HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-10, Page 8FLIES ! '1Iu`4V ']i) 11I:T H1.1) OT" 11HE1Z. For this purpose we have INSECT POWDERS wberely you can kill every fiy io a room in a ve: v short time, \Ve have also Wil• son's Ply Pude, Shoo Fly Paper and I)13,Bal.11'1 SURE MATH. tS• IIave you tried them. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bcoksellrr, and Fancy Goods Dealer, Brussels, NO REMEDY gives swell universal satisfaction as the COUGH REMEDY manufactured iu Seaforth,calied —LU MSD EN & WILSON'S• ' 'ess 'Simiei°ae vV."•,.%° %%!' °,a v a`o ,°.•°o n ;, i e„ nal Glyoerated Balsams of Fitt Its wordlrf'il virtues have created a demand for the Preparation from all •parts of the Province. Dru o guts sell it. Price 50 etc. 17•fims, 'RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. serum:ex ESTENs10N, W. 0. & n. a, •irw,ns leave Brussels Station, uort and south -as follows:— ffein;'South. Going North. rlttait.....-7:02a.m.Allred ...........9:30 a.m 'Express......11:40 a.m. I Mall...... ...... an p.m Mired b:w p.m. I Express 9:4rap.m . oral ,e1xisaffem5. A Offal's among ye talon' notes An' faith he'll prent it. Tres Pese will take a holiday next creek. Jsnsrr Ice Cream on Saturday night. .A. Goer,. 52 Row, sea sls will resume work on the 10th ]net. Comvrs's famed Manitoba Flottr for ..Kale at Tnr :eo's. 18- HRADersir•:ns for binding twine and machine oil. B. Gnnnr. Srtx'x cents will pay for TEE POST from now till January 1st 1889. Excel:mon to Kincardine next Wednes- lay. Everybody should go. tOtiVoRTARLE house, conveniently sit. -sated, to rent. Apply at TEE Posr Pub- lishing House. Exria value in Crockery and Glass. ware. bioest white Granite Sets import- ed w2 at Thomson's. 47- Axo'r. Ir. order has come from Ghesley to Smith & Malcolm for n second car Toad of building material. .MEs..A.LETtaaun has moved intothe house lately monied by Itfr. Nightingale. All orders in Millinery promptly at. tended to. Tile attention of the public) is directed to the card of Miss Hargreaves. She is ;prepared to give musical instruction on either the piano or organ. Fon SALE.—Two new buggies and a ;new lumber wagon will be sold cheap for aasb, or wood will be taken next Fall in payment. F. C. Rooxss. Waal wE nrax axeecx.—Threshing bees. 'The young rowdies who carry on as they did last Monday evening to land in the "cooler."—A big crowd to see the hose ball tournament next Thursday.— E'all exhibitions to take their innings. L,'xG•CRSION ! Excursion I! To Niagara Falls and Grimsby Park, on Saturday, 0 Aug,11. A chance to stop over at Grime- r by and hear Sam Jones lecture and preach. Tickets good for three days' Train leaves Brussels at 7:02. Tiokets :only $2.00. All go 1 go 11 go ! ! l 4 - By telegram, last Monday, Joseph 'Clegg learned that the steamship "Al - coda," on which his last shipment of • cattle were, had broken her beam when a few days out from Montreal and had Wu be towed book to port for repairs. Mr. Clegg expects that while waiting the stock would be Landed at Point Levis, where there are sheds and other con- weniences. ti''xcrnstox.—Don't forget the Sabbath school excursion to Kincardine on Wed- poedey of next week. See advt. as to de- parture of special train and low return rates. The Mayor and people of Kin- cardine are determined to give the ex- oursionists a hearty welcome. They have placed the excellent town Cornet Band, town park, &c. at the disposal of dim visitors and it pleasant time is as. mored. Go and enjoy the Lake Huron breeze for a day, CANADIAN T8MPLE, L 0. G. T.—The following offieere were eleoted in con- nection with tate Lodge at its last 'weekly meeting:—W. C., George Currie; 'W. V., Miss Boddick; W. M., David Armstrong; W. D. M., Mies May Kerr; P. W., William Miller; W. C., Thomas Hill; W. T., Alias Lily Venetone; W. I . S,, William McCracken ; W. S., James .Blashill ; W. L 0,, Miss Bessie Moore ; 'W. 0. G., Luther Bali; T. D., Jas. Buyers. The membership exceeds 50 and.. with proper management, should do good work in the time to coma. TV:SM.—Last Friday afternoon the :"Blyth Lawn Tennis club came over to .Bvusecls and played a friendly game with tho hotno club on Dr. McNaughton's lawn, Although rain somewhat inter- fered with the play for a while an en- joydblo rano was spoilt by all, In the first set C. Tanner and Will Milne beat . Rev. W. T. (huff and J. Hargreaves, af- ter a uory closely contested encounter, as follows;: 5.6, 6.5 and 6-6, b. 0. Boss and W. AI. Sinclair had it nearly all their own way with Trod Tanner and Or. Glass and won easily with the score: ' 6.3, 0.1 and 0.2, The last set was an interesting one, although Harry Dennis .and J. W. Shaw defeated their oppon. • tote, 3. Scott and Will Sloan, and won the set, deoiding the match in favor of •,Brussels. The score card gave the re• atilt of the thud set as 0I.0, 4.0 and 64, The return match will probably be play- •.nd before long, :?s■ quantity of fresh limo at the Iidl 113.11 •t1:4, for 11 , ,site+ a 'areata. W. litn.z.v, 1'rnp, 'fun t'heapet•I Yet. Olden) Gond se Soap Sl a penny to bar and bites cloth pins for nothing, 2, Ft:vt:its], of our townspeopte talk spending nest Sunday ou Grimsby sem evened, hearing the notable Rev. Sit Jones, We congratulate our young fries Thos. Knechtel on bis secoess in s THE BRUSSELS POST n. Don't target get the excursion to the Palle P. on Sethi—day u1 Oda week, Tim svbta'l building lois lam' cutler, lis going repair; and is tier in resAircn9 for es the pupils. these .un value in Tea, a 73 cent book of givon with 5its and a half of Tea. p ADA]t Goon. 111. 0 e"iit?TAltrns of foils tllt'ongllotlt the County should lose no time in sending in td the dates of their respective fairs for peb. e. lication, curing a 2nd chess certificate. Tom generally gets there. Ptnsoe AND Onosrea.--A geed energetic and reliable agent wanted in Brussels or vicinity to sell Bell organs and pianos, either on salary or commission. Address Scott Bros., Seaforth, 3-3in "CAnrasnn."—This welt known stallion, the property of George Whitely, of Sea. forth, will be at the Central Hotel stables, Brussels, on Tuesday nights and will re- main until 11 a.m. Wednesday during the mason. 47.1 TUE pastor and officials of tho Metho- dist church in Brussels are arranging with the talented Miss Dfmadele to as- sist in a series of revival services during rho coming fall. This lady is very high- ly spoken of and has been very success- ful in this department of church work. FARMERS who carry insurances on their buildings or crepe ought to carefully in- form themselves upon the conditions of their policies as to threshing engines now. tiffany companies require a special threshing license to issme before they will be bound by the policy to pay losses caused by fires which orizin'tte from threshing engines, and all require certain conditions to he observed. It is better to be sero than sorry. Look over your policy and sea that you are safe. DRow•Srso ACCIDENT.—On Friday morn- ing of last week Rev. M. Swann, of this place, received a telegram from Tees. water stating that his son-in-law, Thomas Cl. Reid, a farmer living about four utiles north of Teeswater, went bathing in the river, and, getting beyond his depth, was drowned. His two little boys, who witnessed the sad occurrence, went to their mother, nearly half a mile from the river, and told the sad news, but nearly an hour elapsed before the body was recovered. It is supposed he was taken with cramps. Ise leaves a wile and six small children. The river is not deep but is fell of holes and the place where Mr. Reid met his death was about seven feet deep. The deceased could swim but he had been working hard all day and possibly went into the water while somewhat heated. Mise Issie Swann was visiting her sister at the time of this sudden bereavement, and Rev, Mr. Swann and wife went on Fri- day. The funeral took place on Satur- day and the funeral sermon was preached by Ileo. J. W. Sperling on Sunday. The widow and relatives have the sympathy of the entire community. Cu, nen norrs. —Bev. F. Ballantyne. 1N i A.. of Walton, preached in Mels ille clmreh last Sabbath. Rev. J. Ross, B: A., read the citation to the Walton congre. gation in connection with their pastor's resignation of his oharge.—Rev. Mr. Weir, Baptist minister, of Guelph, occu- pied the pulpit in Knox church last Sun. day evening. The pastor preached in the morning. Mr. Weir took for his test Isaiah 49111 chapter and 18th verse aud delivered what Mr. Howie described as a seasonable, eloquent and forcible plea for the heathen. He showered a multitude of foots and figures which showed the comparative insignificance of that which the Christian is doing in behalf of the heathen. Mr. Weir re. marked next that the darkest, furthest and most seoluded of heathen nations now fling their gates and arms open to receive the embassadors of Him whose right it is to be crowned Lord of all. The atonement and the ohcroh's birth- day will be the subject of Mr. Howie's addresses morning and evening next Sunday.—In the absence of Rev. M. Swann, Samuel Fear took the morning service in the Methodist °hurch and Rev. R. Paul preached a funeral sermon, bear- ing on the decease of Miss Langdale, in the evening. Rev. J. L. Kerr adminis- tered the sacrament,—Last Sunday was the inanguration of Mies Hargreaves as rganist in St. John's church. Her ervices were highly apiilrreoiated.—Cant. Bates, of tho Salvation Artny, has gone to Walkerton. His snocessors here are Capt. Smith and Lieut. Brimbleoombe. They coma from Paisley. PRRSENTATION. — The following item, from the Paisley Advocate, refers to Miss Hargreaves who has been engaged as organist of St. John's ahuroh, Brussels : A very pleasant event took place on Fri- day evening last at the residence of An- drew Wilson in the presentation of an address and purse by the members of the congregation of the Church of the Ascen• sion, to Miss Hargreaves, their much loved and highly respected organist. The party met at M, Daniels' and proceeded to Hargreaves' drug store, where they were reinforced, and "formed column of route" far Mr. Wilson's in the north end. On arriving there they took possession of the premises, and when all had gathered, the following address was read and it handsome purse containing $40.75 wag presented to Miss Hargreaves. 3. 33. Hargreaves replied to the address on behalf of his sister, tbankingtho audionoe for the good feeling whish they had ex. pressed, and referring in fitting terms to the pleasant bine which they had all spent in Paisley and the friendship which they had experienced from the oongre. gation to which they belonged and the town at large, During the evening gamsa of various kinds were put in operation for the enjoyment of those present and warn continued with the interval for lunch, until a seasonable hour when the party broke up, General regret is felt at iYltss Ilargreavee' removal from Pal.. ley, as reach for her social qualities as for the veli able aid that she has always been so willing to give when her services wore in guest, and for wbiah her eupelior mueioal talents so eminently fitted her to amend. Tris ADDRESS. .Dear Miss Hargreaves,— We, the undersigned members of the Church of the Ascension, Paisley, desire to present yon with :the accompanying purse and °entente, as it token of our very sincere regret at your departure from our midst, and as a mark of the high esti. motion in which we have always held your eervieos as organist and conduotor of the musical part of the worship of our congregation. And we all unite in wish- ing you a hearty God spend nod a happy tato=D to 00 in the near future. Signed on behalf of the congregation. Cuss, Estee. bl, Daontta. Tun brieklnyors are pushing the veneer. ing of Juo: IRobb's residence, south of the corporation. It will bo a very comfort. able home when completed, THE Sunday School pio•nio in anneu- tion with St. John's chetah was held in A. Delgatty's grove on Tintrsday after. noon of last week. The children had is very enjoyable time. Wtteh Dioirtto AND DniLLtNo,—Gear Birt has all tho necessary maohittery 10 digging and drilling wells and is prepare to attend to all work entreated to hint ' a way that will insure satisfaction. Ter reasonable. Residence armed door nor of the bridge, west side of :Curnbsrr street, Brussels. 5-tf BASE Barr TOURNAMENT.—A grand bee hall tournament will be held on Victori Squaw, Brussels, on Thursday, Augus 1001, when $110 will bo offered in prize First prize, $,i0; second, $30; third, $2 (open to all amateur base ball teams oleo 010 for a Meal game between lh townships of Grey and Morrie, Th games are announced to commence U:30 a, m., sharp. The following team have already entered for competition "Unions," of Gonrie and Wroxeter "Grand Centrals," of Listowel ; "Echoes,' of Brussels; Palmerston, Exeter, Blyth Mitchell and St, Marys, and others ar expected. The captain of each team i requested to be on hand at 9 to draw fo places in competition. A. H. Musgrove of Whitechurch, will umpire the games The Brussels Brass Band will be in at- tendance in uniform. Prone WE Know.—The Buffalo (Da kota) Herald says of a former Brussel- ite :—Sime Geo. Armstrong teak the Headquarters bete), he has made a de- cided change all around. It has been renovated, he sets a good table, anti the public are finding it out. Drop in and see how George runs the itotol.--Ed. Danford, wife and children are away on a holiday trip to Chatham and 1pcality, Mr. Danford may visit Dakota and Man- itoba before be returns. Geo. Currie is managing the tailoring business it, the absence of the proprietor, --Mrs. dna. C. Halliday has gone on a visit to triende't Perth, Out. She accompanied her sister Mrs. Jaynes Halliday who was here for a few days last weak.—Joe'. lallautyno, of Palmerston, was llama for a day last weak owing to the fire in the shop where he is employed —Ed, Bruce has excepted the appointment of a headmastership in me of the Toronto Pnblio schools, Pie is making a gree* reLor.t for u' tier ' deserves credit. A. Bruce, of this town, is his father.—Miss Minnie Ge•ry. ruin Mrs, T. Gerry spent Sunday in Cliut,'u. —Charlie Wilbee has gone to Listowel m take a position in Hese Bros. furuitnr factory. It will keep the most of th 'hands hustling to out -do him at the bench. He is a first-class meehanie.— Afrs. Adam Koenig, and little Lottie, are visiting at Buffalo for afew weeks. They went last Friday.—Samuel Laird is man- aging a cheese factory in the vicinity of Stratford and doing well.—Jas. Her. greaves and wife, at Paisley, drove over to Brussels last Saturday and spent Sun- day with relatives.—Mise Maud Clap. pison, daughter of Rev. D. C. Olappison of Toronto, formerly of Brussels, is re. newing old acquaintances in this locality —Mra. Wm. Ainlay and children are off for a recreation trip among friends at Seaforth,—Wm. Stewart, of the firm of Stewart & Lowick, has been seriously and dangerously ill but under good care will soon. be right side up,—R. 0. Hays was in the Go. town for Sunday.—Mrs. Frank Shiel has been on the sick list for the past week.—J. H. Young, Go. Mast- er of North Huron L.O.L., lett for Win- nipeg on Monday evening of this week. Geo. Love end J, R. Grant also took tickets for the west on Tuesday morning. They will be away for a month or so. We wish them a pleasant time and a safe return,—R. Leatberdale wont to Galt this'week to attend the funeral of a relative, —Wen. Martin left Brussels last Tuesday morning for Barrie where he represents Western Star Lodge, I, 0. 0 F., at the Grand Lodge.—Mrs. Wallace has been under the doctor's caro this woek.—J. F. Stewart has gone back to Belleville to settle up some business matters. He thinks some of spending next winter in California or New Mexico.—We regret to bear that ??ties Francis' mother died the day before the former reached her des- tination and, owing to the hot weather, was buried the day following, --.Rev. S. Jones went to Wroxeter last Tuesday and will ooutinuo his trip to Belmore and other northern points, He expects to be away for a month or two. We hope he'll have an enjoyable visit.—Mrs. Murdy McLennan and son ere visiting at ltobt. Black's, Gorrie, this week.—Harry Matheeon spent last Sunday inLucknow. —Mrs. Thos. FIayoroft and children are home from a holiday visit to friends ab Goderioh.—Mics Nina lltoinnis, of To. mato, is visiting Miss Henry.—Rev, John Mulholland has boon houro for a few weeks ou vacation. He has a charge in Daltota and is doing well, wo are pleased to bear.—I. 0. ltioharde and wife are holidaying at the northern mummer re. sorts.—James Laird has gone to Port Elgin for a few weelca.—The Misses Low. ick are the guests of their brother, A, J, Lowick, of this place, Thos. Hall, of the Revere House, hoe been somewhat under the weather for the past week,—A. Curcio sr. is so poorly titot he is enable to attend 10 business an of old, His trouble is dyspepsia, the doctors say.— The Davies boys, of Ethel, are visiting for a week with friends in town—Tho Stratford Herald says: "Mrs. Smyth, wife of Rev, W. Smyth, whose .health has not been very good of late, has gone to Peterborough, tho home of Mr. Smyth's childhood, to visit and recuperate."--• llrnest Plum, a former resident of Brus- sels, was in town this week for several Jaye.—Mrs. Harvey and baby, of Guelph, are visiting et Dr, Graham's. --Freer, Flindes arrived home for a brief visit on Wednesday of this week. He has boon away over a year and talks of returning to Montreal in a few days, Ho has beer well cared for, judging by appearances,— Mrs. Anderson and sou, of (Mosley, are making Mrs, Neil MDLauohljn a Visit. -- May Putland and Ella !riot, of Strat- ford, ars visiting S. Plunm,.—.mita, Mal- colm was visiting friends at Kincardine this week. a ., „ ..... , .s.,..•,-. ,« W....,."nag+aCrL+'"G' IVIA .' :twF" IL,.. r wa.7,7ffwtuk.at',r5d.:.y�,,r.., T lobo" base ball club in cow THE 31.PLE8C fr zLfi tk . tyaita,g for fresh worlds to cnnqurr, , Ove tewnalutnt A. R. Smith is beeom. iia: quite a eplhrtor and is doing up thea J1'i' "s • v1101,1 e. ' 1 "4f 1� PIS l It of Die 1 !t0 t I Ia1'. 7 most of the bn}•s, t 1s'•n "f ton nbdure3:;nr i lot 7, eon. 7 \\'scat;eeee bass ball team is estimated Grey, moor about June lst, n Yearlings, :l'nroe to our tocntamettt next Thursday, They of t2stoli two smite Ys, rod Hari white In molar, have tt good moo auo of tiro etoeraln n brbtdio aud rho other ]nndiug to their recovery w911 ho t:b:niltfully 7'1'an.a et el (i (•-11('1'10 Jirt 1110 n(1 received. 110112'. ING' LIS • Business, 1.11 ti ruasols, P. 0, t C't J. hoes, J. Rtre'tton and A. Brock two are a readiest miler. Any inlormatl0 played with the Osven Sound club at Walkerton on Thureday against the home club. M.utr, the little daughter of Jas, ]]road. foot, had the misforteno to tumble down stairs a few dove ago and break one of the bones itt her left arta, A8 excursion is to be run by the Grand Trunk on Tuesday, 3811 inst., to London, St. Thomas aud Port Stanley at to low rate. Watals out for posters and take in t.� Ara. 10, 1888. Wr 3'.9 �L ai al.' a 1\' t,IN'I Oiiil 9 Md'7!ACIC t BANIfl;llS .:. B1lUSI]I•:1,s the trip. GORDON MooNrx has taken the fore- ge manship in the Ilex mill. Ho's a pusher. cl 13narra9 Biros. roan mustang was beat. ut en in a half mile running race at Listow- ms of on Wednesday afternoon. A number th of Ilrussolites witnessed the rase, 1, No PAPER Near Wast.. -•Following our usual custom we have decided to take a holiday next week, consequently Trot e Poor will not be published until the 24th. a inst. The office will bo open, howeyer, t and all job work attended to as usual, 5• SAENotRFEST.--.A three days singing 0, festival will bo held at Port Elgin on the 1, 19th, 14tH and 15th ofAttgnet. TheBer- REAL ESTATE. o lin and Waterloo singing eooieties will e take part. inhere will be a cricket match ONLY Until further notion tan aunt of Servluo of my Tltoronglt•bro,l Jersey Bull will be $2,00 pay - S2,00 0Q nils at tune of aorvlaa with t,o �'+i'v' 6/ privilege of roturuing (If nouos- spry), The above applies to C*011 any sore 0004 t 0ursaye which y will be 80,00 slash, G. A. D1)ADASAN, Druggist, ac., Brussels, Outeri°, 40- O ayes ts.Ito•lsou os mad'grade Markseaa orad and another patent oauaes in the Patent OMoe and before Ole Onerts nro",ptlyy and earefullyabsendodto. Upon receipt ol,npd- el or sketch of Invention, I matte careful examlttaltan,and advise as to Patentability Free of Charge. Fees moderato, and I make no charge unloesptttootre ernurea, Inform- ation, advice and spoolal referanooe sent on application. J. R. LITTI1LG, Waehington D.C., U.B. Patent 0fdoo. 10. and other attractions, TIM POST rotors O thanks for complimentary tickets, i'.J with good garden attache], to rent, Josr.Pn Wsits'rrit arrived in Brussels Central leoatbm. Apply at Til 1 Posr Pub. ; n Thursday morning of this week from ]telling 80o use. Scotland. Ile bronglit three splendid • Clydesdale 2 year old stallions, "Ane- CHOICE FARhIS FOR SALE. e her •�" "Pride of the Wa°st " an "' • s . t/ A tow a dent.' Mr. Webster says there were 83 Hint=ln Otto 1743,,e, lig of Grew, Drools and r horses brought out on the steamship Auuttonpur, ixiatela P,•0,i)IS I,GAT1'Y, Oo, , Circe, and they lied a good passage. They _ • got to Montreal last Tuesday noon. CONDUCTOR QUraR, well ]mown on the �AR1tIFOR SALE.—TIIE SUB. W. G. ,a B, who resides at Kincardine. ocmisxn odors hie valnabin 100 toots farm, betnglot 8, eon, 18,- Grog Townsbi ) OMFORTABLE DWELLING, y d "Prost. oplondld, improved farms ter is the possessor of a musical clock, about Huron Co., for ants. There aro 'bent 85 200 years of ago, that plays a tuna five acres etettred and in good heart. There is o minutes before each hoar. In addition reg home, mead httnk barn, bearing orchard, there are six or eight miniature figures, aud nil the necessary eonYenlsasas rho premises• For Airther tt,artieulars, alts to dressed as mnsioians, who place small prism, terms, eta„ apply to rho Promiotor, instruments to their mouths and perform eIROL HTSLOP, Glare P. 0„ N. W. T.. or to sundry evolutions while the music is 3-11 DOUGALD STIIAMIAN, Brussels being rendered, It's a great curiosity d b b inspected U hundreds. an its eon mspao e y 6�+TRAY1 D FROM THE PEEL Conductor Quirk luta an opportunity of A tons of the uuderstguo,l, lot 23, eon. 3, disposing of this old relic to a gentleman Morrie, to tBa mcath of ntny last, s heifets in Toronto at -a handsome figure, and o eislter, (m n steer res' malas a bit ,n FALSE SE THE mtxTnnitE.—In last wcelt's- the head, tea ,y1 th same white spots) 1 bait- or is rad In 00101', 1 rod with white ou ftautc Budget the following item appears :— and face, and 1 yellow with white belly ane "The folly of people entrusting too much white across the hind quarters. Any in- to lawyers, who can charge apparently, 10amation ragnrding the nbovo will ba as much as they like, is exemplified in thankfully recoiyed, Tttero are also 8 stray 1 settle on my promisee at prosent, all 1 -year - the fallowing oath : A Mn. Johnston, of nide. They are 2 holfora and 1 steer. JAS. Walton, had a valuable dog killed, be 81{.1R@, Brttnsels 0.0. G-tf employed a certain young lawyer, to .. --. whom $25 was paid. Mn. Johnston was fi'ARi1X IN GREY T'OWNSIJIP 1 heeded four, the lawyer keeping the rest .fl.' iron BALE.—horns lot 11, son. 10, coo - for eoste, sers'iceS, ]Aro." Mr. Johnston's tarring loo aero,. ft 1:; partly cleared. the r,rsio„ #:t'; 1':::. 1 lie' aures' 'n f'••, h'1•v,te „ f i , t "oo,.r tatting. writer of ND, above. lie, eels tbo litu.: tt is ,,,,,1 ad, -,t odstor,,itit tunes, being smear . I willlilCe- aif ]cult he had about tho ebantitt of iso g yw sell 3 tunes, • , g c r a being „ II- est part 1il i of 11, , his dog was vary satisfactorily tor• non.'la, nonrl stir clmoroA cad in n goad 'y + ranged by his solicitors for him, after tett 0f snit etion, A good Prato barn O some correspondence, without a law frith u gelid atoea eea1118 underaentb ami a p cover failing woll isalso ou tbo plaoa. For o suit. Ile (Johnston), not his solicitors, further parctat,tot , apply to the proprietor reoeived 625, per registered letter, in est- un the ptno0. Thislat is opposite tum 0th. lenient of the matter and he palled short. or GE011010 AVER tit, Proprietor. 1-11 ly after and paid $4.00 for the work dono by his solicitors which he considered very TlAR3X P011 SALE.—TUE UN. reasonable. Mr. Johnston also said he saw the editor of the Budget and stated the facts of the Daae. The redoubtable editor has hie knife into one of the mem- bers of this legal firm nod he published this untruthful and libellous paragraph to "get even." The public is quite cape able of passing judgment on such conduct. MORN - Wasr.—In Ethel, on the 8rd inst., the wife of Mr. Robert Wray, of a daughter. Poen.—In Brussels, on the 2nd inat., the wife of Mr, john Pugh, of a daughter. Goon.—In Brussels, on the 5th inst., the wife of Mr, Adam Good, merchant, of a daughter. —•.— 9S1M7'- Bnucs.—In Goderioh, on Jnly 91st, Jane, beloved wife of the late John Bruce, aged 70 years. Rsm.—Drowned, near ineeswater, ou the 2nd inst., T. G. Reid, sou -in-law to Rev. Hf. Swann, Brussels, aged 89 years. Rsestener.--In Cranbrook, on Auguat 6th, Mary C., youngest daughter of Min- nie and A.. Raymattn,raged 10 years, 4 months and 20 days. Tr'AS6., S.'FT_-CWF. Toronto Sept. 10 to 22. East Huron, Brussels, Oot. 4 and 5. East Wawanosh, Belgrave, Oct. 0th, Provincial al Kington, Sept. 10 to 15. Pall Shows will be held this season as follows : Exeter on Monday and Tuesday, Oc. tober 1. acid 2. Western, at London, from the 20111 to the 29th of September. Clinton on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 10, 20 and 21. South Huron, at Seaforth, on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 17 and 18. Goderioh on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oot.2, 3, 4 and G. OM'X'MT MAs"3KF,'SS_ 00RliEOTED tAni9ULLT EVERY WEER. Fall Wheat 93 07 Spring Wheat 80 07 Oats 48 50 Peas 65 66 Barley 60 60 Potatoes 1 20 00 Butter, per lb 113 00 Eggs, por dozen.. , , .. , , , 15 00 Apples, per bushel 05 00 Hogs, droned 0 50 7 00 Beef 4 50 5 50 Hay 700 8 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 8 50 Sheepskins, each.,..,,40 75 anareor seies2;1Sa0ti 340.n10', commas= CAREPOr,Ln EVERY winilt. Pall Wheat ,........ 96 97 Spring Wheat 90 97 Borley 50 00 Oats 48 50 Peas 06 06 Batter, tube and rolls,, 14 15 Eggs per dozen 14 00 Flour per hotter....,,,.,. 5 00 00 Potatoes ,. 70 00 Hay per ton ............. 7 00 8 00 Elides per lb..... ,• ,,..• 4 01 Salt por bbl,, wholesale.... GO 80 Sheep eking, each.. 00 1 00 Wool, per lb , 18 22 Pork .................... 6 g5• 660 DEurnON1.T offers for Rale the north oast quarter of lot 38, concession 9, Morris, County of Huron, oanteinin g 30 acres. The laud leo( first quality and in it high state of aQtivatiou, well feuded and under -drained, 45 acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms, lntllc house with concrete walls, 2 wells, good barna and shots, orchard, etc, Dight acres of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able bourns witI be given, Titleperfeet, JAMES GRl'1•SVtt, Owner, as- Box 258Brituals P. 0, OOD PARtii FOR SALE IN \XMorria, on reasonable forms. In order to close tiro affairs of the estate of the late W. G. Munster], the executors odor the fol- lowing Valuable lands for sato North half of Lot 30, Oonoession s, Township of Morris, containing 00 acres. On this lot is erooted a good frame barn with atone foun- dation, good orchard, well and pump . Near- ly all nleared, and is on the grave road olosoly ad aiuiu the village of Brussels. This farm s a valuable one, is weir fenced and in a good state of cultivation, For urines and terms apply to THOS. HHELLS% Brussels P. 0.. Hamm Jtltt8x es, Victoria Square P.O., or Atlas SALVOR, ;Maple Lodge P. 0., Middlesex County. 20C ACRE FARM FOR SALE. Afirst-Wass farm for sale in the Township of Morris in the County of l3 Aron Wog south ]calf of north half lobe 25&2d and +oath half of 20 in 7311 eon., containing 200 acres more or less, 121 acres mostly Blear of stumps and in a good state of oulti- vattpn. '1'ltoro is a young bearing orobard,a good house and hank barn 35 x 09 feet with stone stable underneath. The form is situ- ated within it mile of the Village of Brusaelo and is it good farm for grain or stook rais- ing as ibis watered with the river Maitland and never failing spring crock. Possession will be given at any time, For further par- ticulars apply on the promises ur to A.00. iOOBI]ItTtoON, Brussels, P. 0. . s-tf FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT 1 The northhalf of lot 20, eon. 8, township of Grey, containing fifty acres, morn or less, nboat 80 nares. °leered and in good order. Comfortable dwelling and expellent born and stabling eltnated within about 4 intim of Ethel village, in a good locality and oonven- ienb to river. Is offered for Oslo on favorable berme as the proprietor is unable to continue farming. If not sold will be leased for term tubo agreed upon to a good tenant, and at. tenement can ho made that rent be payable In improvements. The property 10 now in good shape for a purchaser or incoming ten- ant. For terms, &c„apply on the promises, or bo WM. BMALLUON, 413f Ethel (Ont.) P.O. FARM FOR SALE, Tho Mxaoutors of the eetuto of the lobo Minn:•nnuMoo:tny, lls,lunat, deaosed, cow offer the following,' valuable lands for sale, ylr..:—Tho north hall of (0127, and Otto west (111tconcession btlnthe'towo lss'lp o1 Morrthe s, County Of Huron, containing 100 acres, About 110 aeras aro cleared and in gond condition, the greater mutt being in grass, The balance is wall blathered, chiefly with banal and maple. 'phis farm 15 favorably sitttatsd within ono Milo of the village of Brussels, which affords an exoallout maritet. Thereis upon the prenuses n good from. barn and hotted au orohere. 01 ohoioe fruit trope, a never felling spring, oleo a good well and pump, and good Juncos. This property will be sold ie one or two palpate, t0 snit intending purchasers, Elft ehrasor will bo allowed 00 enter and have 000 of bouee onIiremises at any tinea after harvest and to do fall plowing. Full mosses- sioit will he glyou at 1st November next. For tonne and further particulars apply bo the undersigned Iflxoautare, or to ,JOHN M0024D1, 7rlsk„ 33ruaso1o, Ont, L IODf CiCNb11�t 318, (3i$Econons, Boma at llrusaeli, Juno 184h,1888, 50 NOTE0 DISCOUNTED. ttlitl t',usohla,cl,at a)ul lrnitnd 1tarns3>re(tabought Interest alio teal on cto)toalta. Collections made on ,favorable terms.; Canadian Ageute—rinnerrANT'e BANG or. CANADA, Now York Agents—IttPOIITtttta AND TRAD- ERS NATIONAL BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. '��7 3I, SINCLAIR .SOLICIT: o1', Oanvoyanaor, Notary Public, &m. MUG: Graham's Block, 1 door north of Hargreaves' Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. E, WADE, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Notary Public, Con- vovauoing. Collections Alla Loaning. . air. Wada wilt attend in Gerrie ovary Moines. day et two o'clock. � IONSON 89 WAYS, mato with Garrow & Ptondfont, Godo - rich) Barristers, Solicitors, Oottvoyancors, be, Oiaee, arent's Block, Brussels. Money to lead. I1, S. BAPS, W. 11. DICIRSON, A 33. 'PAYLOR, 13. C. L., BAR- . nto'ettu, Solicitor, to., of rho firm of Diokeon & Taylor, Barristers, Soliaibora, &c„ ,banning Arcade, Icing Street Wool, Toronto, Molloy 10 loan. ALEX. HUNTER, OLERE OF Conveyanthe cer, Notary Division rLand, Loan Rudlnsurance Agent, Funds invested and to loan. Coacetions made, 001co in Gra- ham's BlnelgBrussels, PO50:ITCU - NNING& INauru:W9, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS, • M. F. GALE, 11, D., C. M. 111ewheraf the College of Pbysirtatt and Surgeooe of inmate by oxaminnt,,o Otlle° au,l ltoatlenc—Main St, Enst, the Ontario. A. 1bcNAUGIITON, • CAL, L .11, C, P. Edinburgh, M. C. P. 1'. t rO1n1t80 mhat , Imrgrmc1':39Drtg 13 tpcon,iron 0th0 • houro may bo found at tin, ruahlenen formerly occupied by Dr. 1lutcbinsan, Millstreet. street, DENTAL. G, L. Bail, L. D. S., Honor Graduate and M. iD. t. C. given B. MerleD. Toronto, ssstantOpea Omen—mayors Bleak, Seaford, 1131lDl®7 r,=W, J.Fear,L.D S.Graduate ofTo- ronto School of Dentistry. All oper- ations guaranteed. OMco—Catty's Block, Ssaforth. ArtiSeialteeth,firatquality, abdo. guaranteed llt,for S12.0Oper sot,;. D1:1\' 7Climi ]C. 3n A. SvL8RT2N, S.J. a, S., Honor Graduate of the Royal CollsNqo of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nrxnos Oxins GAs administered for the pormeso extrac- tion of teeth. OFF1Clt.--Garileld 111oeit, aeRrS9tti.S. AUCTIONEERS, !'t EORGE KIRKBY, LICEN- Vf ssn Auctioneer, Sales oouduoted on reasonable terms, farms and farm ;took n specialty. Orders left at Tun Po ST Pebllsh• Ing ]Rouge, B rusesls, or ;ant to Walton post Wilco will recsiveprompt attention, A LEX. DELGATTY, AUCTION - la- Snit, is prepared to attend to sales On the shortest notice. A spealalty undo of solos of thorough -bred sboalu. Terme made 11110100 Ir application tc Tun Pos',, Publish- ing House, where orders may bo loft, or addrers to Brussels P 0. A RAYMANN, AUOTIONZ;ER • is always ready to attend sales of farina, farm stook, &c. Terms cheerfully given. Oranbrooh 1P.0. Sales may be w- ronged at Tins POST Publish log Jlouse Brussals, BUSINESS CARDS. MoORAOKEN, .ISSUER Marriage Liooneoe. Oftlao at hie G000ery,Turnborry Street, 1i1ISS O'OONNOR, TEACHER Lys of Piano and organ. Tonna on applt- nation, anrlBxidayaattM'o, ?. pnntpbell erWalbon, 12 Walton, , Air ISS HARGREAVES DESIRES LTt. to receive pupils fox tnstrua. Won On the 1'd,ANO and ORGAN. 8 years Experience. laealdottoe with Mee. lint, greavcs, over liAit(ittl+,.t.i'i+.e 051117io ST01105. - no0•lyr N. BARRETT, 'TONSORIAL, Mmo Artist. Shop, next door south of M. McKay & Cos, hardware atom, Ladles' and children's hair euttitlg tt specialty, _.. A choice Steak of elms hoot, A 1sIoNAIR, ISSUER 0.11' MAR. L7G a riago Lica toes, by appointment of Idout:Governor, Oommiseloner, eta„ Cahyoyanoor and Agent Fire Insurance CC. Oi loo at the OranbrcokPost Moo. 14X. BODD1OK, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental Painter. Graining Gilding, alga and Daooratfva Painting in all its branahos. Shop Blinds dote up in style, Papor ganging a specialty. Shop one boor Muth of 1,13uyers' Oarriags Works. . W. O'BRIEN, V. S,, T30NOR . Graduatoof tiro Ontario Vot0rl Cellega baa resumed tho practice of Joho Nett, V end to prepared to trout alb die eaeesotdomotlented animals soiontioeet3asacattm1Mttolspolly 0ie91,dbb i NOrtb of BY idge,Turolsrry forst t. 1'0 L svht gen I all ole Mau B. To 51 1n"l haw bot' 0091 lra,: nn, aml1 sigh I at ott, lay.. frau ht t. triol to t Star oto the but snot for arm The len( age tor[ dltr. 9011 is a, ,len ]rat 11 To SI the wb Oar Stun the the lyse Lniu Die Gn six 1•x0 bili 1000 Gn at alln dnf 411, toe, S.V tel: On ` h!, da, me. lett cox au, Rot la, t°,t na wh ha nu kiC lto, ill cel• Or or et, air utr we Te at to am Jo ere 111 BO- at nat Tt nl', ca to, G nt B, 'i th is In b: tb et to 01 0 g! fc u1 Bl 0 c w b 0