HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-9-7, Page 71 O 14° AUG, 81, 1888. HOTTSEHOLD, The Children of the Househot,IL THE BRUSSELS P, S t", 7 trsaOi trrr� tt.tt412nY.tlr A ittrm..F„ 04 pl tt.+, , ypT..e.o yyyy , y.xKKm kt2dm774SWM¢aSuns=-u,.iartru'nttxPxrtM'P.,., F1Bu16FJF..t'i. A'A+rdSdi "..... u.9I7:.I04...I.il(►iEt'rliMrtlt'AkVwk -•-» -�-- '-....._._._.....r._...—...-._..—..—_..__..._....,-...�_..-........,....._.................—....-....,..�..._.._.._..._..._,. be the cake. After the Baur hoe been put in stir just enoug to mix it with the ethPindirg the Money, I The Bights of Women, era L E A, T b•1 E R is EL, T I AI G. er Ono of the udfoial customs in Retails in I believe in women. I believe the aro rngredlonta, and hen the batter fp smooth 1Y EBT VALUE IN TEE DuttiNlON. and frog from lam is itis toady for baking, , ttooAlaxaIIdaarte f1 crest°hugoar idtawaa�tal3omo tlart of thoebuin'Ln rd�e��I have teat t?, 13 F. Is. tilyoN ,t Ga, makers, Ts Some women helieve that the longer cake P e t d b on qd. 70 irlp Street Eset,•1'uro�Go.. fa stirred the batter it will be, ween the undia war,eunt' a system of corporal punishment this cul juot, whatever, They do Bing the K_ dnnd for Pelee Mots and gUtaoounW de aftertheingredieis the ot'e1ere blendeor too dwilllanded a proprietor dfoundr itexample no eeeuryf to melody i in music.anThey carry Ilfe, an wthe heediell all ng wateTlenx MACHINERY :91.'POr u4the auks Laugh, Pour the butter in the I Ptwiah h�a aervaute or pnuaunte, ha sent the pact, at leash is the eel thathey ars u � � !► boklug pane, and lot it nettle into plana 0 0°lprit with a note to the dintrlob judge, afro in advance of us, all t 10 way in the to its own a000rf but do not smooth it with and the mutter was attended to forthwith, journey heavenward. I believe that they a w Hans for Lists r 1 a spoon or knife, Have the oven of medium A serf having arrived from a distance to oanlrht move very widely out of the sphere 0, W. PETRIE. Brantford, Ault. °P' heat, but an it is a hard mutter 10 mgulute pay the yearly sum of money duo from hint !which they now oo°upy and remain as f ' sad his allows, deolarea that they oan pay ood an they now are ; and 1 deny that my ... '' BEAVER _ °°' an noon, if in ermine hot a disk of gold wut°r g °"t ty should be platted in it to provoub the cake only j small proportion of it. The judge' belief roots span any sentimentality, or 1 ,7 ENA F'E LIR'i: of tI AilArYb[SJP,rv.. °d burning,and u paper ca apo°lily appears, weak or adh top of tho cake p P P Pla°od over the e, Who aro you? Tho Olkhoff overaeer 1' hasia,�eyA or man other has experienced E6 o When looking into the oven to toe how it he asks, threateningly, when left alone with mother's devotion, a wifeet eelf.aaartflain or io getting along, de not open the door and the eorf love and a daughter'o affection, and is rate r'e abut it quiokly, thereby ori &tfu a draught "Exaouy 80, my benefactor," replies the ful for all, may be weekly sentimental about °0 which will cause the mike to fall and be latter, dolefully, and bows to the judge's thine things, but not about women, He or heavy, but after looking 01 or turning the hal' would help every woman he loves to the fs oeke, °lose the door of the oven slowly. You will be pleased to pay the money exeroiee of all the rights which hold dignity When the cake olarinke from the side,of the at on0e, or you will be thrashed on the spot, and happiness for her. Ile would fight that th pan and stops singing Ib is a sign 11 is done, 'Deer sir, have moray 1,' howls the peas- the might have those rights, if necessary ; u Remove it tram the oven to the board or ant,afir, butd ethore is no more money.ou " entirely but he would rather have entirely than to hear her her a base ate °' the le#b ]land aturn the `an on its gaineb the top of tho and cake, " Hey there, policeman 1" ehonte the as long as a demi.samiquiver.- V. 0. Hole he turn out the oeke. Placa the pan upside j°pkoe hopis eppearance.oer. The policeman land. down on the table or board and put the °oke 1 to cool on it. If it sticks to the office of the "Where's the porter? Drag bim upstairs 1" Nasal Catarrh d pan do nob try to shake it out, but loosen and he point! to the t his overseer, e r eer, who ie still is a dangerous diaoaae, From its tendency carefully with a knife. t0 extend to the throat, bronchial tubes, d Never put away cake until perfectly oold, " Dear sir, have mercy 1 A little oan be and finally to involve the lunge in caneump- and then put it in a acv°red tin cake box or found." five disease ib should be promptly cured jar. Ih will keep mush hotter U wrapped " A what l Now you sing another son 1"P hey Is `� Jy EST ti3 that these grave dangers may be averted. r in a towel or napkin. In layer cake Hover The overseerdrawsfrom hie breast a rag tSoh confident are the manufacturers avoferted. ed. I spreadort t jellyhe ilsoak or reathrough aat the etooke la ft knot one booed into n parcel, unties it, and bands Sage's Catarrh Remedy of their ability to eo e auathat b " fwith t' his ver prevalent When P yv ant 1very ' soWell this is little indeed K hond od ! W a n froatin nit uh re on f;gY w until the cake 9 Y g disease, th06 t$e have ofor ears offered, itr i0 to impose o Y Y r oold ; t x n ma . Tak urn a himo the wake hoe down, and al- trying P off up.in good faith, $500 reword for a 0000 o ways fost the bottom. While icing, the stair° 1" caarrh, no matter how bad or of how many knife used for spreading the frosting ebould " My own father, my benefactor, deer sir, yearn' standing, which they cannot pure. be dipper! frequently into cold water. In if you were to kill me, I haven't a kopeck Remedy only 50 °ante, by druggiats. nutting sake always use a sharp knife, more 1" - The porter appears, to assist the police. man. ' HauI Mn upstairs, children, and I'll be there directly I" shouts the judge. They drag the overseer nut, and lead him upebairs, while he °ries, " Dear sirs, benefactors, if you were to kill me, I haven't another kopeck 1" After a few blows from the swftohee, he be- gins to shout, Stay, Orthodox believers, there is a trifle more I" " Well, stop, my brave fellows. Shew us what more yon have," orders the judge. The overeoer takes off one of his shoes, and extracts from it another trifle. " What, that'a nonsense 1 Throw him down again, children." This process !a repeated five or six times, The same mode of extracting the rent every- where very where prevailed. • All day long overeeere were brought to the judge, and shrieks re. sounded. " Stop, my own fathers, atop i There is H. Y01 LLIAIIIS flO, Hinters still a trifle more 1" _ A[nuy who're n der th grmmd• Il Y® Dit7 UU zndFeit ROOFERS 0(10101NT00100T100 EMERGENCY AAf0NFMON FOR T11001, Are you a mother with several little la and Meeks? Iiave you ever planner] to ha the former enjoy an afternoon on your law Dave you over been Matted and cajoled in giving a birthday party for the lane And, flashy, of or maturity of plans and 1 ing 0oneent, after arrangement of the the and and ono things neueneary to a fawn par of big or little folk, have you ever Paue to take breath, and la pausing, found th the sun had disappeared behind a aloud, an just aa the last little guest arrive° with h dainty attire, and oharged with ber moths admonition to " keep her dross tidy," ha yon ever felt a drop of rain on hand oh mak ? Y'a those who have experienced it, ib at this "unforeseen nentingeecy" that, wi the poet, you would flee "far from the ma dining orowd." But no, that cannot b done. Some one muse do something. D spite rueful looks at the piny.ground t obildren mast be hurried into the house mutt deprived of their anticipated pleasure, mus have something to take its place, What good, now, aro hamm,oks an swinge 1 Gone are the joys of archery an croquet 1 In vain the delight of " °til palin " and "tag goal," le would not be a marvelous thing for u who aro interested in children to be weigh in jolt such a way this summer, and world suggest a thin or tw a w�ci h al gg 4 thing though not new to t 11many may bo a bel t Y Y P athero ; 'i AIMENSE STOCK of Afaottinory to select tram, BRAN Bios. Have a board about two or three feet long with a hole in the center the size of a breakfast plate. Place title alantingly against a chair or ottoman, Rave four or six beau bags of two different sums, Give each child one tutu with all the bags at a distance of five paces or so, some ono keeping account on paper. Those -if thereero more than one -who throw the !urged number of bags into the bolo have a second turn. Then those who have the largest number in the second turn throw again, °until there are only two children left. These throw also and the ono who wine is entitled to a prize if you with to have one. An orange or a fancy cake is suffiuient, just a litte some. thing to betoken the violin. This is also a good outdoor game DONREY, Draw, as you have ability, with a orayoo, a tailless donkey throe feet long on a sheet. Pin this to the wall a little distance from the floor. Provide each child with e, tail of colored tissue paper, twisted and fringed at ono end, and a pin fur attaching purposes at the other. Blindfold the children in turn and place them eight or ten feet from the sheet. Let them turn around three times and, with one arm extended and hold. ing the tail by the pin, let them move for. ward in the direction they think the donkey is and pin the tail upon the first object they touch. Sometime itis the sheet, sometimes a guest, sometimes a plots of furniture. This mattes it all the more enjoyable. The one who pine the tail nearest the right place wins the prize. HOT AND COLD. One goes out of the room, An article is hidden. The child returns and is guided in finding it by some ono playing the piano - loudly when he is near it, or ' hot," softly when away, or " cold." The music serves to amuse those not actively engaged iu the search, POLYT0R All stand in a airole, with one in center blindfolded with a pointer of oane. The sir cls moves around until the leader taps the floor with his cane. He then extends it and the one to whom it points takes it in his hand. The leader asks hien questions, and he must aneteor in a disguised voice. If the louder guesses his name correctly, the other takes his place; 0 not, the leader trios until he is correct. Li you have them march out to supper, cut plain white cards in two, all differently, or if they are old enough to read readily, cut cards with quotations from Mother Goose, and pass them about. Those two who have the corresponding corners or quo. teflon, go out to the table together. This idea can be elaborated at pleasure with cards d000rated with ribbons, eta. These are only a few games of the many that we can think of in moments of leisure. It is when the emergency suddenly arise° that our wits flee, And if we have a few ideas where we can put our hand on them, our delight in makine the ohildren enjoy themselves won't seem so much like what Samantha Allen calls a "pleasure exertion." (Jake Making. Ie is not of so mush importance to know how to make a variety of kiada, for two or three kinds well made are much to be pro. ferred to a dozen half made. AIthough in cake making, as in every thing ales, experi- ence is a good Mather, ft is usually 0. very severe one, and most people would rather profit by another's experience than by their own. After meeting a good recipe, first have near at hand on your board or table every. thing required iu the reoipet, so that you Will nob have to leave your oako while mix- ing to get some ingredient wanted. Grease the baking pans well with good lard or but- ter, or if liked better, cut a piece of white paper to fie the bottom of the pan, grease it and the sides of the pan. It is boat to use paper on the bottom (f the pan is an old one or when the oven is inclined to be too, hot and burn the bottom of the oalte. Although many woinen prefer oarthonware for mixing cake, good clean tin is every bib a;ood, and mush lighter and easier to handle. Have aside from the general mixing dish a smaller one and quite shallow for boating Eke white of the eggs. In making Dake with eggs always beat the whitee and yolks separately, no matter how cheap your oako may be, and you will be sure to have it nine and light. In separating the white of an egg from the yolk, it fe the better way to break a email hole in the narrow end and let the white run out of it, for in this way there is very little danger of the yolk breaking and mix - Mg with the white: 1f the least particle of the yolk mixes with the white, it will be almost impossible to beat the white to &stiff froth, In frosting it is especially important that the white should be free from the yolk and perfectly clear, or the icing will be a failure. Before mixing the oaks beat the whites very stiff and put in a cold plaoe until wanted for use. Beat the butter and eager to a °roast in the mfxiug dish, using a wooden apoon, add the beaten yolks, mix well together, stir in thowhiteo, now sift the flowomen to bholnould- ing board and meaeure Never mann before sifting, Pet the quantity to he uaed into the seive, add the baking powder, and sift all into the mixing dish, Alwaye put the baking powder through the dry dour, .and the more flour is sifted- the lighter will The Way to Pour Tea, There is more to be learned about pouring tea and coffee than most popple aro willing to believe. If those d0000tions are made ab the table, which ie by far the best way, they require experience, judgment, and exactueea ; if they are brought; on the table ready made, it still requires judgment so to apportion them that they shall prove artifice exit in quality for the family, and that elle alder members shall have the stronger cups. Often persona pour out tea who, not being at all aware that the fine cup is the weakest and that the tea grows stronger as you proceed, bestow the poorest cup upon the greateeb stranger, and give the strongest to a very young member of bhp family, who would be better without any. Where several cups of equal strength are wanted you should pour a little into each, and then go book, inverting the order as you fill them, and ao the aarmgth will be apportioned properly, -' Bathing in Hot Weather. In spite of ail that has been said on the subject, it is remarkable how many people mice one of the greatest sources of health and enjoyment from nob understanding the use of water in the toilet. A sponge bath should bo taken at leash .laity in hot weather. For persons in vigor. owe health the proper time is immediately on tieing in the morning ; but for weak persons and the aged, the middle of the forenoon is better. Only the very robust are benefited by cold bathe. For most, cool, tepid, or slightly warm water is better. After a day of haat and dust, and especially of hard work, eleetliness is secured and refreshing sleep promoted by a warm bath at bed -time. The drees should bo appropriate to the season, and also to the occupation, Ib should be light in color and weight, loose and easy, but in our changeable climate not too thin. ft ie udviseblo for most persona to wear light underwear throughout the summer, All tight clouting should be direarded, as impod- ing the airauletion, preventing free move. menta and eroating diecomforb. Stlokfast for Flies. " Mix together equal parts by manure of melted roam and easter oil. Stir until thoroughly mixed -which will take only a salute, While yet a little warm spread thin and evenly on any strong paper that is eat porous. We use foolaeap, writing paper, catalogue covers, showbilla, &u. Spread with a Daae -knife or any straight edged in. etrument, slightly warned. Leave a narrow border to handle with. Lay the paper en the tables, shelves, or any spare plume where flies aro numerous. They will soon oover the papers. Aa soon rut they alight they willetick fast and soon pull bhemeelvee down, When the papers are covered bwcorthreoflfea deep, put it in the atove and replace with another one. Be surd and use no water. The oil prevents the rosin from hardening and hoe the peculiarity of nob evaporating. The oil leaves no odor when cool. Tan conte will buy enough to kill all the flies in a house." Canning Corn. Husk and Bilk the corn, and pub into a kettle of boiling water; lot Heald, but not enough toecoek. Then cubit off, and to five quarts of corn add an ounce of tarturia acid. Put the corn fn a pereerviag kettle, with enough to °over it well, and heat it to the boiling point, stirring well in the meantime, Put in cams and seal, It will keep petfeob lee Be aura that the liquor °overs the 0o0n in the Dans. When used, drain off bhp liquor, soak in water ten or fifteen minutes, 000k and season to taste, adding a faille of Soda, Some may objeob to the tartaric acid; that is only to keep the corn from epoIliug, and it harmless • soak in two or three waters, and no trace of the acid will be left. Cora canned in this way is delicious, and has a fresh taste. A little ammonia and borax in the water when washing blankets keeps them soft and prevent; shrinkage. When you give your cellar its spring cleaning, add a little copperas water and melt to the whitewash. Chemists say that it takes mare than bwioe as much enger to sweeten preserves, sauce, eto., If put in when they begin to 000k, as it does to sweeten after the fruit is cooked. House planta that have become sickly looking oan often, by the aid 0f a few doses of nitrate of soda, bo quickly brought to a perfect abate of health again ; but being very powerful he its notion this must be used If you aro ooffering the agonies of neural. in small quantities, a piede about the size of. gia, and have failed to get a remedy that TO I,d1AN on Femur, Lowest Dates, a marble is largo enough for a twolve.inolt will afford relief, we want yon to try Poloon'o IVION EY No delay, 00 00 10, Low sttD to s, pot. This fertUlizor baa also the effect of Norville. No remedy in the market has l[, NN, delay. Correspondence Agt., forcing plants on much more quickly than given any tiring like the Immo degree of sat. .Ne1at1i01nd ittd0, 72 Rtng-st. le., Toronto. other manures, and is therefore valuable for iofaoldon. Its action on nerve pain is simply 1 assisting those that are naturally of °low ntarvelloute and as it is put up in I0 emit I 'Young M e n growth, sample bottles no great expense is involved gtyvERING from the cfteote of early evil hablte,the in gluing it a trial. Irolson'e Narvilino is moult of lgnors000 and lolly, who end tltemsoiveb Citizen (to Clylnamten)-How aro you going the most pleasant, powerful, and certain bin tilt t�wiio tt i ration dda,r i nm tl o ad stn of to vote John 1 Chinaman -Me votes aglainst pain remedy in the world. Sold by all nbmeo or over•worlt, 0000 11 ndvnucad 1(1e loaf tea Iiallison. Citizen -Why, low is that 1 Don't dealers in rnedioine,10 and 20 mite a bottle, consequences of youthful 0x0000, send for and x0000 you know hie record on the Chinese mace. l • I es. Y. Lubon'e Trontle, on the DlenemOt Mon, The Men ? Chinaman -'Ye Too maim China. Never imagine a bad motive if agood one book Witt be cent stilled to ally address on rootlet of P' a trot so. V.1,1p1 , Add rose man in oouutrq now, is conoolvalslo, 1 M, V. it BON, Wellington St, E., Tercet°, Ont. If quilts are folded or rolled tightly after washing, then beaten with a rolling pin or potato mailer, it lightene np the cotton and snake► them seem soft and new. "The tottor.board of lite goes up The totter.board of lite gone down." Up and down, up and down -one day a millionaire, next day gloomy as a fog -one day in seeming perfect health, next day "laid out" with a bilious attack or your stomach " on a strike." This ie the way the world wags now a days. If you are bilious, melancholia, dizzy headed, dyspeptic want appetite or have torpid action of livor, kidneys or bowels, take Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pelota -purely vegetable, perfectly harm- less; one a dean, White feathers, either alone or combined with ribbon, are by far the moat elegant trimmings for Leghorn hats. Tell the good news to the suffering - At 10.0 is a remedy found, Which might hove saved, had they known it, Under Ton of the "Favorite Prescription," Bid hopeless women be g ad -- Bear iho good news to poor creatures, tleart•oick, discouraged and end. " Female diseases," so terrible in their effect°, and eo prevalent among all classes, oan be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. The English Government has paid 420,000 for the loss of life and property ocoasioaed by the Sultan running down a Frenoh ship in Spanish waters. Alma Ladies' College, 8T. THOMAS, ONTARIO. This institution, whish had lent year the largest enrolment of all the Canadian Col - loges for women, is offering superior advent. ages to young women in Literary Course, Fine Arts, Commercial Science and Music at the very lowest rates, Addrees Principal Austin, B. D. The Direotoire styles have extended even to morning dresses, which even for summer are oompoeed of rich, heavy materials. O,Ncaussa 158111RaNsw,n restores grey and faded noir to Its natural orator and prevents talltng oat Belts to wear with dreaay blouses are of :illy belt ribbon, with buckles of Rhine - atones and other brilliants. A Cure for .Drunkenness. The opium habit, depoomaota, the morphine habit nervous preotratloo canoed by the use of toba000, wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the brain, eta., premature old age, loss Of vitanty caused by overexertion of the brain, and loss of natural strength from any cause whatever. Men -young, old or middle aged -who aro broken down from any of the above °amen, or any came ,totonentioned aborta send your address oad10 cents in (stamps for Lnboo', Treatise, in honk form, of Dfaoasee of Ma,, Hooke tient sealed and Noun lrotn observation. Address D. V. L0008, 07 W ellineton street East Toronto, Out. Bows of light green ribbon are sometimes combined with white artificial flowers in lieu of foliage. ITCHING PILES. 8114r000ti-Moisture : intense (toiling and stinging 1 most at night ; worse by matching. If allowed to continuo tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer- ate, becoming very sore, Swami's 0Lvratoor stops the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and ,n many casae removes the tumours. Itis equally °lB- caoloue in outing all skin dismal). DR. S WAYNE S SON, Proprietors, Philadelphia. SWAINs'a 012011118, oanoontob, e obtained of druggists, Sent by man tor 60 For yY;npnmankn,faonta m1ainE lse flak :W ro rftentth epoItn evnat alted or Dyspeptic It *0of Oita greatest valuta lein THE FINEST BABY FOOD, THE BEST INVALID FOOD, THE MOST PALATABLE FOOD, THE MOST NUTRITIOUS FOOD, THE MOST ECONOMICAL FOOD. CANADA PE]ii;1NAYEN7r lee Meals for an Infant for 61.00. A Cabinet photo, of DCne, Dan T'srunt. xe t ,by Loan 86 S athffs Company beautiful chiidrou-sent to the ,pother of any bab born within a year. Also n raluehtr pamphlot an tho One of Infante nod lnvolida t1 (Intro (Lures) 1866. Sold by Drogaiste, 260., 600., 81.00, Head Office ; TorontoSt, Toronto, WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO. MONTREAL, P,Q, I g►AA 11p�p�$n nap. p8(000 AG9,. i$SOa Week arm expenses ate stpit kt, tas.1' ID,W0(1KEltl.Augueta, Melee. tee. --FLOWN° WNsttLO serw0aN- MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL Saloon Tickets, 840, $50, 500, Return, 850, 880 $110. intermediate, Lr'1't. Steerage, 510, Apply t0. N. E. MURRAY, General Manager, leash= Nouse Square, MontreeL J. & J. TAYLOR, -PATENTED - AND VAULT DODR , &t•. SAFES Toronto Salo Works. $T. THOMAS ORNAMENTAL WROUGHT IRON FENCINO WORKS. Send for Designs and Prices. IF, ¢ CO VAS 'itiiIIi •. . JOSEPH LEA THE CANADIAN MUTUAL AiD ASSOCIATION LIFE INSURANCE AT COST I (5000001[000 (w0Tax) CHEAP, RELIABLE, POPULAR. 'three eteserve Fund. Agents Wanted. Address, HEAD OFFICE, 10 Ring 00,000E., Toronto. Thunder Proverbs. If the birds be silent expect thunder. If the cattle run around and collect to- gether in the meadows expecte thunder. If the Clouds grow rapidly larger expect much rain, and also thundo>:. Two currents in Summer iadioate than. der. If there be any falling eters during a clear evening fa Summer expeot thunder. Increasing atmospheric electricity oxidizes a nmonia in the air and forme nitric acid, which affects milk, thus accounting for the souring of milk by thunder. Thunder in bile evening indicates much rail!. When it thunders in the morning it wit rain before night. Thunder in the north indicates cold, dry weather. Thunder from the ronth or southeast in. climates foul weather; from the north or northwest, fair weather. With a north wind it seldom thunders. Mush thunder in July injures wheat and barley. Tnunder iu the Fall indicates a mil d open WVinter. Distant thunder apeaka of ooming rain. Got the Big Head, "Good mornin' to ye, Meg. O'Roherty. An"ave ye got any more news from Mary Ann en' the Brinell count at Chitauky?' "Not a warred, Mrs. O'Flaherty, oimoe the last tonne I heard from her." "Is the Prinoh count, as yo do call him, wid her yit, I do weeder 0" • "Indade an' I don't know for sure, an' I don't care, for I don't feel very well this mornin'; I have a head as big as a bushel, an' I know Mary Ann'; good looks an' boost mud quanely walk will carry her through twhoriver she may be; en"pen me soul, 1 belay° it's to the liquor ehtore I must bo Going' an' bring home ab laiet a quart of the critter, as this is wash day an' the colonel himael' isn't well at all at all' neither." The president of the Dover, N. H., horse Emerson's Theory, railroad is Mrs. Emereon'ntheory is that of the "sovereign- E. A. G. Dow, a woman of by of the individual." To discover what a great luafuesa and financial ability, young man is good for, and toe ui him for People wen Ore eubjeot to bed breath, 1001 conte q P0 eugne, or eny dtaorder of the Stomaub, can at 5010 tho path he is to strike out in life, regard- be relieved h using Dr. Comon'e Stomach Bittern less of any ether consideration, is the great duty to which he calls attention, Entereon'o musts are written with reference to this aim, He mattes men self-reliaub. fie reveals to the eyes of the idealist the magnifloeut results of praobioal activity, and unfolds be- fore the realist the grandeur of the ideal world of thought. No man is to allow him. self, through prejudice, to snake a mistake in ;loosing the task to which he will devote his life. Emerson's essays are, as ie were, printed sermons, all having this same text. Profitless Remembrance, Bishop (on his 00tni.anuual round) -So you dont remember me, Bobby ? Bobby -N -no, sir. Bishop -I remember you very well in. deed. Bobby -That so ? Well, why didn't you bring me something ? OldFriende, Magistrate (to prisoner) -Is this the first time you have been Were name, ole Ras- tas ? Uncle Rastun-Yee, soh ; but yo' poo' ole father, who was Jego fofo'ty years, I wag Offen up bofo'. He and me was ole frons,Agents tend for our ennatraetl MONEY . etidneene Addro,a. T11111ALPii Stink ` WIitftGtN(i 1101' (lo„ Toronto, Ont. WANTED Sha tor Yinproved Have you Neuralgia I N' "\ 'AGENTS Model -Washer and Blearibee. Print Vii, Aridness 0. W. DENNIS 0 Arcade, Toronto, Ont. 40 old mid tried remedy. Ask roar Dru¢alet. Black and yellow, blank and pink and beige and red are favorite color combina- tion; in millinery. Ilse I Coven Coals puree In one minute. Polonaises may be draped alike on both sides, or long on one gide and short on the other. W0Onerer your Bt0rnach 0r Bewele get 000 of w Ser naming Blllousoese. D °papain, or indlgeetlon and their attendant evils, take at 0050 a dose of Dr Carson's Stomach Bitters, Bent Denny medicine All Druga't°ta, 60 cents. A plain loop of silver cable cord makes an odd brooch, A, 1'. 412. 111113913.11.60.4 CANOES. SYili. 110000811, 1'e Cir»Nru, Oat. P1t(T1rIT8 procured, Patent Attorneyo, and exper 0et'd 1507. (Donald C111110111. tit Co., Toronto KNITTIidC(°era � 1;0:0oi.MACHINES AGENTS W.ANTAI1-' MAGIC" c� Si ram Washer. Address 8100. 1D. i Ai 4.t e'EERRIS, 80 Clluroll St, Toronto. FARMS I1011 BALIi or 11000. ALL Blass, IS SNee R. S�M100112LL,eDaar o,tepoolal ,l bargains. yo' howl ; deed we was. ttANITACTQn000 AID I /AL01M LN Roofing Fe t, Slaters' Felt, D.atr'u{ng Fc10, Uarprt Paper, Badding Paper. (0000ad Pitch. Will Tar, Lake Crave{ (011100: 4 Adelaide Si. Iiiao6, Toronto. CANOE Tlty['JRO, ULCERS, SCROFULA, Mc., rani permanently without the l03i7e. apply to Mt W. L. 0111081, 124 queen St, E., Tern,to. SELF -THREADING i3EEDLE3.ei5Arralr V<wr ad Out, I(10 ntly thio to 0 without,ioio 'y owing thread through the eye. Agents cola money sella, gthem Sample packet by mail 160 dozen packets Si 00 Whiten 3lanufact aria g Co.. To r,nto. Ont. THE BOILER INSPECTION and Inoue. .65.. nice Company of Ctetrnda Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents. TORONTO. G. 0. Rene Ohlot Engineer, A, Fnasma Seo'yTroae. ANY FARMER WHO DRAGS BIS WIFE out t0 the earn to hold bags 10040 130 too mean to buy the "Dandy" Patent Bog Holder, which will last a lifetime, and costa only 75o Sold by agents. Terri. tory stilt open. 0, 0 ALLEN & 00., "World' Budding, Toronto. f'ANAIIA SIIQPP'100 CO. -Seaver Line of 0,.J Steamships. ceiling weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, 040, 010 and 500, Return tickets, 050, 000 and 9110 according to steamer and a000mntotlatton Inter. mediate, 5110 • P.oun 1 trip tickets 900. Steerage, 820 Round trip tickets, Sint, For further particulars and to enure births, apply to II. E, MURRAY, Genera. Manager, 1 Custom 1300o0 Square, Montreal, or to the Loral Agents In the different Towns and Uttteo. (`l (TRILl'a 1941010 ane College. 005001,, 0888 df This popular institution, u0,,' in ie 401 Year, la o_og n greed work for the education rt young mon and won en in those branches, a knowledge of which is to oeventlal to the intelligent and aucoeestul management of practical tff0(r0, Its graduates are everywhere giving signal Israel of the thoroughness. of their training, and bearing grateful testimony to the monetary value of Its cents° of study. The Fourth Annual Circular, giving full information, will he mailed free. Address Al. MACConutcs, Principal, WILLIAM BRIGGS, PUBLISHER, TORONTO - hail 1 ha° now a Large staff of ladles and gentlemen engaged in amercing for his several fast -selling sub- scription hocks and Parallel Family Bibles ; none but honorable persons that do business on a square basis ern engaged to act ns agents for him; his object hi to make money for the slant, ne well as far the uousehe represents. and at the Dania lime treat every subscrib- er. doh or p oor, as he would like to be treated ; agents will find to nt it pays beet to work for a good bons°, It this meets the eye of any persona notengaged with me at present, send for (similar and fell information. Merchants, Butchers, and Trailers generally, We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pickup CALF SKINS For us. 000h Furnished on satin?notory guaranty. Address, 0, S.. ItOon Pam, Vermont, U. S. SPORTING GOODS. The Cheapest House in Canada for Gutls, Rifles, Certt'idgee, Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Goods and Sportsmen's Sup- plies of every ]tied. On r, roipt of 512.60 we Will express to env tiaras, a DOUIILE.BIRIIEL BIU4121d.LOADI513 SHOT GUN, with lee laminated steel tartan, ailed stook A good gun far country use. And for $1 00 will ehip to any address, v.22 cal.RthLEthot will shoot accurate - 1y 000 100 test. W, M'DOWALL & OD., 51 KING ST, E., TORONTO. Stained Glass FOR CRUPOIIES, DWELLINGS, .AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. MIOAUSLANO & SON 16 Ring St. W., Toronto. Subscribed Capital, 16 4,F00,000. raid Up Copps] 2,200.050 Tor al Assets 10.010,000 The enlarged espial end resonrcee of Shia Oompany, together with ten inaromaed fooilttieo to has recently arquired 0,reopplying landowners with obeap tutney, enable the ltireut.rn to meet tt"th prompters+ and at the lowest current rate tt httareat all roquire:nonta for loans upon sattafaotery real estate ae°arity. Applin lttoe may be made to either of ttte,0om- pang s local Appraisers, or to J. HA;16SatiT 00in0N, 3imag'gDireator, Toronto. Albert College to s BELLI1VILLE, ON'4., Is being greatly enlarged and improved at a cost of severalthoueand dollars. Students in attendance from British Columbia, Mani- toba, Miohigau, New York, Valmont, in addition to Ontario and Qneboc. Meier - pissed advantaged at moderate rates. WUi Re -Open Thursday, Sept, 6th 1868. Send for eirculare. Address, REV. W. P. DYER, 1,1. A. Principal. lana41.10:1 AMY DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS, Don't wale until 7q0o0 areburnt enter robbed buy a Safe no,, and sleep may and bo sure aud reand get pries•. eta, of t h o Now Champion Safe. S. S. EC1S10UL LL. 677 Craig St, P. C. Box 040, Monttee', P. Q, 10000 PRESENTS TO MST APPLY]..\'O, SMELL: THEY LAST. We will send by mail an 0p. propriate gift 10 cath maiden, wife, mother or ern,h•-one to •l family -who will try the BREADMAKER'8 BAKING POMaEB Cul the red circle from NIA label and send it in to letter 'h,ting honest opinion after fair trial. Shaer n5, 10 or t$ cent size will secure the gift. Any grocer or storekeeper knows where to get I t if ask°ce for by you.-AdJrera- CIIURCEILL St CO., TORONTO, Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships Wittig daring winter from Portland every Thursday tad .Halifax every Saturday to Liverpo.t, and In cum* mar from Quebec, every Saturday to Ltverp°ol,oalling at Londonderry to land mails and pnseengero for Soothed and Ireland ; also foam Baltimore, oda Han fax and St. John's, N. r., to Llvotpool tortniehbty durum summer months. The steamers of tho Glas- gow arms sail during winter to and fromIlalitax Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum - mar between Olafgow and Montreal weekly• Glwt. gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phtladel. phta fortnightly. For freight, passage or other Information apply to A. Schumacher ado., Baltimore ; 0. Cunard .4 00., Ba11Pnx ; Shea k Co., SI. John's, Nfld., Wm. Thome son Ar 0a., S4 John, N. B.; Allen a 00., Waage Love 0 Alden New York ; H. Bendier, Toroabo 1 Aline, Rao A do., Quebec • Wm. lir°okte, Philadel- phia ; H. A. Allen Portland, Boston, Montreal. Nervous Debility. DR. mums Spoolflo has boon used for the poo Moen years witbgroat woos, In the treatment Of Nervous Debility, and all dieeasee analog from ex. messes, over-worked brain, Iota of vitality, ringing th th oars, palpttntlon, oto. For sale by nn druggists. Price 81 per box, 00 0 boxes for $6, or will be sent bp mall on reoolpt of prim, Pamphlet on apple:tenon THE GRAY MEDICINE 00., llorenbt. We manufacture the Largest Variety of FENCES, CRESTING, BUILDERS' IRON WORK STABLE FITTINGS, OFFICE RAILINGS, ETC. of any honks in the Dominion, CATALOGUES FREE, BARNUM WIRE AND IRON WORKS, WINDSOR, ONT