HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-24, Page 88
Wren for Strnohan Bros. eavt.
Tee weather ie thet reel to be ann.
or 0,
1tea i+a11 Imes r. of next we(k will be the to
.44 I dal' of se tembef.
Tun +°1'.eho" base ball club talk of, go
Arsymn Imre a drlig in 1110 mark, t, d r,^+ qt - f De ren
'emsea e uiSneateedeettra+atee•WEVZ �a�St Rina IF�t.:aa t:,tanere:,::,rco.ad Zahalawraaargeter«L:r .
Wet re Sine Viueger. A, Coon. ()
1 ue Omni; i arriving at Rtrluluttt tiro
Tux:t r to n treat deal of sit:knees in
t this scone, this summer,
'l'novt wile )ike Bleak Telt should try
• Allam U,+nd'P. Tito tlavnr is very fine. 6ll. Leameaueas baa otrohased a duan•
City of brick and purposes veneering his
comfortable residence.
Tos.-1 have a prime lot of to.
ntatoes for sale. Now is the time to
secure them, Tues. Enema 6
lura M eCnecaex has proclaimed
Tuesday of next week, 28th inst., 1110
('ivio holiday for Brussels and asks the
citizens to Observe it as sash.
s, '1'111 ChItt1u.t Yet, Arrau, GoodGoodPails BitilK•Frtla
(.) t lr t n o tf lr•.t w,:elc til.; infant lull" ' 1 I 1' } I Al 1
- wing lu Drn^,ing, leu"im"apn Pn!ut
' /I tiRtlletion 'P m err
ied nn TI nfterpaon Funrnutao , e.tf
I have lately received a reev me stock I
of White Wine Vinegar. Should you be
requiring any for
or for Table use 1 tcoald be pleased to
supply you.
Druggist, Ileokeell •r, and Fancy Geode
Peeler, Bruesele.
gives such universal satisfaction as the
COUGH REMEDY manufactured in
Seaforth, called
egos a1 Glu ccrato Balsam of fir
Its wonderful virtues have created a i
denlitnd for the Preparation from 011
parts of the Province,
Druggists sell it. Price 10 cis.
serener ssrl:Nstow, w. G. fi D. n.
'trains leave Brussels Station, vert and
south as follows: -
(10i110 5,1rtb. Being North.
Slafl... .... 0030.03. lnixed ..........0:911 a.m
Express 11:45 a.m.I if ail.... :t:(5 p.m
Mixed.......... 8;55 p.m. 1 Express,. � ..... 5:43 p.m
DtaaI. V(..eivs
elders mane ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prrnt it.
ing to Cia1t for a game.
1•'oranr Division Court will be held on
, Thursday of nowt week, Both inst.
Axe quantity of fresh lithe at the Hilo.
Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel. W, P.
KNLrx. Prop.
Coatl'ntc't:cu E house, conveniently sit•
tutted. to rent. Apply et Tin: Pose Pub.
lishing Monro.
Ito lows titan tilt youngsters were in.
vited to Garfield Vaostone's party Inst
Tuesday afternoon.
teethe value in Crockery and Glees.
ware. Finest white Granite Sets import.
ed $2 at Thomsons. 47.
Baleen base ballists are expected to
play a return match with one of our
junior clubs some day soon.
Tug brick veneer at Jno. lob's new
house is completed, ao is the dwelling of
Mfrs. Ferguson, on Alexander street.
Blies, ALsxixnoa has moved into th0
house lately oeaupied by Mr, Nightingale.
All orders in Millinery promptly at-
tend edto.
Mase TAYLOR, of Blyth, has been
chosen as Miss Stevenson's successor in
the Public school of this town by the
School Board.
Brslxrss is very quiet in town but the
large quantity of Fall and Winter goods
arriving indicate that our merchants ex-
pect u large trade to open up after' liar -
TEE cricket and ;lawn tennis clubs of
this town are arranging for a match with
Illyth on Tuesday of next week. Tho
wielders of the racquet will require to
look after their laurels.
going en lhurrest Excursion to Longo'.
burg, on August 28111• should I>rlrcinrse
tickets Prom T. Fletcher, Agent for C,P.tb.
(the road travelled errr.) Tlekels to and
from Il 50415 Stollen, All lrtfertnatien
an application, T. Fletcher, Agent.
A COLLISION between conveyances driv-
en by Jas. Slemmon, of Oraobrook, and
Samuel Fear, of Morris, on James street,
Brussels, on Thnrsday afteruoou of last
week, resulted in a broken rig for the
former and several dozen of damaged
eggs for the latter.
Bermes Public School will re -open on
Monday morning of next week. The
teaching staff,will be Principal Shaw and
Misses Abraham, Richardson, Hambly
and Taylor. It is no reflection =former
eaohers to state that the present staff
las never been excelled.
Ix speaking of the Brussels -Fergus
game of base bell the Walkerton Te/e•
cope says: :-On Wednesday the Fergus
nd Brussels 13. I3. Clubs played for a
op worth 330.00. It was evident from
he beginning that the Brussels team was
the strorthcr both in play and roughness
'though Bennet of Fergus pitched a
e00d l:ame throughout. At the close of
he game, the score stood in favor oe.
roasele 5 to 17.
Pont STANLEY excneaten on Tuesday,
og, 38th• from all stations between Kiu-
ardine and Listowel, at tho low fare of
1.70 ; children 12 years and under 90
ent. The tickets are good for two days.
ilia trip I•romises to be the most ltopn-
er excursion of the season. The train
aces Prose's at 7:90 a,un., returning in
the evening, train leaves Port Stanley at
:30, St. Thomas, 6:00, and London 7:800.
ass ugers remaining over till Wodnes-
ny may return by the regular passenger
Weeny tyrExPEC1•,-•Overcoats and wraps
to come into use. -Tho Council will put
en the balance of the roiling on the foot
ridgebefore some chid topples over in -
o the river. The hill at the east end
hould also be cut down. -The Band of
opo will reorganize for the fall and
inter campaign. -Millinery will come
o the front again. -Threshing bees, and
is of new wheat, barley, oats, &o.,
arketod at Brussels. -A good crowd on
he excursion toPort Stanley, 1t. Thomas
nd London next Tuesday. -Fall Fairs. -
n early winter. -People will lay in their
apply of coal for the coming cold
eathen-.Anotber crowd of excursionists
Manitoba on August 38th. -Frost.
stitution will open on August 27th;
ider the very best auspices. Besides
its illnstrious record in past years it adds
the excellent [-tending gained during the
past term. Its success at the recent ex-
aminations give the following results: -
Six candidates passed the first year Uui•
versity work -three with honors in
classics, Four candidates passed the
University matriculation, one with
honors in mathematics. Seven o ndi.
dates obtained second class certificates.
Thirteen candidates obtained third class
certidostoe, Three candidates of those
who wrote in Clinton took let Gs. This
ending is a long way above the aver -
a. The board has jurat completed the
off for next term, 'which will be as fol.
lows: James Turnbull, B. A., Principal.
S. W. Perry, B. A., Classical Master.
David Robb, 1st A, Mathematical Mas.
ter. Wm. Prendergast, B. A., Honor
Graduate Science Mathematics, Toronto'
University, Science Master. Miss Jennie;
Stork, Honor Graduate Toronto Univer-
sity, Junior English, etc, There is no'
bettor staff in the West, and with such a
od equipment, and other conveniences
the ILetituto possesses, there should,
d to doubt will, be a large attendance.
TnE rr,At INIMOTET,--The flax crop is
sported to be abundant and of good
ality this year, the growth not being
o rank, which frequently makes the
re coarse and unfit for first-class tow,
ex growing is getting to be a very re.
unerativo industry in Huron, and farm.
s whose land is adapted to it aro pay.
g more attention to its cultivation now
an formerly. The immense demand
ribinding cord has created a demand
al during the last two seasons the sup.
y has been unable to All. The oil pro.
cod from the seed is put to many more
es then formerly in the manufacture
nil cake and other' componnde need to
oar calves on where dairying is carried
I extensively and the milk is plat to
her purposes than feeding to naives,
s a el'Op there is no doubt that it ex -
este the Iand more rapidly than any
her ce3Oal commonly grown in Canada,
d farmers should use great mare in
Bing that the land is not impoverished
the toe frequent cropping with flax.
itln other grains the roots and a por.
n of the straw is left in the form of
noble, which is plowed under, but in
e cultivation of flax the whole crop is
ken away and net ouepartieie is return.
to the soil, to reptonish it, This form
exhanetion if allowed to obtain too
would soon impoverish the beet
soil and glove a 10311 instead of gain to
e beerier.
Tram? seed at McCracken's. t
Tum days are rapidly growing shorter. 1
NEW tweeds and sailings at Strachan
Now is the time to make your Fall s
announcenteet. a
Oonvae s famed Manitoba Flour for c
We at Tnoni us's. 48.
HEADOTAIITI ,, for binding twine and
mecitine oil. B. Gsies. 3. a
Cons, HOLLAND is having his black-
smith shop enclosed with brick. t
TEE International base ball scores are B
reeeivcd every evening by T. O'Neil.
Ovsa, 400 tons of flax have been weigh. A
ed already this sensor for the Brussels c
Flax Mill, 5
A smolt consignment of Cooper A- e
Smith's Boots and Shoos at Strnohan T
Bros. this week.
A tars: lantern entertninlnent wiil be le
given by D. W. Oampbell in Knox church
on Tuesday evening id next week. Go 5
and see it. p
TEE Hensall races, an the line nma d
driving park, will be hold on Monday,
Sept. 3rd, when a large number of valu-
able prizes will be given for the different
R. WILLrtata has been offered a good b
figure for his trotting horse by two Strat- t
ford gentleman but it is not tip to Dick's e
valuation yet.
TEE Statistiosl Record, 1887, has been tr
received at this office. It contains a vast t
amount of general inforhtatibn about lo
Canada and her resources, and is a handy m
office manual.
Tim cheap excursion, next Tuesday, to a
London, St, Thomas and Port Stanley A
is the topic of conversationt. There will s
probably be a large number go as the re- w
turn fare is only 31.75 with the privilege to
of returning by any regular train the
following day. in
WELL. DIGGING. AND Dou.rSxo.-George ur
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepared
to attend to all work entrusted to him in
a way that will insure satisfaction. Terms
reasonable. Residence second door north
of the bridge, west side of Turuberry
street, Brussels. 0-11
lumen of trying to secure a base ball
match with Galt or some other town why
not arrange to have a professional team
Come -say the Teoumsebs, of London -
and have a good game, something that
would draw a crowd 7 Some folks eay
the "Echoes" would not stand any show
but eve are not so sure about that and st
even if they were on the Toeing side it et
would be no disgrane to be defeated by a
profeoeioral nine.
A ruse days ago Rev. G. B. Howie,
pastor of Enox church, Brussels, appear-
ed before A. Hunter, J, P., and duly took
the oath of allegiance and naturalization
required by the etatuto of Canada, thorn.
by becoming a subject of Her Majesty
and enquiring all time right0 of citizeu-
sllip, The usual proclamation will be go
made by the Clerk of the Peace for the as
County of Huron in open court at the an
next General Sessions of the Peace. This
is perhaps the first instance of the natur- r
alization of a native Syrian in this Conn. ' qu
tv, (tMr. Howie having been born at , to
Monet Lebanon, fib
S.unnu'E <rnoor, I3xcrnerot.--On Wed- FI
nesday of last week the annual Sabbath re
School excursion of this dietriet was hold er
at Kincardine. When the train reached in
the Lake there were over 650 passengers th
on board, 228 of them going from Brus- fo
gels station. The excursionists were met ti
at the depot by Mayor Leslie and wel- p1
domed 10 the town, Occasional showers du
of rain somewhat marred the pleasure of us
the day but otherwise it was a most en- of
joyablo time. Between the tug :'Spray," i r
sail and row boats the majority of the or
visitors had a sail on Lake Il'uron, The of
Kincardine Band was out in the after. A
noon and discoursed mtrsie and greatly ha
added to the enjoyment of both old and of
young, The train started for home an
ellortly after six o'clock, two engines . so
being required to pull the oars to Luck- by
now. liincardineat'as unanimously voted W
a firot.olass place for an excursion party. , tie
If some of its enterprising roaidents + st
would band together and have a small 1 th
steamer at hand for nxcursioniete 111 to
would be an A 1 summer resort. Special eel
thctnlre are due to the Mayor, Conductor 1 of
Quirk, ex.3layor Baird, and odiloro Back I la
and Laing for the interest they took in of
arranging the preljntinaries Tor the 1511, til
Tis store and dwelling lately vacated
by Mrs. Alexander is to rent. The loca-
tion is the best in town, The key may
bo had at Tnn Poem Publishing Hottse, 0
SauiTraiss two or more eorrespoudent
send ns the same news The one send
ing it earliest gets the proferenoe, ale ofte
it gate tato type before the other is re
(0ap ,It a penny a bar and 111y,c¢ clothes
lnmwf nothing., WILL, G1}'1•i 1.1
:• lilt [iS,,1,LS
19 ,�f[t'lNT1/811-
son t t Bich, Williams died and was her. Bud Poinding ui Velvet.C)ua'gt m 1 a
GEonln Minuses has moved hie stable ,{�1 OW STRAYED .-. S'I'IIAYl+3
to 1110 rear of Ills lot anti is erecting
Lake house mut leaking several improve. ' from Brussels, en or 'dealt Aug, 1001,, a
1 red row will) grayish face. The tips of her
ments in 1110 oven, D. McNaughton and horns aro sawed off, Is giving milk, Any.
J. Crawford have had the job in haled, information leading to her recovery will be
Ciimicir No•rrs,--!Cho animal financial suitably rewarded. (3.5,15 1311, Broome!.
meeting of 11,e Wingham district mot in SPRAYED 11Z01I THE PREM.
file Methodist Church, Wingham, on Rei
'Wednesday, Aug. 8, it 1:30 p. 01. lieu. J. tars Ad the i n lersignsd, lot 7, 0055. 7,
(trey, 0 nor nbant Juno 101, 5 yetr$ngs, Three
Soon, 111. A,, preelded, and Rev. D. Rog- of them ore heifers, red aide white in artier,
ors acted in the capacity of tinauoial one of th a steers is a brindle nil the other
tsecretary. Members present :Revs. Scott, loading area
their r�oaovery will bo tiotakfnl
B11a1'ling, Smith, Swann, Torrance, Rog- received, 13(1IT. I11liGtS.
ers, Tango, Immo, Godfrey and Moleihbon. i.tf Brussels, P. 0
D ea met a (1 en oral If atukiitp
Cnt•flrt te.Ru• issues nad'lrn<lo alnrltesecured
and all other patent aanses 111 the Patent
nines and before the Courts prompbly and
enrefully attended to, 'Upon receipt of mod-
el orsketoh of invention, 1 snake careful
examivation,nn d advise as to patentability
Free of Charge. Fees moderate, and 1 make
no charge n nlo8R Antent�io 500nre0, Inform-
ation, advice and sp0550:1 references sent no
applic Minn, J. it. Lf i'TIsLL, Washington
D.C., U S. Patent OiliSo, 10.
s Laymen -Dr. 'yowler, W , Fessant, J. H.
MoIl'ardy, A. Morrison, N. 11. •Young, A.
n Prootor and A. Reid, Missionary work-
- 1 Wingham, Brussels and Walton made
looal arrougenannts. 'l'eeswator - M.
o Swann. Wroxeter, Nov, 18. --W. \V.
tt Sperling. L' onlesboro, Oct. 21.--R, God.
p frcy. Blyth, Feb. 9.-J. Saint, M. A,
e Auburn, Jan. 18 -Rogers and Tonge,
Belgrave, Oot. 28-D. Rogers, Blnevale
TICE 3100 sent by Samuel Plum t
Albert Schenck, Rostock, referred to
few weeks ago as missing lune turned n
all right being found in the safe of th
Sebringville postmaster by the Post Of
cI Nov. 25-A. 17, Sleuth, Loral arrange.
flee inspector. It lead born overlocke
by the p. in. in sending out the mail t
PEODLL• wE uNow,-Miss FOSE) 111, of
Toronto, Jas, Stewart, of Chicago, and
Atex. Stewart, of North Easthape, were
visiting at A. Stewart's, Queen street, -
Mise Jessie Bennett, a former resident of
Brussels, has been visiting old friends in
this locality, -Mies McGuire, dressmaker,
is away for a holiday for a few weeks.
Miss Sarah McGuire is waiting on her
mother at Wingham, who is ill. -George
Russell, of Wingham, was in town laet
Saturday. --Miss Hattie Rogers was visit.
ing at Walkerton and Mise Nina Rogers
at Wingham for a foto days.- Edwin
C. K. Davies, of Chicago, has been
the guests of E. L. Wade. Mr. Davies is
evidently well cared for. -Miss Hannah
Metegas, of St. Johns, is making a visit
with Mrs, A. Currie jr.-G. A. Powell,
wife and daughter, of Stratford, were in
town for a couple of days last woek.-
Mirs Lizzie Wilson returned last week
from a pleasant visit to friends in Lon.
don. -George Burton, teamster at the
salt works, has been off work for sums
time through illness. -D. Ferguson, of
Stratford, was in Brussels last week. It
is reported that he is erecting a dwelling
in the classic city and will very shortly
"commit" matrimony. - Miss Stella
Holmes is on a visit to relatives at
Goderioh.-Elisha Armstrong, who is
filling a position in a London dry goods
stole, was in town over Sonde', on a
visit with his parents. -Mise Richardson
le back from her holiday excursion and
had Miss Ross visiting her for a week. -
Jas. Jones is off for a vacation of a week
or so to Toronto, Milton and "around,"
He didn't forget to talce his silver eornc t
along. -G, L. Bail, L. D. h., wife slid
son, of Soaforth, }torn visiting relatives
and friends in this locality this week. --
Miss Isa Swann is visiting at Henfryn
with Miss Dyke this week.-MissFluety,
of Winghatn, was in town for a few days
last week. -Capt. Bates, of the S. d„
Wa,korton, was hero last Sabbath. --Mrs.
Wm. Iinechtel has been on the sick list
for the pest week. -The Gaderich Signal
in speaking of those who assisted in a
concert in that town says : Miss O'Con-
nor, of Guelph, made her first appearance
before a Goderioh audience at this con-
cert, and succeeded in winning a place
for herself from her initial song. She
was time and again recalled, and alter
singing "Marguerito" the applause was
most enthusiastic. Miss O'Oonnor pos-
sesses a full, rich voice, which pleases the
ear, and her articulation 10 particularly
good. Her manner, also, which is quiet
and unaffected, is one that could bo copied
with goad results by many public singers.
She created a favorable impression, and
would receive a good reception were she
to favor a Goderioh audience on a future
occasion. --Thos. McGillicuddy, a former
editor of Tian Pose, has been honored by
the Presidency of the Canadian Short-
hand Society. We congratulate him. -
Wesley Hunter, who has been in this
vicinity for some time, left on Tnesdey
for Manitoba. He makes his home in
Neepawa and is greatly taken up with
the country, -Rev. Father DeCantellon,
of Newark, N. J., was in town for parts
of two days visiting his sister, Mrs.
O'Neil. He is thoroughly interested in
his missionary enterprise in which he is
engaged.-Eiss Mary Movies, of Wing -
was in town on Saturday. -Thos.
Kelly and sister have returned from their
trip to the Emerald isle greatly benefitted
by the voyage. Mr. Kelly says he would
not live permanontly in Ireland if they'd
bestow half of it to him.-lliobard Card-
iff, a little son of 1YI. M. Cardiff,
had the misfortune to fall and break his
left leg. Favorable progreee is reported.
• hes. Chas Seger has gene to Wiarton
for a visit. Mr, S,•gar is engaged there
in putting in the now waterworks system
manufactured by J. D, Ronald, of this
place. -Mrs. Walter Jackson has been ill
for the past two teethe but we hope she
will soon be restored to her usual good
health. -Mies L. Growthier, of Listowel,
is visiting with Mrs, Alex. Wilson. -Al•
bort Denny, of Niagara Falls, is here on
a holiday visib to his mother. -Charlie
Dutton has been o0 the siolc list this week.
-Councillor Graham has been sightsee-
ing at Winnipeg for aweek.-lered, Frey,
a former Brussolite, has leased the Com-
mercial hotel in Seaforth and will to,
move there. Ho makes a good landlord.
-Jennie and George McLauchlan aro
away this week at Charley on a visit.-
Advid Shiol went to Cloderioli Jest Sat-
urday with Dudley II ohne 1 on a visit for
a VGA -Miss Minnie Gerry "Suudayed"
in Wingham -Fred, Hinds returned to
Montreal last weak, -Mrs, .1 no, Shaw and
May are visttiug friends at Soafnrtli.
Mrs. J. W. Shell !Ind Mrs, Richardson
ars doing ditto, --Jas. Jones and D. Wile
son assisted the Seaforth Band last Thee.
day in playing at the lacrosse match in
that town. -las, Wilson and Fred and
Itov, 7. L. Kerr were "rustioating" in
Gerrie last Tuesday. -Rev, David Pot'rio
and wife, of Missouri, were visiting
relatives and friends in this locality this
week, ---David ].toss, wifo and family, of
Chester, N.Y„ aro visiting with Win,
Boss, William streot. 13r, Rosa is a
railroad engineer and, judging by appear-
ances, the Dares of the world rout vary
lightly on him, lie is a brother to our
oWnsmen,-Mrs. 1'leteher wont to Lusk -
now on Wednesday afternorn, - John
Ross, brother to Miss Joseie Ross, Who
has been in the Toronto Globo (Aloe for
Oho past 10 years, line been very ill with
typhoid fever', ere are Sorry 1e hear, Ills
brother Tom welt from 7fuelph •It, nurse
o meets for educational wont on each
circuit S. 11. Cana mitten will bo held is
Blyth on Wednesday, Sept. 5, and a REAL ESTATE.
clay for the promotion of the work of - '._ - -
God, :nay district tweeting to be held in (11)11F011TARLT; DIVE I,LIN
Wingham,-1lov, J, Roos, 13, r1., is en. ,vide Asea garden [itemised, to rat
joyialg a holiday, omiaequeptly his Aril_ Central location. 1,1:1 0 at 1'rr a 1'vsr 1'11
pit was vacant last Sabbath and will be llshlug I35110!•
,1 few splendid, inxprovod farms r
sale In the township of Grey, Morris n
Alolllllnp, Apply to A , Di1I.GA1'1'T,
dilation e1 lir ussols P, [l,
meeting in sane place on the following
(huutdla n nod limited ti tato: limits bought
and sold
Interest allowed nn dews:its,
Collections made og,fct.ecrable tanks,
Cnnndian Agents-lilmcrin5T's B.}Nr 03'
New York Agents-fatrnnpEn4 Awn Titan -
nus MA'r11>NAL 1lAym,
f f • or, Conveyancer. 'TT
&a, Onlco : Graham's Block. ,tour north of
ILn•Geavos' Drug Store, Private Funds to
1:(1,R, W A D B, DAPlIt1sTE,E,
• Solicitor and Notary Piddle, Con.
5 ovanefng. Collections and I,mtain1. Mr,
}vatic • ill attend in (rnrria every Werinon.
day ,tttwn o'clock,
it, riche
Mate with
Salle( s,s,row r 'innvyanaers,
1- Sc, Ofiloa,'laaut'a lilnek, !lrutasais. Slonoy
to Inan.
Or A • AI. TAYLOR, 13. C. l I Art,
Co• nrsTEn, Solleltnr, &m., of the nem 0t
Dickson & Ta tor, Itnrrtstors.
Solicitors, &a., Manning Arcade, King Street
:� , West Toronto. ;tioney'to loan,
.L L the Fourth Division
Convoy:moor, NotarPblic, Lt Co. Intron
and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and
to /one. Collections mate, Oillee 10 Gra-
ham's Bloglr,ilrussols.
s0g.RT CUNNia'Ghq 7
next Sunday it.o. Itct. G. B. Howie, M.
A., preached at llelgrat•e last Sunday
afternoon. -In the absence of the pastor
of the Methodist church, Rev. J. II.
Dyke, of Henfryn, eminence( Isis place
last Sabbath morning and evening. -One
week from next Sunday tho anniversary
sermons of the Methodist Sabbath School
hero will bo preached by Rev. Jno, Scott,
M. A., of Wingham. The morning dia,
course will bo to the children. Instead
of Sabbath School at 2:80, a platform
meeting, open to the public, will be held
tylion Rev. G. B. Howie, M. A., will give
an address rn "The children of the
East." Rev 31r'. Scott will also speak. -
Rev. R. Paul supplied at Londesboro' the
last two Sabbaths, -The ordination of
elders in connection with Knox church
will take place one week from next San.
day, Sept. 2nd. -"The Pillar of Cloud"
and "The Feast of Weeks" are the sub.
jeotn of Rev. Mr, Howio's discourses next
Sabbath: -The usual monthly service
was held in the R. L', church in this place
last Sabbath morning. Father Shea, of
Seaforth, conducted the service, --Rev. R.
Paul will occupy the Methodist church
pulpit next Sabbath in the absence of the
fy.�.t(C Oji wirer _.riu�. _.
Si `set First Class 50 -acre far
coot half ni Int 2, con, 12, ('Trey towiis11
40 nonce oleaae,l and needed to grass; balance
ros,Wlesoldf y tens
and possssvlm> given at nay time. 'Apply to
40118 AfoalADDEN, or t0 ALEx, ISUNTEn,
Brussels. 5.4tn
scrims offers . his valuable 100 a()
UMW, being lot 3, con. 11, Grey Towltshil
s cl axed and it geed There
T about e to
log house, good bank barn, beating manor
and all the 500055nry conveniences on til
premises. For further particulars, as t
111(00, terms, eta, apply to the Proprteto
fHitS. HISLOP, Clare P, Q, N, W. T., or t
2,41 DOTIG3j, 1 SPICA°BAN, 13rusae
1.. 1eae of the undersigned, lot 23, eon.
Morris, In the month of May last, 3 heifer
and one steer, Ithe stem. resembles a bull i
the head, rod -dill sonic white spots) 1 hoi
or is red in 00101, 1 r,nl with white on flan
and moon, and 1 yellow with white belly ar,
white across the hind quarters. Any -h
lo.rmatioll regarding the above will
thankfully rrcoived. 'there are also 3 stro
\, IIA . F. GALE, AJ:. D., O. AI,
e lleutborof tate College of Pllyelotans and
Sur:Mena of 011 Mato by examination.