The Brussels Post, 1888-7-13, Page 88
A 000
_a NG
Rad iefreshiug :acid Beverage Te quickly
made by adding water to n small tlumt•
--thy of -
which WO are now clfering for sale of the
- best snake. We also have --
-which ie oleo very healthful. --
Druggist, Bookseller, and Fancy Goods
Dealer, Brussels.
gives such universal satisfaction as the
SOUGH REMEDY manufaoturocd fn
Seaforth, called
^ --LUMSOEN & WILSON'S --x s
%° %°u:- J;' c>n n o unu9u°,o uio x, °'u v♦ o
loyal lycorAoi aof n Fart o
dee yo/n / n'n o e a N
Its wonderful virtues have created a
demand for the Preparation from all
parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 50 ets.
Trainsleave Brussels Station, uort and
south as follows:-
ollowsGoing South, 4iolntr North.
5ra}17:02 a.m.Mixed 9.30 a.
Express......i1:43 a.m. I ni
Mail.. 9.00 p,m
Mixed 8:66 pan.I Express 0:46p.m
.gids. 5.0.1)s rams.
A ahiel's amaug ye takin' notes
An' faith he'll prent ft.
16 Imams old this issue.
BEST Maohine Oil and Binding Twine
at B. Goon's, 48-
OGILvn;'S famed Manitoba Flour for
sale at TnonsoN's, 48 -
Tan thunder shower on Tuesday night
was very welcome.
War. DEwAm, of Teeewater, was in town
for a day or two this woek.
lokrss Arent ITANSTONE is away on a
visit to friends at Wingham.
MISS Annni YOUNG and her sister, Allis,
are visiting at London this week.
Moon WADE, of Stratford, well known
in Brussels, is visiting his uncle, E. E.
ANY quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln.
Brussols, for 11 cents a bushel. W. F.
1;FLLv, Prop,
EXTRA value in Crockery and Glass-
ware. Finest white Granite Sets import-
ed O2 at Thomson's. 47 -
Roy. F. SwAor, wife and daughters, of
Monkton, drove over to Brussels laSE
Monday and returned on Tuesday.
New potatoes are in. T. G, Skeno dug
some on the 12th that measured 8 inches.
Tao Poor was presented with a "mess."
NorOmnlns, letterheads, envelopes, bill-
heads, statements, tags, dee. supplied at
close prices at TSE Poor Publishing
Moss Blcn.onsoz is spending her vaca-
tion at Fergus. Misses Hambly, Abra-
ham and Stevenson have gone to their
rospeotive homes.
NEW telephonic arrangement has
been made by some of our residents.
E. E. Wade has had an instrument
placed in his office and another at his
residence, William street.
Pio-Nlcs.-Last Friday afternoon the
Methodist Sunday school pio-ni:iced in
D. Stewart's grove and spent a very
pleasant time. Melville church held
their annual pio-nio in Delgetty's grove,
on the bank of the Maitland, on Monday.
An enjoyable afternoon was put in,
B. Gomm, who weighs over 16 onnoes
to the pound on the L. 0. L. question,
did not go to Kincardine on the 12th and
intendsd stopping home but he could not 0
stand the pressure so the noon train carni- '
ed him to Listowel where another cele-
bration was is progress. "No surrender."
ToatATOEs 10 centsper tin. A. Good.
tho Tone pure iliaudla Binding Twine
at 13, GDmtr's. 48 -
Henn DroseoN was holidaying at
Pahley last week,
J. W. Biome, V. S., of Scafortb, was
fn town On Monday.
Miss TENNIS MIToa000, of London, is
vioiting friends in this looality.
Moos. F. 8, SOOTS and children aro
visiting relatives at Woodstook,
A raw stable bas boon built et the
rear of the stone mill by Wm. Rose.
Picrtoos 10e, per quart. Butter 18o,
per lb. Cheese cheap. Sugar obeap, A.
Good. 52
LAST Saturday Rev. S. Jones, Mrs.
JaokeOn and daughter returned from
their visit to Chicago.
Mits. Pomona: aoaompaniod her dough -
ter, Mrs. bred Poston, to Port Huron
last week and will visit there for a few
Wu. BayAN 1111S greatly improved the
appearance of his property on the corner
of Elizabeth and Thomas streets by the
erection of a new fence.
Miss Tout O'Goowon, of Guelph, made
a briof visit home this week. She is
greatly pleased with the Royal city and
it evidently agrees with her.
W. D. Brae= and wife, G. L. Ball,
L. 11. S., and wife, of Seaforth, and Miss
Johnston, teacher in the Normal Kinder-
garten department, Toronto, spent Iast
Sabbath in town.
"C:tnrssts."-This well known stallion,
the property of George Whitely, of Sea -
forth, will be at tltoContrailiotelstables,
Brussels, on Tuesday nights and will re-
main until 11 a.m. Woluccilay during
the Feaeon, 47-4
HENRY HATES and wife, of Chesley,
were the guests of W. Stewart last week,
Mrs. Bayes says Chesley is being built
up very rapidly and will he a better town
than over, although the losses from the
fire were heavy.
THE anniversary sermons of the Moth•
odiat Sabbath School will be preached
here on the let Sunday in September by
Rev. John Scott, M. A., of Wingham.
The anniversary meeting will be held on
the Monday evening following.
Tan Gerrie "Unions" should make the
"sporting editor of the Budget" a life
member for his generous support (?
They must be careful though to dead-
head him every time, as paying 15 cants
for a ticket worked him high, even after
ha had been presented with several com-
Tan Baird Dramatic Company com-
pleted their engagement with the Band
on Saturday evening and left for Fergus
on Monday. The attendance was not
vety large but the Company were well up
to their business and pleased the au-
dience. Mr. Baird's little son and daugh-
ter are Doming to the front as vocalists.
TEE next eclipse of the m000will occur
on the night of the 22nd inst., and will
be more interesting than the one on Jan.
28th last. The diameter of the earth's
shadow will bo much larger than the last
iu proportion to the diameter of the
moon, darkening its surface more totally.
It will take place at midnight, when the
moon will be high in the heavens, and
will be visible in this section providing
the night is not too cloudy.
SToixc.-Last Saturday as a young
man named Ballantyne, of Stratford,
was busy handling cheese at our station
he took off his Goat and vest and left
them in the office adjoining the waiting
room. When he went to put on his vest
he found his watch, a silver one, missing.
The whereabouts of the missing property
is pretty well located and an example
will probably be made of the offender
unless the watob is returned.
TOURNAMENT. -It was cieaided at the
Committee meeting last Friday evening
to arrange for a base ball tournament to
be held in Brussels about the 15th of
August. The prizes will probably be
050, $80 and 020. Fall pattioulars given
before long, and one of the heat programs
of ball playing over witnessed in this
section of the country will be presented.
The prizes should wake up most of the
amateur base ball teams in Ontario ands
full representation may be expected. We
would like to see Exeter, Mitchell, Galt,
Acton, Walkerton, Goderich, Gerrie and
any other of the towns with good ball
clubs take a hand in the tournament.
FIRE AT SourHAntrroN.-On Friday night
of laat week a fire occurred at the dock
at Southampton, destroying over six
thousand ties and two Grand Trunk
reight cars. The relieving agent, L. 13.
Creighton, formerly of Brussels, was
down on the adjoining pier at the time
with his little brother from this place,
and, on seeing the fire, ran to the station,
almost half a mile from the wharf, to
get some men and have a locomotive out
to run to the fire. It pulsed five oars
ut of the fire, but two others wore oon-
letely consumed. The cars saved wore
worth about 04,000. "Ed." seems quite
a dreprotector of the G. T. R. and should
get a leather medal. Last year ho die.
covered a fire at the freight shed, Galt,
after 11 o'clock at night, and was highly
commended by the G.T.R. This leather
medal will not be any more espeneive.
Rov. Mn. How= handed us the follow-
ing clipping he made from a U. S. jour-
nal thinking it will bo interesting to be
read in Oon11eetion with his announced
lectures on Palestine :--Dr, Sivartha, a
well known resident of Chicago, hasstart-
ed.for England, where he expects to or-
ganize an extensive movement for the re-
settlement of Palestine. Tho movement
has already exalted widespread interest.
A number of families in Chicago are pre-
paring to leave in the autumn, and Siv-
artha =poets a large colony to leave Eng-
land for Palestine next spring. These
people aro earnest, religious and practi-
cal in plans, and do not expect the settle.
merit and restoration of Palestine will be
brought ebont'by anything that looks
outwardly like it miracle. It must be
guided by political sagacity and business
judgment, both provaded by deep relig.
ious impulse. Palestine has boon survey.
ed and declared an extremely inviting
field for settlement, and as soon RS a
sufficient number of people are there to
form the nucleus of a new nation it is
expected the European powers will Ea -
Mare Palestine an independent nation.
Jews proper willonly forth about one-
sixth of the new population. The larger
clement will be English anti American.
Dr. Sivartha has already worked out ex.
waive and careful plans for the rebuild.
ng of Jerusalem, for its temples, public
uildings, gates and walls, in harmony
with the prophatia description of the Bi -
ie. According to his idea, the Now Teruo
ohm is going to bo the center of learn.
ng, of political infiueneo and religions
capital, 9ivartha expects eventually to
tattle up tho entire Euphrates valley,
Which is capable of sustaining 100,000,•
000 people,
Tart Peso trapped the Budget a little
too sharp last week and this week he will
not distribute his edition in town until
Tun Pmis published, If he is telling
the truth every time ho need not bo
afraid of criticisms. We will try and not
take the "terrible" disappointment of
scanning hie edition to heart.
Tan Goderiah Signal says: -A.
ay, who has for some time past occupi-
ed the position of deputy postmaster of
Godorich, left for Stratford on Monday
kat to occupy a similar position in that
city. Mr. Kay is a thoroughly reliable
young man, will make an efficient officer,
and oarries with him the best wishes of
all who knew him in tide edition,Timmshundred and six tickets were
sold at our station to excursionists, ou
Thursday, for Kincardine. Leadbury and
Walton lodges went from here. A groat
many more would have gone had the G,
T. R. given a hotter rathvaq rate, The
Orangemen complained that different
times exonrsions have been run to the
lake at 70 cents a ticket and the railway
company charged the Orangemen 01.00.
It was hardly the agitate thing but the
G. T. R. did not make anything by it.
Tun nom LAND, --A course of four
ioetnres on the above subject is announo-
ed Mho dogwood by Rot G. I3ranoh
Howie, of Knox Church, as follows : In
Shine's school house Thursday, 12th
inst, ; Barrio's school ]louse on Friday,
1311 meat, ; Anderson's school house on
Tlturaday, 1.Oth inst., and Button's
school house on Thursday, 20th inst. i
Though these lectures may be different b
Seth evening yet the eubstaooe of them
is n, description of Eastern life matrners,
customs OCs. Mr, T3owie will probably s
appear an Eastern costume, a garb sluff- 1
Sar to what was in loss in the time of
Moses and is still in uea in Palestine.
Mr. Howie left Jorusalotn in July, 1880,
and arrives! hi Ontario hi Jute, 1886.
Goat Tars cheap. A. Gooi,, 52
Tito: Central hotel line been undergoiug
Josscv Iso#'ream ou Saturday night,
A, Goon, ,52 ,
llmv. D. PDnso,i, of Nissouri, was in
town this week,
A, T. Lowrcx aid wife were visiting at
Woodstock last week.
GET your Binding Twine before it ie
all gone. 13. Gsonm, 48.
Wallen Stara has built a verandah to
the south side of his kitchen.
DR, W. 3, 13, Humes, County Treasur-
er, was in Brussels last Friday.
Moa. (Rev,) Rose and ]Vire. Bishop
Ward have been on the sick list during
the past week.
A. G. Melted:, and wife, of Walkerton,
are eujuying a holiday visit tvitlt friends
in this /aunty,
Tins roller mill of Messrs. Stewart &
Lowick is running day and night now to
keep up with orders.
ON our inside pages may be read the
Radiant of Flaok's death in the Whirlpool
and other interesting happenings,
Retype. J. Ross, B.A., auctG. B. Bowie,
M. A., attended the Maitland Presbytery
at Lucknow on Tuesday of thin week,
Miss CLARA CREIGHTON arrived home
from Otterviils on Wednesday, Miss
Brethour•, of Burford, accompanied her.
Tmo Algoma Advocate says Miss Paul-
ing Oliver, of Brussels, is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Manton, at Theisen..
Mr. Goldie, of Guelph, and John Wil -
eon, of Alliston, were in town this week
attending the funeral of the late Thomas
Peon an Escanaba paper we notice
that Geo. Whybreve is rushing work as a
oontraotor. He deserves to succeed for
he's a hustler.
WE understand that Messrs, Deadman,
Ross, ,Glassier, Ma0au1 and Calder re-
ceived•the greatest number of votes for
the eldership in sins church.
Goo. Rooms, Wm. Blashill, Jas. Wack-
er and P. Seel attended the dedicatory
services of the new Foresters' Hall at
Bolgrave on Tuesday afternoon and even-
THD hail storm on Wednesday after-
noon did considerable damage to the
crops and broke a number of windows.
Hailstones as large as marbles fell in sew
oral places.
LAST Friday David Whiting was fined
before Justice Young, of Blyth, for as.
smutting Capt. Bates, of the Brussels
corps of the Salvation Army. 11 took
X13 to square the account.
LO.O.F,-On Thursday evening of this
week Dr. Johnston installed the follow-
ing officers in Western Star Lodge : R.
Leatherdale, N.G. ; R. Dickson, V.G. ;
3. G. Skene, R.S. ; P. Scott, P.S. ; F. S,
Scott, T.
Wonoos cheese factory shipped the
first ear of cheese (800 boxes) this season
last Saturday. It was purchased by
Thos. Ballantyne, M. P. P., and shipped
to London, Eng-, per Dominion line from
Tam oarloads of cattle were shipped
on Tuesday by Joseph Clegg to the. Old
Country. Thos. MaLauobliu load them
in charge and either he or Joseph Web-
ster will bring back the horse he pur-
chased in Scotland on the return trip.
HnntEo's BONDS. -On Wednesday of
this week our old townsman JohnLeokie,
now of Toronto, and miss Annie Oliver,
of Brussels, were united in marriage et
Hamilton. Their many friends in this
locality will all saya long and happy
TEE Grand Lodge of Masons of Can.
ada will meet in the Grand Opera house,
Toronto, on Wednesday and Thursday,
July 18th and 19th opening at 1 o'clock
On the former day. It is expected that
there will be about 800 members in at.
tendance from all parts of the Province,
D.D.G.M. Wade ; Grand Master Grant
and Pad Master Shaw will attend from
Tan Algoma Advocate is authority for
the following : "We aro pleased to see
that Fred. Rogers, of the legal firm of
Rogers d; Farewell, of Sault Ste. Marie,
has successfully passed an examination
at Trinity University, Toronto, and has
been granted the degree of Bachelor of
Civil Law. We congratulate Mr. Rogers
on his success." It would not be a bad
thing for Fred, to make an "official" visit
to brussels and settle up some old stand-
ing accounts.
NEW Pnnsickn10Ns.-Wm. Bryce, pub.
Heber, Toronto, has just issued two more
of his Canadian copyright books. The
title of one is "Philippa Fairfax," by
Frances Hodgson Burnett, author of
"Little LordFauntleroy." If this recent
production approaches the natural simpli.
city and touching eloquence which rune
all through the tale of "Little Lord raunt-
leroy," it will well repay perusal. "The
Mystery of St. James Paris' by Jno. Bioun.
della Burton, is the title of the other
story. The price of each is 25 cents, and
they can be procured at the bookstores
or from the publisher direct.
PRESENTATION. -Tito Guelph Mercury
gives the following notice concerning a
former resident of Brussels :-Thomas
Ross, who for the past cis months has
been employed as night watchman at the
Homewood Sletraat, having received a
more initiative position at his trade in
Salem, tendered his resignation to the
managers of the Horne. The matron and
gentlemen in the institution to show
their appreciation of his many acts of
kindness towards them last night present-
ed him with the following address :
To Thomas Ross, Ilamot000d Retreat,
Guelph, Ontario,
We the undersigned, having heard you
wore about to leave us, take this oppor.
tunity to anew our esteem toward yon,
and Must you will accept this chain and
pin as a slight token, nob for its intrinsic
value, but as an appraclation of your
Signed by the matron and gentlemen
of the Botreat.
At the proper time Mr. Ross was hand-
ed a handsome gold chain and amend
pin, and at the conclusion of the address
he replied in very feeling terms thanking
them for their valuable present.
Ctxxewftiso:u L°e7o vs* v, '
Woodstock is to have the electric
Another atriko of wail laborers has oe.
curred at Montreal,
Two buakot shape have been sleeted in
Montreal in defiance of the law,
Teach is beini,, laid on the Red River
Valley roars at the rate of two milee
a day,
Citizens of Kingston have mot and de-
nounced Senday traffic on the Welland
Henry AI. Wilmot, it0,P,P, for 7o ronten•
se, died soddenly Monday night lit sting.
Ilon. Jno. Schultz was sworn in as
Liontenant•Governor of Manitoba on
Mr. Wilson and Frank Oliver aro elect.
ed members of the N. W. Council' for
Discontent is said to be causing Mall -
emus desertions from the London Mili-
tary Sahoed,
Col, Goldin and Mr, Henclrie have been
purchasing horses for the British army
in St. Thomas.
Sunday traffic on the Welland 'Canal
has been condemned at a meeting of St.
Catharines citizens,
Barrie is expecting to got elootrio light
for 25 unto tonight. Shalford the same,
Toronto pays 56 cents.
At the last meeting of Ekfrid Council
045,94 was voted to parties for the lose
of sheep killed by dogs.
Five offioors of the Governor -General's
Foot Guards have resigned owing to a
dieputo with the colonel.
Bev. Mo. 11latthews, of Quebec+, has
been elaoted permanent of
of the
Pan -Presbyterian Alliance.
A ieaorder in Montreal compelled a
young man to enter into bonds to dismal.
tinne vieiting a young lady.
The annual meeting of the Provinoiat
Teaohers' Association will begin at the
Normal School ou August 14,
`2. H. Wright, of Sandwich, is at Sel-
kirk for the purpose of eatablishing a
fishing businees at that pleas.
Mathew Leonard, a Tyendinaga
farmer, fall while working in a burning
fallow and was fatally burned.
Stalwart Hugh McKinnon, of Hamil-
ton, will superintend the big Scottish
gamee at Buffalo on August 4th.
There is a big jotter of tourists and
American eapitalista at Port Arthur.
They are arriving by every beat
Toward the and of nest week Hon. A.
M. Ross, Provincial Treasurer, will leave
for a montlr's eantping in Muskoka.
Con. Biggar, M. P. P. for North Bruce,
is slows' but surely recovering. His
many friends will be glad to hear it.
The Ontario Conference of the A. M,
E. Church will meet in Chatham, in a
few days. Bishop Tanner will preside.
The city of Guelph supplies tbo On-
tario Agricultural College with water at
0650 per year for a period of five years.
Gabriel Dumont has received letters
from Halfbreeds in the Northwest threat-
ening rebellion unless their properties are
Dr. Sutherland's resolution favoring
the formation of it Third Party with Pro.
hibition as a central plank was defeated
by 110 to 50.
The Brantford School Board bas de-
olded to engage Mrs. Wylie as directress
of the kindergarten esotion of the schools
at a salary of 9600:
The people of Woodstook gave a mag-
nificent reception to Rev. W. J. Mo.
Mullen, Moderator of the General As-
sembly, on his return from Halifax.
BRANDON. --At the Methodist parsonage,
New Hamburg, on July 6th, the wife
of Rev. W. T. Brandon of a daltgbter.
10cALLrsTEn-L1 ltiorris township, on the
5th inst., the wife of Mr. A. K. Mo -
Allister of a daughter.
LECDIE-OravER.-At Hamilton, on Wed-
nesday, llth inst., by Rev. D. H.
Fletcher, Mr. John Leckie, of Tor-
onto, to Miss Auniee Oliver, of Brus-
Connex-DEOANTILLON,-At St. Besile
Church, Toronto, on the 20th inst.,
Mr. Joseph Cormiok, of Ayr, to Miss
Annie L. De0antillon, youngest
daughter of Mr. Jas. DeCantilIon, of
Dublin, Ont., and sister to Mrs. T.
O'Neil, of Brussels.
WILSON. -In Brussels on Monday, 9th
inst., Thomas, eldest son of James
and Catharine Wilson, aged 15 years
and 7 months.
0 I sZxovrs,
Toronto Sept. 10 to 22.
East Wawanoah, Bolgrave, Oot. 9th.
Provincial at Kington, Sept. 10 to 15.
Fall Shows will be held this season as
Exeter on Monday and Tuesday, 00•
tober 1 and 2.
Western, mt London, from the 20th to
the 29th of September.
Clinton on Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday, Sept. 19, 20 and 21.
South Huron, at Seaforth, on Monday
and Tuesday, Sept. 17 and 18.
Godsrim on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, Oct. 2, 3, 4 and 5.
t33E1AW"'OR,'rB MAR2s^S-7'ss.
roll Wheat 03
Spring Wheat 80
Oats 48
Peas 65
Barley 50
Potatoes 50
Butter, per lb 18
Eggs, per dozen 18
Apples, per bushel 05
Hogs, dressed 0 50
Beef 4 60
Hay 8 00
Wood, per cord 2 50
Sheepskins, oath 40
7 00
6 50
8 50
oestro.mummmem Ne.s.,=F-FATS,
COININ0TED 0b1EDU,Lr,Y mom 0101110.
Fa1t Wheat ' 06 97
Spring Wheat 00 07'
Barley 50 60
Oats 48 50
Peas. ,05 00
Butter, tubs and tolls18 ' 00
Eggs per dozen 14 0D
Pour per barrel 5 00 00
Potatoes 40 50
Hay per ton00
Hides per 1b 7 004 8 TO
Salt per bbl., wholesale.., 00 80
Shoop skins, oath 00 1 00
Wool, per lb. 18 22
Pork 6 25 0 50
Centralith ideation. garden
tI lltutuillosotI'ub-
lishing Xiouso
hos of the nadersigned, lot 7, son. 7,
Grey, ono? about J'un01St, O yoaflinga, Two
01 tmme 1050 5512805 ,xe2 00,1 whits in color,
ono Of alio ataota 15 a brindle and the other
two aro a reddish color. Any information
loading to their r ecovery will bo thankful ly
reeoivod. 110310', X1101,15,
1.11 it meets, X', O
3tf1:Y LB, 1888.
Hughes Bros.,
Toron Flo,
Bankrupt Stock
-----WORTH OF -----
CH1! Jt f 'y __jjj t a
C I y ttJ E luJ iC
Goode were Sold Last Week g from 4Oo.
to Sole o,Ad tho Dollar,.
was the first Lucrcf lean from the County of Huron to attend the
Great Sade, consequently he has some rare Bargains to
offer his customers. Note a few of A. R.
Smith's quotations :
COLORED SILK, for 75e,, regular price $1.25. Black Silk at
70c., worth $1.00. Black Silk, for $1.00, worth' $1.50.
LOVELY DRESS GOODS, for 10c., worth 150.
NUN'S VEILING, for 150., worth 25c.
BUNTING, in Navy, Brown and Bronze, for 12c,; regular price,
2.5.c. tI3 it t
CASHMERE, Navy Blue and Brown, all wool, for 85c., sold near-
ly everywhere for 50c.
VELVETEEN, for 25c., regular price 45c.
COURTAULDS CRAPE, at half price.
ORIENTAL LACE, in Cream auci White, at half price.
TWEED, all wool, at 35c., worth 50c.
CORDUROY, at 45c., worth 75c. Corduroy, at 90c. worth $1.25
to $1.40.
WORSTED COATING, at $2.25, worth $3.00.
We are determined to sell all oar Trimmed and Untrimmed Ilats
and have Clear Counters if Low Prices will do it. Mss Hit.7wAari
will be here to Take Orders for Tp'o Weeks longer.
In order to make things hum, I will sell men's Worsted Snits for
$6.75, worth $10.00 ;'$9.00 Suits for x¢6.50 ; a ,$7.00 Suit for $4.75;
a lot of men's Odd Coats, fon. $3.00, regular price, $6,00 ; Odd
Vests for $1.25, worth $2.00, Odd Pants, Cheap ! Cheap !
LT U'ST .7i?EC,EIV'E,D el
r IS ST At
17, bb , Raw 80.gar ar Ion $1,00.
18 L. Granulated Sugar, $L00.
tghe t Palm Paid for :Butter Eggs.