HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-3, Page 3AVG. s, 1888, THE BRUSSELS POST.
;,gln!Aaar?J ,Ave amep®lwustrh6►atsaltaa . . ozastw .ea ecu
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time, "' Well, dr," he said in answer to itupuioh that weighed neon hie mind I Tears YOUNG FOLT$S. "leouve him another day," said the
OUit SOOittee VP TIM i'Otri:TlrY,
Fly thio plagtte•etriolten split 1 no hot,
foul air
Ie rank with pestilence—the crowth d marts,
And public ways, once populous with life,
Are still and uoteotno as a ohureheerd
vault ;
Aghast and ehucldorfng, Nature hulda her
Ili ubjecb fear, and fools et her strong heart
The deadly 7 tinge of death.
Of Montreal I oan say but little. The
oholora was ab its height, tied the fear r f es.
footion, whioh increment the nearer we
approached its chorea, east a gloom over the
00000, and prevented us from exploring its
mfooted [streets. That the feelings of all on
board very nearly resembled our own might
be read in the anxious faces of both passen•
gore and Drew. Our oaptein, who had
never before hinted that ho entertained any
apprehonaions on the oubjeeb, now confided
to us hie conviction that he should never
quit the city alive: " This aocursedoholore
Deft to in Rgssite--found it en my return to
Leith—meats mo again lu Canada, 190 Cie
cape the third time "11 the captain's predio-
tion proved true in his case, it was 0o in
ours. We left the cholera in England, we
met ib again in Scotland, and, under the
providence cf God, we escaped its fatal visa
tation in Canada.
Yeb the fear and the dread of it on that
first day caused mo to throw many an aux.
ious glance on my husband and child. I had
been very ill during the three weeks that
our vassal was becalmed upon the .Banks of
Newfoundland, and to thio elrcumet0nce I
attribute my deliverance from thea pesti-
lence. I was weak and nervous when the
vessel Arrived at Quebec, but the voyage up
the Sb. Lawrence, the fresh air and beautiful
scenery were rapidly restoring me to health.
Montreal from tics river wears a pleasing
aspect, but it lacks the grandeur, the stern
sublimity of Quebec,'Phe fine mountain
that forms the background to the oity, the
Island of St. Helens in front, and the Juno•
tion of the St. Lawrence and the Ottawa—
which run aide by side, their rospeotive
boundaries only marked by e. long ripple of
white foam, and the darker blue tints of tho
former river,—onnetitute the meet remark-
able feature in the landscape.
The town was, ab that period, dirty and
ill•paved ; and the opening of all the sewers,
in order to purify the place and e,cp the
ravages of the pestilence, rendered the pub-
lic thoroughfares almost impassible, and
loaded the air with intolerable effluvia, more
likely to produce than to stay the course of
the plague, the violence of whioh bad, in all
probability, been increased by these long -
neglected receptacles of uncleanline80,
The dismal stories told us by the excise -
officer who came to inspect the unloading of
the vowel, of the frightful ravages of the
cholera, by no monis increased our desire to
go on shore.
"It will be a miracle if you escape," be
said. "Hundreds of emigrants die daily;
and if Stephen Ayres had not providentially
come among us, not a soul would have been
alive at this moment in Montreal."
" And who is Stephen Ayres i " said L
"God only knows," was the grave reply.
"There was a man sent from heaven, and
his name was John."
"But 1 bhought thin men was called
Sbephen ? "
'• Aye oo he calls himself ; but 'tie oertain
that be is not of the earth. Flesh and blood
could never do what he has done,—the band
of God is in ib. Besides, no one known who
ho is, or whence he comes. When the
cholera was at the worst, and the hearts of
men stood still with fear, and our doctors
could do nothing to atop its progress, this
man, or angel, or saint, suddenly made his
appearance in our streets. He shame in great
humility, seated in an ox•oart, and drawn
-by two lean oxen and a rope harsoee. Only
think of that 1 Such a man in en old ox-
cart, drawn by rope harness 1 The thing
itself was a miracle. Ho merle no parade
about what he could do, but only fixed up a
plain pasteboard notice, informing the pub.
lin that he poeseesed an infallible remedy for
the cholera, and would engage to cure all
Who tient ler him,"
" And was he atooesafull"
" Successful I I1 boats all belief ; and
hie remedy so simple 7 For some days we
took him for a quack, and would have no
faith in bim at all, although he performed.
some wonderful cures upon poor folks, who
could net afford to sand for the doctor, The
Indian village was attacked by the disease,
and he went out to them, and restored up•
wards of a hundred of the Indians to potfoot
health. They book the old lean oxen out of
the oarb and drew him to Moutroal in tri•
«mph, This'otablished him at once, and in
a few days' time ho made a fortune. The
very doctors sent for him to owe them ; and
it is to bo hoped that in a few days he will
banish the disoaee from the city."
" Do you know his famous remedy 1'
" Do I not 7—Diel he not mute me when I
was at the last gasp ? Why, he made no
secret of it, Ibis all drawn from the maple
tree. First he rubs the patient all over
with en ointment, made of hog's lard and
maple•sugar aud ashes from the maple true ;
and he gives him a hob draught of maple•
syrup and ley, which throws him into a
violent porapiration, In about an hour the
oumpe subside ; ho Mlle into a quiet sleep,
and when he awakes he is perfectly rester -
ed to health." Such Was our fiat tidings
of Stephen Ayres, the oholora doctor, who
is universally believed to have affeoted some
wonderful aures, lie obtained a wide cele•
brity throughout the colony.
The day of our arrrival in the port of Monb-
real was spent in packing and preparing
stir oar long journey up the country. At
sunset I went upon deok to enjoy the re.
freshing breeze that swept from the river.
The evening was delightful ; the white
tents of the soldiers on the Island of St.
Helens glittered be the beams of the sun,
and the bugle -call, wafted over the waters,
sounded ao cheery and inspiring, that it
banished all feare of the cholera, and the
heavy gloom that clouded my mind sinoo
we left Quebec. I viola once 'nom hold
sweet converse with naturo, and enjoy the
soft loveliness of the rich and harmonious
A loud ory from one of the crew startled
me ; I turned towards the river, and behold
a man struggling in the water a short din
tattoo from the vessel, Ifo was a young
Miler who had fallen from the bowsprit of
a boat 00001 us.
There is something terribly exciting in
beholding a follow.oreature m immineet
peril, without having the power to help
him. To witness hie death-otruggioo,—to
feel in your own person all the dreadful al•
terneti0ns of hope and fear,—and, finally,
to see him din, with eomreoly an effort made
for his prnor '1
e vatic«,
his was our ease,
de the moment ho fall foto the water, a
boat with three men was wibhio slew yards
spot where ,hensank eu Orme nice" Shaine l"
from the crowd collected upon the bank of
some questions put to him by my husband , are the best balm that oan bo Applied to the „,—„
rospouting the 1 oeeee, "1 oan tell you what ; ungnueh of the heart. Religion towhee num5is ; A man eulieten with the cholera entree l to bear his sorrows with becoming fortitude, ? TE•
the river had nn effect In retain these on• death right in the Mee ; and the torment be 1 but tears contribute largely both to soften ._..,.
le to ahem tt the rescue of u orieli�in c is eulfari 1g ie sa vette eget he would gladly and to heal the wpuDda from whence they I1'i MKS, W. 1+, awry,
pp I p b die to got rid of 0b, flaw,
fellow•Oreatitre. The beat peened un, The a Von w",,f�rtunate, 0----, t0 escape,' i At Brookville we Melt in a party of Who le Pete? 1'.'10 le a «unary, and my lit•
drowning elan mein x000 to the eurfaoe, the sale a hawkweed settler, who of upied the I olivewhi::ll eomr weal relieved the 111000 tit CJmpani• n. 1femlmeet
toslny be.d ie like singe.' But. al 1001-,• at), eamn to 'then,
ce0vuloivo motion of hie flood° "a mc, temente stat ; " many is younger man vied tony of the cabin, au1 I With %tweed by a ray at etweimie to nx', Early in the mew, and in their i«,, ever ewe her baby boy,
Amble above the water, but it teas evident Jew, lfetenmg to their lively prattle, and the little ing, with the lint daylight, Pete is ui.lo' with eyes like ;'ovy'e, but with a straight
Hutt', the stru glo would be his lust, " ; but I believe I never should have oaei with which they strove to wile away awake, and, as if aimed of ahem/Jag my hack and witty, fe.. t, like other children,
b6 Ayt t L p -
" le it poesiblo that they Well lou a human taken it had 11 that beim for some things � the tedium of the voyage, The day was top sleep, he bn"t•�a Llmsalf for a while t.lripq a 1 femme trey It mild out mina the bird, and
being penal', and ao near the shorn, when they geve mo fot supper at th¢hotdl ; oysttto stormy to go upon dole—thunder and light breakfast of hie abode, nibbling et is Y,.te, like a rnb,atonary who had does tome
An oar hold out would Cavo hie life 7" they oiled them, oysters; they were alive 1 lightuiog, aoeompeniod with torrents of lump of sugar between the bars of hie cage, great work, oams Immo, and thio moment
was the agonfzb1 a ueetion at m heart ail wee persuaded by A friend 10 eat them, raw. Amid the °extrusion of the elements. dogleg all the timolittle, low nooses if talk- 1e se holding his head 011, aa'1 aioging the
1 gazed, helf•maddenecl by excitemant,� on and I liked them well enough at the time. I triad to gat a peep ab the Lake of the ing to himself. Pete is always merry if his sweetest o'og you ever heard,
the fearful spectacle. Tho eyes of a multi- Bub I declare to you that I felt then crawl• Th'meands Isles ; but the driving storm sago le Rept clean, and hie supplies of soul
tulle were fixed upon the sumo objeob—but lug over one another in my etomaob all blended all objects into oan, and I returned and water are on hand, His world is always B. Leap•Year Boy.
not a hand stirred. Every ono seemed to night. The next morning I wee seized with wet and disappointed to my berth, Vl'e tho same, a bright, eetiefactory ono. At night "To -morrow Limy birthday:" mid Robby
export from hie fellow an effort whioh bo oholora." passed Kingston at midnight, end loaf all when I go home and put the key in the door to Bobby,
woe incapable of attempting himself. " Gid you swallow them whole, t'—?" our lady passengers but two. The gale oou- of my room, Pete Meana the rattle and givro ,,What is your birfday?" said Bobby to
At the; moment—eplaeh 1 a sailor plunged said the former spokesman, wbe seemed tinuod until duybloaft, end noise and con- mem little call of wolootne. When the sewing Robb
into the water item the dock of a neigh. highly tickled by the evil doings of the ore. fusion prevailed all night, whioh was greatly machine is running at its fastest speed or the
et e1�hy, to•morrrw, silly!" said hobby.
homing vessel, And dived after the drown, tore, increased by the uproarious aonduat of a typawritor clicking out page after pogo I. ¢te Now Robby was nearly six years old, and
ing man, A dbep " Thank God I" burst "To be euro. 1 tell you, the creatures wild Irish emigrant, who thoughb fit to is happiest, and I sew or write to the sweet- a person of great importance.
from my heart. 1 drew a freer broach as aro alive. You pub them on your tongue, maks bre bod upon the mat before the obit: eat music, 'I don't mean that," said little Bobby,
the bravo fellow's head appeared above the and I'tt be bound you'll bo glad to let them door. He tang, bo shouted, he harangued But you should see him i0 his bath, for who was net four. "I mean, what is our
water, He called to the men in the boat to slip down es fast as you oan," his oountrymou on the political state of the that is hie delight. When I put the little birfday? to ft good to os.b?"
throw him 00 oar, or the drowning man No wonder you had the ebobeto," ,said 1;moad Isla, in a style whioh was loud if bath disk of water in hie Doge this morning, "Why; why -eel Bobby Bebil don't yon
would be the death of them both, Slowly' rho backwoods man, "you deserved it for not eloquent. Sleep was impoeoible, his bright eyes twinkled, he cocked his little have birthdays?' cried Robby, opening hie
they put back the boob,—rho oar woo hand, your barbarity. If I had m good plate of whilst his stentorian lunge continued to
head from aide to side, giving every now and a 0.
ed ; but it came too Into 1 The sailor, oyystore hare, I'd teach you the way to eat pour forth torrents of unmeaning sound. than a pitta low chirp. Then he flow eau• Y 0"Nal" said Bobby, opening his mouth,`' I
lxhos0 «glue wee Cogk-, had been obliged t0 thein."
Our Dutch Stewardess was highly enraged, tiouely down to the lower peroh, end at Ianneber saw one."
shake off the hold of the dying man to save Our journey during the first day was per- His oonduob, she said, was perfectly oa- to the edge of the bathtub, and stood " You don't see them," said Robby, in a
his own life. Ho dived again to the bottom,formed partly by ooaoh, partly by steam. It docent. She opened the door, and, be- quietly interviewing the water, then back patr°nieiag tone, Yon hove them; it is the
and succeeded iu bringing to shore the body was nine o'clock in the evening when we stowing upon bim several kicks, bade him to the porch, thea down again, and clay you woe bora, and yon have a party
of the unfortunate being he had vainly an- landed at Cornwall, and took ooaoh to Pree• get Away ' out of that," or she would nom- this time be seemed to have gained and preecnts, and a birthday cake with frost -
doavored to succor. Shortly after, he came cath. Theaountry throughwhiah we passed plain to the captain. courage, for after turning lois yellow ing, and your name on it in pink letters, and
on board our vessel, foaming with passion at appeared beautiful in the clear light of the In answer to elle remonstrance, he oungl'b hood and giving several sideway looks he candy and oranges, and a gold dollar with
the barbarous indifference manifested by the
moon ; but the air was cold, and slightly her by the foot, and pulled her down. Then dipped his bill m, took a little sip and, a0 grandmamma's love to her dear little boy.
men in the boat, sharpened by frost. This seemed struma waving the tattered romaine of hie straw
if reassured, ducked his head ander, Do you really mean that you never had one,
" Had they given me the oar in time, T me in life earl art of September, but 11 hat in the air, he shouted with an air of Than the little feet went racing around the Bobby Beti ?°
could have saved him, I know him wall— is very common 1 Uanada. P Nine pease«- triumph, " 011 out wed you, you ould witch edge to the abhor aide of the bath -tub' and Little Bobby looked very grave, " Per -
he was an excellent fellow, and a. good sea• gars were closely packed into our narrow Share the ladies, 1110 putty darlinte, never he gave a backward dip and the tail fee- haps 1 wasn't Horn," he said. "I'e going
man. lie has left a wife and throe children vehicle, bu6 the sides being of aunvas, and sant you wed that ugly meeeage to Pat,' there came out of the eater, then a sudden to ask mamma." So bo trotted in tomother,
in Liverpool, Poor June t—bore can I tell the open apace allowed for windows who lovas Cham so entirely, that he means turn, and, just as children run down the "Mamma," he amid, ' was I horn?"
her that I could not save her husband?" beach, mud half afraid, half anxious to plunge Man ma looked at him a moment in mute
Ifo wept bitterly, and it was impoeeiblo unglazed, I shivered with cold, which to kape watch over thorn through the bless -
in, first run a little way, then out, and surprise. "sirens you born, dear ?" she re
fat any of netowitness his emotion without the day brake, and N1 approached ho eantiuuad, Ladies, I'm at your ear- finally gavea quick plunge and dive, so peated. "Yee, certainly, you were bora
joining in his grief. the little village of Matilda. et was vice ; I only wish I colla get a dispensation Pete buried himself for a moment in the dear. Why do you ask me that, 111110 boy?'
From the mate I learned that thio same ilby alt hands that we from the Pope, and I'd marry yeas all.' water, kicked his tiny feat, fluttered hia Bobby's lip began to quiver, and hie bine
yang man had saved the lives of three wo ahounanimously
any voteddbreakfast at a small inn The stewardess bolted the door, and the wings and sprang back to his peroh to make eyes filled with tears. "Den why—why
men and n child when the haat was swamp- by the roadside, and warm aureolveb he. mad fellow kept up such a racket bhut we hie toilet, for a little bird is as proud and don't I have birfhays? ' be naked.
ed at Grosso fele, in attempting to laud the fore prooeeding to Presoota all wished bin at the bottom of the Ontario. careful of his feathers as any child is of Mamma looked very eorry. "Dearldearl"
passengers from the If wacky Hill. The people in the tavern were not stirrieg, The following day was wet and gloomy. clean clothes. she mid, Now, who has been toting my
Such acts of berotam are common in the and it was same time before an old white- The storm had protracted the length of our He jumped out, shook himttlf, picked leap year boy about birthdays ?Come and
lower walks of life. Thus, the purest game headed man unclosed the door, mad 0howsd voyage for several hours, and it was mid- out every little feather in a bhi,k way with sit on momma's lap, and tell ma all about
are often encaeed in the rudest crust ; andua into groom, redolent with fumes of tobac• night when we landed at Cobourg. hie bill, till he was as dry and glowing"as it."
the finest feelings of the human heart aro ono, and darkened by Loper blinds. I asked (TO oa CONTINUED,) if ha had bas« rubbed with Turkish towels, So Bobby climbed up on to mamma's imp
entered in the chilling atmosphere of pm, him if he would allow me to take my infant and when all wms done Pete felt so Olean and hid bis face in ger dress, and sobbed
ante, into a room with a fires. A Serenade, end merry that he started a oheery song, our his little story about frosted cake and
anis srise t ocoupied
painful our
'" I guises it was a pretty cold night for ev tsler Serenade. How he trilled and mala the sweetest, high- pink lettere, and gold dollars with grand.
thong gavey P the like of liar, said ho. Come, PH chow est runsI My room was full of music. Some- mamma's love to her dear little boy. "And
flections, an exclamation of un ualilled de• y i'0000¢10sweet 060¢0 emits, p 1 neber—I neber had any," he mid, pit.
9 you to the kitchen ; there's always a fire eve seen eyes sash and beam, tinea a leaf of lettuce his
or a bit of a Pet e•ca es
light at once changed the current of our there." Ipheerfully followed accompanied But shy bewitching frame
stele find their way to his cage, end Pete loses eoualy.
thoughts, and filled us with em•prisa and by our servant. Bast all my heart's fond dream. no time crumpling chem. He has been Then mamma told Bobbie a funny story,.
pleasure. Maggie Grant had fainted in the Oar entranoe was unexpected, and by no u missionary too- Did you ever hoar It was about the years, and it told how
arms of her husband. I've seen the wild sea wavesthing y y, they came uing, one after the other, and
Yes there was 'lam,—her dear, reckless moans agreeable to the portions we found Far tip the eblte condo play, of such a as a maugh ar canary,
there. Ahalf•olotled, red-haired Trial' 00r- Lika the great Hood that lavas
Well, Pete gas not only taught me a good how caul year had just the same number of
Tam, after all her tears and lamentations, vanb was upon her knees kindling up the ire with ay briltlanoy. Leeson by befog always cheery and bright days in it.
pressing his young wife to his heart, and fire ; and a long thin woman, with a sharp I'v¢ seen n0 gem•set thing, but he has cheered the sick and comforted Three—hundred—and sixty rive ;
culling her a thousand endearing pet names. face, and an eye like a black snake, was In a treasure oae$et Ih, the sorrowing. The « d cmbblar who mends bo many days Pee been alive.
He bad met with some countrymen at just emerging frons a bed in the corner. We LIMB the rtoh 01100 ring my shoes, nlwaya given me a plesant gond• Storm and 9hiae, and sorrow and cheer,
Quebec, had taken too much whiskey on the soon discovered this apparition to bo the morning nod as I look in hie basement Really y thenever wan such a year,
joyful occasion, and lost his passage in the mistress of the hoe, That 10108 thy diamond sigh,
window, because of his love tor Pete. That is what each one Bays before it puts
drone, but had followed a few hours later in "The people can't come in here 1' she I've aeon no driven anon,
0n loft'eet Alpine peak, When I first saw the oobblor, there WOOS on its nightcap and goes to Weep.another eto,mboat; and he ensured the screamed in a shrill voice, darting daggers Fair as the Allies blow sitting by him, watching him at his work, But every fourth year there mimes one
now happy Maggie, as he kissed the infant at the poor old man. About thy rosy choelc hie son, a little brown skinned boy, with who is bigger than the rest. He has one day
Pam, whom she held up to his admiring " Sure there's a baby, and the two women I've seen no blossom ride grant wiee•looking dark eyes. His name more, and he ie Vary proud of it, and hoIde
gaze, that he would never be guilty of the
aribtara are perished with cold,' pleaded the The dantling morning breeze, was Tony, and he was not liko other boys,
his head very nigh, and ways
eke again. Perhaps be kept his word ; but old moa- At gracefully as tife'a doe He would always be a little boy, for he Three—hundred—and elxtyeia;
I much fear that the first temptation would goodhe have no busi- Tl'y gentle bosom heaves.
gcrippledOne more day t..r frolicsome trtrka.
P "What's that to mo . They had a high, crooked back and
make the lively ludduo forget his promise. nese in my kitchen." I've soon no pearly hue, feet, and could not run and la and row
One dry more for mirth and play ;
Our luggage hmving been removed to the a Now, Almira, do hold on. Ile the No beauteous rainbow tints, play g Look at Inc I look at me 1 One more day 11 I
Customhouse, including our bedding, the coach has stopped to breakfast us ; and Like that sweet Mesetut glow strong. But be was a very bright boy, ", And so, four years ago," said mamma,
captain collected 11 the chi a flags for our PP Thy lovely preeeuce slime, and sometimes with a thoughtful look on ""there came one of those extra days, and it
p p g yet know we don't often got the chance," I've aeon no page o4 tato hie face, would ask questions, or say was the very beat clay that any pear ever
accommodation, of whioh we formed a toter- All this time the fair Almira was dressing As toll 00moctol hilae something that would mike his father brought, for on that day my Bobby was
ably comfortable bed ; and if our dreams as fast as she could, and eyeing her unwed• As whoa our toad ripe mote shake hia head and say, "Ile is wiser than born Think of that 1"
were of Englund, could it he otherwise, with Dome female guests, as we stood shivering Ino "sve•mtuate"ktae' I." Sometimes, on warm days, Tony would
her glorious flag wrapped around us, and our over the fire. — nib in a little chair on the sidewalk, and the Bobby laughed and clapped his little fat
loads resting upon the Union Jack ? "Breakfast I" she muttered, " what omahands,
Io the mooting we were obliged to visit Senaatf0ns in Frtsezing• boys who could run and romp were play "" And so," continued mamma, "of course
g g eat? be nes our door kind to him, They would stop their play
Bobby couldn't have anoth erhirthda till
to talk with him ; sometimes bringing him Y y'
an apple, ora bright picture, and however
rough they might bo with eaoh other they tem day. Andnow—wgiapo Bobby—now the
were mhvnys kind and gentle to him,
lengyeer has come ; andnexe Wednsdayisyour
Sometimes a little boot -blank would some birthday, dear ; and you are going to have
along, whistling merrily, and seeing th —oh 1 but T mustn't tell."
g Mmmma laughed and shook her head, and
small chair and eta aaoaaant would call nut, didn't tell any more, but her eyes told
" Have a shiuo, captain ,"and taking Touy'e et greet deal ; end that
was all Bobby
little feet in hia hind would rub hie brush weete1, for he was vary fund of surprises
aerobe them and make teem chino, with as and secrete,
•-•'oh one as if ho was poliahing them fora Ho hugged mamnha, and thin he hugged
king, himself, and then he went and hugged
How pleased luny would look as '.lin the kitten, and told her all about it,
and whet he thought he was going to
Well, and it all came true and a great
deal more ; for Bobby bad the finest birth-
day that ever anylittls boy had, or any little
girl either. In foot, it was ao very tine
thee I couldn't possibly write about it in
common bleak ink on white piper. I should
have to take silver paper and gold ink ;
and the editor says I cannot do that, so I
shall have to stop now. Isn't that to
Do It Now.
This is for you, boys and girls. It is a
bad habit, the habit of putting off. If yon
havosomething that you are to do, do it now;
then it will be Bono. Thetis one advantage.
But one day the big brown eyes looked If you put it off,• very likely you will
dull, and Tony sat with his cheek resting in forget it and not do ib at all ; or alae—what
his haud, "not sick," he said, "roily tired," tor you is almost as bad-7OUWIil not tcr,oet,
The next dey the little chair was not on the but keep thinking of it and dreading it, and
sidewalk, and the cobbler said, with a shake 00, as it were, be doing it all the time. ,The
in his volae : valiant never Mates death but onoo," never
" My little soldier is aide. He likes but onto do the alerb and active have their
you ; opine in and see him." I follow• work to do.
ed him in, and in a room, plainly furnished, I once read of a boy who drooped so in
but spotlessly poet and nese, lying in the health that his mother thought she must
cradle that had rooked him when he was a have the doctor to see him. The doctor
baby, waa Tony. I wanted to ammo him a could find nothing the matter with him.
tittle, so I told him about my bird. But there the fact was : he was pining
"Tel' me more," he would say when Ia.vay. toeing his appetite, creeping about
paused, and finally he asked:
"When I got well, eau I See him? I
know he had never been strong, and I felt
sure that if Tony waited to get well he
wouldnever sae the bird, so I went home,
and packing up Pete's baggage—his seeds
end. send —I carried them to the cobbler's,
hung Pete's cage in the window, and left
Tony listening to him, for he introduced
himself With ono of hie sweetest songs.
Pate imamate to understand thtt he must not
use his loudest, shrillest voice, for his trills
aid songs were low and sweet, so they
never tired Tony, but soothed and intermit -
ea him.
A clay came when Tony kept very quiet ; Couldn't Reoolloot the Medioine, But Knew
he did not care to talk, he only wanted to •What it Pas For•
lie very still ; he aaarcely noticed anything
ll to the afternoon,dihiwhim hand hismother
gsata hoed,ad entered a chomiatie nd said he wanted bait cents worth
by him, holding , beganThe dru Deb told bin
little to v song. Tho boy watched him fora of ' aroQitnQ worn ons said gg
"Laevo him cis Lam tie the boy ua in the
house," Pete stayed that day tied meuy
others, for while 1 hnireed hien from my
rum he seemed to cheer the nouple who
had loot their bey, '1' .0 wenn, ant " 1001
001 as mescals two ,.ad when tno bird
the oily to make the necessary arrangements wo give then toThey P Death by frepsnp is said to be quite Pam
for our upward journey. a thousand limos without any one alight- less, altar its fret stages have bean passed.
The day was intensely hot. A bank of ing ; and now, when we aro out of every- A writer ins fireb sta' es nee dosoibes his
thunder donde lowered heavily above the thing, they muat stop and order breakfast, ea titer ho 1 when, after a day be the
mountain, and the close, dusty streets were at such an unrossonable hour. How many Alps, the auneot was followed a by a rapid
affect and neatly deserted. Here and there are "thereof you 1" turning fiercely to me, change in the etmoaphere to a state of ex -
Niue," I answered, laconically, cantina- g
be seenckal oma rants of anxious seated against ing to chafe lila sold hands and feat of the alteration of temperature, . He was not and found himself
toered for the
wolorn, ei y emigrants, g obild,
a wall among their packager, and sadly " gine t That bit Of beef will be nothing speedily overpowered by the cold,
rnThe sulienpt lltof the death -bell, lthe ex- cut into steaks kr nine. What's to bo Everything looked hazy to my vision—
even rho snow, and the rooks lying about,
po0nre of ready made ccflin's in the under- done, Joe ?" (to the old man.) were apparently anvele poi in a f yi atthonuq ,
takers' windows, and the o#t•recttrring no Eggs and ham, aummaE of that dried the of ernbon wda beauihfully clear. When
tine placarded an the walla, of funerals fur -
and pumpkin pie," responded
nichd at such and each a lace, at cheapest
the aide de•camtp, thoughtfully. " I dent I felt that I moat stt down and enjoy the
rate and shortest notice, pentfully reminded know of any other fixings," set me going agate,scene but the ti's flask of Kii ochtuasa n
u0, at every turning of the street, that death " tank yoursoll, then, and lay out tho Yery soon, however, the former feeling
was everywhere—perhapslurkfngin our very table, for the poach oan b stay long," cried returned, but the same treatment temper -
Very soon,
we felt no desire to examine the the virago, seizing a trying•pan from the drily helped me. At length, 1 tank to
beauties of the place, With this ominous wail, and preparing it for the reception of stumbling along, fell several and
feeling pervading our minds, publio build- theeggs and ham• ' I must have the fire lost my power of aiding several
times,My com-
ings possessed few attractions, and we tie• to myself. People can't same crowding lemons power
to make one more effort,
terminad to make our stay as short es pas• here, when 1 have to fix breakfast for nine ; bub in vain.
aible, pertioularly when there is a, good room Two monks from the hospice wore brought
Coinparod with the infected city, our ship olsewnera provided for their aoaommoda• to the rescue, and they, with the guide,
appeared an ark of safety, and we returned tion. I took the hint, and retreetod to took me ecce, ly in hand ; shaking ma up,
tc it with jay mad oonfideno0, too soon to be the parlor, where I found the rosb of the they made my hands clasp a hest round rife
destroyed. tie a had scaroaly re-entered utir passengers walking two and fro, and im- guide's waist; and, each of the t round
onks Hak•
cabin, when tidings were brought to us that patiently awaiting the advent of the break- ing do arm, they pulled neo through the my -
the cholera had male its appearance ; a fast. en and a half miles to the hospice,
brother of the oaptein had been attacked, To do Almira justice, she prepared frc m The sensations of that journey, during
It was advisable that we should leave the her soanty materials a very substantial occasional gleam of 0anso rneneas, well
vessel immediately, before the intelligence breakfast in an incredibly short time, for novae be erased from my mind, No words
could reach the health officers. A few min- whioh she charged us a quarter of a dollar can express the surprising desire 1 had to
utas sufficed to make the necessary prepare,- per head. aft down and slewp. I remember seeing two
tions • and in lees than half-an•hour we At Preecotb we embarked on n fine new sitneQ,inga, blank bubveryindietfnob, Dna on
found ourselves occupy ing comfortable steamboat, William 1V., crowded with sash side, These, of course, ware the
apartments in Gaodenough's hotel, and our Irish emigrants, proceeding to Cobourg and frioudlytnonks,
passage taken in the stage for the following Toronto. The overwhelming idea that filled my
'Milo paoiug the dank, my husband was mind the necessity of getting to sloop,
The from the was like a dream. The greatly struck by the appearance of a that blissful state of whioh poets have dung
change from the close, rank ship to largo, middle•ngad man and his wife, who sat and of wlhieh my companion wore doing
airy, well -furnished zooms and clean attend- apart from the root, and seamed struggling their best to rob me, just se I had got it
ante, was a luxury we should have enjoyed with intense grief, whioh, in spite of all ix
b my grasp,
bad not the dread of the cholera involved their efforts at concealment, was strongly Make Your Own foe Cream.
all things around us in gloom and apprehen- impressed upon their features. Some time
cion. No one spoke upon the subject ; and after, I fell into conversation with the woluxury -
yet it was evident that it wee uppermost in man, from whom 1 learn dftheirr little a 1115- pr]o atrcam 10 ag the warm which Ont% greatly
the thoughts of all. Several emigrants had tory. The husband
died of the terrible disorder during the gentlemen, of largvisited Canada, property,
cream freezer
re Dere that about bought doom sand a
can be
weak, beneath the vary roof that sheltered had employed him to, et
us,and its rove es, we were told, had ex. port thcaabilities of the country, ipr of atrouble of ome a t venr far not exam eon grant
teded up the country as far as Kingston ; to bis investing a large sum of money often the
so that it was still to be the phantom of our wild lands. The expenses thir to athat satisfactory as thrtot ase ndo are fond exult +a ito foe
coming journey, if we were fortunate enough had been paid, and everything up
to escape from its headquarters, morning had prospered with them. hey freezer a 0woodenadvised m flab for it. Besides
'ice and
Atex o'olaok the following morning, we had been blamed with a speedy passage, to
took our laces in the ooaoh for Lachine, And were greatly pleased with the oouutry and as all this ? ieub tianl ati baginako the the
ol0 000
our a left the plague greatly del in thhe Theirre;le n, a finabut of what
lad ofavail
fourteen,, had -int,p good meanly°, of rich milk. Let this
de we left the ourna of mfMontr t only
distance. The orwell described
ribed west- y hop that day of the future eer and pilin their
hiss flour, one cupfulgofher two sugar end four ornfula
Ward has been so wall described by many grave for the ieoaks the a hadiesoughb a eggs, Beat these vary lightly and rstit i sot
peas, that 1 ahal pay eon or pietur. home. Tor Y
,the banks of the Sl; particularly
aro thoe home to this far land ;and here, at the very awayotlouoa , When ready tato freeze add
coque and beautiful, pnrguodavie in those outset of their new career, tfor fell
ever disease
one quart of praant, if you have it, or one
ASitrts wham there is a good view of the had ratan him from them °rem and ono pint or
American one, sella. The neat been ao
engook- where, to such a crowd, the poor
e her Put thin is t e free er. P ok the tub full oh
cu to mo, whose eyes had lion long sof natura mother could not even and g pounded ice and salt, rising about bwo and a•
beuty a to the watery waste, hones ofd natural reef 1
and a una0s • and the splendid the a sAll,aid ;ora place where I might root Ig thee we.
Tarn the dustributed
the freezer slow.
beauty a pp ,
ybein the Ides h that nfru of the she ltd ; " it wouheart. relieve
with1esaeumany ly at drat and very rapidly for the len will
year befog loaded with ripening delfruit of all weight atey y g an me I talc' minutes. In about twenty min y
cues, wore refreshing for
and delioions, strange a os gloworo "up " have a nice ice cream. Take out the hotter,
My partiality for the ahplae was regarded hor• shame so eanni to grass, careful to
l erwith a epodes of tor- Ah, Jeannie, my pnirwomonh' mid the put on the ° la o' whine rho beatorput a
to a fS Tau• I 1 P her hand, ye maun cork in thep
nor.Every dram not, if you hair and husband,eaup grasping 'e0the freezer in -
l• ,' , draught of fresh air and boar u 'tis God's wall ; an sinful orenturos through. Put a binnlret or puoao o oldoar•
wateropbred dth renewed health and like ue manna roping. Bub oh, madam," pts over it, and by putting
water,uaull 1 is with "' e have emir hearts the of dark place 11 will keep several l
ellaneant tannin to hap, we i
the w
d g
faro a
' 't and
ser g
itroam U
atoOVe ; the from
the t rwhorib a e had jest da I"
I o
r000v°rod from the terrible disease. 730, Poor bereaved ereaturSs, how deeply 1
Wee a middle-aged man, a former from the commiserated their grief,,—]how I respootod
Upper Province, Cansdien born. Be had 1110 poor father, in the stern offortt he made
visited Montreal on business for the first to ooneeel from indifforonb speotabors the,
would say, " Every one is good to ate,
Some one had taught Tony to weave mats of
paper and make little cocked hats, as the
children do in the Kindergarten, and often,
as I passed, 1 would leave him bits of bright
paper, and would fled es I went by, en my
way home, that Tony in his gratitude, had
not forgotten me. Sometimes he would
give me cue or two pretty fringed lamp
lighters ; sometimes he would tette carne of
the wooden pegs his father used in the shop,
and pnt them together in funny little shapes,
and tell me they were soldiers he had made
for me, far he was very Toed of soldiers.
He talked about them with the boys, and
they would call Lim their little captain, and
pass in front of his little chair, in line,
with slow, measured steps, playing ho was
drilling them,
languidly, and his mother was disbreseod.
Qhe dootor wee nonplussed-
" What does your son do? Has he any
work 7"
"" No ; he has only to bring a pail of water
every day from the spring, but that he
drends all day long, and does not bring it
until just before dark.
" Have him bring it the first thing in the
moaning," was the doctors prescription.`
The mother tried it, and the boy got well.
Putting'it offmade the task prey on the boy's
mind. "Doing it now" relieved him,
Boys and girls, " do it now,
moment, a pretty smile came over his face,
and, turning his head toward hie ,pother,
ho closed his cyoe, and we know teat
whoa he opened them be would bo with
Gad'; angels who had come for him.
The ani was just going down, and a ray
came fn falling the room with light, and
Pete, Who bored the sun trilled and sang
faster, The g
co tours wife was very quiet; the man's 01505 was
without any more too, !hidden in hie,hnods and the mother, still
man arsons soil iso holding Tony's little brown fiegaers in hors "Arnica."
A tont Y P y Seft1 , I thought the bird's Then fill in ton ceae woQth," replied 6 alone it will was hg Y fl the boy,and he gazed lovingly
it. if it Is loth to them and
lith tie bars ,
fnssm waltg
out ,
ocin b
gsarnica a
tic w
songmr i
the g
oo s
i naria
tans r� to
directions of i
0home. 0 the stn h
i lit take 1
allto ]inncage gthe for
rarrod out. rnaored Eo g
riot of rho cobbler and his
to rep
"• Don't you mean,rnie or ammonia 7"
"1 dnnno, " was the reply.
" What ie it for 7" malted the druggist.
"Can't tell," said the boy, sbarting slowly
out. When near the door a bright flee ul
Unlined bim and ho turned and asked the
druggbet: If your wife hit you on th,
head with a cheat lei, which of thorn medi-
cines would you gib to take the swellin
�..-..� 941