HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-24, Page 4Y,57.55LL
`;'rrliM TrCT;+'r.3 s IMH'71;-'t,..,vO=Msem °ac..ra= w.u=-.0 '•.•..., u-r.9:erre .LOH:a,...:ae.+• nrHr res •W,l::cezr.malT:=5.2=rs .:.s.m:c.W 1-451 5a •- a ONY
Leerdl lino. Belly.
1:I C. re( r.
].ural :1dnin (food.
Loestle. t+traohan Yrs.:.
knee hent .J. 0. sized..
Cow stuo-ycd- C A. tic er.
Art cln e "digs Lily Vall,
1.ecu1 \\ 11. •1 ,ekes.
Howe again- A\nu. Menial.
Fall AneountimiLint N. C. Romer,.
White Wine \'inc,r cr C. A. I)eadmen,
I'ort Stanley J xeut iuo-- Joe. !Iicknem
t► I�iw ihll•1155CI5 V05'i,
Sireruan 72'., IL Jnekseu '".7;s.
1ybu, 1 1 ,; no. 714llillan 1 o, .1•as,
w,UI _ 1 1 , ,p as "Slttn-rie
MLvinu ,. 1. Yt.
Mrs. Lynn $1.:1i. shoes;
by L. Calwit e4.ensie,, by alio Ifirl hr
that the following rules be levied on all
the ratable 14'' perty its the township for
the elll'l'e,t veal, namely: 1 O 00111 ty
rule, :1 8.10 mills ; tewvnr hip rate, 1 mill.
and spa Lal ranee,' rate, 1-10 m111-.
Bylaws Nos. 11 and 7 were daily rend and
passed. The Council then adjourned to
meet again on the 21th September.
Caine, Clerk.
Crtitattdittia New
The colored ]silica of Windsor are
forming 11brass band.
74t'. Armstrong, Al, 1', 1'. for Parry
1'7111),1,1', A l (r 11 ST 24, 1888. Sound, is seriously 111.
A serious lire occurred in Blenheim
Ma, 'V:u i ir., the Liberal candidate, early Friday morning,
was elected in Balton Co. on Wednesday The O. T.11. station at Otuennee was
of this occlt in n contest for the vacancy burned ou Saturday morning.
It is stated that suit will be brought by
in the Den inion Parliament. His op- .\pre, Stereneon against /lou, 1%1r, Bowcll
ponent was \ir. HIenderson the recently for breach of promise
\V Doherty, swf Clinton, ie thio owner
of 0 peeler; mare that i, ) 1n r7 l 11 have
r lap] c h the mil. ie 1s u •11il trip et
l i m do lest w c,. 1 1 a, i n ,c seen 5.
year 111, ainsiit unl+tn ell kel and if
t•nrrect maks 1 -. ww•emili 11iyv;hore from
$10.000 to ;+20,000.
The corner atone of St Andrew '
Church, Belleville, was dis..,,vered'llmre.
'lacy aflc'rneon, end the relive in n tin box
were alluor:t p. rt'ct, (;teat trouble bee
been found itt pulling down the walls.
•1 be stone ens so solidly cemented tlat
dynamite lead to be used to black the
walla over. It wee the first etono edifice
built in Kingston,
On Thursday evening the final meet.
ing on fire protection wan bold in the
Orange Hall, Blyth, which was pretty
fairly attended, when it was decided that
the council pass a by-law for $8,000
to bo voted on shortly, to pur-
chase the necessary apparatus, A com-
mittee consisting of N. Il. Young, J. 13.
Kelly, 14. Elder and lh, Sloan was ap.
pointed, in the event of the by.law being
carried, to do the purchasing.
Wi1..`7! 011 PUMP FACT RV,
1'hc undersigned desires to intinlatn to
having 1'oN111• +tl lay b'tLlJ Stook rho pnbho that ho has purchased rho
I and now prepared to offer
In Casio:nett t,, Jersey Cloths, Ot-
tonlou fiords, Ateltons, :111e10.t
Cloths, rToulie Cloths, nail*
eels, Skirtings, Cretons,
1,0 co Cu1'tatills, Curt:Lin
,lots, Velvots and
Pluslles. -
Aht'ays a Good. Stook of 'Rblsn
I have the Best and Cilellpest
Tr•IAS in T'ovt•u,
t'.1t.T41N Fetus Fteroty from John Love
and is now prepared to 1111 orders, by
mail or otherwise., intrusted to tris rare. lt9?f & 0-.--
Satisfaetiou guaranteed in Pmnps. THECOOK'S BEST F RlRA1D
'Faults, Are,
A.vo. 24, 1668
'le " t .sett .t .
.Jc Gzr:'i'u'zen:,a:!:tssry
Repairing promptly attended to, Con-
tracts talcs]] for digging; wells. - Retti7'ned to Brussels!
Ilavingbeen 11 years et the business I
feel confident that I can 01111 my efts.
GIVES ME' ATRIAL and be convinced,
fpm Proprietor, Walton.
Local News
unseated member, Mr. Waldie'smajorit L. L. Shipley, lot 30, eonceesten 10, of C
ItetHoefal!,A :WV , e . ,
Lobo, has threshed
is 27. Mr. Henderson was elected at the crest wheat off seven acres i Dtsut^Lns1 Bentley Felix, the three before pple11aeing elsewhere. I
Cannot be IUndersold..
394 bushels of Memo, t
last election by 147. The \ViunipegFree Prose snye thiamin" I Year old son o Frank c e13on, died after
arrangements have been completed for Ian illness of several weeks. no trouble
U 1178 p a railway .
A farmer ))awed Leslie Cherish was I fever. The funeral took pllaeo on THOS.
dayafternoon, the interment :being I l-'.004II1 far 0Aillsls11'B 0lvin 05400514.
shot by the son <,f a neighbor canted g nctda '
Lorries, neer Cots eon, on S tnrdav,
at the R. C. cemetery in Morris tt)w11H111p.
Itis stated that Mr. Mercier will 114, -
PALNTT:Ie.—Hiss Lily Veal has returned .-r
peal to the 'people if the ;Jesuits' Estates from Londe», where site took a course
Tnn ree'ntly published crop report for
the Province is not et all disheartening
an,l the prospeeto of 0 gc'od return when
harvest 1s over are rinch more favorable
than was anticipated. There is a great
deal in looking c -n the bright side and if
people grumbled Less a Large measure of
the apparent blackness uromld disapp, at•.
Inez 11;tn°.
The rate of taxation this year is 10
mills on the dollar.
What aha it the disease breeding trill
pond? Will our towns fathers put a
scheme on foot to remedy it?
"Topsy," A., hoe's trotter took 1st
money in the 3 minute trot at Owen
Sound. She did her mile in 2:42.
The tower Winghttm mill was insured
for 134,000 en machinery in the Welling.
ton Mutual, for '$2,000 in the Waterloo
on machinery, for 2,000 in the Perth
Mittal on mill and machinery. for $500
in the Western on stock, and for $3,000
in the Phenix on stook
New wheat of a fine quality was
brought to market an Wednesday of last
week, by J. A. McEwen, of Morris, Jas.
Wilson, of. East Wawvanosh, Andrew
Porrie, of Whitechnreli, and 0. Legget,
of East Wawanosh. Over 500 bushels
have been received et Hutton it. Carr's
mill, The price paid was 80 cents.
Nall el.
Mrs. Wm. Spence is home from her
trip to Toronto.
H.P. McAllister retnrned fromWinni-
peglast Saturday.
Gen. Robson has gone back to his
school near Rayner.
Miss Davis is visiting friends in Brant-
ford and Caledonia.
School re -opened last Monday with an
attendance of 70 pupils.
Mrs. (Dr.) Rose and son of Clifford aro
visiting at Jas. McKelvey's.
Mrs. Cale and family have returned
from visiting friends in Mitchell.
- Some of our juveniles are engaged nt
pulling fax for Wm, Dawtinhiner.
Mrs. J. C. Heffernan and family re-
turned last week from rieiting friends in
One weep recently David Tindall killed
and disposed of six beeves. We're beef
Mrs. Legear and Miss Legoar', of St.
Marys, were visiting at the pasor.age
last week.
While working e t Levi Pansbaker's
last week Norman Cubo got one of his
fingers badly bruised
Rev. D. Per•rio oecupiml the pulpit in
the Presbyterian ohureh last Sunday.
He preached an excellent sermon.
- Louie. and Ada, sisters of Rev. J. T.
Legear left for their home in St, Mary's
last Monday. They spent their holidays
at the 1 arsonage,
Holiday excursion to the fashionable
summer resort, Purt Stanley, next Tues-
day. The return ticket is $1.75 from
Ethel goof) to return on any regular train
on Wednesday. Excursionists have also .
the privilege of stopping either at Lon.
don er St. Thomas. The trip is very
cheap as the return faro from here to
London is nearly $0.00
building f theRushton 11 y t ilw ty appeared to be something like typhoid
Bia is T sited by the Dominion Govern•
from the well-known artist, Judson, and
input. is now prepared to give instruction to III'.]) STORE.
R. J. Creighton, agent o£ the New don• pupilsin drawing, landscape painting Or
land Government, say's thata mail line painting on velvet or satin. ,hiss Veal i
-between Vancouver and. Brisbane will received great praise from her instructor IAP Vf TT } ��� (�
probably be established. as to her proiic oney in this art. 1 011CUR.Ili S �
Essex Centre is petting ready to push Tns next entrance .examination to
the question of incorporation as a town, High Schools and Collegiate 'institutes TO KINGSTON, MONTREALAND
They will tette in 200 acres of additional will be held on December 19, 20 and 21 QIlEB14C Fon 18 Days, FROM
territory, mainly from Maidstone. A. circular stating the limit of
There seems to have been slight frost studies in the various subjects leas just Aug-.'Ltle 0 wept• /Loth.
iu Manitoba on Thursday night, but bo been issued by the Department. The IIINC,5'4'4 1, i.3u ; °IONTIIItAL, $9.35 ;
far as is known there appears to have tinte.table of the examination is as fol- ClI1N11A,4', $11.35.
been little or no damage done to the lows:—First day, literature and writing.
cropps. Second day, uritltmetic, drawlug, coin. THROUGH IN FII(ST-CLASS COACHES.
While Major Howes and party, of
Roston, were going down the Tobique
River, in N. 13., they were fired upon
from the woods and Mrs. Howes was Ono of the pipes of the Standard Oil
killed. Company, that brings oil from the petro -
Two men were stabbed on Saturday leans regions of Pennsylvania to New
night by an Amherst Island fisherman, York, a distance of 400 miles, recently
from whoui they were trying to take a burst hi Vernon township, Sussex county,
jug of whiskey. One of them will prob. N. 3. Before the mischief was discover -
position end dictation. Third day, gram-
mar, geography and history.
any ate. ed the soil in the viofolty of the broken
Samuel Fairman, while en route to pipe became saturated and poisoued with
Belleville from Collins Bay, was robbed crude oil and ruined for tho present. A
by sharpers of $25. Ono borrowed from large quantity of oil ,,cued into the
him to pay an alleged bill presented by neighboring streams Land the fishes died
the Other, and both disappeared. by thousands. It is said the farmers
Ono day last week the 23 miles of rail will bring suits for damages against the
between Lindsay and Peterborough were Standard Oil Company for injuries sus.
run in 25 minutes, including one stop. rained by this oil flood.
page, by a Grand Trunk special train on ' -
whioh was General Manager Hickson.
On Thursday night a fearful storm
raged through part of Eastern Ontario
and part of Quebec. In the Valloytheld
district 25 lives are said to have been lost
by lightning strokes and the blowing
down of honses.
In connection with the breaking up of
the bargain between Manitoba and the
will Pe ma it with
hinted that a � • r.. t. , j ' 1
dicker be made with the St. Paul As
Manitoba road for the building and work- lid ce t. 1 0 tt lin t. o a. as <l
ing 0f the R. 12. V. It.
A thief in Brooke stole a couple of hens GREATER. (1 i [J I l
from a farmer and dropped a gold watch TITAN EVER R. P10IZES
while doing it. The farmer thinks he
has alightly the hest of the deal, and is AND SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS.
only afraid of the fellow bringing back 1ewPoatures and Grand Exhibits. The best
the chickens and asking for -17is watch. attractions that money eau genre.
The Mitch talked of boat race between Por Prize Lisle and Programs nndrnas the
George W. Lee, of New York, and Wm. Seerotery
O'Connor, of Toronto, came off 'Wednes-
day of last week on Toronto Bay, on the
course between hanlan's Point and
Ward's Island. Ae was expected O'Con-
norwwon. The race was well contested,g,�t•@�,r STARLPY EX URSION
and was won by three-quarters of a c1 g 9'ttlOLltt lra"
length. Tho weather was very unfavor- iter <det3•, mat;;-. o.
able, high wind and lumpy water making
rowing difficult. At six o'clock the water D I S y R i CT tttatinns 040111 Idtn.
was so bad that the referee, H. J. 1'. Y curd[nc u, t.lstun•cl.
Good, ordered a postponement of an hour.o b i t aro
At seven o'clock tile judges deckled that Fare t 7r 1e. 4'ltAiIS 9Do
the course was all right, and the contest- t L 1 soil under
ants turned out. Le
ut in
ante first. O'Connnnor was slows inp com- � �� T DAYS.ing to the starting point. At the word 11087' POPULAR EXCURSION or '105
'Go" Lee caught the water first with a SEASON,
30 -stroke. O'Connor was again slow in Special trainevill 1sa0e
getting away, and rowed 30 to this min. Listowel.,.... 0 40 min. I iii neardtno... 041 alt
ate. He soon recovered the lost ground, Attwood 0 A2 I Ripley e:o1 `
and at the half mile wvas a little ahead. L•'thol 711 " 1 Luoknow cis
13ZliSeelB'• 795 •' I\Vhiteohnrch 0'.
PRESIDENT. Sec., Tone:ere.
Tho water became rather rough again, Bluevale ..... 7 ae " Wingham 710
and Lee splashed a groat deal. Tho Returning sane events" train leaves
nrning flags were reached first by O'Cou-
or in 9.30, with Lee a boat length be-
-wind, Both made good turns considering
he state of the water. O'Connor led on
the hone journey about three lengths
head. By hard work this was reduced
y Lee, who seemed to put out hard
ports. O'Connor was received by loud
hears from the largo crowd of spectators
ho lined the route and occupied crafts
n the water. Lee also came in for
ounds of applause. Considering the
tate of the water, the time of the race
---21.29—was not bad.
The results of the various contorts at
lie Sarnia I!'amens' Tournament were
as follows: Canadian hose raoe, 800
yards—Kincardine first, ono minute and
quarter second, $150; Watford, one min-
ute three and a half seconds, 6100; Sea -
forth, one minute four seconds, $50.
Point Edward, Ridgotown, Caledonia,
Parolee, Dunnville and Oshawa were
the other entries. Book and ladder rano,
800 yards—Aylmer, 48 seconds, $120;
I1'iarino City, 40$ seconds, $75 ; Cale.
donia, 50 seconds, $25 ; Petrolea, 58$ sec.
ends. Throe hundred yard foot race—
Robert Sparks, Dunnville, 1312; E. West-
brook, Marine City, $6 ; DI. Roche, Wat-
ford, $8. International hose race, for
$800, $100 and $50. Kincardine, Sea.
forth, Valparaiso, Mt. Clements, Dunn,
villa, Watford, Petrelea, Ridgetowu,
Oshawa, Point Edward, Caledonia and
Wallaceburg entered. Seaforth, 1st, in
561 seconds ' Kincardine, 2nd, in 58;
Point Edward, 3rd, in 5813. Consolation
hose race, for $75 and $40 --Dunnville,
1st, in 011 seconds ; Caledonia, b1 it, in
0813 seconds, The other competing tearns
ere Petrolea and Oshawa. The prise
rill competition did not fill,but the
arinmittee, considering Use na work
ono by tho Monet Clements Company
n the processions, granted it $100 for
n exhibition drill of half au hour. In
1e half -mile foot race for $12 and $7,
Iuntor and Campbell, of the Kinoardhtos,
ok first and second retpootieely in a
Morris Council T1'feeting. t
The Connell met pursuant to adjourn- 1
meat on August 18111. Members all t
present, tbo Reeve in the ebair. Minutes
()Nast meeting wero rend and adopted. a
Moved by Goo. Birkby, seconded by Jas, b
Proctor that Michel Belly bo paid $18 s
for building bridge opposite lot 2, 7th e
COIL line.—Carried. Moved by J, ',rooter,
seconded by S. Caldbick that J. Golloy
be allowed 20o, per rod for digging a
ditch opposite lot 1, 1st con. line, ditch
to be 5 ft. wide at top and 2a ft. deep. ---
Carried. Accounts wore ordered to be
paid as follows : Michael Kelly, gravel- ! t
ling and building bridges and culverts,
098.12 ; Geo. Skelton, inspecting work,
$5 ; R, J. Webb, repairing scraper, $1;
C. Agin, repairing culverts, $4; J. Golley,
gravel, $8.85 ; T. Russell, clearing road,
clinging ditch and building culvert, $80;
J. Russell, building bridge and oulverts,
$51; Mims Exford, charity, $101 Jas.
Jackson, gravelling between lots 10 and 11,
con. 9, $13,50; 3. Ainsley, inspecting
bride and drawing plan, $!'i ; 11. Mar-
shall, lumber, $3.70 ; U. McNally, stone
hammer and repairing soraper, $6 ; P.
Ryan, gravelling ors south boundary,
$18.14; P. McArthur, building culverts,
$4 ; McCallum & Button, ditching, $18 ;
C. Thornton, culverts on north boundary,
$11.50; Jas, Russell, digging ditch, $10 ;
Thos.Sheridan,repairing bridge and
culverts, $2.50; as. Gillespie,
on worst boundary, $00; J, Gillespie,
building culvert on west boundary, $18 ;
J. H. T3anna, digging ditob, $1 ; J,
Conery, lumber, $20 ; A. II. Wason,
printing order books, notes, lists and
advertising, $34 ; II, Rae, grading and w
eulvort on north boundary, $30 ; Jae, d
Messer, removing ice end Axing road e
on north boundary, 51.00; Wm. Bllie, d
digging titch, $17; Samuel Thnoll, i
building culvert, $7; 11, Jameson, re•
pairing Ifogg's and Brandon's bridges, tl
$05; For gravel, jag. Watson $7, R. I
England 05.50, D. nogg 55.00, Jno. to
(lloakoy $5.00, Jae. Gray $3.50, Geo,
Dalyf 00o., Wm, hopper $3,50, Wm.
Martin $5, D. Geddes 111.80, I;. Little.
fair $0,10, Wnt. McIolvio 02,70, T.
competition of six. Oshawa rues the last year and I hope they will remove Moral patronage.
tllg.of•war prise of 1310 Ina cohost bo• p y 1 g
tvfeon Dunnville, Caledonia, Point Ed.
ward and Oshawa, l%NO.. i)17 DICT C.
Pon, STANLEY at 0 00 pan, ;• S,. THOMAS 01
0 50 ; Lognoa, 7:15.
Panengnrsremaining over tel Wednesday
will return by the
Every one should take in this Excursion to
Lake Brio shore, The grounds add perk at
Port Stanley aro said to bo the nest in
(lanada end aro alt froe and open to the
Gest, PAes, AonNr, G•em, MANAonn.
e mmrrxrsuarerzarc.>a>a a tea, rr. caccacc
—ALHO Cn1YA1' 10,015 TO ALL POINTS 01'—
At Lowest ordinary and Special Lxeur•
Mon 1G1teS.
Avolaing the trouble of going to other towns
or re -chocking baggage at Junction
on handl and Passengers ticketed to all
Volute in NEBRASKA, 1/AIIC0TA,
1LANSAR, (5)001RA044) and
Baggage checked with through union
chocks to Destination.
Baggage pass Customs at Stratford or
London. Per further information, or maps,
pamphlets, &c„ c1e., apply at 1)AILWAY
STATION, Br -mental, t0
Local Agent Grand Trunk and
Through Passenger and Frei5kt
Agent of Canada Pacific and
5.3in .41tericanRailways.
industrial and 11rtsEehibitign,
Condon, 10 Canada,
2Ot7b 1'o 29th
528,000 Appropriated for prizes, At0rnr•
tions, etc. $131.O(lo Value of New
Grmnnt's and llniid0,ga.
090 Display of Agricultural
and olbrr machinery.
3500,00(1 Live Stoelr
General Blaoksfnith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that he docs all hinds of P,laoksmithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, BRiggies, Sleighs and Cutlers
ntaale to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Specialty of Ilnrse•shoeing.
A Call Solicited. ru1lemember the
Stand -Nam atnt ISltmon,
2.1 S. Plum.
1'.j JTV.11'A 1+'UdIID,S.
of Private Funds have just boon
placed in iuy ]lands for 'in-
Borrowers can have their ].lane
complete in three clays if title is
Apply to
114;.17' MARKET1►JL 11ab7 Street, • lifltssels
.Festa Atli: Salt ill eats
Of the best gnallty always on ha77d and de-
livered to any pert of the village free of
Terms very favorable,
For which the ]highest market price will
be paid.
I also make it specialty r'2 buying ,lidos
and Skins.
Don't forget the pluoo next door to
Eletoher's Jewelry Store. A. CURRIE.
The Oranbrook Lime
Are in full blast and a first-class
Grand International ..Fent],.
Show of Dogs.
The Indian; R'clbe( of Ontario are pre-
paringanimmense exhibit of manufactured
articles, agricultural produotlous and curi-
osities of the old hunting days. There will
be Larger Prizes, Grander Attractions,
more to see anti more to Meru than at any
previous exhibition. Prize lists and all oth•
er information may bo had on application
to the Secretary.
CAPT. A, W, 3701131;, 0140.1013140051,
Prosidoat. Seerotary,
flIHE undersigned is prepared to bny any quantity of Eggs at
the old
ffg 1porlUlffi NBXTTO T1:IE DOOR Brussels Post Office,
Farmers and others can depend upoll Rotting from
us rho very highest Ma'1tet Price TN C o
this season as
\ve arc going ship extensively andd require largo
Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels.
Masa Wm. & 1i1a ty e
Notice limy? much plellsuro in informing all my
old friends t
will continue the egg business at t
--SOLD leOrt-
12i, Cents Per Bushel.
43.3nue V, GRANil7i„ Prop.
11501 0011000000, 01101A5000, i 830)1 001050
April 20 'tOieeasslan May 11
Aril 26 +' Sarmatian May 17
Aro 3 :Parisian May 24
May 11 llolynesian bane I-
nlay 117 Sardinian :nue 7
May 11 ] Circassian,.,.,,,,,June 15
May 3t Sarmatian Rune 21
Jnuo 7 Parisian Juno 28
,tune 15 , ]Polynesian July 0
,lune -21 Sardinian July 12
,Tans 20 1Otroassian Jnly20
July Sarmatian July 20
July 12 ;emotion
July20 ;Polynesian AvJ.1o
July 26 ......., Sardinian Aug, 10
Aug, 8 iCirartasino Aug 24
Aug. 0 Barmatian Atha 1110
)fates of passngeby ,][all Steamers.
Cabin 500,,3370 no5'0 80 aeoortiugto accom-
modation, Servants in Cabin, 3300 Inter-
medtato 880, Steorogo :220• fetirn tfekots,
0abin, teer 813C and 3150, latgrmodiato,
3+00. Steerage 510.
trantenmeiao0)011in nttysalsty 5041 50ven•
ty dollar, ae0ordind to aocommodatien. Po -
turn Sabots, ninety, ono 1 54 Hail and ten
and coo hundred and thirty d)llars, later-
modiatoeixtydollars. Steeraso Party Boli•
hat lay cdanglltor and grandson aro'
he old stand carried on 1'aoeOegorO aan v1.41barlc at Eontrenl the
by 1110 day before without tnoroasod ober� 00
yourself (trend for year friends. Propafd
eertiacatosatrodueed rates, Icor -tarn 1a-
fornnatiou apply to
0. It. GRANT,
deairu0 to +tate that ho Inas again become
reeld^nt of Brussels and is prepared to
take Contracts for all 1111(1a of Carpenter
\York, such as house Building, Barn
]Framing, Mill Wrigltting, d'•o.
Ifo will also make n Specialty of Mov-
ing Bniiding+,
Estimates Cheerfully Given.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
in every instance.
no111'. ,u af1r(Yc,.
C X7.' 1171,1orrAaa,
First•JI03s Suits, either L'olnitl
or Unbound, ]rade for
.",l I'il Gitttr1/15 ,?.
Produce taken in exchange for
.11. (x..EWJTL1RDSOV,
# 'Merchant Tailor.
Liver comp' nt
S ick floadaehe,
Kidney troubl's
Skin Diseases,
and all impuri•
ties of the blood
from whatever
cause arising.
z _..ICE 70.C. i•o -0t+�- ,^kilo $111
Pi.o,.otir,, 'f
(very ennall and cagy to take.)
Sold everywhere ; price 20 cents.
UNION 11100IIC•1N0 Co., Proprietors,
13 Cents Per Pound
Cleo. Love & Co's.
r6u o mRh +LE uLa. rgtEr, ,ls15i•J$
Thanking the publio for past favor's and
support and wishing shill to secure your
patronage. We are opening out futilities
from established and reliable makore,
fully warranted by its.
Cloths of i'he
Latest .Dests.%r2,S.
Jail VW El :
Wedding ltjngs,
Ladies Gen Rings
Earrings, &c,
Also have in stook a full lino of Violins
and Violin Strings. &a,
14. E. —Issuer of ]Marriage Licenses.
1 .Pletcher.