HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-3, Page 7\y
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AUG, 8, 1888.
gmossesasalessiseepaseasanniuseasanearnsmannesinneversortasmodiesses tenteed'nfm ..... rmstaineent. 11» .fel
HOUSEHOLD. delight to the ohild ; and mos and women The C1ase-Fisted Pioonomiat•
of pure thought and refined trate shall rise 'rho farmer nut lo bio eau
up to pall their teacher who prodded thore, Between the tiro and the lamplight's glare,
In Fetters of Gold, blessed, The teacher should secure oimplo, at. life hoe wax ruddy and full and fair;
Al, well 1 Tho rood pageant is over, i traotive bookeon aubjeo1e i11naturtl history, Hie three small boys in the uhiinuoy uook
8 p 8 t ' and the reading of door should bo made a Gunned the linos of a piuturo•boolc;
No longer to girl, hue, n wits, pleasure 80(1 reword to the pupils, alis wife, the prido of hie hon,, and heart,
And my gray-headel elderly lover, — —
t36u11 1 ulwnys ho0 weary, Baked the blatant and muds the bort,
transformed )0lry,, 1 monfor,ife, A Noble Gift. i Laid the table and drew the tea,
1 wonder,
Of seeing himMoo atm side 1 A wise mother (moo said " 1 bavo not lloftly, swiftly, s1Mn1ly 1
Is e altogether
a blunder(moo? nu9
lh to give my little ones, :o I give them 'fired and weary, wank and faint,
Are those tho right thoughts for a brld0? myself," 'Ito abildren of such a mother two Sho bore her trials wlthout complaint,
wondarfnlly bl0aaccl, for what greater gift Liko many another household saint—
Why, surely, my lob fa the fairest— I could ba bestow04 upon a uhfld than alto Content all eolfieh bliss above
'I Ms elegant ntuusi00 fu migo 1 compauinnship of 1r eoueaientiolla mother ? In the patient ministry of love.
My drosses ars lately from Paris— Iand ailall may we be sure this was, for only I
bly jewels, how brightly they shine I one thoroughly alive to the rosponsibllitleo Al last, between the eloudo of smoke
I've high.mettled steeds in my stable, I of mothothood would willingly give herself That wreathed hie lips, the farmer spoke ;
I've aervanto woll-tf ainott, at my hire, l wholly to 1190 intereol0, "There's taxes to raise and int'rOat to pay,
The daintiest faro 119 my table— I Daus this imply a slavish servitude 1 By , And if there should 001110 u rainy day,
What else can there be to desire? no moans. That of all things should be I'Pwonld be mighty handy, I'm bound to say,
avoided, for what more pitiable sight than la have something put by. For folies must
that of a wintry mother who has spout her die ;
coos, youth and etreogth in foolishly waiting on An' thorn's funeral Mlle and gravestones to
My puree it is heavy with gold. those who wero much butter able to wait buy—
And y01-111, and yet 1 alit weary upon her. In such a case, the mother's in. Enough to mannaa man, purty nigh—
Aud :auk unto death of my life • jury is very great, but in small in comp:mi. To be provided for when we go ,_•Will it always be empty and dreary, eon with that sustained by the ohildren, who So, if I wero you, I'll tell what I'd do ;
are literally mado good for nothfn' ia°, unfit to I'd be savof wood ae ever I could—
Extra fires don't do any good—
I'd be eavin' of soap and toxin' of 11e,
And run up some Dandles once in a while ;
l'd bo rather Erwin'' of coffee and tea,
For sugar ft high,
An' all to buy,
And cider it good enough drink for me ;
I'd be kind o' careful about my olo'es,
And lookout sharp whore tho money goes—
Gewgaws is useless, nater knows ;
Extra trimmin
S the bane of women.
I'd soul the best of my cheese and honey;
An' eggs is as good, nigh 'bout, as money ;
An' as to tho carpot you wanted new,
1 goose we man make the old un do ;
And as for the washer an' sewin' machine,
Thein amooth•tonguedagents, so pesky moan,
You'd bettor get rid of 'am oliok and Olean.
What do they know 'bout women's work?
Do they oalkilate women was made to shirk ?
'Tie said I've the retrofit of foxes,
My diamonds are priceless said old,
I rustle In euttus and
And duty and love be at strife ?
I ronlombor—ah, daily remember
A lover both noble and young,
Beside mo that happy September,.
Which passed like a song that la sung.
I recall how he wept when we parted,
And my heart hold sorrow untold,
Yet I sent him away broken-hearted,
To put on these fetters of gold.
And now they nluet bind mo for ever,
Must rankle end hurt till I die,
And I must look happy, and never
Dare smother a smile with u sigh.
But, I'd give every aoreand jewel.
For one little hour to be froo
From these golden batten so oruol,
And call my lost love book to me.
But, ah, 'tis in vain that I ohorieh
Tho memories I once held so dear,
Far bettor each token should perish,
Than linger to torture me hero.
Go burn, then, dear ring, and the letters
I've guarded as treasures untold,
And I will smile on, in my fetters,
Because I have mado them in gold.
fill any position in life, and the mother who
imagines it her duty to do thin for 'her
ohildren, is their greatest enemy.
The wine little woman of whom I speak
1009 not of this kind, but gave herself to her
children in the way which should fit theta
for a happy and useful life, and I fancy she
did not overburden horeelf to do it, but one
thing she did have to do was to deny self
constantly, for even a conscientious, loving
mother has no more time than there i0, and
if the greater part of this is devoted to her
little ones, she has but little to devote to
horself, and how few there aro, if they eon.
suited their own tastes, but would prefer to
cit dawn with a book to joining in games
with the children.
Cooking Recipes.
DOUGHNUTS.—One quart of flour, one cup
of sugor, one cup of sweet milk, ono egg, a
pinch of salt, one teaspoon of saleratus and
two of cream tartar ; fry in lard.
Cultivating in Children a Taste for the
Literary and Soientifio.
It le the parent's instant duty to give
reading matter to that "reading animal,"
his ohild. It is a crime against the forming
mind of the child to present to it comae and
hideous trash, either in picture or reading.
If only a tou-cont book can be bought,
that book should be good of its kind. We
may not be able to get high art for ten cents,
neither should we invest the ten mints
oomio valentine horrors.
The parent should also encourage the ohild
in the collection of books and of natural our( -
031198e. Tho ohild, from infancy, should be
taught to respect books and handle and keep
them orderly ae peculiar treasures ; to pun
eliabe books as it has opportunity ; to make
sorap•books of pictures, poetry, stories, and
whatever produot of print le worthy of pro
servation in this way.
biony ehorboighted mothers, zealous for
neatness, denomivate the multitudinous sea
side and wayoitle ourioaities which the ohil
dron gather "litter" and "untidiness" and
"trach," and quickly oarb these collections
out, often to the lasting injury o 8 J Y of the child.
We oornmond to these parents the conoid•
oration that ouch collections, grown to a lit.
tlo private museum in the house, will be far
moro sightly and hopeful than the future
pipe, ale bottle, or paok of cards, and it is
an imperious demand of nature that:children,
thot all people claim, own, and gather some
belongings for themselves.
It is not necessarythat the geological tool.Motion shall be ee atcre11 on the parlor car•
pet, the " bugs' laid out on the baking
table, or the shells find refuge in mother'e
work -basket, Indeed a first lesson as to
cabinets will bo that apeoitnene have a legi
timate plume and should bo ranged and oared
for. But every child has a right to a plane,.
if it be only a uornor that can be spared,—
for such treasures ; and a wise woman, who
is " building her hone," nota mere who
mrd mortar house, but that living house—
her children—will provide shelves, or closet,
or boxes, the very beat that oho can, ants
teach her children pride in, and Dare for,
their specimens.
If she can only procure a handkerohief-
box, asked for at a dry goods store whey
she fe shopping, or a raisin -box with a pane
of glass over ft, she will eeoure these and
melte it plain to tho ohild that elpecimen1
free from dust, with unmutilatod wimp and
the proper complement of legs and antenm,
insects oarofully caught and painlessly kill-
ed, are essential to a useful oolleotion. So
the wise parent will help the ohild to dry
flowers and mount beetles, and, with obser-
vant Dare, will point out now wonders and
But it happens that the well-intentioned
parent may be ignorant, both of what to do
and how to do it, and may have no idea of
what books aro to bo had o11 the desired sub•
here the teacher, fresh from bite college
or the normal, the oonvention, the institutor,
the s011oo1-room, has an errand to the par-
ent as well e8 to the ohild. The teacher
should diligently suggest to the parent.
what taeto should bo oultivatod and what
methods it is woll to take, and what are the
means to the end.
A boautiful thought, a melodious verse, a
pretty turn to an idea, can be so pointed out
by the teacher that the child's intellectual
eye awakoe and becomes observant to seek
out and delight in ouch beauties of thought
and diction.
By the judicious teaohor tho study of
natural salon0e can be so yokod to amuse -
anent, rest and exercise, that the pupil shall
scarcely know whore one began and the
other ended.
A teaohor in a country sohool, when she
saw sleep stealing into ohild oyes, attention
lagging, little mouths yawning like those of
young robins, or drowsy heads bowed too
low over slatoe and copybook, was wont to
say, "Here Anne, take your slate and pon-
oil and go draw for mo that thistle by tho
door," "Go, Goorge, and for ten minutoo
watch that aunt hill in the path, and thon
toll m0 what you too," " Go, and oarefully
examine that mullein in the fenoo.00rner,
and thorn describe it to us," Itis needless
to eall attention to the carefulueoa of °beor-
vation, nioone80 of comparison, and aorto.
01000 of deduction, and tho descriptive pow'
ors brought into activity by 0ua11 a amino as
this. Will Georgo be likely, hereafter,
rnthl009ly to tramp on tho marvellous art
pity at whose gates ho watched
A corner of the schoolroom reserved, with
aholvoe for birds' nests, wasps' noses, snail
sho110, and the many wonders that an °boor.
t hind fid a box with glees
— •elf oup of butter,
ono cup of augur, one cup of sour milk, two
eggs, one oup of raisins, one-half teaspoon
of sada, ono teaspoon each of cloves, cinna-
mon and nutmen.
DOUG1tNUTS,—Pour egg:, one cup oaoh of
sour milk and buttermilk, two cape of brown
sugar, one teaspoon of soda, ono -half tea-
spoon of Bolt, flour enough to roll ; cut in
shape and fry in hot lard.
LEnloo SA000,—Ono teacup full of sugar,
one.1)81f teacup butter, one tablespoonful
flour, all well mixed together. Add also
grated rind of lemon and pint boiling water.
Boil five minutes; when ready to serve
equatz3 into attune just of ono lemon.
J trht:tzs.—One oup of sugar, one-half oup
of butter, two eggs, 0120 oup of sour milk,
one.half teaspoon of soda, one tablespoon of
caraway seeds, flour enough to roll ; form
into smell round cakes mud bake a light
C,ULLERs.—ono and one-half oupe of
sugar, one-half cup of dour orem.11, one-half
oup of buttermilk, two eggs, one and one.
half teaspoons of baking powder, flour to
make a stiff dough ; roll out ; out fn shape
and fry in hot lard ; drain and sprinkle with
Ell PLANT rRITTERs.—Make a batter
0 s P
o a little
o � a half au of mill[ and f two ogee,p
salt, pepper and flour enough for a thin bat-
ter ; serape the roots and throw at once
into oold water. When all aro scraped,
grate with a coarse grater ; drop the grated
root at once into the batter. Drop by the
spoonful into hot fat ; fry brown and drain
in a colander.
onion fine and fry it slowly in one table,
apoonful of butter in a stew pan. Add ono
pint of tomatoes 000ked and etraiuod, one
teaspoonful of ealt, a little popper and one
pound of beef cooked or uncooked, out in
small pieces. Simmer very slowly until the
meat is tender.
RIDE WITS0 SAtroa.—Steam one and ono•
na f cups of rice and salt it ; when it is
about half done add some milk and 000k
until the rice is very tender ; do not stir it
with a spoon, shako tho pan gently instead ;
take from the fire, put it in a mold and set
on ice ; make a cold sauce of butter and
sugar rubbed to a Dream ; add a generous
quantity of fresh berries or preserv08 ; stir
SOALLOr9D HALIBUT.—Boil two pounds
and a half of fish for one•hmlf hour, shred it,
then stake a sauce of one pint of milk, with
one eggs beaten up; let it boil, than add
two tablespoonfuls of oorn starch mixed with
cold milk. When boiled, add a tablespoon-
ful of butter. Mix this through the fish.
Put in small shells, spreading cracker
°rumba on top with little pieces of butter,
and then brown it in the oven.
EGG SALAD.—Cut in very thin slices six
hard-boiled eggs. Place in salad bowl with
ono -fourth of a cabbage ohroddod fine. Mix
well together, then pour over it tho follow•
ing droning 1 Throe tablespoonfuls smelted
butter, ono teaspoonful pepper, salt to 0ea0on
one teaspoonful made mustard, ono•half tea•
oup'ful sharp vinegar, Mix woll through
salad and servo ab once.
JAM PUDDING.—Two taaoupfulO flour in
which had bean well mixed two teaspoonfuls
baking powder, piece of butter size of an
egg well mixed through flour, Make into a
dough with ooltl water. Roll into Bharat
and spread with 8 teacupful of any jam or
jolly; roll dough as you would roll jolly
cake, pinah ends and seam firmly together,
plane in well buttered steamer' and steam
ono hour. Serve with cream and sugar, or
lemon juioo.
SPONGE CAKE.—Boat the yolks of throe
eggs until light, add about half of the whites
beaten very light, and one oup of sugar and
half a saltspoonful of salt ; pour in the rest
of the whites and a tablespoonful of lemon
juice, and lastly ono cup of flour ; boat all
together thoroughly mad bake in a modor-
ately hat oven. This makes tWolvo small
Oakes baked in pattypans, or a nioo loaf in
a pan with funnel through the middle,
Tried and sure. No soda or baking powder.
I was doubtful ab first about tho rising, but
they aro light and nice.
In Great Luok.
Angry Customer (to Mr. Ioaaoetoin)—
Dutohy, when I bought thin suit two month0
ago you said it wouldn't fade, Look at the
color now 1
Mr, Isaaost0191—My front,dab one changed
plentifully. 1 iron you dot suit out for
dhroo toiler, and beoblos will dime you
ohoosb boughd a now von.
van d u may n a
pfd, through which eau be watched the stet. People in the North-west
amorphoso of Homo splondid bootie or bettor. Know from experienoo that Putnam's Pain -
fly ; little oolleationo brought from mountain' less Corn Extractor 10 the only remedy t0 for India, and will bo gono two yoaro, nba0o or over•w0r11, and (0 adl1c000 1(10 fool tae
or beach and (narked with the small donor's be relied upon for the extraction of oolnB, Cantolupo 18 out np, of 00ltree, about lefty.' 0oueequonroe Of youtil9td 0xc000,
send for Bud rend
name --thehe are the thio a which elicit Thie i0 the moo evelyw110re throughout the fug his £monde, 21, V, Wilbon', Treatise,lBooau rho address on
Mon. Tho
g g { book will ho soot sensed to any itten e0 nn 0(1. t of
Dick and Edward and little Joo
Sat in a corner in a row ;
They caw their patient mother go
On oeaool008 errands to and fro;
They BIM that her form was bent and thin,
llor temples gray, her cheeks Runk in;
They saw the quivor of lip and ohin,
And then with wrath he oould not smother,
Outepoke the youngest, frailest brother :
"You talk of Ravin' wood an'ile
An' tea and sugar all the while,
But you never talk of eavini mother 1"
Almost Another Engagement.
Hill: So Mies Gadabout is engaged.
Jove 1 she's been engaged to every fool in
the place, I think. Wno'o the last idiot she
hooked 1"
Jinks : Myself 1
Like Cures Like.
Bobby hod made himself dick by surrepti•
tiouely eating too many jonl tarts.
" Now, Bobby," ooa 0d his mother, " 7
you will take this medli'ne like a little man
you can have almost anything you like."
" Can I haus some more jam tarts, ma 1"
Asking the Impossible.
Wife—If I were to be kidnapped, John,
and spirited away from you, what would
you do ?
Husband—No danger of that,dear,
Wife—Well, just imagine it, you know.
Husband—My dear, don't you know that
there is a limit oven to the imagination ?
Creel Treatment.
" George treated me very coldly last
night, mother," said Ethel, waving her fan
at a vagrant fly.
Why, Ethel, I'02 sorry to hoar that. In
what way was his treatment cold?"
" Ioo-oream."
It is a mistake to think that Volapuk is a
new language. The brakemen on paesonger
trains in this country have used it for years
o call out the names of stations.
A monster Parmesan cheese was one of
the amusing features of the Bologna Uni-
versity fetes hold last week. The students
of Parma presented their Bologna brethren
with a cheese weighing 100 pounds, and en-
tirely covered with Latin inaoriptions work-
ed in macaroni. This was to be washed
down by huge tun of Berbera wine given
by the students of Turin,
Toronto Conservatory of Musio.
Many no doubt will reoollect the first an-
nouncement that in September, 1887, a
Ounservatory of Music was to be opened at
Toronto, with a board of management, coin -
prising men whose names were eminent
throughout the entire country, mad with IbIr,
Edward Fisher, the well-known Toronto
musiOimn, ae muefoal director. The propos.
al (net with marked encouragement, and the
Conservatory opened under successful and
moat brilliant anepi0e0.
The first season has found over 000 pupile
in attendance, drawn from all quarters of
Canada, ae well as Toronto itself. During
thesoason a large number of Conoerts, Re.
chola, Leoturoe, eta., have been given.
Those collateral and free advantages all all
in the formation of a broader musioal odu•
cation than oar be obtained through the par.
suit of the ordinary practical studies, and
are to be valued a000rdmgly.
The prospects for next season aro sold to
ho so very encouraging that negotiations are
ov011 now pending for the purchase of a site
on which a large Conservatory building,
Concert Hall, and Art Gallery may he
Alma Ladies' College,
1u11 organized departments in Vino Arta
Music and Commercial Science with Gradu
Ming Courses. Diplomas and Certiileateo
granted. Tho reputation of the School for
efficient work is unsurpassed.
003.Tne loading Canadian College for young
women, For 00 pp. Calendar addrossPrin-
oipal Austin, E. D.
Franco is on the wait 0i10 of 11110 Alps.
Monaco is on the atti0ide.
5x890000—Moleture :intense Itching and stinging'
moot at night 1 worse by eoratobtng. I1 allowed to
continuo laanore form, which often bleed and ulcer.
ate, becoming very aero. SwASNo'e (Montan etc
the Dotting and bleeding, heals ulooratlon, and in
many oases removed the tumours, 111e equally e111.
eaoioce In Ming all akin Menne. DR. MAYNE a
SON Proprietors, Philadelphia, Swevnu'% 01N111NNT
SON, obtained et druggists, Sent by mall for 00
The man who hollers amen the loudest
d000n't always moan it the most.
W1mn0ver your Stemma ma or Marais got Ont of 0r
der, musing' Biliousness. D apo ata, or Indigestion
and thole abt0ndnn1 ovils, take at mono a dose of Do.
Carson's 8b01118ob Bittern. Bost family modlline,
All Dragglete, 10 meta
Lord Cantolupo is about to leavo England
The (heat Dismal Swamp,
of Virginia, is one enormous quagmire of de.
cayed vegetation, it region of gloom and
dooula'don ; but not more so thus the, human
0ystem whoa blocked up by decayed animal
matter, whleh poloona the blood and brings
bloom to an otheru'ieo happy household.
Dr, Pieroo'e P1ua0aut Purgative Pellets re-
move all waste mutter, and give Nature a
chance to build up,
The 19mporor 1'redoriclt ln;etnwed the
order Pour fe merits upon Sir b'redoriclt
Luightun, I: rai00(1 u0naid0rald0 dieouOoiou
among Toutonlo painters.
There's a13lin the bottle on whose label we
cin read
Dr, 170,""'s Favorite Proscription, far the Woman
Sim hay sired
01 a ranted) fur trouble( none but 100(00(9 ever
'9-16 her best and truest friend, and happy thousuede
call it so,
As they tldnk nl ylari of sainting that wore theirs
balore ib 09010,
Bringing chem the Mini of healing, and they binge
the very name
of thio wonderfully, and deservedly, pope•
lar remedy for the various Ma woman is heir
to. " Favorite Pres0riplion" is the only
modioine for women, sold by druggists, un-
der a positive guaranies, from the manuluo-
turers, that it will give eatisfaution in every
MO, or money will bo refunded. This
guarantee hay been printed on the bottle•
wrapper, and faithfully parried out for
many years,
Two million and a half is the number of
persons who are said to be slaves to Sob.
bath toil in America, and Choy generally re•
osivo no more than six days' wages for seven
days' work,
"Death has so many doors to let out life,"
sang an did time poet. In those day they
had not di000verod remedies that shut these
doors. How different is Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, from the old time doses.
Consumption or lung-sorofula, is one wide
door that it shuts, it taken in time. Don't
waste a moment then, lest life slip through
that open door.
It is to be regretted that Mr. Greeny didn't
fetch the North Polo back with him.
care for their machinery keeps many farmers
poor. They leave their reapers, Flo., expos-
od to all kinds of weather and knock them
around ae though they were indestructible,
and worse still, when running allow the
bearings to go dry and wear out through use
of inferior oil. Only the very best lubricat.
ing oil should be used, one which is clear of
grit, will not gum, and adheres long to the
bearing. It is on this account that careful
farmers prefer RoGEns' PEERLESS machine
oil. It is sold in every town by best dealers.
Seo adv.
Nis the time to oenalliate the girlie
ether or make friends with the dog.
People who are subject to bad breath, tool agate
tongue, or any dleorder of the 080000h, can at one
be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitter.
Eh old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggist.
"His hat still fits," is a new phrase for
a politician with an unawollen head.
A Cure for Drunkenness.
The opium habit, depeomanla, the morphine habit
nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening Of the
brain, eta, premature, old age, lose of vitality caused
by overexertion of the brain, and noes of natural
strength, from any cause whatever. Men—young,
old or middle aged—who aro broken down from any
of the above causes, or any0an80 notmentioned above
send your address and10 oentelu stamps for Lubon'e
Treatise In book form, 00 Diseases of Ifan Books
enure scaled and eure 106m oboorY atlon. Aodrees M.
V. Luaox 47 Wellington street Ease Toronto, Ont.
Every dude has a head light.
A. P. 408.
CANOES, WO1.EN4Gien,'Yotclrbora. met.
ANOINTS procured, PateetAttorneye, and oxper .
Eefd 1807. D ,0(310 0101d0nt dt Co., TOmu80.
PA TE RtT'(.f For Sala—Iltuetrntive deoerlpblve Oaf
P FY E C tC 1 9(00(98 9000 R, Ohambornn, Toroot.
(learn, Waal.... Address CEO. 1).
PERMS, $7 Church St, Toronto.
16381 R+ae1 10011 ALL. $30a week aoaexp000re
NtlN 190 99I•if rill paid. Valuable 00th end Augusta, Elaine
froo, P.O,NI(lOUlKY,Angueta, Mmoe
Dom111Ion for our House.
hold Specialties. Address Teneox Bros,Torooto, Ont.
Mo1iE,/TOLIIANenForme. LoweotRates.
9r T Na detny. Oorrespoudenoe aolioited,
E, W. D, 10110901[, Finanotal
Established 1860. 72 King-st. E„ Toronto.
CURED, without the knife. No
I euro, no pay. Send stamp for
pamphlet. W. L SMITH, OLD.,124 Queen E.,Torontn.
arca Company 01 Canada,
Consulting Engineers and Solicitors 01 Patoote.
Q. 0. ROna Chief Engineer. A. Fannie Sea'y-Troao.
ANY ATOM WI10 DRAGS 1119 WIFE out to
the warn to hold bags ranee be too mean to buy
the 'Dandy" Patent Bag Holder, which will last a
lifetime, and costa only 75o. Sold'by agante. Terri.
tory still open. O. W. ALLEN S CO.,
"World' Bu11(1(, Tonto.
'91011 elegant Lithographlo Picture 01 Clty or
,lh Toronto, taken from tho 1(1y, and showing all
she leading buildings, garden, drives, stations,
wharves, eta. Sine 2.119001i mos, Sample copy sent be
any adtlreee for ban.
Lid Ming St. Ent, Toronto.
OUR AGENTS htngoioaent 1Pnrnlloll BIrCe
Witrou•'st ular"Illetoryof
Canada," Cough's Platform Echoes," Dorchester's
Liquor Problem," Snm P, Jones' "Livia Words;'
The Cottage Phyelelan,"
Cough's "Sunlight and MAKE MONEY
Shadow' "Mather, Home and Heaven," ata, Pop.
lar Books 1 Liberal Terms I Write for oiroulnre, terms
ate., to WmmAn Brume, Publlehor Toronto.
Fela,o,I (1rt1Yel
Estimates given. Country work a specialty,
CANADA SHIPPING CO.—Beaver 1lno of
and Livorpoo 5Liverpool,
according to etemner and ao0omntod9tion, Inter•
Steamships, eailing weekly botweon hlontroel
1. 1100,1191010te, Montreal to
840, $50 end $00, Return tickets, $80, $00 and $110
mediate, $,Y0' Round trip tickets $00. Steerage, 920,•
Round tip Sokoto, 510. Pm further particulars and
to enure ltirthe, apply to 00, IC. MU1LItAY, Genera.
Manager, 1 Custom lingo Square, Montreal, or to the
Local A¢ente in the different Towne and Cities.
111IL1'11 Business College, Minn:,NT. -
This popular h 01911 tl0n, now h1 Its ,It1 Year,
ie o.ng o grand work for the odneation of boning
leen and wanton in those branches, a knowledge M
Whish le so essential to the In1olligont nod summand
management Of practical nifairs. its grade:Woe aro
everywhere giving signal proof of tho thorootghnass
of their training, and beating grateful testimony to
the monetary 11.1110 of Rs mune of study, The
Fourth Amnu11 Cironiar, giving full information, will
ho mailed frac, Address M. atAcCoaluc0, P0•Inolpol.
'Young Metz
SUFFERING from the °Recto of early evil hablte•tho
result of ignorance and fatty, who find the;rsoivoe
weak, "otvous and exhausted ; oleo M;ontn•Ao0e and
09,0 elks, who are broken down from th0 strode of
makothesohoolroom asthe homoGalled boau• Dominion. to sure to got Putbam'seure. O1N°At,. ,. HMSRENRWHaremotes gra? and hoed two ROetamlpe, Address
tiful to the memory and'a present pliant:. of pop corn owe, All doalors overywhero,. hair to its natural color and promote fat ing out, 1 Il, V, L BON, Wtlhngton St, IC„ Totonto, Ont.
President Cleveland's Prize for the throe beet
babies at the Aurora County Fair Cn. 1887, tuna
glveu to these triplets, Mollie Ida and Ito',
clrtlaron of Mrs. A.. K. Dart, liamburgh, N. Y,
She writes: " Last August the little ones became
very sick, and as I could get no other food that
would agree with them, I commenced the use
of Lactated Food, It helped them immediately,
and 1110y wore soon as woll as ever, and I con-
sider it very largely due to the Food that they
are now so wen.'
Cabinet photo. of Mese lrlp(els sold free to the rn07Rg,
of any baby burn 106s year
Lactated Food
Ta the but Food for bottle-fed babies. It keeps
them welllhaea theyttter to an modlctue
At Druggists, 25c., 50c., 61.00.
TII9 BnsT AND MOST E000001190A1 FOOD.
150 Meals for an Infant for 61.00.
A3•' A valuable pamphlet on "The Nutrition
of infants andlnlalids," free on application. r
Clop Excursion
Will leave all pointe on the C.P.R., G.T.R.
and N, & N. W. Ry. fn Ontario, on
—F 0 1t—
Fare for Round Trip, $28
Trains leave TORONTO at 11 p.m. AUG.
The parts will be accompanied by J. S.
TICKETS issued at all stations and good
to return for 60 DAYS, also for to lay
over on return at WINNIPEG.
For information apply to all Agents of
C.P.R., G,T.R., or
Canadian Pacific Railway Ticket Office,
Ontl Intently thr08ned ,o(100ut panting thn ad
through the eye. Agents coin money soling them.
Semple packet by mail 16o dawn packets $1 00.
{Y linen llanufaeturing Co.. Torun tu, Ont.
—80 (61008 10106001 0011.600—
Saloon Tickets, 840, $60, $00. Return $20, 000
$110. Intermediate, 8Bm, Steemge, SM. Apply to
H. E. 3IUR1108, General Manager,
1 Custom House Square, Montreal.
Merchants, Butchers,
and Traders generally,
We 89,101000E MAN in your locality to pickup
For us. Cash Furnished on eattefactury guaranty,
C. S. P .A G-311,
11rDB Paas, Vermont, U. S.
Stained Glass
76 King St. W., Toronto.
• rtes..,
AssolurElvPuo fe nMTAnTAt'
sse 500,.
7191 $1Y0eoryr,PunE TAno.;if:,t1,,
EST VALUE IN THE 10017000014,
F. E. DIXUN 81 0,. . Makers,
;a if into Street ',loot, Toronto.
/2f -Send for Price Late and Discounts.
1EDENS* 6T011(19 of Machinery to seleot Lou
Send for Lists,
IB. W. PETRIE, Brantford, Ont.
0AN1'YACrral:ae Ana 01(31.0 0 1(0
ItooAng g`e't, Waters' Felt Deafening Felt,
Limpet Paper, Building Paper. Roofing Pitch,
Coal Tar, Lake Gravel
0111re; 4 Adelaide 01. East, Toronto.
tend for Inst of some of our Se0ond.hrnd ma. '
chinas at greatly reduced prices.
CnAS. 1108IN811N .t CO.,
22 Church St , Torooto8.,,,
BELLEI'11.1.E , ONT.,
Is being greatly enlarged aid improved ata cost o
several ebousa0d dollars. Students in attendant
CAN, NEW YORK, VEi1JfONT, in addition to
ONTARIO and QUEBEC. nit Unsurpassed advan-
tages at moderate rates. WILL I9E•OPEN
TI11.11t/1) kr, $EI'r. Oily 1888, Send for oir0u.
lore. Addreee,
IIEV, W. P. DYER, M.A., PrlaaipaL
PROOF PatentNon-
Conduoting Doors
A LT 831-013 Tr.
J. 8s J. TAYLOR,
Toronto Safe Works.
Bicycles I
OVER 100
Second • 11931141 Bicycler
6aleties and Tricycles.
Send for Liet and Cataloger.
Agents wanted in every town.
A._ T_ LdN'XI:1,
R. Parker & Co.
Works and Mend (Offices :
759 TO 763 YONGE ST.
j 200 Yooge Street,
City Ounces :• 300 Queen St, West, TORONTO,
l 226 Queen St, Enid, J
100 Colborne Street BonnRord, Oat.
4 Joh', Street North Hnmilcnn, Snot.
First of Ladies' Foliages. Has graduated over 230
In fun course. Full faculties to Literature, Longue,.
gee, Science and Art. Lsrgsee College Bu (ding in
Dominion, Opens Sept. 5,1588. Address Principal
Bev. A. BURNS, D.D. LL.D.
Don't wait until you
arebul'n' outor robbed,
buy a Sefe now and
sleep a ay and be sure
and get price.. eta, of
the New Chalnploa
677 Craig St., P. 0. Boat 046. Montreal, P. Q,
IVe will send by mail en up-
70070ate gift to each maiden,
wife, mother or cook—one to ,
a family— who will try the
Cut the red circle from the
label and send it C" a letter
stating1, honest opinion after
fab'tl,•11. Either a 5, 10 or 25
cert size will secure the gift.
Any grocer sir sinrukoeper
.knmvs whore to moll t i t' naked
for by yon.—A.1drewr—
Have all the latest tmprovemen1s, and are unequalled
s sell them. AS11 FOR THEM and
Nervous Debility.
DR• GRAY'S Sponlfo has boon used for the pat
Of teen years with great 0000000, in the treatment of
Nervous Debility', and all diseases arising from ex.
meow, ovor.tvarked brain, lose of vitality, ringing in
613 ones, palpitation, oto. For sale by all druggteta
Prloe $1 per box, or 0 boxes tor 80, or will be sent by
mall au receipt of pries. Pamphlet on Implication
I'T1IO CRAY' 7011`ICINF CO.. lfnrnnte,
Allan Lino Royal Mail Steamships
Selling during winter from Portland every Thursday
and Halifax overySnturday to Liverpo•1, and in cum
tiler from Quebec every Saturday to Llverpool,onlling
at Londonderry to land matte and passengers for
Scotland and island ; nle0 from Baltimora, via Hall
fax and St. Sohn's, N.V., to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer months. The detonate of Oho Glos.
gow Muhl Bail during winter to and from Halifax
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sums
mer between QLo•gow and Montreal weekly •, Glns•
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow nod P1111ade1.
phia fortnightly.
For freight, passage or othor Information apply to
A, Schumacher a 0o„ Baltimore' 5, Cunard s• 08,,
Halifax ; Shea a 00., St. John'0,'N89„ Wm. Thorny
eon k Co, St. John, N. B,; Alton a Co., Chicago.
Love. 98 Alden Now York; H, Boruller, Toronto;
Adana, Rao a Co., Quoboo 118,0. Brooldo, Phii9d81•
Rhin ; H, A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Rankest.
IRON' P n rc Es.
\ii'e manufacture the Largest
Variety of
of any house in the Daminlon,
amain Wire & Iron WorketiliTindsor, Ont