HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-7-27, Page 1Volume 16.
Number 8.
rit191111 AGAIN T71ItiMl'tl,INI'.
To th0 Editor 0l Tin,' Paa'r,
DEAR 8In.-1 might 1010100000 DIY lot tor
by calling Timmins an uusp0Otaolod gorge -
u' bo, but I shall not oondesoond to use snob
II langutgu. I boyo &lmtya had a po0iliar
llicing for t,1a truth, so I shell just eomwonoo
and slat n lapse Proof now. I must just hors
say that N. G. 1301ow01 nor N. J. 8orswel is
tb0907000 I moan This 18 what Timmins
called his proof. It 10 eotbfnn too fanny
31)011 a man has to retort to a "uonoutiby"
for proof. Enough said on this. NOW for
that rogiatero1 lettor, Ho emphatically
dauint it. Ho says, "no ouch letter was
oval' roaa1vod no trator was over soot, tool
rouort Raid there was a damn -newt moilod
there," and what his thinks is sublime proof
he Ilan "it from tho highest authority, tho
Yastofiao Inspector, that said dooumont
was uovor xogistored," Oh I I would advle0
Timmins to olndy carefully the fifth ohaptor
of Act +. I have a lottor from A.. H. long.
grove, the pabulum to whom the letter
was brut. Tito following is his latter, it
*oaks for itself 1- 8. holo out of which
Timmins ono 2101 omen. Oa the 7th of
N000m1,0r, 1804, James 21(1011 =shod sad
rsgisterod at the Winthrop P. O.a latter ad-
dressed to ma to Bluovnlo, This lottor 1
uovor reoeiyod. About two 0101111)0 attar-
witrd0 dMr. Timmins showed ono a 10Ufor from
Ow P. 0,0213900 or asking ter the way -bill
of Nov. 0th. This Mr. V. could not find.
Sn1)acquentiy a tracer wan shown mo, Tbio
tracer started at \Vlnthrop, then° to Sea-
forth, Brussels and W. O, &B. to Bluoyale,
I tion wrote the Inspector that aa Wore was
no money in the latter I sustained no lobs
and the mWtter thou dropped. If ho said
the lett or was cover registered ho rOman0Oa
ooneidcrably, Of course I novas said Mr. T.
took the letter, Tito hatter had altogether
escaped my memory until I saw it mon-
Honed 111Ul1opaPers. I trust *hie mal be
1110 last plum 1may bo app0aloa to, es it Is
difileult to Imop from givingoffence whore
none is httend0d, but In justice to my
frloud %nomaon I willingly give thia.-
A,H,MusonOVO." Now, let thisllght.wotght
otorokeop0r and amateur pugili0t 100010nato
'1 ,1t over thio and the above namedahaptor caro.
fully, and never again attempt to de so
boldly, and it will b0 much batter inr him-
self and also for the tow who deal with him.
11 ow itis McOraokon's turn, The public, will
nollce that 1110 ideal teacher whom "Jack"
wanted to got into innovate school was his
brother, 30 wonder he wrote under his
Iathor's name. This accounts for the ac-
cumulation of f 180110od0 n0 wrote about 020.
This Williams triad to got Bluoyalo school
for tine year, and bo also tried to get It for
last year, i think this mottos a uumbor of
yoar0. How "impregnably stupid" he must
bo. Hie account of the robbery, 'etc. won't
do, I repeat that ho was put out of t1)°
concert for drunken and disorderly couduot.
H° 0wor0 at tho constablo and said ho could
1( 01 put him out, The olllaor of the law took
hold Of him and oarried him right out.
Thio is 80, 0'18 I havo any number of wit-
nesses to prove it. I would also ndvi00 him
to road the ahoy° named chapter. T110
'oontomptible aoo0adr0l" who robbed him
was "sting Alcohol," He treated the boyo in
tiro queou'e hotel and when he went to pay
for 20 he had no mono)) No sober man
would get robbed in Wingham. I think,
nosier lino 02roumstas0os, ho is right about
the er (?) has
ebb 48
teacher (?)nay boon time. underthe thing in
h sllett moon n theThor' is t I g in
his latter, only t1)° above,' . 3 I would
0ondes0eudto take nowrl of, I shall not
tut he Is more ink iusignill writing against him
as of is tea lol0000l3'lOt for mo to write
ii about, I shall ol1ee my lettor b y quoting a
pleoo of pastry for him to tautly carefully :
Soe how tho yivid lightning gleams
Within tho 000ur808 cup. It towns
As 11 fico from holl's groat lava streams
To murder anddo0troy,anu haunt the droams
Of lord and mini0n.
' Lllfo eery donna of mollon lead
Rom tills th0 yawning graves with dead,
lie fires, by wholesale traulo fed,
Bring thousands to Choir dying bed,
As Satan's pray,
�r- What odes aro Mum from the 'nighty does
That to our ears forever Droop?
Old Whiskey there hie vigll8.iceop-
'�; A druatron brow has ono to sleep
Till the last day,
� t Shall Canada foreVor bo
The scone of drunken misery ?
Shall 80noraifou0 yet to 0omo,
By drunken fathore, lose a boom
Au 11 sink into ffi0 grave?
Woo to 1110 man who takoamo pl000
In E his great war against alegraoe ;
The blood o1 thousands on his head,
Aptaco of torment when he's dead.
Iia could but would nob save.
Thanking you,111r. Itditor,lor your valuable
epees, I am. Bir, Yours truly,
BLnovale, July96, 188.8. 7.H, THOMSON.
To ilio Dditor of Tats 9001.
2017 D7An 1,13,-I000 by last woelt's 9001
that Jamas Buyer', has boon treating you to
ono of hie rash ' eplstolory effusions, over
this very sad anis deplorable aooident that
hos happ0ned in our midst. I very much
regret keeping the 11me11tablo 00onrren00
before your ayes only I t111uk Mr. Buyers has
handled my name mush mor0 frooly than
t1)° elrnametauoos xi11 warrant. In the first
plass he says lbs eyidenee 01 Thomas
'Wilson 0b0uld novo been taken after he lune
slob and it wee the Ooroner's duty to do so,"
WI,OMr. Buyers, who memo to know so
mull, and yot so little about this affair,
show o by tome standard outhorily, and
not his own ipso dIxit, that taking ante-
mortem stet0itente is ono of the dutloo of
a Cox0nar? Tho ainao of Cloroner in this
country is by 1,7000108 J1112101o1 and not mag•
tetral, Ao0ox ivg to Mn Buyers It w0uk1 bo
litmes01iry for a 0010nor, without intimation
,or roquieition, to visit every onto Or any ono
that 1000iv0(1 an injury mad take an apjdavlt
in cam) they would die and necessitate a
coroner's inquest. Itis cluito apparent he
Is ignorant of whet ho writes, (2) That I
ought "to invoetlgate the 0000 by 0 0oroa-
or'0 impost," Again he ovld0ntiy does' not
know that the law domande that the ooron-
or sha11 him001111)o satioOod that an ineuebt
is no0oe00ry before ho anal bold one, Dom.
polling 1,101 to make a 190010 odea upon oath
to that effect, Thus lthe ooron0r must nails.
fY bisown Oo11en10100 anal not that of eta
public or Mr,Btnyors, I examined into all
I t tb0 oblahlablo ovid0000 and 00noludad ib0
oceutrenoe wee necidontal stud not ari,nfuel,
therefore I could not tak8 the oath without
per 11ry and I am sol prepared, just yet, for
that 0rima, at load for 1320. Hnd I prompt-
ly ! 1 hold au invootlgation it is net at all im-,
Mr,e would bo apnea
that 111 buyers t ob
cuss ig
1(e hold for croon'
t 0r, that t w m
+ h firstt
t 0 Y
motives. Sono people novo to growl
anythat way,is the plan upon thoy
aro oonstruotatl, After evento, LoWovex
7'o vl0r, 00rouol wisdom
1, s00in0 hr e
by roqu001, and what must pbe 0t0071ge to Mr.
Buyers, ho also had snore than the "slight.
eat 0oruplos about taking 13.10 oath," after a
fair oxamin1tlon into tho ovidon00, Still
111070 recently, as you know; the mother boo
been vontilatod by a bonob of four Magis-
tratesand 00 200011211 00 far gots to AlloW
thar° is no 07141n00 of folony Or grime. !g)
Ito say8. "Why WAS Dr.. Gro.}sam not oxamlh'
eel SA a Wltn0na 0" That 1s 00o(1y aas107013,
]loon I+Ir.Bityer0 notknow ;that s000nd band
or hnoway ovidoom is not gonorally adon1t.
t0d In any mutt ? Tho Magistrates ovldOnl-
�r t, 'T
ly' know their business bettor than your
t0rrospobdanhey might 1005 00 Well
havo yyinoed emit ofthomsolvos in tho wit -
noes ema4 attor they had ittvaetlgatetl tho
onto, w111ah of 0o0r00 tvottld be absurd, 110,
) Mr, fluyar0 professed to know only W arley
and not Mot, be would not bawl boon macho
Western Fair Grounds and Buildings, London, Ont.
1 Math Building, a 0nrriago Hall.
2 Agricultural Hall. 7 Dairy Hall,
20 Horticultural Hall. 8 Agricultural Implement Building.
4 Poultry Hall. 2 lfoavy Maohluery Hall.
5 International Dench Show of Doge. 10 Hog Pons.
11 Sheep Pons.
19 Cattle Sbeas.
IS Barn for Cattle.
14 Dining Hall.
15 Horse Stabloe.
The New Western Fair Grounds and Buildings.
In this Who we give our readers an illustration of tho New Exhibition Grounds
and Buildings of the Western Fair Association at London, Ont. The buildings are
very handsomely oonsbruoted and painted, and are situated in tho Queen's Park, one
Of the finest natural parks within city limits in America. Those grounds, com-
prising 87i acres, are situated at the east end of the oily, lying betwoen the G. T. R.
'on the south and Dundee (the principal business street) and 0. P. R. on the north.
The Park is beautifully o0VOred with immense pines of natural growth, and is used
es a pleasure resort for the publio when nob in use for Exhibition purposes. Stook
and machinery can ba unloaded from the earn on the grounds. Tho facilities af-
forded visitors for reaching the grounds are very complete. Trains are run regular-
ly every half hour, while the Street Railway Company's oars land passengers every
few minutes at the main entrance. It is also convenient to pedestrians, being only
twenty minion walls from the post office, or business portion of the city. Tis
grounds and buildings, with improvements to be made by the management this
year, at
v 6182,000. are valued
The main building, aboantiful structure 200880, cost nearly 524.000. The poultry
hall is said to be the finest in the Dominion. The halls for agricultural produots,
horticultural products, carriages, dairy, machinery, etc. are large and commodious.
Stable accommodation is provided for 50011orsos, whilo the sheds for cattle will 0$0-
0on11modate a liko number. Two hundred and forty pens have been constructed for
the accommodation of sheep and hogs. An excellent half -mils speeding tracts has
been laid out at a cost exceeding 56,000.
London's Water Works system has been extended to all parts of the Fair Grounds
at a Dost of 51,400. The water is from the same mime as that supplied to the slit).
i ut
16 0°ner11 O111ooe.
17 Dining Hall or the W. 0, T. II.
18 Ladies' Parlor.
16 Piro Hall.
20 Grand Stand.
21 Judges' Stant].
11 'rend Stand.
"d Horse Bing.
91 Band Stand,
zene of London, namely, Coomb's Springs, five miles distant, and 10 not surpassed
by any other supply in Am01100.
The hindranoos last year to the New Woatern Fair scheme were of the most de-
termined character. Those were happily removed, however, and in ten weeks from
the time the contracts were.let the buildings wore completed and Fair oponod.
The attendance and suooess crowning the efforts of tho management were most
gratifying. Fifty-six thousand five hundred and forty-four persona ;passed through
the turn -stiles. This does not include occupants of oarriages, guests, members of
the pross, attendants, herdsmen, etc., whish would make the total attendance about
75,000 persons.
These results have stimulated the directorate to spread tho Fair over nine days
instead of one week as heretofore. Twonty-five thousand dollars have boon appro-
priated for prizes, attractions, oto.
There will be larger prizes, grander attractions, more to see and more to 1e5711
than at auy previous Fair. The Indian liri
hos of Ontario are preparing a grand ex-
hibit of manufactured articles of all descriptions, relics and curiosities of the old
hunting days, including agricultural and hortioultural productions, fine arts, ladies'
work, oto. It is expected that Indians in charge of thou exhibits will bo dressed in
native costume.
The Directors of the London Bench Show of Dogs are mnktng special accommo-
dation for a grand international exhibit of all the principal prize winners in
America. Tho management are advertising for new attractions, and have already
made contracts for several novelties, which will be introduced at the forthcoming
Fair for the first time. No pains are being spared to make the Doming Fair the
great event of the year. Keep the dates in mind, September 20th to 28th, and
wait for it.
witness andho would have been saved his well in the farming occupation. With with a sweeping majority and I think It is said the lightning rod la a regi
aloe �it et h( 3millaiin 1)0 tea e the Mute-
udo n t his help I succeeded 11( getting a place as there is a batter prospect ahead for Mani- of superstition and will soon be regard°,
e why he should have the slightest scrip- farm band with a Mr. Young, a neighbor. toba. The Drop outlook is oven better in the same light as a horseshoe over t1)
Of consoioioo in inking the oath." For- The Spring was very late and backward, than last year. In this district, if crops door.
uatalyfor my oonsoteuae'and unfortunate- rather cold with frequent rains, some- turn out as they look at present, I would A monster flog swallowed a ahiokel
t1) ant ea la 610 y co neci n hoo is, not I thing unusual in these parts, yet, not- say the average yield per acre would be at Oconee, Ga., the other day and seem
reray ecoouite for us not seeing alike. Withaiandiug all this, the crops are Dom- over 40 bushels of wheat, 60 of barley ed to be relishing the bite .immense]'
Ho aeknthe euoetion, "Why was I tshmn ins on wonderfully and there are good and 75 of oats. The month of May was when the owner killed biro. '
&witness ?" 1 do not know, but I can roc eats fora bountiful harvest, The very cold and backward but in June the
1 him why he eb0uldbe taken as a witness, wheat A Lake Linden, Mtah., man mailed l
day or two atter the accident he ave whom is beginning to head out nia0ly. weather was the boat for growing crops letter addressed to a pmraon at "Sal
e toothe Poll sunray hearing, irr front
r. w There is a greater quantity sown this I ever sate. Harvest will not bo quite so Sent Mree, Mikeegain," and it reaches
o boon{��n mill, m "I xlrow Boucle Soots Year than last and if It is not lost with early as last year unless the weather is the right man at Sault Ste, Marie,
ren %o gROar tomovoy word of am sr, be nthe agre teril like allast yi'voatear fiely will etimndotibtlted los esa oftgrntitlti in awnewapaill send peru r,2 will sefew nd •
A Nevado ranchman shot, trapped am
tufur month
o as g4tesb scruples 8a of nevoath
lease without that the hail left from seven to ten thorn of a fair average of tho length end then fiisoned gured it00 thataboits in rt 5,0001(7
i sone t l0ascr oo the Crown Attorney, bushels of wheat ou the ground per acre of the grain in our settlement and Z P
fah I i IL iett0 nim to deny, ooatalniig and other grains in liko proportion and think they can't be beaten in Ontario. I quos had come to fill up their places,
miiar language to the following 1 "Bonnie still had a good harvest, so you can judge will select from land that has been Drop -
At did deliberately end premeditively how heavy the crop was from this. The pod from 3 to 5 years and no manure
sot Tommy Wilson, aid lie 1)&8 "tau shat prairie in this A. F. A. M.
boyaprevtous to foie. He it a torror to p part i9 high and rolling Head, and X believe good for 20 more
0 00mmunity &ad Tina
" Don't yon and the soil a rich blank loam. The hay crops if kept clear of weeds and well 0111-
1(k, M1, Hdttor, the. a man who could is made hero from the prairie grassin tivated. It looks at present as if eve were
, so muob and write so much should make and around the numerous sloughs on the going to have another boons here as every
vary motorial witness? I would think it prairie but somtl tumors have tried the vacant lot is ea erg sought after, n rent
tie justifiable to hand him a =hero., it p g Y g g onANn ranaE.
nldbo impolite to call Mr, Btly0r8 a liar growing of clover nod timothy with great amount of new lands broken up aid
s 117 ie all extreme economizer or truth encomia, I woifid advise anyone desiring every farmer has a smile On his face. �_
or, bo could make the ahoy° accusation. The annual communication of Gran
no ihatloti0r and at tie Same Maio go, 00 emigrate in pursuit of farming to Thele is grunt dmmand for carpenters Lodge was held at the Grand Opor
o the witu0es box before the limg{strotae' come out west as one can start with and farm hands and high wages are paid. House, Toronto, on 18th and 10th July
art ouebt000 or th000inow he thiinat bout mob less means on the prairie than any Al Rothwell station there is a town site Tim following Grand officers wet
Aol4 i ono iv and, he other he uttered a where else and with greater advantages• laid out and there is a fine opening fora eleotad •
t1hood, At the Glom ut hie lottor he In regard to prm}iafr]ng the prairie for good general store also #ora good blaolc. M. W. Bro. R. T. FValkom, Gran
°met ke dodesirous to bo allowed his opin- crop Breaking of done in the months smith. I will not trouble you with a blaster' R. W. Bro. J. Ross Roberbsor
o e not h t me,
1 but a dos wish to accord o of June and ba0lseot in the month oflongletterr t but mayn
e Same privilege. itis gutta av[dont that l to ats p es, send you Deputy Graucl Senior
; dR.e • Bro. J. •
, golden rule has novor entered into his Jnly. In this state it remains till the a few lines again, If nay of our old Wills, Grand Sontor Warden; R. \V, Bit
Ming. Allow Inc to repeat it far hie Spring When the seed is sown, so you see friends should think of paying this fine Jose )h Book, Grand Junior Warden
ulfil tHubao6hern "ahoniti to others you it seas not lrequicro much work. Dubt- country a visit the would boglad if they RFV. Bro, J. J. Mason, Grand Score
oro is another, with the very -y ie oe oe les you will lav learned 1103 thatthe Would atop at 4 they
station and give tory ; R. FV. DTs. E. Mitoltell, Gram
mato in his °harm:tor, who is very dostrou9 Congerant]v0 elameit iu Vila Province ns n call and if they would send word Treasurer ; R. W. Bro. H. A. MaTielbau
malign me lu oonneetion with the sorsa- was on tho 11111 of this month almost when coming we would be glad to moot
hitt, a whiskey barrelled imp of Baaohua, totally routmd and have been torsed to thorn there. Disallowance of local rail- Registrar ; R. W. Pro. Thee, commas
o imam the iia0ahannllan tbadge 1(i Lia surrender horse, fool and artillery and ways ie now a thingof the past and will Tyler.
ated f0alnr°0. Ido not sheets to answer Y '� i) The attendance was very large, in al
m as the 1302001e :not worth the powdor. hall given place to an honest Liberal Gov- goon be forgotten, Other grievances may over 800 brethren registered, and, w
11th and rna0011 would be thrown away ailment under which we expect to goo arise and when they dc, Manitobans will
001 1)n hogllIt world only likeousting
Uim au op10 two proviuoe flourish. In 0 sp000h made show themselves to be above party poli- and sots n d'logt gretand the Gul anal Li due was in al
+malty to open the portale of his foul by the Hon. Thos. Grmellwayy, leader of plea and stand lip for their rights. Wo p o £tt o
°nth to boleti forth the Slygiau tainted the now ruling power, in thio place he aro always glad to see Tut POST here Amongst other questions that of dorm
mea from his brimdeao pollntod, vindio- showed clearly that already ho bad saved and wish it and all our old friends a all work in the third dogrmo, thereby as
mi IIor°ni°on atveint oast out fist l the and in the running expenses of Who Province prosperous season. From your old sub- similating, to some extent, with til
blot. Trusting that the unwarrantable the largo sum of $00,000 in doing away scriber, Gno. Fromm, Brunton P.O. American method, was oonsidored but re
sok made upon me will be suinelout with clerks, °numerators, and suoh liko, Rothwell station, on C.P,R., July 18, jested by Grand Lodge.
us ammo. n for Yours withgrespectueh on with high salaries and purposes giving P.S.—I might tail you that on this The proposal to malts Toronto tlto per
1400001s, Ray 211,'1(8, W,)1. eltA12810. a grant of 550,000 to ralltvay8, 510,000 to lino of railway than aro now four pros. mencnt plane of mooting Was also re
the exhibit of agricultural products and 71,000130 villages With acorea, churches Seated and next year's plasm of moduli
Manitoba Letter No. 1. 5200 to sash galloon, twieo tho grant nnd0r blacksmiths, schools, oho., lac. Bathweli inxod at Owen Sound,
tho Norquay Government. Thanking will bo tho fifth. Thio silo was only laid Tho Grand Treasurer's report 0howo
on for .our vaht bhm space, swishing you f Y Y gYe
the i7ditex o Tun Roem, p
on last arch.Six are when 0 luno receipts to boyo boon 2G
tM e ago t slot w the al 1
ql5 ,
u every casae and Ontario a o nti.
yb eV y all n g a 0 b 11 e 1 expenditure the n to i
came bore tllerb was n ono ter in 5. 1(t e sem% h
DEAR Sru,--PleaOe allow mm a small D only o s o 80 80, a ]
fol harvest, T remain yours, this whole district and no church and °hidv1 5;11,074,75 for bonovolont per
neo in year paper to make a few ro- g
arks ill regard to this part of tho DANiffb MoLanourax, scarcely a csohool in tsps district. Glon. poses.
atria ?Mono° 00 I am very, mach GriewOld, r. - ll, 88, bow', the present terminus of the rail. Tho district //amities fon' the Linguini
con up With the country. I armor] in
B.S.--In this CounImoksonty (Lansdowne) the spay, fa about 80 miles wont of Bath. year areas follows 1--1, J. A, 0, Andel'
melon on the 7th of April. We dict LalctlidaLihoral tos n and Wind Hannah wall. - G. F, son, Ridgetown ; 2, W. S. Calvert, Napier
t sae any of the ,prairie bmtwcon this flo01000, tivo, formerly o[ 11Zele illoli town- 8, John Boyd, 31. 24. Belmont ; 4, W. ti', Doff
int and Winnipegas it was after dark 'Ono la 0.1-ct.1 IN %2071 1. Soaforth ; 5, E. L. Wade, Brussels ; 0
,on 170 worst passing through it, TJpOn
ship, 13:nr011 county, Tho latter was in W. Mononald, Tilsonburg; 7, Riohari
riving we visited T. E. Smith'S stook bhm mmor�ty by 87 votes, ao mach for Chicago bag about 2,000 Chinaman. Mahoney, Guelph; 8, Wm, Freeman
Lansdowne. It to pretty Gritty,
ablb. IIs has a lot of vorylinm animals D M A Now London, Conn., family own a' M. D„ Georgetown; 0, Geo. Monknlan
dig now going into the brooding of a parrot said to bo 00 ymars old. Barrio; 10, 0. J, McDermott, St. Cath
orthorn cattle and Clydesdale llot'soa Manitoba Letter No. ` . It is odium -tad that the girl who dau0- armee; 11, James Waylfng, Sharon; 12
ry oxtmnsively. Next I visited Alas.Dg eightoon waltzes travois about four- B. Shortly, Peterborough 18, Wm
rsytll, ' a former' resident of Morris *-'-- teen miles. Smeaton,13or1ovi110 ; 14, II Wilkinson
malts. Ile is doing well and spooks '9 tbo 178{t01' Of T/1Y] on, . The ammo Maximo laborer supports Kingston , 15, W. J. Morris, Perth ; 10
ry higlilly of the count2' I tion tools Dram 510, --As you roquoeted ]1(0 I his family on 10 cants per diens 1nve0t0d Davlcl Taylor, Ottawa; 17, S. 1V. Roy
.in for Griswold, a (110ta1100 Of twenty. 00nd you another few linos front this, i11 Corn anti beans. 'orbArtltur.
'C tailed, /loin I caw .eros. Watt, former. Our adoptotl 0011nt1y. I am happy t0 John Aitkin assorts that a rabid inch 1.0. W, Bro, IVado and W. 13x0. Grail
a roaiden0 of I3rnasols, Ho also Spoke toll you and your madam that Mr. Grooh- of air in an ordinary room contains 30,- Werain attendance as representing t1)
11 of thn'ralrio'rnvinoo anis lo &nine luau and hie GOvernmont aro returned 818,000 mirtfa1os of dust, Lodgo in this town.
:1)60 O'IIilt)t'PI' 10113 FA croak*.
Smith oO 20110101, Proprietors.
Twenty -ono yearn ago the Smith tinn-
ily moved from. Branullton, near Galt.
into Grey townehip. They had emigrat-
ed from lioxbere°!tiro, Scotland, just be.
foto thio, with tho exception of 'Phomas
Who buil 00110. 1'' this country lc, years
ln'evioun. In 18014 they built a mill in
which Nlan•t111), 9111.1 ling and shingle mak-
ing wa0 110110. The mill asst] Contents
Worts ennsnmcd by fire on April 1lh, 11022,
and to mak() matter° worse thero Wee not
a cent o£ lu011711nee on the prop, rty. The
loss wits very }lea7)' 10000]ll1i1;; 7., about
810,000, Tho person into:n:;t l wore
Thomas and Oliver, of Gin 1,r0 -;••1(t lirm,
.James, tvhn is 1(017 fi11l01 a i'elnun,•rat]c•,:
position as oreesea°• in 1111131 P,ree.'
flouring still, Montreal, and hooey, who
is now jiving at Now We,:mil, -0er,
A. new 1)1i11 was created t),1( =11117 01m1-
reor and was Io -asci to liar: del, ` noi1h,
well known in this locality. Thomas
Snaith, the senior member ,f 0117 femiiy,
then came to Brussels 2117.1 mit up the
planing mill burners a few 7011274 ago op.
posits the ltuvcro Ranee, which he work-
ed nearly a year and then disposed of it.
to James L'tennett, who carried 001 busi-
ness until tho premises tc•ero destroyed.
Mr. Smith then bought a 100 acre Atm
from Donald Grant and with his former
100 was ming to bo a biller of the soil
but his love of machinery carried him
to work book into the building line be-
fore long harder than ever. Win. Mc.
Gateman ran tho saw mill after Mare.
den Smith and a few years ago sold ont
the machinery. Three years ago Mr.
Smith rebuilt the mill and fitted it up
with new maohinery and after running
it for sometime sold out toAmentBros.,
of Brussels, last winter. Tho question
of securing manufactories in town was
then taken up and Smith Bros. inter.
viewed and the result was an arrange-
ment was arrived at that for remission
of taxes for a term of years they would
locate. Five agree, a parts lot, was se-
cured from Wm. Ainley and the mater-
ial soon on the ground for the construc-
tion of the large brick factory.
The main budding is 55x75 feet, throe
flats ; dry kiln, 20x24 feet, two flats ;
engine house, 20x80 feet. Tho building
is valued at 58,000. Tho engine is a 80
horse power, with a 35 h. p. boiler, made
by John Abell, Toronto. On the first
fiat may be found a big planer weighing
3 tone, another weighing 2} and a mould-
er 1} tons weight. Thos Cowan, of Galt,
manufactured tate first and third men-
tioned and the socond by McHechnie ,0
Bertram, of Dundas. The dry kiln has
105 pipes 10 feet long and 1 inch in dia-
meter. The fan was mads by I. J. Fish-
er, of liinoardive. There is also a rip
saw, cross apt saw and turning lathe on
the first floor. The 2nd fiat is well filled
with a tenant maohine, buzz planer,
small montding machine, power mortis-
er, a shaper, ;sand papering machine,
sand drum, boring machine, gig, band,
rip and cross cut saws, waning machtue,
8 emery wheels, blind slat machine, a
panel raiser and other necessary odds
and ends. The upper flat will be devot-
ed to furniture and the undertaking de-
partment. The principal lines of furni-
ture will be bedroom suites, sideboards
and tables.
The business is well managed, Thos.
Smith looking after the mechanical de-
partment, Oliver Smith being business
manager and R. Malcolm having full
control of the furniture and undertaking
department. They aro all practioal men
having from 20 years upwards of experi-
ence. Another important fact in their
favor 10 that they have good banking and
business oonneetion and will do well' in
their new location. About 80 hands are
employed inside and outside of the fac-
tory during the summer months and it
is expected that a regular staff of 14
Hien will bo kept. Tho firm is very busy
now finishing work for new buildings in
Mosley. In the job is 10 counters (151
feet) and 275 feet of 10 foot shelving.
Smith & Malcolm have putobasen all the
pine lumber from Amout Bros., Van -
stone Bros., of Brossol0, and Gibson, of
Wroxeter, about 50,000 worth in all. A
new brick ven00red cottage, 20x33 feet,
two stories high, has boon built for Oli-
ver Smith south of the factory and 'a
similar dwelling will probably 110 erected
north of the factory for the senior morn'
newstable will also
bar of the firm. A
bo pat up. We fool sato 111 predicting
that this business will prove ono of the
boat industries in tho town. This makes
tho sixth mill built by tho Smith firm.
Local News Items.
00)I1l1N10ATr0N from James Buyers
is crowdofl ant of this lento.
COMPORTAMM house, conveniently sit.
noted, to rent, Apply at Tutt Pos9 Pub..
liehing Roam.
'Zona choice of a large can of Woman's
Buttoned Boots, worth 52.00, for 51.00
per pair. Amis Goon. 2-
B43e BALL. --A junior baro ball team,
the "Stare,' went to Gorrio on Tumidity
afternoon and played a match with. the
junior club of that plana Our boys Had
tho gam0 all to thonrselvcs as far as the
victory wan concerned. With tho ox
°option Of the 2nd innings for 1110 Monte
to&mt who they of 7, thou scoring.
not far from wlbtl r,9 r,8 anyinnings.
Tho =salt of the gonna Wag 14 to 21 in
favor of Brussels. Tho following is tho
Waite, IC, 0. GCltnt11 it, 0,
11, Mase 5 1 Jas. M0Garth.,. 1 5
T, Noss 6 a R, Wiggins ...... 2 4
IL. Thomson " ° P. Ayers.., 1 4
Tall -Anthem 4 n D.y'e.ilahey 2 "
J,7MI'Noughton 2 2 W. Tourtga .., 1 .t
O,firewar " 5 W. Stinson ...... 4 n
L..7aokson ..,,1 4 G.Youngo 1
W. mos 1 4 A,Boyd 1 'L
E. Garry 1 5 A. W01110 10 1 13
Totals..,..,, 21 27 Totals..,,,,... 14 g7
inning,- 1 1 3 4 5 0 7 8 0
Brnaasls ...
..... 01 4 3 1 X 4 0 8 0 --'el
Gordo 0 7 1 1 1 3 0 1 0- 19
W. Staub, Umpire; (3. Wiib0O, e0oror.
Tho return nlat011 will likoly be played
next Tuesday ottoman on Victoria
Square, 131100010,
:1)60 O'IIilt)t'PI' 10113 FA croak*.
Smith oO 20110101, Proprietors.
Twenty -ono yearn ago the Smith tinn-
ily moved from. Branullton, near Galt.
into Grey townehip. They had emigrat-
ed from lioxbere°!tiro, Scotland, just be.
foto thio, with tho exception of 'Phomas
Who buil 00110. 1'' this country lc, years
ln'evioun. In 18014 they built a mill in
which Nlan•t111), 9111.1 ling and shingle mak-
ing wa0 110110. The mill asst] Contents
Worts ennsnmcd by fire on April 1lh, 11022,
and to mak() matter° worse thero Wee not
a cent o£ lu011711nee on the prop, rty. The
loss wits very }lea7)' 10000]ll1i1;; 7., about
810,000, Tho person into:n:;t l wore
Thomas and Oliver, of Gin 1,r0 -;••1(t lirm,
.James, tvhn is 1(017 fi11l01 a i'elnun,•rat]c•,:
position as oreesea°• in 1111131 P,ree.'
flouring still, Montreal, and hooey, who
is now jiving at Now We,:mil, -0er,
A. new 1)1i11 was created t),1( =11117 01m1-
reor and was Io -asci to liar: del, ` noi1h,
well known in this locality. Thomas
Snaith, the senior member ,f 0117 femiiy,
then came to Brussels 2117.1 mit up the
planing mill burners a few 7011274 ago op.
posits the ltuvcro Ranee, which he work-
ed nearly a year and then disposed of it.
to James L'tennett, who carried 001 busi-
ness until tho premises tc•ero destroyed.
Mr. Smith then bought a 100 acre Atm
from Donald Grant and with his former
100 was ming to bo a biller of the soil
but his love of machinery carried him
to work book into the building line be-
fore long harder than ever. Win. Mc.
Gateman ran tho saw mill after Mare.
den Smith and a few years ago sold ont
the machinery. Three years ago Mr.
Smith rebuilt the mill and fitted it up
with new maohinery and after running
it for sometime sold out toAmentBros.,
of Brussels, last winter. Tho question
of securing manufactories in town was
then taken up and Smith Bros. inter.
viewed and the result was an arrange-
ment was arrived at that for remission
of taxes for a term of years they would
locate. Five agree, a parts lot, was se-
cured from Wm. Ainley and the mater-
ial soon on the ground for the construc-
tion of the large brick factory.
The main budding is 55x75 feet, throe
flats ; dry kiln, 20x24 feet, two flats ;
engine house, 20x80 feet. Tho building
is valued at 58,000. Tho engine is a 80
horse power, with a 35 h. p. boiler, made
by John Abell, Toronto. On the first
fiat may be found a big planer weighing
3 tone, another weighing 2} and a mould-
er 1} tons weight. Thos Cowan, of Galt,
manufactured tate first and third men-
tioned and the socond by McHechnie ,0
Bertram, of Dundas. The dry kiln has
105 pipes 10 feet long and 1 inch in dia-
meter. The fan was mads by I. J. Fish-
er, of liinoardive. There is also a rip
saw, cross apt saw and turning lathe on
the first floor. The 2nd fiat is well filled
with a tenant maohine, buzz planer,
small montding machine, power mortis-
er, a shaper, ;sand papering machine,
sand drum, boring machine, gig, band,
rip and cross cut saws, waning machtue,
8 emery wheels, blind slat machine, a
panel raiser and other necessary odds
and ends. The upper flat will be devot-
ed to furniture and the undertaking de-
partment. The principal lines of furni-
ture will be bedroom suites, sideboards
and tables.
The business is well managed, Thos.
Smith looking after the mechanical de-
partment, Oliver Smith being business
manager and R. Malcolm having full
control of the furniture and undertaking
department. They aro all practioal men
having from 20 years upwards of experi-
ence. Another important fact in their
favor 10 that they have good banking and
business oonneetion and will do well' in
their new location. About 80 hands are
employed inside and outside of the fac-
tory during the summer months and it
is expected that a regular staff of 14
Hien will bo kept. Tho firm is very busy
now finishing work for new buildings in
Mosley. In the job is 10 counters (151
feet) and 275 feet of 10 foot shelving.
Smith & Malcolm have putobasen all the
pine lumber from Amout Bros., Van -
stone Bros., of Brossol0, and Gibson, of
Wroxeter, about 50,000 worth in all. A
new brick ven00red cottage, 20x33 feet,
two stories high, has boon built for Oli-
ver Smith south of the factory and 'a
similar dwelling will probably 110 erected
north of the factory for the senior morn'
newstable will also
bar of the firm. A
bo pat up. We fool sato 111 predicting
that this business will prove ono of the
boat industries in tho town. This makes
tho sixth mill built by tho Smith firm.
Local News Items.
00)I1l1N10ATr0N from James Buyers
is crowdofl ant of this lento.
COMPORTAMM house, conveniently sit.
noted, to rent, Apply at Tutt Pos9 Pub..
liehing Roam.
'Zona choice of a large can of Woman's
Buttoned Boots, worth 52.00, for 51.00
per pair. Amis Goon. 2-
B43e BALL. --A junior baro ball team,
the "Stare,' went to Gorrio on Tumidity
afternoon and played a match with. the
junior club of that plana Our boys Had
tho gam0 all to thonrselvcs as far as the
victory wan concerned. With tho ox
°option Of the 2nd innings for 1110 Monte
to&mt who they of 7, thou scoring.
not far from wlbtl r,9 r,8 anyinnings.
Tho =salt of the gonna Wag 14 to 21 in
favor of Brussels. Tho following is tho
Waite, IC, 0. GCltnt11 it, 0,
11, Mase 5 1 Jas. M0Garth.,. 1 5
T, Noss 6 a R, Wiggins ...... 2 4
IL. Thomson " ° P. Ayers.., 1 4
Tall -Anthem 4 n D.y'e.ilahey 2 "
J,7MI'Noughton 2 2 W. Tourtga .., 1 .t
O,firewar " 5 W. Stinson ...... 4 n
L..7aokson ..,,1 4 G.Youngo 1
W. mos 1 4 A,Boyd 1 'L
E. Garry 1 5 A. W01110 10 1 13
Totals..,..,, 21 27 Totals..,,,,... 14 g7
inning,- 1 1 3 4 5 0 7 8 0
Brnaasls ...
..... 01 4 3 1 X 4 0 8 0 --'el
Gordo 0 7 1 1 1 3 0 1 0- 19
W. Staub, Umpire; (3. Wiib0O, e0oror.
Tho return nlat011 will likoly be played
next Tuesday ottoman on Victoria
Square, 131100010,