HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-9-7, Page 1Volume 16.
• —
recogiiition of this (111,1411 Ile any Oahu PIO 1.1rtil. Diviioiwi Court. Auothor Naafi p'ot h , ( -441. trill -
they may maks% for 11* '1 aid from ;my _ oil in Si. I tore:Aug o it ova. So.
of Gm Legislaturots of this lonninion, 'Hi plotters erre-:1
rot 1 ari•
to loon, iltiol fano utirtolos lig. in
It I-1 rumored in Berlin that Prin..
marolt ha, teintored his riiiiigiodion, but
the rumor is not orediti.d.
Biattie, the Oxford hors Elliot', has
boon sentenmol n.t Detroit, rik 91 years in
the state prion.,(14,141740.
London 1otk:174 11.1.4-74 Ileri4444;r1 she
pritte.r10,...1 81 :,74.4o1.1. ::i 14 sI1,1:1011:1
ihortogi. 111 4111/ 11.141,11 orop.
The Piotooir P1.0.4.1 YeVII W ..f thi. year's
oporation ohowis 114:47. Ili, llitch looenso
.syotion hat worked well io eft.
A J"rco:oh Govornmoot r 11144 1411
V0/1'40,1 14 I//./V 1. /GI, 111,10.11 14
Til,• pow done-, Clinry, of Wi oodia,
hoe delivoral 171 loiatiros :0).1
Ili:: plodgo po 3 ',If 3 klri{14
Holiday Soliool 1• 7:4111 doe there
aro 1;i111,01:1 Sum ihy ,e*:,,l iolofi 444 lo
tir' world awl 2oto11207 sato". -I.
A newspapor 4 1',111AM1/111101/1.. ISAVO
that 212 Christiatio (toil Jowl Intoo I. oonno
Mohommislano during the lase 4,11.1.,
larger number Gifu) thooe who
1100071 alohaniumilanien the .„ r ro.
Germany ilmug oonoidora- 1.. foi.oign
missionary work nowailoyo, It lutes 174
societies and supports 521
who look after that. 910,000 eonvorto.
Last year tho total reeoipto in monoy
wnro over 5700,000.
Tho New York Tinies` Vorrespelaletit
estimates that Europe will mod to buy
from 70,000,000 to 80,000,11 '0 h eh.% of
wheat this yea-, and flat Time, think
that the Unitod Stair's will not be able
to supply a very 141040 proportion of that
Tbe wife of Anton Cleslake, o, Polish
laborer, of Doloth, gave birth to four
ohildren Wednesday, all healthy arid
well, two boy:stand two girlo. Thar com-
bined weight wits 911 pounds:. The *7404(1.
*4(1 has ho.ct sovon children in Sire. coin-.
Tho l'rince of Wales recently pro:touted
ct, handsome gold watch sod chain to
Chief Inspector Charles \Valor, who is
retiring from the London polio). mita-
lifty-one year,' service. IL* hail boon en-
gaged at Ofarlborough Boase over since
the Prince of Woks' userriego, tt11.1 AVM
for fifteen years prOV101.1-31y s1atiOildIl at
the Buokinginon Polities. 'filo Ibillooes
of Wales added her 0011WIRB1111141.1iN
James Shelby, a well.known E 141117411
"whip," has jnot bsaton tho tosoird on the
drive from London to Bright..., making
the distanco them and hick, 1044 miles,
iu sevrm hours end fifty minntes, ths boot
previnno rim having been eight lionoe and
a half. The drive Vr1.1.B 0474 .174 1)1*41 wogor
of ono thousand pinuids to five lino trod.
and elaborate isrrangements hail been
made for it. Four 1,0rseo were changed
sixteen times during the trip.
*1 1,742101LE'llrElft So. it.
It o tho 1
4ilitor of Tutt1;eso.
eir...-Whou 1 undo tit,. lottor publielital In
1111 Pohl: of .thon Nth it was not my inton-
ition to Kay anything 'Mont the Ration of
binnitobit 011 1(10(11 surroundings, but to allow
how Maid Lobo and the Northwest wore 141(7.14.
11(071 by Din Novorninent, Choir odiolals and
tho synilicato. bly letter roforrod to /AG
raised the in of tint carodafr gonk, 00 I.
Will giro thn public a• fullor account in do-
ted. When 1 startud to go to Manitoba Lho
drat thing 1 obeorvod, wee limy people Vero
"roped In" by Mao 14.1'.)). infants. Thoy rofwp
ed to soil a roturn ttokot further than Wm-
nipog, but offered G 41011,O4 to Winnipeg for
oni or ti. nth= ticket for •$4.1. The r .a11011
1)1,41 410 this is easily soon as nooplo who
bath to go further than NV innipog are made
"Lo pay tlio piper," Tim), aro charged. 8 1415
havetithet to oo 200 miles although . they
have been taltun to Winnipeg, 1,600 miles,
120, Instoed of aocapLing On ao offers I'
1.6 light a United for 7.10510 go 200 wiles bo -
40 :1 Winnipeg ; Nilo thoy gar. rather than
lotto a peasengor. Tim enfiwor cif en to illy
aeon uttf Dm country through whiult the
(13'X. rtt us from North Day 10 1161 Pcirtago
, is that it is flab. In mines and ruts arida, but
11 was lint inlinw and in Merida I was looking
for, it was agricultural lauds, which :Leo not
Lo 1,,, found on that route 041 1.0111174 and 1001111'
(410 of rooks ull tho way. ono of Swim
Awnduff followe aromas to have crown in-
dioneut Lemuel, I said iii my lottor that
Winnipeg *000 (40 irrogular b UM t town by tho
•tiiiiio of a. big mud holo ennod nee Ilivor.
But 1(8 1460 taloa to provo that it 19 not and
he also says tbat I wog not Justified in say -
lug that Doloraino is built in a slough bolo.
. Perhaps not, I abould have said tbroo alougb
"bcdes, with 1111 11141,11111041104* outh alonosido on the
dryer ground which 111143: bring 1110 pope-
httiou of tho plan up to 800, es the (lernduff
.rottler lays, Nevortintloss this plea° called
".Doloraine is well supplied with land space-
littora and whlokey bouses. Thera aro three
thotolo in it, with It billiard table iu oach
1 standing in tho middle of the barroom Boor
"whore tom gembling is going nu day and
' night by a 1,1( 01 follows who did not appear
to have washed thoir facet eince the snow
wont off tho ground and for °soh gismo tho
, players havo to pay 26 cants in whinkay, . tho
two players getting a anise oath. 1 left Del.
uniuo co see it 'friend of mina who lived 11
miles north of lt, tu travailing over this
„distance I obsorvad there wore Only Ivo
100808 )0 bo seen in tho limb throo ulnas end
{for the othor eight miles t(1oro was not it
thoust, Owl) or habitation to be soon on atel-
ier onto on tar ao the 030 could seo althongh
tjile land %casual taken up. Near Deloraitio
could see /rain Um trail an old log booth
vitliont it roof. It being larger than 001n-
, win I asiked the nem who drove tho livery
" ' 081; COWB t bora bolt tiny all died 1bo first
a forum what Blaill 11411130 had boon used
it NO good that 11(40 1110 Morton nalry
. l's tactlry who bail got hold of a quantity
,, 114*,' lend thereabouts and had brought a.
whiter. Our nest journey from Doloraino
,144/1 fo see the country on tho Scurf, Itivor
.4111. 011 our way Word we oamo to a piano
amok all I ,vor with wooden pegs. I asked
sir. Underhill, ratan 1 bad outplayed to
Mrive as 1114 114040, what those imp meant 0
do atid 11111,1 WOG 41/0 City of Nourisapolis
one ot Manitoba's gigar,tio fronds. Thin
ohm. (1.7.0 (711011 survoyad mut stroots and
'huildiug lots and tho picture of 0, groat city
41.//G0 111G/11 papor and taken oust. Tito 1044
ivcru ,,ht Mel the purchaser Made to be-
lieve that ho lion bought property in it pop.
dent city although thoro is not a 1.10000 in
it icor near -t u it, only Ono little sod hut wait
the roof babel in whiali no doubt WAS 1.1B0/1
ly the imrvoyers alio Eillryeyed tho great
city Of tivOritialooll 4, Tho consummate ass,
Me Ciarialuil bottler, *0)0 11061 tho 001.1 huts
A Manitoba, and tho Northwtoit GTO as 1.0-
4,00table a tel inuall Ill040 coinfortaula than
0 the log Ikeinlo I lived in for yoars in Morris.
' . What hus that 10 ,10 with the case, %thanes
' . • 1 lived in a. log hove() or as palace V A Mod
.0 Greet, Meg of It»glittal, lived in a hot
a pato° and 00 (164113 eonstructad wee it
at the wind came through tho orevicas and
law 0141 1110 light of his talow °audio, and, '
tttrtiteleas, all tho people who lint settled
1 Morris lived in log houitoo and mino '44110
:nothing li-lco the others, for ono that \vas
'toe there meth two iv o183. Thu log houses
Morris were Induces compered with 1140
/10 111,11.3 Of bland:obit . Whim wo wero
., mning front tho Noothwoot wo ,net two or
moo thou with a Manitoba hens° upon a
.1 egon , dm mon Vero cheering Mild 11110 17/Mug
..nit saying thas they were untying M611110141
tat/ Liao Northwest. A triond 01 101111), WM.
viettutcheon, bought 0 man's licaliko who Was
i oaring 111 thisituit fur .$13 au dho mud tha man
'ton it on a sled and br ()tight it home. Tho
musos io manitoba anii the Northwest aro
ither made of Lumber, sod or logs. The
louses built of lumber aro like u nox or
moot sot upon its und upon a hill, tint boight
. 4014.9 oat of 11.11 proportion to t lie length and
..treatith audit keeps swinging in the wind
/ill bias 1 liko a N lob mu il daneor. The Sod
.10000,1*11)0 twin in %victor 1101 140) and dry
n. sonauer. NVIlen 1 stopped ni. ono of thom
1 unloycd myself amazingly. The log houses
Aro made of poplar poles and aro to, Mikan
to =Moil warm louse but thoy veneer them
'With nod, In viowing the laudscapo or Maui-
thba you ounoot see auything on tho prairie
hut it little house glistening in the ma 6011
BI. bittoklump of Boa outdo for et thablo end LI
I, r1,/,," straw, All the farm 1011(100101110*11114,.. .4.01111(1)tiot whom they won Ins0 %loud.
1,'. ,1147±7 armload. in Manitoba on tha 17th of
i'ity 2 found, th0 pooplo there wore later in
Mtting in their crops than tho peoplo of
!uteri°, although I had road in Lowspapore
.int 11(10 1,001110 of Manitoba had 0o111100uo044
wrists before tho puoplo of Ontario could
I mmoneo plowing,- \Vhen I enquired bow
GB was 15(00 tact that es soon et the frost
0004 01 1)10 ground one inch they coin-
. • snood, soWing grain. 21110 borses, they
',add, had good footing upon tho frozen
trouud *4011 11303: iloW away until tho ground
•utta soft. As Novo io littio or no ratu to tbe
oonth or May tho ground soon cloths no and
-.boy Loots so wing on Until the 11.10) Weak (11
:.iteni, Ws 110,70 also been told -that tho froos
n tho ground moistaus it instoad of *elm
- :his may bo Ilia 01100 but it lounroasonttblo
'tedium -woe that plants will vogazato and
;row Wpon too, holm this will account for
,iitto or no growth in Doi month of May in
Manitoba and tho Northwest. On funo 10th
,,h0 ethoitt lied net oovored Eno ground 011 oro.
Wheat, onto, harioY, potatuas end turnip,
' are tiro ouly crops that will grow to advent-
. ,go in Pt tuntoba or iu 1110 isorthwoot 0417-
0 1,01.0, Pons would grow but aftor harvest -
them they \\TWA bo all gono in (bo minot-
mg withthe wind, 00 B1103/ 0111d. 001,111111
I Billith ill ll. opoeoh 10 (1111,113: says tho wants
11 1410 Northweet, tyro faa, filling up and
I froadoW . Mr. lituitli is correct iu claymores.
'Oho wait of fuol 111 tho Northsvost is now
muoli fat Tho pooplo there mod not do -
'pool long noon the littlo bits of sorobby
. oushos lona 010 91.052.11(41 elopes the bank, of
rivers, Now, whim iaso pOoplo arm time
. hits of pawl horno thoy edam' 7.1001117.100111011 Mal
• to dry, Monad -Moonier!: at tho top 11110 Gal To.
titan wiswoon, It cannot bo n Very largo
i torso when it man cuts 14 clown aud then
stands 11 0(1 its eud again. When tho North-
' .00041%11/11111, no ler. Smith 000, it will put
torndroo for tho 1(111140001(11114000of stook
Wang end Nos sottloos taen sienna rasa
stook with prat, 'Oho 10111100' is too long
cold it will uot pay to 4101100 )110 1t17.110 in 01'.
' , °soh 0110 find a bora , for thonisolves wbias
" stay will havo to do,. I HMV a tratti in Mani.
obis who hoe two oalvoo that broko out of
, tholr pon and ho f mind thom at tho eta of
' a woolc at his next uoighbor's pInce-ton
miles og. when Mr, smith spoke of foe°.
• Soto 110 doubt lio moult sominoteialfroodom
but tho Govorntoont of Clonado- may no woll
. try to koop out tho tido with a pitobtox11 • WI
to try to koop lam pooplo of. Dakota (411t1
011 anitOba from trading with onch othor. 11
. not with /V few tl1 oquippod polloomon that
willbo donetsuoh as Boil havo to guard
co farmers of Manitoba ana the NorthWeat,
ots appOltranoo woUld move tho warriOrs
'1114re4*0 to 1611(1110r, I Mot with two of
000 polieomoo in Bin Northsvoet lb or 14'
(100 417010 thobo.usulary of Bnlcota looting
or a arm to get thoir enoton. Had T. Wit
. sion told who thoy wore, I mm1(110.00 taken
11101/1 imam 1. They were/Wain/011 alien
two Oil 1;111 811111 11 110 574:1,110 11127111
thoin and a ,iikort front that 1
eel 1,r 010011ne
/ivy wo:': Of 41/0 141.1110h 011V^
lion 1,, 117 ARMSTLIONO.
Morris, Attowt 21111, isss,
(From 1101' lit gtflar Borroo)1ondonto
1.TIINOT01.1, Aim .31, me.
Members of the llousa military eons.
m litho, and others interested in the ord-
nance amendmeuto to tho Army bill, aro
muds provolcod, 001110 1141 1140111 highly (111
(1141(1(4(11, 1st tho aotiou of Speaker Car.
lisle 111 appointing tWO members) of ties
apprurriations continittee as conferees
With Mr, Townshenil on the Army ap-
propriotion hilt. It is vary nnosual to
appoint conferees from other than lin)
cionnnittoe in charge 0( 7.110 bill. 111 this
inotance, aa 40 known, them was a eat.
filet of authority 1101%10011 the military
and apprOpriatiort emenlittees, the Son.
ate having plow I as an amendment to
tho Army bill a provision for orfinanne
and fortification.) a subject under colloid.
elation by 11,e appropriationo cornlitho,
Mr. Townsliend, Mr. Marsh and Alr.
Lairdo from the military committee,
Wore made the comforees to consult with
aha Senate committee, nay agreed to
retain the amondments, and the House
rejeoted their report ond ordered a new
confereneo. 11 Was expeoted, as is the
custom, that the same oonfereos would
be reappointed, or 01 least, that the ap.
pointmout woad bo from the military
committee. Instead of following this
course Carlisle has appointed Mr.
Sayers anil Mr. liyan, of tho appropria-
tions committee, who wore Violently 0P -
posed to the military committee, to act
with Mr. Townshend as oonforoes. This
10 0 hut tuts nutao tho friends of the bill
mad. Some 041 1110(1) aro uot at 011 1311111
in their expression of opinion as to Mr.
Carlisle's action. Mr. Townshend, how-
ever, is aboions to got tho Army bill dis-
posed of, as 11, 01 vory important that the
money for tho Army should be poovidia
before the first of Septombor, and he will
act with his two new colleagues in the
rejection of tho Senate amendment. Ho
does not yield tho antliority of 1110 eons.
mate° over the subject, but he thinks
that the importance of mooring prompt
motion on the 1.011 041 the 1,411 10)11400 un-
wiso to carry the fight forthor at this
time. Thu conference comrnitto will
Probably ((1(10( 11110 afternoon. The Presi.
ciont's recent toosisago to the Senate on
the fisheries t, oublo Las had It peculiar
afoot tho naval officers stationed in
dm city. While they do not pretend to
disetuus the sobjeetthattor of On moss•
Age or even the merito of tho eontrovortlyi,
they ore regardiug the effect of the pro-
posed mous of retallintion with ill -con -
coaled mirth, sometimes bordering cm
emiteropt. This sentiment, it sums, is
not political in the least, but based upon
o knowledge of the true con-
dition of offolro as regards our
resources in easel of trouble with Canada.
"Why," said ono of thorn tho other day ;
"What is the 11140 of talking about a war?
England, to ditto ilia MOO pithily, has
forty or more availab(o modern arrnorod
ships of war which could reach onr shores
within limo 1000140 from the first alarm.
On the other hand, wo have, at tho most,
fifteen yowls of war, which could not bo
n101)11101(1 insido of two months, and
whets thoy eame thoy woulcl not alto.
getter be a match for two of the English-
Iry it. .-och a, fleet as England could send
only could occupy every one of our ports
iu less than niontli." This is the gen-
eral oithiment among the naval officers,
end, they say, is supporta' by facts. The
only truly modern ships of the elmericom
Navy aru iu procosss of construction, and
in such conditions that it will be months
before they could be called fit for eerviee.
The tailors, to the number of about
twelve, aro \voodoo ousels, poorly armed,
and of slosv speod, somo of thom are in
Asia, aud others in Europe. .A. amens of
Republican Senators has been called to
moot this ovening itt the residence of Sen.
otor Edmunds, to discuss the tariff ques-
tion. The clobote of Wednesday, opened
1.13' Senator Allison and pcsi Solvated in by
Seinstor Sherman, is rogarded as signifi•
cant, by the Democrats. Thoy believe
that the Republicans aro preparin(4 to
abandon tariff legislation at this 008010)).
Democratic Senators say thnt the prosen-
tation by Sonator Allison of the eo1.
edition 01 1140 appropriations and the en-
larged expeodituros, followed by the
sp000h of Mr. Sherman pointing out the
foot that the balance of tho trade is
against the Unita". Stator and that groat
°elation must bo observed to avoid finan-
cial disaster indicate that the Republicans
aro hesitating on Omit! plan of passing
a tariff hill ; that those speeches wore de-
signed to proper° the pablie mind for
such a chango of plan. The Ropublioan
Senators are not inolined to discuss the
tariff othuntion vory fully inasmuch as
they proposo to Callorle ttpen 11 to•tight ;
but some of them do dony *1301 04)41 ohango
in the tariff program is oontomplated. It
is hollowed that the caucus to -night will
definatoly detertnino concerning tariff
10(11810)1)011. Prediotions that Congress
will soon adjourn could bo hoard yestor.
day, based no doubt upon tho impression
that tho Repoblioans will dotormine to
drop their tariff bill. 1.
Oats aro rcmorted by some 01 (410 farm.
erg of Howielc to bo 1411 extraordinary
otop, tho straw oxecioding 1150 foot in
longth and tho head about one fourth
that length.
Tho ratopayers of Toeswator will voto
on a by mw on the 16th Sept. noxt, to
raiso by way of 'don tho snm et $0,000
for the cionstrnetion of waterworks in
that villago.
The Gordo Vidotlo sayo 1 On Thurs •
day of last weak inspector (4114111, 041 Slist.
ford, was in this neighborhood hunting
for swamp whiskey. Ito found tho swamp
but found it rather dry,
A game of baso ball was played in Ben.
sell on Monday between a oonthined team
from Exeter and Hensall and tho God.
01012 base ball club, vaulting in the dc.
feat of the unnbino by tho morn of 17
to 2, Batterios for Un1on0, Tait and
Shipley, McDonald and Dick; for Ga11o.
rich, tiolmos and lifalooltneon.
WaehingtOn Lett,Z.
('001115' 11 ls Doing- of
The Fisheries Treaty -"51 ('11)')' Leg.
(14111001'H " urus plNotion
iz:u.NK.i,lng the
(Prom ay Itemilar Corrospomient)
WAsinimiticir, Angiiiit 9), 1000,
Tito rejeotion of Gm tisherioa treaty by
a atria party vole was indicated in ad.
vanno by the Renate debato and was ex-
pootoch Tho question which now con-
fronts everybody, in Congreso and out, is
what 1(10 1)0741 step will be. It is Canada,
not tho United States that must take it.
Tim modus vivendi will continuo in opon
Won, and any American skipper who
chooses may take tulvantago of it and
obtain 'special privileges by the paycnont
of a aortal!' 011110411 lb -loose fee. 4110 it is
within Om power of tho Canadian Govan -
moot nt 11113/ limo to tut:millet(' the
arrangoniont ; tuul this may occur whoo
some American fisherman, inspired by
tho war -talk 141 tho StI11/440 and eltiewhere,
snaps his fingers at the Dominion
ituthorities and proceeds to violate their
roleo. What th in 0 It is for the President
to decide whether he will apply tho re-
taliation act as a remedy, and endeavor
to fora the Canadians, through thoir
commercial necessities, into better be-
havior, in this late year of grace, 17. 10
to the last degree undesirable that two
people of ono blood shall go to cutting
each other's throats for the mere satis-
faction of showing that thoy are not 00
bo crowed over. If War is necessary,
patriotism and pluck will be equal to the
oxigonoy ; but that extremity will prob-
ably be avoided by the peaceful rneasuros
already provided bylawR
. TheRepublican
sido of the "American House of Peers"
has submitted a, proposition to their
Dornicantio brethren for a two week's
Mese of Congross, to begin immediately.
Tho proposition MS first submitted to
Senator Beek, chairman of the Dane. -
°ratio caucus, who roplied ho had not the
authority to decide, bnt would submit
the matter to 1110 associates. Mr. Beck
strongly. opposed it, however, and he
found 1110 associates of 1)10 same opinion,
and the proposition -was formally declin-
ed on the bosh; that the appropriation
bills should all be passed without any un•
necessary delay. Neither house can
adjourn for metro than three days at a
time without tho assent and joint action
0( 1110 other. The majority of tho Senate
could not therefor° carry coot their plan
withont Ibo co-operation of the minority,
and tho plan for the toms adjournment
accordingly failed. Tho reason for the
recess proposition is that time is wanted
to prepare the Sonate tariff bill. This
has beau found a greater task than was
anticipated. While it is stated in some
qua/tors that the proposal has tended to
oonfirm tho opinion of some perinme that
the plan to report and pass a senate tariff
hill will yet bo abandoned. Senator Alli-
son and Senator Joues, of Nevada, ass.:rt
most positively that the bill will 1,0 re-
ported and passed, despite all dolays Itncl.
difficultios. Senator George showed good
testis and tact during tho dolotto upon the
Fisheries Trcatylu clofense of the torm
"Nation," as applied 10 4100 United States.
2110 n rather late day for any discussion
of that threadbaro subjciet in the Sainte ;
but, as long no it did arise, thanks aro
duo to a reprosentative of a far southern
commonwealth for cliuebing the whole
business by a quotation fo...na that most
uncompromising of state rights advocates,
Chia Justice Taney. to tho effect that
tho citizens of the United States were
"Ono people, with one GOMM= country."
Thei o is no better definitipn of is 00001.y
than this. Representatile Thomas, of
the Houso committeo on naval affairs,
has prepared nal original design for n war
vossel. The vessel 10 to be known as a
poonmatio dynamite monitor. The dosign
provides for a vessel of a littlo over 1,000
tons burden, built on the monitor princi-
ple, with water ballast so arranged rts to
admit of the vessels being sunk, when
ready for action, to n point which will
juot oxpose the turrot. In ordinary cruis-
ing the ballast bo dischargod and the
ship lightened so 00 to be entirely sea•
worthy. A subinarine gun in the boat, a
dynamite pneumatic gun, projecting
above the stern, and n Minch mortar,
mounted in an olevated platie toward -bhp
storu, nre thatores of the design. The
estimated cost of tho vonool is 51,500,000.
The interest in the fiscal situation of the
Government, as rovealod by the stato.
meat of estiinistod roceipts, and appro-
priations mado this session has not sub-
sided at tho Capitol. Mr. Mills has sup-
plied himself with all tho data obtainable,
and the Treasury Department 4170 41014.
nishod additional damns showing that
the estimated rovenue for tho ourront
fiscal year will mooed the appropriations
only by about 414,600,210. Weanwhilo
inemberg interasted in measures carrying
appropriations which have not yet bo -
come laws, and thereby escaped the
chances of 110501011(4 011 vojeotion, aro shoiv•
ing much uneasiness.
Ctrand Orange Lodge.
The Orange Grand Lodge was in sos.
sion at Winnipeg all day Wednesday,
most of tho businose being of a privato
character, Tho Correspondence Com.
mitteo's report was adopted as follows :--
"That yottr committee havo lind before
them oorroopoudonco from 00vor11l plates
with rOgard to the ro-ostablishment of
tho Josuit Order in Canada. History
clearly provos that tho infitionoo of the
Jesuits 10 opposod to true progress and is
most doetruotivo to sooial and national
life, Thoy aim to uudormino the benefits
of oivil and religious liberty, and; both in
Proteetant mill Catholic countries, it has
boon found nooessary, to Ulm Dome and
prospority of nations, to oxpol them from
nearly every civilized =nary tho
world. Their incorporation in any port
041 4110 Dominion ondangors tho liberties
of overy ono in oor country, and amid
be strenuously opposed by Roman Catho-
lics es well as Protestants. Your 0010-
11)11001* is of opinion that it is the duty of
tho M. W. Grand Lodgo to ast most de.
eisively 111 aronsing tho peoplo of Canada
to such a clear realization of the torriblo
arils of joeuitism es will provent legal
whatever pretence Hitch Hamm may lo.
based. Your committoo reimminena theo
opositil committee 1*. 141' 4:0)1114:1 by 411/1
11 rand Lodge to 111142. 011111* *110)74,1)111 it may
deem fit to co•operate with their follow.
oubjeato throughoot tho Dominion to
chock tho /41.1VOASi011 Of LIAO Jesuit Oracle
'.11on of Lathers thole place at an
earl:, hour Thunolay moroing, Sot body
heiug emosion nearly all night illisouso.
Lig important morsoorert, The remit of tho
election was PG f0110W1/1—M. W. (4.
N. W1/1111.00 ; Deputy G. 31I., 13. F.
Clark° 1 (Irani Choplain, Boa. john
Hulliweil ; Grand Secrotary, Thomas)
Jeyes 1 Grand Treasurer, Win. Ander-
son ; Grand Leutorer, James 'Ow -Lilo;
Grand IL of C., John Niblock •, Deputy
Grand Chaplaints, Rev. P. M. Finn,
Mallitillat 111, S. Cooper, Intermay ;4.
Be Dill, St. Catharines; Wm. Masney,
1111.1111If 011 ; W. 1V. '410,1.11. 041.148/11
Corscacidexi, Forest ; J. Nova
Scotia; A. 13. McDougall, St. John, N,13.;
liev. I). Smith, . Montreal ; Rev. Dr.
Hylitud, Watford; -- Foote, Brantford ;
R. T. W. IVobb, Mono ; It. L. Barrie,
Brighton, 0. 13.; John Gallaher, Duffer.
in, 0. 33. ; W..11. Patterson, Dunoford,
0,141. ; S. A- Dopan, Frankford, 0. 30.;
F. Roonoy, Gordon Hill. Deputy Grand
Secretary, J. VanIngen ; Deputy Grand
Treasurcr, F. D. Stowart, Manitoba ;
Deputy Grand Lecturer, Capt. S. Web -
more, Burford ; 0. W., J. McCaughey,
Ooliourg ; 0,141., 111. W. Bro. W. J. Park-
hill, Paris, Ont. Tho officiors woro in-
• Goclorieh will be the next piacie of meet-
ing of the Grand Lodgo. ,
The Bruce County Frohibi-
tery AnianOe.
The Bruce County brunch of the Pro-
hibitory Alliance, helcl a two days meet-
ing at Paisley, Tnesday and Wednesday,
28111 and 20111 of August, .A. number of
the active temperance workers from diff-
erent parts of the County wore present,
amongst whom wero Rev. J. J. Noble a
Grand Lodge Officer of I.O.G.T., and Mrs.
Richards, County President of the W.O.
T.U. The mooting was an important
ono having boon celled to receivo the re-
port of the three delegates sont out to the
National Convention asoembled. at 141ou.
tree! first week in July, and for the for-
mation of plan for work in the County
to ssoure prohibition. Ono of the im.
portant Bents of busincoss Was the amend-
ments of the constitution so 0.0 to give
representation in the Comity Alliance to
all temperance socioties and nniono in the
county. The platform laid down by the
National Convention, and publishod in
the Canada Citizen of July 27th, was un-
animously adapted and stops taken to at
once reorganize the Biding Branches of
tho Alliauco. In the owning session a
very interesting paper NM read by the
Rev. J. Ferguson of Chesley, subject -
what position ohould tho church take in
electoral action in connection with the
prohibition movement. Rev. J. 3. Noblo
aiscussed tho sante subject with reference
to temperance societies. Mrs. J. T.
Richards also addressed the meeting,
which ended°, vory pleasant and probe.
table evening, this proceedings being from
time to time enlivened by mail) furnish -
o1 by an excellent choir.
ON TIM 111113:.
eid8DY11 11.1C0s.
Tho following are the results of the
trotting at tho fall mooting of the Clin•
ton driving club on Saturday :
Four •yeer•old colt stake, won by John
Ilawlishaw'r. (Exeter), r.g., Toni Burk,
best time, 3:05i. W. MoGrogor's (Bruee-
field), b,g., Billy Me. was second E.
Livingstone's (Blyth), b.o., Eleatic Chief
91150 elass, trotters or pacers, purso $140
-Jennie Scott, (Brantforffi 45011 in
straight heats, best thne, 2:36, Barney
Barnes, of St. Thomas, 474011 eaoond
money with Barney A. and Elliuson's
(Surma), Billy E. got third.
Free-fonall, purse 5200 -Doe. Frank
540)1, John Duncan Boom' and High
ntolc third. Doc. Fraok's fastest heat
woe 21331.
HEN:UM mons.
Tho Henson Park Aosociation hold
their fall races on Monday. The meet-
ing was a groat imams both in attend•
mute and keen contests. The day was
bright and. clear. Summaries :
sontonto trot -Purse, $115.
Mc.11o1 13. 13.1htenes. St. Timms 0 2 1 1
Billy N., if. Sarnia 11 1 2 2
Lady Th J. Soon, Motor 3 3 3
liello 11., 3. 4 4 4
T1m0, 0 , 3444 «44, 071.
2 45 aass-Porse, OM).
Lizzio to., W. (l oo Omen, Pt Huron 1 1 1
04,111,1 30, E. llossonbury, Vairioli 2 2 1
Barney A., 0, !homes , Whounis 3 3 4
110801100,1,W, 5, Thompson, Loudon- 1 4 11
Time, 1187, 2 041,2 48.
Froe-for-all-Pecors mud trotters -Pure°, $176
.701111 410001411, 1), Borneo, St, Thome 1 1 1
Logan Chief, 7,17.. Trimblu, Blohniond
Mob '1 1 0
111911 Jool,, 14.E, J0111110,011, (1(1)11111 1 3 3
1101110,4 30, 2 27,1 05.
finnutog,halfoono honts-Purso,0150,
Yorkthiretnan, g, ratty, HaaRnal .
norm Dilly , Noss th lloattio, 011110011..... 2 2
n u tutor Boy, W. 0,0(1011 t"21, Mosel] '1 3
Ronost Dan, 11', A. \Vaught, Hormel' ... 4 4
ir11171130 AT MITC11111.1,,
Tho horse races here Monday were tho
host Ivor hold in tho Mitchell Driving
Peat and tosulted as follows :
Stallion Raw -Thompson 41 Waddoll's
Louis D. lat, Pond ‘rz Murphy's Thorn -
wood 2nd. Kuld Bros.' Prince Frodorielo
31411, Galeria-% Chiof withdrawn.
Throe minute trot -W. Leos' Gnn 1111. -
eta let, Tim ;folios 2n14, 10.18 Bros.' Ition.
Ma 8rd.
Two.forty trot -Dr, hill's Billy Rya.
clylt 1st, .1. A. Laird's Bessio K thul, A.
Pubes' St. Thomas Boy (ltd.
On Priday afternoon the employos 10
the G. T.11. shops, Stratford, assontblocl
to do honor to Thomas Patterson, who
has filled the position of foreman of the
Company'a works thoro for so many
years, and who is now Miring front tho
sorvioe, and prosented him with 0. kindly.
worded and handsomely engrossed ad.
(3,) Thursa.y the abovii
Court was loll, E. 1. 2 )iokeingni, of
Winglonit, siipp:ying poyb.',., 1/1/1/10
oll the bunch. The halowing W4.1 the
Roes Bros, vg. J. If. Alex:soder Ad.
jumped to tiorve primary debtor.
Smith Vs. Olonnan -a.thiclimunt+
moat for olaintiff with cost's.
Curcio VB, C1011111111 G iiiinilkir -
,Jiulgiaeut for plaintiff w costs.
O'Neil Va. Nig1141111.10.10—Adj.1111.30/1.
Stewart VS, BOOW11--141it COI. 1/0.1.1110/!
of servatit's wagon nigno out for plain.
tiff for 53 and costs.
Dont mil vs. 110111811 - A ijournoil till
mixt Conti.
Cora,' vs. Curler - no. 1 tobb, genii:hoe
Judgment for plain 1 if? and against
primary debtor and comnithoo.
'forbade 7444. (1448011/1411 -Dar.. Ot al
garnishou ,Judgment itraimit primary
dobtor, dismiooed agoimit gurbiolo.
iNf et al vs. Lung .V Dental'
Judgment for plaintiff for full amount
with 11-010.
oinolair os. 11111mort ,1 -lodgment for
plaiutiff with eosto.
Moore et ILI VC, 11101,011 Ilan doft., Tin).
11111043 O'11,i111141/B—Illf1111/1014/1Or• iStille as to
the owneroltip of certain goods hand--
Adjoarnoil to next Court at elaiennet's
A number of jragrn yet 811111711005
debtors were examined and the usual
orders made.
tirusseh.g Couneil Meeting.
Tho regular monthly mooting of the
village Council Wall held on Monday oven-
ing. All the members present, Reeve
McCracken in the chair.
1111)11100 -10 last mooting read paid ap-
Proved. The following aocounts hero
W. F. Kelly, on gravel contraot,..578 00
IV. H. Kerr, -printing 15 05
Mrs. IVallaeo, wood. Sc., 00
BronO, wood, 1 00
Mrs. J. 131ashill, charity, 0 00
Moved by J. at. 'McIntosh, seconded by
R. Graham that the foregoing accounts
be mild. Carried.
Bylaw No. 13, 1888, regulating the fire
limito 110.0 read three times and paosod.
The following rates 57-1.0 struck for
1888 :-
By•law Na, it, (ROnala)
" 9, (FrOilt 0tre00.. 5110 "
10, (Howe) 1
Consolidated Loan, 1 :1/10,
Railway 1
School, 0 3110 "
making a total rate of 90 mills or 2 emits.
The toted assessment is 5318,508. The
rate last year was 91 1110 mills. Tho
rate tooled on the Consolidatod Loan
raises a oinking fund of 5114. By-law
No. 14, 1888, was then passed confirming
the above rates.
Owing to the removal of '11,04. Town',
Collector. it was moved by l'Uo. Ament,
seoonded by IL Graham that By-law No.
3, 1683 be repealed and that Jas. T. Ross
be appoiutal Collector at a salary of 510
per wanton, on him furni-bing soemity
tfor 55,000. Corded.
After dismissing the sideomlic, gravel-
ing and ditch subjects tho Council ad-
1 1110 mills
4 4/10
1 5/1(1 "
51.7.3400110* 0,4)1)011.
M. V% 13ro, R. T. Welketn, Q.C., of
Kingston, Grand Master of the Gratul
Lodgo of Canada, A.F. it A.M., has ap-
pointed the following brethron to office
for the yew 1083-80 : V.W. Bro. Henry
Clark, Walkerton, Grand Senior Deacon;
V.W. J. Alexander,Poterboro''Grand
junior Doncon ; V.W. Bro. Chas. F.
Manooll • Pat kdale, Grand Supt, of Works ;
V.W. Bro. J. Welton., Napanee, Grand
Dir. of Cor. ; V.W. Bro. (leo. E. Mnson,
Hamilton, Asst. Grand See. ; V.W. .13ro.
13. Paine, Ridgetown, Asst. Graud Dir. ot
Car. ; V.W. Bro. A. Denno, Stratford,
Grand Sword Bearer • V.W. 13110. IV. J.
Pink, Perth, Grand rganist ; V.W. Bro.
A. R. Rowat, Nilestown, Asst. Grand
Organist ; V.W. Bro. j. 11011 -well, Lan-
ark, Grand Pursuivant ; V.W. 13ro. W.
la Miles, Burford, Grand Stayer('; V.W.
Bro, 3. 1Vhitelioad, Strathroy, Grand
Steward ; V.W. Bro. J. Newton, Goorgo•
town, Gonna Steward ; V.W. Bro. 11.
Henry, Port 3.talhonse, Grand Steward ;
Y.W. Bro. J. Tuner, eanapbollford,
Grand Steward ; V.W. Deo. E. Brigg.
ings, Sault Ste. Marie, Grand Stoward ;
V.IV. Bro. IV. Botha Kingston, Grand
Stemma ; 41.141. tiro. E. L. Dickinson,
IVinghoon, Grand Steward V.IV. Bro. /3.
Irving, (thavonhurst, Grand Steward ; V,
W. Bro, II. Holland, Cobourg, Grand
Stoward ; V.W. Bro, Jas. MoNoll. Koone,
Grand Stewart' ; V.W. Bro. A, Ponton,
Toronto, °rood Stoward ; \'.\V. Bro, L,
E. Wisslor, Elora, Grand Standard Bear.
er ; V.W. Bro. 0, Pyo, Clarksborg, Grand
Standard Bearor.
Gr' rt VAL 4_1
Serions floods aro reported in Bohemia
and Silesia.
Fires are devastating tho Montana
cattle ranges.
Tho Tionteing.Taku railway in China
is proving a, simians.
Tho population of Gibraltar 10 01,1)00,
including 8,940 soldiers.
This numbor of yellow fovor eases at
Jacksonville is increasing;
Sovoral shooks of oarthquake woro felt
in Now Zoaland last week.
The longost street th Paris is tho Roe
de Vanguard,. 4,100 =Arca long.
King joint is massing his troops to to.
sistapossiblo Italian invasion.
Hot Springs, Arkansas, has boon swopt
by a flood end thiamin peoplo drowned.
Ohina refuses to ratify tho Amorioan
troaty restricting Chinon itnmigration.
Moasttres aro being taken in Spain for
an onergotic fight against Nut spread of
the phylloxera.
Over 400 square, miles wove inundated
last week in lower T,grrebonne parish,
Louisiana, and 1,800 people mado dosti.
tote. The financial loss ts estimated at
C:r. nit ,clizs rs Pie
Dr. Wil1oli1,y, ex -11.1%P., WW1 1.10111 -
Mated by the Bait Northomborland Con-
servativo Conveiition,
Sir Howland, who has been
making a, too r of Manitoba, reports very
favorably on tho wheat crop. •
During last month there were 330 inter-
ments in tho Toronto cemeteries. 01
the deaths 212 wore of ethanol.
Tho Oboervatoroe report( that thu ther.
tnometer rogiotered no at Winnipeg and
28 at Minnedoin, Man., on Thursday
nilg'latners in Luther hove booa iminplain-
ing of tho ravages of noon
their cost crop The recont ctild nights
tsro 001d, howovee, to have tostingnislied
AIneraeil Morgan, of Nem York,
svas out 10 a boat north Clatifutotho when
the boat elipsioed and oho lost' three dia-
mond rings valueil at sever d thousand
dollars. A diver has boeu engaged to
isearch for them.
A gentleman and loilyt aro nom step.
ping at Bar Harbor who haw 10,110 (neer
experioneo. Thoy met on the Atlantic
Ocean, ho propoeed in Sweden, was GO.
ceptod 111 Ronda, asked her fathor's per-
mission in England, tho marriaga settle -
moots were draw up in the Maud
States, they wore marrie 1 to Algiors and
aro now spading their honeymoon in
33a14 Harbor.
A meeting of the .Methodist laymen
wits held in Hamilton on Thursday of
last week to consider tintstions relating
to their status in the Methodist Church.
The pith of the business transactel is
found in the adoption of 1110 following ros
solutions :-Moved by T. Hilliard, of
Waterloo, seconded by A. 13. Powoll, of
London, "That Quarterly Boards be ao•
corded by roproeentation Gm right of per-
sonal appearanco before tho Stationing
ttommittoo in regard to their own caoos, '
Moved. by John George, Port Elgin, so -
condo." by W. Smith, Guelph, "That
in the opinions of 'thio convention we
should have equal roprosentation upon
tho Stationing Committeeo and all the
courts of the ohorth,"
Tho London Tittles says to -"Canada
may cortninly roekon that roprisalit af-
fecting transportation in bond will arouse,
a great clamor among the largo. popula-
tion dependent upon tho prosperity of
oortain Amerioao railroads. Rotalihtion
will likely onough bo wrecked upon 001110
such rock as 1111il without tho Canadians
lifting ct, hanll agaiuot it, Wo ventorod
to prodiot the other day that President
Cleveland's moesogo would only Reeve to
stiffen the Melte tho Canadian Minis•
tors, and tho tenor of late despatches
shows that we woro not wide of tho mark.
Theso, the first ptiblio utterance. of 11)e111.
hers of tho Dominion Clevornmont, may
=use the President to realise how wanton-
ly ho ho ombittored the relations of the
two 9110101 111114000 of North Amorioa for
an indoilnito time to come. So far from
flinching from the oncounter Gonads,
courts it. What oar people are looking
7.0 seo is whothor the Dominion Govern.
meet will take flut trouble to meet this
tioublo.odged weapon with altother of
thair own make."