HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-31, Page 7AUG, 24, 1868. THE BRUSSELS POST, HOUSEHOLD. RONDDM EXTRACTS,, FR011 A llatISEttftEP0li S NOTA BOOK. that will be blot on the oheraotor of the children during their whole liven. Says Mre, H, W. Boucher t " This kind of vulgarity carries with it a aodnotive fan. ,ination for tbo unbn sinned youthful luted, and tonne to moral deformity, even it it Made to nothing worse, Suuh avflg, liko Never learn a atop° pot having an a savor i sin, ere at flab repulsive and diaguating, but of the shine material In a piano where any thing bard la liable to fall on or he thrown against 11, as for inEtanee, under nails on which skimmers, iron spoons eta., are hang- ing, Emu eo light an article as a large tin tunnel who acoidoutally knocked from its nail has been known to hit anti seriously nick the cover of a crook happening to stand ander it. I say seriously because when a oover is onoe notched it will soon track en. tiroly acroes and then, aoener or later, break, Tf the oover of a tin tau of baking powder bo eo tight aa to require muoh time and labor in getting it off when first opened, do not put it on again evon lightly, because theprobabili• ties are it will eiwaye make trouble, Instead, tie a piece of think paper over the oan ; it will answer the purpoeo of the Mu oover in keeping out air and dust and ono is euro 11 oan be quickly removed. A fine toothed comb needs frequent wash- ing ; thus when purchasing it is well to re- member that a black one will not become dleoolored by water as a white one will. Wooden slate pontile are economical for children, they will not break more' than the point when allowed to fall, and there is not quite so inuoh temptation to eat them. Those having nix sides are preferable to tho smooth round ones, nob being so apt to roll. If a little ohild be fond of using a pencil, an India rubber slate will be a source of a deal of amusement, Much hes been said for and againab keep• ing a diary, I will venture a word in favor of the practice. A diary ie often valuable as a book of reference, Suppose a ques. tion amino between two members of a family in regard to the date of some event ; one thinks it oocure on one clay or week and the other differs, and is equally positive ; how comfortable it ie to be able to go to a diary where, if the precise affair be nob recorded, others bearing on or oonnegted with it are pretty sure to bo, so that the vexed peiut may be settled at' once without lose of time ar temper. "'Seen too oft, familiar wail its tato, We eat endure, Wealthy, tern emhraoe." Boys are enbleed more easily into the use of vulgar and low expressions by opining in oontaot with comae, rough boys, as they aro naturally outdoors or in the street, more than girls, and often le„ under their mother's Merino and supervision. They are, therefore, in danger of having the habit fixed, before it is suapeotod at llama. When temptations are not resisted and re- pelled ab the beginning, they find easy vie - time. If a boy is tempted to indulge in low conversation, and yields, he will find that profanity is neo J kin. Girls seldom fall into habits of profanity ; but from look of proper restraint at home, too often indulge in epecoh and notions which are tar from ladylike or refitted, and not many years ago would nob have boon tolerated in good aooiety. Bub of late, at home, making or receiving calls, on the streets, or in the oars, this loud, boisterous, freo-and-easy behavior is painfully notice. able, If erten in little girls, who should be as sweet and gentle as the birds or flowers, one cannot avoid thinking that their mothers have not guarded their jewels as they aro in duty bound to do, when meth priceless treasures are oommitted to their oharge. 1f our little girls greet their brothers and sisters, and, perhaps, even their parente, boisterously ; if, instead of "good•morning,"they ory, "Halloo, paps 1" or, " Halloo, mamma 1' and call to play- mates in the street, in the same rough manner, who will bo surprised if this style follows them as they grow up and appear as young ladies? It is said the beat time to ,newer a friend. ly letter is immediately on receipt of it ; but as it is not always oonvenienb to do so, it is a good plan to make on a slip of paper ar on the bank of the enveloee memoranda of auoh items as suggest themselves 148 suit- able to mention in the reply ; and as often au fresh inoidenta or questions occur to the mind, to jot them down, then when the spare time comes one le reminded of many things which would doubtless otherwise have been forgotten, and even though some may be trifles they may serve to enhance the pleasure of the reader. There are ab loan{ two good reasons why the envelope should be addressed before and nob after the letter Is written. First, when one site down to write he or she is naturally more careful and the chirography is muoh better than at the end of an hour or two, when the writer is fatigued. Again, the letter may have to be finished at a speoified time, in order to reach a oertaiu mail, or because the writer must attend to something more important,, and if the last few minutes must be de. voted to enclosing. and directing, not only will the writing be hurried and perhaps not straight, but some last words may be for' gotten or omitted for went of time. As it is not easy to write on a rounding surface it is better to direob the wrappers before a news. paper is enclosed. Pbyeieiana sometimes prescribe a disagree- able medicine directing it to be administer- ed in milk. Now milk may be a convenient "vehicle;' but there is danger that if the patient be a child with a delicate atomaoh the natural liking for that nutritious liquid may hod antroy od and he or she never after. ward be able to meta ih without nausea Should there be drapery curtains at the window where one sits to sew, more light may be obtained iu the daytime and the last bit of sunlight at evening be utilized if they are hung on a emnll brass rod which slips into fixturee ab eaoh end and is kept in place by ornamental brass eorewe. -Small brass Mugs may be sewed at intervals to the edge of the top tem, but think a more graceful arrangement is made by having a welt in the wide hem leaving about an inch standing to form a ruffle. The welt should be wide enough to allow the nurtains to move easily on the rod; they may bealipped entirely aside from the window or when de. aired brought together at the middle, I have also made use of the rod to suspend drapery over a mirror on a bureau which stands opposite a sunny window and conse- quently must be kept covered except when in use, else it would epeodily be ruined by the sunlight falling on it. A very convenient article to hung near the kitchen stove Is a small piece of board having one side covered with zinc put on with copper tacks, and a long leather loop at one corner. This ie intended to reoeive the tea ket� steamer, or. anything hot or sooty from, the fire. It is easily cleaned with kerosene, sand, soap or Bristol brick, and oan b used without danger of Boiling the fingere� Beoeipte. DREasrNG FOR SALAD, -Two row eggs, one tablespoonful of butter, eight epoonfula of vinegar, one-half teaspoonful of mustard. Put in a bowl over boiling water, and stir until it becomes like cream ; salt and pepper to taste. RaiaED GRIDDLE CAKES, --Take a quart of sweet milk, warm it enough to melt a large tablespoonful of butter, add two tea. spoonfuls of salt and flower to make a pretty stiff batter. Dissolve ono third of a cake of yeast in tepid water and stir into the batter. Cover closely and keep in a warm plane until morning, when fry on a griddle. If found to be too stiff, thin it with a little tepid milk. VIE CRUST WITHOUT LARD, -Pleur one pint, baking powder one teaspoonful, butter the size of a walnut, water enough to mix, Be sure to have the filling for the pies and the oven ready before mixing the crust. This le very important, otherwise the trust will not be nice. Dough made light witeh baking powder must be baked at once. Sift the flour and powder together three times that they may mix thoroughly. Rub in the butter, mix the dough quickly, not very stiff, then roll it out lightly and make haste bo bake, SMALL SPONGE CARES, -Put aiX whole eggs into an earthen pan with half a pound of sugar, upon which you have previously rubbed the rind of a Iemon, stand the pan in very hot water, keeping the contents well mixed until becoming rather warns, when taking it from the water, continue to whiek until quite told and thiokieh; stir in gently half a pound of sifted flour; have ready buttered, and dusted with auger, about a dozen sponge take tins, put a tale• spoonful of the mixture in eaoh tin, [hake sugar over, and bake in a moderate oven. Slang and Morale. The roe ,easily of shielding children from the ambit nintion of low a0000iatee and from the habit 1 which such oompanionehip will surely tri ng Is 6f the utmost importance, Low expr eeione-"elaug phrased," ae they aro terror d -will be one of bbe first fruito. A "'free•t End'eaey"way of talking anchoring among e rangers, in the threats, or in atoms, and at le at ven'iured on at home, will bo the next, .. ,hoes two most offensive habits usually go hand In,hand, and, very strangely unless 'e look at it as an evidence of nat- ural de pravity, aro eagerly naught up by the yo ng. With girls especially, if they' are all ,wed to use low phrases, other unfem- inine rape will aeon follow, often a coarse swag ring manner instead of tite grateful, lady ke carriage that indicates refinement and n delay, When girls or young ladies(?) are nwith their hands' thrust deep into the u for pocket, or ourtout, as is now the term nd the Derby tipped on one side, talkit and laughing loudly, walking with masa{ ins strides, they have no cause of comle int if the rude, ragged little gamins er NI street take infinite sabisfaotion in runni g after such nondesoripte, and pall. t t say, mister 1" We cannot but think that the attire and manner of such girls marl c them as lawful victims for their in- tuit a and ribaldry. T hone reprehensible and offoneile habits of pooch and manner have crept into you hful society with an amazing rapidity of 1 te, and are so oloeely allied to unsafe anc immoral lithium, that parents cannot be ' too quick or peremptory in restraining the batt appgroamh to any snob libertine, If left unrebuked at fleet under the impeee. dor, that, if apparently unnoticed, their ohlldreot'will toon 000 the telly of handeor• raft it themeelvea, they Will find that they lonve made a end inletelte, Ono allowed ' to take root, the evil willbeoon be beyond patented oenteel, ripening into fixed habits, Examples of Heroiom, Ib has been said before, but will easily boar repetition, that within a very few yeare past the world has had at least three very striking exintples of heroism preeentod for fie arlr iretlon and example, Tha oyes of ail men have been directed to throw death bade, On ouch ley a nrao diatinguishod above his fellows, Of these two had risen by their own efforts, as we say, from Very humble beginnings to their preeminence.' Careers lilts theirs were possible only in the new world which has in auoh Targe measure freed its limbs from the traditional shuoklea of older oivllization, The third man had been born to the purple, With hie mother's milk he had Imbibed ideas of Kingship over men, of the regency of one man over a na- tion, Ise the representative of the King of Kings, Yet these three mon, so different from one another in many rospeots, Gar- field, Grant and Emperor Frederick of Germany, wore alike in this, that they submitted themselves to whab they believed to be the will of God with a patience, a serenity of soul, a calm, heroic) euduranre, that were truly sublime. Not a murmur, not an impatient word, impaired the grandeur of their self.000trol. With simple, manly fortitude they took up their oroee of suffering and disappointment, and bore ib unflinchingly till the end came and they entered into rest, The Almighty sure- ly means to teach the world eonlething by facie like these. Was it merely by chance that the world'e eyes were made bo turn day after day, week after week, manta after month to these three bedsidee, and watch eo eympathetically, and so admiringly the sufferers who lay there? Nay, verily. We believe that in these days when the anchor of faith is dragging eo heavily, and theme at times almost as;if it were about to loose its bold altogether, that God designed by these three death bade, to teach men a lesson against which it was hardly possible for them to shut their eyes, of firm faith in Himself, 'namely, as the one Omnipotent Ruler of this world, and of the lofty type of manhood which can; subsist aide by side with and largely in consequence of such a faith. When the ranks of those in high places can furnish men of such true Chris. hien knighthood, so fearlees and without re• preach ea the last conflict with the King of Terrors as Garfield, Grant and the beloved Emperor of Germany, let no one listen to any who would try to persuade him that the race of mankind is degenerating. Man- kind is not degoneratiog, but on the con- trary is under the influences of Christianity, eteadIly advancing to high planes of Man- hood. GOLD CASE, -Sift together one cupful of flour, one teaspoonful of baking powder and a saltsP oonful of rant one 0.e heaping g to ea tablespoonful of butter to a cream half w a pound of granulated sugar ; beat the yolks of six ague to a cream; stir into tho butter and auger two-thirds of a cupful of milk and a cupful of flour not mixed with the baking powder ; then stir in the yelks of the eggs; when all these ingredients are ready quickly add the cupful of flour with which the baking powder was sifted' put the cake at once into a pan lined wi8h but tiered paper, and bake ht a moderate oven for about half an hour or until a broom splint run into the centro oan be withdrawn Mean. Silver cake is made the same, ex cent that the whites of six egg beaten to a stiff froth are substituted for the yolks. A bill providing for the appointment of three police matrons in Washington, D, C., at a salary of $600 a year each has passed the house and been favorably reported to the senate. This action has been brought about largely through the influeneo of the women in the District of Columbia, and the appointments aro to be made on the mem. mendation of ten women of good standing in the District. Oswego, N. Y. has also a po- lite matron, Mre. Harriet Bond, recently ap- pointed by the major. Maoeaohusetts was the brat state to parte a police matron bill, That act called for police matrons to take charge of all women arrested in pities having a population of 30,000, Compliance with the law has been slow in tome cities. Alma Ladies' College, ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. This institution, which had last year the largest enrolment of all the Canadian Col- leges for women, is offering superior adbant- ages to young women in Literary Course, Fine Arte, Commercial Science and Music at the very lowest rates. Address Principal Austin, B. D. Recent statistics show that there are about 6,300 Catholic churches in the United States, to which are attached 3,000 parochial schools. OmeAeeae' HAIR ARNRWRR restoresa an faded d hair to rte natural oolor and prevents falling out. Florida promisee to become a Iargo pro- ducer of opium. Sixteen planta will produce an ounce, and one acre of poppies will yield $1,000 worth of opium. A Cure for Drunkenness. The opium habit, depsomanla, the morphine habit nervous prostration caused by tho use of tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the brain, eta., premature old age, lose of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and lone of natural strength from any 0000 whatever. Men -young, old or middle raged -who are broken down from any of the above anuses, or any cause notmentionad above Bend your address and10 cents in stamps for Lubon's Treatise 1e book form, of Diseases of Jken, Books sent gaoled and secure from observation. Address M, V. LUTON, 47 Wellington street East Toronto, Ont. Spiders' W elm. I read a statement not long ago, about the epidere' webs that oover the fields and meadows on certain morninge in the summer, which was not entirely exact. It is not quite true, in the venae in which it was uttered, that these epidere webs aro more abundant on Boole mornings then on others, and that they presage fair weather, Now the truth is, that during the latter half of summer these webs are about as abundant at one time at at another ; but they are much more noticeable on eomo morn- ings than on others, -a heavy dew bringe them to view. They are eepooially conspiou- one after a morning of fog, such as often &ins our deeper valleys for a few home when fall approaohee. They then look like libtle napkins spread all over the meadows ; 1 saw fields last,eummor in August, when one could step from ono of these dew•napkins to another, for long distances, They are little nets that oatoh the fog. Every thread is strung with innumerable, fine drops, like tiny beade. After an hour of ennohine the webs, apparently, are gone, Mott country people, I find, think they aro due to nobhing but the moisture ; others BOOM to think that thespiders take them in as morning advancee. But they are still there,stretohed above the grant at noon and et eunset, as abundant as they were at sun- rise; and are then more serviceable to the spidera, because lees visible. The flies and insects would avoid them in the morning, but at midday they do not detoob them so readily. If these webs have any significance as signs of the coming weather, this may be the explanation ; A heavy dew oocure tinder a clear, tool sky, and the night preceding a day of rain is usually a dewloee night. Muth dew, then, means fair weather, and a copious dew dis- closes the spiders' wobs. It is the dew that le 'significant, and nob the webs, People who are enbieat to bad breath, foul mate tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, cam at Ono be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Buten th old and tried remedy, Aek your Druggist, London has fewer inhabitants to the house than any of the great cities of Europe. Vienna has the most persona to the house, having five times at many as London. A scientific paper has been started at Paris to which woman are the only contributors, rive! Coven Cm owes in one minute. According to the statistics with regard to the national debts of the world, this old ter• restriai ball must be worth about 63 cents on the dollar at public auction. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels gob out 010: dor, 0011510g Bllteeonoee. Dyspepsia, or IndlgettIon and their attendant mile, take at none a dose of Dr Oamou's Stomach Bittern, Bent family medicine. All Drugglete, 60 onto, Learning makes a man fit company for it meat. Rheulnatio Paine Require no description, duce, with rare excep• tion all at some time have experience their twinges. Rheumatiem is nob easily dislodged, only the most powerfully ponotrating re. modies reach to at very fonndations. The moat sucoessful treatment known, and it is now frequently resorted to by medical men, is the application of that now famous remedy for pain-Polson'o Nerviliue, Ib fa safe to say thatnothing yet disoovorod hoe afforded equal satisfaction to the suffering. A trial oan,be made at a email cost, at sample bola tloo of Nerviline met be had at the drug stores for,,1O met large bottles 25 cents, A, P. 411. 1TENTS pror0d Patent Attorneys, and exper Pon Eat'd 1887. Donald C ltidout a¢C0., Toronto Dr. Pillbage' Dlagnoaio. To Dr. Pillboge, Patrick carne With a m' et woeful {nee i Say. he, "Dear Doether;abort %our acme, Will you l.,ro treat my 0090.' Thi doe or looked hhu 18 the rye, 100.1 tongue he umdo hint show • Sold ho, " My min, you're going 00 410 ; You rt got 11+ of .µttur.'nr "114 Nib," earn P,It, "peat's that 100 007l gut ti k -darts,' 00, 1 Yre Ilio' t h91e, 1 alwal a p+ty Your 6111 hero. e 1 ro 1'11 horn t wore t0 da 8f 1'et, 1191 snorer m e 000 1'0.91,." Be took a dose 0.11', 1'. Y. And wears a brighter foto. Use Prorce'e Ploaeaut Purgative Pellets for torpid livor, constipatlan, and all de. rangenitate of stomach and bowels, By drugglate, Woman always was a siren, Even the five foolish virgins of Scripture, whoee lamps went out, did their beet to beg'ile 1 That Deadly Scourge 1 Tubercular ooneomption is simply lung - scrofula -the active and daogeroue develop- ment of u taint in the blood. The grand blood'oloansinv botanio principles contained in Dr, Pieroo's Golden Medical Discovery specially fit it to purify the blood, and pro - vent the formation of ulcers in the lungs and bronchial tubes. Livor complaint, akin diseases, and sores, are alert cured by it. All druggists. The total value of the mineral products or the United States in 1887 was $538,006,345 a large inoreoae over 1880. The of old reliable" -Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Over ninety-five millions of persona travelled by rail in India last year, eighty. nine millions being third.olass paesengere, KNITTi'NCue«elo vr;; 05;1,MACHINES AGENTS WANTED -"EAGLE" Steam Washer. Address 11E0. D. FERRIS, 87 thatch St, Toronto. FARMS Ione SA1,r or RENT. Aug Stse, and Pawns. Sontoep DILATION, 00T, e. H, 8. MITCHELL, DRAoroos, ONT, MONEYMONEY. Agents send for our llhretrated Chuangue. Addreea, T1llU5lrn SELF WitINGING 0501' Co., Toronto, Ont. „AhENT0' WANTED -tor- the improved , Model Washer earl Hleaehet Price $8. Addreea 0. W. DENNIS 0 Amide, Toronto, Ont. WORK Ir a'r a►vi'cic11iceu9uotathintuc, CANADA seIPPING C41.-8eaver Moe of Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal, and Liverpool. Saloon ticket Montreal to Liverpool, $40, 860 aud'800. Reamtioicete, 880, 900 and 8110 according to Ammer and accommodation, Inter- mediate, 880 ; Round trip tiolrets, 600. Steerage, 820' Round trip ticket, $49, For further partioulam and to scour° births, apply to H, E. MURRAY, Genera. Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents In the different Towne and Oltles. M 0 N EY TO LOAN rte Farms. Lowest Rates, No delay, corrospondonoa e011oitud. 1t. N. B. ltlJTLit;lt Ftnanolal Agt., Fstabliehed 2880. 721{ing•srt. E„ Toronto. CAN AOIIA N 81181NESS 11NIVEitti7l', Library Buildings,Toronto, Students from Itritleh Columbia, Oatttoreia, Kaueoe Illhrote, and quite a vamber al other States and 11roelneee, now m ottehdano0. Write for Dosortptive Oirsnlare, THOS. 4EN00U013, CHAS. IT, BR00108, Preotdout. Seo'v 8 Manager., TORONTO Cutting School -Salentine and re- liable systema taught whereby stylish, perfect - fitting garment are p504000d. Cutters having trou- ble should Bemire my systems and ensure future sue tees.. Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Shirt system taught separate. A tare chance for young men to acquire a lucrative profession. 8. commies, Prop., 122 Yonge St, Terme on application. Young Men SUFFERING from the efcete of early evil habit, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themsolvoe wank norvoue and oxltoetod; also M1Onba-Aosoand aSgeci inn, who ire brakes down iron rho offoote 01 abnor overwork nod itt sends Ilte tool Otto 500 squonoos of tE'htul bxooteto , saint for aap,dd tied re M. V. Lubon'9Trantieo on Otto D180aeo00l Men, The hook will bo aent sealed to any 'Melrose on receipt 01 two 30, otampt. Addreea i M, V. EUBON, Wellington St, E., Toronto, Ont, SAFES FIRE & BURGLAR PROOF Patent Non. Conducting Doors • A ar00tALrr. VAULT DOORS. J. & J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe Works. tor and go bo work. OF THE BIBLE -By Csaerea 1,000012, Protuaely Illustrated -Sales Marvellous - Needy 400,000. Send 81.60 for a Dopy, Agents wanted. Address, A. G. WATSON, Manager, Toronto Willard Tract De osltory, Toronto. THE CANADIAN MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION LIFE INSURANCE AT COST (A990Ba mE.1'r 0000500) CHEAP, RELIABLE, POPULAR. Large Reserve Fund. Agents Wanted. Address, HEAD OFFICE, 10 King Street E., Toronto. LEATHER BELTING. BEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F. E. DIXON & CO„ Makers, 70 Bing Street East, Toronto. tairSend for Prime Lista and Discount SELF -THREADING NEEDLES.oN velty Out Instantly threaded without passing thrrad through the eye, Agent coin money eentag them. Sample pnoket by mall 16o, dozen pickets 91 00 Whiten Manufacturing Ca.. Toronto. Ont. Ladie'CoI1ege IIAMILT ION CANAD 8, lint of Ladles' Colleges. Mae graduated over 230 In full 000580. Foll faculties in literature, Longue. gee, Soienoe,Musle and Art. Largest College Ott lding in Dominion. Opine Sept. 0,1885. Address Principal, 1102'. A. BURNS, D.D. LL.D. Bicycles 9 OYER 100 Second . nand Bicycles Safeties and Tricycles. Send for List and Cataloctu Agents wanted in every town. L.A.N'ia], MONTREAL. SPORTING GOODS The Cheapest ]louse in Canada for Guns, Rifles, Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Goods and Sportsmen's Sup. plies of every kind. c 'ICTaEC, 33$CC12. 4S30X•SEI XC' On rat Mph of 812.60 we will =prose to any address, a DOUBLE-BARREL BREF.OH-LOADING SHOT GUN, with fine laminated etuel barrels, oiled stook. A good gun for oountl'y use. And for 88.00 will Hittite any uddreae, a 22 cat.RIFLE that will shoot aoourate- ly for 100 feet, W. M'DOWALL & GO., 51 KING ST. E.,, TORONTO. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. P` \RTIES Wishing to purohaao improved binnitobn Farms, from 80 mores upwards, with immediate poseoeston, call or write to G. 1. MAULSON, Mo. Arthur's Block, blain street, Winnipeg. Information furnished tree of charge, and settlers insisted to making eole00lon, Mom To LOAN at current rates of intend. 10000 PRESENTS TO FIRST APPLYING, 00NILE Tni0Y 7,407. Wo Will send by midi an 07' preprint. gift to each trodden, vita, mother or cook -ono to n family -who will try the BREAOMAKES'S BAKING POWDER Cut the red circle from the label and send it In a tetter staling honest opinion after fair hurl. Either a 5, 10 o,' 25 cent alae will 8Cmn'e tho gift. ii% Any grocer or storekeeper ..knows where to gotstiftisk&B «'ailll;,for by yon.-Addrecr- ,, 011UIltl111LL alt 00., TORONTO MRS. DART'S TRIPLETS. President Cleveland's Prize for the three best babies at the Aurora County Fair, in 1887, WOO gtvea to Wena triplet, Mollie Ida and Ray,, nhIldran of atm. A. E. Dart, 1#amburgh, N. Y,' elm writes: "Last August the little ones became very sick, and as I could get n0 other food that Would agree with them, I commenced the use o(Laetated hood, It helped them immediately, and they wore soon at well as ever, and I con- miderit very largely due 10 the Food that they are now so wall" Cabinet photo. of there triplets scat free to elt8 rr/otAe0 et ens ba0y earn Heir year Lactated Food Is the best Food for bottle-fed babies, It keeps them well, and is better than medicine _ When they am Mak- THE MOST PALATABLE; NNIUTRITiOUS, and DIGESTIBLE FOOD. EASILY PREPARED. At Druggists, 25c., 50c., $I.00. TER BPsr AliD Mosr E6oxoumeL Poon. 160 Meals for an Infant for SLOG: �apamphlet la of Infants valuable fa on liebon. r WELLS,RICHAROSON &CO. MONTREAL P.Q. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M`CAUSLAN D & SON, 76 King St. W.. Toronto. THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE 00 Ilanulneturors of the Highest Grades SILVER-PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. O'ACTORtES AND SALEOR00M; 420 to 428 Xing St. West, TORONTO E, 0, 600DEA'RA1t, J. 0, COPP, teenager. 5eo,..,fron a ST. THOMAS ORNAMENTAL WROUGHT IRON FENCING WORKS. Send for Deaigoa and Prices, Whaley,Royce CG 283 Image Street, Toronto. The Cheapest place In Canada for BAND INSTRUMENTS New and secondhand, Agents for "n,00' l-IIGHAM BAND & 0 ii 0HES ills h U Isro. air Re kgof Band In anemias a specialty. Send for Catalogue @,50,40.1 Cheap Excursion Will leave all points on the C.P.R„ G.T.R. and N. & N. W. IV, in Ontario, on AUGUST 28TH -9 0 110-. LANyELBrRG , --PASSING 1I0R0UGII- NORTH - WESTERN MANITOBA, over DI. a N. W. Ey. Faro for Round Trip, $28 Trains leave TOi1O1oTO at If o'clock p. m. AUG, 28111, The party will be accompanied by 1'. S. ORAWFORD, of BIRTLE, MAN, TICKETS issued at all stations and good to return for 60 DAYS, also for lay over on return at IVINNIPEG. For fnformatioa apply to all Agents of C.P,R„ G.T.R., or to J. S. CRALWFORD, Canadian Pacific Railway Tioket Office, TORONTO CANADA PERMANENT Loan & Savings Company INCORPORATED 1806. Head Office ; Toronto St,, Toronto, nbecril,ed Capitol, • 4,000,000 Paid alp Capital 2,soo,000 Total Assets 10,500.000. The enlarged capital and resonroee of this Company. together with the inoreaeed facilities is bas recently acquired for supplying land owners with oheap money. enable the Directors to meet with promptness and at the lowestcurrent rate of interest all requirements for loans upon satisfactory real estate security. Applicettonamay be made to either of Ole rota - panes HERBERT MASON, rin blanag'gDireotor, Toronto. Will Re -Open SEPT. 3rd, 1888 Dee ring obtain a Buelnese Education, or beo me 5 d the t n Shorthand and Typewriting, should at tBRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Aroade, Yoage street Toronto, For Olrculare, et0„ Addreea ff O'DEA. Secretary Allan Line Royal all Steamahipa Sailing during winter from Portland every Teuredap and Halifax everyeaturday to Liverpool, and in stam- mer from Quebeo every Saturday to LiverpoolnaUbrg al Londonderry to /and malls and p004509ere for Scotland and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via Hail fax and St. John's, N,F., to Liverpool fortnightly during. summer months. The steamers of the Oise - grow 15008 sail during winter to and from Haltom Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weakly; Glam. gow and Boston weakly, and Glasgow and Philadel- phia fortnightly. For freight, passage or othor information apply to A. Schumacher a Oo„ Baltimore ; S. O.rnard Halifax ; Shea 0 Co., St. John',, Mkt, Wm. Thome son di So., St. John, N. B.; Allen A+ Ca„ C, magaLove 0 Alden New York; H. Borulter, Torouto• Aliens, Rae a (0o., Quebec ; Wm, Bronelo, Philad,2. phis ; H. A. Alien Portland, Boston. Montreal. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Spe0(e0 has bees used for the pat Moen years with great euooeee, In rho treatment of Nervous ous Debeity, and all dissent; arising from ex - moms, overworked brain lose of vitality, ridging rl n to th oars, palpitation, ata. For sale by nll druggists. Price 81 per box, ore boxes for 06, or wilt be sent by.. mall on reoetpt of price, Pamphlet on appilosteen TPF GRAY MEDICINE f'0., Toronto. TO THE SICK AND DEBILITATED. JOHNSTON'S JOHNSTONS FLUID BEE FLUID BEEF Is a great Blessing bee use it contains in small ba 10 Powerful Nutrition. it makes a pleasant drink that ie relished by young and old. 11 is epaoiaily adapted as a Nutritious Food for Infants when teething. For Dyspeptics, and in 011 o00ea of Debility, Physical Exhanstatioa and Prostration, it is the; Rept and Safest Diet. There are_many nnramioOS of " Peerless 13 MACHINE OIL, but none equal 10 in lubricating properties. Flans. Rae, Magmas, oto, find hone equal to the satin $ Peer1ess made by SAMUEL ROCERS:& CO., TORONTO. Sold by deniers everywhere, 13arnu.m Wire &Iron ' •/.•.•.e.•.e♦/ti .�..♦ �-W_ THE BE'S1 AND CHEAPEST FENCE. Works, Windsor, Ont Made from 3-16 Steel Rod$° with Heavy Iron Frame and Iron_Foundation. We are offering the Fence at ex. ceptionally low prices. Iron Fence Cresting, Stable Fittings, and all kinds of Iron and Brass. Work. Capital and Funds now Over $3,0000100.' HEAD OFFIL13 cobz$''1. TO➢bNTF.Aofle Company, Established Ote11 To tilt Dote, OotobOr 81, 1587, there has boon returned t To the htdreot Polley holden (doath•olaime) 8840,249 00 To the holders of matured Endowment Pollolas 20,402 63 To Po�cloy-holders on eu te:W C of Policies 08,060 00' To Polloy-holdem for Cneh mats (including those allocated and being pats,.. 482,644 OI TO. holders Of Annuity BOnda 10,007 94 Loaned to Po110y.holdere on the SeenkIty of 'their Poli0too.................. ...... 08,004 5IS 81,800,174 47. 1polic1eg In Force Over 104000. Amount oVer,$15,000,000. PRESIDENT-ECSM SMW. P, RownAND, 0,B„ PRE VICE-S1Db2b 1& rr1LLoA1t ELtu ft ESq.; EDWARD Ewan, Ene. 3. K. 1RAC1t�11<ALA► Miltinghig Director: Foliates Nontortetttble atter 9 Teat and Indefeasible atter 8 yenta.