.
Thinking you, Mr, ]'editor, fot your
05900, r Wel renlaln
A Er AMR or Tars loan.
1 r meeting last 'ri
No 01001D00.dnr n 1 % du'
*veiling as there was not a quorum }pea
ll`ar. Nlu18.108ALE,L• Co. have engaged
Mrs, John Alexander to take charge of
their millinery department for the coming
Rlnn0xa, all the nowost shades and
makes, Jet, Fur and Braid trimmings,
Buttons, Beckles and Clasps at A. Be
A noon many Bruseolites attended the
field meeting and Harvest Horne in Mrs.
R. Brown's grove last Sanday and Mon-
day. All the services were well attended
and were very interesting.
THERE ie a big run on tho chaff at the
flax mill this Beeson. Whereas it was
only used for bedding for borstal or cat-
tle people now find it a valuable food for
(owe and itis said they eat it with relish
in the winter.
Paam,% Wa KNOW.-. C. Lowery, wife
and son, Esther Buyere, Mrs. Beer and
ohildren and Jas. Thompson took advent.
age of the excursion to Detroit and Port
Huron last Friday morning.-Jno. Barn-
lrill and wife expect to spend next winter
in California with their eon. They will
leave about the 20th. Jno. McFarlane
will move into Mr. Baruhill's house. -
Miss Annie Ballantyne and Miss Nesaio
]Say were visiting in Seaforth this week.
-J. W. Shaw returns to Toronto on Sat-
urday of this week to continue his Oouree
in ruedioine.-Rev. Jno, Ferguson, of Los
Angeles, California, wa s visitor in 7rue.
sets for a few days last week. Ito was
over on a business trip to the east and
called here on his way. The rev. gentle-
man is greatly pleased with his new
Immo and, judging from his appearance,
it agrees with him splendidly. Mr. Fer-
guson was the pastor of Melville church,
Brussels, for about 14 years, being Rev.
J. Ross' predecessor. -The St. Marys
Argus speaks es follows of W 3 haw, a
brother of Principal Slum, of our town :
William Shaw, Principal of the Motile; -
well school, has sent his resignation to
the trustees. He has taught said school
for ten years. He is intending to qualify
for an M.D. and will attend the college at
Montreal for that purpose...He has been
very suocessful in sending out flrst•olass
scholars, who are filling with credit tbe
different branches of employment in
which they aro engaged. Mr. Shaw
carries with him the good -will of all, and
I believe the enmity of none. It is hoped
that whoever may succeed hila will be as
highly esteemed and as sucoesaful.-Mrs,
Ainlay sr. has gone to visit her dcage ter
at Port Huron. She may spend the win.
ter there.-btobt. King, of Doseronto, was
in town over Sunday. He was fit one
time miller 0l Stewart & Lowick's mill.
-Mrs. Johnston and Miss Sadie eiooney,
of Port Huron, are visiting relatives in
this locality. -Jas. Dioksou, of Seaford',
spent a couple of days with his cousin
Harry last week. -Miss Denman is home
from an extended visit to Ayr--ltev. G.
13. Howie is away at T, /oleo tens week
Ile preaches at Toeawater next Sabbath. i
-R. Williams was away on a holiday :
trip to Flint, Mich., for a week.-Cbarlio
Dutton and two of G. A. Deadman's
children are visiting at Stratford. We
are sorry to hoar that errs. Deadman is ,
ill with typhoid fever but hope she will
be speedily restored to bee"usual health.- 1
"A few days ago Mrs, Geo. R. Wright, of
Berlin received through the Merobants'
Bank the sum of 03,000, tbe amuan% for
whiob her late husband was insured in
the Royal Arcanum. 411 the money Mr.
Wright had paid in to 800ure this large
prize for those he left behind was 070."
The deceased was at one time a resident
of Brussels being a member of tate firm
of Ross & Wright, merabants.-Mrs, d.
13. Ray and daughter, of Dnudas, former
townsfolk, are visiting in Liruaaole -P.
Thompson was home on a abort stay. He
likes Toronto well end has been very
busy is the contracting line. -Mrs. Har-
greaves is making a visit with her son et
the Queen City. -Mies Pear, of Bimini,
was the guest of her aeut, errs. Samuel
Fear. -Geo. Martin, who has bean visit.
ing his brother for a week or more, will
leave shortly for the Philadelphia Dental
College to complete his course, -Mrs. FI.
Dennis is fn Toronto this week enjoying
a holiday visit. -Mrs. (Dr. McPllayden,
of Mt. Forest, a former resident of 13rua.
sols, is the guest of Mrs. Alex. Hunter
this week. -Mise Maxwell is home from
an extended stay in the States. -Ches.
Watts and family have removed to
Guelph. Mr. Watts is a flrateelase
workman and deserves to succeed. -Mrs.
Pike and children and Miss Mc0utcheon
are home again from their visit to rela-
tives in Michigan. -Rev. Samuel Sones
arrived home laat Tuesday after an ab-
sence of over five weeks. While away he
preaohecl ten times and gave several ad.
dresses. We have some to the Gen -
elusion that he must be renewing his
youth like the eagle. -Mies Lottie Bernie
has gone to East Saginaw to make a visit
with her brother, IL A, Smelt, well
known horn. -Miss Emily, of Hamilton,
was visiting the Misses Oliver laat weak.
'-L6. Creighton was home last Monday
evening. He is now at Galt--Tbos, F.
Calbiok is borne from Kansas,-eIrs.
Wake and Mee. Hart have been on the
sick list. Mies Maggie eloNair has been
quite ill during the past week but is im-
proving now. -W. Montgomery, who was
in the roller mill of Messrs. Stewart &
Lowick for some time before going to the
Wast, has given up milling and gone into
the impl(mont bueineeo.-W.P. Vanstono
made a business trip to Elsinore this
week. -Miss Clara Creighton wi11 resume
her position as milliner at Otteeville.--
11'Iisa Sanders, of London, was visiting
Mre, Webber last week. -Thos. Ainlay,
who hasbeeo e, resident of Drussols for m
great many years, is about removing to
Listowel where he will work in the Mess
factory. Wo are sorry to lose Mr, and
Mrs. Ainlay from our town as thoy ore
I very worthy citizens hut we hope they
will find many Mende in their new home.
--d. H. 'Young and S. R. Grant see ex-
peotod borne from Winnipeg on Satur-
day of this wools --Mrs, John klayoroft
has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. R.
T. Hingoton, in Wingham, this week.. --
Mies Hannah Brine, of eleaforth, is
vieiting her sister, Mrs, P. Scott. ---led.
Grundy and family have boon on a visit
M friends iu Lnknow and Ripley. -Jiro.
Robertson, cheaeolnakor, has made a new
engagement and hag gone to the eolith of
England. Ilia pupils took nearly all the
prizes at the ageimiltural shows in Soot.
land., -Mrs. Galvin Campbell, nee Mins
Mehl,Gl, Bawtfnl:imer, was in town for
a few Jaye this week and loft on Satter.
day for Michigan, -W. 73allantyno, J•
l0oalaugphtou, Peed. lereOraokenl , J. 14Ic.
Bain, H. Veal and 13.Dieltec11visited the
olaaoio village of Seafortll het Stmday.•,
Meet Maggie McBain is visiting in Heft•
forth atllrceent, •
New tweeds and suitings at Btraolinn
Oe1xi.r 'g famed Manitoba P1our for
salefit un Tiro ox's. 48.
Toss who like Meek Tett should try
Adam Good's, The flavor is very fine, 6
A. It, SAm= has a first-olaes mantle -
maker and has on hand a grand stool[ of
mantle clothe,
Awr quantity of fresh limo at the Kiln.
Brussels, for 11 gents a bushel. W, F.
KELLY, Prop.
A LAn0E consignment of Cooper &
Stilith'e Boots and Siloos at Street's',
Broe. this weep,
ExriA1alae in Crockery and Glass.
ware. Finest white Granite Sets import-
ed 02 at Thomson's, 47- '
A G1asrLnntuN fn Rochealer, N.Y., wanbe
to purchase Wm. Roddiek's "Grit" mare.
She is a dandy and her owner knows it.
AN attentive steak to select from, vel.
ues equal to any its the trade, correct
stylus and liberal terms to good mon. A.
R. Smith.
Con, stove for sale, also a wardrobe,
dining room chaise, do. May be seen at
the residence of W. 13. Dickson, Eliza-
beth street, n9•tf
E, A, MAiirIN, L. D. S., will remove
hie dental office to the building formerly
used as a photo. gallery, next door north
of the Bank.
NEST Sabbath Rev. A. 'W. Tango, of
Blyth, will preach both morning end
avenin( in the Methodist church. Rev.
iM. Swann is away at Toronto..
Tula stare and dwelling lately vacated
by Mrs. Alexander is to rent.' The looa-
tion is the beet iu town. The key may
be had at Tun Polm Publishing House, 6
List lltarvest Ext'': ratan..-11rr10501a to
1Delorntne only $03;00 on Scut 9511*. Good
file two menthe. Oct tD.D04311 tLekct$ and
through cheeks front C. T, 1t. Station
Agent, Itruasels. 0-0
Ws are indebted to the editcoe of the
Blyth Standard for the report of the
Sabbath School and Evangelical Con•
ventiou held in that village last week.
Tnna:suMO will be finished at the flax
mill ill low( next weak when the whole
force will be put in the fields lifting flax
preparatory to commencing to scutolt.
TBE London Evening Times has made
its bow to thepublio and appears to be
well managed. It is very doubtful, how-
ever, if it will make muoli progress with
the keen opposition of the Advertiser
and Pree Psoas.
LAsr Tuesday we received over a ton
of printing paper from the Canada Paper
Co's mills and will keep to our promise
by printing both aides of Two Poor next
week. The above mentioned lot of paper
means the payment of a nice little sum
of money so we remind those indebted to
us that a few hundred dollars will not
come amiss.
GRAND MiLLLNEnr Oruw ere -Part Bros.
& Co„ of Listowel, will exhibit in their
show room on Thursday, Friday. and
Saturday 20th, 21st and 22nd Sept., the
most exquisite stook of trimmed bonnets
and hate end millinery novelties to bo
seen west Of 1'Orofito, Their sbuw room
will be in charge of Miss Young and she
will be pleased to have a visit from every-
body. Remember the dates 0-1
Paulin. -In Brussels, on the 12th inst.,
the wife of air. Chris, Pellet, of a
VIa0ENT-Lr,'mooro11,-At the residence
of the bride's mother, Leroy, on the
1201) inst., by Rev. Samuel Jones,
Mr. John Jackson Vincent to Mies
Frances May Livingston both of
Grey township.
C.1iIPE012,--BAwTIamoxllER.-M the ManSo,
St. Ignace, Mich., by Rev. John Fer-
ries, at 8 a. m. May 22nd 1886, Mr.
Calvin Albert Campbell of Bay City,
conductor 11.0.11.R., second son of
Mf. Alex. Campbell, of Trowbridge,
Mich., formerly of Bel rave, Ont.,
to Miss Adele Gladys, eldest daught-
er of Mr. A. J. Bawtinheimer, of
Brussels, Ont., formerly of Wolver-
ton, Ont., and grand -daughter of the
late P. Bawtiuheimer, of Maple Hill,
Ayr, Ont.
CoNEhr,-At Sunshine, on the 4th inst.,
Phoebe Pearl, infant daughter of Jno.
and Jane Conary, aged 6 months and
25 days.
�A7r2i Bf CWS.
Fell Shows will bo held this season as
follows :
Toronto Sept. 10 to 22.
Milverton, Oot. 2 and 13.
Listowel, Sept. 25, 20, 27 and 28.
Past Huron, Druesels, Oct. 4 and 5,
Provincial at Kington, Sept. 10 to 15.
East Wawanosh, :Bolgravo, Dot, 8 and
Elea, et Newry, on Thursday, Oct.
Beeler on Monday and Tuesday, 0o-
tober 1.mil 2.
Western, at London, from the 2011: to
the 20th of September.
Clinton on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, Sept. 10, 20 and 21.
South Huron, at Seethe*, on Monday
and Tuesday, Sept. 17 and 18.
Goderich on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, Oat. 2, 8, 4 and 5.
So✓ AZ'OT.,,mxx ebeCeeMit:.enTS..
ow:una'rm 0111Er0LLY 008nr 1EItif.
Fall Wheat, 95 1 00
Spring Wheat 95 1 00
Oats 80 81
Peas: 57 58
Barley 45 56
Potatoes .. 80 00
Butter, per lb 15 10
Eggs, per dozen 14 00
Apples, por bushel 65 00
Hogs, dressed 0 60 7 00
Beef 4 60 5 50
Iiay 8 00 0 00
Wood, per cord......., 2 50 It 50
Sheepskins, each 40 76
])8-3-0813:.r]) obeeeteeTreeiMM,
00nni80T110 CA11Ern1.LY 1tv1117 WREN.
Fall Wheat 05 1 08
Spring Wheat06 1 00
Barley 45 55
Oats 80 31
Peas.. ., . 07 08
Bator, tube and tolls.,. , 15 16
Il ge per dozen-- r14 00
Flour par barrel.. ..... 5 00 00
Potatoes. 330 00
Iiay per ton ... 9 00 10 00
1Iid00 per lb., 4 6e
Sall poi' bble oho atelle.,. , 60 80
alien sitfno, cash .. 60 1 00
Wool, pet lb,,..,,‚,,., I8 22
Pork,..,.,,.,,..,.,,,, :6 25 650 8'16 Barfe918,o, 01881110,
A.A-ST 4Zef4.0S,
/1185 LI4i' VEAL WILL (50711 1.1:8-
sans in Drawing, lmud0oape Panithlg
and Pnlithlg on'Velvnt, Charges moderato,
Babtafnotlou j;uarantaod, 0.10
Cavoe to .Re. issues nod Trade Markeacoured
and all other patent sabres In the Patent
Ofboeend before the Courts prompt!y and
earetolly attended to, Upon receipt of wind.
el or sketch of invention, 1 Make oareiui
examination,and advien as 00 patentability
Free of Charge, Fees moderato, and t 16,0010
no (barge unless patent,( secnrea, Inform-
ation, advice and special references sent on
app(loatimL J, it. 01 1'T111, 01, Washington
D,C., U,S.Patent0flloo, 10-
10100 of the undersigned, lob 88, con. 0,
Mosris, 11 no month o1 May last, 8 heifers
tawl one Omar, (the atoor resembles bull In
he head, 1'ed with suite white spots] 1 heif-
er le rod in dolor, 1 rad with white on Sauk
and Mee, and]. yellow with white bully aid
white across the bind quarters. Any iu-
tarmatinu regarding the above will be
thankfully received, Thuro aro also 8 stray
cattle on my promisee at present, all 1 -year-
olds. They are 8 heifers alai 1 steer. JAS,
BH :flip, Brussels 0.0, 5-tf
rlIIoIQE 0A111IS FOR ti ALL,---
l. A few splendid, improved farms for
sale to the township of (Frey, Sterile and
M0Khilop. Apply to A. 3)1:1.GAT17, Co,
Auctioneer',nru(eole P, 0.
C�®WILL BUY,A FIRST1.,. C Class a0 -aero Farul, being
oast half et lot e, eon, 12, Grey township,
40 acres clearod and (oodod to Grasp; balance
hardwood bush. Buildings nn,1 fences fair,
orchard good, will he sold on easy terms
and poas0s'dno elven at ally ti nn. •.l pply to
JOHN atoL'ADD1:Y, or t0 AL1,8. 15UNTEI8,
Brussels. 5-4tn
sonreea offers 111e valuable 100 aero
farm, being lot 0, eon, 18, Grey 'Township
Huron 00„ for sale. Mora aro about 00
aures cleared and in good heart, There 10 a
log house, good hank barn, beating orchard,
and 011 Elio necessary °Doyen lances on the
premises. For further portiaulare, as to
price, terms, oto„ apply to the Proprietor,
THOS, HISLOP,C laro P. 0., 1,7 .19.T.. or to
{''ARkt FOR SALE OR "'I0
Rarer.- The undersigned offers bio
00-a500 farm, lot 00, Oen. 7, Morris, for sea
or to rout, Phare are 00 soros cleared
end under mop. The buildings oonsist of a
frame house, frame barn, &0. There i8 also
at1-orsbard 0f ono acre, Guod wall, 01000
aro 1e soros of fall wheat in Llys fall. Pox
further particulars, as to 1,1100, forme, &a„
a01 -y 03
OY, Brussels P. 0,
Claes 100•nore Farm, being lob 0, con.
10, croy, on the promises, On FnrnAv, OCT.
18th, 1888, at 2. o'clock 0.1n. Well improved
and in a good state of cultivation. Io within
ono mile of the thriving village of Brussels,
on a leading erevel 108.1. Teo acres of Sall
,-beat 111 Obi 5,111. t''rms "nolo known Oa
d.•, Id eels „r orplu.411,ta to either the
Auct'ioneot of al<O fT a.'rfic:inlii illi}n-R'o; tT•rr,
04111 Propria tor.
r0nsAir.,-Bolan lot 14, con, 10, con-
taining100aaree. Ib fe partlyolearsd the
wolf t[mbarod. A never failing
creek crosses the pleat and itis well adapt.
ed for either fanning or grazing. I wi111ilce-
wlse soli t0 acres, being east part of Int 14,
5on.15, nearly all awned and in a good
state of cultivation. A good frame barn
with a good stone stable underneath and a
never failing wall is also on the place, For
further partleularo apply so tho proprietor
on the place, %%islet is ono°site tlio oth-
er GEORGE AVERY, Proprietor. 1.tf
being tho south half of lot number
80 in the 4th concession of the township of
Morris, known as the homestead of Archi-
bald Taylor, containing niuoty-win acres,
Ninety pores aro cleared, the balonoe wood-
ed with valuable timber. Excellent
Ingo, largo orchard of choice trees, soil in.
good condition and le situated one and a
quarter miles north of the Village of 3111B.
oS tbo on the
hommesteadlfarms in the 0ouis uty.
of Huron and will bo sold at a bargain and
on terms to suit purchaser. For further
partionlars apply to the Proprietor, A. AT,
TAYLOR, Manning Arcade, Toronto, or to
AR0131BALD 'TAYLOR, fin„ on the prem-
ises, tf.
The Executors of tbo eetato of the late
'tVILLiiatlifoorms, llsenlnit, deceased, now
affox (he following valuable lands for sale,
vis.: -Tho north halt of lot e7, and the west
half of the north half Wet 00, both in rho
5t11 concession of 6110 'Township of Morris.
County o1 Heron, oont0ining 150 acres,
About 110 acres' are cleared and in good
condition, the greater part being in grass,
The balauco is well timbered, shiofly with
beech, and maple.
This farm is favorably situated within one
mile of the village of Brussels, whiob affords
Ito excellent market. There Is upon the
premises a good frame barn and house an
o1obard of abates fruit treee, a never failing
spring, also a good well =downy, aid goose
fomes, T1210 property will be sold 111 one Or
two pa10010, to suit intending purahasors,
Purchaser will be allowed to enter and hays
use of house on premises at any time after
harvest aur to do tall plowing, Full posses-
sloe will In given at 1st Novotnbec next,
For terms and further particulars apply
to the undersigned 1i,xecntors, or to Jonx
AIooNE'r,1I0q„ 13)180010, Ont,
George Cardiff, )11.,.,„„„,
ADINcaon .t Hoe, f
Dated at Brussole, June 1810, 1888, 00
Two Valuable Farms
Xn tiro Townships of Grey and Morris,
4a. the County of Huron.
Under and byvirlue of the powers of rule
ooutainod i8 a outgo Mortgage, whiob
mortgage will be prodneed at the bene of
sato, there will be °f Brod for sale by Publta
Auction, at the Americium 110tol, tt tho
V'illag'e aunt/emu, ON
Wed'oesdevv, Octaves' 3rd, '88
An 2 0'0Lo0k r, tr„ Lilo following eneerties:
Township of Grey --Lot number FOM', in
the Filth 00/1000010/1 of the To*nship of
Groy, containing Ono Ilttucned Amu more
or loss, of 1rh1511 about 10 limos aro eleare1
and free from stumps, the-retealndor well
timbered, onitablofor building, fencing and
firewood. Them is oath to be e. log nou00
OD the 100.
Township 015101n10 --111e North -halt of lot
numberlvouty,nln, in the Flf1h Canoes -
non of the Township of Morris, oontahling
One HuudrelAoros more o1 Iegs, of which
about 85 acres are cloaca,] 0u(0 75 noses
Stumped 1110 rernaindsrwsll'timbor511 with
booth and maple.. On the lot [bore ar0 05,318
to -boa largo imam house, 311 good repair,
log l>8081, Immo elabloe and granary, alae au
preheat of :bent an aero,
Both of these farms aro situated in D100.
porous Oetblaruentu,aud ,within a short dt+-
tan00 of Brussels, a good market.
Wolters or SAr,1E,-one.te"th of t110'pttr5llan5
looney on the (ley of sale and the balance
within thirty days. lhreo'fonrthe of the
11100haee bollen may remain on mortgage,
leach int w113 be offered 0ubl1:et Or a r00erv0
V01. furthorpartlenlar0 apply to
Kerr, lfaction/de, bavldsott *t V0401100t
Vis reen'9 lio3,liutonsi
e -& 10 Seesenlc Bn11-d'ga,Toronto et., Toeoute
Or 1,0 ,Alex, M0ttrtter, Al0atic* s',
SEPT. 14, 1888.
Transact a General Banlc111;1
Canadian and 'United States Drafts bought
and sold.
In tweet allowed on Ae,'oatta.
Collentions made on favorable 31:1:10.
Caoadlao Agents- llincannO's 1}AY1 or
Now lark Agents-Itreon'nne Awn 'Paan -
inns 11AP10NAL 11.0111.
. or, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
&c, 0111ao: Grahame Block, 1 door north of
Hargreaves' Drug Store. Private Funds to
A.J • Solicitor and Notary Pnblio, Con-
veyancing. Colleotloua and Loaning. Dir.
Wade ill attend in Gordo every Wednes-
day at t)ro o'oloek..
(Late with Garrow &Proudfna(, Godo-
rioh) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
&o. Oaths, Grant's ]]look, Brnesal0. Aloney
to loan,
A lI. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., I3AR-
• 111801111, Solicitor, &c„ of the firm of
Dickson & Taylor,Barristers,Solicitors, &e,, Alaoniug Arcade, Rill Strout
West, Toronto, Monoy to loan.
t� rho Fourth Division Court,Clo. Heron
Conveyancer, Notary Publics, Laud, Lone
and /neurone° Agent. Funds invested and
to loan. 0o,leotione ma110. Odioe 1n Gra-
ham's Block , Brussels.
676TM. F. CALL M. D , 0. M.
Member of tate College 00 Phyetolaus and
Surgeoue of Oataafo by exa,uivatien.
Office and Ilosldenc--Afahn Bt, Batt , f7 the
A. MCNAUG110013,
0. Lf., L.B. O. P. Pdiobureh, 81. C, 1'.
13. Out. At Hargreaves' Drug Store froui
0 to 11:908,16, and from 1:90 to 4 p. tn. AS
other boure may bo faunal at the reaidonia
formerly oeourted by Dr, llutcnlns0u,
81111 street,
G. L. Ball, L. D, B„ ITnor Graduai0 and
Al. 1i. C. D. B. Toronto, Vitalized Mr given
13.10. Morins, D. 11, S. A00istont Operator
Crites-,5eyers Block, 8eatorth,
• 18 J. Faar,L. D S. Graduate of To-
rent1Belton] nf Dentistry. All oper-
ations guaranteed. OtBco-Cauy'a
Block, Saaforbh.
Artificial tooth, P rat quality, and
guaraubeedfit,Ior e12.00),0150l.8
r27E1\ TXir'T.
7 A. MAT-u'SS.T7',
/Toner Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, 2)11150 Oxrnn
OA0 administered lot the pain,ess extrac-
tion of teeth.
0018IC11.--4nrneLt. meas,, It011ISSELS.
Vf 0ED Auctioneer, Sales eonduototl on
reasnable terms, fume nod farm steak a
apeoialty, Orders lett at Tan Pow Publish-
ing House, Brussels, or sent to Welton post
ogles will receive prompt attention,
aeon, ispreeared to attend to sales on
tbe thortost notion, A .specially made of
setae of thorough -bred stook. Terme made
]clown by application Er 'Pap Poss. kublleb-
ing House, where orders may be lett, or
addrors to Brussels P 0,
iaalways ready to attend sales of
farms, farm stook, tee. Terme cheerfully
given. Oraullrook 15.0. Bales may be at.
raugod at Tato Poem Publish fug .!louse
H. MOO''EAOKEN, ISSUER1/v oflIronin e Lioe
Glocary,TuruborxyStree6eoa, (Mee fit his .
LV;1t. of Piano and Organ. Tonne on appl!-
L0a0rsme'Tilaul fidaD.0ompb110,Wt n,
to receive pupils for iustrue-
tion on the PIANO and 0111; AY. 8 J'¢ara
Experience, ltesidenee With. Mrs, Alan,.
grenve8, 48108 HHARRGREAVEB DREG
STORE. uo5•lyr
4rtiet. 01:(1, next door scud! of A.
Al, Matey $5 Cos, }hardware store. Ladies'
and children's hail' nutting a specialty,
A choice stook of 0 31800 kont.
s ring( Licenses, by appointment of
Lleut.-Goyernee Commioslonee, &0., q.
nvoyaoasrand Agent .Fire /Coltranee Cr.
OPloa at the Okanbrook5ost (Moo.
and Orea m tPal
m n al titer.'teig in Ig
Gilding, Sign and Decorative Blidsb ne It 00 all.
its brlimolios. Shop Blinds !lone up in style,
Paper Hanging as3ooinity, Shop one 11001'
South of ie./Mews' barring( Works.
Tr Mr. o91111J11, V, 8., ]IONOR
C>res re in the Ontario t% otJVeterinaryb:,
College has r300000 ted odtreatof Jche
our%o,t3„anrlt dated hril to front all die
a1ili4pyYYid 5o,5' I mil101i animals on Salentine
lsatepfoals0 k00e53181tV Treatment/if
tirood ors.
North oftfrir0go,d'urnborryetreet,