HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-9-14, Page 4• Lr(, THE BRUSSELS HOST i;:..®",,,.."'" r2F.,"- '!3.zantrprmlrl.. _ ^ rra,fr� aorntri itt,ku2Mirrona.aariarare r.r., ,i'e'r"" C'ftnattor�ri'acroa�7rsatin!.T.w'+1:>1�,yii«i' 3 4�::rar.iire+T1i.:mG _.__. _. _-•AaGw^n1�3'A.�,lt,.^rD'M4.W.n. .TS75'G8"E . .. hat"c'i1�'l; andel ct the ehureh to tie Stbb:eth S ACRE EARA{F011 BALII. yO01) I.'AliM P011 SAL.1; IN .1FAIb 1 BOP :iATI'i .--T111: UN.oto � I1' • n - , Skeins. T, la -Jnr. fak n. 00 3 t.l s, u. 7,or nl \i.l.l1 T,ona s -Burt Rine th co. Excursion ---J. A. Creighton. Para for sale --;11.0. Wilkinson. Perm for sale- - Relit. 111011.1811811t08. vvg1.v r as •»wsmc mnom 1"t1.��5c15 10 t, SJ 1'7'. 14, 11** . . Wo s)lillotOu XAf>tter. 'From our 1W{1atIi ii?o , 601,x81888. The Senate committee on the tariff re- ceived Wednesday its second print of the tariff bill, exceptii the administrative features. It Is not in bill form yet,butcon. tains, interleaved with the text of tho bill, tables prepared for the convenience at members of the 1-nbconunitteo, show- ing in parallel columns the rates by the present law', those by the Mille bill, and those propescd in the new bill. The whnl. makes a ileoninent of 251 pages. It is the last print to be made before the measure is laid before the fu'l committee, which is expected to occur next week. Members of the enbecmedittce and the conlnlittee Clerks and experts are now preparing matter for the report to no. company tho bill. The testimony end statements made to tate subcommittee, making about fifteen hundred pages are in print, and will be formally submitted to the full committee with the bill and rcpott. While net cxpreesing themselves very loudly, there is some doubt express- ed by the State Department officials eon. corning the propriety of conor'ess push- ing to its passage a bill such as that t:nw before the Senate, the Scott Chinese re- taliation measure, before this Government has received official information of the rejection of the Chinese treaty by the Celestials, "It will be particularly awk. ward for es," said one of them to your correspondent this morning, "ifweshould learn that the treaty has not been reject. 6d after all, There has been nothing officially hearth, yell l;flow, end even Min- ister Denby Saye that ho has no positive information to the effect that the treaty has been rejected. All that has been re. cei'ecd is an unofficial, unauthoratit'o die. patch from London, and it is a very slight thread on which to hong such lladicnl legislation as that of the Scott bill. I can see why it may be forced to its iassage, for, in view of coming events, neither political party wants to object to such an act, thereby Jeopardizing some hopes of success. China would have a good cause to Complain if the report of the rejection of the treaty should prove false and the bill should become a Jaw, notwithstanding the fact that it might ' be argued that the bill was an entirely domestic matter, It does not seem ex- actly courteous to be in snob haste." Army and naval officers aro greatly amused over a recently published para- graph to the effect that the English gov- ernment has, through a spy, discovered the secret of the American systems of torpedo warfare and defense. The story was that this spy, an officer, reached Washington a short time ago, and soon became acquainted with a number of naval officers. He attempted to discover the secrets of the torpedo system at the Navy Depart- ment, at Annapolis, Newport, New Lon- don, and finally at Fortress Monroe, but failed because the object of his visit was suspected at each place, De has finally, rune the account, found and sent to the London war office copies of all the draw- ings of the torpedoes and tho appliances for their use, and it is feared that ho has fathomed all the secrets of the American torpedo system, a knowledge particularly valuable, because, in the helpless con• clition of our sea coast, the Government is relying upon its excellent torpedo sys- tem to protect the country from foreign inva0101i. It wield seem, upon invrsti• to atthat the:1 a supposing ton, English li.h gE, spy, Inc Ig, is way I existence, has gone nut of h a Y to avoid the very discovery he is seeking, foe the only secret system of torpedoes in this country is a part of the harbor de- fense, and is conducted by the Army, while the Navy does not claim to have any torpedoes or torpedo eystems. There is but one kind of torpedo now in use in the Navy, of the "spar" type, This is considered as practically valueless in view of the better ones of foreign inven- tion and manufacture. But the Army system of torpedo warfare is on n differ• eat basis, that of defence, instead of of. fence which is the principle in the naval torpedo systems. There is at present but n one station for experiments 111 this science at Willett's Point, New York harbor t where there is an elaborate plant. The 1 'system of circular closers and of entries is C regarded as secret, andoarefnlly guarded. It 15 probably known to less than fifty c people. But there is no seerect in the a style of weapon, which is merely a case of an explosive substance anchored in the b channel of the entrance to a harbor. Maps have been carefully prepared of the various harbors of the United States, showing exactly the system of torpedo laying to be adopted in eaeb ease of em- b ergenoy. These maps are in duplicate, o one being at Willett's Point and one at g the office of the Chief of Engineers in this city, both being locked and guarded. o This is the most important motet of all and should the Engiish Government wish to learn the secret systems of Am- erican torpedoes it would have to go farther than to send one naval officer to peer around s half a dozen planes and buy copies of drawings of sows American inventions. L, eolicol." Ile showed viewly that the 1lttvd•eless faro( for sole in the ]l Morris, on renrunable terms. In order lavrnsitip of &forret 111 the .ou„ty of if nr„u, being south half 0f north half lots 23 eC 20 su 1 half of a 111 11 eon. eau -lathing and 01ilu L 21 80001 cul r lase it, !eros m Mt• JS 4 clear t t , and n'anls,tn of mrh• ration There h t r 1 ! ration. 'those Iva 3uuug bootleg orchar4,n goo,l hoexo and. Louie barn nil 11110 eat with, stone stable 1e.Ierho tit, The term leeltn atoll witnni a mile of the 'V Wage of 13rux0010 1 end is a good farm for grain or 01,1051 this. 0ugasitIswatered,viththeriver Maitland and never 111111110 015.111,1 creek. Possession wpl be elven at any the,, For further par- ticulars appy no the promises ur to A. h, IWI1L)RThO:S, ilrtvxrls, P. 0, 0.01 i church ought to provide suitable nevem- ' for carrying on the work and i "should telt a fraternal unfrrrst ' u Its o 111 Il aflame and help it abm3; in story passible way Other topics bearing on school work wore ably handled during the day by Rev. J. J.' Isaac, Rev. A. 11, Smith, '1I1, Ilamiltes (lea,water) and W. II. Derr, of the 13russel,, l'oom. A, Lawrence, of Londesboro. was expected to lead in a i discussion on "Musk, in the school,' but he failed to appear and consequently did not have to 'face the music; Thu day olosed in a most interesting manner, by Rev. Mr, Godfrey opening the "Qu08110 t Drawer." Being a loan full of Trish wit and humor and withal a man of good judgment, he proved the right loan for the position and ably answered every to e5,», the affair's of the estate ,f the lata W, 0. Iib1 tst,m, the executor:, odor tete fol. Intvtnt valualdo 18110 L,1• sale North half of Let lie Concepcion t, 'uwnshl l of 1 1 '1 010(1 containing1 go.pU neves, (111 this lot Is 1'.1•f•io0, a odn,1 fraud, well with Moho both, b 101 clewegood,tollorchard, andpompgra , .t4 ear. ll'Itll cleared, told 19 on the grave rood closely 04(0/410(5 the village of Brussels. This luta is a vulaabh, mug, is well Yowled and h, 5 good state of aultivetlen, Icor prie08 and terms apply 10 711310. I{l•IT 1,Y. I11•uobels 1'. o., linNirr Jitx'.tn '.s, Victoria Square P. 0., 0r 2Att/3081111011, 1lln.ple Lu dgn 1', U., JU't 1,hesov County. TERM �:;:} A , ? INE Question, Sterling :lfaohil e 0' is daily becoming mo .e widely en I favorably known, Thoso Thursday was the =torch day and was who try it coot nue to esu it. No other 01 is more suitable for general nee, 10 fe largely participated in by church mem. well adapted for all bers from the adjoining circuits. Itis. missions et the best methods of coin ducting and increasing the a»efnhness of the prayer meeting, the class meeting and revival efforts filled up the time in a very profitable and interesting manner. A vet), noticeable feltture of the Con- vention was the promisent part taken by the layman of the church in the dime. cions on both days. Rev, Jelin Scott, M. A., chairman of Winglmm District, presided tot all the sessions in au able and most acceptable manner, and to hint much credit is doe for t11C 8000005 of the gathering. Tho ,negates (tel vis,tore were most hospitably entertained by the Illytll people, who left nothing undone to add to the comfort and enjoyme.t of their guests. CdAzt:tl3i;tt II toe'.vs,. Georgetown is importing pressed hay. The Yelerburongh SCOtOhmeu arc about to forma Berne' Club. Sharp frosts occurred ill Pelto'a and Manitoba on Tun day' night, The Canada Medical Association is holding its animal meeting in Ottawa. The C. P. R. have capacity at Port Arthur for storing 1,000,000 bushels of wheat. Tho Police Magistrate of Hamilton on Saturday tined three persons for covering a diptherie card. Gate receipts at tilo indnsttlal IR bib. ition are so fat• ahead of the correspond. ing days of last year, J. Elliott, of Brantford, is the lowest tenderer far the brick and masonry work 011 the new Toronto Court -house. An Indian has killed six Out of a herd of seven buffalo which he found at the Red Deer Forks, in the Northwest. Wm. Lount, Q C., of Pcuutanguishene, while at Moose Point, Georgian Bay, camping, hauled in 27 black bass ill 8 mio. 10 see. The Dominion Government has vetoed the Aot passed by the Qnobee Legislature constituting aDistrict Magistrates' Court at Montreal. J.E. Laughlin, of Delhi, grew a cucum- ber which measures 18, inches long, 12 inches in diameter and 37 inches its mfr. cumferenee. The Toronto base bell club has drop. pod back to 2nd place in the race for the championship. Syracuse has the lead and is likely to retain it. It is expected that tho nomination and election days for East Elgtu will be Oc- tober 4th and llth. Sheriff Brown has been appointed Returning Officer. The Registrar of University College, Toronto, has received 120 from an un- known donor, sigaing himself 'Gratitude,' in return for benefits received from at. tendance o1) lecturee in the College while not a regular student. At a meeting of the Ingersoll Towu 1 Council, Wm. Pennant, clerk of tate town, was dismissed on charges of drunkenness, misappropriatiug funds and general in- competence. R. W. Smith was appoint- ed in his stead at a salary of 030(5. A gosling was hatched last summer on the farm of Jno. Fleming, of Windsor, N. S., with four wings. The bird flourished and this summer i r a strolling around •'t g drat h liteggs, hreo tie goslings from her i 6 g own eggs, each bearing n. similar number of wings. Richard Wright, near I:Mangrove in Brant Township, has corn which for pro. ids growth will be hard to beat, the eight of one of the stalks was ten feet, nd it weighed three and a half pounds. tis estimated that there =lobe taken off n acre oyer ten tons of fodder. The farmer's in the vicinity of St, Inc. 1 ins, Que., are very disconsolate sines the I list gale, which lies amused a loss that ill aggregate about 000,000. Farmers ore beginning to sell their cattle and buy. ng their winter's provisions. The crops 1 11 I a 1 re really not worth harvesting. Mrs. Bennetts, an aged lady of Damil- on, mother-M.14w of Rev. Canon Sather - and, of that pity, was boarding a train at ollingwood Tuesday when it suddenly moved, the sudden start amused her to be- ome over-balauccd. She fell backward nd struck her head against the platform. A doctor was summoned immediately, ut Mrs. Bennetts died in half an hour from tho injury sustained. The largest consignment of fat cattle (vet sent at one time from Glencoe was shipped the other day by Duncan Camp - ell, Reeve of Mose ; ArcbibaldMeTiellar, 1 Alvinston, and others, direct for Glas. ow. Among the 212 head which com- prised the shipment were 37 head, or 2 Mirada, of very superior steers pnrchas. e Sabbath School Convention. The Convention appointed to bo held in the Methodist church of the Win - hatn distriot took place in Blyth on Wed- nesday and Thursday of last week and was a grand success throughout. Wed- nesday was the Sabbath Scheel day. At the morning 5000100 the Rev. A. W. Tongge, in a twenty minute address, led the discussion on the topic °What aro the duties of a Sabbath school to the church with which it is connected." A lively interest was taken in the sub. ject during the hour allotted to it, the mind of the convention being in full ac- cord with the leader, that a Sabbath aa lmwork in harniony with the ohureh, avoiding all conflicting interests, shonid toeeh the dootrines of the 01111rch, sltouid render aid to the missionary en. terpriso of tho church, and should lead the scholars into membership with the Church. Roy, B. Rogers spoke un "The d from Thos. Simpson, of Battle Hill, heir average weight being over 1,610 ponndseach. Quite a sensational affair took place near Durham a few days ago, whioh has furnished sufficient gossip for that neigh- borhood for some time to come. It ap- pears that a young lady who had come into possessions of to considerable amount of money was engaged to be married to a young man of the district. The wadding day arrived and all hands were on hand except the bridegroom, who had by some means been delayed for a short tdtno. In the meantime a Mr, Hill, who was to officiate as best man, took a walk out with the bride. When the bridegroom arrived, about two flours Inter, he learned that his fair one had gone out with Mr. Hill, and he followed them, and, on over- taking hits pair, was cooly told ed the �+1^��('� -�t ERY. lady that erre had ooneindecl t0 wad i\ U G.LAS S W 9! ABE & C RO C _ 11,11. The bridegroom's chagrin and MU 1111�Iachiner ,Y1 Reapers, lowers and Tll,residel s 1 Ask YourpxT RO forst! lfalutl'drttn•e,1 l,,i .11e3fill(nf, lfit(reIto ,(•(•'u., 1'('ll'olert ; 13 ranch at ,`ltratt•ir,l, U litorio. 5011 SOLE PY A.�"Al. J. cKA ' SoGQ,.7 J3P�OSSF.1-S H, P. hIcAtieeer:tt, Ethel J. Tranu:ts, 3ilxovale, m-.,.ear•.,...,..---,rnz.. ....✓1.....a,o 04(0r.ra..--.•nm rr::: .r.-«,w.o rico.., ...n.,,,..aaran:cr:.v✓r.-nRxvsa 1'01(x1001» infers for ,ado 11e, north east 0441(080 of 101 :IA, 004te:at,u, a, metros, ('o ' lc] ecce. 7' e t ut • of r •m c!urtuf, ' n h r ) Il» o 5nf. ' „ ' L 1 htt l„ , ] v to well ] 1,,,, nbl'l' 1 ,f at Its 1, rt nn 1 1 ti I n folioed ? e`-4 rnuul 1 aot,(ob n ,coal f u 1 nal , u 8 roan' i:i gaff s ,I,.arr.l. .`,uw frame 11011110. 1 i x, milk 81/050 with eou0reto walls, 2 wells, geed barns 111.1 shod, orchard, etc. Bight nerve of fall wheat. Title doxireble property adi81(15tho oorporatfmr of Ittvuselo. Hutt- aldo toms will be ' given. '1'tt1, lode et. IA111.6(1Ii111V1: Owner, 835 troy Orel 11r11e,e10 1'. 0, Economy Restaurant. Flaying jnet opened 111 the Brink Corn. or Store, formerly occupied by R. mai. oa)m, Brussels, tee opposite corner 10 the Pootalilco. .-SOT MEALS ! (Atom 1•03111'15)b101(our1) :Jos" FOR TWENTY CENTS. A cell 1s esptwiallp solirite.1 and every attention will be paid to 1'ntr,In, A lim- ited number of Ladly and (Ientluman . Boarders wanted. 1i1.(1ADFOOT, Prop. ei ,p .. n - 01 100 t• A A• 1 � 011086 .1;q0 a ,.n.:.. G�'J c;ca`,� 7s "Weil 1 a»J"boor, ,whore did )'e0 net that lino ,vorling MO farrow i 11 Pliny Well 351r,L gut itfrom 4150. 31A litT50, W0,4801,, nw 1.n5rt he lreeps tbv larts,51 et0rli m IEtdi\YA worth the 4r0t+el•10 the trade. 'he Are you 10 need of a l••1111.0111 purlieu plow ted) trl (13 • THOS. HENDRY'S, of Seaforth ; - TtllTON'S,, of C1?,elob, No, 7 Plow ]'A Tl l 1,.S1IN'C, ,f Woodstock, PLOWS - OF - :ALL P KINDS 9 I ,,.: 7,1 C'ifx, ® Il Ofl pm' undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at -- the old • Egg Emporium, N nor''I?1°E" Brussels Post Once,, Farmer Cy and others can depend upon getting from us the very highest Market Price hi CAsix this season as We are going to ship extensively and require large quantities. Don't forget the o1c1 stand nett door to the Post Office, Brussels. Mrs. Wm. r°a11a a,t7 & S021. otiee.-_ 1 have much pleasure in informing all ivy ®1 a� �olcl friends that my danghtor and grandson Will continue the egg business at the old stand carried on by me , last year and I hope they will recieve liberal patronage. 21 Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers and Grain Grinders. i"URNiP AND ROOT PULPERS-• 2, 4, 0, 8 and 10 Horse Power. SATISFACTION GUAR :AN r1i1yD in all Sale of Implements. Wm. Martin. Ilt'nexele. Horse : Trnxnl:rin• S'rm:rrr. S. PT J .1N. , General Blacksmith, wishes to iutimate to Oho public generally that he does all kinds of Ihlacksmitlting in aWorkmanlilce Manner. Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutlers made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. 1 make a Specialty of IIorse•ehoeing. A Call Solicited. t'a'Renlember the Stand-No.tn 2.1152 Bunco. S. Plum. :T.VO..II;ODDICK ----- MONEY LOAIN .Pili ': u'E- 1. UN D S of Private Funds hflve,jnst been placed in my hands for .In- vestment BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR 0!11 No Ari1ving, and they will bo pleased to see 11,11 their old customers and as many new ones its possible to look through and inspect. Cress Goods and. 11U1s.E1.A.Eieres i--(.1ooas fine ss L11(1"1(ia9111Lf 3'3101 `in Black and Colored. -Agents for the Bazaar Patterns. All Bazaar L P C�t� el t�I New Styles kept ill stock and MonthliesY 1 Given Away Jl'ree. Call and Get One. Scotch. 86 Canadian 'tweeds. -..„1 a,nclC SCote111Tnwo ds, Worsted Coatings, Pantings, and Overcoatinrn,S, and MADI) 50 OIoDEP in the Latest Style. {fray pp�� White Mous Full lines in Gray and Whits Wray (X1 hlte Cot$onsi"-Cottons, Flannels, Skirtings and all Staple Dry Goods. Ieltons, in All Colors "tl aunOVoPill all color's, Cheaper B+ o�,T. Boots tC ,Shoes matiufacttt eel by Cooper (� oots W Shoest"'Slnitll, and each boot stamped with their own name. A largo consignment ;Fust Received. 'Y nr� Jp�Jj'pp f1 S Our Groceries are All Now, Fresh Goods a1141 3.11UJJ11RIESt~-best quality. is better imagined than expressed. He ordered her to give him back the gar- ments he had bought her, whoa she peel. I q ed off her weddingtlres t and boots, whioh A Gen Solicited at were what Ito claimed, mol threw them at him, accepted the offer of a coat from , 100 now roan, and they welt on their' way rej0101ng to )htnhmnt, Immured It f. Repass and grit In.»niud. Kincardine•1 TRA OH IOI Reporter. , t. I AT 7 PER CENT. i ltolroWerseav have their loav:r complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Apply to U:. Es WADE, 13r1T 111A1. 1:;1' 13 :Rain Street, • llt-assei4 ANDREW CURRIE,PROPRIETUIR Fres'.( ,r11_ Sall Meats Of tbo beet finality always on hand and Ca - Braved to any part of the villa go fro° of charge, ...Terms very favprablo„ FAT CATTLE WANTED( Far which the highest market price will bo pall, nom mabo a specialty of buyion 11101e5 and 51(1110. Don't forgot the place noxb floor to P,lotoher's Jewelry Stora A. CURRIE. L Lvxi UWt;E! The Cranbrook Lime Works Are in full blast and a, first-class '001,1) von -- SEPT. J.F. 7.558. )) Jl + lyl v , Sh , TH COOK'S BEST FRIEND Returned to Brussels! - ROBERT ARMSTRONG da;••1'x8 W Ftttte that he bion again berate, ,t resident of Brnsselx and is prepared to take Contracts for all hinds of Carpenter , \Vork, x11011 1W Bowie Building, Barry Framing, Mill Weighting, .S•0, c+ Ile will also snake n, Specialty of may ing linllli4gs, Estimates C her )jillJ Given. Satisfaction StiaPantoed. lin every instance. h'l'l'. AEt1IS]'ONri. f"le..'Z.1 /dG(I<L1 rti' 4ta111.2()L(4, 11H OP I � 1'ilrt•(;lltss Suits, (either 1lnlllhl or Unbound, made fto1, Fit (i,rar,l5,1,',',1, 1'rndllee taken in 1.1c1J]al,ge for Work. 11. (1. IU(.'fU.111DSON, - ( 5fcrchaalt Tailor, Liver Camps n( Dyspepsia, Biiloneneee, Sick headache, Kidney troubl's Rheumatism. Skin Diseases, and all impnri• ties of the blood from whatever cause arising. THE GREAT SPR94iG �13i 17 ✓�f3iEa +�• r rec. twits. -':gine pg. CIr. f'l'i'r LITTLE LIVER PILLS, - (v ry small and easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA Sold everywhere ; price 2) acute, PEON )113Etle'ISt;(',,., Prop r0eters, TOtttt\'l'O, ('.00.0111. WESTERN FMR Industrial and .1 r111rllil,,iti113, Lop.do; Canada, di :201h. t o .29th A1'prepleaIed tier 4"t•izes..9Elt•t,,. steins, etc. (,8331,054, 41,1ue or:New Grounds anti 8:uipEiragx. $203).. 0011 Display of Agricultural and other alae8 lorry, 10300,111110 Live 8100, Exhibit, Grand International Bench Show of Dogs, 'Pita indlsn Turbos °r (men (4, are pre- paring an i»uuanoe exhibit of lonnurno1urod artfeles, aarloeltnrol7madnctim,s and curl - °cities of the old hunting days, There will ba Luger Prizes, Grinder AUmotions, morn to sae and more to learn than at 5113' p05V10118 ashibltion. Primo lists and all 8th- 01'hlfornlation may 1,e 11111 00 elm lieatieu to tho s°mrotary. CAPS'. AL W. 5x)1'812, ORO. McnI10005, 1'rosItLmL. Secretary. T. PL.E i. O HE R, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, We are opening out 1011lines in GOLC Gs SILVER NICKS. S. SILVER PLATED WAITS front ostabliehod and reliable makers,. folly warranted by us. Clocks of the' Lcatc-st Designs," \Veclding 1011155, Ladies Geta kings, Broaches, Earring's, 110. 121 Gents Per Bushell Alsahavoinstock afull lino ofViolists , and Violin Strings..bc. N. ;_Issuer of Marriage Li,'cnnsev. 41141 inn V. alillW,Prol', T. Fletcher„