The Brussels Post, 1888-6-29, Page 88
T can supply you with the
best English Paris Green
for the protection of
Sour Potato Vines.
Guaranteed to give
satisfaction when
used according
to directions.
Druggist, Bookseller, and Fancy Good
Dealer, Brussels.
gives such universal satisfaction as the
COUGH REMEDY manufactured in
Seaforth, called
bio iie'lea o°o�u,o.004 uw%0 euao°u?a%%°inti
340Ya1 Glyoorated 'Balsam of Firl
Its wouderiul virtues have erected a
demand for the Preparation from all
parts of the Province.
Druggists sell it. Price 50 eta.
SOIITULmN ETTExSION, W. 0. 0 0.11.
Trains leave Brussels Station, Hort and
south as follows:—
ollows:Going South, tieing North.
Mail 7:02 a.m. I Mixed 9:30 a.m
Exprees......11:45 a.m. Mail. . ... 3:00 p.m
Mixed 8:esp.m. Express.........9:4511.m
Arae Bays .ems.
TA ehiel's 0mang ye traria' notes
Au' faith he'll prent it.
Semmes olose next: Friday.
Samar will be Dominion Day.
STRAwBERRIEO'are coming to the front.
Miss 1lr'rrn INaL1N is home from Nor.
Cans. Wore was liomo this week from
DINOMAN's Electric Soap very cheap.
Adam Good.
Boise Maohine 011 end Binding Twine
al B. GERRr'S. 48.
0o13v1E'e famed Manitoba Flour for at Barrio fn August,
sale at Tsotisoa'o, 48• WAN'raD.—Either a general servant or
Sao. SwANN, of Toronto, is visiting with a nurse girl. Agply at otco to
Ids parents this week.
MISS FANNY ScoTT is visiting friends in
Listowel and Atwood this week.
Gar your Binding Twine before it is
all gone. B. GERRY. 48 -
Tag Great Boot & Shoo House shows
200 pairs prunella boots this week.
Tau second andthird class examination
begins at 8:10 a. m, on Tueeday, the 3rd
of July.
TnE High Schoolentrance examination
begins at 1:20 p. m. on Wednesday, the
4th of July.
Tun return fare from Brussels to the
12tH of July celebration at Kincardine is
announced as 91.00.
13 Les. Granulated Sugar for 81.00.
Pickles 15e. per quart. Pure Coffee 200.
per lb. ATIAL Coon.
A. MDLIIOLLAND hag 8 Gores of straw-
berries. They aro very fine. Adam
Good will handle the entire crop.
Srrtwe found. Owner may have it by
proving property and paying for this
notice. Apply at TEE Pose Pnbiisbi» g
Mae. HExeY Bremen, of Millbrook, and
Mrs. Henry Trollope and sou, of Peter-
boro', are the guests of sirs. Thos. Duu•
ford this week.
Bn rr3E 13008. talc sono of sending
their roan pony to the Teeswater races
on Monday.
Foram Division Court was held in
Brtweets ou Thursday of this week, Judge
Doyle presiding,
Wuu. Menrne is the representative to
the Grand Lodge, I.0.0.21 „ which meets
Mies CANADA will be 21 years of age on
Dm you observe the eclipse of the moon
last Saturday night 9
WE have often two or three samples of
weather in a day this week.
Ss Tons pure Manilla Binding Twine
at B. Gum's. r18.
JERSEY Ice cream, three flavors on Do-
minion day. Adam Good.
Jim- S. Cnewro9D and wife, of Toronto,
spent last Sunday with J. A. Creighton.
HAIRY Drams and Jas. Ross arrived
home from Philadelphia on Tuesday
CAPT. Hass was home from the camp
at Stratford on a flying visit last Wed-
NEXT Sabbath Rev. G. B. Howie, M. A.,
will campy the pulpit of Knox church
es Usual.
Mns. Hems Tows and Mrs. Mattice
were visiting relatives near St. Marys
last week.
ANY quantity of fresh lime at the Kiln.
Brussels, for 11 cents a bushel, W. F.
KELLY, Prop.
ExTRA value in Crockery and Glass-
ware. Finest white Granite Sets import-
ed 92 at Thomson's. 47-
ALEx. Asn DAVE 'Ws:Lsos have been
patting the new boiler and .engine in the
Attwood flaxmill in shape.
JERSEY ICE Cnsioi.—Adam Good is
getting lois supply of cream from G. A.
Deadman on Dominion day.
A autos quantity of telegraph and tele-
phone poles have been shipped from
Brussels station this week.
Pm ra•yore. passengers from this local-
ity took advantage of the cheap excur-
sion to Guelph on Wednesday.
A. R. Sarva is aaay at Toronto this
week attending Hughes Bros. bankrupt
sale. Look out for bargains in dry
NoTEBn,De, letterheads, envelopes, bill.
heads, statements, tags, &e. supplied at
close prices at Tan POST Publishing
]Sirs. Jso. BART, of Dungannon, and
Mrs. R. Walters, of Wingbam, were
visitors at the hone of Wm, Vanstono
this week.
LECTURE,—i.lsv. 0. B. Howie, M. A.,
will deliver one of his interesting lectures
in McEwan's Hall, Jamestown, on Thurs-
day evening of next week.
Jim. had the thumb of his left
hand knocked out of place lust Monday
evening while playing 1st base in a prat.
tie game of base ball on Victoria
Rnetsena9 Diraeoot, wife and grand-
daughter, of Goderich, and Postmaster
Dickson add wife, of Seaforth, werevisit'
ing with friends at this locality last
TEE Fire Engine 'Works have been
running until half past eight o'clock every
evening far the last two or three weeks,
excepting Saturdays, to get ahead of or-
ders on hand.
Tam Goderich Star says : George An.
drewe, sent down from Brussels, on a
ebargo of stealing some 00rep iron, was
eantsnced by Judgo Tours, to ono month
to jail at hard labor.
J. W. WANLnes, of Toronto, will con-
duct a missionary service in Melville
oharch next Sabbath morning. Mr,
Wanless will soon go out to the foreign
Sold as a medical lniseionaxy.
J. L. Srrru7 has got fairly opened out
now and is prepared to 'supply the needs
of the public in the grocery line, He in-
tends making the Now York Grocery the
model shop. Call i11 and see him,
F. C. Mourns presented TETI: POST with
a handsome boquet of roses, peordes and
lilies last Weduestley. Mr, Rogers is a
great lover of the 'boautifni" as hie
nicely kept garden unquestionably proves,
"OeurasLm,"--T0,fs well known stallion,
REV. J. Ross, B. A., preached at Lade.
now last Saturday in connection with
the communion services of the Presby-
terian ohurch in that village.
LOST Friday Joseph Laird and family
left Brussels for Hamilton, from which
place they expect to go to California,
where they intend making their home.
AD.tef Goon has treated Tam Peer to
a pound of his Japan tea. No one should
pay high prices to pedlars when they can
get 10 lbs. of this tea for 92.75. It is
GARDEN party this (Friday) evening on
Dr. Mearaughton's lawn, Mill street,
under the auspices of Knox church Home
Mission Society. A good program is
Arent July 1st the town barber shops
will close every evening, Saturdays ex-
cepted, at 8 o'clock, and on public holi-
days they will cease work at 1 p. m.
This is a move in the right direction.
Tae evening service in Melville church
was withdrawn last Sabbath, as the
pastor was supplying Rev. Mr. Law's
pulpit at Belgrave. The latter gentle-
man is away on a holiday trip to the
Old Country.
We have received from W. Bryce, pub•
Heber, Toronto, the following : Mr. Pot-
ter, of Texas, Dr. Glennies' daugbter,
Molly's Story and Eve. These are by
well known authors, splendidly gotten up
and cheap—only 20 cents eaoh.
Tan Seaforth stage has been keeping
excellent time this spring and affords
persons going south, or north either, a
convenient mode of travel. The pro-
prietor is very obliging in the transac-
tion of all business entrusted to him.
A vEnr nicely executed oil portrait of
Dr. Graham, on exhibition in R. Leather -
dale's window for a number of days last
week, was greatly admired by not a few.
The work was done by Mrs. Graham,
who is taking e, foremost plane in this
art. The piece of work referred to cer-
tainly did her credit.
Form GENERATIONS.—A. family of four
generations met at the Guelph Confer-
ence, held at Seaforth, father, son, grand-
son and great grandson. Master G. L. W.
Fear, 4 years old, son of Rev. E. A.
Fear, of Heusall, 35 years of age and has
been in the ministry -eleven years ; Sam-
uel Fear, of Brussels, aged 01 years, and
has been a local preaoher for thirty-five
years ; Rev. Samuel Fear, of Elora, aged
87 years, a Methodist minister for forty-
five years. A family group was taken of
the four mentioned.
50. Mas. ',V. T, unua r.
Mits. MACE and Mrs. Smith and child•
ren, of Godorteh, aro enjoying a holiday ie, the Broom Brigade, etc, '1'he Rink
]Dolt'+ forst-close,
Ix connection with the temperance
lesson last Sunday, in the Methodist
Sabbath school, recitations wore given by
Ther8a Gerry, Bell Baw•tinhimer, Pearl
Mooney and ono by five boys (Ira Gerry,
Willie Love, Lorne Danford, Reggle
Fletcher and Ephraim Downing) bearing
on the temperance question. ilev. R. Paul
Diads n brief address,
BRIIesELs is to have a grand demonstra-
tion on Dominion Day (Monday of next
week). A large amount of money is of.
fered in cash prizes for 091115t') games
and sports. Oue of the loading features
of rho day will be a base ball tournament
for the amateur obampionship of western
Ontario. The 1st prize is $50 ; 2nd, 920;
Brd, 910. Tug of war, oalthumplana,
tic. A promenade concert will be held
in the sleeting rink in the evening. Cheap
fares on the railway, Further pertiou-
]arc may be obtained by application to
S. H. Young, Seo. Com., Brussels.
O.A.C.—Toto excursion to the Ontario
Agricultural College and Experiments!
Farm, Guelph, on Wednesday proved a
very enjoyable one. There were between
150 and 200 persons in attendauco,
Guelph was reached about 11 ram. and
on arrival at the Farm, which is about
two miles from the city, tbo visitors wore
taken under the care of Professors Mills,
Brown and Panton who showed them
over the farm, through the college, dairy,
stables, barn, greenhouses, experimental
plots, &c. At 12:80 lunch was dispensed
and Prof. Mills delivered one of his off-
hand addresses of welcome in which he
gave a cumber of pointers to the tillers
of the soil. After putting in a very
pleasant day the exourtionjets returned
home by the evening train. Thos. Gib•
son, M.P.P., of East Huron, accompanied
the party. of
excursion was under the
auspices of the East Huron Farmers' In-
stitute. Owing to the G.T.R. giving
very short notice of the rates, the at.
bandanas was much smaller than itother-
wise would have been. We expeot to re•
fer to what is being done at the College
and Farm again.
Jun] 29, .18884'
Comae to root, also rooms over A. R,
Smith's store. Mns. ST1oACnAt,
T'rillorou 9115 kindness of Oapt, Hays
No, f, Co. of voluutemre will join in the
procession from the slotting rbok at 8:30
n clook next Monday and, aocomppaniad Peas
by the Band, will march to the eta ion to PParley
moot the 0 o'olook train. .,.....
es atato,,
Tan Base Ball Olubhave theirarrange- Potatoes
moats perfected for the pronninaclo con- Butter, 1orlb
Bort in the Maitland Rink on Monday Eggs, per dozen
evening. The program will embrace Apples, per bushel
vocal and instrnlnontal Wootton,: of 31100• flogs, dressed
Wood, per cord
Sheepskins, each
Fa11 W13oat 03
Spring Wheat ,..,., ,„, 80
Oats 48
vied at J. 0. Halliday s.
Tne ebawl. advertised in TEE POST lest
Friday was olaimed on Monday morning,
The rogllt kind of advertising pays every
I iooe JoAN Boss is home for her vaca-
tion from Uncle Sa'n'g possessions.
Robb. Roes is also hero for n week from
COME in and see the fun next Monday.
Tho baso ball matches will pay for all
the trouble, and all the other eport will
be thrown in.
JOnoMCOratezeL, of Montreal, a former
resident of Brussels, made a brief visit
with old friends here. He is in a whole-
sale establishment in Montreal.
W. H. AULD, Of Forest, was ill town
last week. He has diapogee of his inter-
est in t110 Forest Free Press. Mr. Auld
was one of the proprietors of TEs Pose
in 1880 and '81,
Oen best thanks aro tendered to Mrs.
Thos. Ballantyne for oar first supply of
strawberries this year. They were very
luscious. We understand they are an
excellent orop and Mr's. B. will have
quite a quantity to dispose of.
Ax extended report of the County
Sabbath School Convention, held on
Tuesday and Wednesday of last week at
Exeter, may be read oa page 8 of this
week's issue. It was prepared by the
efficient Minute Secretary, I. Taylor, of
Tau Maitland rink is being arranged
in a very comfortable and attractive
meaner for the oonoort next Monday
evening. Among the attraotions will be
an exhibition of fancy drill by the Broom
Brigade. The instrumental and then'
selections promise to be fully up to the
beet programs presented.
ON Tuesday Thos. Kelly, town Treas-
urer, and sister (Miss Ann Kelly) started
for a pleasure trip to the Emerald Isle.
Tbey were to sail, per State Line, from
New York, on Thursday of this week.
We wish them boa voyage, a pleasant
visit and a safe return. Mrs. Morrison,
of MoKillop township, accompanied
Mao. W. B. Dmssox and Mies Kato
Oormaok left Brussels last Monday
morning for Detroit, where they will
visit. Mr. Dickson expects to join
them toward the end of the week, when
bo and Mrs. Dickson will proceed to
Helena, Montana. They will be away
for three or four months, in all proba-
WEAT wm 1197 BETE0T.—Strawberries
and Dream.—A. big crowd in town next
Monday to the celebration.—An example
made by the authorities of people who
persist in cutting down or mutilating
shade trees.—Seersuolters to become more
fashionable.—New potatoes.— Some of
the volunteers will never go to drill
again, if they have their way about it.—
The corporation thistle outter to get down
to work.—People to take stook of how
the Crooks Act is kept and compare
notes with the three past years.—A rush
of celebrations, pic•nsos, 00.
DISASTROUS Fmnt.—The Trenton Advo-
cate says : Just as a majority of our
citizens were discussing their evening
meal about 0:80 Tuesday evening, they
were startled by the alarm of fire, and on
rushing out learned that the magnificent
building lately occupied by Smith & Bry-
son was rapidly becoming a prey to the
fiery element. The town brigade were
on the scene in good time and fought the
flames heroically ; the branohmen being
entitled to great praise for the manner in
which they battled with the flames. The
new Ronald steamer worked splendidly,
three powerful streams being thrown
ooutinuously from it for about two hours
and a half. The fire started in the store-
house attached to the rear of the build-
ing, but the cauee of fire remains 0 mys-
tery, The stook of N. 33. Gould & Co.
wag almost entirely destroyed, and the
lose is somewhere in the neighborhood of
915,000 or 920,000, The building was
owned by hers, Wm. Gilbert, and was in•
eared, we understand, for 90,000. It was
feared that the adjaeient buildings Could
not bo saved, bub fortunately the fire was
confined to the building in which it orig-
A How SennaER.—The impression seems
to prevail pretty generally that we are to
have a hot summer throughout tho
country. The Indiana Pharmacist pre-
dicts it upon the following theory, which
has been advanced by others : Tho weath-
er theme to run in cycles of about seven
years, that is, when we have a hot sum•
mer it is always followed by a cold one,
and it takes about seven years to reach
another equally hot, It will be remem-
bered by many that the summer of 1807
was very hot, and so dry that during
August the gases crumbled under the
feet when trod upon. The summer of
1808 was noted for it0 coolness, the tiler-
mometer. they seldom getting above 85
degreee, and we did not roach the top
leave of thermality again until 1874, when
it was extremely hot. Tho following
summer was cold to a remarkable degree.
From then on the summon grow grad.
ually warmer until 1881, which was ex-
cessively hot and very dry, no rain fall.
ing for over nine weeks, and athero worn
morn sunstrokes that rammer than there
has been in all the eumm000 0in00. The
summer of 1882 was quito cold, a few
flakes of snow fell on the horning of July
4th, followed by hail in the afternoon,
and during the rest of rho month and
through the month of August the tem-
peratdre eva5 so low that ovorcoate were
neees01ry for comfort, particularly at
night. The summers ainoe 1882 have
O90Txo1.—The Street Committee wish
to call the attention of Brusselites that if
any more shade trees are eat clown or
pruned without their consent an example
will be made of the offenders. Too much
money has already been expended in
town on shade trees to allow them to bo
cut down as it may please anybody. Tho
habit some people have of tying hordes to
trees will also have to be stopped. The
Committee evidently mean business, but
wo hope it will not be necessary to repeat
the caution or chronicle the fining of any
of our citizens for refusing to heed the
aavice given.
NEWSY leprso N,1nenn."In some places
in California there are ostrich farms,
where from 20 to 00 or more birds are
kept. A high fence surrounds the places
so that the valuable creatures cannot
escape, Twice n year they are plucked
and the valuable addition to the head.
gee; of the ladies put on the market. The
ostriches aro not always dooilo and when
annoyed oar strike a blow with their feet
that the receiver will not soon forget. To
avoid trouble from this source when the
plucking time comes on the birds aro
driven into narrow stalls and made pris-
oners while the process is being gone
through. They are groat eaters. I saw
' one "down” 21. oranges in quick sucoes-
siou and then look for more. One of the
helpers jumped on the beak of one of the
birds and went for a short ride. The
eggs are about twice the size of a croquet
ball. The old birds were imported from
Africa. The Chinamen, and how to got
rid of them or keep them in their propos
place, i0 a problem not easily solved in
California. They make tip-top servants,
however. The weather is werm but it is
not subject to the groat, unbearable heat
nor the pierciu g cold of this mere norther-
ly latitude. Owing to the clearness of
the atmosphere distances aro very do.
00iving and to the uninitiated what often
appears to be about 5 miles would be
nearer the correct dietanee if multiplied
by 4 or 6. I like California well and it
agreed with me splendidly. Oranges
may be bought at a very iow figura at
the groves or orchards but at the groceries
26 cents per dozen is not an unueual
price. Theyare a0 common there as
apples aro with 00. Lemons, grapes and
nuts are also cultivated in largo quanti-
ties. Very little wheat i5 grown, but
largo numbers of cattle are ]rept." GED,
IIAYUROPo,--"Man, lilt W0 bed it rough
on our lad trip over and if the captain
load not turned the vernal about for a
clay's ran a good many of our cattle
would have made food for too fishes, as
it was they worn gotnotitnee knoo deep in
water. While at Glasgow I visited the
exhibition now open thorn and was very
much interested in what I saw. In ad-
dition to grain, shrubs, implements,
manufactured tootle, &a thorn are mod.
els of almost every conceivable thing and
weeks conlcl bo Spent in sight seeing, In
the Canadian (lopartment • ib looks very
homelike to see samples from the lend of
the Maple Leaf, Our voyage )luno was
a great improvement on the one going
and I rather enjoyed it. I have made 6
or 6 tries in the lest two years and have
(Muni it very beneficial to the restoration
of my health. 1 may see the Old Sod a
couple of iime0 yet before the 0090001 is
over,' A. K. Roltn'r9ox.
the property of George 'Whitely, of Sea- grown harmer and warmer, and lest
forth, will be at the Central hotelstables, summer was a moderately hot one, and,
Brussels, on Tuesday nights atld will ec• unlces ail signs fail, the present summer
main moll! 11 9.m. Wednesday (luring will
be thencliinex of son may both cycle, and a
the 00000n, Y p
On letelian Neery's.
Goro Bay has been chosen as thejudi-
Diary seat of the Manitoulin Islands,
There aro now about 30 women pur-
suing the arts course of Toronto Univer-
Duncan McFarland, a veteran of 1813,
died at hie residence in Niagara township
on Sunday.
Poelmaster Graydon, of Streetsville,
was shot and seriously injured by a burg-
lar early Saturnay morning.
Robert Hamilten, of Cainsville, bee n
tulip t, ee 30 or 40 feet high and a foot in
diameter. It blossoms luxuriantly.
Tho Leeds and Grenville Council has
ordered the release of a man who was
imprisoned for infringement of the Scott
Hou. air. Aikens, Lieutenent•Govern-
or of Manitoba, will, it ie reported, re-
enter the Senate, succeeding Hon. Dr.
Rev. J. A. 11. Dickson, of Galt, was
presented by his congregation with a
purse of 9100 prior to his departure for
the old country.
Simon Elijah, an Indian, was shot,
and it is feared mortally wounded, Sun-
day afternoon, by James Farley, a hang-
er.on of Howe's Wild 'Met show at Pet.
Ninon Bros., of Ingersoll, are suing
Patterson i$ Bros. Co., of Woodstock, for
950,000, on account of some statements
made in a circular issued by the latter
concerning the former's binder.
P. Macklin, of Lyman, and H. Turner,
of Biddulph, were up through MoGilliv-
ray recently and bought 1,000 chickens
from J. Neil, of Centralia. They aro go-
ing extensively into poultry raising and
egg packing.
The 0. P. R. have let oontraots for
011017 sheds iu the mountains to White-
head & McLean and Campbell & Co. The
number to be built will bo somewhat in
excess of that ereotecl last year, but the
work will not be so substantial a ohmmeter
since the new sheds will be emoted over
parts of the lino subjeot to loss tremen-
dous avalanches than these already pro-
Over half a million bushels of wheat
have been delivered at Port Arthur since
the opening of navigation, and the O,P,R.
estimates the amount still in farmers'
hands at million bushels. This com-
pany will build two now elevators at Fort
William this summer. They will have a
capacity of two and a half million bush-
th t point and agstorage
hal million
6 50
4 50
R 00
2 50
27 i iici1 TTO2II 1C 1IoTAG CAV;
00 13ANKB1 0 -t- B1.1USSI'/LS,,
0o.Transact fa General Bal. king
00 00 Business.
7 00 Cana'liau amt'United 9 Whin lh'nits ho: X111
5 60 001,3 sold.
073500 tntoroat neinwsd on deposlio,
3 Collccttotts orad,' o0 fararaLle brats.
gaundlae Agents— teric11AN'r'a lemur c)'
Now York Agents—Xtrronrinla. AND Teen
Ens N9715997 BANE,
SALE, or to trade fora young driving
Loren. Apply 10 1110308Y & Co., Hardware
Merchants, Brussels, Out, 00-:3
ONLY9111911 fur'tbor notice thy cost of
Service of my Therough•bred
Jersey Bull will be $5.00 pay
thou at time of service with the
pnvilego of returning Of 00000-
sary). The above applies to
any 00195 except Jerseys which
will be 95,00 0ash,
9+, A. DE,IDMAN, Druggist, Mo., Brussels,
Oratorio, 40
A few splendid, improved farms for
Wein 9030 township of Grey, Morris and
MolCillop. Apply to A. D1LL(1AT'1'Y, Oo.
Auction 0 er, ll r easels P. 0.
' 7039 SALE et a bargain. Pur fall part
timbre as to price, location, etc., imply to
W. B. DICKSON, 8-11
comfortable cottage at present oo•
copied by H. Beam, hill street. Largo lot,
stable, .yell, oto. Bent moderate. Also
oomulo dious storehouse in rear of PostaIdeo
lately occupied by Mr, Roddick,
87- 1, It. GRANT,
soRmnn offers 1210 valuable 100 acro
farm, being lot 3, con. 13, Grey Township,
Huron 00,, for sale. There aro about 50
acres °leered and in good heart. Thorn is a
log house, good bank barn, beating orchard,
and all the necessary Conysnianoeo on the
premises. For further particular's, 0e to
THOS. terms,
I8LOP, Ola of 0 , N. W. Proprietor,
p or to
2-tf D000ALD STRACHAN, Brussels
Aon s9LE.-1103110 lot 14, con, 10, con-
taining 100 acres, It is partly cleared, rho
balanoo well timbored. A never failing
orookoroosestho place and itis well adapt-
ed for either/arming or grazing, 3willlike-
wiseeo1110aoros, being oast pert of lot 14,
000.15, nearly 011 oloored and iu a good
state of cultivation. A good frame barn
with sgood stone stable underneath and
never failing wall is also o1 the place, For
further particulars apply to the proprietor
on the place. This lot is opposite too oth-
er GEORGE AVIOlIY, Proprietor, 1.91
nEns10ATD offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 29, concession 0, Morrie,
County of Huron, containing 50 acres. The
laud is of first quality and In q high state of
cultivation. well fenced and under -drained,
45 acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milli house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good barna and shed, orchard, etc. Eight
noses of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. 5111t -
able tonne will bo given. Title porfo et,
30. Box 250 Brussels P. O.
Ni..A RRS99,
3110007—KING, rat the residence of the
brido'ebrothor-in-law, Walter Oliver,
14th con. Grey, on Juno 20911, by the
Rev. D.B. MoRae, Mr. John Hislop
to Miss Sarah Agnes Ring, both of
LAwsov-09812,—At the residence of the
bride's fiber, o1 bile 27th inst., by
Rev. D.33. McRae, 139. Wm. Law-
son, of Grand Rapids, Mob., to Miss
Lizzie le„ oldest daughter of Mr.,
Solo Cath, of Grey,
B0w000119N.—O0 the 24111 inst., on the
10th eon. of Grey, alto infant twin
son of C. and le. Bowerman, agod
fi clays.
mmrcrozzax,R ZwEA11174PJT^a,
001111010755 CAREPDLLY 10711117Em1C, 07
Fall Wheat 03
Spring Wheat
Barley „ .
Butter, tuba and rolle, „ 13
Egg per dozen
Flour per barrel... „5 00
50 60
48 50
1 00
0 60
1'otaLOOS 11 60
Haypel , ton. ,., i
Hides per ]b.,„.,„„„ 60
Salt per bill.,wholea0le
Sheep skins, each ...., 00
Woo?,por lb, .,.. 11)
Pork 6 25
i.71 Morris, on reasonable terms. In order
to close the affairs of the estate of the late
N. 0. kiingeton, the executors offer the fol-
lowing valuable lauds for sale North
half of Lot 30, Concession 6,'Pownship of
Morris, containing 00 n0r09 On this lot is
erected a good frame bars with stone foun-
dation, good orchard, well 0u11Pnmp . Near-
ly alloleared, and 1s 00 the grave road
closely adjoining the village of Brussels.
This farm is a valuable out, is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation, For
urines and terms apply to THOS, ETILL7,
Brussels P. 0., HENRY JENNnr60, Victoria
Sq a0.reii.0„ or slain Strom, Maple Lodge
• or, colve3•, Notar,, Public,
,bo, OOloo: Graham's 010013, 1 door north of
Hargreaves' Drug Store, Private Funds to
• Solicitor and Notary Pettito, Con-
veyancing, Collections and Loaning. lir.
Wade "•ill attend In Gerrie 0001.3' WVednes,
Clay at two 0'010°0.
A first-class farm for Oslo in rho
Township of Morrie in rho Conntyot Huron,
being south half of north half 1otat25 8, 20
and south half of 20 in 5111 con., oontaining
200 acres 03000 or 1099, 155 acres mostly
clear 01 stumps and in a good state el en t,e,
verba, se and a young bearing feet i a
good lioual anal hank barn 55 x 50 foot with
atone 009010 underneath. Tho faint 10 situ-
ated within a mild of 1110 Vlllago of Brussels
finals a good tam for grain or stook rais-
ing es It is watered with the river Maitland
and novor tailing spring crook. Potsoosion
will be given
yyat any time. For fm•therpar-
ROBERT8op13, Ilio eels promises oxtoE 09 .
(Late with Garrow I'rou,lfcot, 0odo-
rich) Barristore, Solicitors, Couvuyaneoro,
.$o. Mlles, Grunt's Blocic, 111u99011, Money
t0 loan,
It. S. HAYS, W. B. D1grf:10N.
AM. TAYLOR, B. C. L., 13AR.
• nrsrnn, Solicitor, &c., of tbo firm of
Dickson C Taylor, Barristers,
Solicitors, 80., Manning Arcade, Mug Street
West, Toronto. looney to loan.
the Fourth Division Court,Co, Huron,
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Land, Loan
and Insurance Agent. Funds Invested and
to loan. Oodootione made, Odlce in Gra
ham's B1sok,Bruosolo,
Tho Nxocutorn of the estate 0f the lute
WinrantIMooNnr, 30019033111, deceased, now
offer the following valuable Banda for sale,
viz, :—Tho north hall of lot 27, and the west
half of the north half pilot 58, both in the
0th conoeosiol of the Township •01 Morris,
Gouty of Huron, containing 110 0oree.
tbexgreeter pacleared
t bo ngl in Vaood
The balance is w011 timbered, o1loily with
beech and maple.
This farm is favorably eituntod within woo
mile of the village of Brussele, which affords
an exosllont market. There is upon rho
promises a goo cl frame barn and bongo an
orchard of chola° fruit trees, at never f ailing
property and
1 do sour and
Printin8oa willobenit allowed toieg ennte L1and heyo
use of 110056 on premises at any time alter
harvest and to do fall ]plowing. Full posses.
Mon w111 be given at let Novombor next.
For terms and further particulars apply
to the Undersigned Executors, or to acme
Moo0EY, E5Q., arum ole, oat.
C oergo Cardiff, E11ho07ORe,
Blouson C 'Says,
Dated at Brussels, Juno 181) ,1833. ro•.
in,05017 CUNNINGH441
M. F. GALE, M.D., O. ltd.
Member of the 0011000 of Physicians and
Surgeons of 0ntaalo by examination,
011100 and R0oldsn0—Main St, East, E the
• 0, el., L,R. 0,1'. Edinburgh, M. C. P.
H. Ont. At Hargreaves' Drug Store from
0 to 11:30 9, m, and from 100 to 4 1'. m. At
abhor hours maybe found at the residence
formerly °ooupled by Dr. H210010sen,
UM street.
As 19111 leaving Brnesols in 11 few weeks
for Seaforth, where I have purchased a
011111000, I would bo pleased to wait on
any of my old customers who aro want•
ing anything in the Photograph line
armee, etc. Thanking Goo milai9 for
their patronage in the past,
I remain, respectfully,
G. L. BRILL, D. 3., Bonar Graduate and
M. R, 0, D. (5, Toronto. vintlizod Atr given
B.1, Morten, D. 1), 8., AeSistent Operator
OPTION—al flyers Block, Seefurth,
1DI1Nrt I0:'dC'.
W, J. Fear ,L.D $, Graduate of To-
ronto 9011001 of Dentistry. All oper-
ations guaranteed. 011100—Cady's
liloolc, Seaforth.
Artificial tooth, I)rstquality, etude
guarautocdilt,for :312.0opor sot.
a 0., L ARTS10', :L,. a, 6„
Honer Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Nrw1100 OX3031
GAB administered for the patu,sse extrac-
tion of teeth.
OFF1011.—Onrdeld Pilo°Ir, 137CU 091,8.
A. 13Al18LAUClia.
SED Auctioneer, Bahia c6udreted on
reasonable terms, farms end farm stook a
spooialty. Orders loft at TEE PosTPablish-
ingllouse, Brussels, 00 sent to Walton post
Wilco will receive prompt attention.
SEE, is prepared to attend to sales on
the shortest notice, A specialty made of
stars of thorough -bred stock, • 'Perms made
1a1ow11 b” applloatiol tc Tau Pon Pbblish-
inq House, whore orders may be loft, or
address to Brussels 1 0.
jealways randy to attend sales of
farms, form stools, &0, Terms cheerfully
given. OranbrOok .1,0. Wee .may be ar-
ranged at Trill POST Publishing House,
• of Marriage L icamse0, ,)illoo at his
Gtooery,9.'urnbarry Strcot,
CIo5f s inOuo'OaOdNCNrgOaRu, ToTrEmnAoOn FIapER
N, B,—Walton class moots °Very'lhureday
and 1+'raia y ut Mra,D, Oam pbeli's, SValtea.
e Artist. Shop, next door south of 0,
M. MOSOy & C00, hardware store. Ladies'
andehtldr on's heir elating a specialty.
A choice stook 01 olgoro kept,
0 rings L1ogn500, by appointment of
Ltout: Governor Commissioner, 00„ Q, B.
Cerneyanceranc'lagent Firo Iusuranco co.
Olilea at the Ornabrook Post °moo,
and Ornamautallainter, Greiting
Gilding, Sign and D000r0tive Painting in all
its brne°hes, Shop Blinds 0Ono up iu stylo.
Paper Hanging it specialty. Shop ono door
South Of 3'.B30yors' oarxiaga- W01101,
Z, W. O'33RIEN, V. 8,, HONOR
'a Graduate of bhe Ontarl0 Veterinary
College has resumed the praottoo of John
Nott,v,Susea isprepared to treat all des
00000 of domesticated animals on solontid0
aildap roved principles, Treatment at del.
ioorto foals a specialty O0ce two doors
North Of Brldgo,Tnlrnboery :Arcot.
to sultouto parties, Moro with Dom•
fortablo end commodious dwelling. Good
Dollar, j aero of garden in bearing npelee,
plume andom111ru1t0. 800o1 stabl0, 1ma.
oonotltutee one of the bet opbntn 5 In On'
tette for a good l3nxnoss•makor, beteg en the
centro of a 091ondnd 109101ng 00091000. Neal
est onposltiou Rrliasol0, 7 m)To0; l,iOtOwC•
13 snilo5. 81)1)17100 tomo to D. W. 2111,810,
00 the pro)11te0, 30'x,11•;0,. SO.