HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-24, Page 51
'Lira( o wet.
The Stem -lard t stk. tt holiday Mot
1 Rem dayo Fall Pair will be held
here 1 1,1a ymr 111 tept. 25th, 211111, 271h
and 28111.
,I, 11. Connolly will try teaching again
having been tentage,' as suocermor to j. 11.
Mellott to No. 3, Elam.
Our "Grand Central" ham ball club
did not crane up to our expectations at
the Bruooele triurnemont lest Weolc.
111i104 Dora Rogers, of London, and Mitm
Annie Menlo, of (Benetton hero been 1311.
gaged all assistant tenehers in our school.
Who Lietowel Boo.keepareAssociation
has received a grant of money front the
Govornment grant to the l'rovinelal As-
sociation, and the President calls a meet-
ing 1 all tip )leelteepera of the stn.
rounding country on Fritlay, August 31st
at 2 o'clock, in tho Royal dotel, for the
purpose of deciding how tho money shall
be spent.
Liotowers rate of taxation for the cur.
rent year 10 two cents on the dollar. The
taxes will be collected in Iwo instalments,
tho fist instalment to he made on or be.
fom the 1st of Septembur, and the second
instalnunt on or before the 14th of De.
comber, 5 per cent. to bo added to all
tam' not paid in le the collector, John
Liviugotone, jr., by these datee.
C /en 3101,001r.
Soli001 opened lamb Monday.
What about the Plowman& Aosoeia.
t ?
Council meeting hero on Tituroday of
this week.
llobt. Cameron had the misfortone to
give him hand a bad pinch in the cogs of a
v:indlaro while working at 11,
The brick work was commenced at
Knox church on Wednesday of this week.
It will he about finished by Saturday
Rev. D. 11, McRaa purposes going on a
holiday trip to Ottawa and Montreal
next week. Mrs. McRae will probably
accompany him.
A good nanny from this locality at-
tended the base ball tonrnament at Brus-
sels on Thursday of last week. They
pronounced it firstahtrs.
The extension to London, St. Thomas
and Port Stanley, noxt Tuesday, will pro-
bably "catel1" 140111e of our villagers as
the 0. turn fare, good for two days, is
only 81.75,
Hiram White has the agency for one
of the most popular works of the day.
It gives ii description of animal end
vegetablo life all over the world and con-
tains en unfailing mine of infortnation.
Erre -'holly should havo 0. copy of the
book mid the price ie within the reach of
all. Look out for notic; next wools-.
There 18 001110 littla mix up about our
flax mill just at present. It is a joint
stock conoern and it appears the flax
mind bo disposed of before the patrons
oan he paid. 'The notes given as security
for seed. last Spring aro being collected
through the bank, rho trouble arises
nut of neglect to properly arrange 0.
Board of Directors before the work start.
ed and although the man in charge of tho
mill 1.4 doing his best even the sharo-
holders are not supporting him as they
should. About 400 bushels of flax Heed
were rowed. It coot 81.80 per bushel, lb
is to be hoped some better arrangemont
will 1 e arrived at.
l 1 I
thi iirday I'', III 4111)Illt, Milrrily, I TN'
', I Mooed caledonlo, gagi,:i here o,i ,....: 1,-4
' I,-'Ll.:Y\',,,V'tedi
late the peoperty 1, A. INI,V111%.iii,, ,I,, SMII...1111..
linlAWil ,1.1. popularly by Ili', 1 1.,,,,g 1.,1„,.; ,,,, ,„,. ,..„„., „ ‘,„ ,e,,,,,,t,,,,.. „r ' "w',4u: ii -Jo —. ,-.1 .,: r ....: V.1 P.., that
-- — ” 1111,, 8,0111,41,7.a 1.: ,1,.;.1,,...v?" 10,41
......,., 1 ,,,,t 1t. r...., 00' 'A. :'? t Ittl".1, licrolo.1 1.
tello.. of "1 Silly" ' . ppeare I hat Al r. . ,,,,,,A w,,,,.k.
pew:loon eveniog gm. ing all right. 'rho 1 ,,,,I 8,,,,,y ii,,,,,, will lini,l, 11,i, w,,k. ; ‘,,, , ,,, .1, 1., ,i ,,f ,,, ,,.,,,, 1111 1,,,1,..„
Saturday (wetting nod it attempted to
Whinovy. Ile at noon wnrit to 11111 angiat•
twee Lull found hitt breast lacerate.' in m
fearful ma»ner, one mantel being over a
font in 1ongth, utterly extending to Um
radon of tho heart. 'Ilin "grim monstc,r"
relieved him about half an hour after.
Mao I poor Billy,
11';;;.1 ton.
Miss Flora MoDonald and Minnie Dor-
sey loom next week to attend college at
Rev. Mr. Jamieson °coupled the pulpit his brother's aohool this week.
here last Sabbath in 1110 absence of Rev. The petition concerning the school bas
Mr. Pallantyne.
D, Johneton has taken charge of a
school in Tuckersmith township. He is
a capitol teacher.
Rev. W. Torrance has been on to, visit
10 11111 old home, Wiarton, in tho hope of
recruiting his health.
Some of tho farnaors in this locality
have fall wheat in tho ground already.
They are surely dotorminod to take lima
by tho forelock.
Andrew Morrisoo, who lives tooth oE
this village, land uo leas than 101 ducks
Baia summor. They aro all this year's
hatuhing excepting about a half dozen.
School re -opened last Monday, bring-
ing tho teachors Misses llillen and Mc-
Dougall back. Tho former having spout;
her vacation at Port Elgin and the latter
at Alpena, lAtieli,
R. McLeod and T, D. johnstono, the
well known grain thrashers of this soc-
tion el country, put through their mill
for H. Hamiltot, of tho boundary line of
Grey and MoKillop, 500 bushels of grain
in the short space of 5 hours. Mr. II.
was highly elated this magnificent
turn oat, never having realized such a,
yield before.
Wro. Beirnos, of this village, recently
purchased a magnificent Chester boar
from parties living in the vioinity of
Listowel. This animal will suit tho
wants of farmers and ahem in this dis-
trict as paoltera requiro size and quality
and by patronizing hint they will get
both. Mr. B. is wall qualillad to judge.
what is required, having been eminently
successful in tho past. Exeollenb az.
oommodution for patrons. ad.
TriarT.—On Monday miming of last
week James Campboll, well knotea
around as "Hielan' Oimmio," paid a
visit to this village and whilst transmit.
ing business up town a lad named James
Stark prowled around 'the shed of Wtn.
Boirnes and deliberately out the ivory
rings from Mr, C's harness. Arriving
home tin) latter discovered MS logs and
at onto r0turned and Yeas Boon on Die
wont of tho culprit. It appears this boy
wee in the habit of purloining rings and
disposing of them to other parties. Mr.
0. wit once went to A. Hunter, 13russole,
and 10. S. Scott arrooted Starlt at a
noighbors not far distant. Ho was in
.hocl mad the property found in hie pooket.
Thiaboy has proved emu= of trouble
to hie friends and it would 111100 done
him pod. to have given him it term of
imprisonment instead of, au you aro
[Mare, imposing a fine. A. deal of in-
dignation and comment has been made
as to the legality of that Verdict.
MOlerArtl A:1101.:G lionsts.--On Stn.
day of last walk Jas. Shortrood, of Mor.
rig, had tho miefortuno to loon hie splon-
did horse (of tho old "Hard Fortune"
strain), Ilo was talion sOmo tow days
provious With vertigo or dizeinutie roar -
nig and falling over injuring himself ery-
voroly, Modical skill proval of 110 avail.
Ono hit -land land fifty dollar(' Will not
superb and was 1110 admiration of all. oouplo of handkerchief(' bohind them.
itItirray WM Willi.. • 111, 11111111ml dui I *.+,1Dily farti.11.,4 :tr. 11)D1111,11
Kano v011111 fntind the poor bruto Sevoral lirtmeelitmo woru notioed In pt-ne e,"1;
town no To" 111111' tO v/11110,0 the la..r. Tif irEN111ty,,,,. „It 1111
Morrie Counoil militate', appear in on -
other column.
Rev. (1,13. Howie will ;wench in.Tatnes-
town 011 Friday evening, 31st Mot
W. 11. Cloaltoy ia pushing the tea bus -
these now and is succeeding well at it.
luioe Maggie Conory was visiting her
cousin Miss Amanda Farrow' at New-
britlgo last week.
We regret to hear of tho serious indis-
position of Isaac Rogerson, of Blyth, a
former resident of this township.
Last Sidurclay Robbie 11111 diol after
an extoittled illness of Several years from
a outlaw in his face. The tonere" took
lilac() on Sunday afternoon.
A number of our base ballists felt
somewhat disappointed at the way tit°
Grey township boys oared at Brussel',
lett Thursday. We think tea hail the
nine to centime tho prize.
At the Council meeting it was doeided
that the following rates be levied on all
ratable property in the township for Om
currant year, niunDly, for eounty rate
1 8/10 mills ; township tato 1 mill ;
spatial railway rate 840 mill.
ACCIDENT. -011 Friday of last week
Alexander, son of Mrs. Thos. Walker,
was riding a horse without a, bridle.
The animal got frightened at a dog mad
in running under the shed fit tho barn
Mr. Wallow's head came in contact with
a beam and a gash of pima in0h08
was made in his scalp laying tho bone
baro. He toll off tho horn and broko
his oullar boue. Ho is progressing favor-
ably and will pull through all right. The
wonder was that he was not instantly
Miss Leon, Smith has been visiting
friends in Gorrie.
A choir, under tho leadership of Miss
INIelissa Farrow, leads the singing in the
Methodist church now.
Robt. and Wm, Stewart went on the
excursion to the Falls an Saturday. They
had a very nioo time.
Teachors returned to work on Monday.
Wo miss limey familiar faxes this weak.
May euccess attend their labors.
A. II. Musgrove and wife, of White-
church. an ex -teacher of Bluevale, was
visiting friends in town lost week.
About thirty.fivo from this locality at-
tended the Sabbath 'school excursion to
Kincardine last week. They report hav-
ing a good time.
jos. Leech, while out driviug, allowed
his horse to stumble and fall, Tho aced -
dont appears serious and Mr. L. i$ afraid
he is to have a useless horse.
Miss Thyme, Markham, arrived in
the village on Wednesday evening of last
meek. She left immediately for hor
home in Morris to sen her sister, who
has been very ill bot, wo aro glad to Bay,
is reeovering.
While 'Rat. and John Mpg, the latter
teacher of Kinburn sobool, wow chopping
together Robert's axe naught in a twig
and struck John's leg, inflicting an ugly
wound. Thos. King, of Wingliam, takes
been handed to the trustees. It contains
a number of names, Kano of whom have
not, nor never had, chill:Mon going to Mr.
Thompson. Ono noticeable foatura of
the petition is that there are no specified
objections to Mr. T.
At the regular Meeting of the Quarter-
ly Board of the Methodist church in this
tho ohairrnan preeiding, Rev.
Arob. McKibbon was engaged as paStOr
for the balance) of this conference year.
The salary fixed wits 8450. Mr, Me.
Kibboo is a good prowl -tor, an earnest
worker aod will render effeetivo sorvico.
Itobt. Stewart, of necessity, shook'
feel proud of his work this last sohool
term. Besides hie grand oneness last
week C. Fraser, of No. 10, succeeded in
carrying off a certifioato. No. 10 should
not forgot ovhon engaging for 1889 that n
little onoouragemont helps a teacher and
a Mr. Stowart is net run across every
WM. Smith, of Bluovalo public achool,
has mooeetled in passing his non-profee-
sional axamivation. This is very oredit.
able for our school, a certificate having
been obtained by a taluovale scholar
every year for the last four years. Mr.
Thompson may well feel proud of his
sucriess and the station justly proud of
Choir teacher.
Chas, Lomb, of Leech tt Co., Detroit,
has been in the neighborhood for a few
weolts, partly on businass and partly on
ploasuro. Mr, Leech is wall known in
,Bluevale, having conducted tho business
'Tor his unolo, J'os. Leach, for mayoral
years. It was only last year Mr. L. de-
cided on the now move and removed to
Detroit, whore ho joined his brother.
In tho Brussels Budget of August 20c1
Thos. Stewart, head sawyer in Leech's
saw mill, defends tbo Orangemen and
resents tho statement that soveral of
them woro no oredit to themselves or
their Soniety on the 12th. It is admitted
by all that Mr. S. is a good eawyor, bat
he has set himeolf a mote herculean task
than Heroules When bo EV -tempted to
clean the otablos of Angeus, King of Ms.
The mill is daub down at prosant so hose
would it do to try a gat= of croquet and
leave newspapor writing alone.
On Thursdtty morning about 3 o'clock
burglars entored the house of Goo. Henry,
lighted t110 WIT and got their suppers.
After title they turned ovor all thoy
could find, getting 5e. from one of the
little boyo banks and, very thoughtfully,
left tt ooppeeo. Mr: fil's lantern was thou
talon clown, the oil from the lamp pout -
ad into it and the uninvitod gueats wont
down town, broko into Jos, Leech's office,
where thoy left bottle with a little
liquor in it. Tho bottle, il. is said, looks
liko that falcon from one of the Dismal
hotels the night beforo, Tiny took tho
office lamp and It couple of notes and
went ovee to tho hotel, Fooling hungry
ahoy yellt; fast to the pantry. Mr, Sault%
hearing s. maim, got up, bat had but a
glance Inc in it moment the lamp was
reploeo him. Itis tuition in harness WW1 out and ao Wero tho Onavoe, !boy left a
match between Stratford and tomforth.
A goodly ininth.tr of on:. eiti/.000 vi 411-11
Grimsby Park last week hi hear Dr. 'Pal.
Magoon Handay, t,ut thongh pleased with
what they sow and hoard were diaappoitil.
0,1 in not hearing tho reverend Doctor.
MIND J0111111011, 1011,1 lytta 130011 for some
time engaged in Kindergarton work in
tho Normal School, Toronto, ham been
appointed teacher in the new Kindor.
gluten at the Brantford Institution for
tho Blind,
ltrsno'InlM. -- IteV. lir, MoDonald is
homo, having enjoyed his holidays very
unialt,---Alex, Wilson has rettirued from
the old sod. ---W. M. Gray and wife go
shortly on a three weelt'o visit to Winni-
peg.-- Mims leoretteon, Miss 'Intl and Miss
Whito, of Moaned, aro vieiting 01 1). D.
Wileotes, -- Mr, aud Mrs. Barker, of
Grand Rapids, opout a row clays last week
with Mrs. McLean and family,
Our Fire Brigade took lird place in tho
Canadian race, at Bernie, on Thursday
of last week, and 1st money in the Inter.
national race on Friday. Thu Stratford
Herald, Hoye "'The Senforth tiro com-
pany waft -very successful at the fireman;
toarnament held at Sarnia on Sin 17th
just, In the lidorruttiotial hose race
they 00011 1.81; naelny, W111011 was 1300.
They passed throngla Stratford on their
way homo on Saturday morning 1. oiling
very much elated ever their ;imams, each
member of thc company mewing it plug
hat and oarrying in his 1>011 11 broom."
The long-lookett-for teams° match be-
tween the Stratfordo and Beavors, of
Seaforth, came off at 230 p.m. on Tues-
day, and contrary to tho general opinion
resulted in a victory for Out Stratfords by
4 to 1. The first game was taken by B.
Oassolle, of the Stratfords, in 20i min.
ntos ; tho secoud by Dowling of the Beay.
ors, in 44 lninutes 1the third, fourth
and fifth by Farrell and Filer in 21, 21
and 5 minutes respectively. Both clubs
did some exceedingly fine play, but the
Beavers were outdone by superior play
and hoavior mon. The game was wit-
nessed by thousands.
0 roes'.
Owing to stint -tali rain lately grain is
sprouting in the shook in some looditioe.
The regalar meeting of the township
Council was held In Cranbrook on Thurs-
day of this week.
Keep on the look-ont for the pump
swindler. He ie still on his rounds ready
to trap the unwary.
Sovoral farmers who purchased Jinx
seed from the Crumbrook flax mill aro
delivering the flax at the Brussels mill.
011 Thursday of this week Neil, the
little son of John Lamont, 7th con., died
after a brief Mmes. The funeral takes
plum on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
In speaking of the success of Charlie
Bishop at the recant matriculation ex-
amination to ilia University we ovor-
looked the foot that he took honors in
mathematics, geography and history.
Stanley Anderson, teacher at Shine's
whop' house, intends taking up tho
study of dentistry and at the close oE
this year will move into Brussels and
becomo matte -lent of FA A. Martin, L.D.S.
Mr. Anderson should fill the bill to a
Our school toschers have tattled down
to business again utter tho vacation, Tho
school in Smith's school lions° took tho
start of the others, having ononod a week
earlier. The teaoher, S. Y.Taylor, wits
making tip time lost owing to filmes
during the first half of the year.
Look' 001! F011 Tom, TII111:11‘70.—As Mr.
Ileynard was going his rounds one night
last. wook, he happoneel on a flock of 35
turkoys, belonging to Mrs, jas. Mitchell,
quietly roosting for 111,, night some clis.,
taneo from the house. Out of the 110m- d USG to hand 11 Spiondill 011.
8,m' only II remains. The only thing Ject:011 of Baby Carriages which
FOI,ToN'S, of tioelph, 1 plow
l'Arl'EltSoN'S, of W 1Joek.
Straw 1 1111(01s, O ea 11 1 Crusher; and
Grain Co Indere.
2, 4, 11, 14 and 10 Horse Power,
in all h'ede of Implomente,
Wm. Martin.
II0Oon TraNanntrr filannT.
E' Economy Restaneant.
Having, just opened in filo Brick Corn-
er Store, formorly reempied by IL Mal-
colm, Brussels, the opposite corner to
the Poototlien.
(At all r.a.sonable Hairs)
eat io esponiully solieited end every
attention will le, paid to lettrons. A ht.
ited numbor of Lady and Gentleman
Boarders wanted.
yAS. 13R0ADFOOT, Prop,
Any Amount of Money to Loun
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 cl 6?,; Per Cent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Money to Loan.
Money to Loan en Farm Pro
perty, itt
Baby Carriages.
Baby Carria,r;es.
left to indicate what took place was a will be sold at very low prices.
profusion of feathers, and tuft of fur,
evidently f rom Mr. l(eynard's tail, which
had 00815 10 contact with it brier bush in
the souffle.
Miss Mary McNair, a pupil of S.S.
No. 8, has successfully passed the Third
Ohms Teachers' examination. In tho
published list of sueeossful candidates
her name appeared bin by some Matador,
mimed by illegible writing, it was in).
Properly spelled- There is no snob per -
eon as "M. MeNan" in existenoe. Bliss
McNair has remind notice from P.
Adamson. of Goderioh, to attend the
Clinton Model School which opens on
tho 3rd prox. This will be tho seoond
young lady who "graduated" for a Third
=dor the tuition of C. Bowerman, teach.
er of No. 8. Mr. B. is tea -engaged for
1880 at tho same rialttry, 11450.
To the Editor of Ton Pori'.
DEMI Sin.—If you will permit me
through the columns of your valuable
vapor 1 would like to call your attention
to It caro of Sabbath desecration of which
I and informed, by good authority, occurs
almost as regular as the day comes
nromul during tbo summer months. The
also to which I refor is that of orognot
playing and other amusements indulged
in by sotto of our young Men and young
women of this neighborhood on the Sab-
bath day after returning home from
church or Sunday School. 0110 of the
youngwomen to whom I rotor is at the
present time a teacher it. a Sabbath
S hoot and a member of the ohuroh.
Now, Mr. Editor, I think such conduct
should not be tolerated in any ouristian
community. The porsoua to Whom 1 re.
Inc are all 81011 1(00100 and if their &Bro.
speet for tho Lord's clay ie persisted in
they should bo named personally through
tho columns of your ',ever. Take warn-
ing and let your conduot be consistent
with what you profess or else throw off
your cloak and appear what you really
are—hypooritee. Yonre, _
IbDIDD:78T 8110NrafinnOnu001).
Fawcett; has sold the Floshorton
A.clvaneo to 1.1r. Thurston, of Tobonto.
Rev, C. A. Johnston, proprietor of tho
British Lion nowspaper, Hamilton, reg-
istered at tho Queon's Hotel, TOronto,
Tuesday morning and asked for a room,
but was told that the lest room had hem
taken. Johnson, who is a colored inan,
then ()ritual (limier for two, but ho was
told that dinner amid not Tao hall. Intel -
by Johnston wan told that the prosonoo of
eolorod people would 110 ()Randy° to tho
Other gneste. Johnston thereupon pro -
coated to tho office of a leading firm of
lawyers and instructecl them to Onter 80.
tion aping tho proprietorsof the Quoins
Ilobel for 85,000 dentages.
TRUNKS and i'',..fLisEs
in endless variety. I am pro -
pared to please the public in
this department.
Film selection of
Begs to alinolailet tho arrival ol his Fall and Winter Stock which
will bo fully completed by 1st SLlitisuber, when we will show tam of
the finest and cheapest stocks evor 80011 it( DrUP8018. Cotton Mad
Woolen Goods being very cheap the will bo Ode to offer bargains in
these lines. Though crops of siino lauds may be a littlo b.dow the
asorg,ge, prieos itt Which gin),IS 0 11 11;11 61b4 Fall will till)! com-
ponsato the Fanner for any deficiency in tho crop olao
Lightf Heavy- Harness
Give me it -call.
,,!.ZA AID
In which al kad, will h.t ratly for in -
)(lotion shortly, of which due notice will be. givni.
a1iictyles will be 'Exceedingly PP,tty,
Miss G-reop-ri who Ints gaino4 pyil.,,,rity
1114. pleasing and obliging manner,
will be again on hand 111 a few days, after visiting tho mark -is pick-
ing up all the. latest styles in the way of materials, whi,11 an., very
large and varied. We bay) also a
just arrived. which every Lady should see who require. anything 111
this lino. Miss Moons, whose style and lit gave so lunch satisfac-
tion, will again attend to this department. In this as well 110 mak-
ing a Suit of Clothes we guarantee a perfect fit or no sale.
In all other lines, which (11"' too ninnerous to mention in an ad-
vt.rtisement, will be fully aisort,a mid all we ask of our munor-
ous patrons is a look through our ,lifferent departments. trouble
to show goods though you may not \volt to buy.
Yours faithfully,
closire to inform the Public
that I have Leased the well.
known Bit:TIMES L11115 Worms
from Thos. Town and will run
tho business next Season.
I will also continuo to follow
my trade as
telE3CON313i 1'tf..4.(e4ON„
and am prepared to furnish esti.
mates for Xobs,
always on hand.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
A. Specially mails Or neickla)ing and
ristalerina Uwe.
"CA7 E:1101..11.Sr,
F. O. Rogers,
Brussels, A.m.,0..20, 18$8. DOML.V.U.')N )US/....'.
. . _
AVE' V1,1:0a,„.T, 77 0, -14,71-'47
0 0 K
'Nab d 9
tekee t;er .1-'">
tyA P
El"0.5 FTC.,
In order to make room for
a large Shipment
we expect daily
from the
CEO Al Mq0