The Brussels Post, 1888-7-13, Page 44 Local- . Adam Good. Strayea.--llobt, Ingifs- Linte fruit julee- C. A. Peadinan. Dwelling to rent -- foe: l'ub. House. e he i+ xtt55ci5 rot , FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1S43, MI,. XVI. With this issue Tits fosse enters on its sixteenth volume under most favorable. circumstances and with a very favorable outlook. Wo take this opportunity of returning tltenk:: to the public for their generous support in tate past and ask a continnancc it their patronage. Wo feel specially indebted to our correspondents for the to eeasinginteroattheyhavetaken in glaring all that was interesting before our readers, Our object will be, as it has been, to keep Ttnt POST fully up to be marl: as a live, clean local newspaper. Tnr. villa=s Council acted wisely in ✓ oting -the money in hand toward a sink. ing fund to meet oar municipal indebted- ness. In addition to this a small levy ehonld be made every year so That when the term for which tate debentures run expires the debt may be wiped out. B1138- vit indebted- ness • is not badly burdened with n ness but the sooner it is ciente(' off with- out heavy pressure on the taxpayers the better for all concerned. Leer week Mr. Henderson, M. P., for Halton Co„ was unseated for bribery by agents and was saddled with frill costs. It appears from tho evidence that Mr, Moir, of St. Morys, at one time editor of the Exeter Reflector, who was stumping in HaItot, helped handle the wealth. A new election will be held shortly, They have had a lively time in the above men- tioned riding for several years with elec- tions, protests, trials, sec. and it is to be hoped this coming contest will settle af- fairs for some time to come. Tun result of the Temperance Conven- tion at Montreal last week was to drop the Third party and boom Prohibition stronger than ever. The meeting was very unanimous on the step to be taken for the future and a vigorous campaign will be made in favor of the entire aboli- tion of the liquor traffic. Close atter:- ion will he paid to the election of mem- bers of Parliament as en the next Dom- inion election hangs the immediate ndop. tion of this Iive Onto to a very large extent. It is expected that chemises, societies, At'. will wake up to the neces- sity of esCry man and woman doing their east and wonting on the line of Total Prohibition. Trait tarp cad accident by which a youth in the bloom of health was sudden- ly cut down and speedily ushered into eternity has cast a gloom over the whole neighborhood. That it was purely aaei. dental is beyond doubt, and that the boys interested were on the moot friendly terms is equally well established, but that does not take the responsibility of allowing boys to handle firearms away. What was done on Monday might take place, according to report, almost any week by the careless use of guns end re, volvers. The advantage a thorough in- vestigation would have beau that an of- ficial statement would have been given, before which ell other reports would be silenced. It is to be hoped that this dis- tressing and painful event will teach more than one useful lesson to the youth of this community. The bereaved family have the sincerest sympathy and prayers of all in this heavy stroke. Tnn following aro the results of the Winnipeg elections for the Local House : —Sottth Winnipeg, Isaac Campbell, Lib evel, eiected by two hundred and forty- seven majority, North Winnipeg, Zion. L. M. Janes, Liberal, four hundred and twenty-eight majority; Centro Winnipeg, Col. McMillan, Liberal, five hundred and four majority. The elections on Wednes- day have resulted in a great majority for the Greenway Government. At the pres- ent writing it is not thought that more than font Opposition members are re- turned. Norquay is reported beaten in Iiildonan, but claims lie is elected by two !majority, The Winnipeg divisions have been literally swept by the Liberals, and the city is wild with excitement, Wed. nesday evening huge processions were formed, and all the successful candidates addressed gatherings at the City hall and other important points. Emerson has rejected Charles Douglas, who has repreaentecl that conetitttettey for years. The total Liberal vote in blinnedosa was over 400, but Torry is sleeted ort account of no Liberals being in the field, The returns as far as heard aro:: Beautiful Plains --Crawford, Liberal, 17 majority. Birtle - ?fickle, Liberal, Brandon Con. ire --Smart, Liberal, 01 majority, Haven CoEntry Notes, ilabt. Winters, of blt•Millop, bought forty-five head t,f tattle recently from T. IE, flays, torr which he paid t n ren averag of , t c tel heed. ii { 1 , . Rov. I , AIcCO'h fe,th nil teeter y tctot rat Hayfield. azul afterwards at W-inghrtra now )'eliding at Pomona, California, it )s 71:0180182.28100MkesatenteiMaansl rumored will return to work in 11'nron Diocese. Macer:. Harding o; T,cat.horne, con- tractors, on- tra t hs, of Loudon, have been awarded the coot, for the erection of the Ciod- rr tt ak'tt, mini at It Cast of between Aa tdd mid ;t).000. 1\ illiluzlt i it pteriok, of Waw'nnosft was tin•: wn in front of n mower 1\'edncs day afternoon the horses resoling away. Ills legs Were ant no badly that ampu- tation may be necessary. Collector Cavell, of Stratford, and 011ieer Brown seize l an illicit still in tho Township of Stephen, :Nulty of Ifuron, Monday, and had the owner arrested, tried and sentenced to pay Slid and be iutprisioned,rate month. A hen ham...gine to Welter Hick, of Gederielt township, laid au egg recently `shish is something eta curiosity. It is small—not larger Gm a pigeon's egg— ami, when broken, was found to be de. roil Of yeilt. containing instead another little egg, a trifle larger than a canary's egg At a meeting of the W. C, T. le, of Goderich, held Tuesday, Jule Seel, it was resolved to place upon record OUT heart- felt regret at the: wide -spread prevalence ofiutoxication on the eccasien of the ob- servance of Dominion Day, in saeh marked contrast with similar celebra- tions, while the liquor traffic enjoyed no sanction from the law. The legal pre- scription of Ilio said traffic: having been withdrawn, seeiety has already begun to reap the fruit of its errors, in the indel- ible dl•:graeo cast upon it, by tbo sadden- ing scenes whichournational h holiday of 1888 furnished in snob marked numbers, and such utter degradation. Wo also ap- peal to all those classes who bold dear the integrityof s stet • and the sanctity of domstiy life toco.oflerate in al movements, haying for them object, the legal prescription of the liquor traffic mud ilio arrest of that downward tendency of society, of which rho liquor traffic is the predominant cause, and of which the ex- cess, referred to is the unerring witness. Signed on behalf of the W. 0, T. U. by Secretary . A TomsToxa Casa.—Tho Detroit Tree Press says :--United States Commission- er Davison's office, in the postofftoe build- ing, was throngedyesterday with a crowd of people Leona Huron County, Out.. who were present to attend the extradition prloeedings of is marble cutter named Henry Messett, Messett's alleged offense is that of forging the name of a man named John Price to a note for 04d. It appeared from the evidence which was given before Commissioner Davison yes- terday that about two years ago Messett was in the gravestone business in Canada and bad an extensive trade ; that a stone was ordered by a man named John Price, and was paid for, and that Price claimed that it second stone was ordered by an- other man named John Price, and was paid for by a promissory. note winch was given to Messett and discounted by a man living in the same village. The lat- ter note is claimed by the Canadian auth- orities to Lace been a forgery ; that there was 1.o such man as a seeond John Price, and that no such person gave a note. The evidence Las all Leen taken iu tiro matter, and a decision will be rendered by Commissioner Davison thie morning. Collin McDougall, of St. Thomas, (Queen's Ceunsol, and L. L. Daney, of Seaforlh, Deputy County Attorney of Huron Co., appeared for the Canadian authorities, and ex -United :dates Attorney J. W. Finney conducted the defence. 1 'General cs4'w. John Zaeltar has fasted 50 days. Smallpox has appeared in Buffalo. There are 0710,400,510 in the United States treasury. A ease of cholera morbus has occurred in Richmond, Indiana. The International Law Cougresswill meet at Lausanne Sept. 1st. Russia has signed the convention for the abolition cf sugar bounties. The great game in Japan is "Go." It is something like 'chess, and the masters of it sometimes take 21 hours for a game. The canning of shrimp is becoming a groat industry lin New Orleans. Fully 100,000 cans a day are packed there during the season, At almercantile conference ut Birming- ham a committee was appointed to in• vestigate and report on the scheme for a ship canal from Liverpool to I3irming• barn. The Maplewood Park Association, of St, Paul, Minn., will sue Rev. Dr, Tal• mage for 010,000 damages for failing to deliver en address there on the nth, as agreed. In China there aro over 400 epodes of plants used for food, and in the world probably ten times that number, Saw- dust in Sweden is used in bread and is found digestible. During the present campaign the Omaha World will havo on its staff a Re- publican and a Democratic editor, each of whom will present his silo of the ques- tion day by day. The readers of the paper expect to have a circus, A Afinnesola man painted his house with phosphorescent paint, and the very first might four fire companies smashed all his windows and drenched Itis car'• pets, and the crowd got away with about 011 worth of diamonds and solid silver. Six hundred newsboys wero washed, scrubbed, scoured, rinsed off, rolled up in flannel and laid out in the sun to dry the other morning at bathhouse, on West Afadison street, Chicago. It t'equired 14,000 gallons of hot water, as much more of cold, 1,200 bottles of "shampoo" and 1,200 towels to do the work. John Roll, residing in ldcdmon, Edgar county, Ill., is the owner of a horse that ie twenty hands high, weighs 2,500 pounds, and is said to be the largest horse in the world. It is 6 years old, never Wast off Roll's farm, never has been broken, and ]las never been shod. The black. that at Retlmon is afraid to shoe the horse, Two perfectly pure white birds, which woro caught in Galena, I11., have been ex- amines by local ornithologists, who pro. none them genuine robins, Thera ex• oeodiugly rime ;specimens of the feather. ad tribe aro about two-thirds grown, and wore taken from a meet knotvn to have been built by robing of the redbreast variety. Five 1 as-ongct' conductor's on the "Ince Lino" (C hcvaland, Colmnbtta, Ciuohntati ,0- Indianapolis Railroad) were dismissed on Thursday, and it in said ttvcnty.six havo been discharged enuring the past ion days, . Jinn: ttoi detectives and Ennals' apottrt e hwe been nu for Vnaitcrbilt lone. during lite past year. 'usd It& is the remilt of timer labnt;. THE BRUSSELS POST A C"ltfongo, lloclt Island ,C Paeifle eons struction train, with seventeen men of boertt, was derailed west of Cameron, Mn„ on the evening on July 101.13, Fore. man Richard Jones was Milled outright, Engineer Wilcox wan scalded end died a few hours later, and 13ralcen>an Cum• miogs' feet wore crushed and he also re. ceived internal ittjorio•, from width lin will die, An explosion oeenrred in the house of an old clothes dealer in ilio Ibuo Moneys, Paris, Friday night, Ono person was killed and another injured. Au investi- gation by the polies' hes given rise to the suspicion that the occupants were engag- ed in the secret manufacture of bombs, to be need on the 11th of July in eonnce• tion with the celebration of the fall of the Bastile. The reckless destraotiou of forests in Prussia Inas lately increased to such an extent that the Government have issued a law proteoliug timber throughout the empire. In recent years this wholesale falling of fine woods has completely changed the oliutata of many distriots, rendering the nouutry barren and rain- less. Farther, removing the trees from the banks of the lakes and rivers has loosened the sand, and thus shallowed many harbors and watercourses. W. A. Lyman, of Milford, Conn,, is making the smallest possible specimen of an engine. It will be made from a sil- ver half -dollar, Tito boiler is to hold about eight drops of water, but with four drops the engine can be worked several minutes. when finished it is to be plac. .s ei under a glass naso three-quarters oar tato of an inch in diameter and an inch and ono- eightlt in height- Some of the parts will be so lino and delicate that they cannot be made entho rt the use of a magnifying glass. Itis reported that et young infantry officer of the French army has invented a kind of military microphone, by means of which the approach or the movement of troops as well as their probable nun't- hers,tney be paged. The apparatus is described as being as simple as it is in- genius, and consists of a transmitting and a receiving machine, which aro 0ou- nected together by a ntesallio wire. The experiments made with the instrument during the recant manoeuvres at Montan• batt before Gem vincendon and kis staff were very satisfactory. There passed Palatka, Fla., the other day, a man of about 40 winters, who was an object of pity, end yet with all that was somewhat amusing. Ho was sane on all subjects but one, and that, he im- agined himself a teapot. He would put himself into the theme of a teapot by rounding one arm to represent the spout and the other to represent the handle. While in that shape he became very un- easy if anyone Dame near, fearing they might break off the handle or the spout. He would not speak, but would make a danger signal with his mouth to represet the escaping steam. Then he would walk around, sway to and fro among those about him, fully satisfied that he was a teapot. About two years ago Ir•aao Waldorf, a merchant well known in Jewish 'seaman - tile circles, while walking on Broadway noticed a young girl of about 18 crying. He accosted her, and, on being question. ed as to the reason of her distres', she told hien she was a stranger and panni. leas, having come front Vienna to aeclt friends in this country. He invited her to his home, and being a widower with three children, he hired her as his house- keeper. Three months afterwards they were married, and all want well till one day lest week, when the girl's mother ar- rived from Australia on a visit. It tarns Out that the woman was Waldorf's first wife; whom be deserted nearly twenty years ago. As the girl went by another name there was nothing to indicate that slto was in any way related to him, and he unknowingly committed the crime of marrying his own daughter. The sanitary government of the city of Paris is the most perfect of that of any municipality in the world. Lately the authorities have taken hold of a matter which ought to be of interest to health boards everywhere. They have mads some reguiatiois as to how carpet shak- ing and beating shall be done. Inves- tigation showed that the dust from old carpets was insalubrious and liable to spread infectious germs, so they decided to regulate such cleating. Hereafter oarpets must bo brushed and beaten in antrrely shut up roams, and the dust de- posited is to be washed with water con- taining disinfectants. Strips of rag, wool,&e„ remaining must bo burned im- mediately, This would seem to be probbyy hard on the people engaged in the btt.t. nose, but the requirements are none too severe, oven if the dust from foul carpets were only a nuisance and not poisonous. A largo number of people visited John Zaohar, the Caledonia, Wis., faster, on Monday, July 0th, It was the fiftieth day of his remarkable feat. Zaohar talk. ed pleasantly with his visitors on all subjects but ihat of his fast. One that ho enjoined silences He has grown much weaker during tiro last threw days, He has still strength enough to walls from the horse to tho tree under which Ito can be found at any hour of the clay. Thera he dozes off, sleeping but a short time, Ho appears to suffer no pain, Dr, Noyes says he found Zaohar's pulse at 46, lite tongue clean and his mind ap- parently unclouded, The doctor believes his fast ie genuine. Dr. Hays says the case possesses no value whatever to coienee, as there is no proof that Zachar Inas not eaten food during the peed 50 clays. Zachar's relatives, however, in- sist that ho has nob partaken of food of any kind. The Government of India havo snub. Belied, for the information of the publie, through the Bulletin of the Royal Gar- dens, Kew, some particulars of the now process of cot:acting quinine from the olnohoma burls by means of til, By the aid of tale process, perfected lately by Mr. Gamme, it is found possible to utilize) the aalisaya or yellow balk variety and to extract from it the whole of its quinine in a form indistinguishable chemically or physically from the best brands of ]European utanufecturo, and this so cheaply Chat not morely in times pinta the present of depressed markets, but at all portraits, it will not coot the Government more than 25 rupees per pound. Should all the expectations Which this important ,Ii' cot cry has awakened bo realized it is believed that it will Lead to the substitu• t.iett of Indian manufactured quinine for the febrifuge in the hospitals and do. e iotsottrin of c' .t India, mud as a n e 1 , CC near y r; ns rte t; o m l t u o, to t.he nubst)tutiau of yellow bark for red hark in the Sikkim planta. Bons. BANKING, mcINTOSIl & MoTAGGART, d 13IlUSSliLfi Transact tt Clencrnl Banking Easiness. Noire DIHC.ot'.TEO, Canadian anti hunted States Drafts bought and sold, In torost allowed on deposits. Col(, et(ona mute ea favorable terms. Canadian Agents--MtntcntxT'a Moor ol. O.44An.t. Now York AgentA--IDu'altTldne Atm T1lAn• Ells NA'1.1oxAt. !USN, LECA, AND CONVEYANCING. " • 11. SINCLAIR SOLICIT - m•, Catn'eyanuar, Notary Publie, i nrgrcavcs' C1)reg litntt', Moak, rivate Funds to Loon. •eg-��' E. WADE, BARiRISTER, L i • Solicitor end. Notary Public, Con• vovancing• Collections and Loaning. Dir, Wade vitt attend to ticrrio ot•ury twines• (ray at two o'clock. DICKSON & HAYS, (Tato whit Gaa•row k Prondtoof, code - rich) Barristers, Solloitors, Conveyancers, Re, O1l10e, Grant's lllook, Brussels. Dluaay to loan. R. S. BAYS. 1V, B. DICKSON. i1I. TAYLOR, B. C. L., BAR- • nrs'rtn, 5oicitor,fio., of tin -arm of Dickson k Taylor, Barristers, Solicitors, Su Df L1ni g Arcade, e' Ringg Street West, Money to lost. ALEX. HUNTER, ()LEER OF eycer,tilCourt, c nMiran Fourth Division ILadLoa and Insurance Agent, Puuda invested and boloot, 0o,lectione made. OIIloo in 0re- h em's 711oo1e,1?reseals. _esRT GUNNING/1111 v:481MA tcra, FIREAND MARINE, GUELPH. MEDICAL CARDS. DI. F. GALE, M.D., 0. M. Member of the Oollogo of Physicians and Surgeons of Cutaalo by examination. OIDco and Resident—Main St. East, Ethe Ontario. T A.. IIeNAUGHTON, IoI.D C. Hf., L.R. C. P. Edinburgh, M, C. P, S. Ont. At E'argreavas' Drug Store from 0 to 11155 a,m, and from 030 to 4 p. in. At other hours may bo Maud at tiro residence formerly occupied by Dr. Hutchinson, Mill street, DENTAL. DTtINf. X0i7C'IrS;r, 0, L, Ball, L. D. S., Honor Graduate and Dl. it, C. D. S. Toronto, Vitalized Air given 13,11. Morins, D. 1), S., Assistant Operator 0rrxcl—.d opus I3lo0lt, Saaforth. DZlla'.rgr..( IM 7C. IV. T. Poor ,L.D S, Graduate of Ta- ranto School of Dentistry. All oper- ations guarottood, Onloe—Qady's Block, Ssatol'th, Artificial tooth, a rst.tluality, and guaranteed at,tor 1111300 per sot. 13.11.0 Z,Via.t8a. 7 .A., 52�. 9xST, 2, T>, S„ Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, NI'rnoa Oxtna GAs administered for the painless extraa.- tion of teeth. • 0Etf'!Cfi•--Garilcict Meek, D`afti5S3i0S. AUCTIONEERS. �t EORGE KIRKBY, LIOEN- sap Auctioneer. Sales conducted on reasonable terms, farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders lett at Tuts Pon Publish- ingHouso, 13 rilesols, o e sent to Walton poet office will 1.0001 ) prompt attention. A DELG•AT`i'Y, AUO7.'ION- nna,Isprepared to attend to solos on the shortest notice, A suoolalty tnatto at salsa of thorough -bred stock, Terms made known by application tr THIS Pon Publish- ing House, whore order's may be 1015, or adtdrors to Brussels 0, • A/,A� RAYIIANN AUCTIONEER, . is always toady 40 attend sales of farms, farm stock, ka, Terms cheerfully on -cm. CraubrooltjP.O, Salon may bo al - ranged at Tun Porti Publishing House Brussels. yBUSINESS CARDS, H. MoORAO1iEN, ISSUER • of lfarrtago Lioon:ma. Odle° at his Gtocnry, T urnitorry Street, 1XSS O'CONNOR, 'TEACHER 11 of Piano Hutt Organ, Tonna on appla- nation. N. 13.—W alien class meets every Tllnt•sday and lfritlay atMr•a, D, cans l'bcll'a, Walton IL•N BARRETT, TONSORIAL Artist, Shopp noxtdoor south of A, 14, Moliay & Das, hu tiiwars sacro, Ladies' and children's hair cutting a p special by. A enrolee stock of clears karat. �MoNAIR, ISSUER 011 HtAR• a rtage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut,.Goyernor, Oommissioner, &e., Q. B, Oenyoyauceransl Agent Vire Insurance Qo, Otllooat the CranbrcolcPorb Office, M: RODDICX, HOUSE, SIGN and Ornamental a Painter. Painting final ming, GHSbran t,es.aSd pBlindivo done up HS branches. sp Blinds dorso in style, Paper 11. ganging spoatrlasl ooma door south of Salttyoxs' carriage Works. t. I1 W, O'BRIEN, V. S., IIONOR • Graduate of the Ontario -Veterinary donogo has resumed the wattles of John ootb,V,S,,anilinprepared to treat alt des oasesoma atoll animals on scientific andapprovod printtlhlos,. Troatntantoflel• attItenytetwn doe's''eholdgearoirret Jill( to csSALE, aria parUos, WILL RENT fo'labin end commodious dwelling. Good oolinr, acro of garden in bearing theles, 'Munn ane tonal fruits. Good stable. This - constitutes one of the beet amines In on - tato for n. ooct It russs•mak 1 being { a o b n in tlol. ; , g oontro ,0 it splondtd fiteisell, ngilexsootiest, Noon- est M)tositinn 13xttnsols, 7 miles Motown - 13 miles, Al,0yfar terms toI), W hIII,N13, on the lrtnuises, i•,tnnr., vA• WROXETER WOOLEN :: ILLS ii. L. Gibson wants 510,000 lbs. of good clean RLEECD C I; WOOL for which he will pay the limin:at' 0l� .yttria Pause lx Cent 01' trade at the Wroxotor Woolen Mills, .0n immense steel( nr splendid 'Tweeds, Elan 114914, ski rt l HK0,Draggels, Monti.111, $hta limn: and f ilrns or Ills DIM make (all guaranteed to wear) and groat variety in Fine ']'weeds', Flannels, Ovor. coatings, ,0e, ('1'9Tt111 Sl'ANNIN(' AND CAROMS DONE at reasonable figures awl good work guar- anteed. Wo aro bound to maintain our reputation by satisfactory work and square dealing, 1)tit 'minims Tugs STAN ADE 0110.50 gig' "e3R'POrWA? i:r i�r'CT�.` ,p, X Prizes for (I) Beat Fleece Long Wool ; (2) Best Fleece Fine Wool ; (3) Heaviest Fleece (cleanness cnusnlerod.) --QOMPETiTiQN— o—I'REE—o TO -:- ALL -:- CUSTOMEI(S, We want your Wool and you want our goods and our stoney, so cone and sea tis, .:1. L. GIBSQJI , •tt-tin' ii'roxelor 1E001elt 31nEs. Pumps -Pumps -Pumps The old reliable Pump Works of Bros. sale still to the front mud rushing busi- ness right along, ➢DEP VIM AND CERN PIMPS always on Loud with all the latest im- provements and guaranteed to GIVE SATISFACTION. I stn prepared to take contracts for Digging IJ'ells or Cisterns at Reasonable Rates. Special Attontiou given to Ropairingt As I use only the best material, super- vise all the work and sell at moderate prices I know it will be to the advantage of the public to deal with me. J• TELl'OJX , Pnorrmros. Shop opposito P. Scott's blacksmith shop, Mill street, I3rnssels. I THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Liver Contpl rat Dyapepsta, Bhllloltenaas, S iclt Headache, 'Kidney trotlbl's Rheumatism, Spilt Diseases,. and all impuri- ties of the blood from whatever cause arising, TRI: taRIAT SPRING MEDICINE. xvxC39 7.rc. (ti+ritit. rs11a ,5105 pv --T vY--0 LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very wnall aril easy to take.) NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA Sold everywhere ; price 25 cents. f'NIA\ MEDICINE Co., l'rsprlrl ors, TO1t(DN'l'(0. CANADA. BLYTIi 'Woolen Mill. It. Forsyth sit Son, folmorly of tho Wroxeter Woolen Mills, beg to inform the Fanners in this vi- cinity that they have Now in Op- eration It Woolen ]lull in .Blyth, and hope that by adhering to their olcl plan of Junking noth- ing but Sound, Durable Goods and trust that by so doing to meet a liberal patronage. CUSTOM WORK of all kinds promptly and caro - fully attended to. The HIGIlIST PnicE paid for Wool in Exchange for Tweeds, Full Cloths, Flannels; Yarns, etc. A Trial Solicited ! Satisfaction Guaranteed ! R. Forsyth & Soii. E NE Y K OR LOOK HER WAVING PURCHI.ASED THE STOCK IN TRADE from MR. WALTER- COATS at a good reduction I will give great bargains in csz G• T -f Vis., S S "LTi A •.d ;i.,l -- I have also a :fine stock of New Goods, Sugars, Teas, C1, c•, —which I am selling very cheap for— Come one Coale all and secure a good Bargain. aohaa, L.Sturdy', Next door to Gerry's Hardware, BRUSSELS >sa14.... .unnerrenan +217rnraa,,.y...n4 A P sidles Gum YAd • PaInlese 4C''? are0 4 iin P_-... IT ss' rr.-. - ,:�,,.. --�•:a ,,,,,,,._'lt. Alltcn,.,, FACTS ,'n v _ ISN OF ALL AGO am' 7 .,a8„S1t'fF+.. INTO cf +n- eu.a all 0d,jiJlu'E'AX .1.1M.Ti"IL @r IBNit, heeling, and llohb oer el reedltenos, .33 At'rrlbtc ea laa:rf'te150515(1 at`.(XiaflseletiSsi, .•w,:a' ..r.. ..,• lispa"ttre tct,•,l lyyei'work, %Vito are broken,3ou,:, •-, ;bn ofalias, wig 'in1inNo. careifies Icure fernervous 'c,"altueze, iuvoh,ac, ry vital lesson, etc, Sintrmoats eon winos: . ,t, -ns 'Uann.--wane o1 energy, s ottigo, want of purpose, slimness of MIMI, society, want tI conndcnon, avoidance of couvoraatlot, deslro for eallnt ty tl ,t ..n1 1,,,511157 to fix the attention on n. particular subject, eowardics, <iupru�, t r, r nit;, r•,iriln'son, loss of motme,v, osc(tabflity of tem er' Spar. ma.0rr'Ltlna, or lna9 „f 1 nn., I Ilgnl—tho result or half-tabaaa or marital axeeAd—hnpo- teuOY, innntritiou, ,,, ,1 . ,.'n, bra ,hose, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feelings in females, aronn:lint, ,:.. , , t1, d,', 5tstallLing dilates oto„ aro all symptoms of tjtls terrible habit, oftentimes in .,•c'�.,.I,• , uiulrc.5, ha short. (ho sprhiif of vital fordo having lost its tension, awryr,.r+,. • In eonaognotrco, lloientele writers and the superintendents of insane aayli,n,'t ,itis' 11 1,nrlhiti!t to the alb:eta of enteabneo the groat majority of wasted lives which 00 so 10 ).r ‘1,170 notice, If you are incompetent for ilia arduous elution of bunivan;, in, n edl.a101 fur' the enjoyments of life, ,le. i1 Wails au escape from the effects of early vim, r, you are advattoad itr vaoro, 1Vo, 8 will give you full VIgpornnel moon th. If you ,'ra f v "su 51,, ,,, phyeloatly and morally from early indiso'etion, the melt oltAnora soc and folly, scud your address and 10 cants in damps for M, V. Lunol'n Treatise In Book 1 se': ou.I)lsca:a10 of plan., Sealed, add secure fr001 observation. Addroas all aommnnle.tines to 50. W. 353).53014, 47 '6V001iiai tun f(t.F„ il'he'orato, fi Man without winders lino Ina boot's pereeiso, CORES CUARAbiTefe. HEAL. 111E 51011 Cala gi v 111 11411A '3141P4, II - y 4'44 , tlVe nI1 ^• sa f t II l li „aJl, tVes anent Ol.ue, 44 G;, Pleasant Cure 4