The Brussels Post, 1888-8-10, Page 4--- -
Local Mre....1.1exander.
Strayed James :sharp.
92,530 farm for vale .1. Hunter.
Cheap Exeursions --J. A. Creighton,
Digging, and well digging- -Cleo. Birt.
Industrial Fair If. J. 11111, klec'y, TO-
Maisie 10000E0 011 1110110 atIcl 0t&11
Mies Hargreaves,
(The grussriz 41.ust.
FRIDA Y, A tra UST 10, 1888.
(4' aselearal OWN.
Rata continues to fall in torrents in
The price of pig hen has been raised
at Pittsburgh.
Frank Hall, the distinguished Eng.
lish painter is dead.
The Czar hes refused to receive the
Abyssinian mission.
Dr. Schweinfruth inehnes to the
belief that Stanley is safe.
Russia's new military law will increase
her army by 400,000 men.
The British troops at Simkins are
suffering terribly from the heat,
All the Pope's jubilee wino ie to be
distributed among the hospitals.
The Centennial Exhibition at Mel-
bourne has been formally opened.
The Pope has prepared an encyclical
letter to the Estero Bishops.
Cyrus P. Dakin, inventor of the mani-
fold and carbon papers, Is dead.
De Lesseps bas again promised that
the Panama Canal will be open in 1890.
The Powers will shortly begin to con-
sider• the Bulgarian question in earnest.
Emperor William intends to vieit
Queen le letorm at Windsor in November.
Volcanic eruptions in the Lipari Islands
have done an immense 1010001 01 damage.
An organ being built for Sydney will
have 130 sounding stops and five man-
Three thousand deaths from cholera
occurred in Chang -Chong, China, in six-
ty days.
A serious fight took place between
French and Italian laborers at Loan,
The .Court at Dublin has refused the
writ of habeas corpus applied for in Mr.
Dillon's ease.
Major-General Schofield has been or-
dered te Washington to teke command of
the United States army.
The Mark Lane Express says the dam-
age done to the British grain crops by
the wet weather is irreparable.
Minister West has been instructed to
ask that the safe of the seized sealing
schooners at Port Townsend be delayed.
Unusually hot weather has prevailed
during the past few weeks in the Pana-
ma district, interfering with work on the
Emperor William, the Czar and the
Emperor of Austria are to meet at 80105
point on the Austrian frontier in the
The President of the French Agricul-
Vaal Society estimates the cleavage to
the crops iu France by Lel weather at .
700,000,000 instate.
A Stradivarius violin of 1716, made for t
the Marchese paniparati, has passed
from the hands ci an Itais player.
Bertuzzsi into the peceseeetat: et e London t
gentlemen for 94,060.
Ca net din n Ted ce aaae:.
The Tilsouluirg Seined Board intend
organizing a Kludergeaten j lieenneenon
with the public 10110010 of town.
The plans for the Tilbury West Town
Hall have been seized 'mean*, of omiegion
to pay the cnstot.ns ilava. The duty and
fine amounte to 360,
Donnish/as Aualyrst Mitatanane has
found that of the water need by varions
Canadian cities Hamilton has the purest
and Ottawa very -nearly the most im-
According to a statement in the Win-
nipeg Sun the agreement between the
Manitoba Government and the Northern
Pacific inoludes the fixing of a maximum
rate on wheat and ts stipulation tlit
there shall be no pooling with the C. la 11.
Inving the past month 1,503 immi-
grants arrived in Toronto, Of these 027
remained in Ontario and 573 went west.
In the corresponding month of last year
the arrivals aggregated 1,385 of whom
771 remained 10 Ontario and 011 went
T. Harry Jones has completed the
survey of six miles of the 6011 concession
of the township of Towusend, under in-
structions from the Ontario Government,
and ho is now preparing plans and report
of the sane for the OKONVII. Lands De-
Rev, F. 1f. Baldwin, of Thatnesford,
announces that hereafter lie will not
preach funeral sermons nor will he bury
the bodies of those who in life had been
habitual non-ohurch-goers. Ile argues
that he cannot preach to the dead, and he
cannot conselentionsly repeat the solemn
burial service over the body of a 0011.
church -goer.
A. further consignment of Canadian
horses for the British army recently left
Montrealer London by a Thomson Line
steamer. The consignment consisted of
sixty cavalry horses and forms the sixth
shipment made during the past two
years. The Imperial Government, it will
thus be observed., still oonsiders it neces-
sary to keep touch of the Canadian sup-
ply, in spite of the constant—and, too
often, unreasoning—attacks of eorne sec-
tions of the British press.
The crops in Walkerton distriet have
improved considerably sumo the previous
report. Fall wheat is turning out unex-
pectedly well. Spring svheat is short and
not over an average, Oats are well filled,
but very short in the straw. Peas and
barley are average. Roots, especially
turnips, are poor. Potatoes are below
average. Hay was a fair average. The
pastures bave been bad of late and many
farmers were feeding their stock to some
extent in order to keep up the supply of
milk for the creameries, but recent
showers have given the (midst:. fresh start
and there is now a good prospect of
abundant pasturage for the remainder of
the season.
At the Elgin Chancery Sittings in May
last Mrs. Peter Horton sued the Provin-
cial Provident Institution, of St.Thornas,
to recover 02,443 insurance on the life of
her husband, The deceased was a mem-
ber of the Institution, and while employ-
ed at Mobile, Alabama, contracted a
fever, which resulted in his death, in
London, in October, 1886. In the June
previous an assessment was due on his
policy, which was not met until August
following, owing to the fact, RR plaintiff
alleged, that notice of the payment being
due was tot received until a day or two
previous. The P. P. I. defended the snit
r on the ground that the payment made in
1 The Winnipeg C Ity 001111(111 111(1 refue.
ed to tweept Hon, Mr. Clones' resignation
es Mayor.
The will of the late John Ogilvie, of
afetitreal, bequeathe property valued at
4.eatteek. ex411. 1'. P„ will run tte
an helopendent Coneervative in P10100.
11101', Man
The anutusl meeting of the Canadian
Press Association was held Tuesday, liev.
Dr. Dowart being elected proffident,
Rev. Mr, Sperling, of the First Meth°.
diet cherub, Kingston, luts been offered
the presidency of Wesley College, 1Vin»i-
It is officially reported that the sales of
real estate at the Sault, between 1st of
January and 30th May, 1888, amounted
to 000,000.
Messrs, Marlatt, Walker at MeCaus-
land, of Aylmer, recently shipped about
000,000 worth of cheese to the foreign
Lieut. -Governor Rued hes made ter-
rnagemente with the Inland Revenue De.
partrnent regarding the sale of 1111001' iu
the Northwest.
Orangeville had a surplus of 0250 after
paying all expenses from the Dominion
Day celebration, which they carry over
until next year.
John Waldie has accepted the Liberal
nomination in Halton, The Tory con-
vention on Saturday again nominated Mr.
Henderson, who accepted
The first of the two annual cricket
matting between Hamilton and Toronto
was played at Toronto on Saturday, and
resulted in a. victory for the visitors by 9
mum on the result of the &et innings.
Score, 110 M 119.
A. VV. Humphries, the secretary of the
Middlesex Bee Keepers' Association, tras
received a grant of 035 from the Ontario
Government, to be expended in prizes
nt the fall fairs to be held at Strathroy,
Atha, Craig and Parkhill—for honey and
fruits preserved in honey.
Wm, 'Weld, Farmer's Advocate, has ae
his residence, London, a novelty in
flori.eulture, called Tigridits Pauonitt. It
is a handsome dower, in beautiful varie-
gated colors, which blooms but oue day,
and then closes up for all time. It is
quite a curiosity to lovers of flowers.
There arrived at Quebec Monday as
part of the cargo of the steamship A,s-
syriau two Rerry cows imported by His
Exeelleuey the Governor -General. They
ere exceedingly small, plump and well
shaped cattle, and the first of the kind
ever landed at the Levis quarantine.
At the meeting of the Board of Direc-
tors of the Canadian Pacific Railway
Company in Montreal the resignation of
Sir George Stephen as president was ac-
cepted and Mr. Van Horne lues eleeted in
his stead. The resignation of Levi P,
Morton as director was also accepted, and
Senator McInnis, of British Columbia,
was appointed in his place
Prof. Saunders, director of the Central
Experimental farm, who has returned
from a visit to the Government experi-
mentalfarm nt Nappan, N-8., says the
crops are looking well. The Professor
has advices that crops throughout the
Dominion. excepting in portions of On -
"riot will, if anything, be above the av-
erage. The outlook in Manitoba and the
Northwest is height. Quebec promises
an average crop, and (he Maritime Prey-
nce farmers are orotnised a larger yield
ham lab, year.
A. F. Clark, of Tilsmburg, solicit°
or airs. Sarah Jain Stillwell, widow of
be murdered 111011, and who was nprint-
ed bgal guardian of their two cht dren,
Edith Arabella and Ethel Francis, brings
etion against M. D. Carder, Grand lie -
order of the A. (1.1.7. W., of St. Thomas,
0 recover the sum of 92,000 insurance
on the life of Louis N. Stillwell, it being
claimed that he was a member of that
No exhibition in Montreal this year.
Hen. Edward Blak• •
e has neat 10 Mur -
fhonias 1101110100 1..1: free postal ,1
delivery, c
Work ho e Leen (1 1001(1001 on the new • c
poetornee et 1,11111-0)'.
13011. fin ;fgart has 101 11 sworn in
as Peetnster-Cieueral.
Lord ntanley is expected to return to : o
Ottawa. the first week in eeptember. fo
Mr. Symingten 801440 14 Mr, Lanni.
gals 00 C.P.R. et:talon master et Galt.
The mayor of Galt has committed !
Alex. Weaser for trial for peesing a bogus .
28 cent pieee. :
111115 of the leading citizens are taking .
eteps to establish an 11(14114111(4Itayluin in
lf ea( il
Sir jeloi Meleeneld will vieit Kingston ! 10
on Sept. 1 Itli to attend the Provinciel
Exh ibit ion.
Leamington to have an electric
light, 1(1,11(1,1 E
assex Centre to be incur- !
porated aa 11 town.
The Dominion Government will not off
allow Mormon settlers to practice poly- no
gamy in the Northwest. 011T11e examination of candidates takes 04
lAtIOCI before the Board of Dominion lt
Land Surveyors on Sept. 4th. 07
September 20th is appointed election oh
rder at the time of the murder, an
nsnred for that sum. The writ els
lamins interest due on the amount. The
aim will come 410' for trial at the Onford
01104, at \Woodstock, Sept. le.
Abut nine o'clock Friday night at
heehaw several youeg 11101, rnenibers
f the 2-0111Battalion, were fencing with
ils. They all left the drilling room to
40 141] ineonting steamer, but W. Ch ahem,
journalist in the Planet office, and Geo.
001111)1, a carpenter. From some uncx-
leaned reason the print of Graham's
il pen- trated Currait'il bi ain, entering
ear the right eye. lie died about mid-
ight. He came here from Florence,
ntario, and 88148 aged about 20 years.
is thought that in the beet the button
u the bit was knocked off, thus leaving
is point 021114417 bare. 1113 youug men
coed together and were fast friends.
A clever capture of a cattle thief wee
ected by two Guelph cattle dealers
ar Arthur last week. A man giving
e name of Kenny offered three head of
ttle for sale at 900, but after some talk
greed to take 930 for them, and accepted
to hind the bargain. This was so
eep, and Kenny appeared so anxious to
talt the money: at once, that the deal-
ers grew suspicious and began to make
inquiries. They shortly afterwards dis-
covered that the cattle had been stolen.
13y this time the thief watt gone and had
a good start of the buyere. However,
they went for him, and after a hard abase
captured him in a bush several miles
away and brought him to the village,
where he was looked uti. He was after-
wards committed for truth
day In hastens Assiniboia, where Minis-
ter Dewdney is to be a candidata.
Berlin News : "If nothing happens to
the potato crop 31115 70154 we preditt that
We can buy potatoes for twenty-five cents
a bushel."
It is understood that Mr. Collingwooci
Schreiber will shortly take the position
of chief engineer of the Canadian l'aoiiio
at $12,000 per year.
Walter Boyle's son, in Colchester
North, one day last week killed 0. rattle-
snake near his father's place which bad
26 rattles on its tail.
New Westmineter, B. C., has carried a
by-law hennaing the New Westminster
Southern railway, whittle will make 0011.
neaten with Seattle, W. 1,
Muerte. Greenway and Martin are said
to have cot:minded an arrangement with
the Northern Pacific for the running of
the Red River Valley railway.
Tho Governor.General will arrive in
Toronto on September 10th, and leaves
again on the morning of the 12th, lics
will open the Fair on the 11th.
Mr. Zimmerman, in stripping a pinery
at Jordon the other day, found- e bag es
big tts a short paunch filled with Mexican
dollars, There were twenty-soven pieces
in tho bag and others scattered about,
with datee of 1.705 and 1810,
The Observer says in the Globe that
Mr. Hardy, acting Attorney -General, 11E10
a cablegram from Mr. Mowat, in which
he says there 11 a good prospect of tho
decision in tho great limber ease, just
argued before the Privy Conneti, being in
favor of Ontario.
A, change has been made in regard to
the proposed sculling race between Geo.
Lee and Wm. O'Connor on Toronto Bay
on Anguet 18(1, Parties who imbed 1101
purse of 5500 will LOW hack Lto for that
mount, and O'Contirm will n, Hite
i•tiin in 1118 own behalf.
Land Commissioner Hamilton; of the
Canadian Pacific railway, says the sales
of, land in Manitoba and the Northwest
are daily increasing. Each month's bus-
iness has exceeded that of tho former
month, and the last three months have
been better than any like period since the
boom. The demand is principally foe
half and quarter sections to individuals,
all of whom are to become actual settlers.
Some time ago the Canadian Pacific Rail.
way rebate system an land was discon-
tinued, tie it was considered to favor the
stimulator as mush as the Retard farmer,
and was not a good policy to pursue in
the interests of the eountry. On the
strength of representations made to the
directors, Mr. Hamilton has been given
power to discriminate and deal with moil
ease on its merits, oonsequently sales of
land have taken place with great rapidity,
which will largely increase the acreage to
be pub under crop next season. In every
cage waere land has been sold it is stipn.
lated that farming operations aro M corn.
memos at 01100. Otto fineacan, romathed
Mr. Hamilton, has been greater than We
anticipated, due in a 01008111:5 to the mtg.
niiteent crop harvested last year. Com-
munications are being received from all
over the North-western States from pee.
phi \venting to come here, and there is
every hope of securing a largo immigra•
Hen from theee people who have been
rather dissatished 84501 011514 crops,
ue,ust was only accepted conditional on
deceased being in good health at the time
the money WWI sent, as the failure to pay
in June, when due, removed him from
good standieg. Judge Robertson, who
tried the cane, has just rendered his de -
Melon, finding for plaintiff for the full
amount claimed, $2,443, and 22 months
interest, 9233, a total of 92,706, with full
costs of the suit.
wAT, simr r fT . !NCI N ! •
is prepared to tittelid to
Carriage Painting
in ail its brauebes, as well as
Sign, am/ OPaaMeatal
He has had years of oxper
ience and guarantees his
work to give satisfaction. A rig
well painted is half sold.
Estimates and terms cheer-
fully given,
Shop in the old 'POST' Ptiblisithag
House, King street, Brussels,
Excursion E° Kincardine
The Grand Trunk Railway Company has
arranged to give an exoursion to Kincard-
ine, for the Sabbath Schools of this Dis-
trict, on
Wednesday, Aug. 15, '88
A Special Train \sill leave the fol/owing
stations at the hour named, and fares
will be as quoted :
LISTOIVEL, ... 8:00 a.m. 45c. 00c.
Amon, . - -812 45 85
Huxenex, ....8:22 40 80
ETHEL, 8'30 .10 SO
BRUSSELS,. ... 8:50 35 65
BLEEVALE, 9:05 30 60
WEIGRAll 0:18 30 55
Wurrecuraten,9:32 25 53
Luomow, 9:45 25 -15
RIPLEY, ....10:05 15 30
t--!'" "Mayor Leslie and the Kincardine
people have offered the free rise of the
convenient Town Park, and Agricultural
Hall, and have generously arranged with
their excellent Town Band to play during
the afternoon. There is ample scope for
Cricket, Base 130, Boating, Sc„ and,
with gee'it weather, a most enjoyable
time will be spent by the excursionists.
Train will leave Kincardine at 6 p. EL
7 1-2 ifritirs rit the Litke.
Gen. Pass. Agent. Oen. Manager. It
Tile mulereigned or:Hires to intinatte fit ,
the 1)11b110 that 110 11118
IVALIoN Prete laurnatte from John Love
111113 151 11040 prepared to orders, by
mail or othersvise, intrusted to his care,
iistlefectiou in
pundiased the
Tanks, ati,
Repairing promptly attended to.
tracts taken for digging wells.
laving been 11 yeare at the business
feel confident that I can suit
1(511 he convinced.
Proprietor, Walton.
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that ho does all kinds of Blaelcsmithing
itt a Werkinaulike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Exeeeted,
I make a Specialty of Horee-shoeing.
.A. Call Soheited. 'f..--ellemember the
S. Plum.
or -Unbound, made for
Fit Guaranteed
4 „A"
Returned to Brussels!
11081re0 to MAO 111111 118 ham again become
a resident of Brussels and is prepared to
take Contracts for all k Inds of Carpentet
Work, such as House 13nilding, Darn
Framing, Mill Weighting, &o.
He will also melte a Specialty of Mov.
ing Builcliogs.
Estimates Cheerfully Given.
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
in every instance,
310313, 41.1111ISTOII1I,
'1001"014'114,110001010 'WS esIvit'h..1. •
First•Chtss Suits, either 130111111
11,4-0NEY TO LOAN.
i2 iflQi
of Private Funds have j ust been
placed in my hands for In-
Borrowers can have their loans
complete in three clays if title is
Apply to E. E. WADE.
Hain Street, • OrtiSsels
FP'esh Salt Meats
Of the beat r111111ty always on band and de-
livorod to any part of the village free of
Terms 401111 favorable.
Per which the 111311011 market yrico will
be paid.
I also make a specialty of buying Hides
and Saina,
Don't forget tho plaoe next door to
inateb Wry Store. A. CURRIE.
Sterling Machit (30 1 is daily bectoinine; more widely and favorably knowi . Thom
who try it cant nue to use it. No other 011 18 more suitable for general nee. It is
well adapted for all
eapers, Flowers
and Threshers !
Ask Your
for it
it !
Illanufaetured by Kittredge (6 Co., Petrolea ; Branch at
Strqford, 0 7? tario.
H. F. McAutsran, Ethel ; Z. Txiniuoe, Bluevalc. 7m
MHE undersigned is prepared to buy any quantity of Eggs at
the old
Egg Emporium, NixoTTDHP Brussels Post OMR
Farmer and others can depend upon getting from
Is, us the very highest Market Price 113 CASH
this 800410.01 as we 11110 going to ship extensively and require large
Don't forget the old stand next door to the Post Office, Brussels,
11 . old friends that my danghter and grandson
will continue the egg business at the old stand carriecl on by me
17m. Ballantyne & SOU.
I have much pleasure in informing all my """"I'11'10,(1,1 thirty, Inter.
mediate sixty dollars. Steerage forty doll.
"Paseengera antl embark at Montreal the
clay before without- inereased charge. Go
Inst year and I hope they remove liberal patronage, yourself or send for your Weeds. Peopaid
N. . -Issuer of 13AtarriagoLieenses.
enVo. ODD1C1C. 1040101101) apply In
aorbseoatort ea:reduced ratee. 111:148
, 8), 4411A VI.,
T, Fletcher.
Produce taken in exchange for
H. G. ErrIAID3' 0.V
3-4 Merchant Tailor.
Liver Compl nt
Sick. Headache,
Kidney troubl's
Skin Diseases,
and all impari-
ti es of the blood
from whatever
cause arising.
(very small and easy to take.>
Sold everywhere ; price 23 00/10 R.
1.71.0N ?MEDICINE Co., Proprietors,
TM IV ! tog
The Oranbrook Lime
Are in full blast and a first-class
.7.4 DX ,E4
—SOW) 5011-
1 Cents Per Bushel.
41-1100V. (RAM, Prop.
11no0 LIVERPOOL. 5 STEAMER. 1 mum entente
AApprri171 220D fOireassian ...... ......Layy 1711
May 24
anno 1
May 8
may 11
May 517
HayTEe 270 .7.1; 1j:512126167
June 28
I Ps aorlyd inliaa n
Pa 1 la
july 20
iuniainny7: 213211 ........ -,„. 8 a r 4 I n 1 a a
3141; 2120 iCiresinstan
July 20
A g. 2
IPPaorliy'ullelazinn ...... A.Aust 1100
July 20 Sardinian
Aug. 38
Aug. 8.„„„.„,..„ 101reassian
Aug. 0 Sarmatian Autt.,80
Rates of raidinge by Men Stemmera,
modation. Servants in Oahu $00 ,Inter -
(Minn $00,670 and $80 acteordtug to :seem-
QUIeetle TO atvnrateen.
-mediate gm, Steerage ono. Return tickets,
'Cabin, 8110, 01110 anti 5100, intermediate,
"Pm ys Pt aoTyanaensiSat, Oirecooden or other reer- Wedding 11inge,
trestearners, Cabin. IRV, slaty and aoven-
ty dollar, nneordien tio acternameclallon, Ro-
t the te et 1 t. 1 1 d Broaches,
Ladies Clem 'Rings,
Earrings, &a.
-S7V- I 1\1- :.21
rue Manilla
13 Cents it POIlild
Geo. Love & Co's.
Thanking tho public for past favors and
support and wishing still to mute yotte
patronage. We are °petting out fununes
from established and reliable makers,
f ally warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs.
Also have in stook 00311 line Of Violins
and Violin ±114111358. lo,