HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-9-14, Page 51)l
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SEPT, .14, .1.888. TI -IE BRU'SSEL$ POST
tm57Ru$r71"Jiim'aAEut'F'!'mar,%'nr.SzatrJ:i! ^tB."+`d@Rt�att�. .:,scar=7,e:err1't"ax:'orear;7.'&'Crsiv.n.,4-r-•Zr7C1'n'::t:§:.::.=itteJ7."stvo3T'e'•T,-•ax.zrzocrizissaitzson ase.ss.IStson,-Jeessont'.mail1).vasA'fr2ltz 'nCta".•.aomotooue 5 :^•TT••
nl • pnrehased his failu.l s farm and will he- 1.12„ Thomas wants fr n riots] drh ,n r .dam -tri ql u
9,l15:f-C1.d coon a 4illrrnf the soil Mr C'uombs 121 ornrw.° LndO Muth•,", h2hbsM.
Morris -
'rho infant dough' or of John C.'tintny,
Sunshlno, died lata wools.
Tim "hats thresher of Jae. Ja1114.0n
hos moved to Culross. Many aro anxious
for Ito return.
Don't forgot the 111100est 1100114 ton
meotiug at ;Joluu4tou'e nhm'ch on Wed-
nenciny owning of next weak.
Thera will be a regular' nxoduu to the
Toronto Fair this wools and next week
from this section of the township.
The always neat, tidy and rouveaient
Indicting icting on the farm of Wm. Jewitt ban
been unlch i upi'ovocl by aha addition of
n steno enlblo under 2110 barn and out—Tho town taxes aro being collected only lo years of ago, and the throe young -
h Juht. Stewart, who was ro•cngagod for thio year in i119 1(I nems, the least day for cot worn left at borne. The •Libefal
1HR11 in Jnhnston's "nation Man rosignect, the itaynlunt of th' first 1ua1f being Um thfuls a man 14411ou1,i lin happy with a
Mr. S. will leave a good record b,•hiucl 1st hoptenbor. According to tho Col- charming wifo and fourteen ohildr'on all
hint and Too 1'080 joins in 2110 gouernl leetor'ernturne $5,3413 has already been under fiftoau year4.
wish : sacoese, paid ill, The npnuiue;'of tho (inolph Junction
F. II23ttl1y, who will 110010 complete(
fifty dollar's to speeia1 pri%as will 121 railway for (rattle Wednesday give(
his third year in No. eat 1110 aloso of givun by ''h Listow'I IMirymens' As. flnolph m competing lino to tho (Ia'and
this year, 1,a resigned. ,lit. lL ;Mood:
(ahintinlr et the North wieder( ]: x- 'Pruni by, direst 1 i nieotton With the
after Now Yearn to becotne m scholar ill -
to bo hold here on tho 25th, 613th, Canadian I'ariil) at a point about 38
2202111 of n 2001110x. 27t1t and 28th Sept.. as follows ,hilus from Toronto. Tito now lino is
Owe, (:010,0.1 cheese, lot prize, $10 Ind, tnleen mileslong and i� owned by 2120
S7 fe '1111 S, 2111 a' 30 Lest three
city,which gets forty I: en emit. of thu
/2115 11 7'x. white uhf yen, let urine, ?10 ; 2211 /17.50 ; groin: roes ipts, ft is too early to estimate
Tim Wfngbhtm J"alI show' 4(4211 1.t; held 3rd, ; 1111, '...",e. ' ha ju,),,124 rd ih0 at \'2 its afoot on -Ado io (1no 1ph, but
Sept. 6'i:.1)i 211, oboe,: 1•:11 he :, 1', Lul.arei,, R. Ilial- tit l:, i:: nt q1) retia( Lot that they will
Voting on tho b0hii:1 Ly -Laws lakes Isntye0 anll A..litchesow c'bet, o buyei s. `,2 the bulk of tie, i •a ht truffle, as 1110
plow on Sept. 211. 1110 Listuwol tree keopurs' Association C.P.R. are giving 22 101;0 gniolt 9Ct YiO
C.11emliug, of 11huvale, is rnntiulplat. have alar, granted 3L", fn spceinl prize: from Toronto and :1,3 Ili rite pets a Mr -
111 214o e21a tion of m plain warehel"e near for hnttoy, which, with the 01001)1111 given centags of •all t•;'.I.i 1 t ilio x,.2'. 'Clio
tho C. P. R. station, by tho Exhibition soototy, will 1iialcc 530 (/I'an1 'hunk /12(211, r 80" 2'110 will 140
E. J. Smalllioru, far many years (1.T. in prises in the apiary cloportnncut. ,he beat until the original purpose of tbo
11 agent here, now fills the responsible 111tr1ph Jn21el4on Zine is enrria0 not by
! es itiun of raspier fee the company at building a through lino west to GnderjeIi
Quebec. which Mr, Van Homo( has promised to
Tha next ince-ling of the North 1111ron Ourflmx fnillio runningatan..rlily, Abo at 00.
'1'4aohors' Association will be bell in tho 311 !rands aro employed. Trio Buffalo Commercial Advertiser
51'14 "horn ruble School nu Oct. 1x1 and The cider mill le booming now and
1/'. dMlr, IRinntou, of ltrinto, will take
up the subject of 11to(dun; before the AP
Leel' ti00, under various Loads, occupying
a1,.ut fou' home, 112 the evening of the
first day the same gentleman will deliver
en address on f. I important educational
subject in tho town hall,
The Times nays:' --"Collo Macdougall,
Q. C'., of St. Therrien, Was Hero Wednes-
day and today holding an investigation,
along Milt Geo. McKay, J. P., 011111 m
view to throwing light 021 trio origin of
the late fire at the Lower \Vingham mill,
$cine 47 witnesses were snbpconad but
only about one half examined. The evi.
deiteu 10043 not of such a character as to
warrant forthe4 bearing at present and
But nee was dismissed. Detective Mor-
ley, of Toronto, had been hero for some
da o working up the case.
st , will, n•ohnhly. , hook to hi0 4111 •
1 in 1}•112.
trade as m 121111011, .1 • 1,•.uue,l ins tfnd'+ r iv:• nod (r�wrn (12110•:1 i.v IIs' .h,q 1320
1 yea.t•s urn to .o:r, „ 12m 01.01.2121 1)l in fi .. '1'la,n a
"t 1 1 worked •
Chicago and ,,thnr ''. 'x111211 41111 .1. f In „ Mfn:Irtll lr, C'luinln,•k A. ('a., f,u'1420144--•^"•'- ^•—.•—
an "pry as 001110 0i I r„ eonllgats'fe yr1, anti 11a110re, Tor01d0, 112200 made all ober
10 n11npr,an1el' WW1 their oreditnrs at 00
/1,I3(4L(4 (41. routs o11 rho della', half emelt "old the
W. L. \Voll", drayun2n, his p.1rul11 e.l bahuho( al three, 4(x 121111 12110 1130at110.
a 'bun and intend( commencing b1) 1)toss •1. Wan of Ales, (121111'12011, 1111101.• fell on
Munredialely, tho barn 11 c,r and 11,.01'ly bit the holt of
A wind -mill 1108 boon erentod on ilio hi l 101011111 off wilirh llappene I to bo pfo•
Grp Of ilia Grand Control 1fel,1 6a Ix' trtuliug tluongl, his tooth at On time,
41)00 for pimping water' to supply the
P. Al:ooro had the misfortnno tel (cold
his hand very badly white Iunnupling m
steam connection in Moss liras.' engine
It wan ntitt 11011 together and the lad le
likely to talaiu tho tufo of this tieofu!
lir, Lindsay, wife and (Moven chillhrn,
of Essex Centre, parsed over the L. it St.
C.lt. the other day, Tho oldest (Mild is
3.l1novttl o.
\Ire. Barclay, of Brus(cls, spent Sen.
clay et beim.
W1n. Gardiner', of ✓141lmlid, was a visit-
ra' this lost week, 'Q
Jas, Timmins 0.2111 wife arrived home
Saturday evening.
Miss Iluntley, of Powick, Enid a visit
to her brother this 0101.1.
Wm. Ross, of Delmore, gave our village
n friendly call on Saturday.
Seven tickets were sold at Bluevalo
station to the Falls briday last.
Mr, and Mrs. Campbell, of lot 1, Mor -
Pis, a' a on a visit to their son, Dr. Camp -
fall, Detroit,
Robt. Dunkin is able to be about his
duties main. iVo welcome him back to
health and strength.
Mr,. (Rev.) A. Y. Hartley was visiting
frienna m \Vnndstock this weep. Ilei
stay was shortened by the, illness of hiss
Louie, Ilartley. 5110 returned on Tues-
Alt x, McEwen, T,n'nbetry, has been
re.001,111;ed for 1mHi1. This year is the
sixth for lir. Moi/wen in this school,
but ho in not wishing or wished to change
his pike.
Mr, McKibbiu referred in his Sunday
swelling service to the two bad habits :
coming too late to church and standing
outside the deur before the service corn.
A. Ii. J8/ltson and his daughter Flossie
aro on a Detroit visit. \Edward Leech
of that city is a son by marriage to Mr.
J. :1 11111221(1,t, visit is Wished thein by
their 1411 -3100.
Chas, Robertson, son of John Robert -
Erni of this place, left au Monday for tbo
Northweot Ile wile accompanied by his
mica, Maggio 113x11 Robertson, who has
for several months been visiting ]fere.
Rho is a native of the groat N.W. Mr.
Charles joins his brothers.
There has been some talk of 112 change
baiug made in the paslorato of the Metho-
dist church owing to the difficulty at
Listowel. 111 1'222 :epotecl that Ilov. Mr.
Ayers, of Gerrie, would Dome hero and
Rev. Mr. McIiibbin go to college, but
another arratlgdment is expected to bo
arrived at.
any quantity of apples are being
brought in.
Mfrs, ,fames Cameron is still confined
to bed. Her mother, from Michigan, is
here nolo waiting an her,
A large number front 1111:1 locality
worn at tilt) livid Meeting last Sabbath.
An enjoyable day was spent.
Rev. D. B. McRae and family arrivod
home from tho east last Monday even-
ing after n vary enjoyable visit.
Pl.ow:mEm.---d sleeting of all interested
in the Grey Plemmons' Assooie,tion will
be hold at Dames' hotel on Monday ev.
ening of next weak at 7:30 o'otoolc. A
large attendenoe asked for.
Knox church is getting in shape end
/110 plastering and painting will complete
the lob. It is expected to ba randy by
October lot. Service will bo resumed
next Sabbath tweeting in the Methodist
Court Woodbine, No. 100, 0,0,F., sent
about 20 representatives to Brussels last
Sunday afternoon to attend tho cervine
in St. John's chnrab. Tho brethren
speak very highly of Rev. 'W. T. Claff'o
Chris. Itaynard has returned frons hie
trip to Manitoba.
W. Stinnett and daughter wont on m
visit to Lockport last week.
Alfred'and Gilbert Panabaker, of Iles•
polar, aro visiting at Jno. Cobor's,
Jno. Elliott has improved the appear-
ance of his hoose by painting the roof.
A. W. Panabakor roceived a telegram
from Galt last Monday informing him
of the death of his brother-in-law. He
did not receive it in time to attend the
John Holloway, shoemaker, will for
one month, make to order good cow•hido
boots, 15 inch leg, for throe 1ol10.18 and
fifty couta (170.50) prompt cash Iter (fair.
Well nailed 0110 made to fit every time.
W. Doig, our jowelle1', is removing his
business to Kincardine this week. Wo
are sort`] to lose Mr, and Mrs. Doig from
our villago, but we wish them every sum -
cess in their new home. Frank Strottoc
goes with thorn.
One clay last week a bear and two cubs
wet) seen on the railway track by the
section men. Seine of thorn were for
giving chase, but one of tbo anon thought
it would. not be printout to molest the
dorsi%ens of 2140 forest.
LtownOO' Hotta.—Tho services in con-
nection with the field mooting hold in
tho beautiful grove of llt's. Ilobt. Brown,
last Sabbath, ware of a most enjoyable
order. The attendance at the three
.'nootings was largo and a deop interest
was manifestocl. Rev. A. E. Smith, of
Wroxeter,. pre0alted two elogmol,1 and
'masterly discourses and fully sustained
the high opinion in which 110 19 held by
his old limo friends. Ilis text in the
morning was taken from tho 11:8th Psalm
and 25th verso. In the evening his dis-
course tune basad on Luke Gbh chapter
and 28/11 vers). The pastor, Rev. J. T.
Logoar, gave a very interesting addr088
to the childran and young people in the
afternoon from St. John's gospel 1111,
chapter and 0th verso. )(0001lent music
was,supplted by a union choir. Taking
the clay all through it will long lino in
tho memory of those who partioipated in
the exorcises. On Monday afternoon the
tort hooting Was held in the abovo
mentioned grove, and was well attended.
Tha edibles wero felly up to tho 081101;
high standard of this locality. After dn.
iog justice to this department the musical
and literary program was entered upon,•
with ltov. 3. T. Legmar in the chair.
Short addresses were made by IIov, C. V.
Lake, of Trowbridge ; Rev. F. N. Nugent,
of Listowel, and !Rev. 15. Paul, of Brus-
sels. The 8peeehe3 were short, pithy and
practical. Roy. Dir, Smith was forced to
go home early in the day owing to the
illness of Mrs• Smith. The Methodist
ohoir, of Brussels, supplied the mesio,
Mrs. J. J. Gilpin presiding at the organ.
At tho oloso tho usual votes of thanks
worn given. P00000(18 of the gathering
amonutod to over 1160. Amusements i11
tho way of swings, croquet, quoits, 2210.
were provided. for aha plea0uro of those
attending on Monday. .
Misses Li%zio and Pa0liaa Amos kayo
on Friday for a holiday trip to ',Toronto.
Mrs. Wm. nail is away east of 'Toron-
to this week on a visit to relatives and
A large areal of Fall whoa/ has besot
put in the ground this season in Groy
Lash Monday Wm. Bateman died at
the advanced ago of 8$ years. The fun -
(mod took plane on Tuesday afternoon.
Author Maguire will beeotne a residon/
of 81118 township again and will crop his
Wen. We welcome him bank°to this
Donald MaLauoblin was asked to be a
judge at'tbe Provincial Ilxhibition, liaeld
at Kingston this week, but be could not
get away. He was at Ottawa last year
on a similar errand.
llobt. McNaughton will offer his 100
aero farm dor sslo by public auction on
Friday, Oct. 12, at 2 o'clock pan. It is
a very conveniently situated farm and
should sell;10811. Soo posters for further
Anthony McDotald, the well kcao10n
mason, Iras had a busy season in stone
and brink work, , Sn addition to barns
lir. McDonald bas pub up two 'briok
/11011806 and expects to build another yob
beforo winter. Next year he will bo as,
slated by his father-in-law, Jos. Coombos.
They will matte a great team and work
1112 a in.
will owl boo
Ati tato last alleeao fair, at Listowel,
Salesman Forbes disposed of 2,400 pounds
of cheese mantifa0111284 at the Groy 'and
Morris factory, to T.I3allantyno,
Stratford, Itt R,,�... cents. The ehooso was
Shipped 011 TI'uroday of this wast° It
wit; be sent to the 01(1 Country 01(2011401,.
t`llfs dactory is turning out splendid
obsess t111s soasc'll as 11eta1,
1 1/. Coombos has r:esigncdhis position
'.,•a)hor,°in dbo 2nd lino 1011001 end has
Saye :—Tho mahogany bay s'allion Jay
Gould, Jr„ 11G08, foaled 1880, sired by Jay
001110107, record 2:204, sire of Adele
Gould 2:10 a11daLwelv0 others in tho 2:30
list ; dam Polly, tho dans of Huron 2:281,
by Ilnntilton Patohon 3510, was sold by
Buffalo parties this weep to Jonathan
Miller, of Goderich,Ontario. Jay Gould,
Jr„ is Molly brgd and ought to boom
tho broodingiaferests over in the Domin-
ion. 110 is a very 'moody animal and as
handsome as a picture. - This horse, if
favored with any kind of al, opportunity,
ought to make an onviablo ropuiation as
a trotting eiro, and what is Buffalo's lose
will be Canada's gain. The turfltos over
the border have a happy faculty of pick-
ing up good things, and in Jay Gould,
Jr„ obey certainly have a prize.
1111 c3'1CI C 1
Ta all whom it Wray Concern :
Tanto Notica that the Municipal Connell of
the Villago et wr8x8tor, In the County of
Huron, intend, by the 1t10wat' vested In
them by the Oonsoiblato,l 8tatutoe of On-
tario, Chap. 181, Sae. 140, to pass n 1iy-law
closing 111 Nelsen street, to 1''r,dick's Surely,
in said village, nett making the same Into
part 00 n Yablio Park. Any party or portion
taking objection to no sante, wilt bo heard
by tbomsolvos, or by °cameo], nt the Council
Board on 211010th day of Orf Lebo', 1883, et the
hour of 7:80 o'o100k 11.10,
J. COwnw, Village Clerk.
W'ro::etvr,:lttr.27,'8H. 7 -din.
This is the name of a land -
eoiltaining 8.10 naves and 324
PAWy %'?t`413>Z T 13'6Ma T7 S':" 6S%
It should bo in ever home in
this County. Every young man
should read it.
Hiram Wllito, Agent,
no8•tf C'aL2xlteow& 1045
l - 'A3''or .:.:r0 • Cents.
(.13t51at,(1t0ID7 34 at'4s'18.
The tolephona oable from Point Poleo
mainland to Poloo Island has been laid,
Windsor has e, gale/ and gentle boom
on, Sh) lifts inoroasod hoe population
500 saris Mono spring, and 1140 high 'orator
marl' is 14,110'2.
Sir Alexander Campbell 1/3.1.111.G.,
Liontenant-Gov)rl1or of Ontario has con•
milted to open rho l]outhwostern Exhibi-
tion ob 53580x Contra,
A despatch says tint/ anthrax has
broken cn/ i11 the 0u01ph district. Two
cows died and tho hides worn disposed oft.
Stops have boon tatter to stamp out this
most 1o.ttagi011K disease.
R1i Worlf Creon 0730 ahn1511011 to Lite sire
done In nr iI8xt.cissa manner,
17 .Gq1, e( ., w s
of ltrsldeneen, Etc., 0. Reasonable
W. T. Fairfield.
1888. sUMMERARRANGEMEN'l'. 1888.
LR30DI 1f0NTII1E,AL 1 (TOAl1011. I most (217nnn0,
\Taring received 11111 Fall Stock
1 and now pi i'pnlx d tel (111221'
In Cashmeres, Jersey Cloths, Ot-
t0ili(ni Cordo, 'lTo'ltonl, Jackc:L
Cloths, ¶Pesti(' Cloths, flan- i
13els, Shirting3, Cretons,
Taco Curtains, C m-(uiu
Nets, Velvet:s and
Always. a Good Stook 111 l'iu':, it
(i 1101.1J.ld. t.
I have the Beit (:nal (..'ilc'.aresst.
TEAS' in 'fawn.
rani; ;L 7J.e SFR ,ft 7" (,; (PO2 W
before purchasing 0'140 wherx. 1
Cannot h, Tatler:•„Id.
1--:-'.il;eat fol' 1'.2107/ 1122'Y11551: (moo..
1111) STORE.
5�f1N” 1"!'(1 1,1).1 v 1
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
8 (E 6 Per Cent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required-.
Apply to
114. Hunter,
Division (wort Clerk, Brussels,
Money to Loan.
Money to Loan on Farm
party, at
7.111' .','!1712:I) CHEAP .5TORE.
Begs to announce tilt arrival of his Fall and 14int.'r ltoek w'ilitlr
will be fully completed by 1st September, 4011021 WO will show one of
the finest and cheapest stocks (Nor Soon i11 1311t88011, Cotton aua
W'oolc:n Goods being very cheap to will be able to offer bargains i>3
these lines, Though 01•1:1,:, 011E some lauds may be a little bslow the;
average, prices al, 01112:.1 ;.,,, l:. wo, Le had tiff" J" -til 11 Nily Nil,com-
pensate the Farmer for 11113' 4.11i1rj' uey in the e_ ;1
L `�l� �, f� E1 !}?.
NEI! 2'._x,129 1),i 3 ,
1n 451114111 of x,11,' ,t .11,+(4 take 111.
herfion shortly. of ;10'.11 41:110 notice will be
• Fall Ryles will ba
• -.�9-c8c'l G.1 ervrsll.r) .1.24 ;aillf1 saeltl ' :.`, 1),',F
y her pleasing and obliging 11.tn11er,
will be anttin on hand iLl ,1 fele days, after \ isit.iug the to .: i...., pick-
ing up all the latest slyl::s in the way of nrltoaials, wide!: 1:r.1 ':ere
large and varied, 1\'e have also 111
LARG Q (tri rA �l�tygTF�r9�L: T1� ; ��2 'r c{� rite sf� ,y��� yy,
OF x271 C GL�7 W Cfl o'cii or�'�Yt aRL�oI:Y tu``l'2� iWr'-,
just arrived width every Lady should see who requires anything in
this line. hiss Moon,;, whose style and fit gave so 11111011 411ti.4fii0-
tion, will again attend to this department. In this as -45111 ::.s mak, -
ing a Suit of Clothes we guarantee a perfect fit OP 114) sale.
In all other lines. which are too numerous to mention in ;111 1111
vertisemeut, will be fully as Sorted and all we ask of our unn~ser-
210 ons patrons is it look. through our different departments. No tronl &
to show goods though you may not want to buy.
]'ours faithfully,
Brussels, On!.
Baby Carriages.
arriages.Baby Carriage
Boot. 13 . (liroasolau Sept, 14
Bopt.l0 Polynesian Sept. 20
Rept, 27 Sarmatian 8008.28
Oet.8 Rardhuian Oot.4
Oot,10�................. Parisian 0141, 11
00/,18 Oiroassian 00/.10
Oot. 24 Polynoslan Oct, 27
NOV t Barmatan Nov, 2
0700.7 flared pian NoV.8
Nov. 14 Parisian' Nov, 00
80350(11 or Passage 1y \1,210 Stelitners,
81111110 m0 r WETtraan.
Cabin 300, $70 and $80 no0onlingto aeoohn-
modatton. Servants in dabiu, $80 Inter.
mu1ediate $80, Hteorego $20. 110/11x11 tiekote,
Oabht,81.10, 0100 and 0100. Intormodio'le,
880, Soweto $-w
1 By rnlyeosten ((boasts( or othor ox.
irnetnnnlors, Cabin fifty, sixty and Seven•
tv dollar, according to a000mnlodatinn, 110'
turn tleltots, ninety. ono hundred and tet
and 1100 hundred and thirty dollars. Intor-
modiutosixty dollars, Amoroso forty !!011-
Passengers 14au (Owl( at Montreal ilio
day before WW1 oaf, iner0n500 ohnr(C0. inn
yoursoif()resold for your friends. Prepaid
a0rbdientes n0111811,4,1 retic, ,1 rales. liar frill 11,'
4021, o31,&tntply 10
.1. It. 021:4,111.,
ttroaseh b
Jost to hand a splendid so-
lectaon of Baby Carriages which
Will be sold at very low prices.
TRUNKS el. /Id 1:':11..1SES
in. endless variety. I aur ive-
pared to please the public in
this department.
Pine selection of
Light Heavy Harness
Give me a call.
I desire to inform the Public
that I have Leased tho well-
known Bnussnis Limn \Vonts
from Thos. Town and will run
the business next Season.
I will also continuo to follow
my trade as
1,4 037§711C 191LrA..r.iONa
a11(1 am prepared to furnish esti-
mates for Jobs, (3e.
BU11LDIN(1 AND (l01l\1?lt 4'l'ONl3
10101'12}'H 011 ]land.
Sall faction Gnarantrcc
.t. 'gyeel81(1' made 0r 11rlekta81n2 x1151
1'hrslrreolr sdnie.
V V •Tx E4....1 ...11;`11-r-
P,r'ussels, Aug. 20, 1888.
F. 0i logeils,
I)O.1IINIOi\ Ile)1 S.1✓'
)1f'<? hF:-3.2111^s$4Sol
IF .04k1�al 4ti,.�"+J
RO ER 11'P
x:.' S^r"W: .R asp
In order to make room for,.
a large Shipment
we expect daily
from the
'13 sal
0t 0TH01