HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-7-27, Page 70 JULY 2r, 1858. TEE BRUSSELS P^ST. HEALTH, ciao of farmers who aro unable to hire bolp. Does any one know of a remedy ? Our Foes In The Mr. • Toadstools o t141 Fo d e Ib ie a wonderful foot that the air we. I Tho edible varieties are numerous. The :1 breathe contains fops as doadlyandl'tvieible writer hoe oaten en n abl of over ono bun• oas the pinion malignant peoplen it.Mostbithiwhio1aance duo Iient dred, and oonfldently exp ate to add many more to the list, The late Dr. Curtis, of e to these unseen enomiee. To bo aero, ib le North Carolinaoata1oguee one hundred and probable that the earth and organic bodies 1twelve edible Winds found by him in that on the earth, and not the air, generate them. 159898, Every day inyauphagists are adding They aro taken up as dust, and, Uoing little: to their cuisine species not heretofore tested o heavier than air, are long suepondod fa ft, to tho eafotypoint in eating, and even those Thoy are known by the general name of which have long horns a bad reputation, miorobeo—miorosoopio forms of life, Only 1 Tho myoophagist selects from wood or 1 a few of the many classes of microbes are field a specimen of toadstool which by Ito s harmful, just as only 8 few of the millions external a poaranoe extends an Invitation to 8 of epeoies of larger vegetable growth are try it, Hard, dry, leathery, fetid, slimy or poisonous. d000mpoeing ones aro loft rigidly alone—au 0 In 1833 an epidemic fever, characterized they should be. Carefully removing the by great depression, inflammation of the fungus from its habitation, and after noting s bronchial tubes and lunge, and by an inoes- I its botanioal oharaoterietioe, a email piece Is sant dough, swept over the world from east tasted raw ; if it is nauseous, it Is thrown to west. Ito advent: was sadden, and in away aad branded as non edible; if ibis hot, t most cases the person was well auafn Ea'0ss 1 acrid, or bitter, a small piece is cooked s than a fortnight. It was quite fatal, how• t ever, to the aged and the weak. This was 0 the famous influenza. , The same malady has repeated its ravage° o—aametimee over extenoivo trade of noun- • try, sometimes only locally—many times • since the Middle Ages, If it is of microbic origin,—as hi probable,—what inconceivable swarms of microbes must have filled the air I Of course, no precaution oould avail, 1 except the habitual maintenance of high health and good hygienio conditions. Malaria is due to miorobeo whioh reach their victims either from the air, by in. halation, or from drinking water which has abeorhed them. Boil the water, avoid the night air, sleep in the higher rooms of the house, and guard against all excesses. Typhoid fever is caused by microbes from the discharges of a previous patient which either have found moose to drinking water, or have been taken up dried into the air. Microbes flourish in all kinds of moist filth. The chief eafoguard isgeneral cleanliness, the boiling of toll suspected water, and ample ventilation and ounahine. Diphtheria, ocarlet•fover, whooping•oough and measles aro due to microbes given off from the akin or breath of the patient. They either float in the air of the room, or become nttaohed to the furniture, walla and budding. Avoid infected rooms and persona. Attcndanto ehould keep their stomachs in au motive condition with digestible food, but should not overload them. Most microbes are digested and rendered harmless by a vigorous stomach. The snot prophylactics—as preventives aro oallod—are high health, cleanliness, abundance of air and sunshine, the boiling of water and milk, and the avoidance of whatever depresses the physical system— loss of sleep, protracted watohing and all excesses, and cheerful courage. td • a Health efFarmer's Wives. It is now some three years sinoe we first came to the country. My husband and my- self were both country bred, but soon after our marriage removed to the nearest city; and within iia buoy precincts many years had passed away, flecked with both shadow and sunshine. To us had been given four merryfaced children, bub when we returned to the country we b^ought but two, and those wore delicate little creatures which showed very plainly that they ware just out from under the physician's care. Ae for myaelf,Z,i was but just able to make the journey, and we had moved but twenty miles out. It was nothing new for me to be siok, as a great part of my life had been spent in oloae acquaintance with the medicine vial, and it was not strange that my children were deli• oat& too. The two who had been removed from pain and sickness lived long enough to so twine the tendrils of the maternal (heart about them ae almost to break it asunder when they went away, and for the sake of the two remaining as well ae for myself, it was de- rided to try the value of oountry air. As wag but natural, soon upon arrival at our new home I began to look about me, ex- pecting to see only plump, rosyoheeked farmers' wives, able to walk, drive, or per• form any reasonable amount of labor. What then, was my dismay to find that with one solitary exception every woman of my own age in the neighborhood suffered in a greater or less degree from ill health, and that the country doctor had more than he could Co to attend to these half -sick patients. I mould nob but wonder why it was so. Here amid the luxuriance of the oountry T supposed PPneed everyone must be well. How sweet the morning air filled with the fragrance of oountlese wild flowers I What a delightful oontraet to the smoky atmosphere to which I had been accustomed I How eagerly I opened my mouth to drink in the rioh neo• tar, satisfied. that I had found the right 018di0ine at last. And yet people were sick oven here ! What could he the oauae? I spent much time thinking about it, and fearing lest even this last chance should be token from tae. But in spite of my depressing thoughts, I soon began to rally. I surprised myself at the amount of work I accomplished and be. gan to feel encouraged. The children began to show signs of im• provement, and I want to remark right here, that their improvement has so far be. come an established faob, that no doubt re. mains in my mind relative to the propriety of bringing up children in the country in preference to the city. Thoy seldom need medicine of any kind, and never a doctor, they aro out in all kinds of weather, and very seldom have a cold, whereas the former days and nights were so characterized by oougha and hoarseness as to keep the ma- ternal heart trembling with fear. without seasoning ; if it retains any die. agreeable qualities over the wale, it ie brand• ed in like manner ; if it loses them all, larger pieces are 000ked and eaten ma. til the kind either given signs of nox- ious qualities or proves to be harm- less. If the opeoimen is mild and pleasant to the taste (a small pieoe) both raw and cooked, the some ogre is observed until a full meal is eaten ; and it very woo es - soy that it ehould be ; for in one family of gill -bearing toadstools—the Amanitm —no sign either cooked or raw ie given of its deadly properties. This Ea the only family to whioh deaths have boon traded ; and the botanical characteristics of its members must be thoroughly mastered. There is no other method of testing that is safe. Charms of salt and silver are e.9 aa0leea e.6 the romances of the fortuneteller, and even worse ; for, if believed in, they inspire a oonfidence that leads directly to serious results. Many persona may experience unpleasant effects from eating toadstools, , Uecanee of rich cooking or indigestion, which are toot caused by inherent injurious properties in the toadstool, " What is one man's moat is another man's poison" is a proverb as tree of toadstools as anything oleo. There are many varieties not friendly to delicate sto. molls. A wineglaegful of whiskey and sweet oil, repeated ff necessary will help them along safely should they happen to be eaten, Tho effects of these kids are ex. perienced almost immediately after eating, and yield promptly to simple treatment ; but the poison of the Amanita does not manifest itself for from eight to twelve hours after ingestion, and by this peculi. arity announces itself, In this event send for a physician at once. One eightieth to one sixtieth of a grain of atropine adminis- tered at a dose aubcutanetttsly until the poison is counteracted is an antidote. The object of the mycologist should be to encourage and foster the study of this i- teresting and plentiful form of plant -life ; for in so doing he pointe the way to many pleasures and disseminates the knowledge that will in a great measure prevent the accidents occurring from indiscriminate toadatool•eating. But, be this knowledge ever so wide•eproad, there will bo enough foolhardy people to afford annual announce - mots of deaths and widespread obituary notices for whioh the whole toadstool family must suffer, Sea-Siokneas, The titne for ocean and lake travel has arrived and many persons who aro anti- oipating a trip abroa.i are beginning to in. quire of their family physicians for a remedy tor aea•oicknese. Bromide of potash, anti- pyrine, and a hundred other drugs have been recommended for this very distressing inconvenience of ocean travel. Both of the drugs named, as well as others, have been greatly extolled by those who claim to have derived much benefit from their use. It ought to be known, however, to all who rely upon those or other drugs for relief from sea. etckneso, that the relief thus obtained is not an unmixed good. The drugs named, as well as all others whioh aro capable of p•oducing such a state of insensibility in the nervous system as will prevent this disease, are capa- ble of doing so, only when administered in doses whioh are really poisonous, and cape• plc of doing serious injury. In smaller doses LIhan this, they rarely afford any relief. 16 rally is a quesbicn, as to which is the great- er evil, the nausea and distress of &ea•sick- ness or the poisoning of the nervous system for several days in succession, before and during the journey. Sea sickness is rarely fatal, and generally leaves an individual none the worse, if indeed he is not really bettor, for the general olearing out and the enforced abatineneo. Tiny 'Twins. Probably the most diminutive specimen of humanity in this vicinity is to be Been in Lanaingburg. Twelve weeks ago twins —a boy and a girl—were born to a family named Blumer. At birth the twins weigh. ed a little lees than three pounds, and au ordinary fioger ring could be slipped over the hand or foot of either child, Some weeks since the boy died, and the girl, al• though now three months old, does not tip the soles at three pounds. She is a wee, bit of a thing, and can be held in the palm' of the hand, The child seems to have very good health, however. Look Here, Do you feel blue and despondent ? Do pains rank and tear away at nerve and mus- cle, and have you been disappointed in find ing a remedy that will afford certain and speedy relief. If so, go at once to any drug store and buy a eample bottle of Polson'' Nerviline, Poison's Nerviline never fails Would I were able to report such improve. to relieve neuralgia, cramps, headache, ment in myself, but on the contrary after rheumatism, and all internal or external 1 the first few months, in which ae I said be- paha. J. wB.rites Carman druggist, Morris. fore, 1 a000mpliehed more than I had ver burgh, writes : "All the parties I supply dared dream of, my stealth began to decline, opeak very! favorably of Norvaline, and and soon become worse than before. Ma. always purchase a second lot." Poison's ladies began to show themselves which oven Nerviline is sold in sample bottles at 10 the weakness of former years had failed to cents ; large size 25 conte—by all druggists develop. My daily duties became a burden and country dealers everywhere, Try a to me, and not knowing what bettor to de I ten cent bottle. called in the country debtor dui] became a I member of that vast fumy of half-eiok far- 1 Where the Fault Bested, mer -wives, Ho—I was so mortified that you ehould There is no doubt in my mind that all thio see mo fall from my bioyole, Mies Mande, might have been avoided, It watt evident bub I can aeon you the fault reefed entire. that country air was jot what needed, and ly on the bioyole. that under favorable oiroumotanoee I might She—Yoe, for a moment, Mr. Geelip, and have nearly if not quite regained my health, then the bioyole rested entirely on the and that this monster overwork has stolon fault, from me my last thence. And another self• a evident foot is thie that many a poor woman'Double-Action Brain Food, is suffering under like oiroulnetanees. I n Yes," said Uncle Raatue, " I'eo been There is no life 00 pleasant as oountry takin' brain food fo' ter etimnlato my mem - lifo ' there is no place so suitable for young 'rq, an' it's wukin' fuet•rate." children Dither from a moral or physical ', 1 hope it has worked sufficiently for you standpoint, there le no work so healthful as to remember, Uncle Bootee that sufficiently hve farm -work ; no oleos of women should enjoy owed me eeventy•five cents for over a oar." tbettor health than the farmer's wife, and it " Yoe, ash • dot was one ob de feat thin s is a state of things to be deplored that all of ?'membered and `os' as 1 was ins 3ronn' these advantages aro more than over.rttted fo' ,ter payde !none false 'membered dab 1 by the presence of the broad monster wuddethave natio' lef' ter buya oafish" overwork." wea disco venin food, Mistral Smif, am ar OF course tbte refers only to the poorer great discovery," Charity of the Hebrews. Every Jewish association, whether a oluh, or debating so tY,a mueioal urtJ 1a mut. nal insurance fraternity, a bueinesa leaggue or what not else, is by those oouoorned in it deemed incomplete if It done not do Immo- thing for oharity, At every wedding, morry-making, feetival and memorial ogle. bratiou u bile or private, andeven in the ,P , t P hones of death. the box for voluntary offer- ings to ammo charity is oonspiououe, And when public oaile aro made in the syna- gogues for oontributione in aid of a charity, the responses ore such as are evoked no. where else. A Cheap Letter Seale, A cheap but ouffioiontly aoourate aoale for weighing lettere oan be made out of the cheapest materials. Take a pieoe of broomstick about a foot long, and out off the ends equals and smooth. Glue a oard to one end; to bhe other fasten a weight,—a atone wilt do—go that when that end is placed in water about two•thirde of the wood will be sub• merged, and the 'flak will stand upright, Now put the whole in water, and lay upon the oard anything which you know weighs just an ounce, Mark the point to which thie weight sinks your broomstick scale ; then load it with two ounces, and mark that point. In this way you can gra- duate the Reale so that yon can weigh any light article. • The minister sought to improve the time by giving Bobby a lesson in morality. " My boy," he said, ' I have lived 45 years, and have never need tobacco in any form, nor told a Ito, nor swore, nor played hookey, nor—" "Have you got any little boys?" interrupted Bobby. r No, I have never had any little boys," Well r they are mighty lucky,' said Bobby. YELLOW CAKE.—Two cups c f sugar, four eggs, one-half aup of butter, one cup of sweet milk, three teaspoons baking powder, three cups of flour. " All other goods by fortune's hand fo given, A wife ie the peculiar gift of Demon." Ie your wife changed and your home un- happy? Does she go about with gloom 'on her face and do you see no more the smile that won you? It is because she is bilious. Bile causes half the misery of the worll. Her system is clogged up, her head aches. Get her a vial of Dr. Pierce's pleasant Pel- lets and they will give her relief and the atmosphere of hone will grow bright again. One tiny, sugar-coated Granule a dose. The minister vainly doth squander his time while eeeking earth's evils to check, when ho lectures in language, however sub. lime, to a man with a boil on hie neck. That dainty lady tripping b Row light her step, how bright her eye, Haw trash her cheek with healthful glow, Elko roses that In Maydme blow I And yet law weoltz have passed away Since she wee fading, day by day, The doctor's skill oould naught avail ; Weaker she grew, and thin and pale At last, while in a hopeless frame, One day she ea d ' There is a name I've often mon—a, remedy— Perhaps 'twill help ; I can but try " And so according to direction, She took Dr. Pierre's Favorite Praseription, And every battle] symptom fled, And she was raised as from the dead, Teacher—" What advantage had the old Greeke over us, Hans?" Hans (drawing a long breath)—" They did not have to learn Greek." A Reward of $500 is offered by the manufacturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. The mild, soothing, oleanoing and healing properties of this re. mod, are irresiaitble. 50 oents, by druggists, Some man become bald quite early in life, while others die and have their will, offered for probate before their heirs fall out. The modern skeleton in the oloeet—The bustle at night. GINOALxss HAIR IttINRWRa restores grey and faded hair to lie natural calor and prevents falling out. A footnote—" Please use the mat, ' A. P. 407. KNITTINGGe:Ret,,; rgr..MACNINES PATENTS For Snle—Illuetrntfve desorlptive Ont nto,fue free. R Ohntnherlin. Tcronte AGENTS WANTED—" E MMILE" Moron Wooler. Address SRO. D. fERItIS, 01 Church St, Toronto. AGENTS WANTED 1.0E1'11,"'20 nouthehold Spadaltios, Address TAIIox DrosTorooto, Ont - MONEY TO I,OAIY ou Forme. Lowest Rntee, No delay. Oorrespondence sial Aga, d, Established 1800. D. 172 ],Ing s0.IR,t,oTorento. RUBBER STAMPS SEALS Sten• oils, and BuBEds, &c, fiend for Catalogue. e. BARBBER EROS. 00., 294 KingSt• E , (in roar) Toronto. SELF -THREADING NEEDLES. OAy.ATRB; Out INm', .0 through Instantlyeyo, Agents scd Without 1'passing thread Sample ac eye. Agents eo do mond' t go o theta 8nnnpm pocket by mall 15o doyen pockets $1 00, 0 niton Manufacturing Co., Toronto, Ont. A N A D I A N BUSINESS UNIVERSITY, Public Library Buildfnge,Toronto. Students from B fish Columbia, California, Kangas, Illinois, and quite a monbor of other States and Provineee, now in attendance, Write for Descriptive Molders, THOS, d1lNGOUaa, ONAe. A. BROOM, President, Sony & Manager. AGNTS WANTED FOR elegant Lithographic Picture of City of Toronto, taken from tlto Bay, and snowing all the leading buildings, gardens, drives, stations wharves, elo. Size 24x80 oohs,, Sample copy tent to any address for 50c, OEO, BENGOOG0, 80 King St, East, Toronto. tor OF TAE BIBLE—By Orman FooTAn. Profusely Illustrated —Sales Marvellous — Nearly _ 400,000. Send 81.50 for aeopy, and go to work, Agents wanted, Address, A. G, WATSON, Manager, Toronto Willard Tract De Dolton., Toronto, Deal Ing t obtain a Rusin a Eduoation, or boo me O end tied t n Shorthand and Typewriting, ehould ate BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Amadei Yinga etroot, Toronto. For Oiroulare, oto„ Addreae 0, O'DE.6, Soerotary Toronto Conservatory of Music Icon, G, W. Alien, President .OVER eoo..P,UPILO rtnsT SEASON • 60 TEACHERS; Vr61M1l Oml bol CIngaroatldoa Including Mein vocale0r00.,3violin, hnsnggng10,mony, etc.tt 9100818080lo0, (Iertiaratoo 90,9,1 Dlplorrinel Token, $55 and upwards pot term, Loth 0taen nn r etc inntme0on. Pnpih may and x1007 mAts n:Add nd urn nnly 00' l d 110. otilnnnlot99 Omni and matt providod. FRl n Aon. 1'A es, roe ]IES I Elornontn.ylarmony nod violin Ilona Won, 0010,x,, rooter, Taxlaa,otq Cahondarldvl0IIfWhI„(ormad0a t0nlind as a pl001Ien. Th0mbxl'ng privntuexted that al n0mee tomowlialalmithe Ir Is'pndk0latly ddreef0d that 311 oO..osponden0e for Ut0 ConrOrraa Le addre,ta<i RDINdltp Ms�YSIIiEn, bilr0mbt' Gob Yomostrettahe\Y senate • tTbapblTO, Alma Lat11eo' College, ST, TIOOMAS, ONT4It10, Ho students udente fron British Columbia, i a Texas, Arkansas, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Chi . oajo, Duluth, New York and other distant pwut. 1t0 loco rates, medicate abut of teary. era, (Orient work and ftil0 aroonamotlalion hove so filled its halls that a new building', n root_ 0 0 has $ 0 0 boon ora to h o d t is your, 06 pp, Calendar ften, Address, Prinoipal Austin, 13. D. "Women are the dearest, mutest oreatureo in the world, but they can't toll how a oboe fits anti) they sae the number." HUs 1 Oaoan 00ao cures In one minute. A young lady in Toronto is aaid to have had five lovers all named Samuel. Her photograph album is a book of Sams, A Cure for Dean kermess. The opium habit, depsomanla, the morphine habit nervous prostration caused by the tine of tobacco, waketulnoos, mental depression, softening of the brain, etc., premature old age, lose of vitality moused by over•oxertlon of the brain, and lose of natural strength from any Danes whatever. Men—young, old or middle aged—who are broken down from any of the above anuses, or any cause not/at/Waned above send your address andle cents 18 stamps for Lubon's Treaties in book form, 01 Diseases of Main Books sent sealed and secure from observation, Andreae M. V, LIMON, 47 Wellington street East Toronto, Ont, A new process has been patented by whion seals can bo made to grow plush, Whenever your Stooaoh ar Bowole get oil of or der, causing Blllousoeea Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and their attendant evlla, take at coos a dose of Dr. Oarson'e Stomaoh Bitters, Boat family medicine All Druggist& h0 cents. When a ehip "loye to" le it because she is eggs•hausted. People who are oobjeot to bad breath, foul ovate pongee, or any disorder of the Stomach, oan at ono be relieved by using Dr, Carson's Stomach Bitters th old and kind ramadv. Aak von, Drnrelut SESIMINNONIIMMIP, a•••• WORK fa Poo VSO ; Y° e a.�t,Mai TORONTO Cutting School—Scientific and re. Mable materna taught w herab Y stylish, p arleot- OtElng garments ara produced. Cutters having trim bleem ehould moue mysystemsgu and ensure future nue ceps, Entire satisfaction guaranteed. Shirt system taught separate. A ore chance for young men to acquire lucrative profession. S. Coama.N, Prop., 122 Yonge St, Terme on application. CANADA SRIPI'INC CO.—Beaver Line of Steam0hlpe, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon Nickels, Montreal to Liverpool, 840, $50 and $00. Return tickets, 850, 890 and 3110 a000rding to steamer and acaommodatton. Inter- mediate, 830 ; Round trip tloke00, 800. Steerage, 820 ' Round trip tickets, $40, For further particulars and to secure births, apply to H. E. MURRAY, Gomm. Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the different Towns and Cities. BEAVER LINE of STEAMSHIPS. —8411180 8RNRLY IINTw083— MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL Saloon Tickets, 840, 850, $00. Return, 380, BOO $110. Intermed'ate, $39. Steerage, $20. Apply to A. 8, MURRAY, General Manager, 1 Custom Nouse Square, Montreal. J. & J. TAYLOR,—PATENTED - AND VAULT DOORS, &C. SAFES Toronto Safe Works. SAULT R E Felt anndd Gravel Roofers, rav 23 ADELAIDE E., TORONTO. Estimates given. Couatry work a specialty. A Summer Medicine Summer's heat debilitates both nerves and body, and lead ache, Sleeplessness, Ner— vous Prostration, and am "all -played -out" sensation prove. that PAoNE'e CELERY COMPOUND 'should be used now, This medi- cine restores health to Nerves, ?Kidneys, Liver, and Bow— e1s,itnd imparts life and energy (to the heat prostrated system. /Vacations or no vacations, PAIIro'O CELERY COMPOUND is the medi- cine for this season. It is a scien- stifio combination of the beat !tonics, and those who use it begin the hot summer days with clear heads, strong nerves, and jgeneral good health. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND is sold by all druggists, $1 a bottle. Six for $5. WELLS, RICHAItD,SON & CO., Prop's. Montreal P.Q. AND lot L< gather Invaorator DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Don't wait until yon are burnt outor robbed buy a Sate now and sleep may end bo euro and get price.., etc., of t h e New Champion Safe. S. S. 1Ci1WRALL. 577 Oraig St., P. 0. Box 045. Montreal, P. Q, THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO Manufacturers of the Highest Oradea SILVER-PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK, FACTORIES AND SALESROOM : 420 to 426 Ring St, West, TORONTO E. G. 000DERHAM, .7, C. COPP, Manager. Sec: treas. Water PURE LIVING STREAMS AUGERS, bore 20 fee per hour. Also nock Drills—Hand, Horse or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Laidlaw Manufacturing Co. HAMILTON, ONT. Bicycles EIJDGE AND COLUMBIA Also send for list of some of our Second -hind ma. chines at greatly minced prices CHAS. ROBINSON din 00., 22 Ohurch St , Toronto. Bicycles OVER 100 Second . laud rllcycb, safeties and 'tricycles. Send for List and Ontaloga,. Agents wanted in every town. .& T_ Lg1\$1, MONTREAL, LadieN'Oollege HAOIILTON, CANAD e. First of Ladles' Colleges. Has graduated over 230 in hull coulee. Pull faculties In Literature, Langua- ges, Selene and Art. Largest College 111, ?ding in Dominion, Opens Sept. 8,1$88, Address Prinafpal, lacy. A. 111*CNB, D.D. LL.D. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax overySaturday to Liverpool, and In sum, mer trot Quebec, every Saturday to Llvorpool,oalling at Londonderry to land malls and passengers for Scotland and Ireland' also Isom Baltimore, via Hall fax and St, John's, IR,F„ to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Olae• sow tinea sell during winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum. mer between Glasgow -and Montreal weeklyyGlee. gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phlladel phis fortnightly. For freight, passage or other Information apply tc A. Sanumaoher S Co„ Baltimore ; S. Cunard o 0o„ Halifax ; Shea & Op., Bt. John's Nfld.,Wm, Thomp son 8 Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen A Oo., 030(0000 Love & Alden New York; Ii, Smaller, Toronto; Albino, Rao a ba, 'Oabeo; Wm, lircokle, Philndel• phis; H. A. Allan, Portland, Boston, Montreal. Merchants, Butchers AND TRADERS generally. We wait a noon MAN in your locality to pink up CALF SKINS for us, Clash furnished on satisfactory guaranty Addt•oso, U, S. Mae, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.8. The Shod and Leather Reporter, N.Y., and Shoo and Leather Review, Ohbaogo, the leading trade pm pors in the U. S. In the Wide line, have sent their representatives to Investigate 11r. Page's bullnose, end attar to thorough oxamb,ntion and comparison, the 1apoa'tar gives him One endorsement; "W'o believe that in datmte nj teaht•1104901 raw ata• tartl collated and carttrd, Jfr. Papa holds tho toad of any/ 00m}nottt0r, Gaut that his present otoeh is the largest he'd by any 1101000 to this country,' And the Itouine enys t "fitter a most th57011 30 iatosatipati0a of Ifs, Page's lotolnee as 0olnparerf sulth others in sante tied, too hand become lung satisfied 10at in his speetalty, light-ausipht stook, h0 io unquestionably, the 10030001 10alnr tit this country, whits in sltparioratl 0/ Dual' a07, 10 is amlfessedtp at the head." Quaky c If Mr. Page's bniinose is the target& in its tine In the United States, ie 11 not the boat possible proof Of his :Nay to pay highest prices? II he did not do so, would he natarelly got mors Shine than any of hie competitors in the same lino? Nervous Debility. DR, 0RAY's Species too been used for the pas fifteen years with groat euoaeee, In the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from es. diem, over-worked brain, 1080 of vltnllty, ringing in the oars, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggbobs, Pride 81 per box, or 8 boxes for 85, or Will be 50155 Ly mall en receipt of pride. Pamphlbt on applfoY,tton THE GRAY MEDICINE CO. (Corouto. Stained Glass FOR CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. MIGAUSLAN D & SON '6 ?Cin; St. W., Toronto. Cheap Excursion Will leave all pointe on the C,P.R , C.T.B. and N, & N. W. Ry. in Ontario, ou AUGUST 7TH, F 0 ft— IVIO OS °MINI ---PAS:RNO T1iftisco CENTRAL DIANITOB.A.. Fare for Round Trip, $28 Trains leave TORONTO at 11 p,m, AUG. 7th. The party will be a000mpaoied by J. S. CRAWF'ORD, of BIRTLI6, MAN. TICKETS issued ab alt stations and good to return for 60 DAYS, also for to lay over on return ab WINNIPEG. For information apply to all Agents of C.P.R., G.T.R., or J. S. CRAWFORD, Canadian Paoi3o Railway Ticket Office, TOR0NTO Young Men SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the result of Ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak nervous and exhausted; also ?Sono-Aoao and OLD MRN, who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and In advanced life feel the sone equonces of youthful excess, send for and read M. V. Lubon'e Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 3a. stamps. Address 30. V. LIMON. W, Roston St. E„ Toronto, Owl. CHOICE FARMS A MS FOA SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. p ARTIE0 wishing to purchase Improveda Manitoba. Farms, from 00 neves upward,, with immediate poseoeetoi, call or write to C. I. MA11LSON, Mo. Arthur's Block, Main street, Winnipeg. information furnished free of charge, and settlers assisted In making selection. Mossy To Loss at current rates of interest. 10000 PRESENTS' TO !GEST APPLYING, WHILE THEY LAST. We will send by moil nn op. prnpriate gift to ouch maiden, wife, mother or conk --one to family—who will try the BREADMAKER'S BAKING POWDER Cut the red circle from the label and send it in n letter stating honest opinion after fair trial, Either n 5, 10 or 25 cent also trill secure the gift. •knows were to getocer or ti t If askpedr for by yOu.--Address— ACAURCEILL & 00„105011100 Whaley,Royee Co 283 Ycngc Street, Toronto. The Cheapest place 10 Canada for BAND INSTRUMENTS New and seooad•haod. Ageute for ” BESSON " and "HIGHAM BAND & oaooESTBA Mum, Repairing of Band In strumeuts a specialty. Send for Catalogue Barnum ire & Iron Works, Windsor, Ont Made from 3-16 Steel Rods, with Heavy Iron Frame and Iron Foundation. We are offering the Fence at ex- ceptionally low prices. TI110 BEST AND OIIEAPF,ST FENCE. Iron Fence Cresting, Stable Fittings, and all kinds of Iron and Brass S Work. F'OQT] FOR THE TT 0T =ATH ER_ JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF JOH STONS FLUID BEEF .0 .a3o.a1D7g1121 cle 33 313 When the APPETITE FAILS, when the STOMACH REJECTS all kinds of food, when the SYSTEM is run down in cases of 111EN'I'AL and PHYSICAL OVE1tSTItAINJNG, causing disability, JOHNSTON'S FLUID BEEF will supply Strong Nourishment that oan he retained and thoroughly digested by the weakest stomaoh. It will give tone to the stomach, restore waste from whatever cause, and supply food for Braili, Rolle and Muscle. There arnmany 051 0421000 of " Peerless" MACHINE OIL, but none equal it in lubricating properties, Rum. ase, MILL890, et0, find none equal t0 the Minima Peerless made by SAMUEL ROGERS:& CO., TORONTO. Sold by dealers oVerywhere. Capital and Fluids lion. over 83,000,000: HEAD OFFICE. - - 15 TOIEONTus ST., TORONTOr A llonie Company, Established October 1811. To this Pato Ootobor 81, 1887, there has boon returned: To the holre of Polley boidoro(denlh•olaims) 8848,248 09 To the holders of matured Enddowmont Potholes 28,492 0.9 To PoliO7•hoident oh surrender of Polk:lea 08,988 00 To Polley holden for Oath profits (including those allooattuf and bolugpaid' 482,844 02 To hdldem of Annuity Bonds. .......... ..... ......... ............ 10,807 84 Loaned to Polloyholdors on the Saaurity'03 their Poliofeo 82,2014 98 ..,$1,808,174 47 Policies in Force over 104000. Amount over;$15,000,010 -PRESIDENT—H0N. Stn W. P. ItoWLAND, Ca, H,C.M,G., VCE'•irRI SIDEIsITS—WILIyy10�AM0LLIorer, Esp.. EDWARD 3OOPEI0, ESQ. Policies Nrultrtoilabte atter 2'S'eaerle4an-3ihutrAC �DO1 1,J , Managing Director,