HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-7-27, Page 5JULY 27, 1S88•. i$1rx�r�li "civ, {: rant)roe IC. A. 0, Damen is able to be abont again after a hard attack of plourisy, Lonlii Stain' and it gentleman from l ietowel havo opened a tailor shop iu tho village. Ily advertisement it will bo observod that M, G. Itiobardnon is detormiood to make tltiugo hum. Jae. W. Robertson and Miss Ellie Mc- Neil oaoh gave a reading and AO. Perrin n. reoitatiol at the Y. P. C. A. meeting loot Friday evening. Knox church was movod to the north side of the lot on Thursday of last week by Dan. Zimmer, On Monday of this week thorn was a bee hauling stone from tho rivor for the foundation. Ten teams worn in attendance, Fifteen feet will be added to tho front of the building, giving ample room for the large oongregasimt. Tho masons commonoocl work on Toes. day, Wm. Dark has the job. When the veneering with brick is done o new roof on and the insido and outside paint- ed the oougregation at Cro,nbrook will have very comfortable quarters. 1\Eorx•irl. 'Malcolm Black and sister aro away on a visit to friends in Owen Sound. They may go on to Algoma before they return. Bd. Brewar has erected a bank barn 0n his farm this summer. He is getting everything in good shape for ',some- thing," The Sunday Sohool at Andersmt'e ochool house will bo withdrawn next Sab- bath afternoon owing to necessary re- pairs being in progress in the building. Now to soloot a base ball team to se- cure the 810 prize in 0 innings, at Bru- nets, on August 18113, is the conundrum. We ohould do it, however, and will no doubt try. itev. 0. B. Howie, M. A., delivered a locturo al Button's sohool house on Thursday evening of this week. Ile will preach in Barrio's school houso on Fri- day evening, Aug: 10113. Rev. G. Howie preached to a full houso at Sohool House S. S. No. 8, on Tuesday evening last. He was urged to visit again and fixed Tuesday the 8101 when he will deliver one of bits course of lectures. A collection was taken np in aid of the HomoMission Fund. 131nevaI e. Jas. Timmins, Postmaster, has erect- ed a now sign. Miss Billingsley, of Wingham, spent Tuesday among hor friends here. Wm. Messer and wifo went to see the Falls on friday last, They had a plea- sant trip. J. W. Woolens, a medical missionary that is to bo, lectures here on Thursday evening of this week. A littio boy of Nolson Thornton's, Mor- ris, was injured badly, being kicked by a horse while in Wingham. Jas. Thompson, who has been visiting friends in Gray, roturned this week. Ilia holiday was short but he says vory plea- sant. Miss Bella Maxwell, of the boundary line, left last week on it visit to friends near Galt. It is hopod she will enjoy herself. Jas. McCracken is home this week spending his holidays. Many arm the friends we welcome hero about 1111 holi- day limo. Win. Gray and wifo took a holiday trip out into the country to Mr. G's brother's farm. A. tailor shop is a good placo to wont holidays. Rev. G, B. Howie, of Brussels, and Rev. A. Y. Bartley, of this place, ex. chatt;cd pulpits last Sunday. Those in Bluevalo listened to a very interesting discourse from Mr. Howie. C31•e3'• The bear is still "booming the north- ern route." Fall wheat and barley harvest has commouoed. Barley is a good crop in general. Mrs. Thos. Smith and daughters are visiting old friends in Galt and locality for a fow weeks. Sam. Askin, of Wellesley, was (tome this week on a visit. He reports every. thing going well in that locality. It is said that the long continued dry weather is telling somewhat on tho quan- tity. of milk received at tho ohoeso factor- ies in this ssotion. 14880 pounds of oheeso were sold to Mr. Hibbert, for Ayer & Co., of Montreal. by the Morris and Grey cheese factory. Tho price paid was 0f ciente. Tho ohaoso was shipped last Saturday. The Voter& List for 1888 is in tho hands of the Clerk. There are 1010 voters in Part I, 85 in Part IT and 0 in Part 1II, 1051 in all. 552 persons are qualified to serve ao jurors. It is announced that Bov. Ur. Howie, of Brussels, will lecture at Jamestown on Friday evening of this week. He will preach ut Shine's sohool hocso on the evening of Thursday, Ang. 0th. A dwelling in being erected on David Grant's farm, 14111 eon., by D. Zimmer. It will be veneered with brick, Don, Lowery, of Brussels,doing the work, The wonder is who will inhabit the sec- ond house. Our baso ballists are commencing to figure holy a club can bo arranged in this township to capture the $10 prize at the base ball tournament at Brussels on tho 10113 of August. Thore aro some good players in this township. Ono night last week two mon riding in a top buggyglob a dog belonging to James Cardiff, 7th con., with a revolver. The canine ran out on the road barking at the horse when tho shot wan fired, The night was too dart[ to discern who the parties wore but it was quite evident, from their aotiono, that they =mulish - ed their mission. Hugh Lamont informs no that he has beenpeatorod by several young mon, who, to show off how 111110 thoy know, wrecked his milk stolid and stole a short chain and a pi000 of rope. 'Those freaks are carried out sifter dant, but tho young "gentlemen" are known and a repetition of the 6301300 will 00140 their names 10 bo publishod and an examplo made of tlrebl. Mr. i,amont's complaint is not the only one on the 7111 eon. and a good charge of shalt shot is in store fox tho "137111 s" at ono farm house. Talo warn. ing 111 time, boys, and don't disgrace your. 'mhos may more. ' i(9tI Istsains Tim Early Closing By -low has boob repr01101 by tbo Town Cannon. ilarruttan rather walloped our rrialce. taro by a soorm of 22 to 51 with only four leen out The gaol, was not completed when the visitors had to leave. Sunday Sohool exoursiou to 14in0ar- ,lino on Wednesday 13th August. Tho rotates fare n'ilt be It»v and a good limo oxidated. Arraogonlents aro being made for a solo on Lake Huron on tho united 14 to vire. (Jeo.'Chompeon's steam slawm111, near here, was destroyed by Tiro about throe o'elook friday morning, together with about oight hundred cords of hard and soft wood slabs, sawn for Are wand. In• 'suran00 on null is said to be $1,000 ; loss About $0,000. Mr. Thompson and wifo aro in the lower Provinces. Teed/der and Wingham played the fourth game of the Gerry district series at Wingham on Friday of last wook. Wingham won three straight gamma in 22 minutes, the fourth was won by Toms water in 138 minutos. \Vingham took the fifth in 21 minutes. The gamo was well oontested and friendly throughout. 1. Dean and T. McCulloch wore in. dieted on Wednesday on ehargos pro- ferred by J. S. Joroaro, of illegally prao- bising dentistry. The ohargo ugamst McCulloch was dismissed on the grotuul of absent witnesses and no evidence. The case against Dean was postponed for a week. Tho bench was composed of the Mayor, Messrs. McKay, 3. 4. Anderson, R. Currie and T. A. Molwen, VIVIol. Tho apple crop will be a very abundant one in this looality. 3. W. Fogel, Ibo oiling° carp0uter, is shinglingaborn for Wm. Ames, con. (1. The Misses Legear, of St. Marys, aro visiting their brother at the parsonage. Rev. 3. T. Legear has been slightly under the weather during the past week. Mrs. Ban. Tindall is quite • poorly but her many friends hope she may soon recover. Mr. Freeman, of Listowel, agent for the Mutual Reaervo Fund Life Associa- tion, was in town this week, 3as. McKelvey has improved the ap- pearance of his dwelling by having the roof coated with fixo proof paint. R. Lang has oommenc0d operations on the bridge. When his contract is cam. plated the public will feel more comfort- able while crossing it. Cober & Son havo commenced to set up their "Common Sense" olot13es dryer fn the yards of some of our citizens. They are just the thing. Charlie B,upp took 448 marks at the recent examination at Listowel. He stood fifth in a large class. Aaron Caber also passod securing 877 marks. Our genial townsman, T. P. Simpson, looks happier than usual. A new milliner hos arrived named Miss Simpson. Noth- Mg clan equal her. If you don't believe it ask T. Mr. Moffat, of Blyth, gave an exhibi- tion of what oould be done with his "It'clipso Chemical Fire Extinguisher" on Monday evening. Some people, at least, were convinced that it is a good machino to have, as three sales were effected. (Lawn; P,tnrv.-The garden party held in L. Dobson's orchard on Thursday evening of last week for tho benefit of the Methodist Sabbath school was a decided snocos0. Tho gatns worn opened at six, and at eight o'olook the different °lasses of the school could be found in companys all through the grounds, having their physical strength renewed ab the hands of their teacher by way of well-filled plates of choice cookies. Music was supplied by the ohoir, the Misses Legear and the pastor. A. Fogel also gave a fow choice mouth organ selections. Amusements of different kinds were in- dulged in until it was time to retire. The proceeds were announced to be about 010, Lizeto tib e l . Boss Brus. new factory is rapidly ris- ing. The brick -layers are working on the third story. This section of country is suffering considerably for want of rain, only one heavy shower having fallen here inside of tho past six weeks. One of the town hotel -keepers is said to have taken in about $1100 cash on the 121h, another uoarly a $1,000, and the rod from 0800 upwards. It is estimated that fully 05,000 was left in Listowel by the Orangemen and choir friends. Several large shipments of cheese have boon made from here lately, among whioh wore three cats, 1422 boxes, by E. Cas- well, and 418 boxes by A. F. MacLaron for J. L. Grant & Co. Wm. Stevenson also shipped a portion of the June melte of the Britton factory last week. The three shipments represented a total value of about $16,000. Our cricket olub was worsted by the Hamilton Colts Mot Friday. Tho visit- ors made 108 runs, 54 in 'nosh innings while the home eleven scored 88, 27 iu tho 1st innings and 01 in the 2nd. Mor- phy, Cy. Backing and Mabee got into double figures in the 2nd trial. James Ross, of your town, played with our boys and did some flno bowling. Ilo captured 5 wiokets for 20 overs in tho 1st innings and 8 wiokets for 8 ovore in tho 2nc1 finings. Morphy and H. R. Hay bowled well also. The officers of Listowol Lodge No. 100, I. 0. 0. I'., wore duly installed by J. C. But, D. D. G. M., for district 21 as fol. lows : W. lit. Bruoe, N. G.; M. Jonson, I. G.; J. E. Terhune, R, 8, •; N. Tilt, P. S.; J. 0. Burt, Troao.; A.. W. Feather- stone, P. G. ; Dr. Thompson, L. P.; A. M. Park, W. ; I. Blackmore, 1. •; S. Doan, R. S. S,; las. Terry, L. S. S.; Val. Ioor- gor, h G, ; H. °vans, 0. G.; john Biggs, 1Z S. N. G.; W. Roberts, L. S. N. G.; W. S. Garrocb, B. S.V. G. ; G. S. Kidd, L. S. V. G. ; D. D. Campbell, Chaplain; S. 0. Burt, Bop. 0. L. The lodge has a membership of sixty and $2,000 to its credit. A game of laoros05 was played at Lis- towel on Friday between Walkerton and Listowel, in the Garry district champion- ship series, Moulting in favor of Listowel by 4 straigbtsin 17, 14, 4 and 20 min1tos. It was a very gentlemanly gamo, boing devoid of any rough play. '.Chis now plows Listowel at tho ]toad of tho trict, having won 8 and loot 1, The teams Were 08 follows : Walkerton -Brown, Swartz, Gibbon, Roiohonlach, Lindsay, Ferguson, Crossman, .Lashley, MaeN5. morn, Ilartloy, Adams and Dundass,- Listowol--Wright, Gibbs, Mink, Steph- enson, Clinic, Behrendt, VanAllon, Coopor, Jameson, Taylor, Ilorminson, Lillie°. Senfrolt'tlx. SOalurth is being Imply reproiolltecl at thovitriouo Canadian oilmanr resorts thin and the following wools. THE BRUSSELS POST Wo hove lout nieo rail showers remit- ly but Mori 0,3111,1 6e m aoptabin Bev. RTr. Me( 013131' of the 1 ngibib elenr011 prcaohod 5. ;dousing eeupvm 10 the inonb5rs of 1110 A. O. F. last Sunelay zooming from 1110 text "No mann lived:." 'Chore am:Margit to bo quite a comm. tam aelueg clue fortnors' horses loot Sat. u.r,lay while in town, resulting in smasll- 111is a11,1 rnt>ltwa)1. Tho bin0 was when Olio trouble was-eoneider01 tzar1 of the wino of the Scott Ant, but in reality fa dee largely to 0arel5seness on the part of !1,m driver iu not tying Ilia horse. 'l110 lawn social at O. 3. Clark's, hold under the 0uspi05s of Lho Royal Tempi= of Tcmporance, pruvnd to be a vary en- joyable affair. ice oresnl svaa in great demand. 'The011i0f attraction, however, woe the Iceland Booth, which, with t110 troatment received whilo inside, refloated groat orod1t to the designore. The band was in atteu latloe and 011116 their selon. tions generally were good, the rendering of the sniuging waltz wan vory en. °hinting. Tho first match butwesn Bright and Seaforth for the ohantpionship of tho 0net0rn district of Lho C.L.A. was play- ed en 1110 Recreation grounds here on Tuesday. A largo and enthusiastic Orowrl 0041 presuut and witnossod the closest match that has been played in Seaforth sino0 the old Brants, of Paris, were here live or six 30ttra ago. The first game cyan ee1reely started Moro the ball was swept through by Bright on it pretty pass from the side whilo the goal koepor was playing out. Time, rounds'. The sec- ond game was closer, but was again tak- en by Bright while Freeinan was out. The third goal was taken by Seaforth on a pretty shot by Meredith after 20 min- utes of hard play. During the next gamo the ball was very seldom past me- tro, but time and again Stowort's and Cuthbortson's splendid play saved the goal, and altar 31 minutes of bard play, the Bright goalkeeper put it through his own goal. Meredith was behind the goal and attempted to drop it in front, but slid not throw it high enough, and Cowan caught it, but in attempting to throw he drew the ball through the goal. No more goals were secured beforo time was ea11- od, but when the players were called out again, Bright bad it with them most of the time. W. McKay had been ruled off oa achnrge of striking at one of the Bright sten, though the stick did not come anywhere near trim, and, after 13 minutesplay, B1'ightsnoossded inswoep- ing the ball through, thus winning this match by a score of three goals to two. Mr. McGutohoon, of Stratford, was the referee, and lie innst havo had last sea, son between Stratford and Seaforth on the brain, as In was very seven on the Seaforth boys. Tho Brights have a strong, heavy team, and although they do not play so fast as the home team, they are surer. They need no assistance from the referee. They now lead with no games lost, while Stratford and Sea - forth are ties for second place. The following aro the teams : Bosnian. 13111111. Freeman Goal Cowan Smith Paint Stewart Neil Cover Point Cuthberteon McDougall Third Field MCMicken Wilson Second Field Cnthbertson W. McKay First Field Sylvester Winters Centro Hall Jnckcou Homo Field Herr Dowling Third home Wilson C. 14. 11IeKay Outside' Home Hewitt lltorodith Lpside Homo Craig To the Editor of Tina Ppm Doan Sot -An item appeared in last woek's Budget hooded ''Another slow pay stops," in reference to mo subscribing for that paper, and after taking it for some time stopping without paying my sub- scription. This is A. H. N Jenkins' side of the story only. Nosy, Sir, if you will kindly allow me space to tell my side I will feel grateful as I don't want, Jen- lrius, tho famous editor, manager in chief, ote., of tho notorious shoot, the Brusesls Budget, to talie liberties with my name the same as he has been doing with some of your Brussels citizens. The facts of the case are thesis :-Last Fall, just prev- ious' to the Budget being fnublished, Jen- kins was in Seaforth and in front of my office when I was introduced to him. He asked ane to subscribe for the paper and I declined, but he proposed to give me an insurance risk on his printing plant and stock just as soon as he got in running order if I would subsoribo. This I agreed to do on the distinct understanding that he was to give me the risk. Some crone in Ootober last I received the paper but heard nothing about tho insurance, until I rooeived a post card from him, dated Nov. 2, '87, asking me to come to Brus- sels and effect the insurance. I answered hie card promptly saying I would coma out at ouoe and attend to it and, I thank, T won in Brussels on the 4th, two days later and called on Mr. Jenkins at his oeioe fox the purpose of taking the Minn - name risk. He informed mo that 13e had not yet Moored and would not bo ready to do 80 for a short time as ho oxpeoted some moro printor's stools fn, but as soon as bo was rowdy would lot me know. From that day to this 1 novor heard any- thing from him about insUran00 although I palled at his office again to see but lie was out. Mr, Jonkius in his item says I only roturuod his paper last wools (tho week previous to the issue of this item.) I beg to aceto that I returned 1110 parer to the post office last Spring and loft in. structions with my fatbor not to take it out of the post office doting any absence from hone. Now, Mr Editor, in view of the above I think Jenkins has a great Boal of impertinence and cheek to ask me to pay for nus paper when ho failed to keep his arrangennont with mo about the insurance risk on his plant and stook, and ht threatoning to publish my name 118 a newspoper dead beat. T foal quite justified in showing how ho procured my name as a subsoribor by his miserable deceit and want of mediates. I want Jenkins to fully andersl0nd that I ant quit° willing and quite able to pay for any paper that 1 may subsoribo for, and further, that during tho past 10 years I have transacted business with tho people of Brussels and vicinity 1 havo always Wed to riot in an honorable and upright monitor.. With respect to tho Bndgol ib is ono of the vilost smut maohinos pub- lishod within a radius of five oountioe, and it is a paper evidently givon op to por'oonelitios and back -yard saltudals. With respect to its Editor I would strong• ly advise him not to lbudge----ft unite so much anti give Duos attempting to bull -dodo pcoplo, at all ovonte don't try it With 1110 as it won't work, Mr. Editor, by kindly inserting this in yournext 1511110 1 will feel deeply gratofui. YOnr4 respectfully, ;turns W itsnu, t Zioitforth,.1sly 21,'88, Seaforth. ;: einidS:, ., raaxxmtx elan •rren m - - THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, ONI V intil further uEten the mat of i V of >u. 'l'i,nr nl);irhrnd .n rn y Pull 5.0 b $4.03 pay - (8)I fl0 01,1, -lt 7. 1 1 H_ltnre With 011A1 1t t� seryl 111,, 17.1,171' applies 10 C i1) N will ha 0s (13.01. vrlucb Ai. 9. 0n:11)MA 1)41 ,. ,.L,, Ke, 11011awls, flntafiu, 9d- Oeveate.170'issuo, a, l'1'rn•lo lfcrl;t ournrod end all 01(100 patent Oaunes (n the !'meet 111800 and before the Courts prompt!v and oarotoilyattondnd to. 11p011 receipt 01 mud. snl0Inatlnn an invention, iaemake careful o patentability !'req of Charge, 3` see mod orate, and Intake no &largo unless patent ns acanren. lianrrn- atlon, advice and Randal rofernuoea scut on 1 (1 U.S.PatontOOIsi' ;LL, Washington Hbaaj., U on mRestaurant, M l'(� Money to Loan, !laving just opened in tho Brink Corn- er Store. formerly 0roupied by 11. 417.l-' -Loney to Loan 011 Farmjo ((0101, Brussels, the opposite corner to the 1'ostolllce, ! Party, at LOWEST RATESi =3C�T MEALS' (At all roasouable flours) i:1' 1''011 TWENTY CENTS. • A call is especialh' solicited and every 1 attention will he paid to Patrons. A 1,m• , ited number of Lady and Gentieman j Boarders waited. YAS. I3ROADFOOT, Prop, ONEY TO LOAN! REAL ESTATE, l 'IiFORTAI1Lbl .DWELLING, '�✓ with good garden nttf h .Y, to rent. Central loonalna, Ap ply at tr110 four Pub- ] telling ub•]iehing ammo, fi1'OIOE FARMS FOR $ L]3.- A few splendid, Lnprovod terms for sato In the township of Otey, Morris and Moli:lllop. Apply to A. D13LOATTY, Co, AnOtlonaor,lirussels P, 0. VARA' FOR SALE.-T[IE SUIS. 12 minim infers his valnnblo iso acre farm,beilglot0, ono. la, Grey Townahh,, 1150011 Co., for sale, Moro 303' about ..10 aeras cleared and 1n 1(17.1 heart. There 18 a 100 (10(3011, good 1,13(1 1,1300, bene ing Oreloer:], and all the necessary 001Va1110000,1 on 1110 prmuleos, For further particulars, as 10 price, terms, eta„ apply to the Proprietor, TII08.11ISLI)P, Olnro P. O., N.W.T.. or to 2-tf DOVGALD STRAOHAN, l3russels j1A111t IN GREY TOWNSHIP iron sena.-80151' lot 14, eon. 10, con- taining 100soros, It is partly ()leered, the balance well tin -shored, A novor failing creek 0 00 0500 1110 place and 1080 troll adapt - al fur otthur farming or gracing. I willltke- Wiseso1140acres, Going oast part of lot 14, 000,10, uoarly olI cleared and in M1 good state of cultivation. A good frume barn with a good stone arabin underneath and e never foiling wall is also on 1110 place, For furthor por,tcltlare apply to the proprietor 7n tho plaoo. This lot is opposite too oth- er GB013013 AVERY, Proprietor. 1-11 1AR11 FOR SALE. -THE UN - 1. n 11510001 olfors for sale the north oast quarter of lot 28, conoes0ion 0, Morris, County of 1100031. containing 50 acres, The land is of first quality and In a high state of cultivation. well fenced and ander-drained, 45 soros cleared. Now frame house, 8 rooms, milk house 01111 °tnerate Wells, 2 wenn, good barna and shed, °roiard, oto, Illght aures of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Bruno's, Snit- ablo toms will be given. Title perfect. 3,131E8 GIEIEV.O, Owner, 10- Box 250 Brussels P. 0. 00A FARM FOR SALE IN Morris, on reasonable terms. In order to oloso the affairs of the 00iate of the late NV, G. Megaton, the executors offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for sato North half of Lot 30, Concession 5, Township of Morris, containing 00 acres. On this lot is eroebod a good frame barn with stone foun- dation, good orchard, well and pump . Notur ly all cleared, and is o5 ilio grave road closely edieleing the village of Brussels. This farm is a valuablo one, 1s well fenced and M a good etnto of cultivation. For prices and torus apply to T1I08. KELLY. Brussels P. 0., Huriar J11?110 i8s, Victoria Square P.O., or Jamas stain, Maple Lodge 1'. 0., Middla800 County, 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. V .i drat -class farm for sale in tho Township of Morris In the County of Huron, being south half of north half lots 20.120 and south half of 20 In 511, eon., containing 200 aeros more or lege, 121 aures mostly door of stumps and in a good .otato of culti- vation. Whore is a young bearing srollard, a good house and hank barn 50 x 55 foot with eton0 stable andornoath. Tho form 1s situ- ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels owl is a good farm for grain or stook rais- ing as itis Watered with the river Maitland and novor fining spring creek. Possesslon Will be given at any time, For further par- tioulars apply 011 1110 promisee or to A,11.. it0BBI3TSON, Brussols. P. 0. 5.11 FARM FOR SALE. Tho Executors of the estate of the lato wrorm 8f ]♦[00131137, EB gsmas, deceased, now offer the following valuable lands for sale, viz.:-Tbo north halt of lot 27, and the west ball of the north half of lot 29, both in the Oth concession of the 'Township :of Tlorris, Oonnly of Retell, containing 150 eate8. About 110 scree 1170 cleared and in good condition, the greater part being In grass. The balanoo is well timbered, chiefly with bsoob and+nrat, This farm vorably situated within one anal excelle t iiiOrket rn There 15upo of thwhioh affords thee pramnsae a good frame barn and houso nn orchard of ohoioe fruit trees. a never failing Spring, also a good well and pump,and good. fen0os. This property will b0 solefu ono or two parcels, to suit intending nov0111007E, Purabssor 14 (11 be allowed 10 outer and have use of house on ppremises at any time after barVeat and 20 do fall plowing. F'ullp08eo8- aiou will be given at 1st Novombor next. lOor terns and further particulars apply to the undersigned Executors, or to Joao Mooxnr, Esq„ Brussels, 000, George Cardiff'. >;xuour0ne. blek5on hays. ) Data d at Brussels, Juno 18th, 11,10. 00 a v a1n Cmiee{eh PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Thanking the publio for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patrouago. We aro opening out filllines fn GOLC 86 SILVER W'ATGHcS, SILVBR PLATED WARE from nstablishod and roliable makers, fully warranted by 110. Clocks of thz ,Latest .Design.$. .T WEIa'I3,-sr o Wedding Rings, Ladies Gem Icing, Broaches, 30.11rint,,e, dee, Also havo in stock a fall lino of Violins and Violin Strings. &c. N 11 -- [: 711 of Marriage Lieonoes. T, Fletcher, Any Amount of .!Coney ,t() Loan on Farm 0r Village Pro- perty, at 6 c@ 61 Per Cent. Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. - Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. ,Baby Carriages. Baby Carriages. Just to hand a splendid se- lectoon of Baby Carriages which will bo sold at very low prices. TRUNKS and VALISES in endless variety. I - am pre- pared to please the public in this department. Pine selection of bigh0 Heavy harness Give me a call. H.,DENNIS, PRIVATE AND COMPANY FUND8 DICKSON Sr IIAYS, Solicitors, Brussels, Ont. FARMERS TA.I 7L NO SZC73:I I have for sole Plows of ttcelvo differ- ent kinds. Four different kinds of "ant' plows, ecufflors and cultivators, all of Pat- erson & Co's, Woodotook, Implements such as light steel binders, mowers (front and rear cut) ]corse hay rakes. I else have A. Murphy ,r (1o's meat Reversable Ray Carriers, Steel and Weeden Tracks, most COM - fn [:,Ina/1111, Talton Bros.' Pea Harvester. Several nicely situated villago lots with houses on atom for sale. sem" Satis- faction guaranteed in tho solo of imple- menta. Wm. Martin. 101.1138010. MUSE : Tvltxns1.1r Stunt;. BRUSSELS LIME WOKS I desire to inform the Public that I have Leased the well- known Bause 8 LIME WORKS from Tilos. Town and will runt the business next Season. I will also continue to follow my trade as :';'TONE ISYA d:ON, and am prepared to furnish esti- mates for Jobs, &c. BUILDING AND CORNER STONE always on hand. Satisfaction Guarantecd. A Specialty made 00 Bricklaying and Plastering time. w . P- KEZLY, PROPRIETOR. E BEADING CASH ,a ° ..�,.A._`. Lim, rmr CROOKERY9 GLASSWARE, ETO, ETC/7 In order to make room for a large Shipment we expect daily from the T7111