HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-7-20, Page 73rrry h0, 1888. THE •13 F, USSEL,S POST, ;meq My,•titegass! tthe gairagpsomaneasevant S•. or rale :RfI4Bik6Ylftl313ff entinNgnAisaiy rasion reitnactiPa ixtRiggetlanglis llanglandanH.a '1aYaL PligraktektelarelllaligM i19W IN A SEA YARN. Went Become oi'the Uap(n1n e The city fades away in the diateneo ; and then west: le down 0000 store to the dull roe, Me of a nonof•wer. 1Va experience fair winds and weather, and the noxi day uncouple the propeller and keep under Bad alone, Now comes the ideal time dear to the sailcr'e heart, wleon seated in some ooey nook ho can evoke hie pips In peaoe and epiu yerne without end. Are any of them worth recording 1 See; if you can got an old quartermeeter to talk to you you will °£'on hoer of etrango atdve:seem as wonderful ae any Clark Russell has record. ed. "I am not a believer in ghosts or super• natural appearances," says ho, "any more than you may be"—this tc me —" but a very etrauge thing happened in a ship I ono° sailed in. "Tho oapbatn was very fond of Railing— that is, of throwing the grains and harpoon, which he did well ; and if a fish Dame fairly under the martingale he rarely, if ever, missed him. One day wo had a number of porpoises oomo snorting round the ship, tearing about bolder than ever 1 saw them, and seemed to look up at the captain as much ae to say, ' Catch us if you con.' Well, he wee a spicy little fellow and didn't like any chaffing and nonsense; so says he, Inok. in at them over the quarter : Von g qd bet- ter not tempt ono too far, for I want oil and I don like to bo jeered at,' upon whioh one of them— about the biggest I over taw— pushed hie nose above the water and gave a sort of oputtoring snort, just as if he'd been laughing to himaolt, but couldn't hold in any longer and wee obliged to burstcub. Well, the captain aouldn'b stand being made a joke of by a porpoise ; so he nap: ' I'll make you laugh on the other aide of your phee fano before I'vo done with)ou, my boy.' And then ho called to the second mate, and says he, ' Jnot•bend on the line to the harpoon and I'll strike that fellow if he oemoo within reach again, if he ie the devil himself 1' Well, there was no poop in that veosol, so the oaptaia took his stand on the quarter. boat, and had his harpoon all ready, and the line coiled free and all olear for the first pole poise that came near—but especially the big black one if possible. There ho was—the mato looking at him, the man at the wheel looking at him as wail as he could while minding his course, and two men looking at him who were mending Bails, and another man looking at him as he rigged eSootchman on to the becketay, I was on deck, too, but not looking at him constantly, because I was at• tending the ship's ooureo and looking up at the ship's sails, " All of a sudden somebody sung oat, whore's the captain 7' and we all looked about and nobody aould see him ; Bo I jump. ed into tho boat, thinking ho might he got down in her for something, but sure enough, be wasn't there, nor the harpoon, nor the line, but only aboub a fathom of the end of the lino that was bent on to the standing rigging. And nobody heard any splash in the water, nor saw him strike at the fish, nor fall overboard, but overboard he oer• tainly was. "Well, wo couldn't be convinoad that he was out of the ship, so we searohed the cabin, and the 'Sween decks, and even the hold, but we never saw him again, " Well, we were very down hearted at this, and the men thoughb it a bad sign ; but that, of ooureo, I know was all nonsense However, the mato took command of the ship, and brought her into Bombay, and there most of the hands loft her ; they never were reconciled to the ship after tho cap tain disappeared, because they sued ever) night, as euro ae oight bolls struok, they saw the captain standing up in the boat with the harpoon in his hand, and heard him say: ' I'll strike him if he's the devil himself,' and then there was a snorting and n half• ohoked laughing noise in the water all around the ship, but especially under the starboard quarter, whore the captain disap peered ; and this I could have sworn I heard often enough myself. Frank Millet's Buse. Everybody has hoard of Frank Millet. He paints pictures and writea magazine articles in times of peaoe, but when a war is " on " he become a " war correspondent,' and is likely to turn up in the Soudan, the Transvaal or bhe Balkans, But there was a time when he was nob known. He sant pictures to exhibitions, to be eure, and good ones, but no ne paid any particular atteu• tion to them or said anything about them. One day he o noeived an idea. lie painted a picture of a lady in black oittiug on a brighb red sofa standing against a vivid yellow background. The effect was just a trifle atter ding. Friends who saw it in process of produobion expostulated with him, and asked what he was going to do with it. They were simply astounded when ho an. nounoed that ho was going bo send it to the exhibition. They labored with hien, but it, vain. 'They told hint that the eribioa would " wipeitho floor " with him. " They can't do that without mentioning mo," said Frank, quietly, " and they've never even done bhet yet." To the exhibition tho picture wont, It killed everything within twenty feet on either aide of et.. You couldn't help looking ab it. Ib simply knocked you down and hold you there. Tho critics got into a tow. ening paeeion over it. They wrote whole columns about it. They exhausted the Englielh language in abueing it. They ridi• puled the committee that permitted ib to bo bung. They had squibe and gibes about 11, but every time they spoke of it they mon. tioned Frank Millet. He suddenly became the bost•kuown artist in town, Somebody, became of the stir it Lad made, bought the picture at a good price, and removed it to the seclusion of his own home. When bhe next exhibition came off Frank had another pioturetready, ono of a very different sort,. andverygood, but no better than others The which had beon exhibited before, 'ilea oritios had much to say about it, and "noted with pleasure the marked improvemenb'' that Me. Millet had mado "tau evidence,' el as they modestly put it, "of the value of cribiolsm, oven though macro, to a young artist" And the majority of them never saw that Frank had simply compelled their attention by a clover brick. One Way to Tell, "Ef a gentleman say : ' Como hyart you blank scamp, en' blank mer boots, en' do hit quick, too,' I knows dab man's from down Soaf, en' he gwine to ghetto eompeet, en' moa likely a quartah.' Thus a darkey boy on a Miseiselppf ateamboat woe oxtllaining his position as to sectional proelivittea. Ifo wont on further to say : ' lel anuther gentleman gay to me, ' My dear young maid frien', will you be so kino so to blank myboots?' teat aha us i. from Greonlan a 1e mountains or gommorB yy, En' indot direotion. Dn me be ho b gwine for gimmo a John do 13aptia'—dab's one oent--' Ma mos' likely ho gwineter jistive thanks, ; g Loft a Substitute. Who hon not felt a sort of pity for the dog whioh :away!' gets We rune at the length of 0. lendingi, otring7 len:1'y one who has syetpathtza`t with the poor do,l's ouufined doudition will approelato the :laver ruse of thodog ' In the nl, ' f 1010 Y •. o 1 Jw sunt, l to 1 i g h r w l vh WO linl Ill a Vlruoturu exchange Captain Williams of the ehip,S[, Pala, ly. Ing at Croon Street Wharf, is the possessor o£ a valuable Bettor Thodeg hon lived with the oeptain's family for some years and le n most intulleg ant alhlmal, Being detected Ie. aanle ahoop worrying et home, the dog fell into disgr000, tend ae a puuishmont wee sent to aoa on the °1. Paul. The ea paten had u nice house built for him on the deok abaft the maiuunaot. Siam arriving in port, every ni,lhb the dog has beau fastened in his kennel with a Dollar at• teethed to a chain. Every evening on going on board, it has been Captain Willianh's habit to go to the kennel and pat the dog before going to bis berth. A few nights ago, on going to the kennel es usual, the captain found that a dog was there as usual, hut it did not feel to the Meech like the family setter and had no cot lar. Oaproouriog a light ho found thab a strange dog oocupled the houeu. He loft the dog tbere and retired. Next morning he found his own dog in the kennel, as usual with its collar on, looking as innocent as if it had been there all night. In the evening the cap thin kept watch, and shortly after night fall the strange dog Dame on board agio and wont to the kennel, the setter with hie paws slipped off his collar and s000ted over the gang•planlc for a run ashore, the strange dog taking his place. He returned next ru morning at daybreak, slipped on his collar, and was all ready to be patted when the skipper came out for his early coffee. Captain Williams then puoehed an extra hole in the collar and awaited developments, At nightfall the strange dog came on board again and, going to the kennel, prepared to take lei, place as usual. The setter could not get his collar off and had to remain. The doge, who were watched. had an ane mated conversation in canine, Volapuk, or some other langnagc, and then the Better re, tired to rest, while the strange dog wended its way on shore, pondering on man's inhu• manicy to dogs, and sorry that its newly made friend could not go and "run" in the company of the select coterie of doge that nightly gather on the see•wall and adjacent wharves. B.ow the Buds Build, At the season when birds are building their nooto, it is an interesting chapter of natural history that tells us how they make their homes, From the observations of an English writer these facts are gathered. Scarcely any bird is more wary than the wood pigeon at other times, yet in the spring, he says, there are generally half•n•drzon nests in tho most exposed places near his houses while the old birds sit tamely, and apparently devoid of all fear, oloae to the windows. Tho mieeel•thruah forma its neat in the apple trues close to the house. Its nest, although large, issocarefully built of material resembling in color the bark oe the true, and is made to blend itself ea gradually with the branches as to show no distinct outline of a nest, and to render the nest very difttoult to dieoovor. The wren always adapts her nest to the color and appearance of the surrounding foli ane. In a beech hedge near the house, is whioh the leaves of the last year still remain at the time when the birds begin to build, the wrens form tho outside of their nests entirely o1 the withered loaves of the heath, so that, large as it is, the paeser•by would never take itfor anything more than a chane collootlou of leaves heaped together. When the wren builds near the ground, she forms her nest of the long withered grass such as grows about the spot. When her nest is in a apruoe-tree, she covers it with green moss which resembles tho foliage of the spruce. Tho little white throat builds her neat an the ground, at the root of a tree or in long withered grass, anti carefully arches it over with the surrounding, herbage and to hide hot little white eggs, planes a loaf in fronttol the entrance wheuever she loaves her rest. When the partridge quite her eggs for the purpose of feeding, she covers them in the most careful manner, and even closes the path. by which she goon to and fro thrrugh the grass, The wild duck does the same, and hides her neat and eggs by Dov 0ring them with dead loaves, sticks and otheraubotanceo whioh she afterward smooths carefully over eo as entirely to oouceal all traces of her dwelling. The larger birds, whose nests ere too largo for conaonlmeut, provide for thole security by other means. A raven, who builds en a tree, Inv..riably fixes on tho one Cleat is most dimoult to climb. She makes her noel in ono whose large sine and smooth trunk, devoid of branches, Bail at de fiance the utmost efforts of the moat oxport climbers. There is ono kind of swallow whish breeds very frequently aboutthe eaves and rocks on the seashore There, It is almost impossible to distinguish rho nowt of this bird, owing to her choosing some inequality of the rook to hide the outline of her building, which fa composed of mud and alny exactly tiro name Dolor ae the rook itself She Gets Even Again, They were fond of oaoh other, very ; and had been engaged. Bub they quarrelled, and worn too proud to make it up. Ho tall• ed a fow days ago at her father's house—to see tho old gentleman on business, of course, She answered hie ring at the door -boll. Said ht—" Ah, 81138--, I believe. is your father within?" "No, air," she re- plied, "Pa is not in at present. Do you wish to see hime p rnonally 4" " Yee, miss," was his bluff response, feeling that she was yielding, "on very particular personal busi- iteoe." And he proudly turned to go away, "I beg your pardon," she palled after him as he struok the lower step, "but who shall I nay called ? He never smiled d ag • ain. Two Enterprising Jews. A peculiar trick of history is the foot that two Jews of Bagdad bought the entire site of the ancient oily of Babol, the groat capital of Nebuchadnezzar, The purohaeers are two brothereEfl'eudi, ono of whom was eleoted member of the Turkish Parliament which convened in 1878, and the other brother was for eight years a resident of Vienna, Ib fs anyhow a remarkable incident that two Jews have bcoome the heirs of the gardens of Setniram, and rho palaces of Neb. uohadnezzar, or what is left of them. Now that slavery is abolished in the val- leys of the Mississippi, Amazon and Congo, it beoomos the civilized world to make a great movement to have this scum of all the villandos put down throughout Africa, Thorn aro, of 0011090, great diddeutties in the way of each a groat work being accomplish.lisA• ed, but motor things have already been Married triumphantly through, and this ono wilt also in' duo limo be acoompliehod, and everyone w 111 pray that that due time may be 10011. SU1,1ME& SMILES. A foot note—" l.'loaso 1080 the mate' The modern ale:deten in the el:mot--The bustle et night, 1Vhenaohip "Jaye to'' is itbeeeuso ehe iso ':•liune.od sl, Anew n a n w pr ucss'hws been patented by whlon Seale Dan be male to grow plush, A young lady in Toronto is said to have had five lovers all named Samuel. nor photograph album is a book of Sams, Surto mon b000me held quite early in life, while °there die and have their will, offered for probate before their heirs fall out. Teacher—" What advantage [tad the nil Greeks over 0o, liens 7e fines (drawing a long breath)—" They did not Levu to learn Greek," The minister vainly dour squander his time while eookinc earth's evite to (heck, when ho laoturos in language, however sub- lime, to a man with a buil on his neck, Put aside your veil, my darling, Voila are useless new, my Hannah ; If you must conceal your features, Ifo it with a cheap bandana 1 "Is there any difference in the meaning of bhe words 'Dalttidai' and ' merino l' " caked Mee, McCorklo 01 Mrs. Fangio. " No," was the reply, "one is a oinnamon of the other." The man who's on the ocean, And seasick in his berth, Anhidet the storm's commotion, Is the mon thus wants the earth. Byron bhonght the greatest trial of a wo• man's beauty was in eating a soft•boiled egg from the shell with a knife. Ho never saw a Hamilton girl hanging by the feet I to a boiliug hot ear of earn. "Talk at mothers in.law and eons -in-law not agreeing," remarked Titmarah. "My mother-Belew and I agree. Sho MVO Inught not to have married her daughter, and I coincide with her.'' Mabel (a stranger in town)—" Is Maude Hcfly a girl who cares very much for style?" Mamie—"Style 1Iohouid think so. Why, they nay the affected thing eats her very male off a fashion plate ?" " This batter is really offensive to the smell," obeervcd tee two-dollar-anddehalf• boarder. " Well, whet's that got to with it ?" remarked the landlady. " Sensible folks oat butter and don't smell it," Said the little one : " Mother only or. dered one babe, but when the doobor came he brought two, and they wore soinuoh alike and so pretty that mother didn't know which to choose, and eo she Rept them both." There in no period in the career of the bustle that appeals so strongly to tba sym- pathetic gide of menet nature ae when it just roaches far enough abaft the weather board of the umbrella to catch the Bogging rain drops as they sog. There was a tramp, a graceless scamp, of cheek he had n lot; he stole each meal, and once did squeal: "A cucumber I've got 1" But in the night ho woke in fright and anguish sail to see ; he roared in pain, then did exclaim : "That cucumber's got me 1' Father—" Tommy, you should try and be a better boy. You are our only child, and we expect you to be good." Tommy—"It ain't my faulb thab I am your only ohild. et is tough on me to be good for a lot of brothers and sisters I haven't got," She knows her nose. I know she knows her nose. Sho knows I know she knows her nose, because she said, " 1 know ho knows I know my nose." seed if she said, "I know he knows I know my nose," why then of course she knows I know ehe knows her nose. The first day out : "Go into the stateroom, Maude, `Pith o weary sigh and groan, For the sea is a cruel fraud, And you're bettor far alone. Oh, run like the mischief, Maude, For your cheeks have paler grown 1" Breakfast Among the Tartars. 1 went into ono of the stone built re- cesses, where several of our Tartare were crouching round a small grass roob fire, and was considerably edified by wa'ohing thein cooking and dispatching their morn- ing repast. To begin with, a vary dirty copper vessel was put on bhe fire and filled with some green weed like nettles, barley flour and water. While one of tho men stirred this pottage round and round with a wooden Judie another produced some raw meat—a bit of the dong I had shot. This ho peeweodorl to tear up into small strips and throw then on the tire, every now and then popping a ra v lump into bis month and masticating it with the greatest appar• ont gusto. Liven the bite on the fire were quickly disposed of after being merely singed. Al soon as rho pottage was considered reedy it was ladled out into lIttlo wooden cups. like the whiskey "vuaigbe" of the Highlands, minus the handles, wbich each man produced from inside the breast of his dirty woolen coat, and gulped up from them with a prodigious amount of noise After being replenished again and again until the pot was emptied, the cups were carefully linked glean and redeposited from whence they had been taken. Another course of the flesh was about: to be partaken of after the manner of the arse, but a regard for my own appetite for breakfast prevented my waiting to see it discussed. These hardy Tartars are quite independent of any other dishes beyond their Ilbtle wooden howls, In these they mix their suttee (meal made from barley) with a little water and Bolt and make au expeditious repast of it when- ever they feel ken Indeed,this bind of uncooked porridge seems tbe their staple food.—Blackwood's Magazine. Deep Soil for Strawberries, Strn e \vb rriesi vv Il send their roots from twenty to thirty inches into the ground, if it is made very rich and well worked to thab depbh. Mulching with rotted forest leaves saves all neoreaity for watering, and: with the ground prepared and fertile ized in this manner the planta will bo sure to produce larger, more and better colored berries. This i0 not guess work, but the teaching of praotico and experience. Gross Flattery. Do Sappy : I toil you, Featherington, you have the biggest hoed— Feathoringgton : Aw, de Sappy, you flattah oro, donaherkuow. .Do Sappy : Don't interrupt, Feathering- ton—You have the biggest head on your cane I've scop this Beason. For the Year 1886 No bettor resolution en n bo made that to resist buying anyof the substitutes n io rod as "just as good" as the groat ole.cornouro—lutnnm's PainlessCornatm tor. It never fails to give eatisfaetion. Be- ware of poisonous 4os1t eating substitutes. iSelf-Tin reading Needles 1 One of bhe luteal inventions of Interest to le ifne is the new 'pothole sowing needle, whittle is to all appeal en:we like any ordinary needle, but which con be denlz aiy threaded without passing the thread through the eye, rc' a, d ls:to sim 1 i r thee e n t tYat an t sVe p P 1 th 4 It I ler• lona who aro blind have no chili Jetty in using them. They are m'td° In England by eo well known firm of noodle nhanufaoturore, nue uieely finished and finely tempered, and do not nut rho thread at many do ; they aro just being introduced hare, and sampfopeolr• eta are sunt by null to any addrose for fifteen emits by the Whiten Manufacturing "orn- pony. Toronto, Oubario, and as we know this firm to be thoroughly eolith's: and the needles not a catril penny, but a :metal and genuine novelty, we would anise our readers to scud fIm them, Alma Ladies' College. THOMAS, ONTARIO. ire Nearly 200 students in 1586. 16 gra- duates and certificated teachers in the fauut- ty. Totel expenses from 840 to $60 per term or from $150 to 8250 per year In advance including rllueic awl Trine Arts. Address, 1i. le. Austin, Prino(pal, Emperor Frederick died within thirty feet of where he was born, and at erectly the some hour of the clay. " What's In a Name"? Shakespeare said there was nothing, but there is. Would Cmonr have had such notoriety if his name had been Caleb W. Pickersgill ? Think of Patti drawing 87,000 n night tf the billboards announced icor as Jane Brown 1 The idea is absurd. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pureetive Pellets is a name that has made a record. There tiny, eu„ ar-ooated pills cure sick and bilious head- ache, bowel complaint:, internal fever and ooeeiveneso, /in—" Why is a girl of the period expo rimming her first kiss like a steamer about to leave port 1" Sha—" Well ?" Ile—" Be. cauBo she is all bustle and confusion," They "Mean Business." If any one has ever given Dr. Sage's Ca. teeth Remedy a fair trial and has not been cured thereby, the manufacturers of thab unfailing Remedy would like to hear from that individual for whom they offer ae they do, in good faith, 5500 reward for a case of nasal catarrh which they cannot caro, they mean just exactly what they say. They aro finanoialty responsible, and abundantly able, to make good their guarantee if they fail, as any one can learn by making proper enquiry. Remedy Bold by all druggists, at 50 cenbs. Before you call attention to the foot that a pig has no use for its tail, please remember that you have two buttons on the lower beak of your coat that don't button anything. A feeling of dullness and languor, Which is not akin to pain, And resembles suffering only As mist resembles rain, is often tho first indication of incipient disease. In such cases the famous " ounce of prevention " is the highest wisdom, and may be found in its moatpotentform in Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which by its wonderful blood -purifying and invig- orating tonin properties, will quickly restore the ebbing vitality, repair and strengthen the system, and thus ward off threatening Bicknel%, Its saving influence reaches every organ of the body. A young lady teacher was completely pros- trated Last week. She asked a five•year-old fel what the plural of trousers was, and the kid answered, "Pante ITCn1NO PILES. Srm' one—Moleturo ; intense itching and alleging; most at night ; worse by scratching If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed sed oleor ate, becoming Very Boro. SwAYNo'e 01a'ruarrr stops the aching and bleeding, Beale ulceration, and ,n many oases removes the tumours, It le equally Mit onafone in curing all skin diseases, DR. SWAYNE 0- SON Proprietors, Philadelphia. SWAM'S OmrnaoT can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 00 ciente. " I say, old man, can you tell me what is the first present mentioned in the Bible 7" "Give itup." "Why, Eve preoented Adam with a Cnin, stupid," Whenever your Stomnab 0r Bowels get out 0f or der, cmhelog Blllononeen. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion and their attendant evils, bake al once a dose of Ent Corson'e 8tomaat Blttors, Bost family medicine 111 Druggists, 10 nonny A Core for tnned:Anness. The opium habit, dopsOmanta, the morphine habit nervous prostration caused by the use of tobac'0o, wakefulness, mental dem-anion, softening of the brain, eta, premature old age, loss of vitality caused by over•oxerblon of the brain, end loss of natural strength from any cause whatever. Men—young, old or middle aged—who aro broken down from any of the above causes, or any0000e nolmaationed above send your address and10 contain stamps for Lotion's Treatise in book form, of Damara of Stan Books sent sealed and secure from observation. AuidresoM. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington street Sad Toronto, Ont, In the street oar c Old gent—" Confound it, air, that'll my Dorn you stepped on." Young Tough—" Course it is, old ehappie. You wouldn't bo kiokin' so if it was any- body else's," Consumption Surely Cored. To rue Myron ; Plonee inform your renders that I have a poeltive remedy for the above named dice oath. By ite timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been pom:anently owed, I shell be glad to gond two bottles of my remedy 0080 to any of your readers who hove consumption if they will send me their Express end P. 0. address, Respectfully, Dn. T. A. Wenn, 37 Yonge St„ Toronto put, Irate Student—" Don't you ever sweep under the bed, I'd like to know ?" Calm Chambermaid—" I always do. I prefer it to a dust pan," this I Oouan Ouas cures in one mli nee, The secrets of life are not shown except to sympathy and likeness,—[Montaigne. People who are eobfnan tc bud breath, fool onto tongue, or any dleordor of the Stemnoh, on,, at one be relieved by tieing Dr. Carson% Stomach Bitten: 01 old and tried remedy. .Ask your Druggist. Tho latest wrinkle in manners is this ; To show great politeness, advance one step and bow ; to show the merge sentiment, draw beak a stop and bow. O1NaAt.0BR HAIR Renown, restores 000 and 1030d hair to its natural actor and prevents falling oat, A, P, 406. KNITTING[ ge own, Oi,t.,MACHINES etd 807.Dailr1onnlklGAidnt Co" Ter o, PATENTS A EATS Foorgu10—e11RtOvmobee0,ToOo CANOES. mi. 0hiVG0X51IIl, oterrb,oro, Ilnt, AGENTS WANTED—t 00t01LIi" ileum Il'nshel'. Address Iii tl. t`itltltl8, 81 Chnreto St, Toronto. SELF -THREADING NEEDLES.aRaANovTx4' eitd Out I CnatalWy threaded atithottt passing thy, rid through the eye. Agents coin. Money Sentare them. Snm r o pnoket by malt IOe, dozen packets 8100• tiVhltnfiilinn,utlictnringCo,,Toronto,✓ 511. Young Men SUFFERING from the dieing Of early 0011 habits, the it roothit of Ignoranoe and lolly, who find themselves weak, ne,vou rind exI' i ted; alsolt m \ e n le t the [toe and 01,0 htRN who are bloke clown from the abuse or overwork mud lu n d i 1 adv hoc to foal the erg08, V nemn' T eatise o exeoga, gond tor nod The M. v. Guhon's Treatise on Sha Diseases of Slen. The book will bo eentwealed to any address on receipt of tweet,. reams. Address i M. V, LUBON, Wheaten St et, Tante, 001, nines era+. 117 ~ft , ourhgund For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. UR ES Nervous Prostratien,Nervouo [deed. ache,Nouralgia, NervouaWeakeess, „Stomach and Liver Dioceses, and all affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC Gaonoa W, 1000x000, IraoroOnn, CONN„Myer ' For two years' woo a end,mir from nervone de. baliy, and I thank God and the dise0vomr of the 11.001.01e nenedy that PA100'e 171'.Lhntr GonrocNa Mosel me, J1 100 a valnnblo remedy. Long may it li0' Let any at:01%71h, t0 me 100 advice” AN ALTERATIVE. AL oNNO 00 10'n% Mumma, Vr., says; 0eieve6R0jLiui'nwrnnNn mot myIlfetrouble My an Internal Minion O0f el used or u eL''1h ear/met with an emotion from "head to inch" The our conn is better every yewliyg, and I urn five hundred our caul. Latter avert way." A LAXATIVE. A. 0. Baan, Worm Riven JuNOT10N, VT., says: For two yearn pmt I have biro n great sufferer Stem kidney and liver troubles, attended with dye prrvia and etw,tlnatlnn Serun, 1 began Is take ('1n.Enx COxe:nrvn it neom,,l as though ererataing ailed me, Now 1 Can say rmth,g oils mo. A DIURETIC. 010 ,0E Anaorr, 010ox Orn. Iowa, nays: "I have been tieing PAINE's Oar awr Cotmoorsn 5nd 11 has done me more ,,nod fur kidneys and brae hack than any other medicine 1 Levu over taken. hundreds of testimonials have been received from persons who Lova nerd thin remedy with remarkable benetlt. Senator circular. Poke 51.00. Sold by Druggist', WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors Montreal, Que. w + P001110.1. I730a week nnd5s-pponce. yyt611 R pnld. Ya:uable outlet and psr1Maine °.F"S rroa.r'.O.YTCn',RS2'Y. A,,gootr.. Maine lids O 451 1"t*7 T6 oloy..Y on khrnosa Lowest 1clkd, 000 IOL" G. delay Oorros(R, Financial cial . g:l, a E.D. I72 Ir ae-ot Financial _a. J:'nhrtp,�hed 1000. 72 Iiing•at. E„ Toronto. GANGERCU@E, Q8, thouSePhoitr,tamp. 200 for pamphlet, W. L SMITH, M.D.,124 Queen E.,Torenlo. AGENTS WANTED EVERYwHEItC ir, the Dominion favour IT,use- hoid Spadaltioe. Address Te:sox Bros, Taror. CO, Mt TEE R0111nt ESSPECTCOR and Intliar- once Cempauy el (1500,0* Oonoulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents. TORONTO. G.O. DAUB Chief Engineer. A. Fatima Seo'yTroar. ,a NY FARMER W110 D71I05 HIS WIFE out to the barn to hold bogs liana be too moan to buy the •' Dourly " Patent Bog Holder, which will loot a Walloon, oon, and costs only 710 Sold by '010010. Terri. tory still open. C. W. ALLEN it CO., "World' 10011tH:, Tonto. SAULTER BROS , Roofersr Felt and Gravel up 28 ADELAIDE E., TOROITO. Estlmstee given. Country work a opecialty, TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS WE Inc unexcelled Baffles for the SALE or ESOIIANGE of Newspaper offices. Terns, one per Cont. 8at'sfaetdon gtmrauteed. RO`We have now Poor good establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary Publishing Company, 80 and 85 aerate:, St. \V.. ..-._-- _.....-.._—.._........ Toronto, Ont. 10000 PRESENTS TO FIRST APPLYING, WHILE THEY LAST 10'e will send by Malian ap- propriate gift to rnch maiden, wife, mother or cook—ono to a family—who will try the BREAnMAIER'S DAMN POWDER C'nt rho red circle from the label and send it in a letter t 11im* hone.:4 opinion after fair trial. Kithvrn G, 10or25 coat sloe will secure the gift. Any grocer or storekeeper knows where to ,.041 t if naked :or by you.—A,6[resa— =C1111ROBILL 71 00•;TORGNTO 7' H. WILLIAMS & CO..1ati:e1t ROOFERS alANr10000,'l1000 ANI, ni0Lx111110 10,0110110 't, S'.a'er.' Felt, Dtnmnmg 11,lt, u trpet Paper, Ihdlding Paper. leo. ane Pitch. Duni Tar, 'Ake timvol 11111re 1 4 Adelaide tit. Poole, 'Termitic,. dY 44 LPG [realness College, Guutru, Our.— U(' This pop •rlar lnetItntlon, now in Ila 401 Year, 0 do.ng a grand work far the education of young rue n and w•nmco in those bran 'hos, a knowledge of will eh a so essential to the intelligent asd 81100es01111 mom silent of prnetiea' affairs. its graduates are every a here riving signal proof of the thoroughness of lhei training, and bearing grateful testimony to the monetmy value of for 000000 of study. The emery Annualelreetar, giving full information, will no 0000 ad tree, Addrsas M, eincOoeo: ,o, Prinolpai. d-Y.AW.6DA 61111PPr00 00,•—Beaver Line of QJ SWamsldpe, salBn, weekly) between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, 111 50 an. 0 U according , 00 d 80 , lert o,, taccom mod. ttio and teer- media,to steamer and tickets, Good Steer inoo Rounde,KR; Round trlpPue,ro. particulars 520• 01 000 trip irtt s, Sa, For . 10, further pa0,00' end. to Racers births, apply w H, Lr`, M onRAY, r tothGenera. Leen,A oCunom offer nt Too'Montreal,or. the Leen! Aeera,iu the different Towne and owes. Safes 0 1R AND B [MOLAR PitvU b ' and ' Doors kekeptconetaruG'y M in stock. A number of Seoond•hand +apes at low prlves. J. a& J. TAYLOR, Toronto Safe is'orks. WESTERN MAGUINERY DItPOT MJIEl•'SE STOCdddlK ofo11Ma77c11hiieeryyto Select from. Send for Lista. II. W. PETRIE. Brantford, Ont. AGENTS: AGENTS: OUR AGENTs Ma:nieo0nb Paralleil Bfble withrnw'e Popular "Hletoryof Canada," Clough'e Platform Echoes," Dorchester's "Liquor Problem;' Sam P. Jones' "Living words," G'Touhe tt"eaPnhhna,d" MAKE MONEY Shadow,' "Mother, Home and llnaven," oto , Popu- lar Books 1 Liberal Tonne I Write for Wanders, terms oto., to Wmt,A0, Barras, Publisher Toronto. BEAVER LINE of 5 e`EAIISIIPS, —SAMNA wnkaLr eRrwaeN— MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, 810, 850. 800. Return 930, 500 3110. Intermed ate. 1110. Steerage, $20. Apply to H. E. MURRAY, General Nonager, 1 Custom Nouse Square, Montreal. DELAYS ARE .O DANGEROUS. Don't wait until you are burnt ootorrobbed, buy a Sate now and sleep easy and be aura and get price', eta., of ole New Champion Safe. 5 5, KIMBALL. 577 Craig S „ P 0. Box 04.0, Montreal, P. q, Stai ed Glass FO11. CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. i'GAUSLAN D & SON 76 king Si. W., Toronto. DYEING AND CLEANING.. R. Parker & Co. Works and [toad °likes : 759 TO 783 YONGE ST. 8110 Yong° Street, City OMoos: 1070 Queen R. West, }TORONTO. 220 Queen Sb. East, lIIJJJ 100 Colborne Street Brantford, Ont. 4 John Street North Hamilton, Ont. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax overesetlirday to Llt erpo 1, and 1n sum• mer from Quebec every Saturday to Llvepocl,unlling at Londonderry bo 1411,1 nadir and pasaengars for Scotland and Ireland : oleo from Baltimore, vin Hall fax and St. John's, N. N„ to Llvarponl tort"Ightiy during Bummer months. The Meanie •o of the Glas- gow Iowa 0011 during winter to and from Baltfax Portland, Boston and Philn'olphin; and duriug sato mor between Gln'gnw end Montreal weekly, Gine. gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phlladob phla fortnightly. For freight, passa;e or other information apply to A. Schumnnhor en 0o., YoAtimoro •,0. Cunard is Os., Halifax ; Shoo a 00., 80. John's, Nfld., Wm. Thomp son Sr Oo., St. John, N. B.; Allen A Oo., 01 Poaggo Love Is Alden Now York ; H. Itoruller, Termite • A11nng, Rao a bo„ 0:r Moo• Wm, Brookte, PLiladeh phis ; H. A, -Elle,, Portland, 13o0tIn, Montreal. Toronto Go sc I roor of Musi- c a011gp 600 PUPILS FIRST SEASON 50 TEAS°ERS n Vtrt,,oO al ldcporlments ofMusa, tm, ht mbeginnintingruh,ndun, including plann, vocale ; t o i I11sl ,in t g ro nY , mai CtertilliettiOn rindI 1donits. Tuition, ,an dapr term t, 01 1private,instruction, lt 1l fY n at any nteri only oLLed Von�y0Rmnen1 f providedAMEN Akla miens, no000. odtalrooymyrgagftwliaotonn ,atba ooapplication. Thum ng tirnbearingorres ,Rt 11 nt1 y minuted tint all correspondence (Ot She Ca0enrtvnloryrid ,0so,l EDWARD FISHER, »,rentor Co,. Vongo Street end wino" hyo Ti)RONTO, rune greatest dia- l. of rho ptenant age for Roam y n.\rixa Tito BOwRte 'AN0Ountxa A01711110, 0, Liven AK, KI,NRV ConewArNTo A Per• sect [hood Purifier, A Pew in 17auflton who hMVO been beno0tted by its 000 ; Mrs SL Itoena , 102 Robert SS, oared of Itryelpo• 48 of 2 years' stand. Ing • Robert Cornell, 24 South St, dao4h• tar of Epileptic Fite after six years' ri 1 s na r - na, hunts Biro1 b[ Mout t. o, ea 01 anknoea'and Lung o; John od,05 Orthoarb St ,ourod d9 1dver .eomdnlnt end , end oiey tkroo 8 llttdut bottles ; Mrs, J. Dont, Auguete Sb, tumbled for yearo with Nervous t1n,twe smallbottlesgrangrn e0.0014ntt04.&tut,. 0A0G1te? &0Proprletlere SL2a Second - [land Recycles and Tricycle:. Send for List. Now Catalogue eady In April. MONTREAT,. CONROY'S CAREIIARE TOPS Have 011 the latest improvements, and are unequalled for durability, style and oouvenienoe, The lending earringo buitelero soil them. ASK FOR 711050 and BUY NO 02I1E1e, IC!JR FIT�i , f . .pr, I When I say Cuba 'donut mean merely to stop them for atitno, and then havethem ro- turn again. I Name A Re.DIGAI, CGIBE• I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY' or FALLING SICKN,T13ff, A.1110 long study. I WAR:RAN ' my remedy to Conn the worst eases. license Otl10r0 Have failed is no reason fomoothowrocelV7o now neuro• send atone61otatreatlsoand arnbr orynu °f m INpALLraab Roeta0Y. Givey .xpress and rest Otnoo, It costs yon nothing 1010 a- trial, and it will cure you. Address br, H Os 11008 87 Menge St, Toronto, Out. Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Spe01Bo hoe boon used for the pas. Rftoon years with groat suooe00, InOn tri etneent al ery w Debility,and ant dteeasoo arioln from ex. N o0 g eeseot, overworked brain, 0040 of vitality, tinging In the oare, palpltablen, eta. Pot sale by nn dritgglots, Prloo41 per box, ore boxes Mr 31, or will bo sent by mai en rseelpt of pr100. Pamphlet MS applientled WEE GRAS.' MFDICIN.iI CO.. tremolo.