HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-8-3, Page 1•tP. it 1 Volume 16. Washington Letter. (Front our Regular Corroopondont,) WAO ntrovox, July 27, 1888, Tho Republican members of rho sub. 11118,1180 committee or Um Sonata woo vor Y busy 5esdardu Y conferringforlm6 with.tIl party leaders in regard to tariff aatiou. Tho hearings aro shoot concluded, and uow at shall cietermu a what 1 the (location ds to be done, There is a strong influence being exerted to provont the Sonata from taking any positive action on the tariff, It comes largely from I.lOpnblimmsi leadoro an n the House, but 18 supported 7 tprted by1 e of I! 1 of tbo Senators. Tho argument ag(41nst action is that tho issu0 has already been made by the Democrats ; that they have made tho Issue on the Milo bill, and the i 1 bill,Re- publicans who favor leaving the question as it ie say their party would bo unwise now to formulaic n'specific policy on tbo tariff, rte that would tend more to con- fuse the quostion that to simplify it ; that how rho Ilepublieano eat direct all their weapons against the Mills bill, whereas, if thoy propose a substitute it will become the target of Domooratia attack and criticism, and Republicans will havo to defend it. As Ono prominent Republican pit it: "Why, it's lust like man holding four aces in a game of pokor and calling for a now deal." The arguments so diligently employed against a Republican bill have undoubtedly pro- tiucod some effect, but whether sufficient to prevail upon the Republican majority in the Sonato to refrain from reporting m bill, is doubtful. Senator Hisoock, of the sub -committee, said in conversation yea- terday tame the opposition had not suc- ceeded and a bill would be reportod. Senators Aldrich and Allison still say a bill will be reportod. It is claimed that the Republican Senators will come to- gether in the united support of a meas- ure, Senator Plumb is reportod as hav- ing said at the conforenco that he would consent to a 50 per oent. reduction on sugar ; that the Kansas people believe they would dovelope tho produot of sugar into a groat and prosperous industry, and they look with disfavor upon any pro- position to reduce tho tax ; that for the sake of harmony and unity in the party he would assent to the out, but that he did not want concession to bo one-sided ; that others must yield too, as by only a general sacrifice could a bill bo adopted. Ho added that if tbie sugar reduction was made something bin from another source must be conceded Co lianans ; that they must be given free lttmbor and free wire for fences. Then their loss on one point would bo compensated for On another, The outlook of of a greatly protracted session is not so throatooing as appears to be generally supposed. The tariff bill of 1883 Was under discussion in the Sen- ate, with intermissions for other business less town six weeks. \Vhile there is ma- terial in the present situation for on al- most endless debate, there is also aprom- iso that tbo extremo of possibility will not bo tested at the end of eight months of oonlinuo00 session. It is thought that the committee Dal oomplete its bill and its report within a week or ten days. Tho Sonato will then probably begin its ses- sion at 11 o'clock and sit seven hours daily with evening sessions in addition as the debate proceeds. The certainty It of keeping t difficulty the resin and he g of o t Y P a quorum of the House together wibh little of importance to do after the ap- propriation bills shall havo been dispos- ed of, and, more than all else, the in- creasing heat gives rise to hope that six or seven weeks hence the present session will Bud its record made up and its work clone. Moreover, nineteen formal tariff speechoe, by exact count, have Itlr80dy boon delivered in the Senate. The House committee on appropria- tions has completed the fortification ap- propriation bill, It provides for the ulbi- .mato expenditure of a little more than 515,000,000, but the appropriation for the current year is limited to 56,202,670. Provision is mado for a board of three civilians and throe army officers, tho first named to be appointed by the Presi- dent, by and with the 001100111 of the Senate. Tho army officers may be ap- pointed from either of the three branches of tbo servioo, rho object being to allow the President to soled the men best qualified for the work. Tho board is authorized to contract with the gun makers for the supply of 12, 14, and 16. inoh steal rifles, to be accepted after a compobitive test whioh shall demonstrate that they are equal in evory respect to the best service guns. The expondit0ro on this amount is limited t0 $2,500,000, annu0lly,and the board is required to contract for not less than fifty guns for thio sun. Outside of this appropriation the bill makes provision for the purchase of fifty oast iron mortars and twenty 12 inch iron rifles. An appropriation of 5750,000 f0 also mado for slapping the Watervliet (New York) arsenal, for the finit:sing of heavy ordinanco, With a view to preventing differences between tho civilian and army members of the board, tho bill requires any reoommond• Mims mode by them to be approved by at least five umbers. L. The Caves and Potholes at Rockwood, Ont. 813' Prof J. mower, l'nnlan M.A., PA O. i1ONTIN1Elt Fa011 LAST ISSUE.] 1!011(8 ,000. Leaving the cavus and oalmbering op alto sidos of one of the quarries near by, you reach 810 summit of an apparent peninsula of solid rook, along each side of which it etreo 11 flows at the pre0ont time, bordorocl by pewit/Hods oliff0 50 to 75 toot high. T1a general direction of this rocky ridgo is north and 00(1111. The stemma are unitod about a mile farther to the north, and after passing along the aisles of this marked rook eleva- tion, they join its tiro vicinity of Farrioll's mill, and thus forming in roality an island, which terminator at it0 80ntheln axtromity in a limostono cliff. About 500 yards from Um eaves, and near tho owl of 810 bluff, you suddenly 11 ...m,....,smam,m ...spa.. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUG. 3, 18813. 00lne Allon an immense holo in the solid rook ; it has an oval form, its longer dia. motor being 20 feet and tbo slortor 15 ; olio side is ton feet higher than the other ; it lion fns slight depression in the rook, vlial terminatesrm inatea at the seta of t1 0 Bol o with an abrupt fall or 22 foot, At t10 Illi open. I1 perceive n hole n ttmn[tJR bn o Y l 115 1 feat )sigh and 2 feet wide, but of an irregular outline, this opons into a sort of Vpilo), butit numb be w 7embered this is 40 ;0 feet above the loyal where rho stroams aro flowing. TIM valley has rook on both sides and forms a beau- tiful giow, at the pro0ont tinlo a popular 'e revel in the htulrto o'sdalt tboys heli for 6 u Pa0timeo of youth. Following in a southwest direction for soma 00 ya•de the rock rises, and n little farther on ends abruptly with a fall of about 50 feet into thev valley, through h whioh a very insignificant stream at pres- ent passes, On rho opposite sido of the valley about 100 yards wide at this place, tho ssomp- mont is fully 75 yards high. About the middle 01 tins valley a slight elevation of solid rook souls 15 feet high occurs. It occupies a peculiar position and form, appearing as if strong currents bad wore away rook materiol and loft this irregular outlior, as a monument of conditions no longer soon in this plaoo, where a more creek meanders through a well loaned ravine. In this isolated mea of rook on examin. ation you find a most interesting and in- structive series of potholes, 0 in number, to some extent in a lino with the largo OLIO already referred to, as located about 150 yards to the N.E. A more unique series could scarcely be imagined. Calling that already describ- ed as No. 1, then here we have : No. 2, 6 feet by 5 and 7 feet deep ; No. 8, 1 loot by 1 and 6 feet deep ; No, 4, 6 feet by 6 and 12 feet deep ; No. 5, 8 feet by 14 and 6 feet deep ; No. 6, 6 feet by 6 and 10 feat deep ; No. 7, 12 feet by 6 and 6 foot deep ; No. 1, 20 fent by 15 and 304 feet deep, from the highest side to the bot- tom and 21 from tho lowest. These holes in the rock have penally a greater diameter abotit half way down. The following measurements of No. 1 will show this : Font foot from the bot- tom, 214. by 18 feet ; midway, 23 5.6ths by 10i feet ; six fent from the top, 25 by 104 feet. Generally speaking the out - lino of a vertical section is oval. Holes 2 and 6 are on the edge of the Te somewhat consequently rock and Y m q imperfect ; from 5, rfeat which comes near the edge, there is a small hole, which opons into the valley ; this enabled us to empty it and learn the nature of its contents. At first we were desirous to investigate the contorts of No. 1, rand with that VIOW dug for the first day, and returned to continuo the work. Much soil, fragments of rock, etc., were dug up and wheeled away, but we found no traoe of rounded stones, After several hours of hard work, it was resolved to proceed to the series in the valley and explore some there. The facilities for working at tho large hole are gnod, inasmuch as the material could be loaded into the wheelbarrow at tho bottom mud wheeled away a short distance and emptied into the ravine a few feet below. It is hoped on some future occasion members of the Society willup follow the work undertaken hero n sae out the button of this and finally al strange place. We proceeded to No. 5 and entered up• on the work of °leaning it out; only a fete spadofuls of earth were taken out when sumo stones were found, whose rounded shape hada wonderful inspiring effect upon the workers. They were very round, and wore of an entirely different composition from the solid rook in which the hole and been ex- cavated. After son10 two hours digging the bot- tom was renohed and a fine collection, about two pailfuls, of rounded atones was obtained, varying from 6 inches in diametor to half an inch. Many of the small stones were as round as marbles. Thaso sixteen before you represent some typical forms, and will unable you to form an idea of the interesting nature of those stones, whose very appearance suggests quottions as to how they ammo to be so round, and how they got wllero they were fonud ? Wo had hoped to havo found similar in the largo pothole, whether aural will bo, remains to be seen. It might possibly bo, that they havo rolled out through the passage at the bottom of tine hole and must be sought elsewhere. No. 8 being small was emptied and soma of the finest specimens of small rounded stones were got from it. Nos. 2, 4, 6, and 7 have not been examinod, and it is probable that an examination of them will mob with even 111018 grati- fying results than those emptied. Hav- ing had bhe pleasuro of seeing bhe pot- holes at Lucerne in Switzerland, it does seem to mo that at Rockwood thorn is as interesting m Dories. Along the river near the quarries 18 more or les0 defined holes appear, and in bids locality under consideration 12 in all aro found, and of bhese'th0 0ovo11 121010 partiOnlarly dos- aribecl are exceedingly unique in form, position and etruoturo, and woro they near a large city would be source of great attraction to visitors interestocl in tho works of nature. 3—FOnllATION 04' THE 8.1819 AND POTlImos, In all clistriato, whore limostono exiets, it is not uncommon to find Davos, esp00- folly if water is near. Waal: containing oarbonic acid (a gas goneratod in rho do - composition o€ vogotablo motorial and largely pr00ent in tho atmosphere, from them the roopitatiOn of animals ; for tho air expolled from their longs is oharb+ed with it,) Lao a powerful disintegrating 'Afoot upon rho carbonato0 of limo all Magnesia, forming from them bi•carbon- oteo, whioh aro s01ubi8 fn orator and as ouch aro oarriocl away ; oonoequontly itis only a nlattol of 8fmo boforo htnoetono (a darbonete of line) when aotod upon by water oontainingthi0 gas is complotoly (11680180d. A maim dripping in it 0rov1co will in time effect mute a °hang° asci form oo11sidorabl0 Of a cavity. If 1110 quantity of water f0 cotsidorablo, the change is aeoonl plishOdl in a ehorter poriod. Very fossil/10 examples of this dfaintog' rating offeot of wator on limestone wore observed by me in Dorbyshire this suln- tner. There aro ravinOS there whioh aro supposed to have boon formed out of the 8 o L into the iia n, Imo Le.ad3l 1110 • ark I Bond 11 f' 17 sot, Thaso ravines wets Dido ovoroaPPod by limo08one, rho cavo or passage itself dissolved and carllOd away by water, ' i. 1 finally debris ear- ty the top fell h1 rued soaward, until now all that marks the great eaves are the walls, which from escarpments along the ravine, through 1110 present • lief 7aH 909 at 7l'09at 'nix a rivulet 1 which 1 time, Near by to groat sworn (Poole's) explains the process ; the entrance is narrow and low yet 12 feet in, and you reach a Luuo1 (11(101 passage, aril as you aro enter- ern 'lririlallae apartments 7TOCe ] i a tortuous grip so that you pass along pathway for several hundred yards, Homo of Um apartmonto aro 20 by 30 foot high and 40 feet wide. No running stream is seen to indicate rho Douse, but the water 101018ling dotvu the sides ex- plains this great disintogration of tho limestone ; so hero, coming nearer home, at Rockwood, you find caves not so ex- tensive, but as oharaoteris1ie of the action of waters as tbosal havo been referring to, The p100ence of mud in the book part of the Inner caverns at Rockwood seems to indicate a oonnoobion between them and tho surface through fissures in the rook. This mud boars a close resemb- lance to the soil which covers the roots above, and bas likely boon brought down by rain through these orevioes. This rain charged with carbonic aoid in time could easily dissolve out rho rook and leave the caverns as wo find them now. Frost would assist in breaking off frag- ments, as we find them now scattered along the floor of the cavo, while the Bides present a very irregular appearance. The presence of stalactites on the roof and stalagmites on the floor, also show much dissolving of rook by water, for these structures aro merely the peocipi. toted lime from the water, which has Carried it down. The water on reaching the roof evaporates, and the limo is left, this goes on adding particlos of lime, until a structure is formed not unlike an icicle in form, but composed of carbon. of limo, Sometimes the drops fall upon the floor something of the same in form. The stalactites aro sometimes hollow but the stalagmites aro solid ; this is owing to the one being formed on the roof and the other on the floor. In some cases those from the roof fall and become im- bedded in tho material on the floor. At Rookwood the stalagmitoo are more com- mon than the stalactites, seeming to in- dicate that the water containing lime in solution falls boffin ovaporntion takes place and consequently a tendency for an acoumnlation of limo on tho floor, ('0110010100, The potholes, too, aro no doubt the re- sult of the action of the water, but in this case the action is more mechanical than chemical. Water must have pass- ed over as a strong (=rent, the place whero the potholes are now but in their first stages only a slight depression was in the rock. Li these some hard stones collected and according to tbo strength of the current, the movement of the stones would depend the motion pro- duced dneed would soon load; to a wearing away Y form and of the rock. Holes would deepen, as timo rolled on, until n oavity would be produced not unlike a pot in outline. In all the holes examined, the diameter midway down was greater than at any other point. Tho stones grinding this out being harder than the rook, for you usually find they are pretty much the Dame as our boulders in the field withstand the wear and tear well, but in bhe course of time they become rounded and finally monocled in. making it pot- hole, which will vary in size according to the length of Mine the grinding has con- tinua, the force of tbo current and the hardness of the rook anted upon. To -day WO see no water near sonic of those holes, but kvefind that when the loose soil in the bottom of the holes is dug up it con- tains innumerable rounded stones of all sizes from it marble to that of a aommoil ball. Wo havo already said the moohaniaal action of stones and water upon the lime. shone. fu whioh we fund these holes, have affected the condition of things we at present observe. There are bwo ways in which these ourrents of water may have acted, 4—oecoonIoo OF p111111OSIEN:1. 1. That of a great river, which filled the whole space between the highest balks at Roolcwoocl, a 0tr00111 boating along a groat body of water, with astrong current. As time rolled on it gradually lessened In volume and formed two streams, running along the valleys in which, wo find rho streams of to -day, but maoh larger than they. At some period in thio great river's existence it flower nomas bine depression, whom you 000 the lar'gost Potholo, mud flowing over tho preripico pursued its eourso along the lune in which we find tlno obllor Potholes, 2. The water may havo boon a currant wider a glacier a0 wo see in 001110 casco at tho prosont time in Alpine disbrioto. A 01Dva000 (110018) may 0000E MUDS 20000 the mid of a glacier, into tido water form. DCI On tho ullrf0Ct, aro it puohoo its way into warmer looalitios, falls and finally makoe it0 way out undor the great stroma of ioo. Snob at under current gotting into a depression in tho rock, aklod by stones from tho glacier would bo sure to product) potholes. TWO is the origin of than ab Luanne, In groin cases you aro likely to find, that tho stoles derived from the glacier that did tho wort. aro large, and that tho surfaoo of rho roots is maoh abraded ilhlattating glaoiel strie.l very impressivoly, At Rooktvood Potholos wo have so far not boon ablo to disoovet' glacial mark- ings, and among, tho rounded etonos novo oxcoodfiig 0100 inches in cliam0ter, and thus aro inclin011 to think 8heso holm havo boon worked mut by tho rentor of n river rather than that found beneath It (;lacfor. however no further information 1s sutured we may bo led to modify the co11oluoi011o prectan1001 to -night. COMMUNICATIONS. .t. TRIP T41'1'1111 AYBST. s.0 tho Editor of Trig POST, Dieen 8rn,—I natter in your issuo of 1' i- tUty, Jane Seth, 14 letter from Imbert Arm - i• e t n (, Mortis. els' t no Dort i his trio strap . i, k a, to the Ny co et. n f that betar f t01 havo a of false r a mill* to convoy ,1 O 1 tea t reactors 0 to»dan0 Y try 1 oo-r, 1 ( of ntnnv "f the 030(18 of run Pna'rr 1 peirtiUMarel, f ht shite ante. e t m to crvll ht c u0701110":°a14.41110( 1 T wlh pnsa over his rtesorlpttal l?r of the country between North Any ,ted \Vinu(- eg, of 8011011 Mr. Armstrong evidently (MOWS as nmol as Idn, and that hs nothing. On arriving at lVinoQwq he at nne0 boning 4o' play the solo of oritle, ns ho says 'On 1 Y reaching Viw i,ug I found an irregular bulls town by 8r." 01d0 of a hie mud Lala aaUnd Red 'River." Well. Mr, Editor, Your (mann may Mem) ovary reliance on rho 00. curacy of lir. Armstrong's statements, 00- p0odailywhen ahoy racoll0ot that he 011001 (110 CO 1191,10r14'. leI period of 20 minutes, Ono o that being farm- er suppose nt a f eve ,ld peter 11 oAno la ,) o0l have had tdp g, but to any of the seri u Munson'1Vtnnil,'tr "irregular no, h9 makes thmif l the odeser lolt on tows" and "alta tall mule." Rio tiaaeri pen. does not tally at all with ,Lint of 111001 pea• plc who visit tiro Nortb we St aetropolk, 00 the contrary Most pooplo norm Chet wine peg is away anaud of most eastern cities in )11010rosquenoss of situation, and in rho beauty of its buildings, publics parks, &r:, But lot us follow 81 r. A. on 110 journey. lie Proceeded next to Deloraino, 20 minae farther on." I will he ctarltnbl0 and any llit tbo 11110100 (lade rho mistak0 in els. tau0o, 710 00,11 dtstauao between Winnipeg p00008 thr0115)1 ono( 01 11)0 lflno tetrocteva01 mod in Manitoba—the gallon Of Manitoba— surely Mr. A. might hero found something of more Interest to your reactors than rho insane twad019 about rho T shaped box our station of Dolomitic). He arrived thorn in 8pziug and naturally found Immo water and mud around, but I hardly think ho is justl- nod in stating that the town is built in a ; lough. The town is only two years old and will compare favorably with many of the towns m the oust ton times its age. Two rolls (not three or four its Mr. A. 0tatas) were borod to a considerable depth without any good water being found, but now n vein of good water has boon 0Eruok at n depth of Mersa feet. Mr. A's attack on the land agont there is altogether unwarranted. Mr. Flesh- er (9 011 obliging and courteous °Metal well spoken of by all. Making 'Moraine ala headquarters Mr. A. then began to explore Manitoba in quest of Soma laud!' , Why did 110 not add tiro Northwoot Territories, Brit- ish Colombia and Vancouver Inland? 000 would suppose that Manitoba was about the also of Huron County, from the offhand way ho talks of exploring it. When you know Grab ho did most of his exploring on f001 you sun easily form soma idea of the extent of uta perOgnnatiou0, the find .him next in NM Northwest Territory—c00ut 70 or 80 miles trona Delorafn0 where, neoording to bio way of thinking, the land is not much w orth. "The land," 110 says, "is broken 111 w ith pends or lakes, holt full of water and containing docks 01 wild ducks." 5 ' 01000 two some ponds which, in spring, o0➢t4i-water but when that dries off these same dusk ponds yield abundance of bay. What would yosay if some newspaper 800111(1;tnt0111 MU 0erlous su ase that Om laud In Ontario was badly brokou up with swamps? The one neser8lon is about as correct as the other. Notwitlistn1(11105 the eomparativo worthleseneas of the land, the cluck ponds and the long dletnnoo from a market, wo 11 0(1 Air. A. all the same soleotlug laud. why was that 0 There must be a screw loose somewboro. Lot mo state 110ro that 110 more foot of this part of the country baying boon s0ttled six yowl) ago and still remain - lug so, surely is proof enough of the fertility of 110 soil. In foot I eba11005g0 Mr. A. to find a better wheat growing district in 801 part of the Dominion. Mr, A. knows that hie statement about finding not morn than four or flee settlers in any township l) false. Wiry is this township (3 rouge 32) there are 20 resident eottlers and In some of the oth- ers thole aro more.. Concerning rho double entry foo he speaksof, that Is oaetly explain- ed. She Laud Aot provides that In the ovoid of any Due anplying for a ca➢oollatioll of 11 P1000,520 must be depositod with the Land ian tion to do- time of said application tt106m Agont atpP a O(1a e t u and 8 Y 9d90 0 t ins neo 10 fray818 0•c 1 p allowed t0 Otupeo so that the 00a( holder may have a cdos en of 41000getting Uack time his Place. If 119 doge not 810 80 111 that time an entry 1s granted to the applicant on pay- ment of the usual foe 820—flat is for 020 ((0rea, This law may seem strange to seine, but n0 often Kapp one tho first bolder maybe working out to re i0e enough money to buy a teem, . to., and so long as be intends to ell his homestead duties all lair minded p eopl0 will acme that h9 should baro a fair show. Mr, A. next talks of the slavery and bondng0 experiauoed by Oho oettlere hone. What about the oondition of the onrly settlers !a Ontario ? What about the chopping, logging. stumping, oto.? Tho farmers here have a gentlemau'0 11fo oomparod w1th that of the pi0neore of Ontario. "Tis true the 0,(.18. tried to keep us in bandage, and who shout- ed loudest against uswhan wo Wait to ngi- tato for the 11nrrposo of throwing off the yolte? Who but the people of Ontario. But we got there all rho 0(1510. Mr. A, winds up bis orttioism by informing your renders nuc( tho world in 5Ouoral that wo up bore hove grabbers,ngthe ['loverinnool laud thea frost fro= wheat. Ile pliant havo added eastern defamers of tho 0000117, I am pleased to think that 81'0 bavo aohanoe of getting rid of tho first two. Tho frost,in Mr. A's opinion, has come be stay. If ho saw, as 110 goys Ile did, farmers hanitng wllost to market, auroly lu mneb have also aeon )Dino samples of grain and should be in a po8118011 from per. soma knawlodge,to accent orrelo0t (aa bo soon AG tiro following offer: I w 1 give Mr. A.. 31 for every buohol of frisson wheat ulark- obed. In and ;hipped from Dolornillo last bushel,ot good will give marltefod nudteVc001pperd. Ili point of fact frozen grain woe a thing un- known hero lash year. Let me ask Mr. A, "Wore the early settlors in Ontario oval tronblodwith frost ?" What about rho hail that visited oortat,i parts of 1000011 lately 1 010000vor what h0p0p80011 to t0f0 0enson'0 crop 0f fall wheat ? lu regard to faro 1 gimes Mr, A. now Knows that he missed it in not tatting a return ticket to Winnipeg, but now tt9 it was, I think moat pooplo would rather sacrificer a tow donee than walls 85 mil`s over a vary rough omit try. I am afraid its walls considerably warpe,l 11)8 ideas Of this country, for his a00on1110 THE Pools ob together different horn what Ib was when I hadth0 honor of mooting and eouvor0hlq With him. Thou ho thought bharo wee no 001101130 Imam tiro sun like rho Nor0hwost• In oonolnaiou10b me any that (1030 Ontario formers who think of coming to thin 00110try 8vi11 tied 1111y amount of lifst-0)ass land opou for entry and if they dome a in tho 1401), boforo tho crops aro taiton 0111, (hay will bo able to jodg0 protty n0o0rately for them - naives wlm0hor Mr, Armstrongs voreion or rn(101s the 0orroct ono, Apologising for taking tip an 01tloh of your vatuablo s a00, am, Sours, &c., 301.111 YOUNG, Ander P,0., Assn., N.W.T., July 29, 18041, T01! 1001T1tb8 010 A 0050025118, To rho hlditar of Tun PDs1'. i c b DEAR Snt.--At the r sl of e lu g aonsid- orad interfering fn tho controversy bo. twoon Dr. Graham and others, I must ask your permission to protest against Dr. Gralmu s idea of n coroner's duty to the pulilie. An inquest 10 8011101111108 neao08aly to establish 111110cee0 as (volt as to forgot out guilt. Io tho ChM in 1/motion n properly 00»daatod inveoti. gallon, by prominently planingt, boforo the 1lnblio 1110 trno foots, wonl(1 hove been, i fool sure, in bhe interest of ltiT parties, let be that as it may, in my opinion, the oironmstancos connected with the affair demanded an inqunst, Dr. Graham thinks otherwise and gives reasons, and to bis reasons 1 am going to draw your attention. Ile says 11e would have to comma perjury --which i0 un- true—also e t conscience 1 1 1 r t1t els the hisv7il1 not t allow him to hold an inquest. Now, a p r• eo sitic conscience is n artiole r f 911 O 8! eC C a t whioli its possessor may possibly fool proud, likewise 000tvoniont when ono wishes to shirk 01104 responsibility, hot 1 doubt if the Attorney Gonoral would con01(10r it a necessary or even a desirable qultlilieation for n coroner. Let me now draw your ntt0ntiou to the portir,nn of the Statute bearing on this point, which will make youto a71raieo t77e. rOneons at there propos. value: —"No inmost shall be held on tho body of any deceased per- son by a ooroner until it las b -en made • toappear our tP the dor mer that there is reason to believe that the deceased died from violence or unfair menus or by culpable or negligent conduct either of himself or others, muter ouch eiranln. stances as moths invostigotion, and not through mere accident or mischance." In another section: --"No fees shall bo claimable by a e0000oer in respect of an inquest unless, prior to the issuing of his warrant for summoning the jury, he shall have made tt deolaration fu writing, under oath, stating that, from informa. tion revolved by the coroner, he is of opinion that there is reason for believing, ,to„ S:o." First, you will observe no affidavit declaration or oath is required to hold an inquest, the declaration on oath is for the purpose of olaiming fees. Secondly, you will notice that in the motion quoted and in the oath the coroner is not asked to believe anything as he is not supposed to try the once and arrive at a decision before the inquest. It says in the oath, "there is reason to believe,'' 2. r. the circumstances wbtoh have come to his notice axe such a0 might cause a porson—anypersots—to believe, dm., and what stronger evidence is wanted that snob circumstances did Dome to his knowledge than that given in his own letter when ho says that a citizen of Brussels stated, in his hearing, Mr. Howe also being present, "I know Kenzie Scott wilfully shot Tommy Wilson." Truly yours, Conmen. July 81ob, 1888. Hit.10811ulti AGAIN TAKES T8000 1P11.0000. To the Brlito0 of Too Porn, Duan Sm.—It is no pleasure to me that this bad shooting case, should again have to be brought bfore ygou. Dr. Graham has published a letter in last week's issue of Tun POST as a reply to my previous letter, and as my communication was crowded out last week I hope you will in- sert this, and manse me for again refer- ring to this matter. The irato pharma- seutist might have put all that 8vas in the first part of his letter in a very few words and thereby saved both ink and space, it could all bo boiled down to this :—"I know everything, Buyers, yon know nothing." Expressions to that effect are pregnantly connected with every paragraph, indeed this is, in toto, the very oharanter of the mall in his profession and everywhere else. Whether it is in his conatruotion or training I oannot tell, perhaps in both, however that may be it is very promin• ently manifested. Ho may have as much h may think 1e self conceit as he likes o of Y r than anyone else and esteem knows more Y an it gratify himself ever so highly d y „ y him, and do me no harm, but I will show him before I get through that he does not know as much as he thinks he does. There aro only one or two things in the first part of his letter that aro worth while replying to, and allow mo to say that I may not be able to give you as maoh Ipso dxit as the Dr., you know that belongs to the msdical profession, and I muse bo careful in using Latin phrases as I am only a mechanic, and don't deal in that kind of stuff. I can state in plain Eng- lish, however, the unsophisticated truth what ho has not done, not attempting to twist it up, or amputate it, or mutilate it either, and I will let the Dr. do the dis- sooting at 111s leisure. He mouses me of ignorance of what a Coroner's duty is re- garding an anti -mortem examination. I am 0801 so ignorant on this point as he thinks. I am aware the evidence must be taken by a magistrate but I did not want to take up your apace in giving an extols• ive explanation of hots the Coronor should proceed. but the Coroner being mvoro of the oas0 was the proper officer to proceed. I1 it is not their duty to do so I do not know under the sun what they are appointed for. A word now about the declaration to be taken by a Cormier. Here it is 1—"I havo reason to believe that the deceased died from violence or unfair moans, or culpable, or negligent conduot of himself or others tinder such oiroamutances as respire investigation and not through mere accident or cis. chance." Suroly anyglo who under- stands the simple meaning of the lang- uage here expressed, and who lmews any- thing 0f the circumstances 0f this shoot- ing business must honestly and fairly admit, that there was redsmt to believe that Wilson diol from violence 01 unfair moons, or culpable or ((051(4101 00nd1011, and it i0 only an mouse for not doing his duty to my that his muscionao would not allow him to take the deolaration. I will now proceed with tho latter part of the Drs. letter and will show what kind of 00100oi00100 110 has. Ho says I gave vent to the following langttago in front of the woolen pini, Mr. Howe also being pr0sent :—•"I Mum Kenzie Soott wilfully ohot Tommy Wilson, I am proparocl to 0woar to every weld of this Bentonoo and eon tako the oath without the loastamp. los of conscionoe." Now I do candidly say that I did not Malde that atatcmont, tbot ib is nob true. I would not ho likely to give myna away by stating what I slid not know, and what I diol not bolievo, Mt go far 1110 evidonoo is about evon, 110 says, I did, I any, I rind not. Now we will 000 what his own wit11008 003s, and MT.Howe is a gelltlOnlan whose word can bo relied upon. Moro is what ho says ,--"To tho boot of my lcnowlodgothe Words 11Ir, Buyers mod in my hooting were : 1 boliove Kenzie 5COtt deliberately shot Thomas Wilson,' '1110 is truly whet I did say, 1, do not. like to call any Number 4. man liar but really I ani at a loos to know what else to call it, and without any scruples of conscience he is willing 10 swear to It. The evidonoo is against you Dr„ you will have to try it again. Now about the letter I wroto to the County Crown Attorney. (' / The d x. will fair no A s bettor Ibis tar in than in the preceding. din . I ' dit,the Dr. neve• denied writingin fact 1 himself in 11(0 coneration referred to said to me that if 1 were not satisfied u with rho course he had taken 1 could writo to the County Attorney, and I told him then I would do so. Hero is what loo says wits in the letter:—"Ken'/.1e Scott at 1 • andIrome it' 1 shoot did dubber e d tvo YI Y Thomas Wilson and be has often shot at boys previnns to this, he is a terror to the community and a ocalttwag." Either the Dr. or his informant is stating a false- r e •'re in 1e let- ter, 00 s ch stut.m,nta ns.. 1 o au ch contrary if ho ter and let hien prove file co r , Y can. The truth is he don't know what was in the letter and he • makes up those otntomonts which are lies, and from those two (in the conversation and the letter) he tries to make it appear that I stated an untruth at the Magistrate's court. This is mean and worse than lying. I have a copy of the letter. I have shown it and read it to Dr. I3olmes, Alex. Hun - tor, W. H. Kerr and a few others who have all been fully satisfied that no 9t1o11 statements were therein. The Dr. may question the copy as not being authentic. Well, if ho door be ann got the original if he likes, to oblige him I will send for it myself and let him have it published. I have a word or two to say about a state. moat the Dr. oracle to me is the conver- sation we had at the woolen mill, already referred to, lir. Howe also being present. In answer to the question: Why was the anti.mortem evidence not taken 7 Ho said that it would not be material evi- dence, that he would not believe what Wilson said. Two or three days after- wards Wm. Ainley stated to me that the Dr. told him that Wilson's ovidenoe would have been good evidence, and should have been taken but they neglected to do so until it was too late. I think this is ex- tremely economising the truth, but per- haps I should not judge too hard. The Dr. may repent yot, and we are glad to see even the least tmprovement in the right direction. If he has changed his mind on this point I am glad of it. It was not very comforting to his friends that he died with a lie on his lips, as I believe that was about the last statement he mado, but if he has taken it back it's allright ri ht olid I would bo very well Pleased still towitness further ;signs na of improve- ment. m 7rove- ment. Tigre is plenty of opportunity, he may come to one way of thinking yet on this matter. The latter part of the Drs. letter does not apply to me. Evi. dently 11 is intended for someone else but I would advise the Dr. to take the pass- age of Scripture ho has so kindly given to mo and apply it to himself and we would recommend this one also for his consider. ation :-"Physician heal thyself," Par- don me, Mr. Editor, for having trespassed so much on your space, but havingethus fully planed this matter before the public I will not, if possible, trouble you any more on this subject. I have stated what I believe to bo the truth, I ani sorry if I have had to say anything that the Dr. may feel offended at, but I cannot help it. I remain, yours truly, JAIIEs BUYEas, Brussels, July 91st, 1888. • Presbytery of Maitland. A Special Alerting of too Presbytery held at Kincardine, July 20118. A special meeting of the Presbytery of Maitland was held in Knox ahurah, Kin- cardine, on Tueoday, 24th ult„ for the purpose of considering the resignation of Rev. Mr. Cameron, of Chalmer's church, Kincardine township. The Ray. Mr. Cameron, of Dungannon, moderator, in the chair, the Rev. Mr. Leask, clerk. Members present, Revs. McQueen and Sutherland, Ripley ; MaLennon, Kinloss ; McDonald, Ashfield ; McFarlane, Pine River ; and there were foar elders pres- ent, viz., M. McPherson, John Ballantyne Mr. Robertson, (Chalmers' ahnroh) and Harrison. Tho congregation of Chal- mers' Much having boon cited to appear for their interests, the following commis. stoners appeared for she congregation : Donald Kerr, Duncan Campbell and R. D. Campbell. They stated that the con- gregation were 110w x11 arrears with the minister's salary, but would pay alp pees. put arrears by tho end of the year. They sympathized with. Mr. Cameron. owing to the state of his health, and would like to retain his 001810ee bat under the Dir. oumstauoos did not feel justified in op- posing his resignation. Mr. Robertson, tho ropresentative elder from Chalmers church stated that their congregation was small, only some fifty families, e, number having moved away lmtoly, among whom were three of their elders. The parties having been rem0vod from the bar, Mr. Cameron's resignation was on notion of Mr. DoDona?d and Mc - Quite accepted and Rev. Mr. MoDonald was appointed to proaah rho pulpit vacant on the first Sabbath in AOust. The Rev. J. L. Murray, was appointed mod. orator of 000810(1, the valions mombets Of presbytery agrooiug to supply the pul- pit until Mr, Murray's rotten, after whioh tho arrangements were left to IbIr. Hur- ray and the session. The prosbytery then adjourned. Mnoh loss of life and dostruotion of property has boon causedby a storm in the northwOsteen part of Frauc0• Turkomans, in the Askabad district, havo neon fn rebellion, raided amoral villages all killed many of the Militia. tants. A volcanic erup�tion at Ilandaisin, fifty leagues from 'Vault:mut, t, destroyed s©v. oral villages and killed ono thousand people, Toe Chicago police are actively search• Mg for a largo (lumber of bombs which tho Anarohists aro known to havo eon• coaled. Rov. W. el. Groes, Con Irish clergyman, is on his way to British Columbia With a commission from the Royal Googra,phdca1 Society to sums' tho Selkirk glaciers,