The Brussels Post, 1888-7-6, Page 5JULY i, 1888..
fl f.rirt ' Ceti ,
Havaral complaints of saustrolce during
the recent hot weather,
Rev, Mr. Cloodwlllio preached in the
1'reebytet•ian ehuroh last Sabbath.
The home baso bell club made it too
warn, far tho Toronto 1'>ry Conde Moo
aucl bent them 1.1 to 1, Tho Toronto
I:mpiro ep„•ilii tints of the match :-Who
Dry floods team visited \Vroxo0or on D0•
unman flay and were badly beaten by (ho
local club. Sinclair, who fa 'tonally vory
:fleetiva against Toronto clubs, was bat-
ted rather hard, while the \Vroxoter
twirler held the commoraialo down to
three oeatterod frits, Tho ocora wag 15
10 1, The dry goods mon roturno(l Tales•
day, having thoroughly enjoyed talon'
Mem forth.
The fall fair will bo hold on Septem-
ber rho 17th and 1811i.
John Govenlook ahippotl 10 horses o11
,the United Tsmpiro for the Northwest,
Tho Caledonian Society hold their an.
inal gams on '1timidity, 41h of iieptom
John McMillan M. '1'., left on \Vednas-
lay of last weds with a car load of cattle
for rho 013 Country.
Dr, Maokid upon his return from Eur-
ope presented Rev. Father Sihea with an
elegant ivory cigar ease, inlaid with gold,
which he purchased while in Germany.
A. IL Ireland, manager of tho Cana-
Bank of Commerce, has boon ap-
pointocl to the important office of iuspoo•
tor of the bank, and has gone to Toronto
to assume the duties of his new position,
C. E. St. Clair -Simpson, the accountant,
has been appointed acting manager for
the present
I WOrx(1.
Atwood needs a drug store. Thom is
a good opening for a druggist.
John Pelton pays us an occasional visit.
IIo expresses himself well pleased with
Roy. A. Henderson, M• A., returned on
Friday from tho General Assembly at
Thero will bo boot a morning and an
evening serviem in the Methodist church
during the prasont Conforenoo year.
Mr. Doig, watchmaker, of Ethel, has
opened out 0 shop and is prepared to
supply the public with all kinds of jewel-
Atwood school pie -nim was held in Gra-
ham's grove last Friday. After tea short
addresses were given by Messrs. Wilson,
1foMurohy, Harvey, McBain and Rov.
J. Ferguson. Tho people then onjoyed
themselves i11 the usnal pia -nim style. It
W0..9 11 very successful. affair.
-4.- —
Pre-sm.—The Y. P. C. A. in connection
with Knox church hold a pia-nio in Hugh
Porter's grove last Friday afternoon.
Tables were laden with rho good things
of the season, to which amplo justice
was done by both young and old. Then
followed a game of foot -ball and swing-
ing. About 2:30 p. m, a platform meet-
ing was oponed by rho pastor asking Roy.
Mr. Ballantyno to open with prayer.
After a few preliminary remarks by tha
ohnirman brief speeches were given by
Rev. F. Ballantyno, of Walton, and W.
B. Kerr, of Brussols; recitations by Jas.
Perrin and ltev. W. 1.. Kerr, and musical
solections by the Kar family, of Brussels.
Tho customary votes of thanks brought
this part of two program to a oloso. The
proc0e28 amounted to about $10 or $12.
The young people of this congregation
are deserving of praise for the onorgetio
manner in which they are taking hold of
the work.
Jno. Stewart, lel 1.3, son. 15, heads the
list as yet with tall flax, Ho has sumo
that measured 3 feet 8 inches last
Rimed Bishop arrived home from the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, on
Saturday of last week. Tho closing ex-
ercises wore on Friday,
Stanley Anderson, wife and brother
will spend the summer vacation with
friends in'Farmorsvillo and locality, We
wish them a pleasant time.
Smoot, Prc-NIC.—Last Saturday niter -
310011 a vory pleasant time was spout, in
Jno. Forbes' grove, at the sohool pio-nio
of S. Y. Taylor. In addition to the
usual list of eports to be found on these
occasions was addocl a musical and liter-
ary program which ombraced an instru-
mental solo by Miss Cardiff ; song by
Miss Maggie Stewart; singing by the
kindergarton class; short addresses by
W. H. Kerr and B. Gerry; inatrumontal
duott, violin and organ, by Alex. and
Miss Stewart ; recitation by Wm. Smith ;
solo by Mise Cardiff, -and tho National
Anthom. Jno. S1cnc11ai fdllod rho poei-
tiot of chairman vory efficiently. After
this part of tho exorcism was through a
largo quantity of pies, cakes, t&o, were
served by tho ladies of the 5006ion. A
very pleasant timo was enjoyed. Two
r0fr0sbment stands supplied rho delic adios
of the season.
To the Editor of Ter P000,
DIIAn Stn, They had a very generous
and obliging patbmastar in one road di-
vision 'ou tho iird line of Morris this year•
He wag so well pleased with the way
some of rho mon worked that he gave
them half a day oft their tilno. IIo put
five loads of gravel round one neighbor's
1111110 stand and used some morn to gravel
part way up to another's gato, and tho
tbwnsblp has to pity for it,
Y03108, Co•, ON Trill Sculnn,
Ptc-ono.--01, Thursday afternoon of
last week the mutual plc.hie of Andor.
son's achool was hold in D. Ctlreie's
grow). The weather wait not 1110 most
favorablo yob a good tilno was put in. A
baso hall match was played botwoon a
111110 (0001 the 3rd 0ou00801011 ore. 5th and
0111 conoossions. Tho following was rho
8130 1.1111. n.. O. 5 it 6 110x8, n, 0.
D. Taylor, 12 4 1t. Agnew, 6 2
J. Carrie, 3 2 II.111oCntehoou2 3
12. Currie, 2 '2 D. Smith, I 3
E. Currie, 3 3 J. Walker; 2 2
W. Work, 1 1 T. Kirconnoll, 0 .1
,1, Stanplo, .I 1 A. Smith, 1 1
\V. Sanlplo, 1 0 1. Sharp, 1. 2
W. Ilowermau 0 1 W. Potter, 11 2
Totals....11) 21 Totals... IQ 21
A. Cnrri0 021/0132012 ns 'umpire.
Pub110 nnhnoi
clones next friday,
tllofonald tiros, aro shipping largo
gnautilies of !amber and hark,
Rev, W. Tnrrlurec ,11„1111fe wore ahoy
ttt Dflivorten to the Foresters' pie -1i11
hist Monday.
List 31,.1eday the annual
Sabbath school pie 1118 hl 110nn),111u11
with Duff's clinrall Was held in D. Ross'
grove, The old style .i 11 )000110‘. 010g•
111, d+e. 11131 (lbop0nise,l with 1)1)11 a pro.
grain of games mol spark formulated,
wind, interested the, obi s': wolf as Eh
young, Savings, 1.031101 and foot -hull
also afforded eonsidarablo amusement.
After enjoying a couple of hours' flat a
plentiful supply of edibles were die.
Lia t.gwe'J,
Our town Band lent to tho 1'or'osters'
plc -nim at 1lidlverton o11 Monday,
\. Aitollo<on, cheese buyer, shipped
1851 boxes of cheese from thio station on
Friday. Thera were four car loads, 123,-
000 lbs. in the lot. It wan plurhased at
1110 last Listowel cheese fair,
A'An111/ns' 1101'o'vrc. -A mooting of the
North Portal Fanners' Institute was ]sold
in the town hall here oh Friday aftorn0ol,
June ''22nd, Considoring the fent that
Prof. Robertson, of the Ontario Agrioul-
twat College, had been announced to be
peasant and deliver an address on dairy-
ing, rho attendance was not ab all what
it should have been, there only bring
between twenty and and thirty farmers
present. W. Shearer, President, ocaupi-
od the chair. Prof, Robertson delivered
an instructive and interesting address on
matters connected with the dairy inter-
est, the selection and caro of dairy cows,
the construction of sibs and tho advocacy
of winter dairying, forming the prinoipal
topics of his address. At its conclusion
the question of winter dairying was die.
cussed. Robert Cleland, of Elma, ob-
jooted to its introduction on the grounds
that it would have the effect of lowering
the wino of cheese as thorn would not be
a corresponding enlargement of the mar-
ket; also that dairying throughout the
year would bo too much of a treadmill
existence far those engaged in ft. The
meeting appeared to be eomewhat divided
on the question. A vote of thanks wad
tendered Prof. Robertson for his address.
Tho Iustituta will hold its next meeting
in the winter, when it is hoped there will
be a much larger attendance.
)0 tilt)).
Several of our villagers wero at rho
celebration in Brussels on Monday.
Mrs. Bartleman, of Allonford, is visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. T, P. Simpson.
John Cober spent Sunday and Monday
of this week visiting friends at Bespeler.
Melinda Milne, Charles Rapp and
Aaron Cober, three pupils from our
school, are writing at the ontranoe ex-
amination this week.
Tho pulpit in the Methodist church
Was occupied last Sunday evening by the
pastor, Rev. J. T. Legear. Everyone
was pleased to see hint in his place
Quite a number of tramps have been
prowling aro11nc1 here for the last few
weeks. Some of them aro young able-
bodiod mon, who Should bo earning an
honest living.
llov. J. T. Logear do very busy in his
garden during his spare moments. The
weeds took advantage of his nbeono° and
tried hard to keep everything from grow-
ing, but they aro suffering for their sel-
fishness now and soon not a weed will bo
left to tell rho story.
Tho Clinton New Era says: --Rev. J,
T. Legear, of Ethel,. supplied the pulpit
of Rattenbury St. 0111001, on Sunday
last. When stationed in Clinton, (sup.
plying the pulpit of Ontario St.) ho was
very popular, and he added to his repu-
tation by his sermons last Sabbath, which
wore able, thoughtful and carefully pre-
pared, and delivered in a way to prevent
any disposition to weariness on the part
of his hearers.
Tho item published in Ton Posr a
month or so ago, concerning one of the
pupils in our public school, has gond the
rounds of 1110 papers and comes to hand
in the following:—"Ada Hicks, of rho
Ethel public school, was not absent a
single day in four years, That girl has
a good supply of ambition, pluck and
persoveranco. In all likelihood she post.
sessos the characteristics, health and cir-
ounlatauoes being equal, necessary to at-
tain success and even distinction."
P1o•aro.—The annual pip Mc held by
the Presbyterian Sunday school in Dil-
worth's grove o1 Monday, July 2nc1, sons
a grand success. Tho day was all that
could be desired anti in spite of two many
attractions other paces there was a
good crowd in attendance (between four
and flve hundred.) Dinner was served
about 1 o'clock. After partaking of tho
many good things provided by tho ladies
the literary part of the program began.
The chair wan occupied by Rev. D. B.
Malta°, in his usual happy manner. Ex-
eslloul adclrosses worn given by Dr. Mao-
donald, OLP., of Wingluam, and Rovds,
J. T. Logone, of Ethel, and J. McNabb,
of Lucknoty. Several pieces of npuaio
worn well rendered by rho choir.
Win „ •Brim.
Hotel lioenses have boon granted in
Wingllanl to J. Dingley, R. P. Simmons,
F. Korman, A. Itoe and two Brunswick
The most gigantic growth of rhubarb
we have ever witnessed was then at Yates'
gr000ry. Its length was 54 inches, cir-
cumference at the lower end of stem 0i
inches and from the root to tip of leaves
84 inalos. 11 was grown by 3. A. Morton.
Scott Bros.' pork packing house has
been undergoing repairs lately. Tho do -
mend for meat from this house le brow-
ing daily. It is now 121100 up with a
capacity of airing 200 bogs por weak. A
rofrigeratoe it britt, in which pork oan
bo frozen bard in the hottest weather.
A portion of tho stone building is being
fitted up for a retail trade, Soott Bros.
purpose shipping extensively to the Old
Country 01118 fall, and killing at the rate
of 100 hogs per week.
There was a good turn out at tho Oat.
eilonian Sooiety's oxonr5ion to 0odoriob,
about 147 having loft Wingham alone.
Dospito tho intoaso heat, tiro clay was
pbaasantly 01)0111, genas leaving beonl
arranged for besides tine laerosno 1ma10l0
bobwaon two Godorieil aucl Wingham
tonus, Our boys snetaiued a rather
130)'000 defeat, being baaton in fang straight
games. A fog) special prizes • wero given
and oapturotl as follows ; 100 yard rage,
It, McAlpine ; hop, step and jump, A, 11,
Cameron ; °rogmot, I), Southe'land alma.
Mr. Snaith ; girls' race, d, MrAlpiec ;
girls under 12, Bella Watt.
.1, Venetolc, of Listowel, has bought A Boll:wine 3(,;nlcn west emit to gaol
out 11, Park's jewellery store. for a weep for bill, nr•,
The Tinter says 1- -A fortnight ago 0 '1'.Iw Winnipeg Fur l4'09e 1141'00114O9
)11(3 man, son of the tato A,1'1, Roe, f laundimn Inde ptse •neo ,
1', her 1,13111,1113, came to \Vhtghaln for a On the banks of 110 nn•h tiavkalrlt,.
0han3e of air and 131211111ndi1130, he bating wan River, not ler from i 14 nkatou11, Man•,
1 in the last stages of consumption. Al. a wild dunk has built to -r nest and is uoW
though worth, there appeared to be a aaaiduellslylhntt'hine hur r is dutlio hal•
' (narked hnprovenn•nt. On Wednesday, low of a trig) stump. Mb., goon on to her
I lin and hie Bieber, 'I'lna, who 0anr0 n p on nest by dropping down from th» top at
Monday last, went out for a dr]vo. While the stump cul til the—too, from all
gutting out 01 rho rig on his return, be tnbb,180 of the fit o1' r:ku0k kind. Two
I Was seized with 011110111 hamun0rha a of wild 10030, ono n few 13)21-1 north, the
1 the 1)113”, 3111 lived but forty 111111111,111. 11 noutb of Hs n1m11,11, h ,,J,,, built
Ito woo o clever and promising vnn11g on 11013 011 the river 11)2,, .urn i1 19 a
man, having begun tosehing but being pusrle to those acquainted with the fuel;
neoessitated to quit, owing to his had how the old birds will mauaee 11 got the
health. Ilia remains wero sent Immo on slowly hatched (hu110110gs and goslings
Thuroday morning, being ao0olnpalietl , down from tho elevated nests to terra
' by several of the friends of d0ceasod, firma, for 1110 little tliinge must certainly
I Tho Advance says :--About 0131100011 bo lifted and carrier. Another question
months 030 91,0 nunrtionad 1110 destli of is what impelled those blyd8 to ctbaitdon
that celebrated horse, 'hart's Messenger,' their usual habits and build 130 high that
the pro arty of 'Mr, lhtlmago, of the even a man must climb to cert li their
nests, have they been robbed 011 the
ground and reasoned that the robber
could 1100 follow them up the trees ' It
would seem so, brit 1 do net nitre to enter
into those g00ntiOila.
Bruuswlolc House, this week we have
to chronicle flue death of another of 1313
find harg08, 110.10011'Rldgcwood; It was
taken with inflammation, niuf despite all
that could be douo for it, 'loath put an
and to its snfferingo a little aftor f, o'oloolc
p. m. Wednesday. 'Itidgowood' 8005 one
of 0110 most veinabl° hors -a in Canada
and his get are sought for and every
where visible in this section. The pro.
pricier suffers a 3teat loss by its death.
Itis an old saying that troubles never
conte singly. Whilst Mr. Dulinage's
horse 'Ridgewood' was about dying ho
received word that a valuable yearling
filly of his, which was out in pasture,
had run against a scythe which was stuck
in the !once, and hail cut one of it< legs
so badly that it had to b0 killed.
11.31sg th
Our L. 0. L. goes to Kincardine on the
Tho brick work of C. Hamilton's store
is about completed.
Donald Fraser has sold his br'icic
dwelling to John Morgan.
What might hath proved serious con-
flagrations were nipped in the bad by
patting out fires in Heeler's store and the
Contral hotel.
Edward Lundy, a farmer, while driv-
ing over the railway traok south of Blyth
Tuesday morning had both his horses
instantly killed and himself slightly hurt
and the waggon smashed by the morning
train, from London to Wingham. He
status that he was unable to hold his
horses and they ran in front of the train
with the above result. 150r. Lundy had a
vory narrow escape from sharing the
fate of his horses.
Sohool oloses for the summer vacation
on Friday of this week.
Our Orangemen will, in all likelihood,
go to Kincardine next Thursday.
A good many from this locality took in
two school plc -nim at Johnston's on
Dominion Day. Robb. Stowell is the
teacher. Others went to Brussels and
Wroxeter celebrations.
The oonferonoo ar0angolnennts con-
cerning Rev. J. 0. Cook's successor did
not work right and the result is the
work is being supplied by Rev. R. Paul,
of Brussols. Rev. James Charlton, who
was appointed by the Stationing Com-
mittee, has removed from Kirkton (his
last circuit) to St. Marys, whore he will
live for this year. This is another in.
stance of where there could be trouble
over the invitation system as Rev. E. A.
Shaw Was invited to Bluovalc, and as it
is we aro without a regularly appointed
i.) an a4tittn N e'w s.
Tho Thomasville 'ms well is a failure.
A Montreal fruit dealer found a taran-
tula coilod up in a stalk of bauanae.
The colored citizens of Hamilton will
have a mammoth demonstration on Aug.
W. H. .-lowland was elected permanent
chairman of the Prohibition Convention
at Montreal.
Capitalists are malting arrangements
for erecting a woollen mill and also o
paper mill at Belleville,
S. S. Kolfago, of Amorstburg, has been
appointed Uuitod Statos vice-consul at
that point, to succeed the late William
The Lincoln County Soott Act Associa-
tion oondemoa the !dos, of a third party,
as proposed at the Toronto Temperance
Between thirty and forty civil servants
at Winuipog aro notified that their 00r.
vices aro 110 longer required. Some who
believe they ware illegally dismissed will
enter suits against the Government, and
it is said rho damagas will aggregate 030,-
Rev. Mr. Taylor, Methodist minister
at Foxboro, aooidentally poisoned him-
self by baking a dose of iodine liniment
in mistake for blood nmedicine. Remo -
dies worn promptly used and the condi-
tion of tho revorond gentleman is still
Ono day this week a traveller from
Brookvilio telegraphed to Trenton to a
livery keopor to bo at the station o1, the
arrival of a curtain, train with.a horse.
The op00ator made itroad "harse." Tho
livery map thought that tho "o" had
boon left out and mot him with a hearse,
which he also runs.
Supt. Whyto has received from tho
C. P. R. oxporimental farm at Rasta Lake
a sample of barley which is 0,3tnally in
the ear. The land on which it; was
reload was broken last Oetobor and
simply plowed and harrowed thio spring.
.1 speelmen of peas in blossom was x180
received from the same farm.
On the petition of rho Municipal
Council of Southampton, Brno° county,
an•Couneil has boon passed con-
811ttttlpg 1110 port of Sangeon a port for
the registration of shipping, Jas. Fletoh•
or, collector of customs, has boon ap.
pointed registrar of shipping and also
mosetring survivor of shipping.
Wo tmdoretancl, says the Ingersoll
Chroniolo, that sotto of 1(,r bravo vol.
tutors who took But oath of allegiauoo,
whd011read as follows, "I, , solemn.
ly and sincerely proviso and swear that
I will bo faithful and boar trio allogianoo
to Iter Majosly," when called out by
Mor Majesty found it e0nvonionb to go
Mr, Stephenson, milkman, who lives
near Shoflield, IS the happy possessor of
n novelty in the egg line, This partlen-
lnr 813002111011 las a soft salol], and is
shaped 1110o a 3.113113 cluck, tho body, neck
and head Smug ahnosb perfect, 11 has
no loge, but is furnished with a long tail.
The egg was laid by a hen of the white
Bralnna variety.
go to Toronto, In a small form ply, (0,,,'
waged. apply until Tuesday evening at 111.
1.011'0, Qum St. MRS. J. W, 1'i:alt.
SAIA:, or to trad0 for a young driving
Imran. Aj1g,lr to ii'1iA.0 d; Co., 01ar,Rwl(0
Merchants, Brussels, Ont 50:1
llogitiatod on Lot 11, Coln. 0, (}ray.
T100 8. M.o011.1900It. Bo flow baenia new
patent saw sot, "Hawyor's Guide," for sale,
1t3,i the bent made, so rho sowers say. Pat-
ent for sale. 1'atontoa will allow goods to
bo unt"lo Ou royalty:
01100. MuGRL•'9032,
34 Brussols, Ontario. in
O N L Y hoot further notleo the cost cf
Iorvijo 1(1 my Thorough•bro-
Jorsoy 13u11 will bo 31.00 pay-
Qttrp 00 abluattime of servloowitlrthe
,,KK 2299 privilege of returning (11 neces-
�r• pop sary). 'rho above invitee to
C i 8 El will Le 55 004 ansh vrsays wllieh
G, A. 0110ADMAN, Druggist, moo., I3ru00010,
Ontario, 40.
A few splendid, fmprovod farms for
sale in the township. or Corey, Morris and
Afol{illap. Apply to A. D13LGAT'1'Y, Co.
Anotlonoer,Brussels P. 0.
Fen 0111110 at it bargain. For full part
ticulars as to price, 100001on, ole., angry to
W. B. 01103080N, 8.012
comfortable cottage et present oc-
cupied by rd. 3lanln, )fi11 stroot. Large lot,
stable, cell otc. liens mod00•ate. Also
aom,no di0u0 storelinueo in roar of PostoOloo
lately occupied by 11r. Roddick,
07• J. 10. GRANT,
mamma offers his valuable 100 110re
farm, being lot 8, eon. 13, Grey 000,10hip,
Huron 00„ for sale. Thera aro about 80
aoros 010111.031 and in good heart. There is n
log house, good bank barn, bot, ing orchard,
and all the n000ssary conyoniences 00tho
premises. For farther particular's, as to
prioo, terms, eta„ apply to the Proprietor,
'1'IIOS. IIISLOP, Blare P O., N. W. T,. or to
2-tf DOIIGALD S016A00AN, 13rnseols
von Bann.—Deice lot 1.1, sou. 10, eon-
talnlug 100000os. It is partly cleared. the
balance wall tiutborecl, A Inver failing
creek crosses the place and it is woll adapt.
0d for either farming or grazing, I will llleo-
wise eoil40acres, being east post 01100 14,
00010, nearly all cloorod and in good
state al cultivation. A good frame barn
with a good stone stable underneath and a
11ev0r failing woll is also on rho place. For
further particulars apply to the proprietor
onthepeace. This lot is opposite too oth-
er GB010111 AVOII y, Proprietor, 1-15
nnnslaxsn offers for Salo two north
east quarte rof 101 38, concession 0, 5lorris,
County of EInron,eontaining 50 ann. Tho
land is of first quality and In a high otabo of
onitivablon. well )enol and uuder-drained,
45 Hires aloarod. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with oonoroto walls, 2 wens,
good barns mud shod, orchard, uta hlgbt
acres of fall lvhant. This desirable praporty
adjoins two corporation of Brussels. Suit-
ablo 100100 w131110 given. Title ported.
JAMBS 01211,019, Owner,
30- Box 20813 russets P. 0•
`..14 Morris, on rensonoblo tonne, In order
to close the affairs of tho emote of the lata
W. G. Biug atoll, the executors offer tho fol-
lowing valuabio lauds for sato North
half of Lot 30, Oouoesslon 3, Township of -
Morris, containing 00 acres. On this Mt 3s
cre0tod a good frame barn with steno fnnn-
dation, good orchard, 0vell. and pomp • Noar-
lyatioloarod, and (9 on rho 30;100 road
olosoly adjoining the village of Bru0801s,
This farm s a valuabto ono, is wolf fonooti
and Sn–o good state of out tivatinn. For
orlon and terms apply 10 T'FI00. KELLY,
Bro8so19 P. 0., Iin150 231131311300, Victoria
8011010 P. 0„ or JAaeoo 0aciv!0, Menlo Lodge
P. 0,, biiddlosex County.
drat-olase inrllt for ealo in bho
Township of Morris ht rho County of Huron,
boiug south half 01 north 11010 Tote 25 <1320
eta south half of 20 in 5th eon., containing
200 aoros morn or loss, 2120 acne mostly
oloar of stumps and in a good state of cult!.
vatlon. T1orele a young bearing orchard a
good honed and hank barn 51 s 00 foot with
steno within ,o mile of 010 Vtllagfarm russell
and is a good film for grain or stook rais-
ing as Itis watered with the river Maitland
and (lover failing spring crook, Possession
will be given at any time. For farther par.
blinders apply on the premises or to A. h..
ROBBItTSON, Brussols, P. 0. 0.1f
Tho Executors of rho estate of rho Into
WITaann113011(1l, 100eunen, da0eas012, now
01100 the following valuable lands for solo,
viz, 1—Tho north half of lot 87, and tho wont
half of the north half of lot 28, both in rho
013, aonoosaion of tho 'Township -of 010001s,
County of Huron, containing 150 acme.
About 110 aoros ore 010100(1 and in good
condition, the granter putt being in grass.
'rho balance is 'moll timbered, olliolly with
booth and numb,
This famlefavorably sitttatodwithin ono nett
° 1 Currants, Raisins, and
Milo of rho village of 11 Ma/Iola, Which affords � j l(] I q H'
an oxcollooggt. Market. Thom is upon the .r vllf J: 1 tUt�e1'1'llit at Lowest Uric
orchard of 0ltoton liana 60800, o never failinFg
Sop cop, also
rope1Ey will 110 Rohl 1n�onooor
two t+ateols, to suit tntoudlng purchasers,
t me 1a cr 30111 bo allowed to enter and have
1100 0l hrnl,0 nn pro1111sns lt1 any 0(11,0 after
halvo,l foul to do fall pinning. 111111p000(10.
elan Will be g1y na at 3 ,14o1.•1nher next.
For 1831(10 mod nitbm par tio lar' apply
to the undersigned 100eltton., or to Dant
Mootrn v, 14rq , lttnssela, Ont.
Aleorire 1'80410 , 11:hlt ,v,biey, 'I'h0 baal:• 1,1 1111'1‘ !'e) Sp...Ta yrlttl' 111.011.0'JIblelasa, ,i nays, Jr • Toronto 1.10112,1 at 1rnsscls, June 18tn,1stW, 20 113 at the 1. nrollto (ii't), o i'v.
SS W A {Ey
order to make room for
a large Shipment
we expect daily
from the
—' —
who reduces the p01112 of goods should be patronized. W) have re-
duced the price Of groceries 10 per cent. and We require 1111 in-
crease of business to luliko up for loss of profit. If the public clo
not appreciate low prices thea is no inducement to sell cheap. If
you find za store willing to Come down i11 price when you mention
110517 cheap you can got the goods at the Toronto Grocery do not buy
there but Come to the Toronto Grocery, because yoll walllll halo
got no reduction but for talo Low Pricos not
that we will sell in 5 and 10 1b. lots at '27113.
Wo keep the kettle boiling all the time so that everyoac can test
this To by molting themselves a cup. Wo will guarantee a saving
of 20 per 0011t. on any Teft you may buy from us.
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
SVo are soiling the host 85e. Broom. for
Soapatt11�1 �t tae , and a 130c. Broom for 20c. j20
'aro giving.,
Boxes of Soap received. Sec tho vntito WO to • in Soap.
Dingman's Electric Soap very cheap. Loudon Electric Snap vory
cheap. Tubilee 13111' Soap you ehotip,
all Midis of 'tried
I” l'hoso (.'canned \<'g.ltitbles at 2, for :.':)c, arta
�i�,11 ���� 1-10��.� t r fast. tsalln 1 .I1 i. e 1, ,� 1.
--going l
s w', and ':11 Conned 121 ,ll and pleat at L oovo'st Price.
,.tclai lel i