HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-31, Page 88 WHITE WINE .1 ss. YYilsee says he will make it tui. comfortable for the nest visitor to hie corn patc4l, .r Ml f ,, :ri1• t `r), , r 1 tele ,•l:xrs in ndvaneo seeuree Til fresh, 1 have lately received a t aux PINE stock of White Wino Vinegar, Should you be requiring any for PICKLING or for Table use I would he elesseu to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, and Finley Goods Dealer, Brussele. • NO REMEDY .L gives annul universal eatfefectiOrl 11B the COUGH REMEDY manufactured in Seaforth, called LUMSpEN & WILSON S e o�a.., neo voe.o e0000c. Ol:u %llo al Gl ooratsdh 8aliam of reFirlo° is � d Its wonderful virtues have created a demand for the Preparation from all parts of the Province. Druggists sell it. Price 50 cgs. 17.6ms. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sooTnws C ExrExsww1, w. u. h Trainsfeave Brussels Station, uort and south us follows:- G01ng 5011111, Going North. Dfal1..........._7 33 a,tn, mixed ...,...,...0190 sem Express......11:15 4,m, Mail 9:Oil p.m ]nixed 6:95 p.m. l Express 9:45p.m gnat Rthrs inns, • A ohiel's amang y'e!akin' notes An' faith he'll prem it. - Fiume TtlroaHr seed at licCracken's. Tows Council next Monday evening. WHITE Brine Vinegar. A. Goon. 6 FALL Goods arriving at Strachan Bros. ITT NEW tweeds and suite s at i n stra ha g c n Bros. Now isthetime to ma • •o T make 3)r Fall y I announcement. 141 Ooavn,'s famed Manitoba Flonr for ; 1s Pen for the belanee of bier, $(cure the 044103) local ngwa, ('orxctr,Lott StneelLtti has been doing a great "streak" of work in the farming line this year. Iso has Thoe. Hialop e farts routed. A sample of prairie grass and wheat, out on Samuel B, Praliek's farm, Mani. toba, was presented to us by Goo. Love, lie says such crops as they have this year he never saw in all his life. A. vim: well executed landscape paint- ing was on exhibition in 1t. Leatherdaie'e show window last week. It was from the brush of R. S. Pelton, of TAE Posit staff. For an =etanr he is not .easily beaten in this art. i,Asr Monday Walkerton and Owen Sound played a game of base hall at the latter place. Owen Sound won. Their battery was II. Vol:lardy and I"our own" Alex, Brock. J. Sanderson, of Wroxeter, caught for Walkerton. The score was i) to 6. The magic lantern enterteinmetltgiven in Knox church on Tuesday evening, by 1). 11. Campbell, was a decided success. For about one and a half hours the Lecturer showed old London and other sights and gave a very interesting amount of the views. Mr. Campbell does his work in first class style and deserves to be wall patronized. He will probably visit Brussels again, CnilorT AND TF,N13s,-Our tennis club drove to Blyth oh Tuesday. In the fore- noon 11 One innings game of cricket was played on We Agricultural grounds be- tween sides chosen by Messrs, Tanner and Shaw, resulting in an easy victory for the latter, Messrs. Jessop and Tier - nay and Dennis and D. C. Boss did the bowling for the respective teams. After dinner the tennis match was commenced on the nicely kept cleb grounds. The visitors were in leek and secured the game quite handily. W. M. Sinclair and D. 0. Roes beat F. Tanner and Dr. Glass 6-5 and 5-4 ; Rev. W. T, Cluff and J. Hargreaves defeated C. Tanner and W. Milne 0-4, 1-6 and 6-2 ; H. Dennis and 3. W. Shaw were too many for J. Soott and W. Sloan, score being 6-4, 1-0 and 6-3, In the singles Bev. W.T. Muff beat F. Tanner 6-5 and 6-5 ; W. M. Sinclair and Dr. Glass won a set each, the score standing 6-1 and 3-6 when time was up. The Brusselites were most hospitably entertained and speak in glowing terms of the very enjoyable day spent with their Blyth friends. Dorn, -The Durham Review of 'last eek says; "On Friday last Durham ost one of its promising young citizens hS that dread disease- consumption. hos. Smith 'r had been 7 , n for some onths gradually sinking and during the st few weeks he rapidly weakened, THE ,BRUSSELS POST Alr(l,r,i, 1.888, 3)a" T , , classesvice+a nnEns maDVIDVAr•'nr, E ..c D/AZA s?saura- Ata s'elsnDlpsR.... 14tont ;. v in 114, 1 u d day 3)t Nepiembe 1)9, GI:e l,cee new rre111„1ee i+ near( ready for occupation, Tun Cheapest Yet. Adan flood Sells Soap of a penny a Igor anti given rlolhtu pins for nothing, 2- l:x•ILtvslue ig. '.•,,ow 1 (10(311 and y a l 4 ware. Finest while (hlulito Sao im ed 02 at Thoulsenee. 17. Tostymie, - I have a prince lot of ntatoes for sale. Now is the tit secure totem. 'Gums, Kr.Lty. Tile largest load of fax delivered year was brought to the mill by Co idichtel, 12th con, (trey, last week, weighed 8} tons. It was a well load, Ax addition of over 20 fent has made to the smoke stacks at An Bros, mill so 118 to command More draught for the furnaces, The pipes) now over 80 feet high. Zan Loudon Advertiser is still popular paper of this smitten. daily editions Inc turned out in add to the weekly and the combined eiro tions exceed that of any other period its history. A new dress of type will put on shortly and the fall cam opened with a boom. Tho manages of the Advertiser is good, which is an portant item to the stockholders. r. Y lass. Repoli seem there trill be is ciounat In port. nue of our busies irl. ' shortly, Bev, .11. SWANN prea•'h0s i3) 17'iughnm to, Methodist church twice next Sabbath, no to Nno' wheat coning in, Our market (1 will retain the lend it has acquired in the this past, n rail 11xcensmx to the Pelle en Sept, 7311, The return fare front Brussels is $2, Tt $3,25 to Buffalo, or $ l to Itnohueter, the 111.111 tieltels to the two American clues being been good for 6 days. tout JOEY, Adam Good's 8e0011d son, had a axed harrow swami on Thursday evening of ars last week. Pio was playing on the street with his brother and yeas run over by a rho silky, No serious damage was dune, Four Dien. -The wife of Thos, J. Ifopereft, of Stratford, died on Yti ednesday of 11115 iLion week at the early age of 2e' years. The ala- body was brought to Brussels on the of night train 014 Wednesday and the in• be termont will be made is the cemetery camp store an Friday at 2 o'clock. The do- cent )eased was a daughter of Mrs, David int• Whiting. no had only been 111 abort four weeks. eon, Cosvr.NrloN,-Tho Wingliam Distriot Itrd- Methodist church will hold a Sabbath ng. school and evangelietio convention in sled Blyth, on Wednesday and Thursday, of e.- next week, September 5 and 13, Bev. John the Scott, 111.4„ chairman, First day - ear, morning session -10 a.m., The relation ant of the Sabbath school to tho church with son wllick It is connected, by Rev. A, W. on Tou„ e. 11 a,m., Music in the school, by Mies A, Lawrence, Londesboro, Afternoon me session -2 p.m., Preparation of lite les- nd sou, by Rev, A. 13. Smith, Wroxeter. 3 p. 01 m., The results to be aimed at in Bab- £ a bath school teaohing, by Rev. 3. R. ter Isaacs, Auburn. 4 pen., The beet nteth- iog ods of questioning, by Wm. Hamilton, •s. Teeswater. Evening session -7:80 p.m„ ng Qualification of a Sabbath school super• gh intendant, by W. H. Kerr, Brussels. 8:15 ea. p.m., Duties of the church to the Seb- ey bath school, by Rev. D. Rogers, Londes• es boro. 9 p.m., Question drawer, by Rev. rel R. Godfrey, Belgrave. Second day - ell morning session -10 a.m., The relation he of the prayer meeting to the spiritual G: life of the ohurch, by Rev 3. Kennedy. n. 11 a.m., The beat method of conducting oy prayer meetings, by Ros'. R. Godfrey, al Belgrave. Afternoon Session -2 p.m., y- Objeot and advantages of the class meet. of ing, by S. Fear, Brussels. 8 p.m., The to best method of conducting the ola� e meeting, by J. II. McHardy, Belmore, 4 d p.m., Juvenile classes, by Rev. J. Scott, of M. A., of Wingham. Evening session - g, 7:30 p,m., Before and after the revival, of by Rev. M. Swann, Brussels. 8:80 p.m„,e How to 0c.n duct a revival, by Rev. W, e W. S parsing, Teeswater. Tho opening s• address on each subject not to exceed twenty minutes, to be followed by five minute addresses, A collection will be taken nn each evening to defray expee- 000, 13yr. J. :30,8t, :3 3,, will preside at all the sessions. Sabbath school vera. ere fro(° all points of the district are oordially invited. Pommy PEeschreL.-11/.11. formerly of Brussels, has )pollee a 11 warn store in Toronto. -Richard Hi stun 3 Sons., of Wingham, have deoi to remove from that town to Gorri Alonzo Haldenby, who has been i3) employ of H. Dennis for the past y has taken a situation in Milton. He w Friday morning. -Mrs, 1V. 13. Dick arrived home from Helena, Montana, Thursday evening of last week. Kato Cormaok came hone the same ti from a visit to friends in Detroit a vicinity. Mrs. Dickson and sister talk going back to [:Telena in the course o month and will probably spendthe win there. -Mise Rachel Alexauder is visit at John Livingston's in Listowel. -M1 N. Brisbin, of Mitchell, was visit1 friends in this locality. -A. Bauslau and wife and Miss Buchanan, of S forth, were in town last Sunday. Th like their new home well. -Mrs, Jam Bryan, of Luoknow, was hero for save days waiting on her mother, Mrs. S who has been ill. Mes. Bryan 18 t wife of the editor of the Luoknow Sen nel.-Geo. Love arrived home from Wi nipeg last Saturday night. He was ow nearly three weeks and saw a good de of the country, His trip was an onjo able one. -D. 23 Malloch, Inspector Schools for North Huron, was in Toren last week, attending the meeting of th School Inspectors of Ontario assemble in answer to a call from the Minister Education, for the purpose of prontotin if possible, a more thorough inspection Publ' laels h Sc 0 a 3)d for obtain' Q mt fort benefit of all the experience of each. Th conference lasted from Tuesday till Thur day. -3. R. Smith was in Durham Inst eel( attending the funeral of hisnephow. Tr. Smith was one time a 1•eeidont of tlIwo burgh. -oto lied it pleasant cull lad, Friday afternoon from Harry C. Symonds, Superintendent of the subscription anis mailing Dept. of the London Advertiser, He was here in the interests of the Ad- vertiser. -Alex. Brook has gone to Strat- ford to fill a position as miller in ono of the roller mills of that city. The "Echo" hese ball club will miss his valuable services behind the bat. He is an en- thusiastic base ballist and plays a splen- did game. -M, Y, McLean, of the Sea. forth Expositor. was in town last Sitter. day and T. Nash, of the Gorrie Vidette, o3) Monday.-S'Iise Ida Thompson is at Toronto on a visit. -Councillor Graham arrived home from hie northern tour on Thursday evening of last week. He bad a good time and speaks in glowing terms of Manitoba, the crops, &e.-Robt. Di01(• son, j3., is off to Cleveland, Ohin, for a holiday trip. He will visit his uncle, Peter Grant, and other friends, -Miss Clara Creighton left for Toronto last 1'Ionday noon to attend the millinery openings —Chas. Keeling, of Cargill, and Miss Cassie and Georgie Good, of Sea. forth, were in town on Monday. Mr. Keeling was formerly an employee of Geo. Good in Brussels bat has been in his present looation for five or six years is now in business for hinsolf.-George Halliday is away at Perth on a visit to relatives. He will be absent about a month and 1vi11 accompany his mother on the return trip. -Miss Blla Mulholland has gone on a visit to Ohio. She left on Monday. -Fred. Gilpin has been under the-dootor's care during this week, -Miss Straith, of Paisley, is,making her home in Brussels for the present and is purse• ing a musical 000x80 with Miss Har- groavos.-Mrs, Coals, of Galt, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Thomson, - The blooming oountenanoe of the only Sam, Smale is to be seen on our streets. He came home last Monday on a vist,- Wm. Roddiolt and George Currin spenb last Sunday at Hanover, -J• McPerlano and wife were in town on Tuesday. Wo are pleased to hear that they intend lo- aatiug once more in Brussels being fully persuaded that there is no place like Glob: old home. Wo welcome them back 0,e residents. -B, 13. Merles, 1,.D.S., was in town last Tuesday, He has recently returned from a business trip to the West- ern States, -Miss Maggie MODougall, of Detroit, is holidaying with Mies Annie Ballantyne. -Miss Blakeman is enjoying a visit with the family of Thos. Heritage, of Landon. -Miss P. le. Kerr is away at Toronto, -Mrs. Carter and children, of Blyth, are visiting at It. Burns' this week. --John Wilbaa has taken a situa- tion at Striaforce-A latter from Jno. Robertson, who is giving instructions on dairying in Sootland, states that in four weeks there were only three dry days, Hemet is very late this year. Tho ]lay crop was heavy. He expeatO to retusn to Canada in the course of It few months. - W. Hale, a, resident of Brussels in the "sweat long ago," is new editor of the Orillia Packet, IIe turtle out a very creditable paler and lives in oto of the prettiest towns in Ontario, ----.hiss Dlold°, of Teeswater, was visiting in town this week. -Miss Stevenson, who taught the primary department of our public school last year, is n0w engaged as teacher in Marlin soltool.-Rev. Mr. Swann els o from his holiday trip, ..Jno. Stow. and wife have returned from their Is to Belleville, Termite and Leedom rs,W,H, Itoor, who has been serious. 11 duriog the past weep, is improving ly now. -lire, le, Scott and chili/rain e visiting at Seaforth end Goderioli week.--Gcorgo Mittefn is in town for ort time. He leaves for Philadelphia about h month. --J, D. Ronald and wife are away at Wiariot,----Jt, Me lion• nen talks of laking a situation in Lenv don. Roger Roberto, of Stratford, in h3 Mein, 31(hengh deprived of eight ho -' ilrel•olasH 1 gla a gives eat ietaa ion; lune, and his work sale at THommses, 43-1, hrem liing his last on Friday forenoon. i e Tee county Model schools open nu Deceased wee a fine young man and war! Monday of next weekmuch thought of by all who knew hint, REGULAR meeting of the School Board 1 1Wlti Duly a few short months ago gave on Friday evening of next week. promise of a life of future usefulness and THosi who like Black Tea should try i success, but in the midst of life we ata in Adan( Good's. The flavor is very fine. 6 A coinrrsICATION from Rebt. Armstrong is crowded out of this issue. It will appear woe death, and just as he reached manhood he was called away to inherit a better and happier state. The bereaved friends xt b. 1 have the heartfelt sympathy of the town Asr quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln. 1 and community, as was evinced by the Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel, W. F', j large number who followed the remains TivrLr, Prop. , to the grave on Sunday last. Thos, was Rruuroie services will be resumed in a member of the Durham band and the Melville church next Sabbath at the other members intended to turn out as a usual hours. I band at the funeral but at the request of A reseez consignment of Cooper R Smith's Boots and Shoes at Strachan Bros. this week. Solus fifteen persona event from Bres- sels to Wingham last Saturday afternoon Knox Carnen,-On the 26th day of to hear Hon. Mr. Laurier speak. August in Knox church, Brussels, the THE store and dwelling lately vacated session met and was constituted with by Mrs, Alexander is to rent. The loco. prayer by G. B. Howie, moderator. Eld• ers present, Phillip Betz, John and Thos. Seraohan. Minutes of previous meeting was read and approved. Mr. Howie stated that in accordance with ester on 7th 0f tiep(emb°r, tickets (;end minutes of this session, of date May 10, for 0 days. 133$, a congregational meeting was held Qrltr n Inose was created nt the 011 Friday, June 8, 1888, and fourteen brethren 1 station last Friday evening by a number ' e vele nominated with a view elder- ofto the Listowel lacrosse club who were I choose four of tr to serve in the on their way home from Luoknow. Some ship assn ed th3c.Church.toTho congregation aot of the party were no particular credit to tans asked to vote by ballot pen neem the town. three weeks later the session )paged the Brien nsartt, 0011 of Tiros. Smith, last ' envelopes containing the votes of the with a serious accident last Wedne do congregation and found that foe( men Y i were cleated but only three, viz„ G. A. morning in the planing mflt. Pio was Deadman, Daniel Glasser trod David working at the shaper when the board I hose, jt'„ were willing to acne pt office. slipped letting his right hand into the I Mr, Howie further stated that he had ,machine. His four fingers were more or waited upon the three brethren referred less lacerated and he wilt bo laid up for to and that he was satisfied as to their some time, fitness, Next the elders elect were called Wein Dniou,, Asn DRILLINo.-George there and then to a conference with the Birt has all the necessary machinery for session and finally it was decided that, digging and drilling wells and is prepared (D.V.,) if noobjection be offered Mr. to attend to all work entrusted to him in Howie should proceed to ordain them away that will insure satisfaction. Terms on Sabbath, September 2nd, The session reasonable. Residence second door north waa then dismissed with the benediction. of the bridge, west side of Turnberry -Mr. Howie le announced to preeoh in street, Brussels. 6.11 Jamestown on Friday and in Wingham CIVIC Rosser, -Last Tuesday was the on Saturday. civio holiday for Br218ee3e. It was cola. Been BALL TOr0NAImNT.-The following brated in different ways by our citizens is a synopsis of what was said about our some of whom went to Port Stanley, tournament by the local press where others to Seaforth and Blyth, while the their ball clubs were interested: -"'she "home guard" passed the day quietly in 1st prize, of course, remained with the town. A number of the business placing "Echoes."-Gorrie Vidette. "There was were kept open all day, contrary to the a good deal of dissatisfaction with the usual custom Of towns and villagee on nmplring."-Listowel Standard. "The the civic holiday. Stars went to Brussels and after 1110 ANNIVERSARY. -Next Sabbath Rev. Jno. drawinghad taken place found themselves Scott, M. A„ of Wingham, will preach pitted against the Brussels team, who, the annual anniversary sermons of the had they adhered to their promise made Methodist Sabbath School, The morning in their invitation, should not have play - discourse will be directed especially to ed at all. Five teams were entered, the children. Parents and guardians are Listowel plated against Blybh, Palmer - asked to see that the children are in OIOII against Brussel', and Wroxeter draw - attendance. In the afternoon a platform ing the bye, thee scouring third place meeting will beheld, COlnmenCing at '2:80 without playing, lead the errahgelnent8 addressees by Rev. G. B. Ilowio, Ai. A„ been fair Palmerston, as will be seen by and Bev, Jno. Scott, M. A. The public the scores, would hay° heel second place, welcome. The scores were :--Listowel 10, BIyth 1, Ill seetence Exea'clx,•rrov.--:Che 210x1 °x- in 7 innings;. Brussels 9, Pelmorstou 4, amination for entrance to High school in 7 innings ; Wroxeter 8, Listowel 7, in and Collegiate The -abates will he held on 7 innings ; Brussele 0, Wmxotor 1, in 5 Doo, 16, 20 and 21, As the self) sampleinnings. It will be soon Brussels only lessons from the Authorized Fourth While they beat Wroxeter by 8 runs in 11 sr os. Smith, .. who did not wish any demonstration, the band boys attended privately." The dsoeaeed was a nephew to J. 13. Smith, merchant, of this town. tion is the best in town. The key may he had at Trim Post' Publishing House. 6 Hurrah 1 for the Great International ,Exhibition at Buffalo Monster Fxenr. Won to Niagara Valls, Buffalo and Hoch. re•openedon Monday the following list of boat Palmerston by 5 runs in 7 innings Reader is }liven, on passages from which lmmags, and 03111 Wroxeter tools second money." -Palmerston Telegraph, "Bev the oral of our citizens and the Huron Stare hom attended the hese ball tournament in art Brussels on 'Thuteday. Our boys did not vial take a prize. Better luck next time,"- Blyth correspondent. '''We ars sorry to ly i find amateur ebbe hiring players, It nice will ruin, to it great extent, the evert Ivor thorn now is its base ball, The success last of a club will depend onvile ability and a els willingness to pay for outside help, Per. in sus was defeated nt Walkerton by a oom- bination. The game thing was carrio(( Mit at Brueseis last senek, we believe, and so it yin go till base ball ceases to be an amateur epo43 19 any extent." Fargn8 oerrCBpondellt, ' the examination papers in literature will be set at Christmas: The Pao° Against the Pnaa op 74-70 Prom the Deserted Village 80-.83 'Sh,BattleofDam:makb"rs 8.1-10 I.at1y 01are 128--130 The Gulf Street) - 191•-1211 Scone from Ivanhoe 101-108 She wan a-Phnntonl of Delight 188 The Demon of the Deep 21c-271 The i'Orsalcou ltormau 258--aqg In drawing No, 3 book of the drawing course for publie schools will be used, • bettho Work required in the other de• pertments ie not changed, At the en. Blanes examination in ,July, 1889, a paper on the subject of agriculture will be set, T11 A1.1';1) 1' 11011 'r' 13; 1'111:31. 1.71 445.5 ,,f the lint 1511 ne 1 1.4 7, 0012 7, Grey, n1104' 01,,nt 1031 i Int. 1 } 1110 ". Tomo of there au 111 (1 r. ro,1 0,10 t bit n rnl,,r, ono of Ebe -1,,'t'1,n brindle .1)i 1he ether turn aro n r .314,3 color. .i,)' infurn,ti„n loading to their realvery 51'111 bo thankfully received, 113)111'.1111)1413-1, 1.tf Brussels, l'.0, 1 efrIN11(1a11 J. 1lu'CA(t(1 A 1411', Jp 13AN3lu1i$ -,. BRUSSELS t 1 i :1'1•aHeafr't to Gente1'al IInnitiUp r .' Ifusi11C58, Caveats ,oto issues and Pratteorarkeseouretl and (111 other patent onuses l u the Patent °Woo and before the Courts promptly and earofollyattended te, Poen receipt. ofland- el or 51(01011 of 1 nvootion, 1 pink° e4rofal asamin0tion,andIL 18a08 to patentability Free of Charge. Pees meitem*e, and I make no (Merge unless patent is secured. Inform- ation, advice and spoolal 4eior0n0e0 0001 on app11844tio4. 3. 13. ra'reeeia1, Washington D.0., U.S. retail! Onion, 10. 1%747' lap$:: 1 all o[teeMuiTkeRtoeOvacipal Donnell the Village of (Vroxotur, ill the Oouney Boron, intend, by the power vested them b the Consolidated Statutes of titre), Chap, 184,'800. 010, to pass a 13)' elusing up Nelsen ,Lreot, in lera(fok'e Sur% in said village and making tho same i part of a Public. Park. Any part3•nr par taking objaotio'I to the servo µ111 be h by themselves, or by counsel, at the Con Board nit the lath day of October, 1889, at NO'4t15 DIBCOCNTLID, C,µl,dht3a and United,: totes Untltn tonight and sold, Interest allowed nn .101..4102 Collections made ntt,farurabl,' terms, 0anadhtu Agen6s--Dirmtvl.t1t'n 54410, n1' CANADA. Now York agents-Ilu'on snie AND Tenn. 0110 NA'rxooAL 13441,,.. !jt LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING, 011. low 1 3)y', Conveyancer. Notary Piddle, nth 30, 03105 1 or, Bloak,1 door north of ties Hargreaves' Drug Store, Private 3041015 to lie Loan. 001the l 1 E. 1Y A D E. RARRISTF,R, 'w•M. SINCLAIR SOLICIT- n3- Conva • hour of ,;Jtl o 031)3 p, nt, 1'^i . 3, C01YnN Village CIOrk, .dJ \Vroxetar Aug. "7 '8s)•Solicitor and Notary public, One- . I voyaucing, Coneetlons and. Loaning. Ile. day o will attend in (Jerrie every' w'Odnes • dat two )')leek. REAL ESTATE, r1O11IFORTABLTI DWELLING, Central 100at on. ood Apply tttTun 0O 1' rent. 118111110 House , OHOIOE FARMS FOR SALE. - NJ A few splendid, improved farms for sale in tint township of Grey, Morris and DI0301101,. Apply to A. Dl"LGAT3'4, Co, Anotionaor,11ruseole P. G. 5 re re WILL BUY A k First Class 00 -acre farm, 4reiz ~das atoare,snc0 a ball and a); balance hardwood hush, 13uildoga ,and formes fair, orchard good. Will be 'sold on 08Ny tarns and 14p05550404/ gluon et any time. ;Apply to 30110.4140FADDEN, or to Max.HENTEa, Brussels, 6.4441 ARM FOR SALE. -THE SUB• farm,boiog of nman 9 teon,li13, Greys Township Huron Co„ for sale. Tbore are about 00 acres olearod and In good heart. There is a log loots°, good hank barn, boating orchard, attd all the necessary conveniences on the premises. For further p0rttoulars, ns to price, terms, etc, Apply to the Proprietor, l'HOS.HISLOP,blareP.0„ N.W.T., or to 0.14 DOIIGALD 8TRAOHAN, Brussels �1 TRAYED FROM THE PREM. Dforris, in of e month of g M y last, lot 3 lane and one steer, the head 'stn° steer whites 5 a8 ball 1 044 is red 101 Dolor, 1 some ith white eon flan and face, and 1 yellow with white belly an white actress the bind quarters. Ani in formatio. regarding the above will b thanktully received. There aro also 3 et 0,1+410 0') m,• are.,, l.•„„e 00.500r. ell 1 -von 13-.1 in 1•,', 0,p,. 1 raver. 2.1 81141144, 11/0,e„le 1' O, "h-tt 6 Men I b°raf the College C a of 1 11 1 tl stn • Y l,s and Surgeons of g (h E naso b u y eznmiuution. kCoterie,0an(l Y.osidonc—Main et. Easc, l; the d j� Ara PA111I IN GREY 'X'OWNSHT root 0,tr,E.-Beton lot 14, 0011, •10, 0011 mining 100 acres, It is partly cleared, 111 alan00 well timbered. A never 15illlt reek crosses the place aid it is well adapt d for either immune or grazing. I will like iso sell 40 notes., being oast part of lot 14 0°.10, nearly nl l olearod and in a goo( tate of cultivation. A good frame barn with good stone stable underneath and a novor fulling well le also on the place. For further pnrti0ularo apply to rho proprietor on the place, Tide lot is opposite the o1h. or GEORGE AVER R, Proprietor, 1-tf ThICKSON (1; IIAYS, (Late with (1c. ,,w 4 Proadfoot, Gode- rieh) Barristers, Solicitors, 00e1F0y,tlIcorn, ,to, O3ioe, Grant's Block, llrnesois• alonoy to loan, 01, S, HAYS, W, 13. DICKSON. AI'I. TAYLOR, B. 0. L•„ P,A}1. • moms, Solicitor, 40., 01 1110 flan of Dickson (4 Taylor,Barristers, Ionoltoro, 4c„ a:anoiug Arade, /Hug Strout West, Toronto. Money to luau, A LEX. BUNTER, CLERK OF the Fourth Division Court Conveyancer, Notary PublicIdled $Dotoo nod insurance Agent. Funds investe,d ane' he loon. co,l°otions made, 0lttoo 10 Gra. Grit - ham's Block, Rrussols, 04T CUNNING/y.147 118410,4501, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. GALE, 111. D., Q. M. tJ , A. 1CNAUGHTON, M.D., .Il. C. P. Edinburgh, DI, 0. P. r• H, Ont. At Hargreaves' Drug Stora trout 4, a to 11:80 0.m, and from 1:30 to 4 p. m. At other hours may be found at the restdouot• formerly occupied by Dr. Hutobiusou, p 01311 street. Mooxsx.-In Brussels, on the 22nd inst., 0 the wife of RIr. George Mooney, of a 0 daughter. lv 851ITR.-In Durham, on Friday, Aug. 17311, Thos. Smith, aged 21 years and 11 months. Horcnerr.-In Stratford, on the nth inst., Ettle T., beloved wife of Thos. J. IIcperaft, aged 26 years, S=EO7X2'01. Fall Shows will he hold this season as follows : Toronto Sept. 10 to 22, Milverton, Oct. 2 and 3. Listowel, Sept. 25, 26, 27 and 28. East Huron, Brussels, Oot, 4 and 5. Provincial at Kington, Sept. 10 to lo, East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. 8 and 9111. Elms) at Newry, o3) Thursday, Oat, 4111. Exeter on Monday and Tuesday, Oc- tober 1 and 2. Western, at London, Irom the 20th to the 20th of September. Clinton on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 10, 20 and 21. South Huron, at Seaforth, on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 17 and 18, Goderioh on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oct. 2, 8, 4 and 5. 00115ECTEn CAREFULLY EYEET '%'EE11. Fall Wheat 92 Spring Wheat .... , 00 Oats 80 Peas 55 Barley 45 Potatoes 85 Butter, per lb 15 Eggs, per dozen 14 Apples, per bushel 55 Hogs, dressed 0 60 Beef 4 50 8 00 WHood, p0r cord 2 50 Sheepskins, each 95 95 85 67 55 40 16 00 00 5.550 9 00 40 8 506 7-31.57SSrmZ,S 3e6rASettr.EI'1'S, 00111EOTED CA4EP0LLY 114EEr lv01E, Pall Wheat 92 55 Spring Wheat ,,, 90 05 Barley 45 53) Oats,.. Peas 55 67 Butter, tubs and rolls,,, 15 16 Eggs per dome 14 00 Flour per barrel 5 00 00 Potatoes 85 40 Hay per tong ,,.,.. 8 00 9 00 Hides per lb ............. 4 5e - Salt per bbl, wholesale.,.. 60 80 Sheep skins ,eanh 00 1 00 Wool, per iU 18 22 Pork 0 25 6 50 THE PEOP.LE'S COLUMN. 0EEU WHEAL --'TILE SUI3- A 0eribor hag on }lend a limited quantity of hfalahoator \vlteat, Per pl'loo, 40„ npply tb A. ,Sl'1:WAlW7', 7.2114 Lot 0, Con. N, (trey, CM,AES, loreSIS 5.11,4 VEAI, WI1.Ie GIii'1 nut) pttinhgt oDrwiinvgt LCOh480p0 HatituOtian 310011,14301, ages)11i'aisehLeltntoSog.- (-IOW STRAY BD. --13TRA.YE3) <.J from liruesols on or aboutL} rod LIMYwi41 grn7141 we. :The lips of nor hoo1B err anw0dolf. le gilong 101114. Any itfnrmati0a loading to bor recOve 1' will bo suitably rewarded, (1, A, 13E1511,13ru03410, • DENTAL.• I.)elf0 TX7oI: 11,11. G. L. 13 3)1 1.1�ARIII FOR SALE. -THE UN• agnerexun offers 100 sale the north. )net quarter of lot 38, concession 0, Dlorr)e County is of firof st tglualitymarlin a h 60 igh state 0 45acres cultivation. Now frame house, 8 ro ms milk house with concrete walla, 2 wells, good barn,' and shed, orchard, ego, 17tgbt I adjoins f toe corporations oto Brussels. Suiti able terms will bo gluon. Ti tic bet ect, 50. JAMES Box 23813 roseate P. 0. _ x4, 3-1, tf, lienor Graduate and AL R, 0, D. ti, Toronto, Vitalized Air given 13.13. Hforieo, Ie. D. 8., Assistant Operator OPrrci=bf°yore Bloat, Beater th, p132N :C I`'OT. To- ronto School of DentistrGraduate A11 Opar- m3ious guaranteed. 0113))-Cady's • 0 131ock,Scaforth. ( Art110i4;1 tooth, 11 rstqunlity, anda guaranteed it,for 312.0u/torsot,;, X00D FARM FOR SALE IN Itforris, of reasonable tonne. In order to 01080 the aUafre of too estate of the lata W. G. Megaton, the executors offer the fol. lowing valuable lauds for sale North Half of Lot 30, Ooucesoiou 5,' Township of Ilforris, containing 03 acres, On this lot is ereobed a good frame baro with stone four. dntio41, good orohartl, well antiphon. Naar. ly all cleared, and ss on 0110 grave road closely adjliuiug the village of stern ls, This farm le a :minable ono, 19 well forced and in a good state of cultivation. Pot llrluos and terms apply to PHOS. REDLY, Brussels P. 0., Morns Jr,NNIN3s, Victoria Square P. 0„ e1 34450115 Selmer, Dlaple Lodg° P. 0„ Middlesex County, AORE FARII1'OR SALE. Vtl Afirst-)lass farm for sole intho Township of Dlorris in the County of Huron, being south hale of north halt lots 25 420 and south half 0125 en eels bon„ oontaluing 213-0 acres more or hiss, 120 acres mostly blear of stumps and in a good abate of bulb. vetion. Therein a young bearing orobard a stone stable and born The form to situ - Mod is withinIn, farm 10rca 1grainVillage of stock rail ing AS itssmamma with the river Maitland and nom failing opri0g 0100lt. Possession will be given at any Woo. For further par- tioulars•.apply on the pram lane un to A, IS,. ROBERTSON, Drneaefs, P. 0. 0.01 FARM FOR SALE 013TO RENT I The north half of lot 28, eon. 9, township of Grey, containing fifty acres, more or llene, nbou(: 35 acres weaved and In good odor. Oomtortablo owning end excellent barn and etabliup situated within about i' m31a0 et Ethel village, in a gond locality and conven- ient to river. Is offoo'od for sato on favorable terms es thopmprlotor le unable to continuo farming. If 1101 sold will bo loosed fur term to be agreed upon to a good tenant, and at- rengolucnt can be mule that rent bo payable in improvements. The property is now to good shape for a purab0sor or inooning ten- ant. For torts, 40., apply on tbo premises, or to wire, $O1ALLDGN, 4tf Ethel (Ont.) P. 0, FARM FOR SALE. -- The Executors of the estate of tiro sato WIr,LIAso Dloo1lly, EsOnnela, d000aend, now offertlie following valuable lauds for sale, vis,; -Tho north half of 10051, and the woof 011th 00000081011tofl ilio t'1oVnehIpbooh Morris County of Limon, oottnining 100 setup, About 110 044409 aro olearod o, d in good o rinse Lo¢neae, by npnolntmant of Oen balsam isglvelI°EimUoro lgictlloii 0440001 Lieut.-Gown:nor, Oominlasioner, 30„ 1, 13, 'elm maple. 10. ' y 0rnveynneer end Agnt :Niro Inettranoo (l0,. '1'hisfndmis aple. 'ablyaituntodwit]hiiinon Of1100atthe OranbrtiokPoetOftdoo, ado of the visage of )1)'ustols, which 030118 ” "`-""- nn excellent market, Theo is opal th0 bI. RODDICIf 3ICITS.ifi, SIGN 111•oml5ea a good frame barn end bowie s)0. , orchard Of ali0leq fruit tY°es, n 2701/01.100111r 1811(1 Genamental Pee neer, feminine, spring,a140 a good wetland unto ,, ndagond (311d111g, sign and Decorative Painting in an 100014t10, Ti,ixi property hilt 1)c. 001111) ono n3- lets branouea shop Binds done up in style, .I.” l'" 1,10' to cu10 intending 1,m•ottaaurO, 1 raltor) 0053108 a ' Ger.alty sloop one Ano• Or will bo allowed to comer and bays stealth 013, 3nyera' Carriage Worel, 118003 h0bse on premteo0 of an:11:114:1101 e 011"3- ••'---------•• hurvaot and to oe fall lllolving. p"B00s- W. O'EEIEN ,, ARM will be given at Sat Noveme054. , V. HONOR Foo ten11B 01,4 igrlber p011rN,ply • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary OFollIb the 11)40081/,,11'°d ENe0nm0Yf„ 111' In •I OnN 3403,8, i,as reimbleel the preetio1 of-1bht1 Df"0441: 4,, 2154',Brnnocle,0,41 NotE,v,Snand;eprapnrod 10 troit3 4117 chs) (485ra5 4'Yltillilt', ) Oases of1�reach atbti and mala on Scientific IPlr,ttl;•�x .t: Hayle;. f'Jixue�"1' is lndspltr0bed pr;n0fp3es, T1Onb:nl0ptof (101- tf)i8gureeViva doors lnto.d atlrueeele, elite 18Eh, 8sd i Nettie of 3iti0 3rbery4603et N TENT' . A, x0,44 v 0,_v T =, as„ Honer Graduate of the Royal College 01 (es admionistered tor ep ontoon extras- tlon of tooth, OFFIC f. •• -- , GnrlCI 1 1 1 Bloch, ttln'ssr)I.Y:. AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE1 KIRKBY, LIOEN. SED Auotimmm, Sales 00)240031(1 reasonable terms, farms and farm stoo1C n specialty, Orders left at Tont Post Publish • inglBouso, Brussels, or B811135 \Vai304, post canoe will reo0ivo pedant attention -•-- A LEX. DELGA'TTY, AUCTION - La_ ern, is prepared to attend to sales on the shortest notice, A specially matte of 0nle0 et thorough -bred stook. Terms made known by application 144 Tena Pose Publish.. lug Rouse, whore orders may be loft, or nddrers to Wessels P 0. //__ RAYIIIANN, AUCTIONEER, °, �0 is always ready to nitwit/ sales of ti forms, form stock, etc. 'Corms cheerfully ,i Br0ssols glv0n. Grattbrook IF.O, Salon may be at- m1ingocl at Tun Post Publish log Homo?( ... BUSINE'.o'S CARDS....._. W If. DBinIrOalgokN, O1lllS!Un. tEI1iGro00ry,Tarnbolry Strout, 1a A/fTSS O'CONNOR, TEACHER L`- Milano Itad 0rgen, Terme on open - nation, mute el Thursday lridaitrD CamblemWut ISS IIARGREA.y1S DESIRES JAL to reoelvo puptlo far Instruc- tion on the PIANO mud Otto 4N, 8 yen 4.8 Experience, Atesidence will. ;tire, Ala'- grWt're8, over 11.111tSl(E,4'1'0S ORIIG %TOHti, 006.1yr .31 . Artist, Sboj1, next door south of A. 11. BARRETT, •TONSORIAL DI. Mo1ay 4 Cos, dware store, Ladies' andc11i1dror's hair muting e, opeoiolby, A 0holoo abed( of tigers Hoot, 1VIGNAII3, ISSUER 011' MAR,. Halt• 1'1101 Oen t 1 1)011it now b ' egad t weer 00,150,1 will gl 1011. x611 'rep(!( el to nlpug, 7r200, they d bm'u l for ((000 I (01101) boug11 gnarl 1 lose a' Modest 1.:.P.1:, ml 'Ips for, it be 1 4110 r. Mama Woolf eido al But 11 Le alae Ing tel Portal beim, dryer 4 lotion nettle Dolor) lamathetols :swede .;:whore night 1 to lmv went o pluyeal two ph oraiue 3 mites diatom Emmen for 141( thoulw, e1 aklu 3110 lar II could 'vik110,• ,On I: 0g our f r, 1 es fa rthe ue• co' winte3'. •was 00 ,cud 011 1,111ek 1 Mr. 1' 'Una, I- do s.3), one o place 1 moat; muo1 14(440 0, have tl Ilene c 111101 the reo 1)1,, ,icy of m„ ca' ,i yuan -pnetal lG the log ' What 1 1,3444,3 .0 fir sap 5511 low 0 t(1.1. Mor 10et1 1e 1 r)1044 1,11,3 o Lt,. 11,1114 ,00)4)01 .nil, (1, 001501 '4410441 muscat hoot 8 ming c ,. ,out ;i4 114,, l chase • U soul C uaiol 3)•e ma .t0 15,111 with go lobe. y( but aI of )11001 Jo_ "ay I 1 lttiO( uteri lei id t,wln) tone Is w•1 OU curt ' did ;rhtiaf '3010 00 .aouth obey l.( m10, '41,1110 m :o00p1 row u '11410 `40011, '.ho ado t Wheat ' ire 111.11 ego in tramp. ng the Ing wi 13 1th ,1 the . l (reed) 'Tho w4 °11011 pond bu0ho:- there, bits of to dry, dean l tree w .011311,10 meet 11 1 e1( rn3sini stool( stud it i each 0 shay w Lobe w ,; their . imwee' snipes Rom 31 but tb toy to to try Pi emits vi l le fa oir L,ur 000 11100 arae neon t