HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-31, Page 5s
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. Ara, 31, 1888. THE 13RUSSELS POST
rsteeetrereseevarreseertairceeterecertme ecere....ereez..eieleietne—cmereezerrsee-- e—tereeiteere.zeee.ezzet=weetteemeizerevat=stec=ece=iimaTe-,e7"teerstee reeer...„aereeegeeasztewrseceee=eeeeeeeeec=w„,e--,e=eseeeeseewee.eeeeereeascaesmeseee,e. ,
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pf.41 for Ow E.Ittentiottai '1,11,11. Collo,. V.4t1Ct !..11CW5f
, tiou f,ide cirellit 1 1.• liev. :1. Y.
,i Ilartleee in tile Pe, 4,),7,1,,e1C11 C1111r4,11. 100k,
for his L',>.,11.rteiat .0 It ,h01). gerd encl
I ' . • •
i•J.Pit 04,4'01,
Kidd Bros horee, "Prime! Frederick,"
took 3rd moiety at the Seaforth rano lent
Nov. M. Tnnileill preached the alumni
hornier) to Om FOITstolli cannel of this
town on Sunday efternoon,
The >1014 and plasterere h aye finiehed
their work tin the new Preebyterian
church and the penffolding 114 taken
JL Lamont, of Collingwood, hen opeo-
ed a music emporium bore, in the Metro
n few doom east of the Grand Central. ho.
tel. The business will bo managed by
D. Lamont,
The brick work of Hems Brorkeew four
story factory is completed and the roof
is put on, The latter lo composed of tar
Payer, pitch and gravel, overlaying a cov-
ering of matched lumber.
The quitntitlen of flax which have been
delivered to Livingston's mill have been
pato 11(111(1to the averege. Tito amount is
ovnt 700 toes. The quality is good al-
though in sone places rather short,
The tuxert, by it raeolution of the =an-
vil, are to boleti(' in two equal instalmente
of ten
>7 ma on the lot Sept. and 14th
Dec. An winner: of five per cent. will
let added to anemia's not paid on or be-
fore Fuld dates.
For eome e Limpaid seem partici; have
been in the habit of milking COWS in the
;mauve neer the railway et >1 08, -much to
the itt nd minuet= of the owners,
rollin of the cows having gone almost dry
from laving been milked. at irregular
The Baptist congregation have sold
the site on Raglan street, on which they
had commenced the erection of their new
chinch, and have verehneed the corner
lot on ain street east. owned. by Thos.
Stevenson, The material has been re-
moved to the now site and the excavations
are about finished.
wt11 •
Inspector Paislay,tof Clinton, was M
town on Saturday evening.
John Denholm ltas commenced buying
apples for the home rind foreign markets.
Rev. W, J. Taylor, of Mitohell, will
ofiluiate in the Episcopal church here at
8 p. 01. on Sabbath.
A number of our sporting fraternity
put in their appearance at tho Seaforth
races on Tuesday.
Quite a number of our prominent Re
formers visited Wingham on Saturday to
hear Hon. W. Laurier.
Miss Mabel Laven, having been on a
visit here for several days past, returned
to Clinton on Thursday.
Several of our citizens took advantage
of the cheap trip to Niagara Falls and
Grimsby Park on Saturday.
It. Henderson, e. former principal of
Blyth public school, officiated, morning
and evening, 1 St. Andrews; church on
Mrs. John (1000180(1000180 left here on Mon-
day for Galt, having been called away
suddenly to see her father, who is lying
variously ill.
Robert Howard, bricklayer, and his
men built new chimneys rind d(a 00)110other necessary repairs on the Episcopal
church this week.
Mrs. and Miss Drummond returned
hoe from Kincardine Thursday, which
they had hem enjoying the lake breezes
for several weeks.
Division Court MS held hero on Mon-
day before Judge Doyle. Several cases
were disposed of and some adjourned in
consequence of the absence, owing to
illness, of important withesses.
The harvest home festival in connec.
tion with the Episcopal church is to bo
held next Tuesday, 4th inst. Supper is
to he served at 5 o'clock p. m., after
which addresses will be delivered by
several clergymen from a distance,
varied by some choice music by the
Atatthew Brandon, a homer who lived
near Belgrave, met with a fatal accident
on Wednesday evening last. When rid-
ing up Dinsley street, going towards the
depot, by some moans Or other he fell oat
of the democrat wagon and was so severe-
ly injured that he died on Thursday
Our cheese factory is having a good
Business has been on the quiet side
.of late.
A member from this looality heardIIoii.
IIon. W. Laurier speak at Wingham last
Saturday afternoon,
A. Nixon had his trotting mare, "Happy
Lucy," entered in the three minute trot
at Seaforth, last Tnesday, but owing to
the class of trotters put in the fleet little
mare was withdrawn by her osvner.
Jno. Bosnian and wife arrived from
tithe old country this week. They have
purchased the house owned. by C. Read-
ing at the station. Mr, R. has moved
into the parsonage. Mr. and Adrs. B. are
welcome -home and weloomed to our vil-
lage, 1( 10 to be hoped they will enjoy
themselvee in their well-earned rat
Tun (NOM ACT 10 FOlt0E,--(ADti S.
A.) "You'll see when the Crooks Act
comes in force no more illegal selling.
Just wait till after April the 19th." In
the township of Turnbetry at what is
known as the Half -way house between
Wiugbam and Teeswater, on Wednesday,
Aug. 29(h, the hotetkeeper was arrested
and fined, for tolling without license. He
refused to 1)03' his fine and Frank Patter-
son, Bailiff, took hie prisoner to Gode-
rich. This is a case at home.
Last Sunday was a epeoial day in both
churches hen:. Rev. Mr. Cousins, of
Hensel!, preached in the Methodist
church morning and evening in the in-
terest of the Eduoational Fund. Mr. C.
took for his text in the evening Matt. 27th
chap, and 42nd verse, "He saved others;
himself ho eannot save." Ho referred to
the three (1100001>1 yeare of propheeynoW
fulfilled to the expectant earth, the sor-
rowful heaven knowing the See of the
King was going to earth, the star and
angel announcement, the inannger cradle
and the expeoted arrived and woo re.
joeted during his life, and now comes the
confession of his enemies, "Ho saved
°there." History was mordled to show
all Ho Saved and as this WAS the testing
age we ltad to ask, "Could IIe save to-
day?" ',Himself Ho could not save,"
What the worl01 thought then old now
wore very different things, yet it was
true he could not recce himself. (1) It
'.000ns the invincible purpoeo of God, (9) Ho
wag a Saviour, (11) Ito loved us too tvell,
(4)There was no other way. The grand
principle underlying the statemeet 1(070
Love, Mr, 0, den concluded by an alt.
8(111 vi r • te.'. 1 ,,fte‘ twee tet
eth and >0 bIt hewed that the
1.10154 111(11/V011 di, tient and for this
they had been (011.1 hod and then y
were exhorted tied teld (1) "What they
went not to glory in," Wheloin, Alight
nor itiehee. All were dwelt on at Borne
length. le relined to firet the late 1000.
sage of President Cleveland was tnuehod
mein, -Tho letta who always don the
right thieg, in the right way, at the right
time." It might bo wise le tho eyrie of
men today but in the pages of history it
would he recorded as n blot upon his
character. That to gain a political point
he had risked the embittering of two
friendly nations. (9) Alight is not al.
ways right, (3) Tho rioh aro not always
the happiest. "Whet two should glory
in" Jehovah deaoribecl as the loving
father, the elder brother, the judge who
always does right yet remembers, in his
loving kindness, his people. In con-
clusion all were warned to be sure and
glory in the Lord Jehovah and waste not
glory in anything slim. As announced
last Sunday the collection was a special
one for Foreign Missions. C ollections
amounted to $38.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of St Thomas,
aro visiting at John Mooney s this week.
Mies Annie Chambers, of Seaforth, was
here last week cm a visit with her sister.
Councillor Caabiek's son and Dougall
Taylor left last Tuesday on a prospect-
ing tour to Manitoba and the Northwest.
Their inteution is to take up laud if they
find what mite them.
The sound of tho steamer is heard in
the land and the threshing maohine 10
making its rounds. A vary good yield is
reported notwithstanding the dry weath-
er and the predictions of weather proph.
Mr. Palmer, 1st lino, found seven of
his cattle nn Tuesday morning in his
neighbor's field dead. Some scoundrel
had mixed Paris green with the salt. De-
tectives aro already at work and it is to
be hoped the pepetrator of tho dastardly
outrage will soon be brought to jtidiCe.
Rev. Mr. Howell preached an able
sermon to the Seaforth Fire Brigade last
Sunday evening
A big timeis expected in town next
Tuesday at the Caledonian games. The
See. says the largest number of athletes
of any year in the past aro expected. It
is to be hoped the weather will be favor-
R. Logan,
of Carberry, Manitoba, of
the banking firm of Logan di Co., has re-
terned to the west. Mr. Logan has 4C0
acres of wheat in good harvesting con•
dition and was anxious to get back on
that account.
Hendry's foundry in this town was de-
stroyed by fire on Thursday morning of
this weelc. Tho firm will get to wont
immediately, however, as they have a
great rush of work on hand, particularly
10 1110 plough line.
A. lively runaway occurred on the street
Wednesday morning caused by John
Burgess' horse, which was untied, taking
fright and running into the express wag.
gon. Tho horse of which thinking he
had a share in the ratio took to his heels.
Tho result was 0 badly demolished load
of empty egg boxes and a wreolcoil wagon.
Henry Messett WM, for a number of
yones, rt prominent business man in this
town. Itis transactions were supposed
to he always honorable and business.like.
But in June last it was discovered that
he was crooked, that ho forged notes and
signed other people's names in a general
way. John Peek discovered forged note
en him issued by Monett for *45 aud
proceeded to investigate the matter.
Alessett got wind of the matter and at
once started on an American tour, Tho
authorities traced him and 110 was 00.
rested at COMMIS., Mich., on June 18th,
and brought before Commissioner John
Graves for an examination as to his ex-
tradition. The examination was only
partially completed. Tho ease 8000 ad-
journed and the prisoner released on de-
positing MO cash with tho authorities.
The date of the examination came round
again, but Messett failed. to answer his
1104010. Again the matter was postponed,
and was to bo called on Friday. Messett
is still absent and will *probebly remain
ro. As the United States authorities aro
not very much interested in the matter it
is hardly probable any effort will be luau
to oapturethe man. Tho authorities still
holt' the *500. The ease was put off for
two wooks longer.
Fen, Rectes.—Last Tuesdaya very
large 000)01assembled on Fairview Park
to witness the fall races. Tho whole
series were closel' contested and some
very fine trotting was done. In the three
minute trot there were ten horses entered
but only seven started. "Woodstock,"
"Thornwood" and "Big John" were dis-
tanced in the first heat. "Gunbilda," a
St. Marys mare, was 4111. The following
is the way the heats resulted :
Jaime, Soott, b m., A. Johnston
Brantford 1
Moda,s.na,,J.Shorauct,Woodstoolt 2 2 2
Pkinoo l'rodorlok, b.g.,Eida Bros,
testae -el 4 3 9
Tinto 2,84 037,2,114, 240.
In the next race' the 2.40 class, six
horses entered andfive started. Thetime
was not nearly so good as in the preced-
ing ertea "Rosewood" was shut out.
The horses won as follows :
I3111yE„ h. g., T. Barr, Sarnia 1 2 1 1
Boasts R., cat., Laird, Hamburga 1 2 2
Bill Donaldson, 0 g., R. Haps=
Woodstock 3 3 0 1;
Vole, 2.411, 0421,2,42, 2.43.
Tho open trot, called the 2.98 ohms,
brought out a first-olase string. A good
deal of local interest centered firmed
11110 1000 owing to the filet that Anemic=
flyers wore entered and also on account
01 1110 well-known "Florence G.," owned
by Geo. Whiteley, being in it. She, un.
fortunately, drove tho otttsido of the track
but she orowded the winner hard while
she kept her feet, "Bessie 13," shut her
out of 8td money by lotting ',Hotspur
Girl" take seem' place 11 the third heat.
Only four horses started M this race al.
though six entered. The reeord was :
Doe, lt'Oaek 10. Lawlor,Port Repo... 1 1 3.
Sossto 33,, s, m., Ilothorington
Neer Spring 2 2 3
10101.0000 G, b, ins Deo. Whiteley,
Soaforial 3 3 4
lietaphr Gila, b. In., 7, Sholuncl,
Woodstock 4 4 2
Time, 2.331, 2.314, 2.33.
A largo number of geed local goers weto
in town but did not compote owing to the
preeence of what was eupposed to bo
Something very speedy. Tho ledges
Were A. Polley, of Goderich, and NV.
Forbes and T. Bolls, of Listowel.
A leree number peteeetiect the rove', IVI • , III
esIccially from 411,, vureomoling town •, R 1A
Timm, ,i.eurpcl. roll oil pretty wen,
clueber deeelt: the
1-11 he
Aire. Lang 1o'atty Virilind friteele in
Aire. J. '1', Legitar lo violin( her friutele
in Cortraiell this week,
'P. 1', Simpeou is in London this week
making fall per:thanes.
11, Caber sold three clothes rhymes in
Bohnore two days last week.
Christopher lisynard and Jim. 'Max-
well left hero butt Tuesday on a trip to
J. C. Heffernan shipped a ear -load of
lambs from Ifenfryn station one day
!met week.
John Cober and wife aro away at Hes
peler thio week attending the funeral of
Mrs. Cober's father.
It moot be rather chilly out in the
Northwest. It ie reported that J. N.
Robertson gob his nose frozen recently.
Jonathan Hewitt has improved the ap-
pearance of house by veneering it with
brick. Ile lute now ono of the neatest
residences in the village.
George Imlay's family arrived from
Watford this week and will become resi-
dent.; of our village. Mr. Imlay is fire-
man in the grist mill here.
There will be no service in the Presby-
terian church for the next two Sabbaths
as the Rev, D, IL MoRao is going to
Glengarry to see hie nother.
Last Monday evening a horse belong-
ing to W. Ilan:Ion, of thn Oth con., ran
out of J. C. Heffernan's blacksmith shop
and made his way home in double quick
-Union practices between the choirs of
Ethel and Roe's churches are being held
in preparation for the big field meeting
to be hold on the second Sabbath in
It is stated that it is becoming fashion.
able for young men to pub on their best
attire and accompany the lady of their
choice to milk the cow and lend a hand
if necessary. That's right, as the boys
ehould be useful as W011 as ornamental.
Last Tuesday morning David Dobson
and Wife came home from the North-
west. He has given tip his situation on
the C. P. R. and purposes purchasing an
improved half seotion of land in the
Souris District, He will take out
stock, implements, &o.
John Redmond, M. P. for Wexford ;
William Redmond, M.P. for Fermanagh;
Edward Walsh and Father Kennedy
have been arrested under the Crimes'
Most of the iron work anl machinery
has been removed from the °lona' steam-
ship 'Great Eastern,' and the hull tvill
be shortly towed from the Clyde to
Barrow, where it will be demolished. It
is proposed to raise by subscription a
sufficient sum to enable tho promoters of
the scheme to convert; the dismantled hull
into a floating hospital or sailors' home,
but the project is not likely to bo success.
Is the matter of Ellen Taylor mol 'John
Taylor, of the Tountehiy of Grey, in
the County of Mean, Debtors..
TAKE :VOTIVE that the abovo named
Debtors hove made an assignment to nu)
hearing date the twenty-first day of August,
A.D.1858, nutter the provisions of "an set
respecting assignments and protoreucce by
insolvent persons," and being chapter 124 of
the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1397. A
>000111(0 07 tho creditors of the said debtors
will beheld. s t the Mlle° 0( 10,07. SINCLAIR
iu the Village of Brusiols, iu the County of
Duren, >1 100 hour of 11 o'clock in the fore-
noon on PIUDAT, the 31.st nay of August.,
A.D. 1807, for the amonntolent of insuectors
and tho giving of directions concerning the
menagetnenb and disposal of the estate.
Every person elchniug to be entitled to
rank °utile estate is required to furnish to
the said W. M. Sinclair particulars of their
claims, proved 17 111110010, together lvith
such vouchers os the once admits of. Dated
ti.0 Brussels this twenty-third day of Angina,
3.11, 10,8, EDD WARereetAatANA,
7-4 ASslOITRO,
- Fox- - 150- Cents.
Alt Work front the Sandiest to Life size
done In a first-class manner.
of Residences, lite., at Reasonable
W. J. Fairfield.
industrial and A rts Exhibition,
London, - Canada,
fOth to 2Dth Sept.
$23,000 Appropriated Cm Prizes Attrac-
tions, Me. $132,000 Value Of New
Grounds and Buildings. $200,-
000 tilsnlay of Agricultural
and other Machinery,
$500,0110 live Stock
Grand International Bench
Show of Dogs.
The Indian Tribes of Onttirlo are pro.
paring an immense exhibit of mfinufacitnrod
articles, agneulturel produetiOns and 605.
osillos of 10>8 1,0 hunting (lave, There win
bo Larger Prizes, Ernatier Attractions.
tome 00 Poe and more 00 Ioarn than at any
preylots othihition. Prize Hots and all nth.
or information may bo had on app ifeati011
to tho Secretary.
0AP11. A. W. Donn,: OFIC. PROPRIETOR, litc1414001d,
11 av ng rre, dyed 1,,,‘„ Fall Stock
I am 110W; Itroptif,11 it) offer
fit Cashmercs, jersey Cloths, Ot-
tomon Cords, :V4,11.0100, jacket
Cloths, Cloths, Flan-
nels, Shirtings, t1rotons,
Lace Curtains, Curtain -
Nets, Velvets and
Always a Good Stock of FitEsu
I have the i3est and Cheapest
TeleS ill TOWIL
C.144 .w.er avo.bw
before purchasing elsewhere. 1
anot be Undersold.
gent (,,r V' 11K Ett's >1)01
S. G.
RED nom:.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 61 Per Cent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Dirision. Court C'lerk, Brussels.
Money to Loan.
Money to Lorin on I? arm
party, at
- Solicitors,
Ifrussels, Ont.
Baby Carriages,
Baby Carriages,
Just to hand It splendid se-
lect:on of Baby Carriages which
will bo sold at very low prices. !
^ 1_
in 011(11088 variety. I tun pre- 1,
pared to please the public in
this department.
Fine selection of
LigW, Heavy Harness
Give me a call.
I desire to inform the Public
that I have Leased the well-
from Thos. Town and will run
the business next Season.
I will also continue to follow
my trade as
and am prepared to furnish esti-
mates for ,Tobs, &c.
alwftyR on hand.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A. 4110110108' Made Of OrtcbtaYllig and
Plastering Lino.
rrotudl,ot. Secretory.
toannounce thar
e rival of Ing FR
all ua Winter Stock which
will be fully completed by 1st September, when we will show one of
the finest and cheapest stocks ever seen in Brussels. Cotton and
Woolen Goods being very cheap 170 will be able to offer bargains in
these lines. Thotigh crops of some kinds may be a little below the
average, prices at which goods MU Le had this Fall will fully com-
pensate the Farmer for any deficiency in the (11"))) outlook.
In which of course we always take the lead, will be ready for in-
speetion shortly, of whih cdue notice will be given.
Fall Styles will be 7xceedingly Pretty,
Mass Green 801)ht) has koA n,such popularity by
her pleasing and obliging manner,
will be again on hand in a few days, after visiting the markets pick-
ing up all the latest styles in the way of materials, which aro very
largo and varied. We have also a -
just arrived which every Lady should see 10110 requires anything in
this line. Miss 101001811, whose style and fit gave so much satisfac-
tion, will again attend to this department. In. this as )veli as mak-
ing a Suit of Clothes we guarantee a perfect fit or no sale.
In all othEw lines', which are too numerous to mention in an ad-
vertisement, will be fully ai sorted ancl all wo ask of our flamer-
ous patrons is a look through ow: different departments. No trouble,
to show goods though•you may not want to buy.
Yours faithfully,
Brussels, Aug. 20, 1888.
F. C. Rogers,
)0..111NION HO IrsE.
1Euvr, vAALKoronm
In order to make room for
a large Shipment
we expect daily
from the