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The Brussels Post, 1888-8-3, Page 4
4 THE BRUSSELS POST Excursion. Local --Adam Good, blies---O. A. Deadman. Votole list --F, S. Scott. Excursion --Jos. Hickson. Farm for sale ---Win. Sntlldon. aorainuasesari om =tom (,ht 3TACSze:tS Post. I'It'Ill 11-1UGUST 3, 1888. .sun writ for Halton has been issued, nomination taking place on the 15th of August and polling on the 22nd. Solo. mon Hannam, of Milton, is the returning oilicer. Wuww is being done about our Fall Show ? Tho Societies in adjoining towns and villages are preparing for the com- ing exhibitions and will leave Brussels in the rear unless we watch after the inter- ests of number one. Tho Directors of the East Huron Society should take up the question of providing some additional attraction than tbe old round of horses, cattle, vegetables, do., and the towns. people should give every assistance in this important particular. What can be done some ask? Well, other towns have run.a Band competition and met with great success but if that is too steep for our pookete why not arrange a, base hall match, a tug of war or something that would prove attractive to sightseers. It should be looked after in time so that the announcement could be made as early as possible. TEs enormous crime of introducing the liquor traffic as a licensed business into a community hitherto free from it, and which has not demanded it, and into a region which has been sought as an asylum by thousands fleeing from its thraldom, is at the door of the Dominion Government. They have done it in spite of law and against the consoience of the nation. They have done it because with. out doing it they could not license a gi- gantic hotel and bra -room set up at the National Park by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. They have done it to secure a universal political agency such as they enjoy in the other parts of the Dominion. What do they care about the demoralization of a whole people or tbe poisoning of the soil of provinces yet to be. It will be said that they have intro. aimed the liquor wedge very thin, but we all know that it makes very little odds what stamp is put on liquor it has its own way of growing strong and poison. ous, and we all know how fast a wedge once inserted can grow thicker. This small beer and light wine theory of tem- perance, which) possesses the minds of many of our citizens who look upon France with reverence, may well be sup. posed to be Mr. Royal's exenee for his share in upsetting the law of total pro- hibition which necessity enacted for that region ages ago. We dread to see the experiment tried in that climate, and we are quite certain of its failure.— Montreal Witness. sLvth. Rev. S. F. Parke and wife, of Renton, Ohio, formerly rector of the Episcopal Church here, are spending a few days visiting old parishioners and acquaint- ances. On Thursday of last week an exciting game of base ball was played in the park between our junior team and a team from Goderich, resulting in a victory for the visiting team by 9 to 7. On Saturday whilst two of Mr. Whit. tlanfer'e children were playing in his tannery hie little boy got two of his fingers out so severely that the physician had to amputate one of them. It appears the little fellow was getting up on a block of wood. The other child was playing with an axe and must not have noticed the little fellow's hand on the blook he was chopping and caught his fingers. Fran PBOTEOTION.—The adjourned pub- lic meeting on fire protection was held in the Orange hall on Friday evening when the committee road the different com- munications they bad received since last meeting from several places as to kind and coat of fire protection. Tho meeting seemed to be in favor of having a steam fire engine. Mr. Ronald, of Brussels, being present was asked to address the large audience in respect to the merits and cost of his engine, whioh he ably did, occupying quite a length of time describing the difference between his make and others. Several of our prom. inent citizens then made a few remarks on the all important subject, after which it was decided that the committee was to write to the different makers and invite them to bring their engines here and test them as to their merits, so as to give the ratepayers a ohanee to judge for themselves. Another meeting will be held shortly. • Perth County Notes. Thursday, August Oth, is to be St. Marys civic holiday. Stratford i$ to have the elootriolight at 22 Dents per lamp per night for 2,000 candle power lights. Kyle & Barnett, of Mitchell, have been awarded the oontract for supplying goal to the County buildings, ab Stratford, at 45.70 per ton. Tho pattern shop nt Stratford ie al- most completed, It le stated that the G. T. R. workmen for the new shops will be here about the last of August. Ab Stratford 97 plumed in the High School entrance examination and eight aro recommended or 45 in all ; ab Lie. towel 30 passed, and at St Marys 25. County Clerk Davidson sailed for the Old Country last Saturday. He will he oeobjllpallied by Dr. J. A. Robertson, of t�Tratfird, who goes over to spend some tjme' in the German hospitals. Excites Collector Cavan, of Stratford, has just returned from ('hathanl and Windsor, where he had been making some seizures of cigarettes and tobacco that hail been smuggled in from the United States. The editor of the Mitchell Recorder has been inane the recipient of a purse of 8160 as n gratuitous offering from a nunt- ber of friends toward the emits and ex- ponees of the recently settled libel suit. The Kirkton Creamery sold le Thomas Johnston, of Toronto, nearly 6,000 lire, of butter for the Old Country market at 194 cents, Their May and dune make wore sold for 180. JohnHaooab, of Seaforth, is in control of the creamery, Nine months ago John Madill, mer- chant, St. Marys, failed through force of eircumstaoces. His estate realized 90 cents on the dollar. One afternoon last week Iris creditors met in tbo office of Caldecott, Burton ti Co, Toronto, and presented him with a solid silver tea ser- vice of six pieces, suitably inscribed, as a recognition of his honorable and unusual conduct in settling in full with his creditors. Many farmers in Elmo, have noticed that a blight of some kind has come over the oat crop. The topmost particles of the head aro quite yellow, and on axonal. Whether the o' tobe nationT S o p bliait CrI extend to the whole bead re - ms to be seen, An insect may be the cause, but as no reports of a like character come from any other part oftho province, is d that the blight it may be presume entirely local in its operation. Prime's Deaton who was living on a farm looted from Lemuel Pelton lot 5, concession 6, Elms, was driving home about four o'clock on Tuesday of last week. He got out of his wagon and open. ed the gate, and stepped the horses through. As he was picking up the lines after closing the gate one of the horses suddenly kicked. As the animal is a quiet one it is supposed it was annoyed by a fly. Deaton was struck on the head and killed instantly. IIe was discovered by his daughter lying Weide the gate. His sudden death is a very painful afflic- tion to his family. The Mitchell Advertiser says :—A very heavy rain storm accompanied by hail and wind, passed over this section of the country, on Monday night fast. More rain in the same time has not fallen in Mitchell for years. The storm, outside of the corporation was something terrible, cutting down and completely destroying whole fields of grain. Mr. Greenwood, of Logan, had about thirty acres of splendid grain completely threshed or smashed down. Messrs. Shane, Broom, Kemp and others suffered heavylosses from the hail storm. Wagon loas of hail stones could easily have been gathered up after the storm was over. Saturday's Mail contained reports of the crops from most of the counties in Ontario—none from Perth—which it thus summarises :—"The crop reports from all parts of Ontario are far from encouraging. With few exceptions fall wheat has been winter -killed, spring wheat is very light, and where the ear is filled the straw is short ; hay falls far below the average, and root orops are suffering from the con. tinued drought." From what we have seen and information gathered, we believe the crops in this county will turn out much better than the average throughout the Province. Hay is fairly good, but slightly under the average ; the spring mops look exeollent and the winter wheat is likely to turn out a fair yield—manyfields being a good average. Boots are still promising.—Stratford Beacon. II9.ti'oil county Notes. farmer was much surprised to 11nd, on unrolling it, that tate inside was all charred and burnt. Ile attributed this to the strength of the oil, bet found out later that it wail a case of sponbancoue oombustiou, and the probabilities are that had it not been discovered just when it was the farmer's bttrat wouid have been "mysteriously" burned. Tamara eau guard against any peesibil. ity of this nater, by allowing oil used in this way to dry on :'tile cloth before rolling it up. Mumma, AseerUT10 1.—Tho regular quarterly meeting of the Huron Medical Association was held in the ones room of the Meohanis' Institute, Seaforth, at 2 p.m. on July 10th. The president, Dr. Young, being absent, the moo president, Dr. Gunn, occupied the ohair. Several interesting cases were presented and sev. oral papers were road. Dr. Worthington read an insiruotivs paper on "Injuries of the Brain," relating cases whioh had come under his observation. Dr. Camp. bell, of Seaforth, and Dr. Elliott, of Bruoefield, related the history of inter- esting oases. Those who took part in the discussion were Drs. Worthington, MoKid, Smith, Campbell, Nicol, McLean, McTavish, Gunn and Elliott. Several medical students were present: McLeod, Gibson and Ewing. The members were delighted with the meeting, and antici- pate a prosperous future for the society. The next quarterly meeting will be held at Clinton. In 1875 the township of Tnaltersmith passed a bylaw establishing a township board of scaool trustees, In Jnne 1887, a by-law to repeal the former by-law was submitted, and was lost. It is now pro. posed to submit a second time the repeal- ing by-law. The points raised are :— First, when a by-law to abolish a town• ship board has once been defeated can it ever again be submitted ? and, secondly, if it can be submitted, what length of time must intervene between the first and second submissions ? See R. S. 0., 1887, cap. 225, soca. 54 and 63. Mr. Moss, Q. C., representing some of the ratepayers, moved Tuoaday morning, before Mr, Jus- tice MaoMahon at Oegoode Hall, for an injunction restraining the township coun- cil from again submitting the by-law. E. F. 33. Johnston appeared on behalf of the Minister of Education. With the consent of the learned judge the case is submitted for the opinion of the Chauoery Divisional Court at its next sittings. See sec. 237 of the Act. Genera/ Newe:. Chicago has a population of 802,051. r com- plaint. from hve o Tho Popo is suffering plaint. General Sheridan is rapidly gaining strength. Two agrarian murders are reported from Ireland. Italy is believed to be preparing to seize Tripoli. There are 44,000 deaf mutes in the United States. Bad weather has severely damaged the crops in France, The Vitelli ride is likely to bo adopted by the Dutoh army. Chapel: and Chleboun, the Chicago dy. namitsrs, have disappeared. In the have roichstag there are 838 smokers and 39 non-smokers. Baltimore expeots to put up 1,100,000 dozen cans of peaches this season. Sixty-two amendments to the Parnell Commission Bill have been proposed. Emperor William will visit the Pope immediately upon his arrival at Rome. It is stated that Emperor William will visit the Pope as well as King Humbert. The Local Option High License Law has been held constitutional in New Jersey. The Popo sent a telegram congratulat- ing Emperor William on the birth of his fifth son. A party of 900 men, headed by Prof. Jameson, Major Bartellot and Tippoo Tib, will go from the Congo in search of Stanley. Ninety deaths from cholera occurred in Hong Kong during the week ending July 22nd. Italy has notified the Powers of her having definitely taken possession of Massowab. The marriage of the Duke and Duohese of Marlborough has been deolared valid in England. Gen. Boulanger drove in the Bois do Boulogne on Saturday for the first time since his duel. Mayor MoHugb, of Sligo, bas boon sen. termed to four months' imprisonment under the Crimes Ad. Japanese engineers propose to adopt a system of earthwork defences, protected by an iron shield one foot in thickness and extending twenty-five feet each aids of the gun. The log jam in the Menominee River, Mich., is the largest ever known. It ie estimated to contain 400,000,000 feet. The loge are piled from twenty-five to thirty feet above the water. • Congressman Dingley has presented a hill providing for the imposition of tolls on Canadian shipping passing through the Sault and St. Glair Canals in the event of the present system being kept up by Canada. There has been considerable alarm in Cleveland and vicinity, within a few days, in consequence of a disease among horses, called glanaers and farcy. One street railroad company in Cleveland had fifty-two horses sick, and Dr. Yonker- man, a veterinary surgeon,• advised the killing of every diseased horse. Dr. Yonksrman said that the glanders was a Diem. absolutely fatal if contracted by it human being. There has been an enormous increase of the cotton manufacture of India in recent years. We have no statietios of the amount manufactured by Indian mills previous to the year ending June 30, 1879, but since that time the Bombay Mill - owners' Aseociation have iesuud an an- nual report of production. The amounts of cotton °onsumerd by the mills fn sue- ceenive years, beginning with the above date, are as follows, in thousands of bales: 208, 808, 870, 898, 4.57, 531, 307, 648, 720, 815 ; the figure for the year just oloeod being ostimetod but sufficiently accurate, Wo have this in nine years a rise from 268,000 bales to 813,000 bake mnnafaotur• ad in Indian mills, the latter amount being more than triple the former. William Blount, a fourteen -year-old boy, has begun suit, through 0 guardian whom he had appointed for that put• pose, against the Paoilie Mail Steamship Company for 650,000 damages for per. sons/ injuries. Ho claims to have sailed from Now York city last April on the Newport to visit a eousin in San loran. einem. At Panama ire was transferred to the Acapulco, and two days afterward Luoknow civic holiday on Thursday of this week. Willie MoLauohlin, of Exeter, had his hand badly mangled in a hay fork pully. The Lneknow Caledonian Society has decided to make their games of a purely local character, open only to residents of the counties of Huron and Bruoe. A "Western district championship game of lacrosse between Stratford and Clin- ton was played at Clinton last Saturday, Stratford winning in four straight games. One day last week while D. Anderson and D. K. Webster were walking through the latter's meadow, in Kinloes, they killed a large striped colored snake which had in it fifty-three young snakes, all alive and kicking. It was a prolific critter. John Smith, baggageman at the G. T. R. depot, Wiugham, was unlucky enough to have two ribs broken the other day, He was coming out of a oar when his foot caught on en iron gangway, which threw him face downwards with such violence as to result in the manner stated above, E. Floody, of Clinton, Supreme Grand Auditor, will leave for Winnipeg about the middle of August, to attend the Supreme Grand Orange Lodge of British America. He will be accompanied by Grand Secretary Keyes, of St. Cathar- ines, Grand Treasurer Anderson, of Prince Edward, and Grand Auditor Look. start, of Everett. Chief Gill, of Exeter, arrested Benja• min McKenzie, an alleged member of the Jolmstori gang of counterfeiters. Mo - Kenzie has been up around Sault Ste. Marie "shoving the queer," itis said, and returned to his home in Exeter a few days ago. He was brought to London by Chief Williams, of that city, and handed over to Government Detective O'Leary, who will remove him to Sarnia for trial. Joseph Templeton, of Stanley town- ship, committed suicide by hanging him- self in bis barn on Saturday morning, July 21st. He was about 80 years of age and unmarried. He had a good farm and was working it successfully with a hired man, kris mother keeping house for him. He appeared perfectly some on tate previous evening. No one can tell what caused him to do the rash act, An in- quest was held and a verdict rendered accordingly. The sootion foreman of the L. H. d 13., south of Clinton, met with what was near being a serious accident the other even. ing. Mr. Grantham was on the 6:46 pan. express bound north, and desiring to get off at the Bayfield roadbridge, attempted to jump off while the train was almoet at full speed, and in doing so he fell back and was struck by the train, He was brought to the station at Clinton On the. train, and it was found on examination that no hence were broken, although bad- ly shaken up. The Clinton Now Era says :--Net long einem a farmer near town bought eome linseed oil, with which to matte a water- proof canvas covering for hie binder, After putting the oil on nu: cloth the same was rolled up, placed in e. wagon in the barn and left thlxo. A. few days later, wanting to ecu the canvas, tate .Attu, 3, 1888 antallpox broke out aboard. The eiek were at once placed in a Iazarebto on the ship, and young Blount with them, though lis did not have the disease, but merely a rash 00 ]tis forehead. At As- capnlco they wore put oil a desert island, where they remained until May 9. Blount bad to take oars of four sick men and norms them through their illness, ]tarn to row over the bay and flet fooil, and enf fend mucin hardship on the island, which was barren of vegetation, and on which the mm boat 15000ly. Ho 0070 that when the Captain got to Ban Franoieco he made no mention of the sink mon, nor were their flames on the passenger list. The lad thinks he is justified an demanding a good round sunt for dam- ages. At a meeting of the Ontario Millers' As. soolation at Toronto, it was dooidod not to increase the price of oatmeal. The East Simcoe Agricultural Society presented Hon Illi, Drury with a very kindly -worded °Advese at Strawberry Is• land. Superintendent Whyte, of the C. I'. R., thinks there is likely to be a samples of 20,000,000 bushels of wheat in Mani- toba this year. The petition against Mr. Baird, in Queen's County, N. B., was ordered off the file, with costs, by the Court, Two of the judges expressed the belief that Mr, Baird had fraudulently evaded service of the writ, The big new timber ship has been suc- cessfully 1 nuchta at Pont Jo ggins N.S. . Its dimensions are nearly 700 feels long, 06 feet wide, and 88 feet deep, and it con- tains 30,000 sticks from 40 to 410 feet long and 1 to 2 feet in diameter. It is mostly pine and cedar, and Mr. Leary intends to sell it for dock piling and crib work. Three hundred men have been busy since last February lashing to. gether the Mtge timbers into the cigar shaped mass, on the same ways that were used for Launching the previous raft. for this purpose wire rope 1, and 2 incites think wvs used, and also stout saplings interlaced. The timber is valued at up. ward of 350,000, and it would require 100 schooners to transport the contents of the ship. ISMS VOTERS' LISTS, 1888. MUN•Ic1rALITs of TIM VcLLAos ox ilnussELs, 0onNT0 of Nunez. Notice Is hereby given the I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persona moution• od in Section 5 and 0 of the Vetere' Lists Act, the copies requiredby said sections to be So transmitted or delivered of rho List, natio pursuant bo said Ast of all persons appear- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said Nfuuioipality for Members of rho Logislative Assembly and at Municipal El- ections, and that said List was Oast posted up in my office, in Brussels, ou the let day of August, A. D.1888, and remains there for in- spection. Elooters aro milled upon to examine the said List, and if any omission, or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate prceeedtuj s to have rho said error, correct- ed according to law. P. 8. 50070, Augustist, '88. Clerk of Brussels, SABBBATT 1 CI100L +PQM? Excursion ? Kincardine The Grand Trunk Railway Company has arranged to give au excursion to Kincard- ine, for the Sabbath Schools of this Dis- trict, on Wednesday, Aug. 15,'88 A Special Train will leave the following stations at the (tour named, and fares will be as quoted : CESLEBEN. ADULTS. Llsrownr,, ....8:00 a.m. 450. 90c. ATwooD, ..,,8:12 45 85 Ileum:iv, . , . , 8:22 40 80 ETSEL, 8.30 40 80 Bnussm a, , ...8:50 35 65 BLUEVALE, ..9:05 30 60 Wriouraa, ....9:18 30 55 Wmononuncu,9:32 25 53 LnoloNow, ....0:45 25 45 Rumex, ....10:05 15 30 Alumina ex Kiectucnsis 10:80 0.11. 1_ Arrangements are being made for the pleasure and amusement of the excursion- ists on arrival at the lake. Particulars will bo given on mall hand bills in a few days. Train will leave Kincardine at 0 p. m., giving 7 1.2 Hours at the Lake. W. EDGAR, JOS. HICKSON, Gen. Pass. Agent. Gen, Manager. c4 L K,tin9 eve C H l SOMETHING NEW ! I, WALTON PUMP FACTORY. The undersigned desires to intimate to the public that he has purchased the WALTON l'Unl' I'Acrorn from John Love and is now prepared to 1111 orders, by mail or otherwise, lubrneted to hie care. Satiufaotion guaranteed in Pinups. Tanks, tic. Repairing promptly attended to. Con- i we Con - trusts token for digging wells, , Having been 11 years at tiro business I feel confident that 1 can cult my cos- tumers. GIVE M1: A TRIAL and be convinced. f. S. WELSH, 3m Proprietor, Walton. S. PLUM, General Blacksmith, wlshee to intimate to the public gonorally that ho does all kinds of Blacksmithing in a Workmanlike Manner. Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order. Repairing promptly Exeoubed. I make Specialty of 1-Iorso-shoeing. A Call Solicited, 1 Renember the Stand—NEAT Tin: Burner, 21 S. Plum. MONEY TO- LOAN, FRIV L? E FUNDS. SRO* 10 of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In- vestment AT 7 PER CENT. Borrowerscan have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. y. Applyto E. E. WADE. MEAT MARKET linin Street, • 'Brussels ANDREW CURRIE, PROPRIETOR Fresh A=4: Salt Meats THEC©©K'S BEST FRIEND Returned to Brussels! ROBERT ARMSTRONG deaime to state that he has again become a resident of Brussels anti is prepared to talc° Contracts for all kinds of Carpenter Work, such as House iluildieg, Barn Framing, Mill Wrighthrg, do. IIo will also make a Specialty of Moy. ing Boilding,l. lislirnales Cheerfully GiVaii. Satisfaotion Guaranteed. every e • r instance. i EOM:. AUMSTONG. Of rho best quality always ou band and de- livered to any part of the village free of °barge. Terms very favorable. — I PAT CATTLE WANTED! bier which the :highest market price will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying ]tides and Skins. Don't forget the plane next door to I'leteher's Jewelry Store. A. CURRIE• 9 LIME! The Cranbrook Lime Works Are in full blast and a first-class —SOLD FOlt-- 1.2 Cents Per Bushel, 43.31010 V. GR Mlii, Proj7. ALLAN LINE. 7 1888. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1888• PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We aro opening out 0olilines in & Wail WATCHES. SILVER PLATED WARE from established and reliable makers, fully warranted by no. Molts of the hottest Designs. Wedding Ringo, Ladies Gem Pings, Broaches, Llarrings, rt:o. Also have in stock a hill lino of Violfne and Violin Strings. do. N. 13, --Issuer of Marriage Memoir. T. Fletcher, LIVERPOOL & QUEBEC SERVICE rrn0.nr LIl onWool, 1 5050)0101. 1 mom QDEn100 April 20 t0lreas5ian May 11 April 20 Sarmatian May 17 May 3 Parisian May 21 May 11 jPolynoeian Suns 1 May 17 Sardinian Juno 7 May 25 lOiroassian June 15 May 31 Sarmatian Juno 01 June 7 Parisian June 28 Juno 10 3Polynesian July 8 Juno 21 Sardinian July 12 June,NO l0rroassian July 20 July Sarmatian July 25 July 12 Parisian Aug. 2 July 20 itolvnosian ,..........,Aug, 10 July 20 Sardinian Aug. 10 Atm.. 8 1Circassian Aug, 24 Aug. 0 Sarmatian Aue,;30 3cafe5 of Passage by Mall Steamers. 5011731s0'00 Ltv11W00L. Cabin 300, 370 and 380 aosordin to accom- modation. Savants in Cabin, 880 Inter- mediate $00, Steerage 020. Return tickets, Cabin,$d10, 3180 and 9100, intermediate, 500. Steerage 040. j ByPolynosian, Circassian or other ex- trastoamers, Cabin fifty, sixty and seven- ty dollar, according to acoonneodation, 1te- Otrntickets, ninety, One hundred and ten and ono hundred and thirty donate. Inter. mediate sixty troller', Steerage forty dell. ars. Passengers eau a inherit nt Montreal the day before without lncroasod charao, Cie yourself ()Pseud iodt'stnteatreiarater, n Per hill lipa formation apply to .1. 10. 4; DANT, ltihlaarls C R f ',ildt't%fi,IiaA TAILOR SELOP ,t,i,,"i,ilt„I,II,i le'I1.'Ie'iPl,"Ir'I,na•p.v„n First -Class Suits, either Bound or Unbound, made for ;x4.00. .1 it Grrrrl'irliiee(l. Produce taken in exchange for Work. M. G. RICHABDS01 ', 3-4 Merchant Tailor. QR,HODDERS BURDOCK AND CO �PAIIq MPoVN G. MBES Liver Compl nt Dyspepsia, Biliousness, S ick Headach o, Kidney troubl's Rheumatism, Sldu Diseases, and all impuri. ties of the blood from whatever cause arising. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. R=Cn 70c. (w1,th Fillo $s) —TRY— l%dy.. i"eT 2 NittSv LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small and easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA Sold everywhere : price 25 cents. I'N111:i 30E(>i('SNII Co., Proprietors, Tou11X'ro, CANADA. BIN ;ING TWINE i T%ZZ�TTta Pura Manilla 13 Cents Per Pound —AT— Geo. Love fit. Co's. WEST N FAIR! Iltditstrial ancl.1 its .?txltibitiolt, London, - Camada, nOth to f.9thh Sept. n xrTnp- $28,0011 Appropriated for Prizes, Attrac- tions, ete. !µ011,1100 Value of New Grounds and Itnlldtags. $200,. 000 Display or Agricultural Mid 0111er J/nelllnury. *0,,00,00(00 (00 Stock ExhiGrand International Bench Show of Dogs. The Mullen '01550s of Ontario are .pro - paring an immense exhibit of manufaaturod articles, a riaultoral opmduotione and curl. ositloa of the old hooting days, Thorn will bo Larger Prizes, Grander Altraellona, 151055 to see and more to loam sheat at any previous n nfOrmationlmay bo htatli ha application to the Soarotary. GATT, A, W. P011011. 11110. MeltR00M, 1'i ashler L. Secretary, f