The Brussels Post, 1888-7-6, Page 8ra31-41f se
Senootcloaes on Friday of this week,
1i ei Maohiue 011 anis Binding ''wine
GREENat B. C Enur'a, 4e-
tr r �ctl 1iair's the matter with the Wroxeter
base ball club coming to Bruesele and
giving the "Echoes" a whirl?
TUE Reeve and Clerk signed the deben.
three for a fresh loan of 65,000, to run 20
years, and dispatched them to Tpronto
last Tuesday.
D0..ATLe,-Tho well known Baird Com-
pany will appear in Brussels three nights
ibis week, Thursday, Friday and Satur-
day, under the auspicee of the town
Band. They present "Bells of Shan.
doe," "Queen's Evidence," and "Light.
ming Rod Agent."
Coon Brom-- The Canadian Live
Stock aid Farm Journal says : "J. and
W. B. Watt, Salem, Out., report as fol-
lows : To -day we have shipped to J. el,
Smith, Beresford Stook Farm, Brandon,
Man., 25 head of Shorthorns, comprising
a choice lot of youpg bulls, cows and
heifers, tho get of Brampton Hero and
imported Lord Lansdowne, the latter be
iug one of the shipment. He goes to
Mend the Hexed along with Snnrieo, by
Brampton Acro, sold by us two )ears
ego to Mrt with, along with Lady Irv-
ine, both of which have been very sue.
gives snob. universal satisfaction as the ceesful prize winners in all the leading
COUGH REMEDY manufactured in
exhibitions in hoveManitoba. This is the
Seaforth, called largest sole we have ever made to nuc
person, and have always hail a ready
--LUMSDEN & WILSON'S-''' ' sale for all that we could raise, without
the necessity of potting them up to nuc•
tion. Out herd still numbers 50 Lend."
`,Royalu Glyooratod Balsam of Er
7 ,hex Il:tlli.
day aid children, of Loudon, spoilt a few
a/ o/aro•ao. e•e'o"�•n�n'c'n'vn o oro e
,o°o%'o,ole;u,e,e,o;o,o;o,wc,c,o,c..•,o:un+..-days in town this weep. --Misses Nellie
Zts wonderful virtues leave created a and Lily Johns, of Wingham, were visit -
fug at Wm. Taustone'e for a few days. -
demand for the Preparation from all Rev, W. E. Kerr was home for a short
parts of the Province. vacation this week. ISe occupied the
Druggists sell it. Price 50 cis, pulpit of the Methodist ohurch last Siiu-
17-Gme. day evening. Ho will be stationed at
Owen Sound for the conning conference
year, associated with Rev. J. W. Holmes.
---C. R. Vanstone, of Elsinore, spent
Sunday and Monday in town. Herd.
work and the northern climate evidently
agree with "Con." -Miss Fre id, of Dash=
wood, and Bliss Nettie Chapman, of Lis-
towel, were visiting for a few days in
Goths South, Going North. town this week. -Joe. Ballantyne, of
,4Iai1..........,.-7:02 a.m. 1 Mixed 0030 axe Palmerston, was home on Sunday and
Express 11:46 a.m. Matt ,0a p.m Monday. He has bean troubled some -
nixed....... 1:560.m. 1 Express what with inflammation in his eyes. -It.
T, Clarke, of Arva, a former resident of
Brussels, was renewing old acquaintances
this week. -Miss Montgomery, of Har-
riston, was visiting her sister, Mrs. W.
F. Vanstone, this week. Miss Lena
Moxley, of Seaforth, was fn town this
week. -Miss Kitchen, of Paris, was visit-
ing Miss Mary Rowe for a few days. -3.
W. Yeo, of Toronto, smiled on his old
Juyr. time friends last Tuesday. Se has a
Nexv Thursday will be the glorious good position in the Queen city. --Mr.
12th. Coburn, of Pordwioh, was visiting in
Tae Maitland river is seldom lower town for a day or two. -Dominion Day
than at present. brought Jas. MoLauabliu, amend daugb-
NExr Tuesday Maitland Presbytery ter, R. Wynn. Charlie Rnechtel and T.
will meet at Lueknow. McCullough and wife, of Wingham ; G.
0ozzvbE's famed. Manitoba Flour for Town and Miss Clara Stark, of Seaforth,
sale at Tnousou's. 48- and Wm. Rivers, of Teeswater.-W. A.
Ona Band may attend the tournament Calbick and Fred were in Clinton over
at Walkerton in August. Sunday. -Wm. Strettou, who bias been
JNo. GzEwAo has put up a large Ver. 011 the C.P.R for some time, arrived
andah to the north side of his kitchen. home for a visit last Monday. Mrs. S.
Wu:Tem.-Either a general servant or W. Dogge, of Chatham, is also visiting
a nurse girl. Agp1y at once to her parents and old friends. -A, M. Kay,
50- Mao. W. T. CLUur•. who has been in Goderich for the past
COUNCIL meeting next Monday evening two or three years, has taken a position
as no business was transacted last Mon- as assistant postmaster in Stratford. A.
day. M. fills the bill to a nicety and will please
Mzeuera$21 Sabbath School pic. nie this the residents of the Classic city. He went
(Friday) afternoon in Daniel Stewart's to bis new situation on Monday. -Wm.
grove. Ross, of Guelpb, is here on a holiday
TUE fall assizes for Huron county are visit. -Mrs. Browatt, of Ingersoll, is vie.
set down for Tuesday, Ootober I6th, and iting her sister, Mrs. Deadman, -The
the Chancery Sittings for Monday, Dec. Misses Moore were in Stratford last week.
10th. -J. D. Ronald was away to Berlin last
Nommtrs, letterheads, envelopes, bill- week nttendieg a Swedenborg Convex.
heads, statements, tags, &c. supplied at tion. -Bev. Mr. Goodwillie was in town
close prices at THE Pour Publishing last Friday on his way to Wroxeter where
House. be supplies the pulpit of the Presbyterian,
Roar. WATT and Dan McKenzie, work- church for two Sabbaths -R. 8. Bays
men of the Ronald Works, started for visited the Co. town on Monday -Mrs.
Wiarton last Tuesday to commence set- McKay and her son Andrew, who went
ting up part of the water worsts machin- to Kansas a few months ago, have re.
ery. turned to Brussels. The country did not
"CAnLtsce."-This well known stallion, agree with our old friend and she wanted
the property of George Whitely, of Sea- to get back to Canada. Geo. McKay and
forth, will be at the Central Hotel stables, 0. W. Jackson are both at work in Kan -
Brussels, on Tuesday nights and will re- ens at their trades. --We are pleased to
main until 11 a.m. Wednesday during see Jno. Stewart able to be about again
the Beason. 47.4 and hope he will soon be couvalesoent.-
A QITAETEis OP A CENTURY L` 0021 Eu. W. J. Fear, L.A.S., wife and children,
etosnraN•T.-FrankLsBonstarted towork of Seaforth, were visiting Samuel Fear
for J. D. Ronald in Chatham on the 4th this week. -J. W. Shaw is home for his
of July, 1560 -jest 25 years ago this venation from Toronto. -Rev. R. Paul
week. Rather a steady pull. Frank is will supply the Methodist pulrit on the
a steady, industrious workman, }hence Bleevale mission for a time owing to an
the continued employment. unexpected alteration in the mind of the
Rev. Mir. Charlton who was appointed to
this charge. -Thos. Maxwell, wife and
son arrived home last week from a holi-
day tour through Illinois 000upyiug a
couple of weeks. -Miss Stanley, of Chee-
ky, is visiting with Miss Jennie Stewart.
-Albert Fitzpatrick was home from
Arthur for Saturday, Sunday and Mon.
day. -Mrs. T. G. Holmes and children
arrived home on Monday from a visit to
friends at Hoinresville.-Miss Aseuath
Scott, a former Breseellte, was in town
this week. She has been living at Sim -
coo for the past year or mors, -Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston, of Luoknow, were visiting
at Robt. Armstrong's this week. -L, M.
McKay was taking in the sights at Tor-
onto this week. -Mrs. Smith, of Gode-
rich, is theguest of Mrs. G. E. Cooper.
-"We hada visit this weals from our
old friend Peter Grant, of Cleveland, 0.,
where ho is employed in the manufac-
ture of the mostimproved kinds of archi-
tectural iron works. Mr. Grant is one
of the most ingenious mechanics that
Canada has ever produced, and is well
known as the inventor of Grant's Hay
fork, which he exhibited in London,
PI111S, Vienna, as well in the United
States and Canada. If old Diogenes
should reappear with his lantern wrath].
iziug all he met to find an honest man,
he would accept Peter Grant on sight,
and not make the least mistake.-Chica.
gu British -American." The above men-
tioned gentleman is a brother to Mrs.
Robb, Dickson, 5. R. and Simon Greet,
of this locality, -Miss Lizzie Monteith,
of Detroit, is visiting Miss Maggio Ilt,nt-
er. Mies Lizzie Fleaty, and Mrs. Wm.
Hohnos of Wingham, were the guoats
of Mrs. 1W, T. Hunter last Sunday and
Monday. -W. A. Tate and Edna, of To -
ratite, were calling on old friends in
Brussels this 'week. W. A. still sticks to
the same firm and is doing well. -J. W.
Fear, wife and children, of Toronto, aro
visiting "the old folks at home this
weep, --lire. Bauslangh Mr's. and Miss
Buchanan have returned from an extend.
ed visit in the localities of 13rantforcl and
tiireeoe,-.Alias May Adam, of Chatham,
a nicoe of J, D. Ronald, is visiting at
her uncle's itotne this week,---:4lise Whit-
worth, of Wroxeter, was the guest of Airs.
E. E. Wade this week.
1 can supply you with the
best English Paris Green
for the protection of
your Potato Vines.
Guaranteed to give -
sati5fldctioll wlleu
used • according
to directions,
Driv gist, Peolieeller, and Pansy Goods
Dealer, Druseeis.
50UT11010 Ex1ENBI00 , W. 0. & E. 11,
Trains leave Brussels Station, nett and
south as follows:-
.otal. .C1.L''S P.C111S,
A chief's amang ye tskin' notes
Au' faith he'll prent it.
A certain individual, who is not a 110y -
los at the business, has been milking
Andrew Currie's cow for several even-
ings without his permission. He will
make it a little "sultry" for the same
party if there is a repetition of this con •
temptible piece of business.
Tera Budget thinks TEE POST is on the
verge of starvation because we printed
100 twelth eheet date lines for the Band
for '75 cents, although he offered to print
100 eight abeet dates for 51,00. Do you
grasp the idea? Because he did not get
the job he's whining, as usual. IIo'a a
"pusher" for the town, over the left, but
the people are getting accustomed to his
braying. Tun Pose is not afraid of star-
Tire editor of the Budget refuses to be
comforted because he did not receive a
deadhead ticket to the promenade con-
cert ou Monday evening. The tickets
cost 15 cents. He takes the opportunity
of slurring A. Coueley, Secretary of the
bass ball club, over it. The fact of the
matter is Cousley knows more about de-
cent and gentlemanly behavior in a day
than his would-be critic knows in a,
month. The ball club should, by all
moans, refund tbo 15 riENTs,
0orcaEr,-Tho international cricket
match commenced in Toronto on Wed-
neeaay of this week and lies awakened a
groat deal of interest, the more so ea the
oannoks have won the match for tbo
past three years and do net like to lose
on their awn ground. The Mame are
made up of thio following Mayers; --
"United States -Daniel S, Newhall (cap.
lain), Francis 15, Broweter and E. 'Wal-
ter Claret, Young American G. 0.; Will-
iam bookie, jr., William 0, idlorgau, jr.,
Henry I. Brown anti George S. Patter.
eon, Germantown 0. C,; J. Allison Scott,
Walter Soctt 'and Crawford Coates )r.,
Behnont C. C. ; Arab. G. Thomson, Mr.
ion G. C. Canada-- G. W. Tones (eat].
Jain), W. A. Henry, Dr. 1'5. R. Ogden, 1).
W. Saunders, A. O. Allan M. Boyd, F.
Harley, 11. 13. Perri°, Gillespie, J. II.
Sniffier and W. C, Little. F. M. Biseel
and A. 1d. Collins, will mnpilte the game
foe the United States and Canticle respoc•
lively. In the first innings iiho 82gre
visa Calleda 70, United States 208.
NEXT Sabbath, at 11 8,01., the service
in Knee t'hnroll is intim)' for the bene-
fit of children.
bv'uraltPsli I are a very 850/r1 amp
this year largely owing to the heat and
dry weather.
Earns value in Crockery and Glass.
ware, Finest white Granite Sets import -
ell 52 at Thomsons. 47.
Ir is reported that Kconig d: Gmbel
will probably erect a large addition to
the American hotel to accommodate
their large trailer They want mare
sanhplo 100111,
Ton volunteer company arrived home
from camp last Saturday afternoon right
side up. On the whole they had a pleas-
ant time and speak very highly of their
treatment by the Stratford people.
TATE.---The horses, cattle, wagon, buggy,
Co. will bo sold at the Central hotel,
Brussels, on Monday, July 0th, at 8 p.m.,
and the posts, rails, wood and threshing
machine at the defendant's,plaoe, lot 22,
eon, a, Morris, on Tnesday, July 10tH, at
3 p, m, F. S. Seim, Bailiff.
ELnCTIOO OF OFrxr sS.- On friday
evening of last week the annual meeting
of. the Methodist Sabbath school in this
lilacs was held, Rev, 112. Swann presid-
Ing, The Treasurer's report showed the
reeodpts for the year to have boon 5187.30,
and the disbursements 5141.87, leaving a
balance of 345.43 in band. Tho Secre-
tary's report furnisbod statistics to prove
thea the average attendance was largely
in excess of the former year. The fol.
bowin,t officers w01:0 thele elected
orintendent, W. II, Herr; Secretaries,
A. Gerry and W. R. Mooney ; Treasurer,
J. A. Creighton; Librarian, Miss L. A.
Hambly ; Teaobors, Rev. M. Swami,
Rev. R. Paul, B. Gerry, Miss E. L. Herr,
Miss Maggio MoNaugbten, Miss Moore,
Miss Gerry, Miss Langdale, Miss Swann,
Mrs. Fletcher, Miss Kerr, Mrs. Swann,
T. Humphries, T. Fletcher, W. A. Cal.
biok, Goa. Love, W. Roddick, J. T. Ball
ancd Miss Creighton. Harry Town's
class to be supplied for the present. It
was decided to have the school pie.010 on
Friday afternoon, July 6th, and a com-
mittee was appointed to attend to the
preliminary arrangements. The anni-
versary sermons will bo preached on the
let Sabbath in September.
Guinea PAsrr.-Last Friday evening
the Home Mission Band hi connection
with Knox ohurch held a garden party
on the commodious grounds at Dr. Mc-
Naughton's residence, Mill street. There
was a good attendance although tho tem•
perature was a little on the cool side for
out -door exercise. Rev. Mr. Goodwillio
took the chair and the following progcam
was presented: -Instrumental selection,
H. L. and Miss Lizzie Jackson ; solo,
Miss Lottie Hill; quartette, the Misses
Kerr, A. Strachan and J. Hargreaves;
recitation, Rev. W. 1E'. Kerr; solo, J.
Hargreaves ; duett, Miss Kerr and A.
Strachan; address, Rev. G. B. Howie,
M. A.; instrumental, H. L. and Miss
Jackson; solo, A. Strachan. Refresh-
ments were provided in the way of ice
cream, strawberries, coffee and cake, are.
The proceeds amounted to over 515.
Tbis was the inauguration gathering for
this Society, whose work is to look after
the needy at home. Mrs. J. R. Grant is
the President; Mrs. bondman, Secretary,
and Mies Ellie Ross, Treasurer. The
Home Mission Society will find a good
many places even in Brussels whore they
can oarry on their work. We wish then
success in their endeavor.
NOTA Wore MAN's GAnrt.-The Wing.
ham Advanoe says 1 -"Toa Bierman
Pon man, who knows nothing about our
national game, any mere than what he
has heard and read, says lacrosse is nn.
fit for white people, and tbnt "as it is
usually played is ono of the roughest and
meanest games ever played and is more
suited to Indians or darkies than white
people." Now Mr. Pose don't you be so
hard on lacrosse. In the match between
Wingham and Goderich on Friday last
not a person was injured to any extent,
and we have frequently seen ball tossers
and cricketers much worse injured than
the two THE POST quoted in the Wing.
ham vs. Luoknow match." Hold on
now, sonny, perhaps TIM Pos'f man
knows as much about lacrosse as you do,
But what do you mean by "Not a person
was injured to any extent ?" We repeat
what we said before "Lacrosse, as it is
usually played, is the roughest and mean.
est game ever played," and as further
proof we add the following from the
Winnipeg Call s --"Considerable dissatis-
faction is felt by the city club over the
very unfair remarks made in the Free
Press with reference to the Brandon la-
crosse club. The Brandon's ore accused
of doing the only rough play the Winni-
psgs met with in their trip, when in feet
all the rough work done at Brandon was
done by Winnipeg men, Fleming, a
Brandon man was knocked out by Aar.
vey, a Winnipeg man, though it was done
accidentally ; R. McDonald, a Winnipeg,
wilfully Struck a Brandon player, and a
foul was called and allowed on it ; and
the only Winnipeg man that was hurt
was McLean, and he was struck by one
of their own lien." You might witness
20 base ball matches without seeing a
player hurt but a lacrosse match with.
out a "banged" stead or bruised arm
would be an event worthy of more than
passing notice, Of oourso they alight
not be Injured to any extent, yon know.
(ser s icemVx' x 24 =AEITS.�
001111E0MM 011(EFULLY mane WEEK.
Fall Wheat 80 07
Spring Wheat 48 50
- 65 00
Barley...,...,........., 56 6050 00.
Potatoes 18 00
Butter, per lb
Eggs, per dozen 13 00
Applee, por bushel 65 00
Hoge, dressed ... 6 60 7 00
Beef - 4 .50 0 50
8 00 00
Wool, IF cord 2 50 8 50
Sheepeltms, each , 40 76
`•. 27P ti r7Ei1r Z'01 02-5J2102002, ^_
coltnrcreu PaRm'nrd.y 11)'11110 -WEEK.
Fall Wheat 0() 07
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls.
Eggs per dozen
Floor per barrel -
,00 07
50 60
4s 50
1181 (ill
113 00
13 00
5 00 00
40 50
Hay per ton • ,,.,,, . '7 00 8 00
Hides per lb. 1
Salt per bbl., whhols al;.., . 110 80
Sheep skims, cauh,......, eo 1 00
Wool, per 11,, .., 1e 22
Pork.... 6 25 6 50.
JULY (1, 1888.
Transact a General Banking
Canadian and United S totes Drafts bought
and so1d.
Interest allowed on deposits.
Collections made on f,,m"rdble terms.
Canadian Agents-Afancm Arr's DANS or
Now York Agents-Ineenrnne Aon Tape,
. or, Conveyancer, Notary Publle,
::o. (Moe : tinhorn's Block, l door north of
Hargreaves' Drug Store. Private fonds to
• Solicitor and Notary Public, Con-
4deillteiotrityln s{awatnd Collections oroeve fied-
at two o'clock.
rioh) tBarriste s,, Solicitore, tultoot
ate with GarrowTeOonsyanoers,
Sir. Chico, Oraut's Moak, 73r•usseis,. Slowly
to loan.
R. 5, HATS,, . W. 13, DICKSON,
AM. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., BAIt-
• rumen, Solicitor,.Co,, of the firm of
Dickson & Taylor, Barristers,
Solicitors, 22o., Blaring Anode, Mug Street
West, Toronto. Aioney to 1carl,
21.. the Fourth Division 0 ourt, Co, Huron
Conveyancer, Notary i'ublio, Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Fonda invested and
to loan. Omleotl one in 500. OIlfoe in Gra-
ham's 311oolr, flruesels,
stIT OUNN(N0 1,4
M. F. GALE, ill. D., 0. M.
Riomborofthe 0o11ege of Physicians and
Surgeons of0ntaaio by examination,
Ocoee and Residenc-Alain St, East, nth()
O. AI, L.R. O. P. Fdfnbnrah, Af. C. P.
8. Ont, At Hargreaves' Drug Store from
0 to 11:30 a,m. and from 1:30 to 4 0. m. At
other hours may be found at the rssidonee
formerly occupied by Dr, Hutchinson,
,dill street.
1 )1GN7C'ila:TiCtIc. .
G. L. BOLD. D. S., Honor Graduate and
If, It. 0, D. 5. Toronto. Vit,t)iaed Air given
13, B. Morins, D. U. S., Assistant Operator
Crake-dioyors Block, Seaforth,
DTirN'I Ib3T.
w,J,rear,L,D S. Graduate of To-
ronto School of 'Dentistry. All oper-
ations guaranteed, OIltoo-Cady's
Bloch, Soatorth.
Artiaolai teeth, drstgnality, and a
guaranteed 111,1 Or 812.O0per sot.
roio 'ii'WISP.
. xx 'rx21T, an,
Honor graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nirnos Ox1n1
Ges administered, for the palmetto extrac-
tion of tooth.
OFFICE.-ttarttelil Bloclt, B1RUS5)LS.
'sun Auctioneer. Sales conducted on
reasonable terms, farina and form stook a
specialty. Orders left at Tnn Post Publish-
ingHouse, Brussels, or sant to Walton post
office will receive prompt attention.
aEn,isprepared to attend to sales on
the shortest notice, A specialty made of
sales of thorough -bred stook. Terms made
known by application tr'1'1tie Posy Publish-
ing House, where orders may be loft, or
address to Brussels P 0,
• is always ready to attend sales of
farms, farm stock, dre. Terms cheerfully
at uTan 'POST O. Publishes ing house
Y • of rilarriage Licenses. Moe at his
Gtoeery,Turnberry Street.
of Piano and Organ. Terms on apple.
nation. -
N, B. -Walton close m oats everyTbttre,lay
and 'friday snare, D. Campbell's, Halton
A to Artist. Shap, next door south of A.
Af. chis y rb Cos. i vit•dwars store. Ladies'
and children's hair coning a specialty,
A (Melee stook of slams kohl.
�Aa _..MoNAIR, ISSUER, 0.131 MAR.
F1- slags Liaonnes, by appointment of
Lleub.-Goyerner, Commissioner, 4e0., Q. 13,
Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurence Cc,
OOlso at the Oranbrook Post 001e°,
Hughes Bros., - Toron to,
Ban upt Stole
--A111Ol7NT1ISC1 TO -
5 5
-WORTH OF,----
Goods were Sold Last Week from 40o4
to 05oa ora the Dollar.
was the first LUCIir pian from the County of Huron to attend 1111.
Great Sale, consequently ho has some rare Bargains to
offer his customers. Note a few of A. R.
Smith's quotations :
COLORED SILK, for 75c., regular price $1.+25. Blaelc Silk at
70c., worth $L00. Black Silk, for $1.00, worth $1.50.
LOVELY DRESS GOODS, for 10c., worth 15c.
NUN'S 'VEILING, for 15c,, worth 25c.
BUNTING, in Navy, Brown and Bronze, for 12c., regular price,
FINE VICTORIA LAWN, for 12 c., worth 20e.
CASHMERE, Navy Blue and Brown, all wool, for 35e., sold near-
ly everywhere for 50c. •
VELVETEEN, for 25c., regular mice 45c. -
COURTAULDS CRAPE, at half price.
ORIENTAL LACE, in Cream and White, at half prico,
TWEED, all wool, at 85c., worth 50c.
CORDUROY, at 45c., worth 75c. Corduroy, at 90c. worth $1.25
to $1.40.
WORSTED COATING, at ;$2.25, worth $8.00.
MILLIN .ti• ,
We are determined to sell all our 'Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats
and have Clear Counters if Low Prices will do it. -5Irss PIArw,ltn
will he here to Take Orders for Two Weeks longer.
In order to make things hunt, I will sell men's Worsted Suits for
16,75,'tvorth .$10.00 ; $,9.00 Suits for $6,50 ; a $7.00 Suit for :$4.75;
a lot of men's Odd Coats, for x!8.00, regular price, $16.00 ; Odd
Vests for $1,25, worth $2.00, Odd Pants, Cheap ! Cheap
El ST'tt
1TD:t.11.0D.Pr02i,1:I0USL+', S1GN
and Ornamoatal Salntnr. Graining
Gilding, Sign and Deeorativa Painting in ail
its branches. Shop Minds clone up hi style,
Paper Ranging a Spoolatty. 51105 0118 door q f� �ly!l� ry\ i f� 11 for ;fy� 11 1(1I
southntJ.73uYars'tlnrriaga worker; ` 7 Us, Iia N�i,iga 101. F11,00.
lip IV. 0 BRIEN, V.. S., HONOR
61 ! IWIN\
s Gracduateof tlrc Ontario Veterinary
08nogo has resumed the practice of ,john Lb
o ssoofdarnd 1oated ani to treat5 10l 111 13 LFl03. ,]`dlanulated Sugar $ OLS•
eases of ctomeatl¢ntacl animals 011 sClcnt 05- 1 Y
Isoto fools
principles, Treatmentwo (Mora
fools a spoelnl.V 011iea two (Mora
North of Br id ge,Turnber•ry steeet.
10158 SALE, 01R WILL RENT �� o �'�q4�1 Butter
i to suitable parties, store with eons IliL heat Price Pal, for apr� bMt F er ge.
fertable anis of gsr4lietts dwelling, Good •pJ
colter, f aero gardoin in bearingaptdoe,
plums nudsmallfrnits. Good stab. Tbie-
constitutes one of the beat open Inge In On.
tarso fora good hsrnesse ualccr, being in the
centre of a splendid Wining motion, 'Merl
est eneesitietr Plu08110 711,0c01 Iistewe-
1aeat eft, Apelyfor terms toD, N itl1,020,
en 1(10105011000,151111111.. Pe.