HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-24, Page 7rtl AUG, 17, 1888. THE BRUSSELS POST. FEOUSE$OLD, and expression tamp ht hint by great mos. (ASSESNytENT SYSTEM, ) f 1 i 1' tion Slime its inception in 1870, the Toronto' Industrial Exhibition has proved a con- I Canada's Great .Fair. tore, a4 s n his vocation. ^ Lelrge Life Insurance Claims Pio Colwtry, <, Now,dour Mrs. owoom)u, s Newcombe," " he said, id Plasty Censure, " if you're wino flow often when rad and perplexed we FIErE1r.N TIfaDNAND DOLLARS PAI, ur TnE' You'll give up your soruplos and learn to haubily censure those dear little ones whom MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LteeAN maisiTION make plea, Goa has given into our keeping, but when —1 I TY'EIt me THANES AND ENDUIUYEAIENT t r There'll cherry and currant and apple and our darlings are quietly sleeping, and We eN TUE Aa'oofAxrev BY 1VIL.t )T 1), lYanT• poaoli stop for a moment's reflection before seekingTHEWS, 1.Nt2 , PRIM li m p op riot To2.oI: ro And lemon and grape—I have rules, dear, the muoh needed rest, the still email voice of Bo.t)oD ol'Tama, la'ru„ Itro, for each--- Thor0a raspberry, blankborry, blueberry, mince, And pumpkin, and prune, and—well, no, not quinao— But all other fruits, I ant oerbain, will rico To moot the demand in the making of pies. " They aro handy for breakfast, for dinner and ton, And they're bandy for lonohoo as all will agree ; Why, up at our house wo just make it a rule To always send pie for tho children at school ; And I'm sure I don't know what our men folio would say If'twero nob set before them ab least twine a day. Our kneading board's worn till It really looks thin, And mother has ordered a now rol'ing-pin. " There's scarce an 000agion when pie isn't nice Calm 'tie a wedding—and Uncle James Rice, When his Sarah was married, was really unable To make out a meal without pie on the table ; So they brought him some mince pie his hun- ger to whet, And he said 'trims the beet pisco of wedding caste yet. Oh, yea, you will find, if yon open your eyes, That the folks in this region are bound up in pies.' oousci0ace whispers unpleasantly in our oars, and we are forged to the oonaiuoion that we woro nob only very unwise, but very wiokod, Wo who abould have boon ex- amploa of patience mud good temper, have fallen from the sublime height whore motherhood had placed us and lie groveling in the duet of impationoe mad fretfulness. And the child whose right it is to look to u$ for perfection stares in open.eyod wonder ab our debasement. In the joyousness of happy ohildlrcod he cannot underotand the cloud upon our brow, ho cannot see why his happy, noisy play dis- turbs us and bringa the impatient tone and fretful censure, he dons not know what he has done wrong, and wonders why he is scolded. And the mother wonders, too, as she reviews the events of the day, mar - vela at bei own weakness and lack of win, dom in thus allowing her ohild to Dee the worst] side of her nature. While wo thus deport ourselves before our children, we must not wonder at exhibi• tions of temper displayed by them. We have thrown away the rudder by which we might have hoped to teach them to tattier their little barks safely through the seas of perplexity and trial ; but how oan we ex. peep to teach them self control when we are wholly unable to control ourselves s Ex- ample everything, am 10 ie ever thin , precopt is nothing. nthin g We meat be what] we wish them to become. There is no power on earth equal to a mother'o influence in her everyday life before her children. Tnere ie a propensity born in every child to think that whatever mother dons is right ; and so long as the ohild is too young to reason this will be its guide. But the time will oome when wrong will bo wrong, even though the mother be the one who commits it, but ere this the baleful in- fluence will have done its work, and habits be formed which may last a lifetime. When the ruthless hand of death snatches away our loved ones, we remember, with pangs of remorse, every hasty word and un- necessary rebuke. This hi but natural, and yot how muoh more poignant should be our grief for hasty censure for those still alive, who, perhaps, are destined to carry about with them for many years the scars which our words have made. The wound may partially heal over, it is true, but a surface once deep marred will never be so smooth and beautiful as before. Even the atone. meat of an after life of perfect patience can never wholly undo the wrong. Oh, that these words may meet the eye of some happy young mother, clasping in her loving arms a sweet morsel of a baby, who has never seen the shadows of a scowl upon the Moe bending over him ; and may aho see and understand what a wonderful Ilea in her conduct. ' i uenco for good or evil h nfi r e alize ,The life of those who have come to their mistake too late to remedy its evils, is before her, and if she will but be profited by the experience of otharo, she may save herself muoh humiliation and remorse. Children and Music). There appears to tae no art or anguage so universally used as a moans of expression as that of musio, and there aro comparatively few children who do not love to dance to its motion, to Mpg happily while at play and to loiter around the piano when there is music to be hoard. The sound of the hand -organ draws little children to the windows and their Deniers atop to listen to the street band. Many a heavy task is lightened by the strains of melody which float on the air, when one soarcely realizes that ho hears them. The study of musio, as to its disciplinary effects upon the young mind, is, 1 think, undervalued. The system of teaching it in our wheels, while frequently good, la not made sufficient- ly useful to an ob ly oonoiso or Songs are taught to bo sung on specie. 000aeion0, but, as a rule, the music teacher visite the eohool but once a week. Often when ho comes the children are weary, the sir of the eohool room is impure, there has been little opportunity forphyoioal activity, and the voices are hoarse from the inhala- tion of duet, and lifeleee on account of poor circulation of the blood. Tho pu pile are many times told to " sing louder," and too often the result is that young voices, natur- ally so pure, sound harsh and unmueioal. So sharp a line is drawn between the possibilities in the oontiuued use of boys' voices that they need to be handled with peculiar Dare, while, although there is a period of change in the young girl's voice it ie almost imperceptible. It, too, requires discreet troatmeut. The largo number of maintain a of the Mu. Wel Reserve Fund Life AssooIation resident in Canada will read with eatisfaotion the following letter from Wilmot D. Matthewe,. N :q , in referring to tho prompt] payment of the large amount of lite insurance held by hie late father, W. 1), Matthews, Boq.:— Thoi a is probably no name in Canada more widely known than that of Mr, Matthews— and ooaupying as ho does so many impar. taut positions of trust, suoh as President of the Toronto Board of Trade, Director of the Domi Paaifi Marra with The starto strati oonld less t or hi with has p obota prone and fi boot paid doll nears Pond Mr of th Syat The incur amou have fore, tone W Mos D beg MTV oheq full inau Mat mat I ro sera Ma Har the me ma f am do m cos get the a tru psi t0 wi do M es w an Ca U se A go rinsed sor'iea of sucoossea, and the one for the present year, Go be held from the 10th to 1 the '1'2id of September, prvmieoe to Again surpass 1!: every remold those that have t e for N ata n 1 w l alien Aran is ss d Already P P Y AP A t ro tl than t more nun e u d tm0ntt are m 11 e w e w p over before, A liberal Prize fiat and a long programme ct first elms and novel special attractions hi what the Toronto Fair offers, and 0000000 is always the result, Speoial exhibits will be scut from Manitoba, Britioh Columbia and many other motions. of the Dominion, Tho spooial attractions already contracted for are the beat that money oan secure, and there will be plenty to see, both to loathed aim amuse, every day of the Fair. Programmes oontaining full details will bo issued early in August, and will be sent free to any one desiring them, Prize Lista can also bo securod by intending exniuitore on their droppinga post card to Mr. Hill, the Mon Sauk, and also of the Canndimu 1, rotary, ubl'uronto, All entries have to o Railway— his letter to the Canadian bo made before tee 18th of August. The people of Ontario seem to have set down the time of the Toronto Fair as the ocansion of their annual holiday outing, and the railway companies recognizing this toot have deoided 011 giving cheaper fares than ever before for this great exhibition, which fa so popular with all. It will be opened on the llth Sept. by Lord Stanley, the now Governor- General, gars of the Mutual Reserve carries It more than ordinary weight. Mutual Reserve a few years einoe d out with the determination of demoti- ng to the world that Life Insurance bo afforded with perfect security for lmn half the Dost charged by old-line gh•rate companies. While meeting the most unaorusulous opposition it luokily pushed forward, overcoming all aloe plaoed in its way, and today is unoed a marvel of mimes, its system nanoial position being endorsed by the actuaries on this 000tinent. Ib has for death olaime over five millious of are, and ab the same time accumulated y to millions of dollars in its Reserve Matthews' insurance is an illustration e small cost under the Mutual Reserve's am as compared with other companies. sum total of payment by him on 815,000 anoe has only been 51,665. The same nt under the old-line system would cost him &4,657. It will be seen, there - that the actual saving in goat amounts arly (53,000) throe thousand dollars. D. MATTHEWS & Co., Commission Merchants, Pacific Buildings, 26 Front st. east. Toronto, June 16, 1888. ors, Wells & McMurtry, General Man- agers Mutual Reserve Fund Life Asso• Motion, Toronto EAU Srns,—In behalf of my mother I to express her thanks to the Mutual Re- ve Fund Life Aesouiation for receipt of ue (515,000) fifteen thousand dollars in settlement of claim under policies of life ranee held by my late father, VI . D. thews. Although the claim does not Uro for several weeks, the same has been raptly paid without the slightest trouble. y father always held the Mutual Ro- e in the highest estimation, and from intimate aoquaintanee with President the i f executive officers of and h oh e per P association, never hesitated to r000m- nd is to all who applied to him for infer - time. I, as well RS other members of our ily, hold large policies in the Assoaia- n and believe it to be one' of the beet unaged institutions represented in this otry. The small cost of insurance, to - her with the precaution taken to protect trust funds of the Aseooiation, in the ofa separate corporation as ppointment p p stee for the polioy-holders, and the aim - city and stamen of its system, cannot fail make the Association deservedly popular eh the insuring public. Yours truly, WILMOT D. MATTREws, The Mutual Reserve Fund Life Associa- n, of whioh the above letter of Mr. atthows refers, is the largest and strong• t open Assessment Association in the orld. It has issued over seventy-five thous - policies of Life Insurance. It has a oh Reserve Fund of nearly Two Millions Dollars, and full Government Deposit at Mama. Active agents wanted in every unrepre- oted district, Correspondence solicited. ddrese, Wells & McMurtry, Gen'l. Mano- rs, Toronto. e Forced to Norse Small -Pon Patients. William Blount, a fourteen -year-old boy, has begun suit, throughh a guardian whom he had appointed for that purpose, against the Pacific Mail Steamship Company for 550,000 damages for personal injuries. Ho claims to have sailed from New York last April on the Newport to visit a aouain in San Francisco. At Panama he was transferred to the Aoa- puloo, and two duye afterward small -pox broke out aboard. Tho sick were at once planed in a lazaretto on the sbfp, and youne Blount with them, though he did not have tho disease, bub merely a rash on his fore- head. At Acapulco they were put on a do- eert island, where they remained until May 9. Blount had to take oare of four sick men and nurse them through their illness, bad to row over the bay and get food, and suf- fered much hardship on the island, watch woe barren of vegetation, and on which the sun beat fiercely. He says that when the Captain got to San Francisco he made no mention of the sick men, nor were their names ou the passenger list. The lad thinks ho is justified in demanding a good round sum for damages. But itis not vocal musio in particular to which I wish to refer ; rather to tho.atudy of musio uta an art to be begun in childhood, One frequently hears parents express dread of their boys becoming muaioians. 11 the parout or guardian possess good intuitive power and will conscientiously watoh and be willing to accept what he finds, he will usually bo able to discern what the Maher of all intended his child to do. At leant, he should be most careful not to misdirect the ability with which his child is endowed. What do we seek most to control in a child or help him in controlling but his emotions s Might not, indeed, the whole Christian life be summed up as ono in whioh the human being learns the power of real self controls Now there is, it appears to me, no one study that helps the student with more nicety to discipline his emotional nature than that of mucro. A mere loiterer in the realms of musio has no idea of appreciation of this fact, for the life of such is morn dabbling with the art. Never too strongly urge a child to study musio if you see that he dons not in any sense enjoy it, for he will neither succeed in the health giver, what an unbrodden field nor derive much benefit from it ; bub if you ha there I" There is much to be said in this are his parent do not naturally gook to ex.bdirection. Musio lessons should be viewed press yourself in the ace art of tone, be by the parent as he thinks of other studies Take Rim Out in the Yard. Bishop (on his semi-annual round)—" And do you remember me, Bobby 7" Bobby—" Oh, yes sir, you are the gentle. man ma scolded pa about because you smok- ed in the parlor and nearly ruined the curtains." Oifioial reports on the Russian harvest show that wheat will be an excellent crop, rye far above the average, ,and the yield o f oats and barley fair, A. P. 410. Delliang CANOES. Send for I11. 06100000. W65. ENGLIN.II, Teterboro, Ont. PATENTS procured. Patent Attorneys, nod exper . Eat'd 1887. Donald O Rldout t Oo., Toronto. KNITTING, rR ro 1,,r,ron4.MACHINES AGENTS WANTEI)—•`EAGLE " yte,nu Washer. Address EEO. D. FERRIS, 87 Oh ereh St, Toronto. very careful that you do not, like Dr. Han• del, who himself abhorred musio, try to mush thespirit tv e n to your little one by Him who knows his needs. Be sure, if you do, he will (although he may have no genius like the groat master, who within a fortnight of inspiration gave to us the oratorio whioh has most moved the world), like little George Frederick Handel, el be discovered running as fm et as his torte feet can carry him, in aearoh of those who will help him. The parent surely needs to be disoreet that he neither over-rate nor under -value his child's gift. The child who has a horror of mathema- tics may with well-chosen object lessons in musio be taught fractions muoh more easily (and to his taste quite likely) than by be- ginning with that section in arithmethio. Then, a pertain amount of history and literature, the exquisitely delicate training of hie educational powers, the means of ex- pressing himself ; all these may be, indeed, should be given by the music teacher. Have no foolish fears if your boy tends toward a musical career. Give him, iu so far as you are able, oppor- tunity to study it. It may in after life form a parb or possibly the whole of his business or profession, but it will, le any ease (if he levee it), carry him over many an hour in whits!' ho might wastt hie emotioaa over foolish novole ; it will servo to give him an outlet for the tempestuous restlessness whfoh bode almost every child. It will soothe him when fretted, and aid hila to purity and strength. All this is equally applicable to gide. Then, as Mr. Rrwots says, "for musio for his child, as a means to an end—and tha a useful one not who fails not as a mere accomplishment, he and t toao to realize this and the responsibility with wbiah ho is intrust- ed, that of helping to guide the young mind and heart into ways of purity and of thought We remain young so long as we can learn, ban adopt new habits, and oan bear mantra. diction, People who are eubjoot to bad breath, foul mate eongue, or anyyy disorder of the Stomach, oan at ono be relieved ld and by fed ming Ask vo a DrooglatIIlttom Capons are very small, but bonnets grow larger as the summertido flows on to autumn. 1000 1 omen Cone onre9 in one minute. FARMSFOIL SAI,IG of bENT, Atu Sazxs, 1t,Noe and CH, line.einl bargalne, MITITCHELLLL,, DU57000, GNI, AGENTS WANTED for the Improved Model Washer and Bleacher. Price 03. Address 0. W, DENNIS 0 Arcade, Toronto, Ont. S� CANOE y� TUMORS, ULOORS, SCROFULA, �ieto., oared permanently without i the knife, Apply to DR, w, L. S5il1qt1RK 111 frp,Ip,, 2ir010 *sea week f ea reases 1245queen E., Taranto. 11p ./4Y0010 A44. Aurvoto. annex16 .. AGENTS WANTED EY lo100 fro rRE In the Dominion tar our Hovee• hold Spatialties. Address TAneoX Broe,Torooto, Ont. ONEY TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Ilntee. No delay. Correspondence eolioltod. E. W. D. BUTLER, Financial Bata1lished 1100. 72 Klug -et. E., Toronto. ?11085 0101LER INSPECTION and incur, .11 once Company el Canada, Consulting En gine rs and o icitors of Patent'. G.0. Ross Chief Engineer. A. FDA0010 See'y-Treae. ANY FARMER WHO DRAGS HIS WIFE out to b too mean to bu t bolt Ba moat n a the oar t o a g •1 to the "Dandy" Patent Bag Holder, which all ane lifetime, and coats only 760. Sold by agnate. Terri- tory still open. 0, W. ALLEN it 00., "World' Builtl..;, Tonto. erl/ 9%6tingNknte arne1p, sailing between Moral and Liverpool. Salome tickets Montreal to Liverpool, 840, 860 and $00. Return tickets, $80, 800 and 8110 according to 0taaner and accommodation. Inter - Round tripOtt tickets, 840, For furtRound trip herOpartioulars Bund apply to H. E. MURRAY, 0010816. to secure births, pp y Manager,LlA1 Custom different Square, Montreal, le .o the Local Agents in the different Towne and OlGlee. per seine Summer's heat debilitates both nerves and body, and Head. state, Sleeplessness, Ner— vous Prostration, and an "'all.played-out" sensation prove that PAINE's CELERY ComrotOND should bo used now_ This meth cine reatorea health to Nerves, Kidneys, Livor, and Bow— els, and imparts life and energy to the heat pra0frated system. Vacations erne vacations, PAINE's CELERY COMPOUND is the medi- cine for this season. It is it soien- tifia combination of the best tonics, and those Talo use it begin the hot summer days with clear 'heads, strong nervesand general good health. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Is sold by all druggists, 51 a bottle. Six for $5. WELT.. , RICHARDSON do CO., Prop's, Montreal P.Q. Noy Imi AND 'gather .orator 0r• woRtNG m EXTRACTS NSAININ�u�IIIW'�v It�`` ul F M >3AtstGp7EftiS MAPA ft9 i e*eifftivPURr CeIAnIanvo, (ve 0000 *800 n!• n FLAxonlnc eXTnA,Qrti Aar n11'$00806rsrye0tsr4.40 flasx Cheap Excursion Will leave all points on the C.P,R,, and N. & N. W. Ry. in Ontario, en AUGUST 28TH rTILLIAM BRIGGS, PUBLISHER, TORONTO— has now a large staff of ladies and gentlemen engaged in osevnesing for his several fast -selling sub• serlp ion backs and Parallel Family Mies; none but honorable persons that do business on a square basis aro engaged to act no agents for him ; his object is to make money for the at ant, as well as h r the house he represents. omelet the tame time treat every subscrib- er, , ion or poor, as he would like to be treated ; agents will 0011 that it pays best to work for a good house. It this meets the eye of tiny persona notengaged with rue at present, send for circular andtull Information. LEATHER BELTING. EST VALUE F. LT DIXONHE & DOMINION. Makers, 70 Kin Street East, Tomato. ,OrSend for Pries Lists and Diaconate LANG --FO1O R— ;UR j LA,l.�G!L'I,S.�E III �J.L`C, —PASSING T1IR0UOIi— NORTH - WESTERN MANITOBA, over M. &N. W. Ry. SELF -THREADING NEEDLES.ORI:ATNST Novelty Outs Instantly threaded without passing thread through the eye. Agents coir money eeleLg them. Sample packet by mail 15o, dozen packets 81 UD Whiten alenumetu ring Co.,Terente, Ont. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Faro for Round Trip, $28 Trains leave TORONTO it 11 o'clock p. m, AUG. 28Tu. The party will be accompanied by J. S. CRAWFORD, of BIRTLE, MAN. TICKETS issued at all stations and good to return for 60 DAYS, for lay over on return at WINNIPEG. For information apply to all Agents of 0.1'.R., G.T,R., or to J. S. (R4 FORD, Canadian Pacific Railway Ticket Offioo, TORONTO Stained Glass FOR. CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. M`CAUSLAN D & SON, 76 King, St. W., Toronto. WESTERN MACHINERY 0)111.001 T MMENSE STOCK of Machinery to select from, .4 good for Lists. II. W. PETRIE. Brantford, Ont. The Mistakes of Moses and Ingersoll, are oommoo topics of conver- sation, but the mistake we wish to comment on here is the great one so many people la- bor under that consumption (which ie really only Sorofula of the Longs) is an incurable disease, and that their is no hope for one suffering from it. This terrible malady, that yearly fills so many graves, can be sure- ly. cured, if not too long neglected. Be wise an time, if you are afflicted with it, and arrest the undermining infiuonoe that is sap- ping your life -blood, and hurrying you to au untimely grave, by using Dr. Pierce's Medical Discovery, a remedy that never fails in its life-giving mission, if taken in time. A11 druggists. Do not make witticisms at the expense of others which you would not wish to have made upon yourself. For Sweet Rome Sake, Mothers, wives, sisters! why that•pabient, hopless suffering, those pinche& melancholy faces that sadden home and enure anxiety to loved ones, while so potent and harmless a remedy as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip. tion oan be obtained of your druggists It is a penano:a for all "female oolnplaints," of marvelous efficacy and health'giving qual- sties. The debilitated, and sufferers from those excruciating periodical pains, "drag- ginar•down" feelings,back ache and kindred female disorders, should use this certain re- medy at once, and be restored to the bless - Inge of health, for home's sake. Of druggists. A fashion journal says that stockings or- namented with twisted serpents will be worn with low shoes this summer. One pound of mercury converted into fol• minate is sufficient to charge fifty thousand peronssion caps. Whenever your Stomach or Bewail) get oat of or der, causing11111ouene0s. Dycpopela, or Indigestion of Dr. lioroon tar Stomach attendant Beake et family omedicine, All Druggits, 60 cents. It is much motet to think right without doing right than to do right without think- ing right. A Caro for lerunkenu006. The opium habit, depoomanln, the morphine habit nervous prostration caused by the ase of tobacco, wakefuln0e, mental depression, softening of the brain, eta, premature old age, less of vitality oaueod by ove1.0.010100 of the beala, and loth of natural strength from any muse whatever, Men—young, old or middle aged—who aro broken down from any of the above onuses, or any e00Oe notrnentforted abooe Bend your address and10 dente in stamps for Lisbon's Treatise fn boost form, of Diseases of Man, nooks sent sealed and enure from observation. Address LI, V. Lanes, 47 Wellington street haat Toronto, Ont. Ilo is the richest man who knows how to use the keys whioh Lifo Aute into his liauds, 11'01UN61 PILES. and dinging cot atonght; worse t intense lathing meet at vlght ; s70rha by len often b d aol v,1 to r wldoh often bleed and idol. - ate, eo n tint m tumors tom ate, ba Halting a vary sero. 8195Vheals n'e ratio n, a same the itching and 61001100, baste ul0ertlon, and in many dies remov0e the tumours, It to equally eta, oaolOne in outing all stein dietician, DR, SWATHE & SON Proprietors, Phnadolphla, SWAvsa'S OnnannTra Strunk With Lightning, Neatly describes the position of a bard or eat corn when Putnant'sPainlote Corn Extractor is applied. It does Rs work so quickly and 1 without pain that it ooema magical in 1 action. Try it. Recollect the name—Put• nam'0 Painless Corn Extractor. Sold by all oan to obtained of drugs ate. Seat by mall for druggists and doalere 'everywhere. '000ts. X500 Reward. For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy have offered, in good faith, a standing reward of $500 for a ease of chronic nasal catarrh which they cannot cure. No mattef how bad the disease has become, or of how many years standing, it yields, in due Woe, to their skill. This fain- ous remedy is gold by druggists at 50 meats, Eleatic) light in cakes of in is a novelty for the illumination of ballrooms abroad. Alma Ladies' College alas five departments :—Literature, Mtootc Pine Arts, Elocution and Oomineroial Sci' CM, The faculty numbersaio (cert thorongh• ly qualified teachers. Rates run from 1139 to 546 per term for board, furnished room, light, laundry and tuition in all literary subjeots inoluding the Classic and the Modern Languages. 1r.44190,00 paid in advance seouros all tato above advantages together with inabruo- tions in drawing and piano by the ropier u tcaohorsfor one year. For Announcement address, Prfoofpal Austin, B. D. Finely dotted nainsook rnttelius, with one solonge scalloppod, are made up irate dainty drosses tor watertug.pla' a wear by the best dreoomakort, grey halrnto Its natural- ctorand pro pial tailing outaded. ALBERT COLLEGE, H. WILLIAMS & CO. a iobFelt ROOFERS 0110U0AOTI'nn115 AND DKALNR5 iN Roofing Fe:t, Slaters' Felt Deafening lett, Carpet Paper, Building taper, Roofing GravPitchel Unice : 4 Adelaide St. East, Toronto. THE CANADIAN MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION f ST . LIFE INSURANCE AT CO (se5esaw:e'I' SY9'raa) CHEAP, RELIABLE, POPULAR. Large Reserve Fund. Agents 'Wanted, Address, HEAD OFFICE, 10 King Street E., Toronto, BELLEVILLE, ONT., Is befog greatly enlarged and improved at a cost of several thnu'and drIlare. Students in ttcndanoe Nom BRITISH COLUMBIA, MANITOBA, MICHI- GAN, NEW YORE, VERMONT, in addition to ONTARIO and QUEBEC. I01•Unsurpaesed advan- tages a0 moderate rates. MIA RE•OTEN T11111SD VY, SEPT. GM, 1888, Send for oirou• Mrs. Address, REV. W. P. DYER, M,A., Prinoipai. Merchants, Butchers, and Traders generally, We want a GOOD ALAN in your locality- to pick up CALF SIKIP4S For us. Cash Furnished on satisfactory guaranty, Address, C. s- PAC -r11, 50000 PARK, Vermont, 0. S. UELP11 business College, Ouxtrn, ONT.— This popular lnetitutfon, sow in He 4th Year, ie 0.ng n grand work for the education of young men and women in those branches, n knowledge of which is so essential to the intelligent and euoeeetul management of poetical affairs. 100 graduates are everywhere giving signal proof of the tboroughnesa of their training, and bearing grateful teatimooy to The Four th monetary Circular, giviith ng full information,tlwill be mailed tree. Address M, MA000001ou, Principal. BEAVER LINE of S TEA65SIIIrs. —0At5INO 000010 nxTw1050— MONTREAL ARAD LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, $10, $60, 800, Return, 980, 900 9110.. Intermediate, 900. Steerage, $L0. Apply to 1 Manager, Goue ri II. E. MURRAY,g . 1 Custom House Square, Moutroal. Safes I' OO and AND BURGLAR kept 0 onstantlytlin stook. A millibar of S000nd•hand Sates at low prices. J. TAYLOR Toronto Safe Works. BARGAINS IN BICYCLES. icycles OTEIC 100 Secoya otle'nauto T 0000100. Send for List and Cataloger. genie wanted in every town. T. LS NEI, 100NTREAL. 10000 PRESENTS TO FIRST APPLYING, w'II11.0 THEY LAST. We will send by moil nn ap- propriate gift to each maiden, wife, mother or cook—one to a family—who will try the BREADMAKER'S BAKINO POWDER Cut tato red circle from the label and send it in 01 letter mating hottest opinion after • fair trial. Either 65,10 or 25 coat size will secure the gift. Any grocer or storekeeper Ronin where y Mira(tifnsked "x a 'CHURCHILL &0•,TORONTO 42 nod 44•Inoh Boys' Rubber Tire Morelos, 826 ; 43• Inch 01100, $40; 60•inoh Pioneer, 830; 62 and 68-1nch Bicycles, $26 to 8066. 04 and 65 -inch Ilioyolee, 830 6to and ColumbianBioyelesfr0,ht 0 $06'upwards, band be had at Chas. Robinson & Co's., 22 Church St., Toronto, CANADA'S GREAT Industrial air, Sept, 10th, to 22nd, CAR 00 IN Don't wait until you are burnt outer robbed buy' n Safe now and steep easy and he sure and get prloe, eta, of t h e New Champion_ Safe. la. S. KIMBALL. 677 Crate St., P 0, Box 540. Montreal. P. Q, ST. TROIIAS ORNAMENTAL WROUGHT IRON FENCINC WORKS. Send for Deeigov and Prices. SPORTING GOODS. The Cheapest House in Canada for Guns, Rifles, Cartridges, Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Goods and Sportsmen's Sup- plies of every kind. 01Q1ES, SX C9leWIE ET, : On receipt of $10,00 we x811 express to any address, n DOUBLE-BARREL i1REE0ti•LOADING RIOT lied s ek. A barrels, a to stoat l r with fine laminatedtry coo GUN, hip to SI)' od• qdr for 22 caLRiS' And for 81;,00 will orate - any nddreae, a 22 ca1,RTFLEthat will shoot accurate- ly for 100 feet. W. M'OOWALL & CO., 51 KING ST, E., TORONTO. THAN EVER 1 0 PRIZES 1 Aril/ SPECIAL 1 fI. I, ATT R.AOT10NS Now Fontur O and tl arena Exhibits. Ira, best attra0- For prize listsand programmes address the Saoretnry t,ntrits Owe August 18th. J, J, WITHROW II. J. HILL, President. See'y. Tano0To. Lad!e' Coliege Allan Line Royal }Wail Steamship& Sailing during winter from Portland every Toumdgy and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpo 1. and in sum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool calling at Londonderry to land mails and paaannger0 ne Soutiand f and 50. John's,N 6N,, to Liverpool rom Baltimore, n Hall faxnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glow. gow ,,n,, sail during winter to and from Halifax. Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during num. mer between Glasgow sad Montreal weakly; Glee. Glee. gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phadol• phla fortnightly. For freight, pnsengn Baltimorar other oformdidoe S. Cunard apply yo., A. Sfax;Shher 0 Oo„ eon15X0,., St. Johea n, N. B.;1 Allo - Co , Cr Marga Love 5 Alden New York; H. Bendier, Toronto;. phia�y'Rae H. A. Allen PortlanQuebee d, Beaton,okle ladels HAMILTON, CANAL) a, First of Ladies' Colleges. Has graduated over 280 in till course. Full faoalties in Literature, Langgvua• gos, Solenoe,Mttsio and Art. Largest College Budding in Dominion, Opens Sepb. 0,1885. Addreee Principal, Rev. A. BURNS, 10.11. LEO. Young Men SUFFERING from rho Waite of early evil habits. the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak., nervous and exhausted; ales Mtentu•AOan and Man ACNN, who aro broken down from the effects of abuse or overwork, and in advanced life tool the outcomes of youthful 000000, send for and road M. V. Lukens Treatise on the Dleessee of Men. The wo 9a will BE11f \dd oe any address on receipt of 1C. V. Ll1hON, wr iltnaton St. E., Toronto, Ont. CONROY'S CARRIAGE TOPS Hove all the latest improvements, and are unequalled for durability, style and convenience. The leading carringo builders Bell them. ASK FOR THEM end BUX 100 OTHER. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Spooine has been need far the pas fifteen years with great arnica*, In the treatment of Nervone Debility, and all diseases arising from m- enses, over.workad brain, lots of vitality, ringing hr th mare, palpitation, to. For sale by oil druggists. Prise $1 per box, or 0 boxes for 86, or will bo tont by mall on receipt of piece. pamphlet on application 'CNF. GRAY 'MFDa("1NF Tal,. Iphrrmt., IEoiT FENCES. THE BARNUM Wo Manufacture the Largest Vof FENCES, CRESTING, BUILDERS' IRON WORK STABLE FITTINGS, OFFICE RAILINGS, ETC. of any house in the D,minion. CATALOGUES FREE. WIRE AND IRON ;WOR1 S, WINDSOR,, ONT