HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-9-7, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POST
.xe�•tl4i�_�r3'3�`y`-+v^1''-,:+v«cc•.-e:n.3+ei;1T.�.Z'd6: -••"ov^a,m^rsr,•,.t. '�'.`. "1'u.i2.5:'S„°:..:.:,R`.M1+'SiitZ:7,^..'6i+�.'.nGs1Gs.:u'-_e1,+hJuta.,a^-t,,ka.as+�i• I"i5n4,^9.'w'/^rnL^..-.+-nSS3:xo-.r^ �I:i,.:;P'.^,^I'.Si:'Zw'v^..7"S"•�� ir^'r.•-�,,,n ••,l ,., m.�:'S""ii".Tan
I, rill - \iron Good.
1 ess.I Selo: I dvinsstone.
1 : N • ti "omelets llrus
l.she Salt,. 11. A. Pcadnuut.
\1urt;:ass sale,....\le::. Ilnnter.
1'ar^n for eel,: .\. 'tf. 'Parlor.
i'ur:, round the tv.•, IT -II. White.
,� to `tirti55t '" O5t.
1•TiIt.tl'', ,SEPT. 7, 1855.
Tin: Retaliation Ilill is still the leading
question but the Commits are not et all
afraid of Uncle Sam's threats and could
stand the l+ut cat" possibly better than
our h. ;sill ors, there its its all pro.
liability a L}pet ehrtiun dodge in the
whole e thirst than enythiug else.
\ >t 1, t1 t ft te.eths tf a Lista•
err; mei De I: nc re:cloy in ,Brussels?
Nos t1 71 long its. inns n1', comntcar-
ing and t tan;, people. l.,ttieularly, vast
about> e in>irovtment and
.n1' o r ,w weel.1 it not 1 t „tied idea
t+ -r. .. ..:eu .1 t 1 a literary chat -
esti, that s:•taild prole cutc:t•tainiagand
pr, sideeste.. tied; In the itt�
hist -1 •'nil 1`wt: s1 le organisations
inose Marshes l 1 • a tin. but -have al-
isa• s 1 , I i out Th rt t•{
n h i sass i.c L'rn•;it I, .,1
keep a Society r to Ing dining, five or six
months ed tate year without the burden
falls tem :use tt:ere is probably no
belt, r pl :e e fir the yuturp 1111:11t,> 110 1/1111.1
at ft !om and readiness of expnt. lug
their iu•.as than in a local literary end
debating club. Ulm Mechanics' Instituto
Directors should take this question up
and Fee .that could Le diene.
Not many outeitlers patronised the C'al-
edt nitut cram t on Tuesday last but the
mowed erd in the evening was good and well
attended. '1'h' 'tit itaiutneut was of a
high order.
Iter. J. 1:. Ilows11 and W. M. (tray
and wife left'Pnesday for Winnipeg, talt-
iug the boat tit (loderieh. Mr, Nowell
rind Air. Gray go to attend the General
Bt;ud of Mi iota which insets I❑ Witt.
nipog this month.
Dr. Wadiaud-Ward, a native of demise.
P.tl'stine, lectured "in Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday evenings of last
week in the Presbyterian and 'Methodist
°heretics to largo and appreofative aud.
fences. The subject being for tho three
evenings "A Danker ride from Den to
Beersheba." Thelectnreet were exceed-
ingly interesting and instrcetit•o. On
Sunday Y morning ❑g t10
I1. occupied
is church and to a
f the Methodist t
n h t
lare and mixed audience preached averr}y
instructive sermon from John's Gospol,
dth chap„ the first 30 verses. The story
o1 bit reuvon:ion wait especially interest
ing, Dr. Ward, we understand, is an
ordained minister of the :Baptist church.
6V1t l testi.
Master Wm. Torrance left on Tuesday
j to attend the Seaforth Collegiate in.
Win. MI Smith, merchant, has been
on the skit list for the past week, hilt we
a1' lel to 1 .1 .,.., en a fair way
to resovery.
The rerviee in St. George's church will
be li I.1 i1', the a orning hist, ad of the
afternon next sabbath owing to the
special sermon to the Foresters at Bens -
FOR at 2:30 o'clock.
Rev. W. Torrance. has ret tiro, 1 from a
visit to Wiarton anti vicinity, whither he
writ f 'r the b:,neflt of his health. We
hope to see him soon rector •d to his natal
health and strength.
Jas. Ritchie has rented the farm of
Wm. McArthur, of Morris, to which lie
intends removing in October. His many
friends and acquaintances wish him suc-
cess in his new place.
Miss Flora McDonald has gone to Lon.
don to attend the Sacred heart Academy.
Flora will be much missed ns she is u
general favorite, bat she takes with her
the best wishes of all her friends for her
Wm. Neal is filling up his store with a
splendid stock of fall and winter goods
and intends to try to pleaso the public
better than over. Between his stook
of general merchandise, millinery, dress-
making, telegraph and post office it is a
regular bee hive.
During the holiday's our school has
been undergoing some repairs, which
were much needed, and which have im-
proved its appearance in the inside very
much. Chas. Sage, hotel -keeper, is alto
preparing for winter, as ha has been
laying a solid stone floor in his cellar.
The stone was supplied by M. Shine, of
J. Boyd Morrison, a student of the
public school ]fere until midsummer va-
eation, left on Saturday to attend the
3iodel school et Goderich. His taking a
third class certificate at the recent ex-
amination, in the face of such general
"plucking," gives him much credit and
we hope his future career may be merited
with even greater success than the past.
Bi..ar_t: the Canada Temperance act
was dr 1, airs! in IIuron and the Crooks
Act substituted it is no reason why the
temperance people eh,.uld rest on their
oars and lose rather than gain ground.
The Temperance question is and will al-
ways will be a live issue, and because the
law of the Lind gives its sanction to the
traffic that ie no reason Prohibitionists
should not keep their platform before the
peu:ple and in public and private work for
the uprooting of Intemperance and haying
ell Wu meet thoroughly imbued with
temperance principles andtemperance
sentiment. Same people take it upon
tlumeelves to say that the liquor traffic
can never be put down but we don't
agree with thein. We look back at the
rabid strides made in the past and bay-
ing faith in the rising generation we: be.
Hese till that is needed is for our Govern-
ment in this Christian Land to stay we
can raise our revenue otherwise than by the
liquor traffic, and one of dmstrott est.trgu-
ments against Prohibition would be dune
away -with. The friends of temperance
must not rest satisfied with the Crooks
Act as it does not by any means curtail
the drinking catatenhs u. 0. they shontl
wot'k upon lints which will ultimately
lead to the tots,: abolition of the traffic.
Je Iu ()her and ttife returned from
I1esI c t last Monday.
3Ils ( 4las e, Port Itt1Jtt, is visiting
her siet , 31r::, T. 1'. Simpeott.
J. N. i } c 't: of . Ales. Peebles and W.
Doig returned front their trip to Mani -
Iola lest Saturday night. TLcy report a
geed dual ,1 denim t• demi to the crops
eat there by the frost.
Riettl:tr cervices in the Methodist
church v,ill be withdrawn next Sabbath
side tle tensr. stale:, will attend the field
na' , ;n ?Its, Rebt. Irtrotn's grove,
A. 1.. ramitis of Wroxeter, preaches
111011.1 ill; end evening arid the plaster tapes
charge of the ttf:erncen triton. A union
ch it tepplit s the anisic. On Monday a
lira's, tit Monte will he held in the name
giro,. \ftrl' (limier addresses will bo
gine, 1 y .ltovds. A. L. Smith, C. V. Lake
and P. E. Nugent. The choir of the
13111 dint church, Bruestls, will do the
inging. A pleasant time is expected.
•111s, tfl.
Barhrh• IIuckstep is moving to more
commodious premises, adjoining Tanner's ;
Our base ball club got "done up" at 1
Belgrieve on Wednesday by a scorn 01 11
to 'L8.
R. B. Dunkin and family left on Mott. ,
day for :Tiverton, where they have rented
a hotel,
S. Herrington left on Tuesday for
Exeter where be was to be married on
R. 11, Reeler, jeweller, left Blyth on
Friday for Chesley, where he intends
carrying on business.
Miss Morgan was quite seriously injur.
ed one day this week by being upset out
of a buggy on the street.
Anderson k& Elders now block is quite
an addition to the town, The hall above
the store is light, airy and commodious,
I. Rogerson and wife are away to Lon.
don this week to get further medical
advice and they expect to go to Buffalo.
Mr. Rogerson is considerably better.
A large number of strantere were in
town on Wednesday and Thursday of
this weak attending the Wingham Dis-
trict Convention in the Methodistabnrch.
Cool nights.
Holiday parties are returning to town.
Ghee, Lowrie shipped a car load of
apples and 282 packages of creamery
butter to Leith, Scotland.
A. S. Chesney, assistant to (1, L. Ball,
i,. D, S., has gotto with Itis mother and
little brother on a holiday trip to friends
in Montreal and Quebec.
J. 1'. Roberts reeeivcd ;a gold medal
from the college of Pharmacy for general.
proficmteyi The inscription reads---"Pre-
Rentoil by the council of the Ontario Col.
logo of Pharmacy to J. 1''. Roberts, of
Seaforth, 1it'ts, (lttht1 at (Jno Indttutt'ila,"
Claundiarh New *t.
The North American United Caledon.
ian Association will hold ita convention
in Toronto next year.
Tbo Wonder is the name of a revel
craft forty feet long, cruising among the
Thousand, Islands. It is owned by Spen-
cer D. Schuyler, of New Tork, an(l is
propelled by compressed air-. The boat
has made twelve miles an hour. A yacht
without boiler or smokestack is a novelty
on the St. Lawrence.
Dr. Toole, of Sunbridge, Ont., to sink-
ing a shaft for water, went down about
50 feet and struck a spring. The water
is forced to the surface of the ground,
carrying with it sand in such quantities
that it is feared his house, which is in
s theOrange Hall
coarse of erection, also
in danger of beim under-
by, are c g g
mined. It is estimated there has been
sufficient sand thrown out in 21 hours to
Hover half an acre throe inches in depth.
All efforts to stop the flow of water have
been futile.
On the beautiful lawn in front of the
residence of John McComb, near Har-
rington, may be seen a Scotch lir Iran
which was girdled by mice one winter
about 7 years ago, several other trees
were girdled at the same time, but all
died with the exception of this ono. Be.
low the spot where the tree is girdled no
growth appears to have taken place since
the accident oeourred, while above it the
tree is growing as if nothing had happen-
ed. It is fully twice as thick above W11013
it is girdled than it is below.
• The following is the list of the candi-
dates for the respective Model schools :
Clinton Model school—Mary Gregory, 11.
Koine, Mary McNair, Jennie Morrison,
Nellie Paulin, Gertrude Plummer, Flor-
ence Richardson, Elizabeth Robertson, B.
Reith, Bolla Watson, John Bewaring,
Fred FowterAW. Graham. W. Gemmill,
Sam. Haugh, Itobt. IIodgson, J. McTav-
iab, Geo. Shortroed, D. A. Scott, A. Spot.
tan, D. Walker. For last two weeks—J.
Wier, Geo. Blaoknell; John Brown, John
A. Brown. Goderich Model school—H,
Andress, Latra Baker, Jane Brother -
stifle, Celia Calder, Josie Collins, Bessie
Kelly, Lottie Johnston, Rebecca Lowery,
Carrie MoKonsie, Addie McEwen, Sarah
Stafford, Maggie Sloan, Eleanor Watson,
Sam. Johnston, Tlhos, Knechtol, Thos.
Murray, Dennis Malin°, J. Morrison, T.
14foIIay, Jno. McCrae, Wm. Smith. For
last two weeks, Mary Casey.
Id1,A1,01,,3 11,111, ti,'ll 11,11011to
This is the name of a hand-
containing 84(pages and 324
»n. tizr it'FCJL, %C,.t VAl fol-A"R°rti •
It should be in every Ironic in
this County. Every youth; Loan
should road it.
.dfili 7'O SE71 7'1111 R..IMJ'T,J;,
Hiram White, Agent,
neh.t.3 (•fi.tNMC00t(
b) AfIi!', 1+APif 1011 SALE. 7 00!) F:\1111 b'0R SALE 1:v Y,f1A1]itl 1 tett t Al,
0 0- L
,..• 0 i X 1 lirot ot•tt.e faun ft t o e ua flu t ,,. In wr
Morris. e t t io n
'I'nwitettip of ttorrls 111111 1.1,11111P.1.1,11111P.orII urw , to clone the all),Irc of t' ,t "t the l,tu
tieing sentlt half of tlortti hnlf•b tt .25 W. (i lt!nt,. 11.11, eseetttoisme. , no. tot-
, and south halt nig.) itt nth you., c ntaimnrt
eat acres more 01' ibis 1 n 1' r»u•.tly
,'h^,r of Munn,. ,ut4 in tt good eitt 1 eutti•
vutlon. Thet'els a young neuoIng elelnrrd,a
gens} house and t.,tnit barn . a1'; fr,•1 xlttt
crane 0tnhltl nitelncue.etta, 1'hu 111190 i+athl-
• 1110 .1 »ithiu n anile of too Village of l 1'n suln
slut ie gruel f, rut h,',tntc rnic-
titAaeItiswatorodwithbhorh'er Maitland
and never failing Nprn r. I t•.
ttv11 he given at ties time, 104' int thin• uut-
ttetIIars apply nu this premia, n or to A. It.
it AGOG. SON, lira:Ude, 1', tt, e-tf
1 wtu t' h 11 l am 11 t¢ t ,t r rtlt
halt of lot r la n•e. i , 1• tt,ltl t -f
'11 tt1 t.>u,nud•tg as a , . (in Cir
eructed it Fowl frame Intro t,rih ntonc laatt-
thdinn, good orchard, well and noon,. Near. 1,111, 1 u It it o� it n l:oo,l l ,rnht)' nr,J ,:ouvno.
le elle luta I, anti iN un tb, mare l ! r, d L
1 N •Iy slat io. t rim 1111ugo f Ittl I ^ trrw•. ,,a itis•
Aliares ut :.,t vl,ttblo u, , ti \ it knee, pro'hol, ill,, ,Ll •, ,r•tlwn.•
and iu a good stmt of tulrit9ttina, k'nr 1 itt,t g. It out Hold will Lu for C,•t•m
"1'100111,11,1 t t•ut,: apply t' lilu4. h111,GV- to tttntgrttt is i u
Iii noel, l , e., 1It tailt, \ letm to 1•n11gemwni eau t ,• moot. that t . t l I lv 11;
agnnre p, n,nr J erne N'at'o, ttuplo 1,11C'e fmha t't'nvt moria. '1'I 1 r'rt i. 11.1V It
1>. (t„:t1lA ttc.0 •-t'ntu dy, good shop, tor Pttrtf u , „ .iu t•u•
nut 1', 0 1.'1111,
meati Ie1 of lrt a t tutiehlt tit
(trey, tons ie. ' l til ll+I•'+ ,t re „t• l"'NN,
',Lout :'i a, n, •+ +L 1+1 u, 1' I I'•,ri tit !e1'.
enr,natlat•)o ds . rite oteseer loot t 01'11u1,
atabhn:r, 1,111181.1 W1111111 obual, , cotton ut
SEPT. 7, 18b8.
t' h 1',a
� i
to„ u
ertn I'�E;tl.IrileC'I to Bt'l.l;iSOIS
.„ .. �. - ,,,oR. .�.• a its r.wetto»t.,r.c).
•n t •o • bl cunwu Those
Stertor Machin e pit is Lail bt t mol ' mita widely end f tt to 1
Sterling} � y
1 tryit tri n s e • (' ' 1'suitable for general its , It is
who et:abler: tit to rise it No oth t hl is more „
well adapted for all
Ell lYIaohinery,
Reapers, }lowers
and_ Threshers !
As 1 Your
10P it
i n n
p3�p� S
.3ltrlttti,tettirt'd ,'o, eMillrctt Kittredge d'('tt., 3'ett'olt',r ; Rr,tueli fel
11 trt0,r•rrl, Ontario. ,f
FOR SALE BT A.. yrfr. iW cKAN 4i"v.'i (aro., 13 T- SSELS;
10. ,lf, Afi.ts'r'tin, Ethel ; J, Ttuanxs, Bluevalo. int
iTG,e �'.n'R. •.'�-86--.11^x' iL'^3t�24 :S• : AA._t,.w.'r,c n0:b,L^.3C:...'a _z L `.--1 -.
THE undersigned is prepare(l,to buy any quantity of Eggs at
11. the old
Eger Emporium, ` TO TH OB Brussels Post Office,
Farmers and others can depend upon getting from
us the very highest Market Price IN OASTS
this season as We are going to ship extensively and require largo
Don't forget the old. stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels.
Msv Wm. Ballantyne Son.
I have much pleasure in informing all my
Notice •`-�old friends that my dangllter and grandson
will continue the egg business at the old stand carried on by me
last year and I hope they will recievo liberal patronage.
Now AF11J!U[
and they will be pleased to see all their •old customers and as many
new ones as possible to look through and inspect.
Bross Goods and Cashmeres._ ti 0 oficiisand 1Casllmerdr in
Black and Colored.
Bazaar Patterns ..Agents for the Bazaar' Patterns. All
Patterns. Net\' Styles kept in stock and Monthlies
Given Away Free. Call and Got One.
Scotch 86 Canadian 'Weeds!--ai a,mi &Scorch of Tweeds,
Worsted Coatings, Pantings, and Overcoatings, and Ii1ADD !120 (Bunt
in the Latest Style.
Pull limos in Gray and White
Gray 86 White Cottons! --Cottons, Flanucls, Skirtings
and all Staple Dry Goods.
lMIeltons, in All Colors."-than°ever 11 all colors, Cheaper
Boots 86
0W11 name.
shp Boots & nShoes anufactured by Cooper &
oesi`"Smith, and eachmboot stampod with their
A. large consignment lust Received.
U_ROCE•DI]ll 1 Our Groceries are All New, Fresh Goods and
lT �JJJJb� u1Jt best quality.
A Call Solicited at
STJLiAAtl••.AHAN BRO1.::�3'.
Economy Restaurant.
IIavino jut opened in the I;rt''k Corn.
er Store, formerly o, c upie,l by 11, Attal-
Brussels, the npp?sit' rvn•ner to
the 1'ostoiltee.
• (.\t all rcttronable 11 air,)
e-:'Fon. 1W Nr c:1\1S.
1 call h t "ttil}tstdieittil t o 1 every
ttttmttict will I e laud 16 I al.JIM.. \ I:m-
ited number of Lady and Gentleman
Bonders. wanted,
7,1.9..1IRO.IDF OT, Prop.
(•Q/ 1 It`W�,t
"Well ! neighbor, when, did you cid that
ere wortcio» 0s„ furrow ,.nm0 Plow n" Well
Sir, I got it trent %Yu. S1.tit'TiN UelltN •lt,
salt Itnow be i cps, the largest stock of
1 PLowtt north the motley iu the trade.
Aril you i:t beset of 5neural purpose
plow Call and ace
THOS. BENDIII 8, of Seaforth ;
TOLTON'S, of Guelph, No. 7 flow
PATTI'.RSON'S, of iYonclstoolc.
Straw Cutters, (}rain Crushers and
(train Grinders.
2, •.t, 0, 8 and 10 Horse Power.
in all Salo of Implements.
Wal. Martin.
ttt'Ie :Nets.
il3BER E' ARNISTRf 'i i ti
tire. dt int' Mutt he hat again 1 ➢`I
a It ended of Brussels and is pt, p u.d 1'°
'n ' cf:a [o • all 'oda n
t r sort
t e,
'u•- rel: s 1,.1 t RI'
Work, tin f t uldin"
Framing, Mill \'i ril;htiu r
Ire will also mato- a Specialty f ilm.
iug Building..
listincatcs Cheerfully Given. #•j
Satisfaction Goa -raked,
in every nndrot^e.
267.5 ic
r.pi A I I ()I C '9l11I( )
1 I'ii',4t•Cbttts Still 4, either 1'..,11 t
or Unbound, Made flet'
Houses : TuiNnannv Sramee.
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that he does all kinds of, Blackeniithing
in a Workmanliite Manner,
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Specialty of Ilor'to.ohocit,g.
A Call Solicited. r Rernember the
Stand—Nt,ttt THE Bo:nrcs.
11.1 S. Plum.
� vPRI V:17'E F
of Private Funds have just been
placed in my hands for .In-
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in three clays if title is
Apply -to
Rain Street, • Eirnssels
F'l'esh Sect Meats
Of the boot quality always ou hand tout do,
livered to any part of the village trop of
Tomas vory favorable,'
1'01,171110h the highest market price will
be raid.
I also wake a specialty of buylug Hides
nnd Skins.
Don't forgot the place next floor to
Pletoher'sJowalry Store. A. OURRIE.
€9 UME!
The Oranbrook'Lme
Are in full blast and a first-class
(,et,u'antee,l. l¢
I'rotluco taken in oxeliangt, fn?
Work, �,
1', G. PI('1f:ilW SOX,
Merchant Mill
Liver C'ompl dal
- Dyspepsia, 'r'
Billonsucns, , 1
Sick Headache';
Kidney troub'
Rh untatis
Skin Disease t
and all intpnti.-
ties of bio lllot
front white::
cause arising."
PE_OE ,_ t•v_t'=. 1'311= i=t
pg. UaJ1i Tia:',y
(very small end easy to talo..
Sold everywhere ; price 25 cents.
£:.iiON tIictiot 7Sfi E'o., tProl,rirti til, y
TOL:ON'to, CANADA . -d
w 'e .!'1 lJ iI.t3111J1' FAIR
IxrluAtrinl and.1t•tsls.rltilition
2Oth. to :'Atha -'E'p1.
$'u,eeo .4m:repeatted for Prices, .trtt'l"
lions, car. !;132.000 ratite of Nem
tralmdN alta iia lldingv. t!i20tt,•
(111(1 Display of Agrtntlturni
and other liaelilnery.
300,000 Ed ye ;earl:
Grand International Benil
Show of Dogs.
Bite Indian '1rlbee or Ontario are pr !J
paring an immolate exhibit of nutuuineturt
articles, at,rlcultural l,rodnotions and Cu
osirlos of the old hunting days, There
be Larger Prizes, th'ander Attrnrlie
more to see and more to learn than et na,'
1n'nvious exhibrltlon. friss lists mut nil alba
e1' information may bo lad on nppltctd!oi
to rho seal'etary.
OAP.. A. W. PO1Ti3, GTO. MoIlitee',
r'raaiden U. Secrentty'
Thanking the public for past favors ant
support' and wishing still to sealtre your
patronage, We are opening out fnllliusi
from established and reliable make
fully warranted by us.
CiOOlds of the
Latest Designs
Wedding Rings,
Ladies Gem Rings,
Earrings, t&al
Also have in stook a full line of Viojinl'
122 'Cents Per Bushel. and Violin Strings. t&c. '
1 N, 13, ' -Issuer of Marriage /demisc11.4*
V, ff$,IMW, Prot. T. Fletcher.
4 1