HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-7-20, Page 8A COOLING GE's your Binding Twine before it is 1011 gone. B. Ge.1:rr. ! I Tue frame of Itobt. Armstrong's rlwoll- hg wits ridged this wick. It will be veneered with brick. 1 Lear Tuesday evening ire ]rid a call from Bro, Nash, the six or seven foot editor of the Gorrie Vidotte. l:xmat value in Crockery and U1ass. ware. bluest white Granite Sets import- ed 82 at Thomsons, 47. NoTEnzann, letterheads, ouvrIopes, hill. beads, statements, tags, fie. supplied at obese prices at Tiri Pose 1'abiiahing House. TUE Lneknow Sentinel says : Deputy I)istriet Grand plaster Bro. Wade, of Brussels, paid an official visit to Old Light Lodge here on Thursday evening last. After the lodge meeting the mem- bers adjourned to the Cain Rouen, whore n splendid spread was prepared for than, nud for a few hours a pleasant time was agent. Tile "mild, gentlemanly" etyla of the editor (?) of the Budget in his references to old residents of this place stamp him as a blackguard of the meanest type who will stop alert of nothing in attempting to carry his point. Ile is Dotting his own throat, however, more effectually than anybody else can do the work far him. Keepat the "good" work Mr. "Sinudget" you're doing, well and your character is not a debatable subject. Tux ten'.lppolle Vidette goys : The Rev, A. T. Belt, M. A., who is tempor- arily in charge of St. Joins church here, has been asked to accept the pastorate of St. Mary's Mission Church, in the city of Detroit, Mich., at a salary in excess of his present income. But while grateful for the offer, and recognizing that the parish of St, Mary's offered nn exceed. ingly attractive field of labor, he has felt 1t his duty to decline and remain at his past in Harriston, Ont„ to which he purposes retaining its August. War Ir Is DONE. -Sir, allow me through the columns of your paper, to state that the article in the Budget of last week, and especially of this week, in reference to myself and my boy, who un • fortunately, by accident, as I believe, and as I think every other unprejudiced per- son believes, was the means of his com- rade and the son of my friend, losing his life, are a tissue of falsehoods written for no other purposethan to prejudice people against me. His object in trying to blacken the boy's character is only for the purpose of getting it slap at me. Bespectfully Yours, Brussels, July 19,'88. F. S. SCOTT. Base BALL Flostour.--The Gorrie Vi- dettte says : "In one of the backwoods townships of this county are two small villages, who in the happy days gond by, were famous for baso ball playing. One bright May day when the sun shone out in all be glory, the American motto, "In union is strength," appeared to strike both villages at one and the same time, so on May 21st the twain were made one and the ceremony was duly published in the local paper. The next move was to get something on which to display their strength, so a team was imported from Toronto and as the grass falls before the mowing machine so fell the Torontos be- forethis mighty combination. Shortly after this glorious and never to be for- gotten victory, a challenge was received from the saucy little village of Brussels, which was accepted out of courtesy, and the day for the match arranged, The day appointor dawned bright and clear hulas the time for the game thew near the sky became cloudy ' Did it rain ? No. What happened ? Echoes answer. "Unions salted I"' What about the game last Tuesday, Bro. Nash ? I evesrxexrxox•-Last Tuesday forenoon a Magistrates Court was held in the Council Chamber before A.. Fluter, 11. McFadden, Reeve MoCraokeu and Jno, MoCrae, J. P.'s, to bear the evidence in a charge preferred by Tames Wilson against Kenzie Scott for feloniously shooting his son, Thomas Wilson, on Monday after. noon, 9lh inst.. The following witnesses were subptened :-Samuel Smiths, Mrs. Howe, Miss Howe, Bert Gerry, David Ross, jr., David Ross, sr., and Dr. Mc- Kelvey, who gave about the same evil. deuce as was reported in the last iasee of Time Pose, Jas. Boyers w•as called and stated that he did not know anything about the case except heresay. Mr. Wil- son then said the reason he had called Mr, Bnyers was because he talked so much about what be know nothing of and he wanted to show him his folly by bring- ing him to the Court that it might teach him a lesson to be more careful about spreading false reports in the future. To show how the cloven foot was exhibit: ed and a desire to influence, if possible, the magistrates, the officious editor of the Budget handed in the following note : "Thera are already two reports about the gun, the accepted one being the -6 it lodged in the gate. Ca1]Erneet Gerry, who was by when Kinsey related it fall out of his ]rand. It will be in the interests of jus- tice to hear all parties. This makes three o0easio0s,-Jr••Nx1Ns." The witness was called and, in subetmee, he said, "I went up with F, S. Scott to his house. Jenkins had been questioltug Kine and telling min that the charge could never have hit Toni with the gun in the posi- tion be said. I{ins oammeor:ed to cry and said sonothing about it falling down after it was discharged," Shame on any pan who would cross-examine any child in a similarpoeition and try to make him quibble, It is none too mean for Jenkins, though, Mr. Wilson asked permission lo address the Court. Ile said :-"I opposed a coroner's inquest and post leortent but on hearing so many false reports I tiouyh it bettor to have 00 in- vostigation. I saw F. S. Scott and he was quite willing but Dr. Graham aid ant 010 his way clear to take the declara- tion so F'ilday and I decided that tine was the next best way. I have no vin - dilative feeling abort MO as I have not a better friend fn Brussels than Finlay Scott. I beliove, although there is no evidence to batik 11 up, the gun had been pointed in fun, no thought of it going off being entertained, as it had been tried so many times without affoot. The result of this investigation will place an official document on record that will shut the mouths of fools who were too ready to spread reports before finding out whether there was any berth in Brom or oat." After considering the evidence 3lessrs. McFadden, Hunter and McCracken agreed on dismissing the case. ]sir. itic- (7rue was satisfied a Grand Jury world not entertain the ease for an instant but would like the opinion 01 the Co. Attorpey on the circumstantial evidence of the 0000, In this the Court acquiencerl and an adjournment fora week WAS the re. belt. 11500 hail was accepted lir the ep- pensetece of Konek' Scott, anil refreehing,Ac.i.l Beverage is quickly i spade by addling water to a small gun. ---tity of - LIME -FRUIT RUIT JUICE nhicit we are pow [tiering for sale of the -- l,r:t drake. ifs ahai CITRATE OF MAGNESIA slrich ie also very healthful. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, and Fancy Goods Renter, llrussele. NO REMEDY gives such universal Satisfaction see the ('Oi'OII REMEDY manufactured in Seaforth, called y`4 - LUMSDEN & WILSON'S-- Glycrrat<Ed Balsam of 'Tic4° µ'4•P1 R'a'A( ��.,>%�'�Vn�i'Dnt, Its wonderful virtues have created a demand for the Preparation from all parts of the Province. Druggists sell it, Price .e0 ets. 17 -Oros. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 90OTIIMIN ESTL'N510(1, NC. 0. & B. B. Trains leave Brussels Station, Hort one south as follows: - Going South. (.oing\orth. Wait 7:00 a.m.Mixed9.01 :30 a Lxpresa.....11:45 am.I Mail9:Cli p.m Mixed 8:55p.m. I Express 9:45 p.m A chiel's among ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. HurrEST apples. BAIN is very badly needed. WIIAT about our civic holiday, FLAB pulling commences next Monday, FALL goods are already coming to nand, Jsnsnr Ice Cream on Saturday night. A. Goon,. 52 ContronTASLn house, conveniently sit- uated, to rent. Apply at Tam Post Pub- lishing house. Tam young "gaffers" have been having a regular circuit of birthday parties for the past week. Ten Cheapest let. Adam Coal sells Soap at a peuny a bur and gives clothes pins for nothing. 2 - Torn choice of a large ease of Women's Buttoned Boots, worth 82.00, for $1,00 per pair. ADAM Goon. 2. Tim roan pony belonging to F. S. Scott presented him with a fine "Carlisle" foal last Saturday morning. Tun Salvation Army held their service on Tornberry street, at the Queen's hotel corner, on Wednesday evening. Salem & Meteor» are hard pushed with work at their planing mill. They are rushing out material for Chesley just now. le is stated that an example will like. ly be made of several business men who are violating the terms of the Early Clos- ing Bylaw. Looms Ross played cricket with the Listowel team onThursday of this week against the Hamilton junior eleven. He is a great lover of either the bat or ball dub. WE received a copy of the Annandale, Scotland, newspaper from our former townsman 3110. Robertson, who is giving instructions on dairying in the land of the heather. War. Bnres, of Toronto, hes prepared a beantifot lithograph of the new Ontario 1 Parliament buildings now in course of erection in Toronto. Size, 17x22 inches; price, 225o. IN the report of the promotion exemi• nations in the Brussels Ptibiic school Alex. Ross, iu Principal Sbasv's Depart. merit, should have been credited with 402 narks instead of 892. "Cemagam,"-This well known stallion, the property of George Whitely, of Sea - forth, will be at the Central Hotel stables, Brussels, on Tuesday nights and will re- main until 11 a.m. Weddesday during the season. 47.4 TALL FLAN. -James Sharp, .5th line, Morris, brought a sample of flax, pulled from bis 3 acre patch, to our office on Thursday morning that measured over 4 feet. Mr. Sharp says flex will be a tip-top crop. Le our report of last 'week of delegates to the Grand Lodge A, l:'. & A, M. we spoke of "Grand" Master Grant, it should have read Worthy Master. We make this correction as our hair -brained contemporary will likely comment 011 our error. Watch for it, Miss Menem McNArn met with an ae- oident last Saturday afternoon that might have bad serious results. She was light. i11g a coal oil stove a1 G. A. Deadman''' residence and while holding the burning match in her hand hot apron and dress ignited unknown to her and quite a hole was burned in these articles before elm got the fire out, Tourreser 1Nr,-Tho COntmrttec name Thursday, August 1110 as the day fixed for tilt base ball tournament in Brussels, fo addition to base ball, arrangements aro being made to have a number ono lacrosse match fora purse of money, Further particulars will be given after the meeting of the Committee on Friday •evening of this week, A 3110101:N "collar" is what men have been known to wear for the sten of ex. pressions such as the Budget man find: room for in ]lis Iast Wee concerning the shooting accident, No one with a spare of manhood about him would with snob evils to befall any man's family as he hoped for. Isis aptifndo at quoting Scripture bas a totdenoy to remind one Of what is recorded int 1e 11th chapter of Matthew, where the devil had the pro - adoption to shote Ficripttn`e even ,o the 1 aviour, THE BRUSSELS POST Pix Tone mire Manilla Binding '!'trine at 13. (1111111'0. Is. Golsen:es fouled Manitoba Flour for sale At '1 pelrfi"N's. 44. W. 1•'. Kelly commenced gravelling in the village this week, Beene IDemos made the catch of the clay at Listowel on Wednesday. ANY quantity of fresh lime at the hill, lirussele, for 11 cents is bushel, W, F, KELLY, Prop. 1). LOWERY and then aro away in bluer tide weals finishing a school linnet: and building a dwelling, 11. N. BABBBT'r wan called to rlluevala on Wednesday afternoon to attend the funeral of his little nephew who vvas drowned its the mill pond there last Mon. day. Wo. VANsroKe brought to our office Met 'Wednesday a sample 1)0111011 from his wheat field of a Michigan variety of wheat. The Reade were well filled end the whole field is ready for the sickle. Mr, Vanstone expects a good yield, VAxI,Aunnl.--'TTWO ]aches were ob- served last Monday evening in the ceme• tery helping themselves to bowers placed on a certain grave. Anything more con- temptible would he hard to conceive and a t'opetition of tho offence will cause their names to he published in full. Cou. A SAnnATI1 School excursion to Kinotar- dine is being arranged to take place about the 14th of August. The return fare from Brussels will be CG cords for adults and 8(1 cents for children. Arrangements ' will probably be made to have a Beatty steamer at the port for trips on the lake, The emersion will commence at Listo- wel. Further particulars will be given later. THAT 15 CENT TICKET. -The editor of the Budget attempted to excuse himself for "crying" over having to pay 15-eeuts at the promenade concert and says Cons - ley 8100 1101 -to blame as he thought a half dozen tickets had been given the Budget. And he thought right if he did for Noble Gerry says bo gave 111.15E0 and leukins had the 'gall" to come after Thies more and he is sure he gave him two more, at least. It was terribly "dis- courteous," yon know, to charge 15 ,,ends, where only rove "dead head" tickets bad been given, That 15 cents would have bought three glasses 0f -----pop, The boys know how to size up the "sporting" editor. GARNET, second son of Geo, L. Cooper, had one of his legs broken and the other badly bruised by being run over by the hose cart last Monday evening. A num- ber of boys were assisting the firemen in hauling the Dart from the river to the Ball after practice. When nearly op- posite the Queen's hotel Garnet, who was running along with the boys, stumbled and fell and before be could get out of the road the right wheel of the Dart ran over his legs. The little fellow was im- mediately pinked up and eared for. The wonder is that accidents of this kind do not occur more frequently, It would bo a good idea to keep small boys off the ropes altogether. - PEorLE WE KNOW. --It is reported that John Mo]erlane, who went to California last fall, will return to Ontario before long, as the "golden" state has not come up to' his expectations. -Miss McKay, of Cranbrook, has become one of our mei. dents and will keep house for her bachelor brother, A. M., for the present, -Mise Walker, of Ottervilie, was in town for a day or two laet week. -Mise Mina Pelton and cousin, of Attwood, made a short visit with Mrs, R. G. Wilson. -F. W. O'Brien, our popular V. 8„ returned from a visit to Toronto, Beaverton clad other plaoes last week. -Mrs. T. Webber re. ceived word of the decease of her father on the 18th of last month at Cornwall, England. --Willie Armstrong has boon visiting his sister at Luoknow,-Dolly Bmker and sister are away at Zurich for a holiday visit. -le. S. Flays and J. W. Shaw spent Sunday in the County Town. -Ryall Pelton and Miss Bertha Green, of Woodstock, were visiting relatives in town this week, -Walter Coats was in town this week. Ho has been up to the "Soo" bet wan not greatly taken evith that burgh.-Mrs.Ferguson and children, of Teeswater, are visiting friends in this locality. -J. H. Young expects to leave for Winnipeg in the course of a week of so. He goes to the meeting of Grand Lodge, L. 0. L., and will be away a month or more eisiting relatives and friends. -Mrs. J. Gordon and Lily and Louie Campbell, of Luoknow, were the guests of Mrs. Fletober for several days, -Mrs, Thos. Gerry and children, of To. canto, are enjoying a holiday visit at B. Grrry's.-Mies Annie Sellars, who has been engaged as milliner at Ethel, is spending part of her holidays in Brussels. -Miss hart, of Dungannon, is visiting at Adein Good's. -Mr. and Mrs. Cal. ltoun, of Hibbert township, and Air. Moore and wife, of Lockport, N. Y„ were on a visit to Thos. Moore and family this week, -3. G. Amens•, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in town. The old gentle- man has greatly improved in health, - Miss Edith Hill is holidaying at London. -C. Shand, of Detroit, opens a few days with J. W. Shaw this week. --Gordon Mooney and wife ware hone front Elsi- nore for a few clays. --Miss Hays, of Goderioh, is in town on a visit, -Our old friends Robt. Black, accompanied by his wife, of Gorrie, was in Brussels on Tues- day. He reports things "0. 19." in the northern burgh, --L. E. Wade and if.:l8. Grant are in Toronto this week attend- ing the Grand Lodge of A. F. ce A. M. -- Wm. Shaw, of St. Marys, is spending part of his vacation bore. -Miss Imo Swann is away at Tooswator on a visit. -Councillor Graham will join a fishing party next week and take a holiday trip up the lakes. Our friend Graham en- joys an tinting of this kind as much as the next one, -•I. C. Richards and wife a15 contemplating a visit to Midland City, lifich.-Mrs, Marty Town talks of going to Winnipeg next week to join her husband, -Wo are sorry to hear that in all probability the geniel Mord]e Mc Lerman who has filled n position in (1. A. Daadrnan'e store for 001110 years, will leave town. Ho will be greatly missed end tho cricket ,,Lob will find sono difficulty in filling hie place. We would like to sec him remain in towns -- George Rogers wilt talta the position in J, Hargreaves' drug store held by the late Thos. SVilson.--,Visa .Ella Metcalf, of Guelph, is visiting relatives in Brussels. --blare, Grille, of Elora, to visiting hoe daughter' Mrs, Lenthordele. W. II. Mc. Donald, L, 1), 14., formerly of L'rnseole, and Robt,'.Ialbet of Wingllant, wore fn town on 'l'nesday. lite, Andraw Currie:, M„ is vis]1ieg nt St. Johns, Ont,._ Mrs. orrison and son. of London, are the 'meds of W. .i1. Wilson. -1 re. iiteven 1)r0w0, of London. is 5(01(lug her parents at present. BERT hfAehinn Oil and Binding 'twine at B. (llolm'e. 48. Ax excursion 10 the fall:) -under the 01,1.1)0,-11 of the' 1'brcest, re will take place 11 Friday of this week. Thu return fare to 02.90. The train le0800 Brussels at 7:02 a. n1. and leaves the ''falls at 9 p. nr. (61[10, Or T1ANas. - Through the niedinm 14 Tin, 1',,'r 1 beg to tender the heart- felt 10aulca of buy family purl myself for the syntprtthy and kindness manifested to us by the people of Brussels and vicinity derhig the MIs heavy triltl we swore called to enelm'o. Bruseels, July IS. ,T sSins WILSON. A Ono, LTNurisr•.--The following letter w5s mailed 111 lleyrnut north of Palestine an ,luno 20th, received here on July 11)111. Among other things it may show that girls under twenty years of age in Syria nee not meal behind girls in Brussels, We print the letter, melting no cerree- tions either in spelling or composition The letter was put in English by Mrs. Bowie's helae, ns Mrs, Howie knows no English nt all and for that matter the pastor of Enox uhurob knew no ]English at twenty }stars of age, The number of yentlg girls'in Brtresels who can translate and write JO Arabin Mrs. ILnvle's letter eanuot be very large and those who can rewrite rt in ltrhrew will probttbly be smaller still. This clearly sheave that wherever Christianity prevails education is in the ascendant and equality of the sexes is recognized es a mo•al, social and religions truth and duty. ST1111, 111.11tol••1•, Jt•\i' earn. lir Pnenors Sox, 1 have received your letter with groat pleasure as it was since a long time 1 cid not hear from you. I WAS rather vexed tis )fou are not able to come this year and it is a great disappointment after wait- ing eight years and net able to see you this year. I do greet you to so Tier uncles for having this now pe.sition we do ask God to give you grace tobo able to serve hint se fnUf1I1 ilia work se bring you save to us as it will be then my greatest joy as whole have Ion earth but thee my dearest son. I an always thinking of you. Thank you very much as you sent to Mr. Summer to give mo as much money as I need but I did not take any as I an not noody except to see you, Can I hope for next year now to see yon I cannot tell I have to task you first if you would not change again. All your uncles are well & cousins on Satur- day your uncle Naaoom is going to Boit el-deen se after a fortnight your uncle Joseph is going to Backfin as the court is their this year, di I am going to Showir. I have received a latter from Faris in which 110 asks me to send him a cap & ho is quiet well tC flourishing. but Fad- dool since a long time he did send no letter ds his brother slid know nothing about his Doming back when it will be d: he is very xexed. M. Gergus. Himmain Mal taking the 110815 papers which you have sent to put it into Arabic in the news papers I do not know if you like it or not, but he said it does not matter. we are all very well Jr every one 10 still continuing his work. Naaoom teAmeen sent their best love to you. do write to me very often & it rejoices my heart to hear about you, now I close my letter with many kisses I remain your affectionate another bus S Flown • =o1„2v - I3awrtNs.-At Listowel, on the 7th inst., the wife of A. St. Geo. Hawldns, editor of rise Standard, of a daugh- ter. xvo.arms>rs. Fenousox--iticDoo.Lm•--At Carthage, on the 08511 of Juno, by the Rev. Wm. Torrance, brother-in-law of the bride, J. W. Ferguson of Millbanls, to Miss S. A.MODonald, of Carthage. Caarmaoa-Bnown.-In Grey, at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, on the llth inst., by Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Wm. Cameron to Mika Agnes, oldest daughter of the late Robert Brown. Womc-MoLsuemnl.-At Cypress River, ' Man., on the llth inst., by Rev. Mr. Haig, Mr. Robert Work, of Langdon, Dakota, to Miss Kate, third daughter of Mr. Donald MoLonahlin, Grey towuship, Heron Co., Ont. 71SS1D. II1tr. -In Bluevalo, on the 10111 inst., Peter Hill, aged 8 years. Sa1ALLDop.-In Grey, on the 14th inst., Jane, beloved wife of Wm. Smalldon, aged 88 years. Ilaoi,xs.-In Cornwall, P091511l, on June 18th 7hos. Barris, father of Mrs. T. Webber, Brussels, and brother to C. 13. Harris, Morris, aged 40 years. F.t,.x,x, =wows. Toronto Sept. 10 to 23. EastWawanosbl, Belgrave, 001. 9th. Provincial at Kington, Sept. 10 to 15. ':'all Shows will be held tine season as follows : Exeter on Monday and Tuesday, Oc- tober 1 and 2. 'Western, at London, from the 2011[ to the 29th of September, Clinton on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 111, '20 and 21. South Huron, at Seaforth, on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 17 and 18. (Mile/doh on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and friday, Oct. 2, 8, 4 and 5. '.5f7A.FORT212. 1VLARYy-27'1'5.,.., ' 0OBB11CPEn ceuismsresx 118111(10 801011. Fall Wheat 90 97 Spring Wheat Oats Peas Barley. Potatoes,....... 1 •l0 00 Buttery per lb I8 - 00 Riggs, per dozen - Pi 00 Apples, per bushel 05 00 IIogs, dressed 0 50 7 00 Beef 4 50 t 50 Tray 7 00 8 00 Wood, per cord,..,,..,2 SO 8 50 p '10 75 Sheepskins. mush _ 7Jti SQ41.itii ASG'C.'. 80 97 48 00 lis (10 50 00 Jur,[ 29, 1888, 00111011.0 l'Alti'i1nr,1 Y Erin[ 811:1..12, Fall Whcet 90 97 Spring Whoa t 110 97 Barley...., - - 50 00 Oats 48 50 PDAs,,. - 115 bio Battor, tuns and rolls„ .. 1;1 00 I•sggs pct d.1zen 14 00 Flom• ;me barrel i 00 00 Potatoes 40 50 /fay per tot 7 00 8 e') Fides per 10 -1 5i Salt per bid., wholesale,,,110 80 Sheep skins, cath..,.., 00 1 00 I Wool, pc1110.,.,, I8 es , l'ork................ 11 25 0 50 111 t;� 4, ark, ,,: ice'.... THEM; IS IVIONEY IN T)II;M, urRare S pare Dealing p is what Keeps Our 'len take our word as freely as we take their money. This makes trade a pleasure to Buyer and Seller. IF' YOU RAVE NOT TRIED TlI118 WAY TRY 1T NOW. No llagglilig, no pulling, no dodging, no squirming. Our prices like our Goods will stand �thie'�Sptuat�n. tlbr9 m �OMq SMwaa' I c01 codas, SMITH, BRSS LS Was the first Lucia..man from the County of IIur•on to attend Great Sale, consequently he has some rare Bargains to offer his customers. Note a few of A. R, Smith's quotations: COLORED SILK, for 75c., regular price $1.25. Black Silk at 70c., worth $1.00. Black Silk, for $1.00, worth $1.50. LOVELY DRESS GOODS, for 10e., worth 15c. NUN'S VEILING, for 15c., worth 25c. BUNTING[, in Navy, Brown and Bronze, for 12e., regular price, 25c. CASIIi`IERE, Navy Blue and Brovei, all wool, for 85e., sold near- ly everywhere for 50e. "VELVETEEN, for 25c., regular price 45c. COUBTAULDS C.BAPE, at half price. ORIENTAL LACE, in Cream and White, at half price. TWEED, all wool, at $5c., worth 50e. CORDUROY, at 45c., worth 75c. Cordiuoy, at 90c. worth $1.'35 to $1.40. WORSTED COATING, at $2.25, worth $8.00. LE 6 � Z. t � a.!� a a� t � � t:. , EAT � t OP ..- 1 4I E .ry ... .. ,r•1) ,tA .. �, .i. Wo are determined to sell all our Trimmed and 'Untrimmed Hats and have Clear Counters if Low Prices will do it. CA' �PETS, Era, ()HEAP I CHEAP In order to make things him, I will sell men's Worsted Suits for $6.75, worth $10.00 ; $$9.00 Suits for $6.50 ; a $7.00 Suit for $4.75; a lot of Men's Ocld Coats, for $.00, regular price, $6.00 ; Odd Vests for .$1.25, worth $2.00, Odd Pants, Cheap 1 Cheap 1 JUST. RECEIVED mrosm, •--AND ARE SELLING . 17 Lbs, Raw Sugar for $1.00. 13 Lbs. Granula edSubarg 1 , r t Price Paid c fo tt ' & Eggs. + Tot; jj Dn. by ea a )1 x501. 1111151 and s say tl Loa p ( calla whey for Mat dents ev0a Tetlor thmr lief,) 1'Osts wan 1 11(1T11 alts 9508 was van, Aim: Noy, rogls dross nova wort tl)o 1 of subs true 1Or1. , I ih 10 n 0 rine the eons tools 1 10• 11 tions t he CUM eons trio y• the a• 1or 0 t t+ over full 11010 calf IlO 110ti WW1 brot Sash Thf ror last you h0 do. eon Ile not hole Th t Ao xt e nee to 0e Wal the for wed, en( the ton of hi 00 w Its ebe pie sY To L1 1E 730, T1 0 A T r