The Brussels Post, 1888-8-10, Page 50
108 ,
Atro, 10, .1888,
.ItihC.IIY°rItt8No.3l":•1*Zi11:,:ttict 11 a lleia;I:metiientthi!;ct
examination, We eceigratnlato her on
her emcee:se,
Rev. Mr. Howie wilt till appeintmente
at Barrio's school lit, - t, on titt• 10th Met.;
1/11t1011 hold bon, oli tho 2011I, and
Reboot lueilio S. S. No. 3, con. 5, on l'una.
day, 2.1.83 Met.
During the wind 'demi last
/afternoon a portion of the root of Doug-
al! Tnylor's barn !veil blown nit lt to(,3.
four or five bimeelee nfshinglen to repair
the demage.
Mr. Renee, sr., arrived home last
Tueedav from a visit to old friends in the
flay of Quints country. He reports the
crop prospeate as anything but enoourng.
ing and says there will be a good deal of
close shaving before another season.
Lest Friday night the barn of M.
3011 line, was struck by light-
jning and almost instantly consumed. A
large quantity of hay was stored ht tho
building and was, of course, a total loss.
Tho lightning was very sharp and played
havoc with telegraph poles, trees, dec.
Wieserheilei•The cheep mermen to Kincardine on
of next week is stirring up
A new liquor dare is tarot] of. 'Wednesdayconsiderable interest, especially among
'What about aur cricket club ? HMS it
died altogether ? the children, and as the return fare is
Walsh it Pringle, soda water manure°. ,
onlr 65 cents for adults and 35 cents for
i Bron from Brussels station a good
tunnel, have dissolved partnership. many from this loolility will probably
el. Norman, of the Salem brewery, has in,
been making arrangements for starting
Your correspondent has not heard
brewery in town, numb about Morris baso ball elub mak.
There wore 10 eandidates who wrote at •
e entmeee exemteati" here
Ing preparations for the match with a
thclub froni Drey on the day of the base
worn sewage]. That is a good shoiv-
The Mayor has limited hie prochimaticm
fixing Thurechty, the llith ne the
lefficiay for Senforth.
A has been largely signed by
the burinern mon of Seaforth, Asking the
authoritien of the Bank of Commerce to
appoint C. le. St. Clair Rimpeon Manager
of the Seaforth agency.
Miss Lizzie Whitfiele left for her
home, Ethel, lest week.
Chas. Reading and wife returned from
the Northwest on Saturday last,
J. W. Wanton, n missionary who pro-
poses going to China, deliverea 0 very in-
terentIng lecture on Thursday evening of
last weolc on the subject of "Missions."
His lecture was illuntretecl by a number
of charts.
Hutton 13.* Cerr'e flour mill and Mr,
Jackson's residence et Wingham wore
burnt to the ground aboat 3 o ohmic Wed-
nesdey morning. The fire started in the
mill, which had not been running since
early in the evening. There vats about
1,000 bushels of wheat in the mill besides
a quantity of flour. The loss is estimat-
ed at about 335,000 on the mill and
33,000 oa the dwelling. There was
38,000 insurance on the mill and 34,000
on its contents. The names of the 10.
1300331130 companies interested ere not
A boar was soon in a piece of woods
'east of here last Thursday afternoon.
Berry pickers' excursions are now in
order eines the rain. All return Nyith
well-filled pails.
Several of our residents talk of going
to Kincardine next Wednesday on the
Sabbath eohnol exeursion.
9'he next 0300111134 01 the Young Peoples'
Soeinty of ltnox church will not bo held
until about the 1st of September.
Wo regret to state that Mary 0.,
daughter of our townsman Anthony Rey-
mann, diad last Monday, in her eleventh
Sieiss & Miller, our new tailors, are
receiving orders thick and fast. This
establishment is becoming noted for
stylish work,
Jno. Derneron received a eevere blow
on the head from the croak of a windless
while cleaning out a well, which laid him
up for a few days.
Rev. D. 83. McRae held service in Ful -
knee school holm, 10111 eon., 01 10 0, m.
last Sunday and in the Methodist church
Imre nt 7 p. in.. The meeting will be in
the Methodist church next Sabbath ev-
ening et 0:30,
Ire tee eess el . closely contested. The Room stood 13 to
The "13anner" 18 tithing a holiday this 14 iu favor of the latter village. Ab,
Paulin, of Wroxeter, umpired the game
in a meet satisfactory manner.
The Financial District meeting of the
Listowel District 11101 the Methodist
church here on Thurscley, 9th itt
0 o'clock a. m. the evening e public
meeting, in the 1103015118 of the Educa-
tional Society, was hold and wee; ad-
dressed by the elinirman of the District,
Rov. F. le. Nugent, and °there.
ihecatecinme. • • Lag Friday 00.01034
while game of base ball was in progress
an altercation arose between the six foot
'editor ef the Gerrie Vidette one of
the village dudes. From hard words
they soon came to blows and when
Constable I3rothaur, of Wroxeter, at-
tempted to separate the combatants a
millibar of the village roughs interfered
and prevented him from doing his duty.
It is very 31111011 to bo regretted that our
officers of the peace are eo lax in the Jim:-
formal -lee of their duty aa to allow such
offending to escape the punishment they
so richly deserve. If loon have no re -
spout for themselves they, at least, should
bo taught to respect the majesty of tho
law. 'Unless there is a 033013340 1)130110
soon the rowdy element is going to reign
dominat and our fair village will become
a byword among others.
ball tournament in BraSselis. A. good
team con bo made up by the union of
two or three of the local clubs. Wake up
boys and take the prize.
Robb Bros, disposed 03 :31 head of Inc
three-year-old steers to McLean Bros.,
well known stocknieu, foe the handsome
sum of 3,1505.00. Thoy were bought for
the Old Country market and were shit'.
'pod there, with the exception of seven
head, last weelc. This is the way to rake
in the ducats and, 330 410111384 is a serer
mode than depending entirely on grain
Lightning played great havoc with the
telegraph wires in this locality lately.
111wEvans, of Orillia, and Miss Evans,
of Fordwich, are visiting at Wm.
Jas. Patton, of Toronto, occupied the
pulpit of the Methodist church last Sab.
bath morning.
ltobt. Croekery, of Gledwin, Mich., is
visiting friends around Gerrie this week.
Bob looks as if living under the govern-
ment of Uncle Sam agreed with hire.
Quito a number of partici; took ad-
vantage of the low rate on the C. P. 11,
to take ea excursion to Manitoba. The
0)100(81011 301(1(1 left Gerrie on Tuesday
We understand that 3V. IL Wiles has
purchased a furniture mid undertaking
business in Walkerton end remove
there about the 1st of September. The
removal of himself and family from our
vilIago sill be very much regretted.
The work of excavating the cellar and
foundation of the new brick hotel to be
built in (Joule was commenced on Tues-
day morning. Quito large gang of men
are being employed and, wo understand,
it is the intention to push the work on as
rapidly as possible.
A game of base ball WAS played last
Tuesday afternoon between the .011.1US 01
Wrogeter and Gerrie and was very
wee ,.
The brick work on Hess' now factory
is aboet nompleted.
97lie Saturday cheap excursions to tho
lakes are more popular this meson than
Tumidity of next week will bo the civic
holiday for this town. An excursion has
been arranged to Goderich,
Kincardine plays Listowel their fourth
scheduled game 03 11)0 310318011 on the 10th
on the grounds of tho club here.
The 14-thefficuel mem :---We aro pleased
to state that there is 1100' good p(o41)o0
of a Fall Exhibition being held in Lis-
towel thio year, the scheme to havo the
exhibition buildings removed to the
grounds of the Lietowel Agricultural As.
0001511011, and the Association, with tho
co-nperetion of the Wallace Agricultural
Society, undertaking to make the addi-
tional improvements required and hold-
ing a four days' show, being in n, fair way
of being consummated. Tho Ageociation
have taken hold of the matter in deed
earnest and have already secured some
$303 or 3400 in stook. Merchants and
business 0100 are being asked to sttb-
seribo stook to the amount which will
be required to fit up the building when
it is removed to the new grounds, erect
statist, etc., the probable cost of which
will be 3500 or 0600.
Miss Sellers was visiting friends here
last week.
It. Hawk, of Harley, is visiting at
Miss Bowles, of Clinton, is visiting at
W. Simpson's,
Male Alex. Cameron and family aro
visiting friends in Toronto.
Mrs. D. Collins and childree, of Kin-
eatdino,were visiting at the parsonage
last wai,
Quarterly meeting services will bo held
in the Methodist church next Sunday.
Services to commence at 10:30 it. in.
W. Doig, E. F. MoAllister, Alex.
Peebles and J. N. Robertson have gone
4on a trip to Mauitoba. They loft here
'1last Tnesday,
Toe Hemworth has returned invigorat-
4. ed from his trip on the lekes. He says
that it was pretty rough on the water
bet Friday night.
Lest Friday night a little vieitor oame
to the reeidenee of Robt. Wray, our
genial blacksmith. Her name is Wray,
too, and she expects to stay there.
Tho Sabbath 0011001 excursion to Kin-
cardine next Wednesday Will likely be
well patronized. The faro for adults
from here is 80 cents and for children
Last Sunday evening the funeral sew
111011 of the late Mrs. 13. Tindall was
pronethed in the Methodist 011110011 by the
. pastor, Rev, J. T. Logone*, to a very largo
congregetion, The sermon wee e very
impressive one. Tho text selected was
;Tames 4112 oluip„ 1.4th verso, "Foe what
is your life ? It is even 0. vapor that ap.
penroth for a little 13010 301311 than vantsh.
0311 (may."
A short limo ego Mre. Toll was thrown
out of a buggy by the horn shying et a
I:wee bill beard by the side of the road
end was badly alethen up.
Mrs. Samuel Shine is home from
A. ball club will likely bo organized to
go to Brussels on tho 16th inst.
Peter McDougall had a barn raising on
Saturday afternoon of last week.
Our threshers are now getting things
in order end will bo hard at it in a fow
Miss 0. Calder VMS one of the sneeess.
ful candidates at tho teachers' examina-
tion at Seaforth,
A. now woodshed has boon built at
Smith's school house. The old one was
removed, Francis Hunter, of Oraubrook,
did the work.
On Friday night a cow belonging to
Habkirk, lot 12, eon. 9, and Valued
at 340 VMS struck by lightning and in-
stantly killed.
tHenry Ball and family have moved
into their ne' residence this week. We
hope they may enjoy the comfort of their
new habitation.
Miss Rosanna Ball arrived home on
Monday afternore from Owen Sound,
whore she has bean engaged as roil/fuer,
for her holidays.
Ament Bros. will finish sewing their
stook of legs et the Grey mill in about
another week, They have rushed through
a 154 of work this season.
Rev. Cl. 33, Howie, Ar. A.., has appoint -
manta at Shine's school hone on the
9111 intik ; Mr, Coombes' on Thereday,
28rd inst., and Jamestown on Friday,
Tho imported stallion left at Mordreal
by Thos. lefeletinahlin owing to sickness;
died there the other day. 'Phe loss to
3130 ontorpriteng horsemen will 1.0 0011.
The Clinton New Era, 583 o:-14, 1%
Taylor. teacher, Grey, was a caller at
the New Era office this week, He had
just returned from the "Soo," where ho
luta been on a holiday trip, and which
place he says is not by any means Mom-
' ing tie it has been represented to bo.
"..="41.313.3=1311.172=====.11N.1==3:11: .dirDITIAtztal '73377.231==rritred0'1.1 trOrneZzL7 .,S7341,1Zrig.1,...warr/317.VM •,a7,7,„,nnsaasus,
i MISS Hate Calder, daughter of Than.
(Alder, left on needay for Winnipeg,
where she expecte to enter upon a tide -
sine of Inure}, aft totree in a lieepital. If
this relmrt true there in ee Mello, but
the week' ve•elid 1, well al,,1 faithfully
A very heavy electrical storm peened
over tido (cotton butt Friday. night. 'I'recie
and fences were Amok by the lightulug
to different lootiliticie, but we have not
hoard of any greet damage being clone at
time of writing. There were two heavy
showers of rain during the nighc, whieh
wore received graciously by all.
Tho recent rains bawl greatly 1 evi veil
regotetion. Late crepe aro making rapid
progress and pssture 60111e have now a
green appearance", Pall wheat and bar.
lay will bo nearly all in the bailie this
Week, Wheat is well headed and a good,
01101330the crop being better than
301113 at one time expeeted. Barley is a
good crop and the temple firet.class.
Onto and peas aro now being harvested,
everybody being as busy as noilors.
Teo 00 Weu.-I prenume from that
item of last week that the Morris mon
will muster courage enough before long
to have a real tug of war with our boys.
I hope when the event takes ?lam that
the Morrisites will not be so soared after
taking hold of the rope as they were at
Brussels on July 2ncl. By the way, 3711511
you read between the lines of the Morris
item yon will perceive, artmeg other
things, that it is the production of that
'wonderful body "Little I3opeep.'' Of
course this matters little, only that NVO
have the name a week or ito ahead, but,
to noniu bank to the main, we Say get
yo10 feet out of the holes, liOnis the clay
and Place, put up your 'damps 11nc1 no
more limiting round the bush. Yours,
with kind regards, Bionon P131.4.1,4311.
Perth County Notes.
Stratford has abort eleetrio lights.
Douald Hay, a fornier resident of
Nortb Easthope, died in Stratford jail on
Sunday night.
Dr. W. N. Robertson, of Stratford,
was thrown from his bioycle on Sunday
and sustained some painful injuries.
Jas. Crerar, J. P. Beeohridge, North
Easthope, threshed his grain a few Says
ago, and his barley yielded 40 bushels te
the nom and his fall wheat 30-a good
average yield.
The St. MaryJournal says ;---We
learn that St. Marys in common with
other places, is losing many of its wan -
able shade trees, through the operations
of a worm which lays eggs under the
bark, the insects when hatchell riddling
the branches through and through. It
may prove of interest to know that it
plentiful supply of turpentine applied
with a clean brush to the trunk and
branches from the groond nee proves au
efficient remedy for the evil, Wood ashes
placed at tho roots 01 1110 tree also have
a beneficial effect.
A. chequer olub has beau formed at
Stratford, with the following officers :-
Jas. Kyle, President; D. R. McPherson,
Secretary -Treasurer; A. Roberteon, C.
(lesson, 3.11. Frey, D. 18. MoDougalland
J. II. McArthur, were appointed a com-
mittee of management to secure rooms
and arrange other business. The classic
city len also a tally -ho lolub, the officers
being :-Honorary Pres., Sheriff Hassle,
Pres., P. Megan, let Vice -Pres., Stewart
Campbell ; 2011 Vice -Pres., W. le. Hib-
bard ; Houorary Searcbary-Treas„ due.
MacQuillan : Whipper-iu, P. S.
tou. Tho object of tho club is to colli.
vete a taste for riding.
During the progress of the storm lag
Friday evening Thomas Rio°, butcher,
of Stratford, was etre,* by lightning and
killed. The melancholy event occurred
at his brother's barn, near the Little
Lakes. elle Rico and his hired man
started out after dinner to the slaughtet
house, situated Doer Um barn. On the
way Mr. Rice changed his mind and went
hem the barn, hitched up his horse and
went for some lambs to kill. Ou his re-
turn he unhitehed just before the storm
came on. Ho thou seated himself on a
barrel near the open door, where he was
shortly afterwards found by his brother,
who had come out to minden in to tea.
He was dead 33)11011 found. Tho electriu
fluid nnaat Lave struck 113011 in tho head
tie his hat was torn neld his face and left
side were badly discolored. A penknife,
which wan taken out 03 1)10 pocket, is so
strongly maguetised that it will attract
stool. Tho young man, who was slaugh.
taring in an adjoining building, VMS
momentarily stunned from the shook.
Mr. Rice wile bordering upon 60 years of
ago and VMS married, but loaves no
children. The storm has cited= boon
equalled in violet= in this district, The
residence of George Woods, of the 7th
oon., Lt 8, Gore of Downie, was struck
by lightning but only slightly damaged.
Tho building did not catch firo until
some time after the storm was over. The
flames were extinguished by neighbors.
In Ellice the barn of 0. Schumann was
struck and slightly damaged in the roof.
In the same township the stable of ,Ttts.
Humphrey was struck and a horse killed.
Not damage was done to the build-
ing, Standing grain, such as barley,
oats 01111 5311(134 wheat, has of course been
beaten down, entailing extra labor in
harvesting it. Soma complaint ia made
of broken fruit trees and scattered fruit.
Local News Items.
Timex -rive excursionists wont to Walk-
erton on Wednesday of this week from
A. MOW stable and ashery has been
built by Harvey Beam on his lot, Mill
street. Bo does s, large business.
Ihnou is being hauled for bnilffing pur-
pone by 0. W. Holland, T. O'Neil and
Koenig Os Goebel. It comes from tho
Brussels brickyard.
Trno Financial District meeting of the
Wingliam District was bold intim Metho-
dist ehurch in that town on Wednesday
of thio week. Reside, 111, Swann and. 11.
Paul were 131 atteedance from Brussele.
We have pleasure in announcing that
Adam Good, merchant, has added to his
eflioionb staff this week by the arrival of
Miss Good, who will 110 doubt become a
permanont resident, As the now arrival
is not much acqueintod with blisiness
Mite Sento Ross will dill retain her
11001 11001,
Fentemeg Weer and eix bands of the
Ronald feline/0y, went to Wiartou last
Monday to ettend to the setting up of
the 11010 waterworks in that town- The
Machinery and fixtures wore shipped. lag
Saturday an MB as 11110 a enetple of
mechanism as ran ho 130011 anywhere.
;No, 0011010y, of Brussels, has elutrgo of
the excavating for the maths.
1)r0.3.3.3 the 1031 310' moo sso will take
11, 197. f 14 onr t will 10-'1)3114
inform., 1,33 dot arritt•til of 3)31' 111 free' 40
distaire or of their men trip away 1'
A 113803481117: ,3 .0 .01441 401 1330 4483,14.43,
1n,reer last flat on 3,3)' • 1 TO a 19 rgo
0013grsgaNion. 113.1 ob•rvathnit4 Worn
from the Plymouth Ortehree platform or
15711$011 thn 3'1I( 3(3 I dr -n..11311 31.14.4
131 Brussels Will rditutytri tort 1ugher
ones substituted to rake the wire% away
from shade. trees, signs, dm, This will be
11. Morn in the right direetIon.
IN the .first-elass 34133111 doingetition in
Walkerton on Vtledneniay the Bowman.
villa Organ Factory Band took lot priee,
the Massey 31131.111. (ln, Band Toronto
2u11. and tho Berlin Band fird.
Tile "Young Echoes" of Brussel:, play -
oft a match on Victoria Square against
the "Young Maithinels" on Saturday
afternoon of hint week, resulting in favor
of the Maitlends by one run, the sciore
being 20 to 21.
Tug Gerrie Vidette gays :-"One Of our
"big Icicle," who went to Briuseels nu
Tuesday ie moureing the lose of n downy
littlebeby moustache, which he was eoln•
Polled ir0 leave at home, and was unable
*1 find 00 1110 return."
Tug Hungarian system of rope is
being placed in Wm, Rens' mill. Ile
will also retain the stone proms and
thus be enabled to give customers their
choice in the brands of flour. The Grey
Mane Co., of Toronto, has the work in
has been arranged Veit Mr, Campbell, a,
well known traveller, 18 to 3413)1 11 1001010
in Knox church Mt Ttlesdny, lith hist
; illustrated by a Magic lanter11 and a
vain number of pictures from tthound the
LICH13811 Free. -The following is the
apportionment of the License Fund for
least lluron as furnished us by Inspector
Iltihier :-Provincial Tronaurer, 31180 ;
Hallett township, 320 ; Wroxeter, 3120 ;
Breads. 3240 ; McKillop township, $00;
Morris township, 340 ; Howick township,
3120 ; Grey township, 3120 ; Tarnberry
township, 320.
Ceteene's Gene Fem.-Since its hump -
tion in 1870, tho Toronto Industrial Ex-
hibition luta proved a continued serial of
successes, and the one for tho present
year, to be held from the 10th to the 22nd
of September, promises to rigida surpass
in every respect those that have passed.
Already applications for space in all de-
partments are more numerous then over
before, A liberal Prize List and 10 long
program of first-class and novel 0pe0ia1
attractions is whnt the Toronto Pair
afore, and suooess is always the reselt.
Special exhibits will be sent from Mani-
toba, British Columbia and many other
seetions of the Dominion. The special
attraotions alrendy contracted for aro the
besletlant money one secure, and there
will be plenty to see, both to instruct and
amuse every day of the Fair. Programs
containing full -details will bo issued
early in August, and will be sent free to
any one desiring them. Prize Lists oan
also be secured by intending exhibitors
on their dropping a pont card to Mr.
nin, the etearetary, at Toronto. All
entries have to be made before the 18th
of August. Tile people of Ontario seem
to have set down the time of the Toronto
Fair as the occasion 03 11)037 mutual holi-
day outing, and tho railway companies
recognizing this facie have deo/deal on
giving cheaper faros than ever before far
this greet exhibition, which is so popular
with all, It will bo opened on the 1.1th
of September by Lord Stanley, the new
Governor. General.
49 f•If-k )17:ELT-t 1311Y A
kJ First tNlass 50.aNro farm,
oast had of lot NI, CO 11 12, Grey township.
40 00005 01otatod and sotabni to gram; balautto
hardwood bush. Buildings and lances fair,
orchard good. 10111 bo sold on easy terms
anti pos0009101) afr011 at any titno. Apply to
4011N 8,10FADDEN, or to .Ainx. nr:1713,11,
prosools, 5 -tin
tee '31)t. 1. lit II t�iitl,
ITANB 4115 un111nn
. u U PINzEg
NoWEoninrofi and Grand Exhibits. Tho boat
attraotious that looney 0811 secure.
For Prise Lists and Programs addrosa tho
ENTRIES (0.0011 (0381011,3' 5513.
Pummoixe, See., 7:01101rre.
110 raNasTow, MONTREAL AND
QUEBBO Fon 18 DAVH, Ent(
Aug. tat-Itlit to $SOpt.
1tING$T0si,$0.35 ; moNTittal,, $9 ;
fti3inni$0, 318.83.
1E111017011 IN prillir•GLAIss COACHES
-ALSO =BAP MIMS TO ALL r0123011 013 -
CANADA -0- PACIFIC -o-nAti.w.a.
from CARLATON .pr.,Aar, to In3/00013,1,
NottaliWBBT Id10VIN0109, nifer.
TM Om:MOM. and 54.0I5I0
.AL LOWeat Ordinary and SOMA.
:1011 8tat(484
Avoiding the trouble of 501118 to other towns
or re-eheolcing baggage at .runotton
ccrt.rx.cav ,:Pxcx-c=mns
on hand and PREISongorR 0301101031 to all
Mao to ylatestAsKA, DAKOTA,
13,013;48, 30510134190.and
Bagmen 1h0013011 with ihreugh union
shooks to Destination.
Thigpen )13000 111140100 at Stratford Or
Lonetn11. :14$1: furthAr feforientien, or maps
puenOilcte, "tee W
apply at ItAILeet?
ettlieelOte, Banseems, to
Linuzi ilyent Grand Tried: mut
Through Pieiscitger root lorriphr
Al./rut of Canada Pociiic and
elotait-an Railways,
Economy Restarant.
Money to `,...oan,
lfeving juet opened in tile Briek Cor3.
literr, formerly by it, 3111;
UMW)* Io Loan 1,280.
miff . 'hl"''-' grj0444
Ili" 1‘041001,04 perty, Itt
(A.1 all reaconable II.111):4)
----- -
.A. null is mime/ally solicited and every ,,,oKsoN 4' jays,
1 attention w
ill he paid to Petrone. A Inn- "
; hod number of Laity and Gentleman
Boarders wanted.
yA S. BIWA DFOOT , Prop.
osrrro LOAN!
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty, at
6 d PerOent. Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,,
Dirisioll Ontrt Clerk, I; russel a,
Baby Carria4-es,
Baby Carriao-es
just to hand a, splendid se-
lect:on of 13asy Carriages which
will be sohl at very low inices.
in endless variety. I am pre-
pared to please the Public in
this department.
Fine selection of
Brussels. Ont.
TAL<8O N 0 'X' I C 1E3 I
I have for 89.18 Plows of twelve differ-
ent kinds. Four differel3 kinds of gang
plows, seuffiers and t 0:ttors, all of Pat -
emu 31 Coec, Woodstock. Jrnplemente
such 431 light steel biudere. mowers (front;
and rear out) horse 1us rakes. also •
have A. Murphy ee Csee
Patent Ravers/1N Hay Carriers
aittei and wooden mraeke. 311031 C0111444
• plete o Canada.
Ttaion Brun.Pft.ta. IFtiesoeter.
S00307111 »lee)" eituntetl village lots
with houses on 11). (11 Pee-
ifTaentiai guaranteed to the elite Of implee
Wm Martin.
gerf-ln : TrlintE1111V "r""el"
I desire to inform the
that I 'have Leased the well-
knoWn Bausssus I,IIIE 1Vointf 4
from Tbos. Town and will rum
the business next Season.
I will also continuo fo fallow
my trade as
and am prepared to furnish esti-
mates for Tobs,
uumniNt; ANn hToNE
always on hand.
Light R Heavy Harness Satisfaction G ran /cc' i.
A Snaft11111)4 .11111de Or 1331Cia13,ottag 33803
Give 1110 ft Call.
"\A7 . H
iceel:za. err; V
;N: :BY
In order to make room for
a large Shipment
we expect daily
from the