HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1888-7-20, Page 44 Locale Adam boors. Local- -leer Pub. House. A to :arc dual --A. li. Smith. liiiuling twine- -Gee. Love S Co, €1 lit' ifll`l 55ck; Post, school a short time ago he was walking Along the side „f the road when a piece of glass or other sharp illetrament pine - ed the ball of the left font barking n Might wound,- which Was bound un on his arrival liouw. For a time nothing more was thought of it, in fent the wound Appeared to be let unity healing. In a few days, however, alarming symptoms nanffested thio nrt lyes. Spinal disease and look -jaw set in, from the effects of which he died, 1117).1 l•, .11.;i,1' '?,t, 1.$88. A Are started on Main street St.\Harry's at 10;30 \Vedncud v night in it frame • building utvtwd b ousei,lt Fitafford and 'NV 1ta siehnt'ir>t. occupied by Mrs, B. Henry, with fancy 1). Stewart shipped 21 head (Avery fine goods, and Mr, Stafford, as a saddler export cattle to ;Montreal. shop. The building, with most Of the Lieut. C. E. Williams, kit on Monday eattents, was burned, Gilpin's block, of bast node to peifect his tenlitery know. ndjniniug, was also burned, but nearly ledge by a course at the Loudon M ilitary all the stock was saved. At cue time School. there was n strong prospect that the fire Rev. 11, Me'Qunrrie, of this town, was would spread to other buildinge, but by preeented with a gold headed cane by the the united efforts of the firemen and Lucknow Pre.bcterians in recognition of citizens the fire was confined to the his services as moderator. blocks already mentioned. The stores Halsey Park was made the recipient of burned are ; Mrs, Henry, fanny geode, a handsome easy chair end Mrs. Park an small insurance ; J, Stafford, saddlery, elegant Fide board beft•ru they removed to partly insured, loss about $2.000 ; H. L. Hamilton by Winyltam friends and well Davis, barber shop, goods saved ; 7:1. T. vsilhers. Gilpin, boots and shoes, insured, loss J. A. Morton was away last week at- abort '"13,000 ; Jelut C. Gilpin, general tending the summer meeting of the On• hardware, fnrnitttre and tin shop, loos tario Fruit Growers' Association held et heavy, about $10,000. It is not known Pictcn, Prince Edward Co., en Wednes• whether be is insured or not The total ,tau and Thursday of last week. loss to the town will be abort $25,000. T. Gregory has tendered his resigna• The fie was got unite. enutrol about 1 Hen an deputy -reeve. He took umbrage n.m. on Thursday mooting. at the notion of the council on the ques- tion of Early Closing. nnttleit the coun- cil ehamberduring. the progress of the last meeting, resigning subsequently, est dl:tens:ilt 1. owes. Fruit nroapects about Chatham are very good. J. M. Kennedy, late of Essex Centre, C. Shuns, of Detroit, is upending a has purchased the Wallaceburg Herald, couple of weeks holiday's here with and will remove there soon. friends.The Chatham Connell has voted $150 John Bennett, proprietor of the .flan- to the Excelsior baud and $75 to the glomhas rented his hotel to lir. Scott, colored band to piny in the park 0110 of Ashfield. night per west for the remainder of the A number of oar citizens left here on season. Tw sday to take a trip on the lakes. We Sir of the Cartwright laid the corner wish them a pleasant and safe trip. stone of the new Methodist Church at A. Smith, another of our local boyars, Sweaborg the other day and delivered an left interesting address ttpott the power of eft this station on Saturday with t car loads of sheep and cattle for Mont. Christian forces and the teaching of the real. Bible. by 11. Howard and his :ten are putting a reward of 5100 fs being o8oror he the finishing touch on the front of C. the Brant township authorities for the conviction of the delinquents who recent. Hamilton's brick block, which is going to look excellent. ly girdled and destroyed 34 maple and R. 13. Durnion, of the Queen's hotel, shade trees on the promises of S. is going out of the business hero and has Patterson. instrected C. Hamilton to sell his house- Mr. Johnston, Inspector of Weights bold effects of Saturday. and Measures, Belleville, has been direct - At the request of a numerously signed ed to visit the salt factories at Seafoxth petition of freeholders a public meeting and Kincardine and enforce the law, is called by the. Reeve, P. Belly, in the which regulates the amount of salt to be Orange Hall on Friday evening at S Packed in each barrel, o'clock to discuss fire protection. This With a bountiful harvest money is is a step in the right direction. likely to become more active and dearer Messrs. Freeman and Watson shipped this autumn. Prospects in the North. n car loads of cattle from Lueknow to west, Manitoba and Ontario are very en - Montreal on Friday. Our townsman, 7, c'ouraging, and a few weeks more of fay - Denham left hero the same day to orable weather will settle the matter. charge of two more env loads of cattle Merchants are awaiting, with a goad dual for the sante flim and destination. of interest, the result. On Thursday the members of L.C.L. Last week's Wiartou Echo birth col - No. 003 mustered herein full strength and null :-'On the 10th alt., the wife of 111 marched to the station, headed by the E. Belton, of twins -son and daughter. - On the 28th nit., the wife of James Drum• cornet band, where they embarked aboard the train for Kincardine to cele- ]pond, of twins --son and daughter. -On brate tl e day with other lodges. They the 30th ult., the wife of Robert Gray, of retnru i about 0 o'clock g.m. twins- boys.' In addition to this the Times remarks that about every fifth t baby carriage you meet in Stratford now. Perth (.Orbits' �'�i)tes. arlays, contains twins. In the competition for the all round Mitchell Conseil at lest meeting pur- chased the driving park there for $1,500 and will in future run it. John Madill. 0 St. Marys merchant, Club, covered the greatest alstance who assigned teeently, has arranged to slinging the fifty•six-pound-weight and in pay his creditors 100 cents en the dollar. putting the shot, and eves also first in the The $500 bequeet of the late Alexander long•jump contest. In the standing ho , Beattie has been Volt frescoing the ceil- ing and walls cf the S.t. Marys First Presbyterian elineelt Dan Commis, who played in the Stra• ford base hall team two years ago, is now playing with the Sandusky team at a salary of $125 a a month. Wm. Preston has altered his plans and has decided to remain in Stratford with the Smith Purifier Co. instead of going to Winnipeg to take 0, position on the "Lady Defeo," formerly well-known in St. 'Marys, made a record a few days ago of 2.17i, and her present owner calculates that she will beat 2.12 before the season is over. Editors Dasis and Race, of Mitchell, have buried their little war hatchets, smoked the pipe ef peace, withdrasvn the libel suits, wept over each other's should- ers, and nee/ all is lovely in Perth. Henry Mau:lane and his son George, formerly of Stratford, have received the contract for building the Bay of Chasm railway, which is to run front Campbell - town, N. B., to Paspebiac, Quebec, and eventually to Gaspe, John Cryan, Stratford, intends to build two large stores and a livery stable on the corner of George and Downie streets. The lot was formerly used an a wood- yarcl, but the weed and trees ara being removed and in a few weeks workmen will commence erecting the building. A tire broke out in the rear of the new Royal hotel, in Dublin, stout nine o'clock Thursday morning, anal resulted in the complete destructien of the building. The fire started up in the roof near the chinsney, and it was impossible to get at it until such a headway had been made as to be beyond control. Everything in the house was got out though, of course, much damaged. There was 61600 in- surance on building tdone, which will be recovered in full. A. a. McPherson, the famous Stratford furrier, has beoome the owner of 0, hand• some and stout Icelandic pony. The anis mal, which bas been B, resident a this country. a few months, is a cream color- ed speonnen 000 pounds in weight, stands 12 hands high, and before he wag clipped his hair measured three inches in length. Mr. MePherson bought him from the well-known Blanshard importer of Clydesdalee, joins Steven, for whom the pony was picked from the best on the northern volcanic island. The cherry crop in Stratford seetion of the nountry is almost a failure this year and the scarcity of this fruit will be rather seriously felt, ag large quantities of the frnit aro canned by all classes of licorice Blaok knot is one of the reasone assigned for the failure, bnt those who seem to mulerelana the eatilien effect fruit injuriously favor the opinion that the (lad eastern winds which pre- vailed at the time the cherry tone wero in blossom destroyed tho vitality of tbo young fruit. Arther 11. ralligGat Son of Chan. Skinner, of 13'1[mi/hard, a Intl of 1.0 years, died tinder eircurestaneee peenliarly nail, Irish athletic championship at Balls- bridge, Gray, of Coldwater, Ont., who is a member of the New York Athletic step and jump contest be was second. Davin, of Carrick-on-Suir, takes the championship with a snore of twenty- eight points, against twenty-eight points I for Gray. The many friends in Canada of the late David Kennedy, who, with his tal- ented family, delighted his countrymen in all lands by his gift of Scottish song, maybe interested to know that a massive stone has been erected over the grave in the Orange Cemetery, Edinburgh, a little to the east of the resting place of Dr. Guthrie. The stone bears the following inscription : "David Keunedy, the Scotch Singer. Born at Perth, 15th April, 1825 ; died at Stratford, Canada, 13th October, 18811.” The recent fires in Chesley and Ripley have stirred up the people of Teeswater an fire protection. At a public meeting held on Monday night to discuss the :tatter, it was moved by Geo, II. Coo, seconded by A. F. Turnbull, that this meeting is of the opinion. that it is abso- lutely necessary to adopt some system of fire protection, and hereby instruct the Council to obtain all the information possible from all available sources as to 1 the most effroient and economic systems" in use, and submit the same to the rate- payers at an early date. The 'Minister of Education has almost perfected the plan Inc the formation of a strong law faculty in connection with To- ronto university and entirely indepen- dent of the law society. It is expected that the faculty will be completed and formal announcement of its various fee- tures made before the opening of the uni- versity in October. Arrangements are now making with a number of distin- guished men for a course of lectures in all departments required for the degree of L,L. 33. This faculty added to the medical faculty so recently established, will give us a Iull, round, aompleted uni- versity. Mr. Ross' tireless activity and great capacity for his burdensome office, have told splehilidly upon every feature of our educational work, and nowhere more effectively than in rho development of the Provincial university. A large and representative gathering of the farmers of Wellington county, as- sembled at the Royal hotel, Guelph, on Tuesday evening to bid farewell to Wm. Brown, Professor: of Agriculture at the Ontario Agricultural College, prior to Itis departure for Australia. Among those present were :lance Innes, M.P.; Donald Guthrie MMP 1'. ; Geo. Iloffard, president; Rohr Mackenzie, secretary of the Guelph Central Fair ; James Ander. son, James Taylor, Alil. Hewer and Rus- sell, attd Mr. Mo0orkindate. An address referring to Prof. Brown's eeertions and the regard in which he le held by the people, referring oleo to the lass of the fart:, was read and feelingly replied to by Mr, Brown. Short speeches followed by Messrs. Innes, Outbids, Anderson, Hewer and others, speaking of regret at the departure of the professor'. IIe leaves for the east and will deliver' three lectures in England t.hilc on bis way to It appears that while retm•ning frogs A.nstridin, THE ERUSSEL,S F'OST The rival telephone companies in 1fon. areal ate having a lively time. An unsnccessful attempt was unade to wreck a trait on the Central Ontario railway. Feverai clerks of the House of Com- mons and the Civil S•rvice at Ottawa have had their salaries raised. TIte old engine.lhonse at Allendale has been burned, together with a new freight engine which had been loft in it. The Skeena River Indians are reported to have murdered a Meisel' Bay Conn pauy officer and a constable and are like- ly to cense further trouble. Liquor licenses were issued in dalton 00 IVedneuday of last week, for tine first time since 1882. The number issued is 18, and there will be a few additions to the list. Forty were issued before the Scott Act was adopted.. Contention continues to exist over the kilt o' whistles in Dorchester Station Presbyterian Church, The organ ele- ment is circulating a petition to reinstate the instrument, whereas :mother anti - organ element is anxious to keep it in exile. Sharpe Butterfield brought over from Bois Blanc, on Monday, the immense mastiff owned by Mrs. Mckeo Rankin, all boxed up and ready for shipment to that lady at New York, IIe delivered hila at the express office, but had nearly got back across the river when the powerful animal had chewed off the boards on one side of the hos, and buret out of Inc eon - BANI(INO. 1 oINTOSII c McTAUDART, 13ANKI:IbS .,. Iil]LISSI:I',S 1°r'axsrt'1 a (iertera /I,ntklall 13nartteex. NOTES DISC otNTJ:lt, tlannetbm and Tufted S fates Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on deposits. Cniirct(0ns fgrafr un favorable terns. Canadian Agenta--tlant'ttAv1''s BANK or CANADA, Now York Agents-Inn•unrr.n•s ANO TnAn- necNATIONAL tuna, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1; T'f. SINCLAIR SOLICIT - . or, nonvnyaneer, Notary Public„ ka. Office; Graham's Hieett, 1 door north of Hargreaves' Drug Store. Private funds to Loan. T.' E. WADE, EAItRISTI B, J • Seifeh+or and Notary Public. Con- veyancing. Collet+tfone nand Loaning. Air. WVatla will attend in ttnrrie every Wednes. day at two o'elnok. ICKSON ec HAYS, finetnent and was swinnning the river , i8b (Late with Garrow i l'rondteot, Gndo- rlcb] Ilarrfstors, Snlloitnra, Coevnyancors, The T nfla .test venture of note in the Can -I to Scan, &c. 011ice, Grant's Block, lirossets, Sheeny The la alien weekly newspaper field is the Do. ! It, S. HAYS, W.13. DICKSON, minion Illustrated, published by 0. 13. Desbarats eC Son, Montreal. The initial number to hand is beautifully printed and illustrated, the engravings from pho• tograpbs being especially Inc, and alto. gather it is a highly creditable produc- thin. Drawings by a large number of the members of tho Royal Canadian Academy of Artists will, from titre to time, it is promised, adorn the pages of this publication. At 11:45 Saturday night fire was die - covered in the workshop of W. Lynch, tinsmith, Palmerston, which is one of a large block of stores owned by H. Mc - Ewing. The G. T. R. and Palmerston fire brigade were quickly at the scene of the fire, and by almost superhuman oxer- tiois prevented what might have been a disastrous fire. The losses and insets. tutees aro as follows : W. W. Lynch, tin- smith, loss 52,000 ; insured for $1,200 in the Royal & Western. W. A. Freeland, groceries, loss $500 on stocks; covered by insurance in the Perth Mutual & Royal. Ralph & Co., druggists, loss $400; cover- ed by insurance. S. Vanstone, jeweler, loss on building, $400; on stock, $200 ; loss on building is covered by insurance in Commercial. There is no i050rance on stook. W. H. White, banker, loss small. P. Campbell, dry goods, loss by removal of goods, $500; insured in Royal. The loss on the McEwing Block is be- tween 55,000 and $4,000; covered by in- surance in Commercial & Royal. At one time all hope of saving the block and neighboring ewes dispatched ed to loss, and the MENTAL. message was dispatched Harriston for _ _ _ assistance. At 1.15 the Harriston steam aDlCl�l r�'Y�i7C • engine, with about fifty willing helpers, arrived, but in the meantime the fire had G. L. Ball, L. D. 5., Honor Graduate and M. It, C. D. S. Toronto. Vitalized Air Rivou tante of the Harriston engine was not B. B' Mcrae, D. 1), S., Assict,utt Operator required. The cause of the fire is un- known. I)70rd`�I fe4'1'. M. TAYLOR, E. C. L' ., BAR- . nro2'ttn, Solicitor, ia., of tate firm of 7niokaon i Taylor, Ihair iutcis, Solicitors, ka., Manning Arcade, Ping Street West, Toronto. Money to loan. - A LEX.. HUNTER, CLERK OF the Ponrth Division Court, Co. Huron Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to lona. Co,leoti one made. Oflleo nu Gra- b em's illnclr, Brussels. �O�gR7 CUNNI\'Gyg4, tNBIIRANCn. FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• MEDICAL CARDS. WAL P. GALE, MILD., O. M. Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Catania by examination, oaioe and Residue—Main 5t. Bast, Dthe Ontario. Jule 13, l.bbS- ....w:S..u]„w..F.,o.'•...u+.,wTm...t-.wtw•n'.--r-a1= ,,,,.'12121311111174•Mg.iniTOSSISug 1.1 WALTON PUMP EADToev, The undersigned desires to intimate to Ithe pablio that he has purchasers the O'At,Tos line PArrultr frons Jolui Lnve i and is now prcpttred to 1111 orders, by mail or otherwise, intrusted to liis care. Satisfaction guaranteed in 'Pumps. Tanks, e Se. Repairing promptly attended to. Con. Emile taken for digging wells, Haying been 11 y'ear's at the business I feel confident that 1 can suit my ef18• tomors. GIVI3 ME A TRIAL and be convinced. ^' S. 1VELSH, J"• Sal 1'rnprietor, \Masten. A. AR:NAUGHTON, 1)• C. M., L R. 0. P. Tdinbiu•ch, M. C. P. 8. Ont. At Hargreaves Drug Store from 0 to 11:50 a.m. andfrom 1:10 to 4 p. m. At other hours may be foots et the residence formerly occupied by Dr. Htn tcninsan, Mill street. been got under control, and the assis- Pel+ H N D N f! v`:' G W. J. ,D 5. Graduate of To- ronto School of Dentistry. 4.11 0115r. MUM) s guaranteed. Oiiloo-Cady's Block, Scaforth. Artificial teeth, Oretquality , and guaranteed fit,for 912.00por set. S. PLUM, General Blacksmiths wishes to intimate to the public generally that he does all kinds of lllneksmithing in a Workmanlike Mannar. 'Wagons, Doggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. Intake n Specialty of horse -shoeing. A CnII Solicited, t_• "Remember the Stand -Nit tnrill: Baro.,:, 21 S. Plum. MONEY TO LOAN. PRI11:,1TE FUNDS. THROW'S .'S BEST FRIEND OP INTEREST TO 1.'1,11 1'T,7DLIC, vi . },. :4s 1 nm leaving l3rnssels in it tray vvcds for Seafortll, where I have purchased a `` business, I would be its ,ucd to wait on k any of my old custcutnr,i who aro want- ing anything in the Photograph line, ,q frames, etc., Thanking the public for their petrotage in the past, I remain, respectfully, A, BAGS1,.1.Clul, Returned to Brussels! ROBERT ARMSTRONG desires to state that he has again become a resident of Brussels and is prepared to take Contracte for all kinds of Carpenter Work, such as IIonse Building, Barn Framing, 'Mill W righting, S•c. ire will also make a Specialty of Mov- ing Buildings. Estimates Cheerfully Given. Satisfaction Guaranteed. of Private Funds have just been ' in every instance. placed in mar hands for .In- vestment AT7PER CEN'T. liorrolverscan have their loans complete in three days if title is satisfactory. Applyto E. E.WADE. lir EAT MARKET ii Main Street, - lirttesfls ANDREW CURRIE, PIROPRIETOIR Fresh aNU Salt Meats Of the host quality always on hand mud de- livered to any part of tiro rills go tree of charge. Terme very favolable. FAT CATTLE WANTED: For which the highest market pries, will b I also make a specialty of buying Bides and 5ldtls. Don't forget the place next door to Fleteher's Jewelry Stare. A• CU RRIE• :DE: Pk' 9C irvr . Li E LI A. N.P,—,..T, DD. S,, x g'N' FS Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nlmnos Oxtnit GAs administered for the patncess extrno• _ TSF P � 1 T.,, , tion of tooth. ��- .L y_'l ..Li �v OIcFICIL—(lterlield ttloclt, IEISTSSELS. 'I' NAT I i, Pure aisles 13 Cents Per Pound —AT -- Geo, Love & Co's. ALLAN LINE. 1885• SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, 1888. LIVERPOOL & QUEBEC SERVICE each ',unmoor,. 1 szsAltnn. 1 Print 001'73170 April 20 April 20 Sarmatian May 8 Parisian May 11 ;Polynesian May 17 Sardinian Bray 25 ;Circassian May 31 , Sarmatian 1uuo 7 Juno 10 June 21 Jnne,20 July July 11 July ;Circassian ............May 11 I lay 17 May 24 lotus 1 Juno 7 June 10 June 21 Parisian June 28 ;Pelynosian ,,,...,.,July 4 Sardinian July12 1 Oiraaesian July 20 Sarmatian Jay 20 Parisian Aug, 2 July 20 ;Polynesian AUG.10 20 Sardinian /tug, 10 Aug9 Sarmatian Auu, 80 - states of Passage by Mail Stammers. 007Lnna TO LIvnncolL. 05,113.0 500, 570 and :280 according to aaaom. medation. Servants in Cabin, 900 Inter- mediate 680, Stearego 620. Britian tickets, Cabin, 4110, 0180 and 5100. Intermediate, 600. Stomata $40. By Polynesian, CI •oaeaintt er other ex- trttateamers, Cabin fifty, sixty and seven• t dollar, neem ding to accommodation. Re - tarn t,l•ets, ninety, ono hundred mut ton and oho hundredhaat thirty dollars. 'Inter. Mediate sixty dollars. Steerage forty doll- ars. Pasemugare can rmbaek at Diontreal the day before without increased charge. Cie ymtreolf or send for your friends, Prepaid certtaentcsatredneed t•aten. For full in- formation apply to 01. • GRANT, ltruscnte AUCTIONEERS. [1EOI•lGTE KIRKBY, LIOEN• son Auctioneer.. Sales conducted on reasonable terms, farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders loft at Tun POST Publish- ing House, Brussels, or sent to Walton post anise wilt receive prompt attention, ALEX. DELGAT'PY, AUCTION - nnn, is prepared to attend to sales on the shortest notion. A specialty made of sales of thorough-hrod stook. Terms trade known by application tc Tar Posm Publish- ing House, where orders may he left, or address to Brussels P 0. AIIAYMANN, AUCTIONEER, E -Le isalwaye toady to attend gales of farms, farm stock, te. Terme cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.O. Sales may be w- ronged. at Tar. Posen Publietlioa .dense 121 Cents Per Bushel. Brussels. • t 0 The Oranbrook ime Works Are in full blast and a first-class Xi IVA —SOLD FOR— BUSINESS CARDS. W 1-1. iIc02BACXEN, ISSUED, of lfarriaga Lioensos, Office at hie Grocer'y,Tnrnberry Street, I ISS O'CONNOR, TEACHER Lv. L of Plano and Organ. Terms ou appli• ntalon. 14, B, -W alton class meets every Thursday and Pride, y at Sirs. D. 17am sleep's, Walton N. BARRETT, TONSORIAL Artist, Shop, next door south of A. M. McKay & Owe hardware atore. Ladies' and. children's hair cutting a specialty. A choice stook o1 elms kept, A IvIoNAIR, ISSUER OF MAR - .L1. a rlago Licenses, by -appointment of Conveyancernand Agent Piro Iaettraited Co. °Oleo at the Oranbrow(Pest 00100. t ATM. EODDIOE, HOUSE,SIGN V V anis Ornamental Painter. raining Gilding, Sign and Decorative Painting in ail its brunettes. Shop Blinds done up in style. south of 3. Jituyio' specialty. Wottdott, o door W. O'BRIEN, V. S., IIONO1i • Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College has resumed the practice of John li'ott,V.S„and is prepared do treat a]) die roanimals yettodlandnppnvd principles,ameno Nettle ffoalr lurnbe'ryatleet, doe's 4-1TRAYED 'PROM 'TUE PREM. F� loos of the untlernigneci, lot 7, con. 7, Grey, on or taint Juno 1st, 5yearlings, Throe ofMOM ore belfere,rod and whiten dolor, ono of tho einernin a brinl]e end the ether MVO aro n reddish color. Any information] leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. I:OII 1.MOMS, 13313 1.'. O. 1.0 53.3ms V. GRAM i', Pvo1i. MDT. AIRNIM:ONG. CIJR. 33 Liver Comps et Dyspepsia; 4 Biliousness, Siok headache, Kidney troubl's Rheumatism. Skin Diseases. and all impuri- ties of tine blood from whatever • _ ,,. ... coarse arising. THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE, _ SS _.0 -arse. waxes a tGi1 DA?, Kuvrardek, LITTLE LIVER PiLLS, (very email and «any to tithe.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA Sold everywhere ; price 35 cents, UNION MIEDIC'I.NE Co., I'reprietere, TORONTO, CANADA , ■ Pumps -Pumps -Pumps The old reliable Pump Works of firue- eels still to the front end rushing Mud- 't Ices right along. DEEP WELL AND CISTERN I'Vb'IpS always of hand with all the latest im- provements and guaranteed to GIVE SATISFACTION. I nm prepared to take contracts for IJlgynl3l shells or Cisterns at Reasonable Rates. Special Mttentin given to Repairing, As I use only the best material, super- vise all the Work eat sell at moderato •' prices I know it will be to the advantage of the public to deal with me. J. F LTON, Pnornrl7Ton. Shop opposite P, Scott's blacksmith '+ 311op, Mill street, Brussels. L • OK HERE! .A.VING PURCHASED THE STOCK IN TRADE from MR. WALTER COATS at, ft good reduction I will give great bargains in CPLOC R. Y' c5Z 0.1.-t A. S S W A. 1:2)• I have also a fine stock or Mfg' Goods, Sugars, Teas, 43,zcq &o., —which I and selling very cheap for— as Rg 1 tG;, _1 -J a'r;; Come ono conte all and secure a good Bargain. J©hi L1. Staray, Next door to Gerry's Hardware, BRUS SEL 1