HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-7-20, Page 501 1,
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' .1'13 LY 18, 1888,
listir'trt Cletus,
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I'rA'1'AI. Acell'im r'' --1 sad aceideot which
terminated fatally, happened in Ilowkk
township, as tho (tondo lodgo of Orange-
man wire on their way to the nelehratinn
in Listowel. When about 2 intim out of
Gorrio, (loorgo (lrce•, t111rd son of Sam•
sol Groot', a well known resident of How-
lett, with two young moo attempted .to
pass Llm ledge oil tine road, In doing en
driving tools
• A dli 1
la was ( a which 1
the illi 1 t,
fright and bolted., throwing the occupants
of the buggy out. Young Grim frill upon
hie head, !roaming his skull. .110 only
lived a few horns after the aceidofht. - IIo
was a young plm of about 18 years of
ago, and won held in ]sigh edam by all
who know ham. Hie 'sod death caused
sleep sorrow Among tho mombors 'of
llorrio loll!(., whoss pleasure in partici.
pating in thb celebration was consider-
ably marred by this entromoly unfortun-
9,,te oeonrrenc0.
1Lioto W ("1.
The editor of the Standard will .laws
to run .an extra column advertisement
this year. For the moon spa birth
13. ltotltwoll. Principal of. tho Public
School, and Mrs. Bothwell leave this
wook for Douver, : Colorado, when they
will spend Ole holidays. suonar we will bo free. l 1 \I farm, being int u, c0u. 13, bevy 'Township
On Tuesday evelong nC loot week a
F -I
- 1'w kw G r, _. , ,, .r rrzgVt ,rage- .F -orf... .
11 far its w1) Lwow, got Out "stuff" hare. flying, bogs tooting, mels shouting fled
Blnevalo wen quiet at '11) o'clock p. m, ovurytlnug plop that riqubl possibly mnhe
Itev. A. Y. Hartley lute boon driving a a noise. 1 gut lust, or perhaps it WW1
Until ..T 00(1 the most 1.1
fine looking colt In 4,1y. It teas sihad by Bob, nu l l now t.ha door follow coming tervb+n of 1nr 1'l ,rnngh-bred
"13achodela," of Arabian brooding, aunt 0111 of an 100 cream saloon I just ran t') Jeto.0 'sun a nl t ss.uu pay-
with tl
bs the making of a good travell0r, i1'. speak to hire but h, told me we were gu-
1I. ie a mall Wlln 1101,1 1(0e) anything by tltg to t it , park. :1 lot of high.fehit•iu
1101000. llo has pnrnh(100(1 a new buggy hitt roma ;otos( u1 iv 1(1x• glad u,lvicr. 'rilun
of Thomism ,Y Co., 1nu)kuOW, With all w1) all Hutted book. Tho ground was
latrst inq)leulout0 also .. tn•W sot of haw. wet iu the oulrnin;i awl now had h .flab,
1101111 of II'1cPherso1111 lotto, of this plow. dry and tho dust emir to one wet elotlues
:1.71" whole " lura.ont" ie very neat and and T lot.] no dluu0r, model not hod Bib
adds dignity to 0111' ministor. (We only w
have one now.) dm station and 1 soon 10101,1 myself, 111
A gelltlolnan of 111utivale wilts ta0Idea .smile oC ntyn„lf, on board the ears. 'fired
by a party tido wook who said Ila 1119 out'I10113.9loap and (trimmed I was an
maligned by an artisan in Tile I mal' a IOW Orangellall 11(408001 1.1 a wllito shirt and
weeks ago. Ile soli. aha correspondent yoll)w kalokcr'boek(o's, riding 011 a blue
had denim' any knowledge of ft. This 1s horse with purple strings and 13011 was
Wise the authorship was never slues.
hum suddenly aha crowd moved toward
tinned. Your eorrospoodon( deuiel
(1) That soma Was safe. to be in Wing.
Ilam (2) and that s0uto ono was drunk.
Ifo ,levies 11 yet. Although 11e has been
threatened flavorful times lately your cor-
respondentpurpos00 to take no book sent.
IC mon 111100 no more respect for thom-
selv0s then to got drunk and brag about
it, nod it gots into tbn papers what (1if.
forenoo door it maize to thorn. It makes
a great deal to the Scott Aot. A great
number wont around falsifyiug and told
all planner of yarns. We just want to
stuff them down Owl'. throat. 1.1 tho
nlo(liclno 111 nasty itis not our 10.1114, they
outdo it themselves. Drnnk11nnesn fs
rapidly incn•Pasing. Sham on no. The
00oner 400 rise and choke the dmn0n the
pulling my ear and tolling inn tel get up.
1 noticed Bob w'as very 1('41140 and was
snol(hlg a cigar. Yours truly', 131:11..
Thos. Moj,auoblin arrived home from
Montro.il last Friday. .fie horse at 0\Ih'Oli'L':\BLh] J)CVELLINfx,
Dlmltroal tvus not able to he mgvud stet. with good garden nttn0bed, to rent.
J000ph \\robstcr want to its
(Hd Cnnntry Central locution. Apply 1)t Tut: Po9•r Pub -
and will bring the two horses home with .leditns 140001).
him in the course of a conpl0 of weeks.
�1, fp d1® u1,1r ,1 Vino,f seryiee ,v i n•
(132,0 1 r 111 1 .morula'( t€1 twerw•
nr) lI above applies to
yt'0 0.,f n ,e ,•l,t .Tyr1eye wb1,•',
\, Ih" . l i;q ,an , ilr0ss,ds.
Ontario. l2.
Pr ws,
1:110011111,110.19,,,,,and Trndl 9 furlss'=„u00d
olid 011 nth p..(..,) rnnd.•9 111 t11(1 ('1440111
t am
UID001y 1!ruro f 410. oris promptly .
c1'(r o ,,toll c,i 4,,', llpvn 0001,41101 rew)
cl 91' sl1n6a11 of I n r etas, ! ) n hr. rnrofttl
examinatlna,stel envie. no to patentability
Pre. of Oharon. 1'oeo modr•rntn, and 1 make
no charge unless l,atcut 1s s„e,ued. inform.
at 10(1,.1010,1 and d'. ^11101 ruf.rr'.un os sent on
apellr.tion. .1. 11. 1.I M'h: LL, %voeldngton
ll,O., 14.8. Patent 011ice. 10 -
Lne rrnu,--(111 'l'llnrelay evening of
land heel[ m most instructive and enter-
taining leotnre won deliverers by Boy. 0.
13. Howie, of Brussels et 4111110'0 ischoo1-
houoo, The sabjict was "I'ronl Belhlehein
to Jo•uo.tloni." 'ri.o description of places,
people and their custom, Was listened to
by a large audience and . r, Howie re.
A fele apinndi4. i ulprnv0d farms for
Halo in the tntvl,$l,lp of Grey, Morris and
lollipop. Apply to A. DY:LOATT Y, Co.
A10tioncer,erusaol01'. 0.
2, 4(111111:1) ,0,'00 ht9 vuluahlo 10U more
0111)p01' was given to Goorgo
1'., at iho Queen's 'IIotol, pre('
departure for Toronto, whore he will Everybody appears anxious for rain.
mak() his Futuro resiclnnee. The usual The fca cream vendors do (1gieat busi.
toasts were drank and responded to oaks these days.
appropriately. Jae. MoMichloi tants of starting for
Succ'000001. PI•rTIs.---The following is a the Old Country in a few days,
list of the successful candidate's at the A union pie -pie, between Om Presby-
rec0nt examinations for admission to the terian and Methodist Sabbath schools, is
Listowel High School. Marks regllirea boiug arranged for Godorioh.
to pass, 907: John Ndgeomb 440 ; Eccles Archie McLaren, of Philadolplhia, is
Vallanco 417 ; Charles Valiance 4.10 ; visiting his father in Dublin. Mr. Me.
Lena Grills 4.10 ; Charles licpp 413 ; Laren has become much attached to the
W1111am Nortbgrav0 •13.1; William Lee
431 ; Minnie Hoppl,lor.120 ; Walter North -
grotto 423 ; Ida 01amney 421 ; Chafrlotto
Straellan 400 ; Ida Barber 400 ,•
13irthman 400 ; Edith Cohoo 400 ; Min-
nie Hardman 402 ; Senni0 Lindsay 800 ;
Dluu • 390 ; Nancy Grierson 806;
cowed a very hearty invitation to pay Huron on for .ala, T i1) o ore about do
another visit to the SI
u:u1 vicinity in tin acres cleuod and 41' �nnd Saari, 7au,re Is
log Seise, anus Smolt baro, bene tog erehnrd,
IIoss,M.P. Ssisafifoi ions ho ]lis
Lillio Floppier 395 ; Annie McConkey
300 ; Natio Stockton 380 ; Edith 1leucier-
sou 388 ; Pordio Mc1(onlcoy 388 ; Fred
.30(1ne11 387 ; William Lawrie 380 ; Aggie
MoPenzie 382 ; Chas. Gamble 380 ; Aaron
Caber 377 ; Maggie Diok 375 ; Maude
White 375 ; Ellen Stowart 874 ; David
Scott 373 ; Edward Clothier 872 ; Wm.
Purcell 370 ; IIannah 3Ioutgomery 308 ;
Wilfred Fallis 365.
near fnttllu. . aodailth0 necessary cOuyoaionees on. the
1\'1 un1 0. Cn \Vodnasday of Inst week I poles tor. 1'`01` htrthnr parti„ulnrs, ea to
rloe,tuis11 oto., nP o r to th0 ,T., r r,
Robt. Work, 0f Lnngdan, Dakota, for-
merly of this towoithip and Miss Kato 2.11 DOUOAT.B ST)tAOHAN, 13rusa010
;llaLauchlin, danglnor of Donald Mo
Lacehlin, who went out to ilio west, a [1AI11I IN GREY TOWNSHIP
few wools ago, }cern unite° in marriage.
IE Was n Well arranged affair and the 000 serr..-.wino lot 14, con. 10, con-
t, Emitting 100 acres, It Is partly alenrod, the
set a worths 1,01(11100 t timbered. A (10,10r f ailing
plucky littlo woman has y o von i b
example to other 0116trio young ladies crook 0 MOM 611 0 111110 0 mud (1lswell ada[[lt-
whohave 1000rsin thu west. We high 1)d for rltborfmrlmn0or20acing.141vi1(111ro-
101seselldUaores, boiug 0(101 p111.4 of lot 14,
Quaker City and has succeeded in es- themmach happiness
tablishing quite 0. lucrative trade in the C111re.--Rain is the great clooideratun
fn1nitnro line. -Wild raspberries aro getting ripe. -Tho
Mr. Tamieson, of 0)0 "001(1011 Lion," boy aro)) will be nearly all housed this
week.-Fall41Heat is coloring fast and
will soon iw ready for llarvostiug.-Tho
rout crop i0 maEng poor progress on ac-
count of the drought, -The Orangemen
of this locality oclebratecl the 1211) at
Listowel and Kincardine. -Flax pulling
will soon be at hand. -Pasture lands aro
getting very bardie-•-Sono trouble last
week in the eastern part of the township
fighting bush fires. -It is supposed that
the bear, which, by the way, 10(10 seen
lest week, will now make a daily visit to
I t d ivory berry lutteli: -Hol fruit is soma -
what scarce just now. -NSW potatoes and
green peas aro among the latest dainties.
AICOr .i3O• -Reports of the Prohibition Convention
A new per, for loading oattic and sheep
started on TJlursday for the Old. Gauntry
to mala his fall purohasos. While his
semiannual visits to foreign markets in-
sure n stock well selected they also haws
a highly beneficial effect physically up00
Mr. Jamieson.
The new temperance society formed
shortly after the rowel vote of the Scott
Act, having for its object the strict en-
forcement of the Crooks Act and bringing
to justice all who violate the Aot, do not
seen. very diligent 411 the suppression of
wrong and illegal selling, but then its
what every moralist oxpoct
e .
has been aldol to our station yard for There aro a few weddings on the at Montreal aro road with interest.
, Pio-nios are now held in ew0et 1•emem:
iho cnnvemenee of shippers.
3. A. Young, our popular teacher, is
away for his holidays and is pushing his
rnnraooing in the vicinity of Wingham.
I)fen.-Mrs. William Smalldon died
loot Saturday morning after a short
illness of about 'a week. The funeral
took place last Monday -and was well
attended. Deceased was, 38 years of ago
mud was highly estceuod by all who
knew hor, Mr. Smalldon ltas ilio sym-
pathy of a largo number of Lien s. the largo stones, called gravel, are brolt0° on the ground.
of the ,
S. or C.-7'bh fnllvino are tho names so (1s to bo some good on the road and
meats • install
ed for Um current Haying is .about Lhtong41. The crop is
c not bo the omen of broken rigs and bad• on tho light side.
p10. bronco by iho youth of our 1ancL.
\skin at hi0 mase, whoo has been for stock 10 getting scarce in some places.
working his trade for some months -Another wedding or two expected
Hoar Clinton, was visiting in this locality ohortly.
for several days.
John Skelton, son of (lamp Skelton,
who went to MauiLoba about six years C3 i'7. se 1)x•00214.
ago, is here on a visit. None of his friends The machinery for Um new flax mill
know him on his arrival last week. He Sao arrived.
has 400 acres of land near Virden and It in bald that there will be another
success has attended his labors. wedding coon.
Why don't the pathmltstor0 sec that ,, 1110ot of tllo brick for Knox church is
quarter. (.11 Ethel Division, No. 1.1.1, .sons
of Temporauoo :--\V. 1'., M. S. 13. Ma-
rion ; Associate, Miss C. N. Davies ;
Mies•EmilyHIolloway; A. R. S., Miss
Clreeta Milne 1 Trees., Morro; Fogel ;
IP: S. J,. s•, %'otmg • P. 1V. P., John
ly shakan up bodies ms they ore now.
It's somebody', business to attend to
this important matter.
Tito result of the July promotion ex-
amination in S.S. No. 3 resulted as fol.
thsber Conlows : Second part jr. to soeond sr.,
)11'000tMa4gi'Choliti)l' A.C. IlMiss AddieM Milne max. marks 30o, -Mary Tu'von;
I. S., Max. Wright ; O. S., \\1'm. Flank Carnlss_01; Tommy n 200;
-ders, Jos. Budd, 1011
Wm. ,Ftutlodgo, '210 ;
Soussnt:to NEW. -Tho Common Sense Nitro Osboruc, 1`+5. Second tjr. to seo-
•lothes Dryer is a very useful device for on(1 01'., max. marks 350. -Eliza Haw-
' drying elotl1,eso11, which, for convonionoe, thorn, 179 ; Ed. Palmar, 180 ; Diary Far-
. ohoanne0s and durability, has no ogoal. rend, 205 ; Minnie Paul, '217. Second
- it -le an elevated and revolving reel, that fur, to third j1'., max. marks 850. -Jas,
kali be lowered or hoisted to suit anyone. Jackson, 245; Sam. Ashton, 244 ; Martha
They occupy no great amount of space, >3osman, 2:.0 ; Maggie Caseintro, 220 ; J.
flud can be placed on the ground, or the C(1000or0, 180 ; Milvort Sellers, 1.03 ;
post intim ground, on a roof or corner of Iiaury Mothers, an acacia= 4 prevented at-
• a' blinding, When loaded with a wash- teu11an00. Third jr. to sr. third, max.
Tog can be run up out of the reach of marks 170.-Jono Bosman, 205 ; Lily
anyone, in a safe position, and no plat- (laxness, 239. Third sr. to jr. fourth,
forts 01''Stepp required, One hundred and Max. marks 470. -Logic Bud'), 2.14 ;
seventy feet of line always ready for use. Mimic Sellers, absent$ port of time.
' This wonderful device is a self-locking fourth j1'. to sr, fourth, max, marks 650,
dry'*, when loaded and run up by re- --Emma 13001110m, 368 ; Flossie Jaokson,
movhig the crank i4 looks itself, and can 355 ; Jano Errington, 320. Fuxrov Harr.
'onlly he lowered by applying ,th0 crank. LEY, Teacher.
• Can be handled by any ohii(1 tete years num :Ma Nonni. --Mr. and Mrs. Iloov-
old with'perfeot safety, and only moves or, of Wawauosll, aro visiting friends on
"up or down by turning with the crank. tho first Rum - Silas 1'olu.st0(1, soil of Wm.
No 0O(t oteratohet required. John Colter J. Johnston who had his aim broken
G Son have.boltght•tho patent from W. E. some time ago by being thrown off a
;Waldron, of 'Toronto, and have the sols horse, is getting all right. He has gone
right of lnattufactiiritlg and selling in the for a short visit to Nawbrkigo.-SOmo
.' . (Jaunty of Huron, farmers in this neighborhood aro through
haying. -Quito a number from vim.
1ty wont to Kincardine on the 126h, w0
11311tesvtt.le• hada very good time and wore Woll eu-
• Ono good sign on the 12th. was net 0to:tabled but I think it would be a very
ybung plan vas drunk. cold piano in winter for it was cool enough
. A. IlobortsOn is adding a lean-to to his for some to haw tltoir ov01coa60 on, but
, horn with a stone wall unclog it far cellar as I }vent without any I didn't like tos60.y
410rpose0. long near the Lake for tho breeze 18140 very
Irving Cle(horu has retlltrlte11 from Do. cold. -I was greatly mmnaod while read-
troit, where he hos boon for the past ing 13o11'o plow in Tula Pose. 1 think
alR malltha, she drew very much on her imagination
Mr. Bioldo and wife (formerly Miss for I was at tho p10 -no and
'111tt11prlord , of Walkervillo, aro violtiog Bob wasn't thero. She amid oho
at Mi. Rutlterford's this week, saw some orooko(1 stioko but the "crook-
' The Methodist grounds havo been oast" stick I saw was a largo brauoh off
mu011 improved by a neat board fonoo, a tree which sho carried and I fancied by
which indicates 1 )rOhibitiell-00we not 41.10 looks of things that Bell got left that
allowed within. day. Poni3O.
, • •Charleo ISorboi6 has been 1'o-engrrogee. Curr.Cul1'.-0110 night Bob returned
precentor in the Presbyterian 01101011 for from 6110 village with a very knowing
another ye0.1'. Tho choir say they wore look on his foots and I know at once
not afraid. If not, why not try? something had h11pponea 001 sat patient.
Wm. Anderson, of filo boundary lino, ly waiting 1311 it cause out. A6 lost Bob
met with a painful aooident a few days says Pin going toXincol'dino on the 12111.
ago. Ino was leading an animal of the "011 what ?" said I, On the 12411 said
atter persuasion by a halter 981100 it Sufi- 110. Will it hold two, I said quite inno.
dolly wheeled anclkioked, striking Mr, A, cantly, Woll you should have hoard
on the log, slaking all ugly wotltifl, him 11111811, then ho said that 11e had join -
On Dlon(0y last a number of ohildren oil tho Orangemen and wonted me to got
wale playing round tho edgo of the pond him ready a frilled white shirt and fix
and apparently enjoying tilems01vo0. him no, (10 their lodge was going to Kfn.
Tamps Mollmrdy, who happe11ecl to bo eardin0 and if I diel this ho would tako
passing, noticing it hat floating on the too. 011, the fixing and when ho teas
water, atones invo0tigatocl, and 0oon hail dros0ed,1 But
quite proud of hint. Ho
on Cm banter the 101110)ns of m littlo follow had a nice bio of ribbon fastenod in his
named Peter Hill, who had 1111101n into button .holo Tt was about 0. font 101.1g,
the water and beer drowned unnotio00
'1y any of his o0)11110nfou0. 'P110 ftmoral
tools p10.co Wc(hlnsday afternoon,
Tho 3.21.11 is over. It has boon renask-
ad, truthfully, that tho I3luovalo Orange
Lodge is oolnpo00(1 of as lino looping moll
RP ally 1vou101 wish to see. Sovoral, how -
1 ,'
, sverone{,leat aroclft to ihomselvo
or to illoir lodge on T11111'0day 040111)1(4.
Thom worn nlor0 then six times its molly
. (hook hero on tho 12th of Jul , 1388 t ]all
Pon POST is a welcome, wcokly visitor
and has lost Holm of its old time interest.
Some of tho members of tbo Plowmaus'
Association would like to know why the
customary annual 11100(ng }v0.0 not held.
Our daily mail is received with clock
work regularity and the mall carrier P.
McDonald, (1003 his work most satisfac-
Jno. McIntosh is r1).engaged as teacher
of the Cranbrook school for 1889 at a sal-
ary of 9500. He's a good teacher one.
has done good work 511100 coming hero.
Tho subject of Rov. D. B. McBae's
08ldloss nt the Y. P. C. A. last Friday
evening was "Saecess." D. Robortoon
gave a leotnre on the "Pyramids of
Onr 1111x mill man, Adam Rykort, of
C(0(11100, has purchased the comfortable
dwelling from A. M. Malfny, hardware
morohaut,. Brussels, and W111 110001110 a
resident of Oranbrook.
3. W. Wanless, modioal stn(10nt, who
intends going to the mission field of the
Presbyteriam church, will deliver a lec-
ture in Knox church next Wednesday
evening, commencing at 7130 o'clock.
SURMISE P.111111:. --A pleasant evant took
plata last Tuesday afternoon at Cron.
brook, when a party of members and
friends, roprosanting 1inox church, 13rus.
. McRae and
1)v. D. B
prewetted on ented him with a sutra of money and
au address in 1ppre0iation of his services
rotidetod 110 Moderator of Sossion prior to
Roo. Mr. Howie's induction. After par-
taking of supper and ap001110g a pleasant
foul proiltablo 001400(1 together the friends
retired 10011 rimmed with .laving paid a
10,11-110004x011 tribute to the host and
000.15, nearly all Woerod and In a good
stato of cultivation. A good frame barn
with a good storm stablo underneath and a
never failing well is also on the Pico. For
-further parefoulal'S apply to tho proprietor
nn Eho p11)00. This10010 onpoo110 the oth-
er 0)4011 011 11114 1;17, Pro11ri0tor, 1-t1
110001av111) 0(1'or11 for Palo the north
01101 (Martel. of lot 20, concession 0, n101110,
County of'Huron, containing 50 acres, The
laud is of drat quality and to a high Matto of
enitivntion, W(311 201100(1 and under -drained,
45 nares olear041. Nowfirmm0 house, A rooms,
milk house with oonoroto walls, 9 wells,
good barna and shed. orchard, 010. Eight
noses o1 fall wham. This desirable property
adjoins the 00rporation of Brussels. Sui6-
nblo boons 1vi11 3)e given . Tito parte et.
33- Box 01013 nissel0 P. 0.
� 111orrls, on rea00n/Lblo tonne. In order
to close the affairs of tbo 00:ato of 1110 lute
W. G. flingstou, the (I:matters offer the fol-
lowing valuable lauds for sato North
half of Lot 30, Conoesslou 0,`Township of
)101010,00111141u100 00 acres. On this lob is
erected a good fram0 barn with stone 10110.
dation, good orchard, well andpn, 1' . Near-
ly all cleared, and 10 0u the grave road
closely adjoining the village of Brussels.
This farm is a valuable one, Is 90011 fenced
end in a good state of cultivation. 1.'or
urines and terms apply to THOS. KELLY.
Brussels I'. 0., Hn0010 Jnxx)400, Victoria
Square P. 0„ or 3,lttss Sausu, .Maple Lodge
1'. O„ Middlesex County.
A Orst.c11100 faro] far solo in the
Township of Morris iu tho Co 017 of Amon,
boiug 0011111 10(31 of mirth half lets 03 S20
and south 11a11 of 20 If101h con., containing
20U acres more or less, 125 acres mostly
clear of stumps and in a good state of oulti.
vat1on. 1110x0 is m y01ug roaring Orchard,,
good .house and hank barn 55 x 00 fast with
0t0110stablo ondoruo,th, Tho 10101issltn-
ated within a milo of tho Vilinga of Iirussahs
0nd le a food farm for grain or stool( ralo-
i0g as Itis watered with the river Maitland
and never falling spring creek. Possosoion
}0111 bo givon 0.,t any time, Per Sm•thol' par -
Mentors apply on tho prPuli00s or to A. 1s.
111111 101 8 021, Brussels, 0. 0. 5_01
Jolxttn 111 Jan0.--On Wednesday of
last week a joyous company assembled
at the comfortable residence of Mrs.
Robt. Brown to witness the nuptials of
\Vm. Cameron, ono of our popular young
.nen, and Milos Agnes, eldest dangbtor
of tate late Robt, Brown. Rev. D. B.
M0160.o performed the ooroniony in 1110
orthodox manner, Miss Jonnio Brown
011(1 Mat. Cameron supported the boiclo
and groom. Tho bride and bridesmaid
were very becomingly attired in nun's
yelling drosses, A very onjoyablo time
VMS spent by all pr0sent. The following
i0 a list of the wedding gifts ; M1s000
Murray, loniona30 set ; Misses Halmos,
silver bntt0r dish ; Mr. and Mra. Smith,
pickle dish ; Mr. and Miss McKay, 0ilvor
salt dish ; Mr. and Mrs. Slominon, toflo6
sot; Mr, end Mrs. McRae, sugar bowl
and vaso ; Ja0. Simonton and wife, water
hlitohor anal fruit cli0h ; \Vm. Dl11rcloolc,
half dore11 silver too 01100110 ; las. Brown
(1ucl wifo, silver pickle dish ; Jas. Collins
and 10rfo, high preserve dish ; Mrs, Mnr-
(look, half dozon table 1a1t11i00 ; Jno.
It's color 4vae yellow with it blue [trip, 16104111 and wife, half doze. salver 1 111000;
pair f tulvt.
(1n o
told door, kind Bob 004 off mbe16 the Miss Martha 11Tntd , i
'sixteenth r f .t,1 inch and forced me to Mr. and Mrs. Hondo:own, tablecloth and
pair of towels •, Miss 11,at4io Brown, four
goblot0 ; D. E\va110ilver fruit dish
Murdock, stand splashes ; Mr. Martin
and wife, fruit dish ; Robbio and Johnnie
Brown, silvol' hotter knife ; Mies Eliza -
both Murdock, toilet sot ; Amos Smith
awl Miss Hewitt, fruit di1111 and bread
Plato, and caber littlo articles 11.0 num,
let him 1011 it. (01 my chess. I hated to
talc's it front him. It torts Paining, but
w0 got thou. 'Cho trait.' was crowded
long 1f010101vo got to lainc0rcliuo tun(10.e
soon as it stopped we all jumped out at
once, or tried to do that Awl then we
shook Up 10wn, tolls
11111-0111g., 1411410
the 1011010 of 1887 all pot together. 1ol(0, peels 0511oai0llg, tolls ringing, batut000 orous to tnentf01).
iping, hoofs tram )ling, eau mgossolling,
The1ixooutnrs of the natato of the late
WILLMA:1111100m m, IL'0Qn11111, (10001101, unw
offer the following valuable lands for sale,
015.: -Tho north half of 10107, and th0 west
half of the north half of lot 49, both iu tho
concession 01 the '101000614' of ,Morrie,
County of Huron, containing 130 nacos.
About X10 1401400 oro 0loared anal du good
ooudrtina, 6bo granter- part Wog In grass.
The ba3aneo is wall timbered, chiefly with
beech and Menlo.
Thio .arm is favorably situate,. within one
Milo of tho village of Brussels, which affords
M1 oxooilont market. There Is upon tho
promises a good frame barn and 110(10 au
orchard 01 choice fruit trues, a never failing
spring, also a good well and pimp. and good
000000. Tide pr01101167 w€111,0 001d in one or
two pareel0, to snit intending pnrcha0or0.
Purchaser will bo td101rad t0 enter Mid 11(403
1100 of hou0o on 3)100isos at any tanto after
harvest and to do inn plowing. Full posses-
sion will be Wpm et 1st Novombor next.
�r particularsLPY
for terms (10 furtho
61) the undersigned Taxocutore 01 t0 JnuN
Mooxsr, ESQ., Bru08018, 011E
George Cardiff. for lcllo110.
Dickson .t hays 1
Detail at Brussels, Juno 1910, 1018. 5U
�v PLETCXr'.0ER,
Economy Restaurant
IIa7111g j1,106 Opened. in the Brink Corn -
or Store, formerly 1ceupied by 1t. alal-
n0101, I3ruesols, the oppooftn (owner to
tho Postallirr.
(At 11111011;,,maple' flours)
1-- 1,011 TWENTY 011N'rfi.
1 call is 01411' •eu111y ,.Minitel told every
,P paid n Palermo. A 1101.
1v'I l . 011 t 1 n
i l 11
att011L 0 1 I
iced number of Lady and (lentlelnan
Iluarrl118 wanted.
(AS. 13ROADFOOT• Prop.
mom' LOAN!
Any Amount, of 'Holley to Loan -
o11 1' arm o1' Village Pro-
perty, at
6 ce 6" Per Cent. Yearly.
Straight Loans; with privilege
of repaying when required.
Apply to
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wiohing still to 0eonre your
patronage. Wo aro opening out full lines
A. Hunter,
Division Glow/ Clerk, Brussels.
Baby Carriages.
Baby Carriages.
Just to hand. 'l, splendid se-
leet;on of Baby Carriages which
will be sold at very low prices.
in (11dlllss variety. I am pre-
pared to please the public in
this department.
Fine selection of
LigtO Heavy Harness
(ii\'e 1111) tL Call.
Money to Loan,
Money to Loau all .'Tirol Pro-
perty, at
Brussels, Ont.
'1' A. I ]F: 141 O '1C 1 C
1 have for sale flows of twelve differ-
ent kfnl0. Dour different kinds of gang
plows, oeuillers aid cultivators, all of Pat-
erson & Co's, Woodstock. Implements
such 0.e light steel binders, mowers (front
and rear cut) horse hay rakes. I also
have A. (Murphy k Co's
a e a Carriers
�ateni, Resets bl Hay 1
titrct and 1Taoden Treet p, Moat (•Onu-
11141e i11 Canada.,
Tolton Bros.' Pea ITnrvrstor.
Lu�C1:.00. "T,Ta1cs_0 age.0.e-attearc,
Several nicely 0ltuntr'1 village lots
with holism on them for 00114. o" Satis-
faction guaraut'e0d in the tale of imple-
Wm Martin.
Horst:: T. raon r.011r Sra6a:r,
WOKSEssy' d_
I desire to inform tl o Public
that I. have. Lensed the weIl-
from Tilos. Town and will run
the business next Season.
I will also continue to follow
My trade as
and am prepared to furnish esti-
mates for Jobs, tic.
always on hand.
Satisfaction Gitarantctd_
.t. specialty made 1)e 13rtel.tnl'[ng and
Plastering lime.
from established 011(1 roliablo makers,
fully Warranted by us.
CZoe73S of t7Le
.j fl te,S l .De,S ig l7' S.
1B11:1 111,'
Wadding Rings,
Ladies Coin hinge,
l lh oaelm)/,
Earrings, S:e,
Also have in stook a full lino of Violins
and Violin Strings. *1. t
N 1. --Issuer of Mallligc Menses.
T. Fletcher,
n order to make rei•ina for
a large Shipment
we expect daily
from the